Smart Move By Steelers To Sign Cam Heyward To Contract Extension??

we're back football's back and cam Hayward is back with the Steelers he was going to play anyway but now we know he's going to be around a little bit longer than just this season there's all the talks about and potentially holding out this year he wanted a new contract doesn't go to otaa so that was little bit part of the hold out but then he ends up showing up to training camp says he still wants a deal him showing up the training camp and actually participating didn't really help his leverage he did say he for sure no matter what whether he was a Steeler or not wanted to play at least two more seasons after his contract was up so three more years in the league so we we just didn't know exactly how this all was going to look how this was all going to play out especially since the Steelers don't do contracts they don't do negotiations once the season officially starts so we're like man what two days away from the Thursday night football game four or five days away from the Steelers playing their week one game against the Falcons and still no contract was done with Cam Hayward until literally like an hour ago signs a three-y year extension here's the details shout out to cam Hayward too man like this he deserves this he's always meant to be a stealer for Life six time Pro Bowl defensive ENT cam Hayward and the Pittsburgh Steelers have agreed to a three-year $45 million deal that includes 29 million in new money and 16 million fully guaranteed Hayward 35 who had 16 million left on the final year of his previous deal is now under contract through 2026 allowing a longtime Captain to retire a Steeler his signing bonus is nearly 15 million then we have have down below cam Hayward responding to his contract extension says how unlikely yet here we are picture of him with the contract and a picture of him with the contract in Steelers GM Omar Khan happy faces all around and his caption how unlikely I guess you'd have to be plugged into Steelers fear over the last like several days or not even several days I guess just yesterday because there was a rep that came out from Steelers beat reporter that said cam Hayward and Steelers contract extension is very unlikely to happen so Camry span says how unlikely yet here we are thanks good for Cam man good for cam additional notes for this contract I don't have the graphic for it but I do have this saved in my notes Here the $45 million deal that cim just signed and with the length being three years saves the team 9 million more than 9 million against the salary cap this year that's because they converted 16 million of the salary this year into a signing bonus that's per Jerry duac Steelers beat reporter I guess that's good for us now saves us 9 million what are we going to do with that 9 million though that's the question like does that mean we have a potential dead cap charge for cam for next year probably I mean that's probably what's going to happen with this extension and everything but I mean if we're not going to do anything with the added n million freed up in our salary cap and what's the point I'd rather have more leverage after this season with Cam and his rights and everything as opposed to just saving money and not doing anything with it you know what I mean so it'll that'll be interesting like is there a receiver move that's on the horizon here a cornerback move that's on the horizon those are the two positions we've talked about add nauseum all offseason are we gonna upgrade him or we gonna add to the rooms obviously we didn't get auk dude bailed on us obviously we haven't brought in a cornerback either we're rocking with beanie bishop and jayen Elliott as our like slot guys as our like last couple quarterbacks on this roster so who knows who knows um in addition to I guess that Jerry duac Report right there that means cam will have a $14 million base salary in 2025 and a $15 million base salary in 2026 so there you go there's all the information we have thus far on the contract extension my initial reaction though man I don't mind this I I think it's a good move I think it's good for cam on pump for cam like the Steeler fan in you the just hey the story book ending type of thing you like to see from the players on your team like this makes sense this all goes in line with that because cam Hayward was always meant to be a stealer for life I think he's on par with the Drone betes the Hines Wards those type of guys it's just he's missing the hardware up to this point and for Jerome he was missing the hardware too up until his very last season so who's to say cam Hayward can't book in his career with a super bowl or two here in the midst of this contract extension Within These next three years that he'll be on the Steelers uh so like I think it's just a Feelgood story it's just like a feel-good thing but I also feel like from like an on the- field standpoint from a business standpoint this is good too the contract extension I would have been uneasy with is a number that would have been way higher than three years 45 million because cam was talking about obviously he wants to play three more years in the league two more once his contract's done but he also wants to get paid top dollar he wants to get paid like he's a top five defensive tackle in this league and I get why he feels that way because outside of last year he was putting up top five numbers actually I'd say outside of Aaron Donald he was number two for a good like five six year stretch now last year yeah he had a little bit of a Down tick he also was injured so I think going into this year yeah maybe he's maybe he's in like that top five top six range but he is getting a little bit older so like that's that's why like a three-year deal and you're talking about like that top five defensive tackle type of money a three-year extension with his age being 35 36 37 when the contract's over at 38 that would have been a lot to ask for if you're the Steelers like how how are you going to age with this contract cam you've done really good up to this point you've aged like fine wine from your last deal I was a little hesitant on his last deal we we were paying him I think it was like 16 million per year with that and that was what did we give him that contract like 2019 2020 just rate when he turned 30 and to Cam's credit he outplayed that contract actually we got him at a a discount for how he played over the course of his last deal but I mean Father Time's undefeated so if you're talking about another deal going into your late 30s how can the Steelers feel great about you keeping up that level of play for that long now for this year being a top five guy I don't think it's out of question but for age 36 age 37 age 38 it's like man that's a lot to ask for and to get a to get a deal where you're on the books then for top five money and all those uh like consequential years that's it's a lot man I don't think that's like the greatest of business if you're an organization if you're the Steelers paying a 36 a 37 38 year old defensive tackle top five money like 20 cuz top five money we're talking like 25 million per year 24 25 26 million per year man but we get this we get three years 45 million I thought it was going to have to be in the 20s three years 45 million at 15 per I could live with that all day I think that's a great contract I think that's great for all sides maybe even a little bit better for the Steeler side of things with us being able to save the 9 million on the salary cap this year I mean we might have a little bit of a dead cap ch charge for 2025 but I don't think it would be anything egregious that we couldn't get out of if Cam's play takes a slip and then yeah 2026 we wouldn't even have to worry about then so I think this is a good deal man this I think this is a good deal both parties let me pull up the details again real quick because I I want to read over this again $45 million deal includes 29 million in new money 16 million fully guaranteed who had 16 million left on the final year of his previous deal is now under contract through 2026 signing bonus is nearly 15 million so from what I'm reading with this is we got cam Hayward on the books for another three years we save money on his contract this year by converting the guaranteed money but his base salary and his cap charges for 2025 and 2026 aren't going to be anything egregious that we can't get out of but cam gets just a little a little bit of extra money with this extension in his pocket little bit of extra security but the Steelers have their flexibility as well it seems like a win-win for everyone I think this is a great like if I'm the Steelers and Omar Khan I think this is an excellent deal excellent deal now if Cam was dead set obviously he wasn't Dead Set because he agreed to this threeyear $45 million deal but if he was really really uh leaning wanting that uh top five defensive tackle type of money then yeah he had to make some concessions with this deal right here for the Steelers I don't really think you had to make any concessions I think this is a fair number for cam at this stage of his career you have flexibility you're not locked into them to 2026 like on paper you are like it looks good and everything but you can get out of the contract if you need to I like the deal man and cam Hayward is going to be a stealer for life you get the feel good aspect of it where Cam Steelers he's gonna be wearing that Jersey until he retires going to be a one helmet type of guy you're not going to see pro football references last year two being on the Jaguars or the Seahawks or some random team so you get the good Feelgood side of this and then I think just from a business and a football standpoint it all adds up too I'm loving the move you got cam Hayward happy going into the season a season where we're thinking we got a chance man I know a lot of the national media a lot of the people around the league and stuff outside of Pittsburgh aren't thinking too highly to the Steelers but our defense is going to be loaded that D line that front seven dline front seven linebackers man I mean I'd put us up there with anyone in the league and you got a jpj coming into his own as a franchise quarterback make Fitzpatrick we got the best safety in the league ball Hawking out there Dante Jackson don't forget him a solid quarterback number two like that defense is loaded that defense should be top five as long as we stay healthy and then on offense we should have an uptick from what we saw the majority last year right now with Mason and what we were doing those last two three games that's different like the offense was looking good if we could just replicate what we're doing with Mason at the helm we're gonna be a really really good team and I I don't see why we can't do that like I don't see why we can't upgraded offensive coordinator Russell Wilson running backs solid upgraded offensive line even though we are young and we got some injuries I think they are going to be much improved when when we're talking about middle of the season towards the end of the season George pickings year three yeah wide receiver to the depth receivers got some question marks but I think with the new offensive coordinator all the other new weapons the new pieces we got on offense there's no reason why we shouldn't see an improvement from this offense combine that with a top five defense I think we're gonna be dangerous but all I'm saying is like we got our leader our our veteran guy the most veteran guy on this team and cam Hayward coming into this season where we're all in we we're feeling feeling really good about The Vibes and what we could be and potentially be contenders we got that guy not only healthy but he's happy with his new deal and everything like that that counts for something too I would have tacked on an extra like two or three million just for The Vibes portion of this just to make sure Cam's happy going into this 2024 season we could have made this three years 48 million but Omar Khan's a shark man Omar Khan don't mess around what's up who's here what's good with the chat man thanks for stopping through I might do a little question here can we do this let me know if this pops up was the cam Hayward deal was the cam Hayward deal a good move a good signing is that too easy will will the cam Hayward deal age well how about that will the Steelers regret the cam word contract how should we phrase this uh uh I think I I like the age one well will the cam hey word contract extension age well how about that simple responses yes no did this work did you guys see it did the question pop up let me see your reaction to that Lord Drake 10 says I'm glad he's staying he's happy he's just been a liability bro like what I mean I wouldn't even say he was a liability last year he was just hurt he was hurt for half the season he comes back he's not the cam Hayward of old but he's not like a liability he's not killing us and then the last four or five games he went back to Vintage camp so it was a weird season for him because of his unavailability and him having to knock the rust off from the injury but I don't think he was like a liability for us last year Lord Dre 10 says that's what I mean by injury okay Tony Brown 8486 says last season scares me because he only played six games just has to stay healthy with his age was it really only six game I thought he played half the season was it six games he was out that long I thought it was half or maybe I'm thinking TJ when TJ was out for Kenny's rookie year it was literally half the season because he came back at the buy man was he really so he was out 11 games last year well I guess technically he played week one so was it 10 came was it came out 10 games ik 888 says Nope even if he doesn't perform to the price he's adding value coaching up konu Benton really good point and that's what I was saying earlier I can't remember if I said it on this stream earlier on this stream but I've said it before that cam could be like the Drone Bettis for this defense like the Drone Bettis of like those early 2000 teams and like how he was a leader on the offense even though he wasn't Prime Bettis he still had impact he still had that veteran and Leadership value but he had like a niche too like Bettis had a little niche where he was our goal Lineback he made a Pro Bowl in 2004 in Ben's rookie year it's not like he wasn't doing anything now his last year yeah he only had like 300 yards but he had 10 touchdowns at the goal line so if Cam could just be a part of a three or fourman rotation on the dline for the last two years and Coach up a Keanu Benton and the Marvin Lea then that even adds value to Cam being here like Cam being here like adds value to the Steelers it just you know it makes sense as to why we're keeping them around Tony Brown 8486 says brings heart to the team great for the locker room yeah yeah and that's why I also think it's it just adds to the reasons why this a good deal because I think he can still play he's still gonna I think he's still gonna play up to the contract in fact here's how I'll explain how I think this contract's going to age I think he's going to actually outplay his deal this year I think he's going to give us top five defensive tackle type of play out there on Sundays so he's going to outplay the contract like his play this year is going to be deserving of 20 plus million next year let's say the base is 15 or the cap hits 15 I think it'll be equal to what the contract is the play will be equal to the contract number and then for the last year maybe we're overpaying a little bit maybe but if the Steelers want to they could probably get out of the contract they could do some if they want cam back for that last year but they don't think he's the player that he once was but they still want him around for the locker room get some snaps here and there then they could add some voided years do do some type of finagling do an extra contract extension but there's no dead cap so they Omar Khan could figure that out right I think that's how it's going to play out so maybe his last year this deal if he's still around are we overpaying a little bit but we could we could fangle the numbers we could work around it's not going to be the end of the world because you know at that point the salary Cap's going to go up and like if we're talking about cam Hayward being here at 37 years old on a $14 million or 15 million that's that's not going to be that bad it's really not and who knows maybe maybe he maybe he ages out well man maybe maybe he just outplays the whole contract or the majority of the contract it's not like it hasn't been done before with defensive tackles like those dud some of those dudes can play into their 40s and still have impact it's been done before the question is with Cam like this is the first bump in the road with Cam where he not been available like he traditionally has he's missed a good portion of the season and we're sitting here just wondering what it's going to look like going forward because of his age and because this is the first time we've seen him injured for an extended period of time like this and and take a little bit of a Down tick in production whereas over the last ever since he's been in the leag he's been going up in his play in his production and then we get him in his prime for a good like seven eight year stretch where wow this is really consistent we know what to expect from Cam and then even on the back end of that Prime we're getting to see stuff from Cam that we didn't even see from him like in his late 20s when when you're really supposed to be in your Prime like he had this like second win this second stage where he even bumped it up another level like that 2020 season 2021 season 2022 like he was he was awesome man he was awesome he outplayed that contract that we gave him T Jarvis 88 says he's the 20th highest paid defense attack when he's defin still a top 10 defense attack in the league so that goes to my point like I think he's going to outplay the contract for this year for sure because top 10 that might even be that might even be a little disrespectful in a way I I still view him as like top five top six and that's even coming off of that down year that he had because after you go through those top five or six guys there's really not much else like you got a bunch of dudes in their Prime like quinnon Williams a Jeffrey Simmons Chris Jones Aaron Donald is not here anymore Christian Wilkins after you get past them it's just like who are we really taking over cam like that GB 1974 says seeing him in another team's Jersey will be crazy yeah yeah that would have been stupid Troy palalo another stealer that uh only rocked the Jersey only rocked the black and gold for his NFL career Big Ben obviously but yeah Cam hayward's he's in that class man it's just it's meant to be you shouldn't be on any other Squad I'm glad the Steelers took care of it I'm glad he took care of it by ageing to this deal just how it's supposed to be all right the pull results for the question well cam hayward's contract hold on what question did I even put here I can't even hold on I can't even read it I think it was well cam hayward's contract extension age well 71% of you say yes 29% of you say no that sounds about right that sounds about right you can't have 100% on a question like that yeah I wouldn't expect 100% there's cam doubters I think there's people that think cams I mean we should have already moved on I think we'll play good this year yeah the question is what does it look like year two of this contract year three of this contract I don't doubt that Cam's going to be vintage cam this season for sure Lord Dre 10 brings up Dexter Lawrence Derek Brown in the mix for top defensive tackles in the league you guys got anything else on this Hayward extension any other takes any angle any perspective that I'm missing here I think it's a good move I think it's a good move happy that the deal got done now what happens with MTH he's the other guy that we were talking about potentially getting a contract extension we still got time two days away from week one of the NFL and I don't know if the Steelers will do the contract talks past week one starting for like the whole league and like their deadline will be when the Steelers actually play their game so we'll see I don't I don't know if uh it's going to be four or five days or if it's going to be just these two days before the Chiefs and Baltimore kickoff on Thursday night not exactly sure what their deadline is I know it's before the season starts though I know it's before week one I don't know if it's the Steelers week one or if it's the league week one Kevin G says I vote no because his age in year two or three but hearing some of the logic you guys said I Chang it to yes that's the thing like if he isn't playing up to the contract in year three but outplays it in year one and year two I think you win on that deal I think it's a good deal then you won the majority of the contract that's what I'm thinking it's gonna happen I think he's going to outplay the majority of the contract however however you want to spend it and you want to throw in some of the intangible stuff he brings to the table with the leadership oldest tenur Steeler being here all that stuff I I think uh I think it's going to be worth it GB 1974 says if we sign move to an extension let's use him he needs 68 targets a game yeah I guess the number with him is going to be the question you see with this deal and most of the deals that Omar Khan does there's no there's no like just giving out money willy-nilly he he make sure that the Steelers get every penny so market value for MTH he's probably in the teens but his play up to this point I could see why the Steelers wouldn't want to pay that now I think his potential is even better than some of these tight ends out there getting paid like 13 14 15 million like a Dawson Knox but has he has he proven that up to this point yeah I think from a receiving standpoint for sure I think he's been better than a Dawson Knox particularly in his year two where he had like 700 yards but to be a complete tight end you got to get better at blocking so I I could see why the Steelers would want to offer him something under 10 per year but I could see why MTH would want to bet on himself going into this fourth year with a new quarterback and a new system and everything and saying like you know what I think I'm gonna outplay that whatever 9 million $8 million you guys are offering me let me bet on myself and then we'll take it to Market next year because all all he needs is like six 700 yards eight nine touchdowns and you're getting something like the $5 million range yeah that'll be interesting we yeah we'll see if MTH gets his deal but obviously I like this cam deal obviously I do uh I've been saying it pretty much throughout the whole stream here a lot of reasons why and now we just got uh outside of this Mo extension now we just got ball to worry about for week one or at least heading into week one Steelers vers Falcons but uh hope you guys enjoy man thanks for stopping through uh stay chilling I will be back tomorrow four o'clock we are gonna talk week one for sure we'll do a little maybe Steelers Falcons preview but we'll also talk season predictions maybe we'll go over like statline predictions for each player on offense defense or at least the key players on Steelers offense defense do over under something like that we'll do something fun but enjoy the rest of your night guys thanks for stopping through here we go Steelers peace

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