Justin Hall vs Roberto Gomez - One Pocket - 2024 Derby City Classic rd 9
Published: Aug 24, 2024
Duration: 01:28:27
Category: Sports
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welcome back to railbirds TV everybody and the 2024 Derby City Classic one-pocket division this is round n and I am your host Scott Frost aka the freezer as you see on your screen we've got two special players both players have a loss so somebody will go home Justin Hall versus the great Roberto Gomez go over the rules real quick they will lag for break but in this case it looked like they flipped for the break it will be alternate break following that each opponent has a designated pocket the first to make any eight balls wins that particular game any foul will cost to a ball three foul rule is in effect couple fun facts for you here Justin Hall is having a great week here at the Derby City Classic he lost to Josh filler in the finals of the banks event and let me tell you something if you were able to witness that Justin played absolutely amazing and a lot of people say he was robbed of that title but you can't take anything away from filler also as I said both of these players have a loss Justin Hall lost in round five to Brandon Shuff and Roberto Gomez lost to a long long time friend of mine Darren Evert out of Missouri and he beat Gomez in round five as well shout out to my friend Darren Evert big old country boy out of Missouri I grew up playing with him such a steady player so misleading but the minute you get on the table with him you can see that his fundamentals and stroke are absolutely amazing he's a great player and very capable of beating Gomez so it looks like Gomez is set to break he did win the flip he will have the lower right hand corner pocket and I think it's lost of game if you have the phone on the table but we'll let him slide well this is fairly interesting uh the spread is not a traditional one-pocket spread nothing really threatening Roberto's pocket and you see the nine 13 and five tied up low I'll tell you what the three is close to wir to Hall's pocket probably a fraction high oh and if that gives you any idea of how Hall is playing you've got to feel good to play that shot he obviously hit it good but I have a little concern about it I think that Roberto can play the 513 combination with inside English towards his pocket on the lower right side and play the Q ball over to the left side of the table using the stack but before he does that he needs to finish this phone call so let's pay attention and see what he's saying I think he's calling Efron to see what he needs to do I forgot to tell you you can phone a friend one time per match here at the the Derby City [Music] Classic just kidding yeah so looking at this angle and credit to Justin Hall he made a great kick to the 15 but I feel like Roberto is going to be able to open this 13 up and go one rail and if not he can Bank the nine clean and come off the top of the five and 13 yeah and this is what I was talking about he's I'm a little surprised Justin didn't recognize that situation but he Roberto has caught the three which has kept the qball low enough for Justin to bank the five or the seven I don't believe the seven carries position so I think he's got across the five maybe go up into the 10 or the bottom of the 11 he's gambling pretty heavy here but I think he's got to do it we're playing on 4 and 1/2 in Pockets with new cloth these are the wonderful Diamond Pro and tables so he's kicking at the 13 that tells me he's concerned about the kiss and he made that look incredibly easy so excellent shot Again by Justin Hall backto back kicks and he's laid the Q ball down nicely makes life difficult for Gomez to even come off the bottom of the five and get him behind the pile and I'm sure his concern in doing that is leaving the three [Music] I like the shot he's elected to go through the four cleanly leave him doubled and tripled up on the nine and five looking to go to [Music] 15 touchy shot I would expect if he does that he's considering bringing the QQ ball low or into the back of the 11 H it's not a terrible shot here is why if Roberto elects to bank the three the Q ball is going to have to travel up a fraction and he'll allow Justin Hall to see the one which is not necessarily losing your position but Justin might do some damage if he can see all of the [Music] one yeah this is why Roberto was conscious of that fact and instead put him long versus leaving him close allowing him to go into the one full he's concerned about going forward on the five the five might kiss the three leave a [Music] bank and it did I don't think Roberto will pass this up it's pretty steep but he can go heavily into the nine and he might even gain position on the seven and I think he might catch the bottom of the seven if he uses a low right Q ball he can twist this back that's what he's going to do well it better go in I thought that QQ ball might travel a little bit more but can Hall make the 14 looks to me like he can what is he going to do with the Q ball using low inside here oh he was flatter than I thought what a hit one rail straight into the pile and he's Off to the Races playing for seven it's a big match for Justin Hall he's currently in the running for the master of the table and it never fails the commentary is a jinx nicely played now he can elect to come clean over to the 11 and two or go into the five he's gone into the five but this has caused problems he's elevated you know and I think I probably would have done the same thing but you want to catch it with a little more pace oh this looks this do look fun he's got it down he's got a shot on the 15 and he's playing for four oh he's got it thick very thick Justin can cut this nine he's really good at the chop shot what I mean by that is he chops balls very well with a center QQ ball and if you were to shoot that nine it looks very steep but if you were to shoot that nine he would shoot it with a center Q ball and let the Q ball do whatever it has to do he's looking for a way to get to the 15 a little surprised maybe I can get a different view from the other side I don't know if this it looks to me like he can cut this nine and it's a big reward well I didn't know he could see the bottom of the 15 what a hit can we get a replay on that what a beautiful H hit that was he had a little alley to the bottom of the 15 and he played it off of the point and R Roberto looking to play the seven into the two I think let's take another look he had a window there between the 12 and 10 he caught the 15 off the point look at the QQ ball just Butters up right onto the eight the two hangs what a beautiful hit that was it looks like he had a tip of left on it so Roberto Gomez needs four and Justin Hall playing for six and this would get it if he can knock this Bank down wow what a hit look at the momentum or the pace around the table that he has he looks very very confident this week like to get an angle where he could come one rail up into the 12 shooting the 15 and it's a little flat so he might have to take his medicine I don't think you flirt it's going up into those balls now I would come around for the nine that's what he's done he might be able to come two rails tight into the one here with a lot of left Spin and that's what he's looking at just Edge the one [Music] or is he flirting with the corner pocket doing this now he's reaching as well H just wanted to catch the one these balls are in a position that definitely favor [Music] Gomez he wanted to catch a piece of the eight there he didn't want to bring this ball all the way down and Gomez going to have a good look at the two [ __ ] on the purple and white I believe he's caught it a fraction long and he has High inside here kill the Q ball oh and he's caught a double kiss and got away with it or no Gomez going to get another swing that ball did come out of there Justin caught it a fraction thin was probably afraid of double kissing it so just wanted to make sure he stayed clear of it but didn't think about the 12 catching the Jaws I believe he's going to draw this back up table for the one remember he needs all four and he's come long again Justin Hall will cut it this one in game number one to get the first w and that's a good hit Justin Hall will crack Roberto Gomez's break in game number one he's off to the racers want to thank Bad Boys billiard productions for their partnership in this stream thank you guys so much for your participation and support Justin hall probably having one of the better tournaments he's had in a few years has worked pretty hard on his game as of late and you can see it in his confidence and he's known to have a really devastating break this isn't totally devastating but it's pretty good he's got a lot of threats there Roberto might be able to go full through the six you don't want to come too far with the Q ball okay that was well done sending something up table [Applause] oh very clever shot as well he knew the three was coming out played the Q ball with a Center left straight back over into the [Music] pile think robberto forced to chip off the top of the four he'd like to cover Hall up on the three but not leave him a bank on the nine I don't know that he got there I don't think he [Music] did Justin electing to put him right back where he was well that's pretty good from where he was cut him off from the eight trying to put him back in the stack or just keep him low h can Roberto kick to the top side of the eight he's not doing that just going to bun it to his side of the table or close to it Justin doing a good job of protecting the five and the nine looks to me like these might be going up table he could bank at this 14 but the three is too risky to sell Out Boy he looks like he's wanting to bank at this ball interesting interesting I think Gomez will shoot playing on 4 and 1/2 inch Pockets I feel like he's got to shoot at this three ball and come down for the 11 he's such a straight shooter he's not entertaining it [Music] whatsoever now he's taking a look yeah I was a little surprised obviously Justin felt like he'd get the 11 closer therefore there's a lot of value to the shot Roberto knocks this down he can do some damage Justin Hall applying the pressure sure this is probably not the guy that you want having his back against the wall yeah nice clean strike he didn't get all the way down for the 11 he can Bank it but can he get position I don't think so seems like he's too flat and he just cinched it can he banked the five past the two and butter him up to the backside of the nine hm pretty conservative I figured he might let his stroke out there a little bit and get that five down closer to where it's a threat but real good with the cuq ball so a couple of interesting games so far justtin Hall broke these balls and he's trailing two balls to zero Rober Roberto broke last game and lost so the break proving not to be too powerful yet and he didn't get a rail there so he's going to ow one not only that he's left Roberto perfect on this eight we're close to it the nine goes as as [Applause] well decelerated slightly on his final come through Justin Hall was trying to get up there behind the two is he looking to do the same thing here stick him to the 12 just Bank the nine down decided to bunt it up to the top end Justin looking at the 1014 combination Bank no position out of it he's going to chip off the back of the 10 Gomez leading this game three balls to negative-1 it's a very minor lead in this format on these tables like the 14 to settle I believe it goes still but barely I do not know but it looks like he came up in his final stroke he's trying to get the cube allall up table clearly [Music] and the four does [Music] go like to rub the 13 [Music] here playing for three getting the 10 out of the way of the 13 and 12 playing for two can he hold this with a low outside ball it looks like he [Music] can playing for one and just like that Roberto Gomez takes game number two on Justin Halls break I'd like to thank these stream sponsors hustling u USA clothing company JB custom cases Jerry Olivier custom cues Lipman lights last but not least lock and loaded custom buard apparel thank you guys so much for your support so two interesting games there neither one of them had devastating breaks or what you would call traditional solid one-pocket brakes I do like where he's placing the Q ball this is going to be better regardless because he's got a ball high and low not a lot opened up but it could slow Hall down a little bit at least and the return and that is not what he wanted he was real quick to make the decision he did get a kiss into the stack qall was frozen it opened it up and the 13 come over felt like he was real quick to the shot do the 14 and N Play do the 10 and seven play they all look close but we know that he can wrap around and get to the 81 and 11 a little flatter than he wanted but I think he'll be fine [Music] he got a lot out of it but he would have liked to have had this angle on the 11 unless something is wired like this seven or the nine well he's held that nicely if nothing is wired as far as combinations then he'd like to clip the top of the 14 he's drawing over that tells me that something is close playing for four seven ball a little surprised he shot it like that I figured he might punch it with some speed Andy try and wiggle some things open and I'm sure he would like to have that over does the nine throw down he's looking at cutting the two to the top of the 14 and twisting the nine down but here it looks like the nine is Way High I think Gomez [Music] said a little here I need these three so he was expecting obviously for the 10 to open up but he said he's so stupid I disagree hey guys no see that [Music] right Roberto having a little fun acting like uh he was going to move the 14 just a fraction clearly not thrilled with his decision he could have splashed the pack I think he needs to be careful of the 35 combination to Justin Hall's pocket as well does look like it might be going a fraction low but I think you can throw it upwards yeah and from this angle it looks really good basically you would have to like shoot the 10 into the three even though they're not frozen that ball will still throw well if he wanted to do something very containing he could chip the five and bury him up underneath the six and four he could also I feel like he could I don't know if he can catch the top side of the 14 he just said cuq ball there below the six and four I don't know what the holdup is here but I guess that Justin might have stepped aside for a moment so he's waiting for him to come back and Roberto is talking about the shot and what to do it's the only thing really containing in my opinion is to chip the five and that's what he's going to do but you really have to get him up there on the six so now I wouldn't be surprised if Justin kicks to the 15 opens the five up to his side 15 will hold the Q ball right there in that area and we are waiting on Justin's return I think that you almost have to kick into the 15 here just don't catch the bottom side of it anywhere from the middle to the top side of the 15 not too hard hard because the 15 125 are all almost Frozen yeah just well he's he's caught the wrong ball now owes one the value was there if you execute it better be careful here not to leave Justin Hall straight back well Justin does have a straight back on the three there's nothing threatening Roberto's pocket so I feel like he could have done a little better than that oh it looks really good it looks really good good yes sir this man Banks so well he must be snookered on the five by just a fraction I think the 14 does have him might not look like it on our screen but believe me he's already looked at it [Music] this is a pretty good hit as well one will come up he's paid his bills Roberto kicking to the nine do you kick it two rails or send the qall two rails catching the middle to top side of to the nine sending it to your side and that's what he tried to do a little firm and a little thick on the nine here we are again he's looking at cutting the five or maybe sending the six four or shooting the six sending the four towards his pocket five is a little too steep he'd like to do something aggressive here because he's trailing in the game oh look at this wow if we could get a replay of that I'd like to see it I'm not exactly sure what he did but I would definitely like to take another look and I don't know if he got fortunate or not because of the 1439 but let's take another look okay he caught the 10 first and cared the two back over to his side and Drew the Q ball pretty much putting every single ball in play what a great play that was he's got Gomez on his tippy toes the problem with the 1439 is is that you've got to catch the top side of the 14 to really get the nine near the hole it's not worth it is he going to come forward on the two or just lay him behind the [Applause] 10 that'll do it for now I'm wondering if there's ever a situation where the 1439 would be good but I know one thing this Q ball is really good and the two is even bankable for Justin Hall he's great at the twist cross corner so these balls are in serious play for Hall Gomez might need to elevate on the five into the left edge of the six sending the [Music] six towards the two and the five over to his side as well right only reason I say Elevate because if he goes forward he's flirting with the scratch on the lower left but this is all a result of that shot that Justin Hall played which was very very creative very effective and now he's definitely taking his time knows the severity of this situation what do you do okay he's looking to nudge I run faster than the he didn't get a rail the five did protect Hall can come off the 14 if he wants but is that good enough bringing the 14 over and leaving Gomez flat or do you want to come over to this rail below the right middle I think that's better interesting I wonder if we can go back to that for a quick second like to go back and take a look at that situation yeah so for me obviously he can hit the 14 full I'm wondering if he could have pocketed that ball in the right middle and just played the Q ball and he can see it full even if he can't pocket it he can see it full just play that Q ball down here just below the side to where you're banking the 14 up to the right long rail but now you've got Gomez cut off on the six on the five and really kind of put him in a spot I understand bringing the Q ball up table I don't mind going ahead now but I don't I don't know if this is 100% the right shot I was just looking at another scenario he's done well as far as is getting the 14 over but I feel like he could lose his position in this situation so you've got to wonder if he overlooked a possibility well he knew exactly what he was doing Gomez looked to two rail the five out and could shot it right into the point so Justin Hall knew all along playing for eight the only thing I see wrong here is that he is going to crash into the balls he's got to get a shot though after putting this down well that is cold blooded right there and that was the only problem I saw and it always seems to happen when you're going through the balls if you catch one of them just right or too thin it swings that QQ ball around two to three rails up table to the wrong side and that's what's happened Prett cold blooded that was so Justin Hall will go back again into the negative Roberto Gomez looking for the nearest casino and it's just outside this room is he not going to shoot the nine and go into the 10 he shoots the nine and goes cleanly into the 10 he can come away with a shot on the four is he looking to go into the 14 and bury him behind the six trying to see what he is thinking here 149 and bury him on the [Music] six interesting Justin looking to kick two rails behind the nine that needs to settle but I think it'll be all right yeah a little firm and a little too thin on the wrong [Music] side I think you come to the four here or do you come up depends on how much he can get of it might have to come up using the bridge I don't know if either is that easy yeah he's coming to the four he's got a lot out of it so he'll be good he's playing for three I don't know if he's too steep to draw into the 12 or catch a piece of it I think he is if that's the case he might have to swing two rails to the top right long rail it's the top Rail and out to the middle just to get to the 14 oh he tried to go into the top side of the 14 and decelerated went right into the bottom of it or right into the middle of it he does have a shot on the three but it's not [Music] free and I don't know if he has position if he makes it unless he draws the Q ball to the 14 kicking to the 11 yeah pretty well done from there pretty well done conjus come off the two put him up there in that patch of the 10 15 12 5 like to just glue him right in there between the 15 and five he's worried about tying the two and six up there's a kicking at the six well look at this shot oh and he got the jelly rub on the 11 can he get position on the 11 following the shot what a kick that was boy he got as good a rub as he could get on the 11 as well he wouldn't have had near as nice a combo as he does now position is key and the problem is the 11's going to go away let's take another look at this he hits this with speed right I could tell he was keying up to hit it with speed catches the rail first I believe yeah he caught the rail first got a nice rub on the 11 and he's played the combination and got position on the 11 so that's good but the only issue is he's jacked up oh wow look at this hit what a great hit that was and Justin Hall is back in the game does he come back for the 10 or try and crash into the 125 oh the spot Rock the qall free of the five and you got to be careful here if you do try to draw past the 10 to lower right rail or can you hold it catch the top of the 10 here well that's worst case scenario for Justin Hall unless he can get this out I don't think you [Music] can Valiant effort by Hall Gomez says the 53 is dead straight he will not take a whiff at this I don't believe well he looks like he's going to shoot it boy a lot could go wrong if you catch the wrong side of this ball just like so Justin Hall might try to cross this three go up into the five and win the game I am very surprised needing one that Roberto took a swing at that ball only because it was so high up the the Q ball was so low it's really tough to judge the perfect aim point on that first ball and even though they're wired you can throw that object ball up or down Big Shot coming up for Hall oh he's caught it too thin boy hit it clean as well just too thin and he's not thrilled about it and I can't blame him now can Roberto play the 12 into the stripe on the spot towards his hole and swing the Q ball around two rails to the top left corner or is that asking too much he wants to do it his only concern is catching the 12 a little thin it might go up towards the left middle pocket or at least in that direction so he'd have to catch the ball in the spot full low leftand English you're going to swing the Q ball to rails tight out of the lower right corner up to the top left corner he's giving it some thought can he go forward on the 11 doesn't really want to flirt with the three you could leave Justin some type of Bank and I believe this is the shot I think this is really the safest shot the five is working for Gomez It's kind of out of [Music] play can you kick to the three I wonder if you can soft kick to the three to the left long round yeah it's pretty steep all right let's take a look at this from the other angle so he's looking to play the 12 into the 11 swing the Q ball around two rails to the top left's end well he shot it with a high Q ball I didn't know how he could avoid the kiss doing that [Music] he's kind of gotten away with it Justin doesn't want to cut the three two rail kick behind it h interesting oh no Roberto really looking to cinch his man down just to rail the three out so there I think there was more value to freezing the QQ ball on the rail than there was to get the three up there a little further now Justin can easily come off of the 11 cross this 12 over or play it two rails keeping the pressure on Hall that was all object ball Justin would like to get to this bottom rail here and a little weak a little weak with the Q [Music] ball Gomez playing for one looking at the straight back oh and he's caught it really full and that ball straightened out something fierce look like he put a little left on it it's still backed up and that's the 4 and 1/2 in pockets they will rear their ugly heads at times he's CAU the point very tough strike as well though trying to stun that QQ ball forward a few inches takes a special [Music] stroke Gomez has gone into some type of I don't want to shoot at my whole mode and he's left across corner and I believe leave the QQ balls tracking to the right edge of the 12 unless I'm looking at this angle wrong and Justin's passing this up wow little surprised at that decision something he obviously didn't like about it [Music] he just bring me sorry he just bring me there looks like it's a looking at the three he can also go to the five but he thinks he can hold the three it came off hot last time let's see if it reacts correctly all right now going to the five come on let's go well he hit it real clean he said come on let's go okay let's go Roberto Gomez takes game number three leads two games to one thank you so much to these event sponsors without you guys this event wouldn't be possible Diamond billiard products Ian simonis and simonis cloth armouth billiard balls outsville acur Rak ACU stats video productions and last but not least Masters Billard chalk thank you guys so much for putting the event on Justin Hall quickly up to break and this is a must-win game for him to stay alive in the one pocket as I mentioned earlier on in the match Brandon Shuff also playing really well this week great to see him back he defeated Justin Hall in round five look at this you like it Roberto has overrun the Q Ball kicked to the top side of the 12 and Justin's got an opportunity where do you go from here 14 does play [Music] come into the 10 heavy here the 11 will definitely open the eight will [Music] open that is not the result he was looking for so three for Hall do you take a chance and cross the two into the 13 yeah pretty good effort one and seven kind of funky on Justin's side but I believe the six covers the 13 Bank up so some work to do for Gomez and he's going to look at it for a little [Music] bit come off the 10 but where do you go I think he's got to go through the 13 only reason I'm saying that is because if he kicks it the six he could leave the 13 if if he comes off the 10 he could leave the six both of those balls I'm talking about leaving a cross [Music] [Applause] corner [Music] [Music] there's nothing wrong I don't feel like just going through the 13 and bringing the cuq ball down to the right inside of the middle diamond is he going to stick him on top of the stack right here o not want to run into the two like that I don't know that it goes but Hall has some pretty good cuq ball to get to if he wants to play the two6 combination it's definitely off angle but he's close to the two it looks to me like he can get to enough of the Q ball cleanly to play it if he wants so he's looking to play it with a low outside and come up above the seven looking to see what he would leave Gomez if he were to [Music] miss I feel like he's got to back cut the two a little bit so it's pretty thin thinner than it looks he got to spin it with left English and he's overcut it he's left Roberto a one three combination but it's not easy and I don't know that it's even realistic to shoot that shot can also cut it the 11 but I think he's going into the six if he does that can he come back over if he shoots this one and three using a high Q ball meaning come across or above the 15 and he's got it down and he has come across and above the 15 and the 11 does play now he can draw back for the two he'd like to stay off the rail here might be able to get to the short side of the six and if he does that heavy favorite to win the game stay off the rail so now things a little bit more difficult he's going to have to elevate if he wants to stay on the short side of the six does the nine pass the 13 yeah so he's looking at the angle the nine does not pass the 13 playing to rub the six here well he's rubbed it caught it way too thick could play a 413 combination all depends on if the one goes in Justin's pocket and you're also going to lose your Q ball do you kick Bank the seven Tony Chan one of the best ever at that shot rail first into the seven with low QQ ball kind of like a kick and stick saying he's got a chance to scratch if he plays this combination he did just look at the rail to kick and stick the seven I like this decision as well stuck him right to the sixo glued him up pretty good here to the point where Hall can't come low going high is a problem wow that top rail is bouncing is he considering banking the 10 with a bridge why I feel like this is dangerous where's your Q ball going [Music] well Justin Hall wanted to gamble he can win the game if he wants to shoot the seven and come over below the 10 he's got to hit it clean obviously he could just bunt the 13 up but I can't fault him for shooting this if he hits it good he can definitely win the game well he's come with the shot and hit it good I was surprised that Gomez banked at that 10 especially with the bridge he couldn't really hit it much harder because if he does he leaves the seven even easier now Justin Hall needs to rub the nine here if not just come up for the [Music] one he's hung the 13 up splitting his focus on going into the nine he might make it to four here as well [Music] and he's hit it well nice control playing for two you come over to the short side of the nine if you'd like whatever you do be sure of it commit to the shot everything is laying great for Gomez okay he said I'm going to bank to win this game wow oh and that's not bad Gomez might be forced to shoot the nine as a matter of fact I think he's supposed to shoot the nine versus flirt with the 10 the nine carries position on the 6815 get these balls down then follow the 10 in or try to rip it from up table but this angle isn't the right one so make this nine it seems to me like Roberto gets in these modes where he's really overthinking things at times and I'm not picking on him it just seems to me like he gets in those modes when he's fluid and sees things quickly he doesn't talk himself out of problems but here with these Pockets I'm not saying the 10 isn't removable from where he's at but what I am saying is I think he's a better favorite to make the nine and why not take your chances sir if you make the nine you get these other three and then worry about the 10 his phone a friend option has been used and he has removed the 10 what a crazy hit but look at this the QQ ball takes off the top Rail and gets to the short side position the Justin Hall so dearly needed looks like he's got it fat it looked to me like he had a little body movement or turned his shoulder in right at the last moment that's a big Miss there wow I'm so surprised at how quick he shot that that ball seemed like it was out much further than the last one so I am a bit confused why is Justin not cutting the nine he needs one these are Big pockets okay I think the nine is the shot wow so the mental side of this game is obviously all too important Roberto has to be thrilled that he's still here looking to cut eight and going to the back of these balls he looking to cross the nine using the 15 and draw up for the eight and he's overcut it by some margin Justin Hall will win game number four in a concession by Gomez and we are going to the final game both players have a loss somebody must go home while you're at it guys do us a favor and like And subscribe railbirds TV on YouTube bringing you all the latest action hit that notification Bell thank you so very much so obviously a big break for Gomez here needs to lay it down well looks like a lot of body movement there I think he's done okay the one is obviously a big threat can Hall go through the 10 and put him on the backside of the one I don't know four is a problem for Hall he doesn't like it what I was talking about is can he two rail the 10 out obviously below and then above the one with the 10 just roll roll the Q ball one two rails kind of behind the one maybe just above the point just above the point on the right hand side obviously if any part of the angle is off in that shot it doesn't lay right that must be one of the issues can he kick between the four and 10 into the one he's worried about the three if that's the case and what I mean is kick to the top side of the one sending it over towards your side yeah tricky position I feel like he's got to go through the 10 here but we're not at the table therefore I don't know exactly what type of angle he [Music] has he could if he hated it this much kick three rails like he's kicking behind the one kick three rails short and if you miss the one allog together at least you come below the 1 and 10 to where you don't leave anything easy as far as a bank if your speed is right picking one Rail between the one and three seems to me like it's a little bit more difficult okay that's the shot I was talking about he's hit it pretty good especially if he gets the rotation out of the Cubo but he was worried about the three what does the 6 214 look like or the 2 and 14 from the bottom side can Roberto shoot the three and get over there I think he's going to come down over the [Music] 10 he can bridge this que quite well as well get the Q ball as nice as he'd like really really taking his time looks to me like he wants to punch this over yes wow and he jumped up on that as well it seemed like he was scared of it the whole time we are in round nine in their defense fatigue is real the banks tournament is grueling you're playing all day every day here at the Derby City like to put him down there in that catcher mitt he didn't get the spin on it that he needed wanted to get him into the nine boy Gomez could do some damage here if he can Bank the one into the six or even into the 2 six send the Q ball up to the top left corner he might make the 14 but he's going to get a lot going his way I think you're best off to just catch the six full with the one just like so yeah he says that's what he's get or that's what he gets take another look playing the one full into the six the 11 and 14 going it's a race the 14 wins does go makes a great [Music] hit Soh he's looking at the 8-1 combination tells me he's going to play the Q ball can he play the Q ball between the two and four feel like he's got a manipulate it some way [Music] somehow meaning put English on it I don't think it's naturally going to go between the two and four looking at the 8-1 going to draw his Q ball oh what a good hit that was and still didn't get a shot again he said but listen listen you made a great shot you had good cover if you didn't make it and your Q ball was [Music] perfect what is he doing [Music] here it's my first thought is just to rub the tube but no the purple four wow I'd like to take another look at that if we get the opportunity did he play the two rail first let's take another look wow the two rail First full into the 11 what little he could hit the 11 now he played the combination somewhere out to the center of the table for the seven is okay what a shot he made on the [Music] two and that's where he pointed his Q so out in the center of the table for the seven next Bo he's hit that really hard body language tells me he can make it I thought he might have gone too far oh now he is perfect and he is playing for two and to advance into round 10 like to get around the four here don't want to run into the back of it nice soft draw over the left rail well and he did run into it but he's Come Away with a bank and I think you've got to fully commit here to making the bank and winning this match Berto Gomez playing for one oh he's double kissed it so there is life does Justin Hall have it in him to grind back [Music] I don't see a big future in cutting the six I think you've got to remove the four here I mean if you do shoot at the six the only thing that goes in your pocket is the five can you shoot at the five come behind the four I'd be better off or you might be better off cutting at the five and he's caught it fat he's gone in the drink along with it Roberto Gomez is going to win this match I believe and a big match it was for Justin Hall after his second place finish in the banks would have liked to have made it a few more rounds fighting for the master of the table award that's going to do it Roberto Gomez moves on congratulations to him Justin Hall is eliminated I am your host Scott Frost thank you all so much for tuning in until next time have a good night