Breaking news: this seems to be one of the biggest IT outages

Published: Aug 14, 2024 Duration: 00:00:50 Category: People & Blogs

Trending searches: microsoft outages
breaking news Microsoft has gone down worldwide all Windows systems are experiencing worldwide outages what seems to be like a recent update from cyber security provider crowd strike has caused a widespread system failure this update forces Windows PCS into a continuous blue screen of death commonly known as a bsod state now this isn't your average glitch we're talking Mass disruption to Payment Systems Airlines and even TV stations knocked offline in different parts of the world since thousands of Windows machines stuck in a recovery boot loop unable to start properly however this update seems to have even begun to affect India as well now according to crowd strike's director of OverWatch there is a faulty Channel file and these above steps can help you fix this issue but this is just a glimpse of how fragile our digital ecosystem is one wrong move and the world's infrastructure crumbles

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