Published: Aug 24, 2024 Duration: 03:26:50 Category: People & Blogs

Trending searches: curmel moton
we goingon to be watching kerel moton I believe this is his four professional fight if I'm not mistaken we're also gonna be watching Floyd Mayweather fight John Gotti III for the second time no pun intended well make sure y'all stay tuned in and locked in I'm trying to make sure I got my [ __ ] set up right really trying to do a little something it might work it might not work trying to set my damn iPad up what's good Jake Jake you got start let me tell you something Jake you always talking [ __ ] man but You' been rocking with me for a long time so I'm let you slide but make sure you watching this damn um God damn [ __ ] tonight we going over kerel Mt and Floyd Mayweather hopefully my phone don't die it look like it is gonna die on me though hopefully it doesn't godamn what's up uh P see if I can get this chat up we gonna be going over carel mton Victor Ortiz and Floyd Mayweather one of the things that I like to tell y'all right off the bat Floyd May well look out for these dudes man long ago Floyd Mayweather whed on Andre Berto hold up godam let this trying to set up this D this set up for brother so what I'mma do is I'm do a little that should work right there only thing is I can't see the comment yo yeah Andre Berto it says he does actually look like will man get off my look bro what the why is the comment going I gotta do a clip check Kathy who that K Kathy and Kathy who the hell is you you don't follow KJ but yeah K molt about to fight all right Victor gonna fight Floyd Mayweather gonna fight I'm here to commentate on those things now it took me uh excuse me for the first three minutes of the live it took me some time as you can see I got a very ghetto setup so when you dealing with the ghetto you got take a little here and there I'm a one man B doing this [ __ ] by myself now what I was about to say is this Floyd Mayweather takes care of these guys he'll whoop your ass but then he'll take car you pay attention Andre Berto he whooped his ass um Robert Guerrero he whooped his ass and then he allowed them to go class together and to make money as old men he put them on the undercard of David benitz got them a nice big check sent they ass on their way that's a boss Floyd will whoop your ass and then hire you Floyd whooped Manny Pacquiao ass then got Manny Pacquiao a fight against Keith Thurman got him a fight against ugas sent him home with a big check Floyd whooped Victor Ortiz ass long ago when he was old and Victor was young now Victor Ortiz is fighting on Floyd's exhibition you see they're going to see it Victor Ortiz still got some some popping his punches Floyd was actually supposed to be fighting Victor Ortiz um for this for this uh exhibition he was supposed to be fighting Victor Ortiz for this exhibition you know what happened I think maybe Floyd wanted to see where Victor Ortiz was at or maybe Victor wanted to see where he was at man what the hell Jake talking about ber B is stopping bble um yo KJ ber is looking fast and sharp still after injury power don't go nowhere I don't really I a't worried about the speed ver is not fast um yard yard is way faster than him Biv going be way faster than him ber be made his career off of knocking gazal that's how ber made his career then Canelo thinks he's a [ __ ] and goes up to 175 again and gets ber of be fight and ber of be stopping him too Canelo think he the [ __ ] but he don't think he the [ __ ] in a positive connotation he think he the literal [ __ ] that you fuss down toilet he would never jump up and fight ber to [Music] be but yeah Floyd was supposed to be fighting Victor Ortiz he wasn't supposed to be fighting um John Gotti again but I don't know what went on I think Victor Ortiz didn't want to get in there with Floyd right just right yet what they GNA do is remind the fans that Victor Ortiz could still fight by having him on the undercard and then when Floyd his next exhibition it's going to be him versus Victor Ortiz the rematch and it's going to be interesting because remember Floyd beat the break off Ortiz the first time to the point where Ortiz tried to do dirty tactics then he tried to act like he was apologizing to Floyd and Floyd knocked his ass out Floyd also cracked his jaw a lot of people don't know that but I just told you that so now if you don't know now you know [ __ ] or wigger if you're Jake you know cuz Jake he he's white so said let me see what Jake said he said he's not just power he has fantastic accuracy and punch placement I don't know about all that I got to go check the numbers Berto be is somebody that works extremely hard has naturally heavy hands and I I believe that maybe the Russian program the Ukrainian Eastern European program I think they might be giving them kids juice when they young so I think they juicing from the time they 10 into the time they you know for the entirety of their careers Jake said he mixed oh you mixed Jake your dad what color is your father man what color is your father say you mix Jake talking about he mix yeah I mixed too I mixed with black and [ __ ] man they taking too long I ain't gonna lie let stretch out my back I think I'm a wear shirt every time I go live bro cuz it show off my muscles you know said Jerry J said Canelo beat Haggler at 168 do you agree I agree that Jerry jig is smoking that Jerry [ __ ] you know I mean he on them jigs Jerry jig is on that jiger ain't no way Ain't No Way um canalo could be Haggler bro Haggler was damn near a perfect fighter bro kerel is so short how many weight classes can he go up kerel might Peak at 130 mom is white and Hispanic dad is Dad is Black and Hispanic so I'm white Black and Hispanic bro let me tell you something bro when you say black like you say your dad is black in Hispanic what do you mean like is he is he like nggo you know what I mean is he afro Hispanic or is he uh Latin cuz if your father black than you black that's just how it go there's no really no such thing as mixed whatever your father is that's what you is Kel M coming out carel Mt coming out is that Carl who the hell is that oh he fighting somebody damn kermel is short because his opponent short as hell like he fighting one of Mario Brothers says afro Puerto Rican okay so you just black you're black I didn't know that Jake this whole time I thought you was white but you was black but it it wouldn't have made a difference you annoying either way bro I'm just [ __ ] with you hey you think kerel about to win or lose man kerel big Dill mton is about to come out kerel big Dill mton is coming out no Diddy okay who he got walking out with him caramel big Dell m say kerel is shorter than tank I wonder how far he'll make it damn he's shorter than tank ker try to say he 5'6 or 5'7 he probably lied bro he do look short as a [ __ ] don't he these rappers man they they not really doing K better walking me out there y'all know I got the bars let's talk about the fight yeah about the fight why I'm just [ __ ] with you damn got to crack my back getting old Kel big deal mton he about to throw 100 punches in 5 seconds that's Bruce Leroy all right let's get serious man I'm kind of blind so I'mma have my phone right here watching it um y'all do what y'all do in the chat I need to get a better setup but I probably will later on down said kerel 57 I don't think Kel 57 say I'm lightskinned I said bro I a ask you all that man I'm lightskinned I'm lightskinned a you white skinn how about that excuse me I look good don't I chat but no um kerel Morton he going up against uh one of the Mario Brothers he probably going to get this guy out of here in two three rounds I actually can't wait for kerl to start fighting some competition the one dude went eight the whole eight rounds with him though man said man Jake said man chill now Jake one of my biggest supporters man I [ __ ] with Jake whether he white or light or bright when I say bright I mean like you know if you want an alphabet group say kerel gonna make a statement Kel been making statements man I don't need him to make a statement um what I need him to do is just keep winning and then fight a big name I want him to jump up and wait fight one of them 135 Pounders but I don't know if he going to be able to do it cuz as we already mention he has some size restrictions the man is on the shorter side is he really 57 I need to see a picture of kerel next to tank that to tell it all cuz tank five5 tank five5 in some in some heels Jake said my dog it don't be call me no animal man say bro just coming find that Cuba was clipping kerel now he fighting bums look if caramel got clipped but he didn't stumble he didn't drop that mean he got a chin if caramel got clipped that mean he was in range for him to get clipped that mean he was being offensive exciting I wish the cor would get clipped a little bit more Kel putting on S say they keep trying to make Abdullah Mason and KL Abdullah too big no such thing is too big man pno Whitaker jumped up pero Whitaker started where kerel was starting at and was able to go all the way up to 147 I believe he even had a fight at 154 if I'm not mistaken cuz skills pay the bills 20 lb ain't going to win you the fight I've been in there with men 15 20 lbs Bigger Than Me Myself and they have no skills they was they was shabby I wish kerl would have cut his hair bald and [ __ ] again look like his ha brown or something oh here is a no here yeah here no I could be one of them referees man I gota learn my Spanish what's good what's good Jordan Jordan I know I know who you is bro cuz your profile picture kerl M about to fight right now make sure y'all watching it Kel big deal M putting on for the lightskins out there looking like John with spon y ready all right kerel Morton round one Let's Get Serious kerl come out there with a faint he's touching the glove of Victor Vasquez a Don name a tomato can touching his gloves yet again KL mton taking huge steps back the nerves are up both Fighters are extremely jittery especially Victor Vasquez Victor Vasquez automatically looks he looks to be the worst athlete oh that was a nice little body jab Victor Vasquez lost his balance a little bit kerl responding with two body Jabs of his own both Fighters are using a form of the high guard Victor vas keeping his gloves a little bit higher to KL KL goes to the body and then comes back upstairs with a right hand then he revers it with a right hand and a hook Victor Vasquez is down man I don't know if he's going to get up I wanted some EXC tonight I knew he was in there with a tomato can but it this looks to be one of the greatest of all the great tomato cans a fight like this I don't know how this devels come um that's not what you want that's not what you I understand he's just getting started you want to see somebody really get tested like in that one fight um with with Cuba Cuba took him eight rounds you want ker to develop wrinkles but right now they're trying to do the tank Davis thing where they just feed him bum after bum after bum and build his name up that's not necessarily good for a young fighter that's not good for a young fighter exactly Jordan KL need the rounds that was horrible man that was that wasn't that wasn't it that man Victor VZ got in the ring got hit and dropped he dropped like he was picking money off the ground that [ __ ] dropped like he was a stripper at Atlantic City just drop straight down soon as you got touched I don't know what to say about that um that's not helping Carl bro that's not helping he need the rounds he need to be in there with somebody that's actually coming to fight call that fight wow man good Lord Kel M what he did was he threw the right hand and he missed but he stayed in position to come back with the hook that's something that you see all the time amongst Fighters that got a little bit of skill that know that got a little bit of a b you know what I mean when you miss when you miss with this hand right I'mma show y'all what I'm talking about when you miss with this hand you duck under you set back up boom that's what did me I'm a bad [ __ ] so I keep this hand up in case somebody try to come back you know what I mean 5 round one 55 second knockout he said is a Floyd fight next no I me I mean it is only his fifth fight bro I understand his fifth fight but we need some action we need him to develop him and abdulla doing the same [ __ ] they fighting tomato can you don't get better fighting tomato can he supposed to be fighting dudes who 10 Shakur when you watch Shakur fights a lot of Shakur fights wion 12 rounds cuz fought people that actually had experience people that had winning records most of the people on Shakur box rack only got one or two losses I don't know who this Victor Vasquez dud is man that's embarrassing said KL has fought better comp than Abdullah how the Cuba dude was good but everybody else was a damn trash can you might as well put him put him in the bag on Sunday even take their ass out dumpster man K Morton is a great athlete man he's a great athlete but this don't do nothing for him a fight like this doesn't develop him a fight like this doesn't bring him to the next level he doesn't he didn't get no wrinkles he didn't get no better tonight all he did would show the fans hey look I'm caramel I'm light skinned I got nappy hair and I'm athletic as a [ __ ] you know what I mean so I don't know but you know what I understand what they trying to do because they know that casuals don't care about who you fighting they just see you knocking somebody out they don't know how to compare opponents they don't know about rankings they don't know about boxing skills the Casual fan just want to see somebody get knocked out so kermel gonna be another fighter where pretty much they're putting the dollar dollar bill first I can't fult him for that but as a fan of boxing that's not what I want to see 55 second knockout is this is he Mike Tyson or somebody no he has good power he don't got that type of power 5 Seconds come on the announcer is saying the announcer is saying the same thing I'm saying you need to match him up with Fighters tough match ups early at develop we ain't seen a prospect get this much coverage in a very very long time of course of course not cuz he rolling with Floyd that's why tank so famous because tank was rolling with Floyd tank used to fight on Floyd's exhibition that's why Floyd so mad at tank because Floyd look at it like [ __ ] I made you I built you Brick by Brick this is what the [ __ ] I get so it's crazy man it's crazy I don't know why people think in the hood that it's just okay for them just blast music I think Victor coming on next man I think Victor is coming on next as far as like hasn't had any effect but who knows how he's going to react inside that cage you know I I think you know home waob let me see what y'all talking about in the chat it said what you think about southa saying Philly s you g to watch party Canelo and Binga it depends bro it depends it always depends you see how [ __ ] trying to get my my live taken down I'm in the hood they blasting music man this iPad pissing me off fight I would to fight the cage I think really confident there man I'm waiting on um Floyd to fight man I really don't want to see the Victor Ortiz fight once again the Victor Ortiz fight for them to build up a future exibition between him Andy sou and Greg hack is going to is going today fight do you mean they G to fight today who the hell is Greg hack I don't know none of these dud I know I don't know South personally I heard never seen none of this [ __ ] it's not happening today look I can't fight none of those dudes I actually box so I kill them dudes GRE hack is a boxing all right there we go said don't listen to them bro I can't it don't even matter I can't fight South I actually train like a boxer I actually box why do you want to see Floyd fight it's going to look like a spawn session because Floyd is so great of a boxer that that even in his little exhibitions he shows a high level of skill like Floyd his exhibition in his far I've seen him far YouTuber I seen him fight John Gotti he showed more skill than most professional fighters as an exhibition he said who 3 and 23 who the hell is 3 and 23 I'm not 3 and 23 I told you I'm all 50 every fight I ever fought I lost but I look good while doing it learn cherish that passion I'm waiting to see the Floyd the Floyd says yeah Floyd is better than than Ali yeah Floyd is way better than Ali though Greg hacket went three and 23 in the pros oh I don't know 3 and 23 versus South paaul who never fought nobody hack might might hurt southa Floyd versus Canelo who wins Floyd is too old to fight Floyd is too old to fight that' be career no that'll be regular not career suicide just regular suicide did my phone freeze yeah my phone freeze but I'm waiting on the Victor Ortiz fight right now guys we gonna watch the Victor Ortiz fight then we gonna watch the Floyd fight then I'm g go live on Tik Tok after let my phone charge for a little bit say Greg has a great boxing brain I'm sure he does he actually been in the ring Mexicans would love if Canelo will be Floyd not just Mex everybody will love just to see a black man take a loss and bring a lot of Joy to the average person and make him add years on to their life and [ __ ] their Spirit that's like what it's all about is that nuke from Twitter I don't know I don't be on Twitter I just tried I just started with the Twitter all of that I don't know what it is about the hood boy they think like cuz they having a party everybody got have a party that [ __ ] is crazy I can't leave knock that dud out 55 seconds I'm thinking like oh I'm about to cover the fight I ain't about to cover [ __ ] fight over and that dude Victor Vasquez I don't know what the hell going on him it's not like was you should never get knocked out in 55 seconds man you should never get knocked out in 55 seconds because you trained that that new from Twitter got [Music] wildt how you feel about and Cordina um honestly I don't know man they said Cordina just got knocked out so probably trying to get a knock out to try to help his name but it's too late you already got a name as a runner and be off over good Mak money you better stop if you don't cook it's not going to matter Jordan um the promoters are still going to paying money because he can actually box but he never going to be a household name I hope they done listen to music in 10 to 20 minutes so annoying maywe think Floy come out and tonight this is his third time trying to make a statement yeah at that point that [ __ ] just need to stop no more statements from Shakur he can't make a statement he's not a he's not that type of fighter he's a defensive first fighter they said if you don't make a statement it's bad Jordan listen listen when it comes to Stevenson bro he is a defensive minded fighter how does cordino get a fight against Jak coming off a KO loss against a nobody and he's moving up by the way the reason why is because this is what boxing has become it's not about who's the best boxer it's about building um an image for the people to idolize it's about building like a superhero type figure a mythological type figure where people can say wow this man is indestructible this man is unbeatable that's how the people look at T so every El looking looking at have tank moving and they saying you know what how about we just fight bums and c and b class Fighters and make everybody think we boxing guards make a bunch of money the thing that they missing though is even though tank don't be fighting the absolute best he fights pretty good Fighters and he gets amazing Knockouts so you can only do the tank Davis thing you can really really knock people out you got to have God G power don't had the power so guess what it don't matter it don't matter bro if you put him in there with a trash can a plumber you put him in there with somebody off the street it's still not going to be that entertaining cuz he doesn't have that much power especially moving up to 135 his most powerful we class is proba 126 Shakur Le has power at 126 and 130 exactly B highlight Floy beat on Canelo one of moment Eddie Hearn doing this [ __ ] no it's not Eddie hear bro Eddie Hearn trying best to try to get paid don't even be beating them up it's like he always has something more to do in the fight um Shakur the problem with him is this mentally mentally he approaches boxing with a standpoint of fear of what's going to happen to him not only in ring but after his career so Shakur look at it like I don't want to be shaking when I'm old I don't want to have Alzheimer I don't want to be uh mushing my words when I speak so he fights every fight extremely safe to get the win and go home as he says go home back to his family so he approaches the sport of boxing with a lot of fear so he's never going to be a dynamic fighter you see tank Davis tank Davis is nervous before he gets in the ring in the ring he's a warrior T go sit there like this and let you hit him he responds to every troll on Twitter yeah I mean sometime I'm I'm a boxing Creator and sometimes that [ __ ] is annoying but people just talking so I understand I'm responding but you can't respond all the time sometimes you got to be like [ __ ] it you got to learn to laugh at all said Eddie Hearn the one that made Fight n Shakur is a Twitter Shakur is on Twitter doing training I mean you can use Twitter to make you train hard that's what bu does but probably was energy going back and forth all right I think Victor Ortiz about to fight maywe I want to see Victor Ortiz be Hest I want to see Floy first fight is against Cordina second fight Isa February that's the I don't know what versus Thea is going to be a boxing master class he going beat theit out doesn't have the footwork he doesn't have the foot speed or the footwork to do all he is the guy that can throw hard when he gets his his punch set up what I mean set up meaning everything has to be perfect his feet got to be planted perfect you got to have an opponent that can't get out of the way he got to have both feet planning and [ __ ] like he got to be focused on his Target for at least two seconds p is the type of dude where you need to match him up right you need to match him up with somebody that's going to sit there and get hit way too fast be say you know BB I don't know what that isere I'm glad that Kenny ba retired so he not [ __ ] tonight up Kenny bis always was doing too much in the ring Kenny bis always don't like don't let the fighters talk trash always trying to give his little speeches hey let me talk to you guys for for a second sit your ass down that's not what you get paid to do they say he's a boxing YouTuber now I don't know none of these guys I mean only reason I got time to do this tonight to be honest with you it says b BTF is a top de du sucker damn the only reason I got time to do this [ __ ] tonight is because I'm um I took some time off cuz my fight got canceled plus my left my left hand I don't know if you can see it but it's like right there it's swollen it was bigger than that but my left hand is rolling from training so take a couple days off I'm saying and he's on the uh list BF saide is a face of box might be talking about like like or something def no face [ __ ] boxing bro Floyd Mayweather pay-per-view is $49 de and this is the exhibition de pay-per-views will be $49 too but it was an actual Pro fight so you can't be the face of boxing and Floyd is able to make the same amount you making with exhibition that's not how that work there's no way an exhibition can be as entertaining and generate as much much money as a high level high profile boxing match that's impossible so there's no way de this fight right here this exhibition actually disqualifies de from being the pay-per-view uh from being the face of box cuz you can't be selling your shows for as much as Floy some his shows and he's retired and you still acting that's what I noticed when I saw the price of this [ __ ] I was like that's a damn not going to lie bro we got to start considering AJ as one of the faces of boxing AJ been the face of boxing he just can't box like the face of boxing sometimes that happens rarely do you have An Occurrence where you you're the best fighter and you're also the face like Floyd like Terence Crawford was the best fighter for years but he wasn't the face he's still not the face Ryan Garcia he's one of the faces of Boston right now Boston don't have a a solidified face they don't have a guy where you look and say that's the face of boxing Canelo is somebody that could you could argue for him because he he's still out selling everybody else but at the end of the day Canelo supposed to be doing one million pay-per-view bu but since he's he doesn't want to fight the best competition he's get there with bud and Benz he's lost a lot of his luster he's lost a lot of that Glitter he's lost a lot of that shine so that's why he's not really the definitive face of box Canelo fighting the best what do you mean bro don't come up here with that [ __ ] now come over here with that [ __ ] do that don't do that they said didn't you say you buy stoping AJ yeah I bet Jordan $100 G to beat AJ he might knock his ass out but he going win AJ over AJ somebody he famous because the women find to be attractive get ready to give me my money you get ready to give me my money and I told you I want my [ __ ] in pounds [ __ ] he said going to sleep no he not I mean he probably sleep good after he win you saw what he did to AJ going back and forth us getting his ass came in there hit us with that body shot he went down and he got got let me ask you something who AJ Carl already fought Yeah Carl fought he knocked the dude out in 55 seconds bro they putl in there with somebody they grab right off the damn street named Victor Vasquez it a make him no better he started the trash talking right away said so got stop by AJ check this out BR got sto because of Us's boxing pedigree skill AJ is not on the level of usk as a boxer and D actually beat us he hit him with a body shot but they robbed him because they were trying to make the greatest white Undisputed fight between heavyweights and they couldn't allow Dan to poop on their party but D hit usk with a body shot and usk was on the ground for three we're just talking about power yeah I'm just talking about power hit harder than all of them so [ __ ] it he fought my uncle off a 10 hour [ __ ] that's about right did get screwed yeah he got screwed man with no Vel motion and it was taking forever for these fight but it is what it is he got stopped because of usyk's boxing pedigree usyk's in and out movement his Precision AJ don't got some of rocking someone to sleep Floyd did he rocked me to sleep he disarmed me he he going to see I ain't going to see I already know Jordan going send me my money in pounds I still want to see AJ and thing Man it won't happen again there's going to be no fight you I don't want to see AJ Andy you know why get his ass knocked into next week how do I know that because FR is andu an MMA fighter put Tyson Fury on his ass cheeks no D an MMA fighter put Tyson Philly on his ass Anthony Joshua really does this he's not the top 10 in the world at what he does but he's like top 30 in the world at heavyweight if if uh Tyson Fury who's washed up at this point who can't stay off the canvas who's already been through war after War if he get in there with Anthony joshu with that much power Anthony Joshua is really fresh he's only been in one war with us Anthony Joshua will knock his ass in the next week you could bet your top dollar and your last dollar AJ top 30 AJ's clear second best in that bro you [ __ ] crazy bro we don't know if AJ could beat Frank s stop playing AJ lost to Andy Ruiz AJ is not top two in the world for heavyweight at all but AJ is AJ can't beat Martin MC what AJ is is somebody that people find to be attractive they find him to be attractive so he gets more opportunities he gets a lot of setup fights he gets a lot of showcase fights to make himself look good but AJ Is Not Top 10 in heavyweight in the world he's just somebody that they think looks good that's so disrespectful bro it's not disrespectful who has who has Anthony Joshua been fighting they put him in there with uh selenius whatever helenius the fake ass Viking that was in there to get knocked out that Deontay Wilder got out of there in half a second you [ __ ] kidding me are you for real who has Anthony Joshua been fighting he fought the uh the white boy that he SAR with a million times that he fought in amateur the meantime beat the braks off of him then he fought an MMA fighter Francis andani who has Anthony been fighting when they put him in there with a dangerous heavyweight Andy Ruiz you saw what happened and then the second fight AJ came back there and use all his reach and heye and just stayed on the outside didn't even engage didn't even want to engage Joshua has a better resume than Fury get the [ __ ] out of here bro and every other heavyweight in the world besides us bro the other heavyweights don't even get these opportunities Joshua gets opportunities because of the way he looks Denny Garcia or L who you got I got Lara bro Lara is a much better boxer better season boxer better athlete and Lara has been up the higher weight classes longer Victor Ortiz about to fight all right I don't know who the [ __ ] he fighting I'm I'm G get back with y'all man I'm about to get back to my analyst tip no ddy yeah Victor Ortiz about to fight somebody Victor Ortiz got gained a lot of weight too Bry a lot of boxers when they stop when they they stop fighting professional they just eat eat and [Music] freak Jos be w w ain't nobody bro pulley is nobody he barely be Riz and Ruiz be him hold up F be Wilding bro if I'm not mistaken [ __ ] you talking about all right let's go Victor orz man first round old Victor orz against Rodrigo cor Victor Ortiz in there with a 25y old he might get his ass knocked out he looking old Victor Ortiz working at Lee he has he has a high guard Cory trying to do the double JB I ain't going to lie looks very very slow py as well this fight is being sponsored by only fans so make sure you shaking that ass and getting that Cas man Victor is looking mighty slow I ain't gonna lie he's touching cor's gloves oh man Cory is snapping his head back with Jabs and straight left I forgot orz was the Southpaw so this Southpaw versus Southpaw fight very interesting Cory land another jab to the [Music] body I think OT about to get his ass whooped Ortiz is slow look cor lands another uh straight left which pops Ortiz headit back good JB to the body ball oh damn that was that was that was sexy going lie cor got an angle but he didn't do nothing with the [Music] angle really can't land man Cory is quicker even in defense even in blocking shots he's quicker only way o is gonna win this exhibition if he land a big shot but I don't know if he gonna get a big shot and he looks out of shape I ain't gonna lie to you man he got a gut first try okay that time he landed the little straight left maybe he just need time to get his time he's been out of the ring for a long time man cor doing what he want to do man bro bro Ortiz doing two minute rounds looking slow as hell looking slow as hell bro corer faster than him Cory 25 Ortiz got a gut like he in his first Prime Master this not looking good so Ortiz after the fight he call up Mayweather um send him a thank you card tell him hey thanks for letting me get this money Floyd I really didn't deserve this I'm out of shape than a [ __ ] man thank you thank you thank you know I mean cuz his grass or something he said bro no that's what he need to do man well te need to get Floyd some uh year year yearlong grass Services he just went on Vlad TV dissing Floyd that's a damn sh a lot of people that Floyd made money for they diss him cuz they don't they bite the hand that feed him they not used to a [Music] [ __ ] Victor Ortiz came out with a little bit of steam in this round man I don't know why Victor Ortiz out there with the love handle okay Victor land a nice little shot he's much more assertive in this round coming forward throwing his hands Cory isn't moving around as much for whatever reason so Victor's able to hit those arms Victor getting his head St back by the jab yet again his reflexes are gone all he has left is the fat on the side of his stomach that's what it looks to be so so far okay okay I'll take that back he's showing a little bit of head movement now he is an older man he's been out of action so it might take him a little bit of time to get his R cor just realized that Ortiz is still dangerous because Ortiz was able to get close to him and that woke corya up right now or Ortiz isn't H anything besides the guard and the elbows arm okay Ortiz is here hunting now he's trying to land that big shot that I talked about earlier only way I see him winning this exhibition right now the announcer talking about how I think Cory Ortiz they had to cut grass while boxing I don't know why they bringing that up right now but that's what they talking about or okay yeah so yeah Ortiz pretty much um he came out with a little bit more steam but then he slowed down we got six more two-minute rounds to go and that round we saw that he was looking for a big shot I think that's the only way that he going to win this exhibition I don't even know if it's a winner for this exhibition the man looks sloppy once again he need to call Floyd and thank him for allowing him to make some more money let me see what y'all been talking about in the chat says Zan versus boli is a fight to make it damn sure is Zay vers versus Bley damn sure is a fight to me right now I'm just waiting on Floyd I wish Ortiz would knock this clown out so the Floyd fight come on said Floyd could have pieced up Ortiz he was supposed to be fighting Ortiz I don't know what happened I think Ortiz was afraid because he hasn't been in the ring for so long Z beats B I don't know about all that boli faster than Z Zen slow like the fact that Z has had so much success is because his great power but he really a slow fighter all right third round Ortiz versus uh [Music] Kore all right Victor ain't really doing [ __ ] I ain't going to lie [Music] okay Ortiz he's moving he's doing so some good head movement I ain't going to lie he's dodging some punches his time is going to get better round after round the crowd is going crazy for a too or maybe they going crazy for ker but it just shows you that you know the Mexican fans they really love [Music] boxing and to that point Barack you know even if we're going at about 50% maybe a little bit see that's what I figured the announcers are talking about how Ortiz is getting an opportunity to see what he still has because really Ortiz and Mayweather they going to do an exhibition later on down the line they were supposed to be fighting tonight Butz wasn't comfortable just jumping there with Floyd after not having boxed him so long cuz he know Floyd probably would have knocked his ass out again round three orz ain't do much pretty much walked around looked at his opponent his opponent tapped him with some shots to be honest with you it seemed like the career dude is playing with him going through the paces or teas is the one that has uh shown the power he's missed the power shots but he's actually thrown power shots especially in the second round that was just the third round they two many rounds I ain't going to lie this fight boring as hell man or to did some crunches some roll work they said Elliot troll let me see what Allie talking about said kerel with KO kambosos probably probably Andre Berto talking too much about Floyd after Floyd blessed him yeah cuz Andre a understand what the [ __ ] Floyd did for Hima would stop tiio probably but I don't think so man TI got a lot of experience in he bigger man KJ kerl is not stopping Kos I didn't say that he would say kerel with K Kos is not an out it's really notos is the worst out of all the high profile Fighters as cor said he the worst Undisputed Champion ever he was even Undisputed if I if I remember correctly hey Ortiz is um is making this man miss in the pocket at least he was now he's getting caught you know this [ __ ] Bor i' been yawn at least four times man Korea letting his hands go he's not really Landing too cleanly but he's Landing from time the time but isn't able to keep up with The Rook rate at all wow man the is just out here just a body love handles looking bad man damn see shout out to Floyd even after Floyd retired he kept working out still has a pretty decent physique still has pretty good fast switching reflexes but he doesn't have a damn thing man this this crazy at least he got a nice te tonight for exhibition man it's a good thing he didn't fight Floyd like he was playing cuz Floyd would have B circles around this man fight knock him out so y'all really overrating the 18y old this month I've seen it all kerel is a freak athlete that's why people overrated him he's a freak athlete you haven't seen KERO is a better athlete than most Fighters out there since Deon had two fights with K and couldn't knock him down once as a weight bully Deon doesn't have power bro he just doesn't that's a horrible example I see what you Tred to do though orz trying to use his weight um pretty much bully corer but it's not really working out for him Deon almost stopped cambos in the second fight if you watch it back Devon always almost stopped somebody he almost stopped reges he just doesn't have the clear Instinct yeah whatever man whatever it is he don't got it as far as [Music] power say yeah I saw that I saw it too Deon always almost sto somebody he almost stopped Deon need to fight boots opport trying to get hurt they trying to see Deon bleed like Roy Jones said y'all trying to see me bleed Kos had one good um night against tiio who fought a dumb fight um yeah pretty much pretty much Kos that's how it was for Ken no Ken had a good fight against Ali he was making money for the rest of his career man that's all it takes you beat high profile guy you in there like swimwear not a thin pair damn even the announcers talking about the love handles or out there with them love handles bro I've been saying that since the fight started the announc talking about it liso throwing his hands this round man we in round five look slow as [ __ ] man good Lord just to kind of get some of that it's N I wouldn't want to see I'm be honest I would want to see Victor Ortiz ever again man this [ __ ] is whack at least Floyd and exhibition still shows speed Showmanship he be in shape or te out this [ __ ] with gut love handles he ain't nothing but gut and butt at this point no ddy no showman [ __ ] no crab all he is is a man with boxing gloves on [ __ ] I could to gave you a better show than this Eli he's getting killed by Boost bro stop yeah Eli trying to see Deon get hurt a lot of people talking about Devon and his footwork he could do good against boot boot is bigger and faster people forget T um postponing the coto's fight due the injury man to Deon already got hurt against Ryan his jaw is broken and Chin is permanently damaged I I ain't gonna lie Deon chin do be looking different now like how Kanye chin look different after he got in that car accident whenever I see Deon in public his chin looks different [Music] now this one of the most boring exhibition I ever seen bro Victor Ortiz after this just just sit your ass down you don't got it no more he looks a lot bigger to 147 is dry right now so de could win a couple titles and Duck Boots if he wants bro good yep Floyd robbing these young guys there's hardly anyone there man yeah it does look empty bro I'm looking it look empty they trying to show the arena ain't nobody in there maybe they not going to get there until Floyd get there but it do look empty [Music] bro oh since they in Mexico he went and got victory said boot probably wins you know what the problem is the problem is Kel carel not really marketing himself you can't just leave it on Floyd to Market o glaciers will knock out Canelo the glaciers knock out all of them legal Bank Robbie by Floyd Mayweather hey he not putting a gun to their head and making them buy that [ __ ] they come there they purchase them tickets they buying the pay-per-view they they the ones doing [Music] it I know ol glacias is he the Cuban that got all that power and all that boxing crap I know he is okay Ortiz Ortiz finally looking like doing something bro the announcers are talking about Terence Crawford Errol Spence bro that's how that's how impactful that fight it bro it's been a year they in a Floyd Mayweather exhibition and they bring up with Terence Crawford did the arrow that let you know that [ __ ] was yeah that [ __ ] was [Music] crazy Ortiz coming forward trying to use his weight looking good on the inside I'm be honest I'm glad this [ __ ] is almost over man think about two more rounds of this [ __ ] then we can watch the great Floyd Mayweather Ortiz just came to collect the Pati yeah or in there looking pregnant man nobody want to see this [ __ ] and only reason maywe got him is cuz he fighting in Mexico he figured orz could bring some mean fans what she did when orz was fighting early on until they realized until the fans realized that he a have it no more they was cheering loud as [ __ ] so what knew Mayweather knew what he was doing put that boy to work Saturday September 21st Jordan GNA have to pay one uh KJ $100 after that fight my stomach was hurting after that fight bro it took me two days I was so shocked and I told myself bro I ain't never going to drink or smoke or none of this [ __ ] that Errol Spence did because all that [ __ ] do lead up to you getting your ass like I was literally shocked bro say Eli it's because Shakur wants to be his own boss like [Music] Deon well he not his own boss right now right now his boss is um WHYY WHYY mcar all right Victor Ortiz bro round seven viz getting hit in the body man Cory putting them damn combination together in the late rounds Ortiz look [Music] tired wow man Victor Ortiz getting his hit with back and forth like Willow Smith Cory giving up like 40 pounds in weight bro or look fat as hell Victor or be Victor or E man I'm glad it's coming to an end man I just want to see Floyd make a full out of John Gotti Ortiz getting hit by each and every angle no ddy corer conle collected a nice paycheck as well I don't know where he came from after this guys we got one more round of this [ __ ] hook moment ago there from mortiz said Floyd will be bud at 154 right now now you out your [ __ ] mind get knocked out um once you hit a certain age your punch resistance isn't the same Eli you tripping bro you was tripping when you said Devin need to fight boots you tripping with this Floyd statement is at the point where you just trolling yeah Floyd fighting after this bro then after that I'm jumping on Tik Tok live but I want to keep the YouTube channel active and build it up I want to have like 40,000 on YouTube to where I got 40,000 on Tik Tok or 39,000 just in case they actually get rid of the said there's one more fight after this before for real God damn it's another fight before I didn't think it was bro hopefully that's actually a good fight Victor Ortiz up here looking fat PUD ain't doing shito maywe orz took a lot of uh nice little shots but the dude didn't really follow through in the shots but I promise you after the fight Ortiz all of his inside of his mouth going be all cut [Music] upcard former WBC two minute round is so fake bro and you know what's crazy if you're doing an exhibition with two minute rounds the fighters actually should be going for broke because in the amateurs when you first start and you're not open it's two minutes guys throw everything but the and the kitchen sink you know why cuz only two minutes so you don't got to really um you don't got to really conserve no energy so guys throw a bunch of punches that's what supposed to make the two-minute fight really exciting so these uh retired boxers are come in here trying to box like it's a three-minute fight but it's only 2 minutes like bro you got to push the pace to make this [ __ ] exciting th here with some damn man boobs and love hand they bullshitting I look down like pushing the pace now but man this [ __ ] was whack I'm waiting on floor up especially they that 10c clap throw a few good hard shots man this I feel like even in an exhibition you should still fight hard because at the end of the day you know that your opponent isn't somebody that could truly truly hurt you it's not you still fighting one of the top 20 or top 10 fighters in the world you fighting a [ __ ] that can kind the box so if y'all both fight hard it's not going to be like somebody really putting at risk and it's going to still put on a better show for the fans I would never pay not one red Penny to watch Victor Ortiz that [ __ ] was sloppy borrows by unanimous decision boo be able to push the pace against man you I don't know you pushing you pushing something bro I don't know if you pushing pipe or you pushing uh trees but Eli you on something I still think he gave tank his toughest fight who gave like yeah he did he did because of his size differ man this [ __ ] was wet yeah that [ __ ] was whack bro I ain't going front how do you see BOS and Bo baros will be not athletic he not be athletic enough he gonna get hit a lot he GNA look competitive for the first six rounds then boo gonna be looking slick as [ __ ] um faster hitting them with pinpoint power shots boo probably get stopped they said bario is supped to be fighting Pacquiao in December on the undercard with um Spence front door that [ __ ] going to be lit bro they said B is 6 foot it don't matter bar be 6'5 he not going to beat boots man it take a [ __ ] like need to beat boot you need all type of athleticism you need great foot footwork you need power you know I mean bario he got like he got some boxing ability but he don't have the athleticism whenever you put him in there with one of them athletic black Fighters he is a no no it's a no no he a [ __ ] that um he can box with when I mean by like somebody that's moving at the same Pace as him once you up the speed and you up the pressure Bario's bust he said Pac-Man got beat up by a kickboxer yeah Pac-Man is done it's over for him he just like just like Victor Ortiz done VI done Bo he say he about to try to knock out John Gotti That's why I want to watch it John Gotti about to get his ass knocked out yeah Mario he don't have enough natural athleticism in the [ __ ] boo what do you think about Brian Norman Jr I've been hearing his name a lot but I ain't checked him out but if he at 147 I need Floyd to finish the job on Pacman uh you seen a press conference when they told when they told him um Floyd told Pacman don't let these people sck you and get your ass to is you know two fighters with high Lev skills and the slight of hand done too all these dud done the human body don't work like that once you get out of them 30s boxing is over once you get out of your 30s boxing is over for you rely you have a Bernard Hopkins that can still be great in his early 40s but most Fighters once they get out of the 30s it's done they done it sucks but that's the warrior life that's the athletes life it has a shelf life after that see me I'm glad I could do other [ __ ] so when I'm done boxing I'm still going to be you know making headlines so Brian has the the WBO at 147 bro Brian ain't no damn body even if he could box like that [ __ ] ain't ringing no Bells man I ain't even watch none of his fights I'm just saying these dud born him and boost might unify it's not going to matter they both gonna be in a press conference talking about yeah he a good fighter I'm a good fighter we just want to come and see who's the best that [ __ ] whack man Brian would knock out Deon maybe all these guys are naturally Deon it seemed like Deon should be at 140 but de eat so much he's going have to go to 47 but I don't think he really got the power to hang up I'm to check out noring of absolute bangers we could have one coming up next between Alan Picasso and we take at F alling yo Floyd body guard [ __ ] no Floyd ain't next we got to watch another whack ass fight it's all good you know why I need the content for YouTube bro I need to start making my YouTube more active I'm doing AI breakdowns now I know want to hear voice in Mexico City yeah it's not what a bummer we got to watch another bun cilia Rodriguez AAR Rodriguez carel taking care of business in under 55 seconds as he set the table for Victor Ortiz and Rodrigo D and Coria and their eight round exhibition class mentioned the main event between Mayweather and the coming up a little bit later coming up let's all do it 20 push-ups right now I ain't doing no 20 pushup Ed has made offers for boot hey what's up guys this your boy Mikey Garcia five world champion let's get to it welcome to in my garage presented by Auto Zone today I brought you my 2010 Dodge Challenger SRT custom tired I'm tired of watching I just wanted to watch Floyd Mayweather but I need the content Eddie Hearn is a pump Faker he sent out [ __ ] offers chion Sr I Chang the name from challeng to champion because what's a challeng a champion name the champion1 Ortiz corny as [ __ ] I change the name from a challenger to a champion because what's above a challenger a champion corn [ __ ] out of here bro museum all those they don't know they just they don't know what to do with these [ __ ] like these people are horrible at marketing they're horrible at marketing my oh not not not Victor Ortiz Garcia not Victor Ortiz um Timmy chongas he get KO by all Champions at 147 just watch his last fight against Eddie Hearn ain't good at making fights he could get the Boo Boo and Canelo fight yeah he should have got the Boo Boo and Canelo fight he going to do the same with they UniFi next we need that breakdown for each guy yeah I'm going try to do some more breakdowns on patreon like next week but I don't know what's going [Music] on actually next next weekend next Saturday I'm going to do a breakdown for we need Benz versus Andre Ward we need Demetrius Andre versus Andre Ward all oh that's not good all World want to come back and Spar against but I don't like sitting down for a long time BR we my back a ready for situation to fight War still sharp no you're not he in that [ __ ] huffing and puffing against but trying to throw big shots cuz he couldn't land [ __ ] out W he done you're looking at beautiful mexic city the HS coming yeah a coming back done war was never a great athlete so he got out at the perfect time if you're real if you real athletic or if you super super in love with the sport like beop you could last long you real athletic you could last close to your 40 but Ward wasn't super athletic and he had lost the love for it so he got at the right time War like Floyd he always in shape he used to be always in shape not no more I've seen his SP him his huffing and puffing throwing Big assing Shots land [ __ ] up was throwing straight shots CLI not CLI I mean it says I missed the Kel fight but I think he should fight Ryan gar see brother Sean go yo yo yo that' be perfect because at least if you going be fighting bums fight a high-profile bum Sean Garcia is a high profile bum he's somebody that everybody knows so you fight a fight I would love to see that fight got his by um one of the VAR Brothers the varas brother was in there doing to Michael Jackson that was embarrassing man I don't know how sean went like that personally I ain't let nobody [ __ ] like that me if I'm fighting somebody and they start dancing I'm knocking your ass out just off you know GP the theable for our next contest you see the 24y old Alan Picasso regarded as they keep having 20 old fight these 30 Old just got knocked out no he got stopped I don't know about getting knocked out got come on bro don't be doing this [ __ ] cuz Floyd about to come on y get [ __ ] together I know it's BR but I seen going through things and love with his mom nobody want hear that like if your mom get sick you don't forget how to fight K versus Steven Grady will be a good fight yeah that would be a good fight you talking about the uh the the the brothers the twins Kobe don't make excuses bro yeah don't make excuses his mother could have been sck they just use that cuz he got that would be a good comeback if Sean can beat M that' be a great comeback I'll knock your ass out respectfully bro hey ju you talking about me what weight class you fight in because you know I'm all about content creation so you can pull up to my look you see my hand my left hand spoiling right here I still whoop your ass I still whoop your ass with one hand so don't come on the live talking like you going to do something and then you don't D DM me you can DM me on Tik Tok kjtv right I'll tell you the gym I'll tell you the time and with one hand I promise you I will [ __ ] you up so don't come on here with that [ __ ] y'all do that on the internet all the time okay 14 are you in the Maryland area can you be in the Maryland area cuz this ain't going to be no exhibition I would really whoop your ass and if you think you going come in there with a Mexican style walking like Frankenstein you going get [ __ ] up no no do it one do it because I I need content bro yeah I'm trying to go viral you want to be famous I got I can make you famous if you want to be somebody you in Baltimore all right bet bet okay oh hold up hold up hold up is this the one that I know hold up hold up this might be I'm tripping I'm tripping this might be the one that go to my gym I thought this was like a Mexican or somebody this might be the one that go to my hey ju is that you bro you got be all all getting all excited on this [ __ ] live no it might be it's it's a dude that far and my gym name one but it just hit my it just click huh he said why you shook up oh no I ain't shook up I'm saying me and ju already SP I thought this was somebody from the internet random talking [ __ ] I don't like that yeah ju Pretty Good Ju like six first off ju good just off he's 6'3 and he got good movement like he fast and [ __ ] for for 63 and you got good coordination yeah yeah see one I'm thinking he's one of these Mexicans bro I was bro oh it just caught up it just caught up to me like hold up ju this [ __ ] playing with me I thought he was one of the bro I thought he one of these people on the internet but no I'm breaking down the um the the exhibition right now for Floyd cuz Floyd having an exhibition they said they need to be suspended I thought this was somebody one had me really some of these boxing Twitter they need to be suspended said when is it Floyd about to have an exhibition in like 20 minutes bro he got one more of these fake ass fights with these two fighters that don't nobody know we never gonna watch again then Floyd gonna fight John Gotti I want to see it because the last John Gotti fight Floyd displayed a bunch of skill a bunch of Showmanship and it's just good content just to keep the YouTube channel active I'm trying to get my YouTube as big as my Tik Tok but yo ju that's a good joke you pulled a fast one on it took me took me some time I said Ju Ju hold up this might be the [ __ ] talk about he Baltimore said this might be the [ __ ] I with said fantasy fight Prime Floyd Mayweather let me see this fantasy fight Prime Floyd Mayweather versus Prime Triple G at 160 Floyd has serious weight disadvantage can Floyd evade the power and win by decision no no no Floyd would get knocked out he can't fight at 160 Floyd barely made 154 he never waited in at 15 what the hell going on with this chat here tonight set maywe pit got to fight guys like Chris you know the Roy type of fighter yeah P they don't really [ __ ] with P it's all about matchmaking bro even roelly they don't [ __ ] with roelly think about it roelly had 15 fights they threw him in there with tank Davis then after that they throw him in there with baroso a dangerous old man then they throw him in there to pit bull this [ __ ] roley is still developing as a boxer and they put him in there with killer after killer after killer they were supposed to put him up with on um adri BR old [ __ ] that he could have made money with and learned and worked on his boxing put him in there with Ryan Garcia somebody that's dangerous but don't have that much skill you can learn and get better against him and still make a bunch of money that's how you develop a Roy Romero they threw that man against killer against killer admit though bro I'm better than you n you not better than me one you got a long ways to go before you be better than a [ __ ] like me c behind actually you could go a long ways but you probably never be better than [ __ ] like me I got that gen qu but again what CRA they said who wins tank versus cigar L man first off cigar was a welterweight bro cigar will make tank look basic he make tank look basic as [ __ ] I came from Tik Tok my account got bad I got a resub to a Tik Tok description damn bro what y'all be doing to get banned Tik Tok triy to uh kick me out of the money program yo that's why I a been posting my regular content they try to kick me out the money program so I got to wait I got the moves like so who do you think Kean Davis fighting next I already saw he said Kean say he fighting um what's that [ __ ] name all from the camp I seen a picture of it but I wasn't interested but it was a good fight though I ain't going to lie I wasn't interested in it though but I seen it he said he was in talking yeah he fighting the north I seen a picture who he's fighting and I can't think of it but I I seen it earli I didn't give a [ __ ] these dud just born man they just Bor that's all is they B damn who fight it's somebody name I seen yeah Leo and it's a good too good fight Jake got it he fought he a fight no damn he should fight somebody like H but all none of them dudes GNA fight each other bro they all going to act like they buddies and [ __ ] oh we friends we came up in the amateures yeah you right Shakur born too he fighting nobody Shakur actually entertaining in the ring with the defense I'm talking about outside of the Ring they're boring Ryan Garcia is exciting outside of the ring you know what I mean he do crazy [ __ ] he do music he going tour these other dudes boring hitch super boring hitch is like like a poor man Stevenson I don't know what the [ __ ] he think he be doing the last time I watched this fight all he did was hug hug hug hug hug I'm like bro you bro you got put on be like Anthony Edwards take it to the Tommy top five boxes with the most division tile cuz he was on that um that [ __ ] everybody else SC it of is we're not talking figh I don't watch his fight pass the second round bro I can't do it I don't blame you bro they B look not boring to me I like the defense but hit I'm sorryy beats everybody on the list yeah he do he beat everybody on list except for I don't know if he beat Hearns or or can beat him he got the ability but it's different when you get in there you [ __ ] with boots versus old boy that's been calling him out who you talking about Brian Norman I don't know nothing about Brian normano could fight though boo could fight but boo fight flat foot Norman most of these [ __ ] nowaday fight flat foot so they can never [ __ ] with me but they can all fight Norman is ass that's what uh DLo said I don't know I never seen a fight I heard about him I hear about Brian Norman all time I'm check him outo Oscar with no problem he 160 pound no Floy had a problem he fought a very defensive fight in that fight so he had to stick to the game plan if Floyd would have tried to fight osar like de tried to fight Ryan Floyd would got knocked out yeah Brian I I a't never see Brian fight I need to go check it out man I don't know why they making us weight for this [ __ ] man Floyd be trying to have people up all damn night like bro come on bro n trying to go to B I like that you're unbiased with Floyd I mean I'm not going to be biased with nobody them other dudes could really fight I wish you were unbiased bro I am unbiased with Canelo Canelo one of the most overrated uh great fighters ever he one of the most he like how Kobe Bryant was like a [ __ ] that's real good but overrated as [ __ ] they say you buy bro Canelo overrated how am I biased tell me something I said about Canelo is not true Canelo fights for his country bro if you believe that you a [ __ ] fool if Canelo fight for his country then tell Canelo all the money he made for fight and donate to the country just leave enough for him to take care of his family y' talk about he fight for his country Canelo failed two drug test Canelo fail two drug test so of course you on PDS bro Canelo is very fishy damn right and stinky fish too pepp PE cover your nose that's type of fisho is they say he fought in Mexico bro Eli when you say he fight for his country you saying like he signed up for [ __ ] World War II or something Canelo fight for money he fight for his family he fight for himself he don't fight for Mexico don't buy into that [ __ ] come on I fight for my country I okay donate to P to your country want put him on a similar level even though he beat Canelo that night he was able to prop Canelo up a little bit but didn't pass him the torch quite in the same way Dam down Oscar would have beat Nell with his jab osar would beat Nell with his jab and his footwork and like he said if he had Floyd Mayweather the senior trainer he' beat Canelo Canelo one of the most overrated alltime great he has a couple a few really good really notable wins that you can't take from him but a lot of that [ __ ] smoking M Amir KH a fighter that was smaller he already knew they had no CH everybody KN stopping stopping where you GNA stop him if Oscar De La Hoya get a whiff of that [ __ ] and put them fish NS on the night before the fight he gonna whoop Canelo Alvarez ass Canelo beat Mo Floyd maywe just aist yeah Canelo better than better than uh Canelo is a great fighter alltime great fighter he just overrated all time y like he top 10 or something Canelo like top 30 all time Canelo top 30 all time Eli that was 100y old not a good win you know know I feel got to give his credit because Floyd was younger than mosy too when he beat him top five all time man yall be on that good [ __ ] I still was smoking he beat Jacob and plant and Billy Joe Bro who the [ __ ] is is first off Caleb plant ain't nobody in when it come to boxing history for this era Caleb plant is pretty decent because he cop Floy Style but every time Caleb get in there with somebody that's number one or number two in the division so he not really nobody you can say I beat Billy Jo nice little fighter these are not names that you could build a Hall of Fame career with like when you if you trying to compare yourself to the other great like a perel or Floyd you're not going to bring up oh I be Billy Joey [ __ ] you might as well beat Billy Jean who the [ __ ] is Billy Joe he said plant was one of the best super middleweights no never was that he was a white boy that could box so they give him all these opportunities cuz most White Men Can't fight in a Floyd Mayweather style so Caleb plant was like a blip in The Matrix that [ __ ] got fast hands fast seet could do a shoulder a little bit slick feet slick boxing most white dudes can't fight like that so when they see him able to do that and able to beat Fighters doing it then that's when they shot him up with the PDS go look at his beginning of his career he's flabby you know I mean he look all fat now he doing the Bruce Le Po and [ __ ] so they gave him the PDS had the style he had the face he had the look and he had the opportunity but his best win is against the washed up um Junkyard Dog I can't think of his name but his nickname junkyard dog that's Caleb best went where he knocked a dude out and was like get the shovel you know I bur this [ __ ] every time Caleb Ste in there with number one dudes or number two dudes guys who are exposed to be competing to get all the belts in the division he lose lost to Benz lost to Canelo all these young dudes coming up INB billies he lose to INB billies you know why cuz he move too much he goingon to get tired uh who else really he lose to [ __ ] um o o le glacio he would lose to him David Moro he'll lose to him the Smith Brothers wasn't too good yeah they wasn't they were just faces bro especially the tall one the tall one man Canelo chopped his ass down and got all that credit just cuz the dude was tall and Canelo was short [ __ ] out of here man ain't nobody give Mike Tyson credit when he beat David jaob David jaob 66 cuz David jaob was nobody plant not nobody because he lost a no I Ain say plant wasn't nobody that's not what I'm saying I'm saying plant I said I started off by saying plant good for this era for this era plant good the end of the day you can't say I beat Caleb plant if you trying to make a point for Canelo being one of the best alltime great Fighters because Caleb plant is not nobody compared to the [ __ ] FL Mayweather it could be you know I mean compared to the [ __ ] Ali beat Caleb not nobody that you can really put on a chain and be like yeah I beat Caleb P they going to be like what Caleb who Billy Joe was undefeated in the household name Billy Joe was never no household name bro [ __ ] out of here I'm more of a household name than Billy Joe Jacob ugly beat Triple G Canelo fought old Triple G bro job fought Triple G closer to the P okay so who should Canelo fight then David Benz bu Crawford you know I mean yall y'all asking questions y already know the answer to bro that's the question going to answer to I'm saying Canelo beat Jacob yeah he did okay I that was good that was a good win that was a good win I give it you even though Jacobs had cancer and [ __ ] came back and all that it was a good win Triple G Canelo fought Triple G at 35 and he was 27 yeah Triple G was done Canelo is the king of the rehydration club possibly tank Davis up there too with himo and tank they both move the same and they got similarities in fight tank fight like Canelo and Canelo had black man Fe ja was better when he came back much trying to figure what work against Mayweather and theot fight was one of the things that people would point to damn BR I don't really want to watch this next fight but once again I'm doing it just to keep the YouTube content coming because I will build them thousands of follows YouTube just in case get Tik Tok I don't really want to watch this [ __ ] I don't know who fighting I will cover it Smith another bum you the tall that's a tall one right he's just tall bro he was just tall he wasn't good [ __ ] just tall he just tall they tall they white rarely do you got good American Born Caucasian Fighters that could really really fight like Caleb plant is rare Caleb plant is rare usually white Fighters they can't fight because of the athleticism like the speed it' be too much for him when you you put that put him in there with them athletes he said I'm going to have a crazy sleep after this yeah me too man [ __ ] I might have a crazy sleep during this this [ __ ] about be wet who you got Ben Whitaker or or who Ben Whitaker I got David Morell I don't think Ben Whitaker could beat none of these [ __ ] I think Ben Whitaker is circus at I don't think he could beat N I don't think he could beat elas Morel Benz if he can he gonna be a a he gonna be a household name everywhere he going to become a global Superstar he going to be like Prince n but remember Prince n a Mayweather you think he's a hype job I don't know honestly I don't know I hope he not though IO against him I mean he's good for boxing we need people like that that really bring the crowd out you know what I mean bring him out bring them [Music] out was not robbed y got to stop saying that it was a close fight Sil and Olympics y know figh way he does I know I know but difference between the Olympics in the and plus I think that wher better than most people in the world I think he probably top 20 in the world my question that that I have is can you beat David Benz David Morell glacias Christian and Billy them [ __ ] is really dangerous right now they got him fighting tomato cans plumbers garbage men security guards you know what I mean cashiers they got him fighting janitors I want to see what he look like against another man that has money backing him that wake up every day with boxing on their mind Whitaker is just another Prince Nim yeah Prince Nim ain't figh no damn body BR Prince Nim duck Floyd Mayweather said Prince n eventually got exposed actually Prince never really got exposed when he he lost like what one fight and then called it quck but PR I seen was a big name nobody knows Whitaker outside of the UK that's cuz wh could not a he don't got the a prin had the AR [ __ ] with him in the UK he got destroyed by Barrera I think that's the fight where he was slamming that up was he slamming barer who has better defense Perell Shakur Perell Whitaker Perell Whitaker um could be right in front of you still land his offense and make you miss Shakur want to land his offense and jump move move back move back P was able to take risk and still make a guy Miss so don't want to take risk he want to make you miss he want to jab tag move go home everybody [Music] happy I I never I mean that Mexican [ __ ] don't do it for me bro like their little Anthem and that [ __ ] don't sound good defense overated it is overated but you know what it can only be overrated by smid because when you look at the um the numbers uh numerically speaking he makes guys miss more than anybody else but if you understand boxing you understand that it's not just about making somebody miss about making them pay if say couple of these girls can get crushed oh yeah yeah the boxing girls bro if I make it to these big car I'm going try to sleep with all of the girls that be carrying the car I'm try all them see more people are are packing the stadium now that is getting closer to Floyd Mayweather yo Mexicans love boxing bro Mexicans love boxing to with tree tank like prel did Sav [ __ ] no man yo Pernell is at the top it don't look Pernell Whitaker Floyd Mayweather Salvador Sanchez Ray Robinson you know what I mean these dudes skill level it don't get no higher than that that's why prell was able to go all the way up in weight class like nothing tank Davis don't even want to go campaign at 140 because tank got good skill but he don't have Hall of Fame skill what makes tank of a future Hall of Famer is the mix of the skill that he has with his great that [ __ ] not no he know that he tell you that he tell you but I'll tell you that bu Andre was so underr underrated it's sad Andre wasn't super athletic so he didn't jump what he did didn't jump off the screen plus he he had a mar he had a wife you know I mean he was a black man with a wife a black woman as a wife you feel me and really he wasn't a black man his daddy white so really he's a white boy but he looked black and he had a black woman as a wife he had a vanilla image and he wasn't a super athlete so the public really couldn't catch on to him Floyd Mayweather was what a bachelor that's what they want to see they don't really want to see you with no sister in a family you a family man doing it they don't want to put that image of the black man on TV that's why Andre Ward he never was a household name back in the 80s you could do that [ __ ] but times of change tank has some of the best IQ we've ever seen some of the best IQ we ever seen a [ __ ] that throw 20 punches around a [ __ ] depend on The Knockout some of the best IQ we ever seen [ __ ] man you lost you out your damn mind T [ __ ] tank best knockouts is Roy Romero and Frank Martin [ __ ] that didn't even have 20 20 fights to their name bro get real the best IQ we ever seen [ __ ] out of here man [ __ ] T got good IQ though but the best we ever seen some of the best we ever seen yo whatever you smoking on pass me that [ __ ] Leo Santa Cruz a good win it is a good one it's a good win it's a good one it's collecting information and adjust bro somebody that throws 20 punches a round that's not no [ __ ] IQ bro that's called you're you're gambling you're gambling it's not always about the amount of fights yeah I know it's not always about the amount of fights I know you got be you can have 15 fights and be a dog um Patrick Patrick Ford was a dog he jumped in there with Salvador Sanchez with 15 fights and with 15 rounds and was beating Salvador he beat Ryan who beat Deon and Undisputed tampion bro we don't know what Ryan is what he's not Ryan cheated number one number two just because you beat Ryan Garcia don't mean that you stamp who the [ __ ] is Ryan bro Ryan got one notable win and the win has asteris next to because he cheated he took a come on bro tank Davis has a good IQ but to say that he has some of the best IQ we ever seen you tripping if tank IQ was on that level then he wouldn't have no problem going up to 147 that's what prell did that's what Floyd did prell around the same size as tank he went all way up to 147 IQ when [ __ ] get 20 25 pounds bigger than you that's when you got to think more and more just fighting at your weight class you don't have to think as much because y'all around the same size you just knock the [ __ ] out that's one of the um things that people bring up when they talk about Marvin Haggler Mar said the same way class you don't have to make as many adjustments Ryan cheating or not that don't disregard the ass whooping so cheating or not it don't matter huh Jake I hope that if you ever you box that that [ __ ] you fighting on is on steroids that way your ass can learn you seen what happened against baros yeah I seen what happened against baros tank was tank was uh in a in a tough fight and he stopped baros that wasn't IQ that was I'm faster than you I'm more athletic than you I hit harder than you baros even said when he fought tank it was like somebody turning the light switch off I'm saying without the PDS Ryan still would have sto him you don't know that you talking out your ass you know why because first impression is the best impression because that's the Las thing impression the first impression that you got of Ryan and Deon is Ryan is a dominant fighter over Deon Ryan could have knocked Deon out so it don't even matter about the information that come out afterwards the human brain most of the time can't get past the first impression Ryan really supposed to be banned bro man hurry up and seen this [ __ ] Bro somebody want to hear this up there looking like you riding bulls and [ __ ] right so tank beat anybody at 147 he beat baros who beat ugas and he's a welterweight bro by the time baros F ugas ugas was 36 years old and as soon as the fight started ugas ey swelled up you know why cuz that's the same eye that SP already broke come on bro Conta Conta don't just throw out names and times and results I need contact background information see a [ __ ] like you a [ __ ] like you Eli I can't trust what you say because you just want to leave out the important details important factures cuz you're trying to paint a narrative but I'm the [ __ ] with the paint and the paint brush I'm the director the producer those Styles make fights stop saying this guy beat that guy exactly Styles make fights Errol broke dude yeah arrol broke his eye every time ugas fight his eyes is going to swell up the same thing with Billy Joe sers if Billy Joe saers come back and have a fight his eye going to swell up when you get your eye broke like that a lot of times it could be a career- ending injury tank was down on all the score cards against B if I'm not mistaken well you are mistaken very mistaken because the Georgia State athletic commission had tank winning they had tank winning that fight and he won most of the rounds even the early rounds so you very mistaken and you need to go to Google right now and type in the scorecards and look at how the Georgia Athletic State commission had tank Davis back then you understand the power of having Floyd Mayweather in your corner and then you understand the power of KJ cuz I do my research talk about you got to check that [ __ ] check it check it I don't know who fighting to be honest with y'all but I'm I'm going cover this fight because really we want to see the plus tank beat BOS at welterweight who beat ugas um and beat a e division Tamp and Manny Pacquiao bro stop playing bro when ugas fought Pacquiao Pacquiao was done even if Pacquiao took two syringes of that [ __ ] in his ass no did he he was never going to be that guy no more Pacquiao was like 41 years is old bro Pacquiao was done you guys don't suck you guys was old too but you need contacts Eli stop talking oh he beat him bro Conta bro you bro when you talk make sure you got a couple of RS of strong and alra strong with you cuz you be talking out your ass and I don't want you just funking up the whole room leaving [ __ ] stains all in your draws so Eli when you talk make sure you got a couple of RS of Shaman with you alra strong that's what in the history books bro context bro you can't just look at the history books Ali lost to a lot of Fighters at the end of his career that he would have smokes and he actually still had fighting ability at the end of Ali's career he's walking out there fighting with Parkinson so you have to tell people that you can't just say well he beat Ali [ __ ] Ali had par he should have been the ring Conta all right man I'm about to cover this fight between these two mexicos kubano Domino all the clubs that [Music] [Music] [Music] I I don't know who about to fight to be honest after this Floyd fight it said yeah it's a good thing errol's eye made him pull out uh the Pacman fight because if not pack would have di yeah pack would have got [ __ ] up bad against arrol man ug guys did him dirty but arrol would have really broke his ass half the Lord save him Erol would have executed man yeah Manny would have had to retire from his basket ball Le H had to retire from a descendant and um where he from again the Philippines he had to retire from his Governor position that [ __ ] would have had to change his whole career he' have been a stay home uh stay home Dad the play pack nowo versus um I don't know who he fighting against yall know Picasso saave by knockout let's see Picasso versus aat the crazy a let's watch this fellas they look like they really fighting too this ain't no exhibition this here is a fight Picasso coming out touching that glove of aat aach showing some head movement aach I think 36 years old Picasso was in his early 20 okay let's see if Picasso can arst tonight yall catch that as I hit him with some body shots man it was nice but Picasso has a hand speed the length Advantage reach Advantage longer legs he should be popping his jab right now a lot more than what he's doing right now they just filling each other outo landed the most shots aat landed a nice little body shot set up behind a double ja Two orod fighters and these are three minute rounds so once again this a real fight even though it's during exhibition a is digging to the body if a keeps digging to the body he's probably going to slow down Picasso and Picasso won't be able to paint anything other than a picture if he allows his body to get Cho down like this early [Music] on Picassa has a little bit of a higher guard than a AA is doing the same body shot behind that double jab Picasso has to show some type of defense against that because a lot of times somebody sneak in that long body shot you don't feel it but later on it takes energy out of you okay Bet is landing the same body side the straight right but yo Picasso is uh hitting right in between his guard with a double uppercut okay Picasso is trying to catch that that straight right to the body what he should be doing is trying to count because the man has thr the same straight right six times so we talking about IQ earlier Picasso need to show some IQ a lot of Fighters they be so anxious while they fighting that they don't think why they fighting so they miss a lot of the opening Picasso throwing the same right hand to the body bro right behind the jab even the even the announcers are talking about how he's throwing the same [ __ ] so Picasso he going to be tired bro he's going to be tired H and then the landed at a nice little power left hook goes back with the right hand to the body you can tell a has been doing his boxing for a while he's 36 years old got that old man Str Picasso is's throwing his punches in combination from time to time but there no power on him so they like he just touching just touch shots but aat is throwing that that [ __ ] that got a little bit of pop on he put his back into it as if he can do that was a good first round this this fight is showing us a little bit of excite excitement this fight is showing us some skill um both of these Fighters look like they trained for for the three-minute fight the [ __ ] that we seen ear with Victor Ortiz that was bll mixed with a little bit of [ __ ] but now we seeing some actual boxing high level boxing I think aak going to win though Picasso um he's tall you know what I mean he look like he doing what he doing but really he just is throwing pity P shots aat is throwing the hard [ __ ] Landing the body shots he even landed a nice little um hook earlier where he loaded up a bit Yeah a he gonna be tired because he allowing this man to get to his body do you think it's possibility of Floyd getting slumped no [ __ ] no what bro you talking about aru the best fighter ever fighting a a relative noice Floyd gonna be in there Floyd actually going to knock out Gotti this fight yeah Floyd can get knock out and caught hell yo Eli Eli I don't know where you came from bro but you be talking some crazy craziness Floyd would have to get in there with a a former boxer to get knocked out asah started this round out with that same right hand to the body now he mixing it up he's going with a jab to the body and throwing things upstairs he's opening up his hands basso trying to time him with a hook basso don't have the speed he has those long arms but his arms don't really know how to whip a put himself against the ropes and now he's finally getting hit by Picasso Picasso snuck uppercut through the guard the punch that has really been working for Picasso is the uppercut right in the middle of A's guard a has to do something about that man nobody seems to really have eye openening power this far in the fight he should he should be working his jab a fighter that tall should work his jab doing the same old combination if a was fighting a fighter with a higher IQ he might have already been knocked down he's throwing the same combination about eight times in this fight double jab right hand to the body now he's coming in with hooks now he's being more unpredictable with a lot of hooks he's throwing hooks to the body Picasso comes back tries to go back through that uppercut with the guard but Zas High guard is holding up uh the high guard is holding up but my phone is not holding up my phone is uh skipping for whatever reason I don't know what's going on in the fight as of right now guys my phone is betraying me when I needed it most all right we back on I don't know what's going in the fight right now guys my phone is on on some [ __ ] hopefully I don't do this oning the Floyd fight because that's a fight that we all care about all right we got a minute left in this fight we don't know what the hell has been going on we don't know who's been winning this round let's it take it from the top Picasso is um looking to be the faster fighter that's one thing that he has on aach he's faster he just landed two two straight shots the one two a we see some bruising around the eyes of a cuz Picasso he's been Landing upstairs has really been Landing downstairs it's a pretty back and forth fight th far switch he switched into the southb position let's see if he actually can fight from the south position I don't know man I think he need to switch back yeah he should switch back was able to land some nice little shots well Le one nice little uppercut and two Jabs to the body look a awkward in South position so he need to switch back he need to switch back John Gotti gonna shock the world yeah John going to shock the world all right when he wake up um they going to be like wow Floyd hasn't got a knockout in such a long time John Gotti shocked the world man we didn't think he was going to go out there and get knocked out in two rounds it depend on how Floyd feels sometimes Floyd want to carry these guys sometimes Floyd get mad like how he did in the um tension fight how he did in the other fight with the one Asian fighter depend on how Floyd feeling this is a nice little back and forth fight though I can't I can't I can't lie man it's nice little back and forth fight between these two no name Fighters [Music] Picasso versus a all right I think this the third round I hope it's not a 12 rounder bro round [Music] three going right back to the body aah has been dominating the body game but Picasso I think is landed more shots upstairs [Music] seems to be slowing down or maybe he's trying to trick Picasso and let him come in and catch him with something hard now he's coming back oh man he needs to stop head hunting Picasso has no problem ducking these shots so aat needs to be more creative in his offensive setup that was some slick Movement by P man real artistry [Music] aat is switching between Southpaw Orthodox he's back in Orthodox now I think he should have stayed in the Orthodox because he ain't really put in no work at southa so his switching might be more of a gimmick than actual talent I don't know what he was trying to do just now he grabbed Picasso and went on the inside but they didn't work his hands now he's throwing hooks that are pretty much getting blocked right there he pulled Picasso's head down and tapped him with some light shots see both of these guys are are pretty decent boxers but the athleticism isn't there that's why this fight probably going to go the distance nobody has crazy power or crazy speed just nice little boxing abil that's why boxing is all about match up because here we have two guys and Picasso nobody's a great athlete nobody's even a necessarily good athlete if you talking about American Standards but they both know how to box so you got two average athletes with decent boxing ability they can go back and forth with each other and it can be a good fight for the fans you to put one of these [ __ ] in there with a killer they both a good St so boxing all about matchmaking says tank wouldn't be able to handle a pressure [Music] um let me see you said tank wouldn't be a yeah I'm see I'm doing multitasking bro you a troll bro you know damn well tank break AUM down like a fraction tank could break Autumn down so bad in three rounds autum [ __ ] around and retire autum take that $2 million and say you know what I'm through with boxing I'm giv this spot my entire life I've been training since I was five I think I've done enough I'm done man [ __ ] this my phone whacking crazy bro this fight not even that this fight not even interesting enough for it to be skipping like this you know what I mean bro a stop talking about Olympic experience bro um what's my man name one the g g Russell the the the middle brother or the little skinny one he had Olympic experience and last time I seen him fight he fought some Puerto Rican that whooped his ass Olympic experience sometimes I mean you good sometimes they mean you just had good connection so stop saying Olympic experience Autumn had Olympic experience and every time he come to America he get his ass whoop so what was he doing he he had Olympic experience and every time he come to America he has a limping experience he limp his ass back to the back room Shakur a bum we've seen his style so many times okay Kenny Drake when have you seen a fighter with Shakur style because right now Shakur is leading boxing and plus and minus stats so so statistically he's the most effective boxer if you're talking hit and not get hit so when have you seen that style we haven't seen a style like sakor in a while actually most people don't have the the reflexes and uh foot speed to fight like sh and I don't even like a style I'm just saying we got to keep it above damn man this [ __ ] so boring I don't even want to cover this [ __ ] Frank Martin was a last minute replacement fight hold on let me see Frank Martin was a last minute replacement fight and Shakur one of the best boxers maybe better than tank might be better you can't just act like Autumn a great figh Autumn is not a great fighter at allum Autumn might be a C Level fighter that [ __ ] is losing no he just has got in there with someone who can knock [ __ ] out I mean I think Kenny Drake he just hasn't gotten there with somebody that can knock it up we got a and Picasso a coming forward body shots these dudes are following through their punches Ali or Canelo Ali greater than Canelo when Ali was out of his Prim and he saw the Young Buck coming up with all the sides and all the Knockouts and running through people he fought him and beat him Canelo out of his prime he see the young book coming up with the size and steam rolling guys been he he want to fight him so don't ever compare Ali to [ __ ] Canelo Ali was a truth Canelo the f he look like [ __ ] against Edan because Edan is athletic aggressive fighter Shakur is limited Shakur might be limited he might be tank fights uh slow feet Fighters all the time well he fought a fast foot fighter in Frank Martin he knocked his ass out tank fight bum they all fighting bum Abdul Mas just fought somebody on on couple weeks notice that's boxing a lot of these [ __ ] fighting B I think Canelo would beat Floyd if they ever fought they already fought so is Bing a popularity contest or a plus minus contest it's both sakur knows how to touch and not get hit sure but that's not going to work against someone with high IQ like tank uh he struggle against Sluggers I don't know bro you know what this is a 12 round fight so you know what I'm going just [ __ ] with y'all in the comments until Floyd Mayweather come on this [ __ ] boring I don't feel like covering this [ __ ] when Floyd come on I'mma cover that but until then I'm just chill out y the com tired I wish they set K up with a better opposition because they set carel with better opposition that g us something really to cover the way they setel up with that tomato can we can't build nothing off that Shakur has never fought someone like tank and vice versa but Shakur will get will be exploited now I don't know what's going to happen man when you got two fighters that's not fighting top competition you don't know what's going to happen when they meet I know that tank got more athleticism I know that tank the better athlete but boxing is about skill and timeing athleticism is a plus KL might F Under Pressure against a real star combination okay well what's the real star that he might for no sh best defense anyone that t has better defense than anybody T fault but tank has more speed and power than anybody and more experienc anybody and more starter when Shakur fight tank tank going bring him to an atmosphere that he's never been in that pay-per-view atmosphere is something totally different bro go ask Frank Martin that [ __ ] Can Have You Shook Up and Steven foro and St for is folding oh you think can't beat St boy I don't know Kel bigger than Steen for Shakur is a pure boxer tank is not going to be able to land at you might be right you might be right might be on yo I wonder how much uh battery my outp got I don't know oh yeah Dam [ __ ] like a computer boy that [ __ ] still still gold I ain't covering this other fight we just going to wait for the Floyd fight to come on bro that's boxing about Connections bro boxing about Connections I see people on TV all the time who ask but it's about who you know was butter bean a good boxer butter bean was good he just wasn't great but he was good Tor flat footed fighter he can't fight going backwards can't going pressure that [ __ ] Tor definitely could fight going back yeah they talking about how to do ISAC he be switching to southp and getting his ass click straight low low blow best reflexes since Floyd no boo got great reflexes so I don't know about bro I know that s in this damn chair got my back hand [Music] strings fight I hope Floyd hurry up a fight bro getting tired I don't know how Kai be doing this stream and [ __ ] this [ __ ] boring and I damn so you know that dude speed that jumped over the car I don't know how he fighting going backwards against tank we seen what happened to Frank Martin Frank Martin wasn't fighting going backwards Frank Martin went on the ROP and got his ass knocked out Frank Martin legs was going after four rounds cuz of Tank's body attack tank the Slick Black American fighter Frank got better feet than Shakur Kenny you need to change your name to K Kenny drunk after you leave this live change your name to Kenny drunk Ain't No Way Frank Mar got better come on man Frank Mar got better nothing than Frank believeing I don't even know talking shank not better I gotta get back to the gym on Monday hopefully my hopefully my left hand ain't sping Monday you see that [ __ ] right here by Monday hopefully that a gone down I think Kean will be tank he overrated fighting bums with 30 fights you think Kean will beat tank well Kean said he want a t a fight with tank so that' be very interesting tank knock Kean out it's nothing else nobody can say because Kean got Olympic experience not like he fighting Frank Martin it'll be almost equivalent as as if tank would knock out so tank knock out and somebody else we can no longer question his greatness you can no longer say the opponent who be fighting after that you got to get a man flers that's talking about who winning this fight who Floyd I got to go live I wanted to go live on Tik Tok after this I don't think I'm going do it already in City he fighting though the [ __ ] fighting I aining that [ __ ] man I'm waiting for the floor you mother sloppy I would both of the Francis andu returns to MMA after 33 months away from the cage as he takes on the pfl heavyweight champion ran Ferrera in the new pfl super fights Championship on October 19 damn man man what y'all think Floyd gonna do tonight what y'all think Floyd gonna do tonight man I you think he gonna get a knockout I think he is I think that he he's Gonna Knock John Gotti out to make a statement KJ Shakur defense is just lean back stop Back Lean Step Back Lean Back Step Back Lean Back yeah Shakur defense is repetitive and offensive repetitive too say he's stopping buddy I think so too why did Floyd du paulam Paul Williams came out and said that the fighting happen because of him not because of Floy Jimmy round [ __ ] some damn Alan Picasso bro who the [ __ ] are these Fighters man who do they know that they Floyd duck Mar mararo please margarito had cement in his damn glove I'm glad Floyd duck margarito they say Floyd duck gu uh named Frankie Hall only person you could say Floyd probably duck was Keith Thurman at the end of his career because he didn't want to have to go out there and fight a young fighter but Keith Thurman duck Arrow so hey [ __ ] it all fighter duck some by as at one point or another at the end of the day Floyd fought more world champions than anybody else so out of all the ducks in history he's one of the most accomplished Ducks so quack quack is all overan for anything they deem as an impropriety especially they said pack ducky pack ducky because the drugs they say he duck the prime Pacquiao Pacquiao was on drugs bro Pacquiao was on drugs so F who the [ __ ] ISO dud is Jake Paul top 15 in 200 lounds Jak Paul not top 1500 J Paul ain't [ __ ] as a fighter they never caught Pacquiao both you don't have to catch somebody bro people in my family that done certain things and never got you look at they [Music] C [Music] never that's necessarily right now I just can't wait for these bombs to fight finish fighting so we watch FL is um is Floyd Pacquiao and Canelo yeah and Pacquiao better than Canelo not skill-wise but Legacy wise Pacquiao is a more difficult opponent for Floyd than Canelo that's what people keep sing on like y'all try to act like Canelo like the second best thing to Floyd Pacquiao better than Canelo and Pacquiao sloppy as [ __ ] why Floyd don't fight Canelo in a rematch because he too old listen Floyd was 36 when he fought can he's at the end of his career you want to fight Canelo and he 47 years old come on bro use your [ __ ] brain because Floyd pushing 50 exactly Eli Man you had to bring you take it out and use it [ __ ] talking about why he won't fight Canelo Canelo 13 years younger in Floyd man and so Canelo 34 what's 34 plus 13 you need a mouth leave a mou quick mou I would say this though if Canelo don't stop belanga then his power might just be over bro his power been overrated Jake I've been telling your ass that he a stop nobody from Caleb plant you know why cuz speed his power and Canelo has lost a few steps Not Just One Step list KJ that's a huge fight it would make crazy money it would make crazy money but it will Ru Floyd's record he would get his ass knocked out it's not worth it not like Floyd like man Pacquiao he need the money I got see if he stop Binga he not gonna stop Binga bro he talking around get hurt by Binga if he fails to do that he says if he fails and that might just be true bro been true Jake you just don't want to listen to the truth cuz you canelo's age is fine to fight Canelo again yeah whatever y just want to see that man Le y don't give a [ __ ] with he 80 years old if you step out there against Canelo say yeah this is great Floyd Mayweather finally getting what he deserve he told you he told you he suck that's how that's all y'all want he could have stopped Ryder Charlo Mia but he carried right he could have knocked out his last opponent but he's so magnanimous he such a good great guy that he didn't want to stop any of those guys out Floyd ducked air Khan yeah right Floyd ducked air Khan a [ __ ] that that could get hit by his his damn son and be knocked out a [ __ ] that if he if if a door hit him the wrong way if he if somebody hit his ass on accident he gonna be knocked out come on bro Amir Khan if you touch Amir Khan they say it take four four PBS of pressure you hear air with point 4 PBS of pressure on the chin he's going to sleep and Floyd ducked air KH [ __ ] out of here air KH hands were faster than Sugar Ray lard yeah man and the weed that she smoke is better than Snoop Dog was whooping Canelo ass though because Canelo is an overrated boxer I told you that got some of the fast hands he does he don't got he got got fast hand no Chin come on bro Amir the type of [ __ ] like Amir got fast hands and no Chin bro that's like a man with a bunch of game but as soon as you get with a girl he he he done in 30 seconds what's the point what's the point you got the looks you got the game you get the [ __ ] then as soon as y'all do it you you 30 second man not even a minute man 30 second man over I can't wait to be B man you still got wait like another 20 minutes this still good good content for YouTube Bro Jake Jordan Eli Ryan 7 all yall that's [ __ ] with me I appreciate it so I'm going pro this year and know my profile build more and more so I remember people that was [ __ ] with me early on even on Tik Tok like I started Tik Tok I a had no followers now I got almost 40,000 right so now I'm I'm like a little bit past a th000 followers on YouTube one day I'm going look up it give me 40,000 on YouTube so I appreciate all the day ones man doesn't have the power to keep a so Floyd kept Canelo off of him and Manny Pacquiao off of him but Amir Khan yeah he wouldn't had the power for the great Amir Khan [ __ ] out of here come on Eli spitting yeah he spit he throwing up I'm I'm the guy that tagged you in the video hold up let me see who this dude is he says I'm the guy that tagged you in the video of Canelo talking about his training helping him pee Oh his training helping him oh okay okay Ryan Amir was ass yeah Amir what Amir wasn't ass he was fast but that's all he was he was [Applause] fast I can't wait till these dudes are done bro I don't know how they get put on these cards BR they not even that good Asic r d say he's fast he did you see Oscar say Floyd dust the rematch Oscar said he wouldn't even have won the rematch so put two and two together bro I say he was too old to even win the rematch he only wanted the rematch some mnny I'm about to duck I'm already duck with the damn YouTu I'm tired [ __ ] they got this [ __ ] they always they should have just called it quit bro like this fight should not be here but I think that these guys have a huge following in Mexico because the place is packed man yeah well he's a C- kid yeah Oscar we know we know white girl yeah this might be what was really waiting he waited a whole year to unretire to get out of the rematch clause against Oscar because you know why because wanted to be the a side two times even though Floyd already beat him so Floyd said no that's why Floyd pulled a rabbit out his ass and waited until the contract expir that's how you do it you don't be the bside twice somebody who ask you beight that's like if you're the best option for a girl but you allow her to teat you like you a side piece or something no you leave that you don't sit wait around you the best option for a woman and she try to treat you like you a side piece you car ass off life that's what Floyd did to Oscar Floyd said I already beat you I'm the as side now Oscar said no I'm I'm the a side I'm more popular so he said okay Bet I'mma let the contract expire now what OS beell no he didn't prell was four days out of rehab and still beat Oscar ass as a junky osar got robbed against Moy osar lost the perno they robbed him osar lost a they they was was older they wasn't [ __ ] with and he was on drugs man like they couldn't count I think try to I got I going be like this what time is TI how many more rounds of this [ __ ] this [ __ ] is Dreadful [Applause] say you think any version of panel could beat 154 pound bug Crawford prell will beat bud at 47 at 47 prell will beat Bud the skill level different bro but you know what bud bud has a lot more skills than he showed in his career but Bud understands that they will rob your ass so B was like let me just be a destructive fighter that's how Marvin Hagler Marvin Hagler had a lot of skill but certain Fighters because they don't have a c a big backing they understand that every fight they got to get a stoppage or or close to a stoppage or they going to get robbed so they actually get into this mentality of being offensive boxing suck but it ain't it ain't like oh let's just go see who's the best boxer it's about a lot of different things politics D like b d like Marvin Haggler they could have sold even more skill in the ring but they knew that they had to get sto 135 Floyd would have stopped but yeah probably probably because if G ball Hur him at 35 Floyd was 10 point accurate probably our Co between Alan andan you saw those slow mo replays you wonder but last fight showed Floyd would have beat bud at any weight Floyd was a better boxer than bu that's just what it is 135 boner was St 10 damn I don't know I don't know tank tank always look better than Broner Broner is not ass it's like question that you asked earlier you said you know had over am fights he had a lot of wars in the game 25 fights what does he have left at 36 years old I'm tired bro I hope up how many more rounds but he doesn't have that outut got 15 more minutes 2 damn man boner lost to every top guy bro IP Up N bro this isit annoying too I got hold this mother I'm keep on I don't know if you all don't know I'm kind of blind [Applause] B lost Pacman Bon lost all big fights know fight I'm falling asleep cuz this [ __ ] W I just wanted to see FL I didn't know that they had all these other people on I just wanted to see Floyd the Tik Tok live might have to be postponed I don't know I'm might get a s F doing that just acknowledging that they're getting hit as well and sometimes this is just crazy a being crazy you know both of these dud average um crazy crazy a and [ __ ] um Picasso and all that all all they got is cool name but they can't really fight the only thing that's crazy that they got is their connections cuz they somehow they was able to get on the Floyd Mayweather exhibition they probably g go home with a million dollars a piece he one mother and delivers two huge left Hooks and another one theid who's your top five P right now in no order KJ KJ TV KJ and KJ tv top five do you think shaal could be tank [ __ ] no [ __ ] no sh M get put in the mor come on bro be real them MMA fighters can't box it's totally different sports it's not even impressive when a boxer beat the MMA fighter you haven't spar with MMA guy they can't can't box man do you think any UFC fighters will successfully transition to boxing no no man no bro it's like saying man you think player could play on NFL Sunday no [ __ ] these these sports are played at the highest level you got to be focused on that one sport unless you were like a Bo Jackson or Deion sander and even then the sport got to be a sport where you could just dominate with raw athleticism Dion and boa okay baseball players because you have to really focus on something in order to be top of the line you can't just be a part time at anything noway you're a part time part time boxer but you're a fulltime fighter he try to go to box get [ __ ] upz somebody else is a fulltime boxer and vice versa D why Floyd got to fight so damn late man he should be fighting right now W this [ __ ] up at one o00 what's up with they want up all Alex will get stopped by top Alex per Alex will get stopped by middle wi de is a great place to start with a few of the most popular hikes in the world and I don't know what the fu you talking about I look good don't I that you would want him trying anything other than what he's doing right now I me this is just how he fights what are you ask him to do I'm wait on the Floyd fight I'm waiting on the Floyd fight I'mma cover that and I'm take my ass B man I had no idea that they was going to have so many people on the undercard that I never heard of I didn't want to cover this fight un for me to sleep so in about 20 minutes going to be fighting there's only two more rounds left in this [ __ ] J Who You got money on Floyd or got come on bro Gotti don't have no chance of winning this [ __ ] the only reason I'm watching this is to watch Floyd skill level Nostalgia Floyd was so great at his Peak that even though he's way out of his prime he's still going to show some signs of greatness cuz he was so great you know what I mean that's why I'm watching this it's like it's like watching um what's that one D not Megatron what's that that one receiver the ballhead [ __ ] he's real athletic people always put him behind Randy Moss can't think of his name you know what I mean who that wide receiver that the [ __ ] always bring up and they say he one of the best they always put him uh in front of Randy or right behind him not Jerry Rice not Jerry Rice Jerry Rice is the best we talking about the the Baldhead dark skin [ __ ] he's athletic as [ __ ] freak athlete Terell Owens to to watching Floyd his exhibitions is like watching too run a a 44 at 50 years old you feel me not oo oo not on that level talk about the best so to thr Owens watching Floyd Mayweather do exhibitions is like watching too at 50 years old running 44 you know what I mean it's like whoa I can't believe you could do that at that age feel me you feel me get your popcorn ready [Music] tiit it's 12 in the morning I'm watching pay-per-view and I watch this [ __ ] for free I'm on stream East and I'm streaming this [ __ ] for free but not like that but is like that bro this is about to be a sleep stream [ __ ] no man I don't never I don't never follow on you stole the ppb I ain't still [ __ ] I'm not the one that make be you got to talk to the creators of this [ __ ] I'm not paying for no exhibition I bet the house that Floyd going down and one well you got to find a new place to live Floyd versus John was a pay-per-view yeah $50 it's crazy Floy can do exhibitions worth and price him at the same thing that de Haney does his Pay-Per-View fights that [ __ ] is crazy bro de a a ain't never going to be no household name man for whatever reason only fight I bought was Spence and Bud right only time I'mma buy a fight if it's a too high profile [ __ ] my man said man hell no it's the truth Floyd sold Floyd versus got is $50 pay-per-view Deon Haney and Lomo was $50 pay-per-view so Floyd Mayweather could price his Exhibition at the same price that Deon pric real fight that [ __ ] crazy that's that's what happen when you know how to talk that good [ __ ] have no idea man these no names almost done fighting going get to watch the break that [Music] fight motherucker name JayZ mixed with AA whole Vena why you not supporting the Floyd still in the pay-per-view hers boxing kiss my ass that's why I know [ __ ] bought this [ __ ] just to see the thought of old Floyd getting hurt yeah people always Floyd been making money off of the the uh the chance of him finally getting hurt for years after retirement they're so caught up on seeing this man lose that he's been making millions just off of that a magical moment that he finally going to take a l and that's because most people are haters [Music] round Floy exhibition three more minutes of this [ __ ] and then we going to get to the real action I'm going to break that fight down round by round then I'm going take my ass a bit you watching here now live with KJ KJV I'm glad I a cover this weak ass fight man I tried I couldn't do it John got gonna be cussing Floyd be cussing Floyd G be embarrassing him closing his eyes like Michael Jordan hitting him at different angle looking at the crowd dancing all of that these [ __ ] on the FL with the exhibition got all these eyes watching and they in there ain't doing [Music] [ __ ] y'all think jar Anderson gonna be able to bounce back now for those who watch and who follow BX y think J Anderson still to bounce back after that lost to [Applause] Martin knows Floyd is going to start and becom Jesus you tripping you tripping nely to the ref I like to see just to walk in [Music] there speed what don't let me fall sh got something Dr J Anderson don't have the heart you already said he done with boxing oh he say he said he done after the loss what you mean when did J Anderson say he done with boxing let me say that I think you got love the sport to do this [ __ ] man you know I just keep IE um I talked to Jared Anderson he told me this yo Ryan know that [ __ ] Ryan said he talk to Jared and Jared told him that he done yeah okay okay okay that [ __ ] said I talked to Jay Anderson personally he told me he done this fight almost over so that's good team a fight see what F made right here I think I'm going run for another 45 seconds should I run to the um he said shadow box I don't know I'm tired man should I run to the store and get something to drink right quick wake me up I'm go to and [ __ ] I'm going go to the store get on the drink I the Tik Tok L I'm waking up already because this this [ __ ] coming to an end I'm thinking about Floyd with exhibition that [ __ ] give me hype man ain't show us [ __ ] man the announcers are always the announcers get paid to Hype up these bum ass white boys so Picasso went out there put on the average performance in the announcer talking about man he showing some Championship quality Pico a show us [ __ ] he a show us nothing he fought a 36y old nobody and struggled for a littleit only in America Frank Martin would beat Ellen De Los Santos and cambos Frank Martin will get knocked out against D but he probably beatos you heard on KV Eli do you just say do you just say [ __ ] to try to get like reaction or something do you really believe the [ __ ] you saying man to man bro like do you really believe what you saying and especially when you consider that every fight he's involved with is going to look something like this there's a physical cost to an aat Honan fight that other Fighters don't have to pay so when you're asking what does he have left in the P does he have something to offer young Fighters like Alan Picasso yeah you don't think Frank would beat Santos [ __ ] no man D Santos are great counter punch with crazy power I think Frank could give Prime Floyd a run for his money but then you take a lot of shots hard rounds for youo a run for him what you mean by that do you mean like he could could steal his chain or some [ __ ] in the club like run for his money what you mean he can make Floyd run for his money know you're not talking about the boxing ring so what you mean run for his money like he still chain the club and start running out big coming up later on this ried oh that was good yeah Floyd about to fight y'all so I'm me get back on my prom F delived by crazy a in boxing they try to hide average boxers behind a good name so this [ __ ] name crazy a you know what I mean crazy he's crazy he's come in mother come and do [ __ ] so the craziest thing about him is his name you feel me gotta watch out for those Fighters with a good name up [Music] sorry I probably You shutle by if tank fights real next fight that means he's staying at 140 and shur noral fight never happened first off tank ain't never going to stay at 140 cuz he too small for 140 according to him so he'll probably fight R and move back down Picasso Picasso beat on um crazy and nobody B than [ __ ] this [ __ ] still has a start about to start in a little bit though but it's cuz they added if it would have been perfect without this extra fight nobody cares about crazy this [ __ ] was wack Anthony Davis is walking him out right Davis walking you talking about them tall ass tall ass security guards you got you talk about the tall security guard that Anthony Davis got I mean thaty got you got a joke or something he it in the building for real ad really in the building I guess he's walking out with for real okay list a ler 24y old fighter who's never in this situation would have still beenen by this man oh Anthony Edwards and Anthony Davis walking out with Floyd damn Floyd still got that star power Ryan we know who that is yeah we know bro you don't got to say the basketball players we know who the [ __ ] is NBA players are global global icons bro just because of the way that the league is marketed they it's unlike boxing boxers actually got to have personality NBA player they just have to be there and the NBA does everything else when it comes to the marketing forum said that he knew he was built for boxing primarily when he was playing soccer and there was a game where he went Anthony Edwards walking out with [Music] Floyd I mean just show you that Floyd respect he so famous all of these athletes grew up watching going to be the face of the league once LeBron is G League already over man League f as hell I don't see what the Wy hype is all about like just tall bro that's it justall from trying to make this Global money but ain't on that level like that wh never going to be the best play in the league bro put money in of his audience on a Mayweather undercard and the still raining down here in the arena in Mexico [Music] City man I'm tired Floyd need to carry his ass F to carry his fake hairline having ass out here and fight if he gave 6 to 10 months of boxing training could he beat a heavyweight like Jared Anderson Cas ch that [ __ ] said cash is chain is that one Vandal is that one vand [ __ ] said cash is chy yeah LeBron could be cash and chy right now could be C right now could be Undisputed if you want ready to it back I don't know if I'm laughing cuz y' funny or just tired bro you know you get tired you get a little high that [ __ ] said LeBron could be Undisputed I don't know [ __ ] LeBron couldn't even be Undisputed in NBA and that's a non- contct sport man get his ass T man y'all stop talking about uh that was like my olymp that moment Cesar you know a million of course you I had insufficient funds before that show but winning the contender and winning this truck on the contender first time I got this weak ass commercial for autoone bro is still a top 10 player in the league at age 40 PDS bro LeBron another Manny Pacquiao LeBron another send a link I ain't sending your ass [ __ ] no just go to stream bro just go to stream no man can beat LeBron in a fight he has powers [ __ ] he fight me his [ __ ] GNA have uh po powers and sleeping bro it's on streames you don't need a link for streames just type in streames never use PD bro LeBron uses PDS everybody know LeBron use PDS [ __ ] that's not a secret one of the best sters in the world so being able to just focus on my hands now even when LeBron retire and he not working up into them white people no more they going to expose his assd LeBron got jbr takes care of his body yeah he take good care of his body with them syringes and BR 100% us PD ain't no way thank you thank you bed up man he more than roed up man that [ __ ] uh roed and and exploited you just assuming bro I'm not assuming there's never been any human being to be 40 years old operating at that level athletically bro MJ wasn't playing like that at that age man MJ was less he he was able to play at that that level when he was 40 years old LeBron on that [ __ ] there never been a brother to come through the NBA to have that type of longevity so if no man ever did it before then the man the man that's doing it probably cheating like Lance Armstrong when Lance armr was winning all them [ __ ] um tournaments and C [ __ ] y act like he was just on a bike then it came out he was just a man on that [ __ ] that's how LeBron be once he retired and he not worth white they going make money off his One More Time by exposing that's why he's the greatest the fact that he can still play at an elite he the greatest he the greatest of the sying NJ was hooping on the Wizards and not like this exactly noain go that makes his better no it don't was the best player since he entered the leag and weighed 160b giving a $21 2 to the let's get it on I'm back up I was tired I'm back up cuz now the real fight about to H the and I don't know why got even hit the if I had a fight with flather I wouldn't even train I'm not saying like me I'm saying if I'm and I got to fight with I'm not going to train you know why it's going to be the same with regardless you going get your ass get ACH of money I'm not for that you think jannis roed up yeah jannis beened up look at how Yiannis came into the league and look at him now BR like 23 years in and only got four chips and the fact that he 23 years in and still jumping like that man imagine how many syringes he got in LeBron versus Floyd would sell 3 million P by it would would LeBron is a global icon LeBron James you [ __ ] must not know my name Shen for Reigns and a straight finals all right Floyd Mayweather got the third let's do it gu the third about to get his ass knocked out cold cold after that I'm going go to the store give me a rebild for a dollar going to go live on Tik Tok LeBron might stop Floyd he way too big you [ __ ] crazy bro LeBron do you know in order to be a boxer you have to build punch position LeBron never been hit in his damn life LeBron will get his knocked out remember when James Harden caught the elbow from R and James Harden just dropped that's how it's going to be has to be mind atast broism is different than football and basketball is constant moving you constantly have to be moving for 3 minutes stra LeBron will bring a basketball in the ring and dunk on LeBron has probably never been in a fight if he were he could beat somebody he could beat somebody he can't beat no [ __ ] FL LeBron can't beat me in a fight I [ __ ] LeBron and that's not me saying nothing just that he don't box he'll get [ __ ] up big time I wouldn't even feel good putting Hands On Lebron bum ass when I say bum I mean in fighting ter as far as basketball he's all time great you can't you can't reach him though what you mean I can't reach him you got to go up to the body KJ versus Floyd Floyd too old to fight me bro all of that [ __ ] Floyd has to do exhibition because y'all understand when you get old in boxing you just get old like like when you watch Robinson last fight he was fighting against somebody that he would have murdered back in the day he's 6'8 bro it don't matter if he's 7 foot tall what you think his body s foot tall you think his body start S feet in the air if I was if LeBron James was in front of me talking about yo we going to box let tell you LeBron I actually box bro I trained the boxing I prepared myself to box so I don't think he W do this if he still popping that [ __ ] I'm going break his rib or something and let his ass know how tall are you bro I'm 510 let me stand up know I mean so remember Mike tyon F Dave Jacob D 66 Mike knocked his ass out the same thing say KJ 53 I'm 510 bro I'm not lying about my height or nothing I don't got to lie about [ __ ] like y'all ain't nobody bro I whoop all your ass I always people always like this my thing if if you not put no fear in my heart then what why I got to lie to you B1 n o I'll whoop your ass B1 if you box if you boxing you you in the Baltimore eara um come to my gym I whoop your it's somebody that that said they wanted to spar me and M Lewis my with my left hand he up and whoop his ass they said they going to pay me $250 too so I'm want my money but I don't know who it is hopefully he ranked or something you know I mean I get some some [Music] accolades go for the leg D1 see he ain't tell me he was wrestling I'm talking about boxing bro how would Draymond doing boxing bad NBA players in NBA for a reason boxing totally separate and even MMA Combat Sports is totally separate from them team sports that you watch 99% of D to do that [ __ ] come by you got be born to you got be born to do this fight and [ __ ] bro like I was never the only sport that I was good at was rugby all that other [ __ ] I was never good I was okay but I was never good but this this physical this boxing [ __ ] I was a natural James Johnson would beat anybody anybody at who Floyd about to fight Gotti I'm 300 pound 64 you can't do nothing with me KJ Mike if I hit you in your temple you going to be 300 lb laying on the [ __ ] ground bro if we in a boxing match like a boxing match not no outside you just think you going to put your weight on me but if I catch you outside and and you twoo slow like your hands ain't fast and I catch you in that Temple you going to be 300 lbs on the ground I'm 710 500 I don't got to worry about fighting you you you can't walk you got you got fight southa I can't fight Southpaw Jake I'm an actual fighter I would hurt Southpaw bro I seen uh a short on YouTube of Southpaw fighting some dude they both slow as [ __ ] I don't think y understand how F like how atic am I'm actually a great athlete I'm 63 210 let's box okay text me in the uh Tik Tok I'll tell you where where the meet at um we we could far I'll put it on you know the channel so everybody you getting your ass whooped you know after after we can take a couple pictures together I might sign an autograph for your for your punk ass all right John Gotti about to get [ __ ] up y' y'all ready this is the moment you all been waiting for this is the moment we all been waiting for bro John Gotti about to get [ __ ] up I'mma cover it though I'mma cover it like an analyst and that's going to be over two hours of content for my YouTube page John Gotti just got in the ring I think Floyd about to do his little walk out damn they showing when Floyd knock rcky hat into the damn post they sh when he whoop Miguel C that's what I'm saying the pedig Floy really beat the best fighters in the world now he fighting civilians man he never going to lose [Applause] Floyd better stop messing with them Mobsters I'm walking out with Floyd be right back do you think Jamal Charlo could make a name for himself again or is he done it depend on what he want to do man if he come back and start winning he could Floyd racist with his walk out disrespecting Mexican how he disrespecting Mexican do you know Mexico was once populated by all black people Floy own Mexico I own Mexico the entire world belongs to blacko was was Floyd trying to be Canelo Canelo trying to be Floyd will never make the money that Floy Madea is you black you own everything man all all the lands world was populated by blacks andely hurry up get your ass R form exhibitions three haveed in Knocks a bit more playful dist fights which of exib er Floy will that's I'm fight my next fight sh Floyd fresh to death boy with that Mexican [ __ ] on Floyd doesn't support his own people that's a lie Floyd best W was Juan Marquez no his best W was Canelo what Floyd best his best performance was Canelo bro he was 30 years old fighting a 23y old canel Alvarez and made him look like nothing considering he came out of retirement he almost stopped Marquez bro my back boy say I'm black what you mean [Music] KJ I don't know man man [ __ ] but look I'm about to get to my analysis all the jokes is over it's time for me to break down this fight boy we wasted an hour of my life with that last [ __ ] so you better um put on brother wasted the hour of my life Mak me watch Theo and the crazy a bum ass that's that's TBE right there TBE TBE see y'all get ready it's about to go down come on this national anthem [ __ ] Bro oh my gosh how many ANS we got here oh my [ __ ] gosh br [Music] Fu sorry about this guys for some reason before any sporting event we got to seen the country's national anthem for whatever reason they've been doing the same played out [ __ ] for years they keep on doing it I apologize they say the fight ends with a brawl the last fight ended with a braw but this fight gonna end with John Gotti getting his ass knocked out he gonna get knocked out bro [Music] man Hur your ass [Music] upy ass [ __ ] for the people that say Pacquiao greater than Floyd man Pacquiao ain't greater than no [ __ ] Floy we saw what happened when they fought Pacquiao fought a whole Floy and got his ass tore no Dad good get your ass off stage Ang the stage L [ __ ] out the ring so good something something I wish the damn chat [ __ ] would just stay up there bro oh my God not anybody seen probably the American [Music] [ __ ] [ __ ] oh my [Music] God these are [ __ ] have decent everyone quick stand kiss my [Music] ass the r we [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] Yo God he shaved his head for this fight bro God he shaved his head for this fight but Floyd Mayweather about to scop his head know I mean [Music] man I don't know she must have threw that ass at somebody because she wasn't really that good of a singer so I don't know how she got the the part so she must have you know put it on somebody real good no for real I ain't trying to be funny like she must have really yeah she might can't sing that good but she probably could sing something else you know what I mean she probably could play the fle real good you know what I mean it ain't no [ __ ] way so I could have did better than that I would have oh say can you [Music] see all right John Gotti about to get [ __ ] up y'all ready the show about to start they said she good at that she good at that H Tu that H she good at that H hey bro Floyd ready whoop John got ass gather around gather around you heard it here first KJ TV baby jake crazy Jake crazy as [ __ ] damn that [ __ ] ain't figh till 1 in the morning bro it said John Gotti about to be Undisputed after the [ __ ] body going be sleep after of this John got about to take a nap boy like I'm John got it about to get put to sleep like I'm John got it put your hands down you fight me B like I'm John got it it ain't [ __ ] to take a hitn John Gotti going to show show out for mexic it don't even make sense cuz he Italian bro like he not about to for [ __ ] he about to get knocked out John is in mexo fight for that's what Happ when you have too much money all the time on your hand you just doing dumb [ __ ] get knocked out it ain't [ __ ] to get hit I feel like John got it I'm a laugh what he say when he get knocked out you you going to laugh imagine Gotti stop man get the [ __ ] out of here if Gotti stop Mayweather than that we Mayweather took a dive and Mayweather probably made a bunch of money and it would even affects his record I can't wait to get out of this damn chair bro sitting down as long can't be good for you I'm going to go to gym tomorrow and roll my back out and [ __ ] I might get up in that hot tub Hot Tub Time Machine [Music] the mafia got Floy somebody got Floy I don't know if it's a mafia but when you make a billion dollars best believe this a c white people that tell you what to do for Grand Rapids Michigan damn bro left hand stolen boy did Floyd walk out with a I don't know who he walked out with I wasn't paying attention you see them tall ass bodyguards a sh got it I wonder if Floyd drinking water or Gatorade in the corner that may seem insignificant but it really is very significant if only Floyd wasn't pillow fisted he wasn't pillow fisted the man actually had um hand problems wasn't pillow fisted at all all right let's get down into let's get down to the mid and the grd I'm be breaking this [ __ ] down for yall PE by P punch by punch top level analysis I'm up now baby SE Gotti going get stop and call it down probably the fth round yeah Floyd already smiling with that fake ass hairline and [ __ ] everybody talking about LeBron so good LeBron need to go to a different hair transplant um this [ __ ] don't look like how [ __ ] look half half real there it is Floyd Mayweather starting with the high guard per usual as expected always start with the high guard because that way he can protect himself while he's figuring out his opponent John Gotti he's a little bit more ID than he was in the first match so maybe he's been practicing more plus this is his second time getting the ring so believe it or not he's got better every time he get in the ring he more experience even if you getting there just get knocked out okay John got trying to counter wow long body shot from Floyd Mayweather Floyd is going for the stoppage Floyd with the right hand right over the jagb oh he's trying to hurt this man bro long body shots he missed that one okay Floyd did that sling shot with the right hand that he likes to throw double jab tap the guard and the jab to the bodyy is looking pinpoint sharp tonight he's not playing as much as he was last time I think he really time for the stop with that hook missed that time jti had pretty decent defense jti finally threw that jab again joh is scared to throw the jab because of how fast the right hand hit him last time Floyd Mayweather is still showing foot speed moving around the ring not really fing much for whatever reason I think he's trying to make it some some sort of a fight John Gotti with that chin up low lead hand very scared to throw because you know Floyd is waiting to counter him he can feel that Floyd isn't playing around as much as he was in that first exhibition I'll be surprised if Floyd doesn't get a stoppage tonight Floyd Mayweather hit him in the back of the head but the referee said you dipped your head down so it was a rabbit punch caused by you Floyd Mayweather throwing the hook around the guard Floyd throwing the body jab and then jumping out before got could counter reflexes by the old man moving around the ring light on his feet tapping the guard with that jab so he has both of his hands down D is so worried about getting being counter but he doesn't even want to throw he has Floyd back into the corner what will he do he does nothing Floyd gets off the ropes immediately kti throws three hooks all of them get blocked by Floyd's guard kti doesn't know how to really get off his offense cuz he's in there with somebody that's three times faster than him and 15,000 levels more experienced than him so God is just a man in the boxing right there I see Floyd throwing the right hand over top of the Guard behind the jab but he didn't put any power on so maybe he's not looking for the stoppage tonight Floyd has shown more speed and quickness to the last two guys that we fought boo so what I just found out is these are still going to be two minute rounds these are two-minute rounds I don't know doing to many rounds to protect Floyd or to protect Gotti for Floyd is 47 I guess he doesn't want to put that much tread on his tires at 47 years old if you get tired and you're 47 years old and you're forcing yourself to throw punches that's where injuries come in that's you can tear a rotator C that's you can tear a bicep a tricep you know I mean you could tear your shoulder that way so Floyd is doing two-minute rounds just having fun um early on he was showing some power he's been slick and reflexive the entire time but the last couple of overhand he has been taking his his power off the punch so he's been tapping Gotti and retracting his punch so I don't know if he's trying to stop him can Floyd be L at 160 no no Floyd is great but far the time is undefeated round two of this exhibition is about to be um underway here we go Gotti filling this up more finally L jab to the body he did that off the F guard up is Floyd gonna actually try to land some power on this man remember G out weighs Floyd about 20 pounds Floyd pulls back from the from the uh hook of Gotti Floyd is trying to show some defense but Gotti is too scared to Rel to often so Floyd jumped out there with the lead lead hook K can't get around the guard the high guard of Floyd Mayweather he's confused Theus beud right there Floyd showing a little bit um a little bit lacking in his balance okay they said Floyd hit got him behind the head Floyd is arguing with the ref the ref is trying to put him in his place damn Floyd told the referee to move already yo I don't like when these referees do this in the Floyd exhibition bro they trying to DQ floor because they [ __ ] up his money yeah yo the referee messing up the show man we don't got time for that they trying to disqualify Floyd Mayweather bro because Floyd y'all see this y'all see this they trying to say because Floyd told the referee move referee feel some type of way I feel Floyd on this though all right what happened is these referees Kenny Bell was doing that too these referees they get upset because Floyd so powerful and they don't like when Floyd tell yeah Floyd got rid of that referee they take Floyd said get your ass out of here this my show that's what he should have did the Kenny bis but he respected Kenny Kenny cuz Kenny a brother yeah Floyd fired that [ __ ] on the spot now that's black power I ain't never seen no [ __ ] like that FY fired the referee on the spot yeah now now yeah I like that let's get back to the fight got a new referee fired that [ __ ] he trying to make it too much about him John Gotti ain't in there to get no calls he to get his ass with yeah I like that after we saw yeah Floyd fired that [ __ ] on the spot I like that now Floyd taging John got whenever you want John Gotti too slow man he just a body in the ring extra 20 lbs and nobody Mayweather with the hands down feel this all right they trying to say it was scripted I don't think it was scripted I think it was reminiscent and Floyd had Dej Vu where Kenny Bellis [ __ ] up his last fight he said y'all don't got time for this y'all hating on me still y'all trying to mess my money up Jordan say he just woke up that's good Jordan cuz you ain't Miss nothing because them other fights wasn't worth [ __ ] them other fights that you that that they had on the car wasn't worth nothing even the kerel mton fight was underwhelming they need to put kerel mton in there with real competition so we have something to actually break down Floyd is on PDS why he moving like that at 47 bro go watch Floyd Mayweather senior um spar with people at 60 something years old bro Floyd Mayweather is a freak athlete freak athlete bro some of us black people our parents our fathers our grandfathers we was just blessed in that way LeBron is a freak athlete too but LeBron performing like he's still in his 30s and he's 40 Floy not performing how he was in his 30s just quit no you're not using my logic bro what you doing is you making the ass out yourself so LeBron yeah LeBron is a freak athlete but at 40 years old you don't do what no man has never done before bro be real when they Expos LeBron you going like a fool okay everybody want to believe me in two they Los to good jab stab jab by Floyd he doubled up on it got don't know what to do oh man Floyd got to look on this face I can't tell if Floyd is trying to go with power and really stop this dude oh man he's trying to really stop him Floyd un unveiling on them trying to look for those holes oh man great body shot by Floyd mwe was searching for that shot bro searching for the big shot okay got actually selling up pretty good right hand in the middle of the Guard throws it again I want to see Floyd work the body more man I want to see him work the body more Floyd resets gets back on his his [Music] bike Mak miss taking his time smiling sticking his tongue out at the crowd in full control see not really trying to stop him I thought he was but he could have turned the heat all the way up he didn't do it God he hasn't landed a clean shot other than the body jab I believe uh in the second round this is what we all expected 15 round D yeah Floyd May putting the glove in the neck dirty R house pack that's we want to see end of the third round I don't know if Floyd is going for The Knockout or not he turned up the heat in fact I don't think he is he turned up the heat had Gotti pinned with his back against rope and then he just went off of them you know what I mean so I think Floyd is carrying this guy maybe they have that in the contract you can't knock me out because I'm John got's grandson is not going to be a good look for the m i don't want to get picked on by my family I don't want to get picked on by my mes and you know by my Compadres when I get back around my people you know that's how that's how John Gotti is looking at it that's how Floyd is looking at it so Floyd he's not really trying to knock him out I'll be shocked if he get the stoppage CU that mean I'll be wrong in my assessment but even when he had him pend against SC he could have turned it all the way up he turned it up against tension Floyd he doesn't really want to turn it all the way up on this guy but he did hit him with two big body shots man then he backed off for whatever reason maybe it's in the contract you about to find out I believe we going into round four of this exhibition this is a very short show but this is a show nonetheless round four Floyd Mayweather starts round on his toe jazz Floy just working a jab this round against John got now he's coming in with the right hand behind the jab I wonder if Floyd Han started hurting him anytime during this fight because he just suddenly stopped putting real pressure on John Gotti even though John Gotti has no defense or offense to do anything with Floyd Gotti has his weird ass stance standing right up has a hole right in between his high guard doesn't have a close High guard so Floyd is just carrying them man that's what it looks like Floyd showing that skill on the inside hting the opponent's chest okay let's see if Floyd starts to work the body see if you can okay hit him with a rabbit punch just there when heis we he did straight shots by Floyd tapping the guard just scoring shots now he's not really trying to do much I want to see Floyd pick the pace up hit this man in the solo p see how he react you know what I mean yeah so this is just some routine um pity Pat shots that I just seen from FL Mayweather touching John got his guard it's clear that he's carrying man uh Floyd took that round off for whatever reason I hope that he picked the pace up I want to see some hard body shots by Floyd maywe I want to see Floyd walk down John Gotti it said who won Floyd versus Gotti one and two come on bro [Music] here we go all right round five bro Floyd Mayweather John got look like Floyd trying to walk John got in or something he walked immediately to the ropes immediately to the corner uh as soon as the round started boy got the high guard up John got scared to throw scared to get counter maybe Floyd just want to showcase his defense who knows maybe he's not trying to set joh out up or something great Jaz yeah John Gotti like the announcer said he's dipping his head down that's why he's getting hit with the rabbit punches cuz he dipping his head instead of his legs great body shot by Floy the moments that is perhaps searching for as call using that flicking jab a lot now not really throwing the straight jab or the jab throwing the flicking jab right there Floyd did a little tap hook and then when Gotti went in he just grabb doing that flipping drag coming around with the overhand not putting anything on his hand you can tell he's not following through with the right hand because of the way he's pulling it back so he's throwing the right hand i'm South I'm throw my left but throwing the right hand then pulling it out like that cuz he's not following through he's just tapping joh God he doesn't really want to hurt him which is unfortunate I wanted to see a knockout tonight but [ __ ] [Music] it may great body shot by Floy you saw some jaw jacking at the end of that round so this exhibition is almost over man I'm be honest with you I'm glad that I streamed this [ __ ] for free because Floyd ain't even pushing for the knock out so I don't like that that's kind of kind of whack still Kashi punch is coming like the announcer noticed still very quick still sharp for a man of his age still remarkable 47 and being really really good shape and still be that damn quick but as far as you know trying to hurt somebody maybe when he first picked up the pace in the third round and he hit hit him with those body shots he started hurting his hands you know we know he had brittle hands in his career but I'm not impressed by this um exhibition thus far I think Floyd uh must have had this man sign something to say like bro look just get in there I ain't going to hurt you too bad we just going to go through the paces I don't like that man Floyd got the capability to go in there and stop this boy that's what I that's what I turn this [ __ ] on the seat hopefully we get that I think we going in round six right now High guard small step yep we in round six High guard not much happening thus far John Gotti land a nice little body shot in the clinch one of the few shots he landed in this entire fight okay Floy going to start walking him down and hitting that body Floy gonna start digging to that body that's what I'm trying to see start digging to that body man [Music] now they on on the inside fighting that's what I want yeah Floyd dig into that body he's not following through he's just tapping them with body shots that's what I dislike but on the inside okay Gotti was able to actually duck some shots just now so got's natural awareness in the ring has gotten better since the first time they fought and you expect that because it's the second time being in front of the crowd now hopefully turn up in these last two rounds inside work God he won't even let his hands go on the inside maybe he's tired it's all Floy right now even the announcer noticed that Floyd isn't sitting down in the shots he's just packing got him so there must be some type of contractual agreement that he can't really hurt him got ducking some shots wow Floy made Gotti swing for thees this Floy holding Gotti waiting for the round to end two more rounds to go in this um sluggish exhibition hopefully for the last few rounds Floyd turns it up because so far this [ __ ] is whack started out good though but so far it's whack man I'm not going to lie to you like Floyd is better off knocking these dudes out if Floyd knocks out these bums it actually make sure you want to watch him knock them out more but him going eight rounds with a [ __ ] scrub carrying the scrub not even putting no power on it you don't make it don't make you really want to tune in so the next time Floyd fight I'm only going to be watching for Floy on that [ __ ] I want to see Floyd drop this dude break a red you know I mean knock his eye out the side I'm just compling about the eye [ __ ] but seriously Floyd supposed to be dominating John Gotti in a way to where though John Gotti can't really answer the belt no more but Floyd he's pulling when the punches like this he's not following through with the punch so that's why that's why John Gotti still stuck sticking around two more two more rounds go bro round seven me him back on the inside okay two rounds Floy Floyd showing that speed now turning up on John goty turning up showing speed on his shot letting his hands go let's see if he try to get the stoppers in these last four four minutes that's what I'm trying to see I want to see Floyd get the stoppers in these last four minutes John Gotti hit Floyd below the belt just now no don't know what the [ __ ] do all right Floyd tapping him with that r hand refere got doing a lot of holding man just like Logan Paul good body shot by Floyd way to come upstairs Floyd opening up on him a little bit come on Floyd you got one more round after this man if you don't stop him this round to really go for in the last round but he's showing a lot more offense in this round this what people pay to see we pay to see Floyd beat up on these bums we watching to see you really beat up on a bum to show the different the difference to show the Gap in between somebody El a legend and somebody that's a no you don't want to see you carrying these dud for the last round hold again I think Gotti is tired and Gotti is feeling the shots that before throwing his last punch Gotti's legs are actually weaker you can see got don't have no legs if Floyd really push the pace in these last two minutes he could stop Gotti if he really pushed the pace these last few minutes he can stop Gotti Eli says this fight sucks I agree this is really not a good he said Gotti is looking impressive Gotti's defense is actually pretty good for this his second fight ever his defense got way better but he's not looking impressive at all man you must be trolling yeah Floyd was opening up in his last round man opening up Floy opening up in this round oh I do see Anthony Davis in the crowd the uni P did versus 50 Cent Oh trip I'm not even watching to be honest just listening yeah the fight really ain't all that the fight really ain't all that I ain't going to lie hopefully get this the last round hopefully F get the stop it after this I'm I'm getting off the live so let's do it last two minutes final round man back up into the corner and start the round I don't like that at all there two minutes left look stop this [ __ ] hit him with some [ __ ] man doing like you did attention see people are boring now because there's no action I think that these guys okay turning up on now oh John got almost out to hit him with a nice big hook okay John [Music] I think these dudes get in there and they feel Floyd power and they say you know what I'm G just chill the [ __ ] out so I make this dude mad he gonna try to knock me out that's what happened with tension tension made Floyd mad and really hit him with a big shot yo ref it's 48 seconds bro Floyd already told y'all there's 30 seconds left man it's 30 seconds left y'all talking about a shot behind the head [Laughter] bro Floy just playing around with this dude yeah got and Floyd this underwhelming underwhelming man Floyd you getting there with these dud you got to knock them out bro that's what we coming to see [Music] I don't know what the hell Floyd is saving these dudes Floyd could really be [ __ ] these guys up I don't know why he be saving Gody wins a decision unanimously man don't nobody win this [ __ ] was whack man don't nobody win Floyd Lost um I don't know if FL be able to keep doing these exibition I don't know I don't know but that's it I don't want to see nothing El yeah that was a waste I ain't going to lie I ain't going to lie um I thought F was going to try to stop that bump he carried him I don't know why that's people sign these contracts like I would never sign a contract to fight Jake Paul if he say oh you can't hurt me and I can hurt you or we got to go 12 rounds or bro a lot of this [ __ ] is a little bit too fixed if you want to have an exhibition people should still be able to fight but I think John Gotti not trying to get life damage and injuries from a fight with Floyd Mayweather so they sign and say look well you can't really you can't really hit me too hard you can't do this if that's the case don't get in there bro it takes away from the rawness of the event the danger of the event but I'm out yo that was it um I covered the Kel m fight it was over 50 seconds I covered the Floyd Mayweather fight I did what I came to do I [ __ ] around with the chat for a little bit Floyd a ain't really do what I thought he was going to do he said he really pushing for a knockout clearly he was just bullshitting and making money it is what it is man y'all have a good night I'm out

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