Published: Aug 30, 2024
Duration: 00:07:07
Category: Music
Trending searches: hotel
hey friends hope the morning's treating you well I'm in a hotel outside of Cleveland and uh I'm having my coffee I um I'm going to be honest with you guys I drove all day yesterday and um I got here to this hotel aing I did I checked in I've been at the Todd Snider full Camp all week and hit it pretty hard it was a lot uh it was pretty intense and um I got to uh here to the hotel I fell asleep at 8:00 last night and I woke up in bed 11 hours later at 700 a.m. and uh I'm laying there in bed and I'm just kind of like oh man it's really really groggy when I still am and I'm thinking man just kind of clearing my head and oh wait I have to upload a video this morning I have to upload a video in an hour from now and uh like you know that thing that I've done every Saturday for the last 3 years oh yeah I got to do that and um I had that moment where I kind of freaked out a little bit and um I just went ahead and started uh you know kind of trying to wake up splashing water in my face went down and got some coffee and tried to Mainline that and uh that's kind of the current situation so um to be honest with you I have absolutely nothing to talk about other than to hang out with you on the porch of this this uh what is it a Best Western a Best Western Plus I think the plus means it's the same hotel but they get to charge you a little extra because it says plus but um I'm here in Tommy bukavac territory or Tom came from I don't know whereabouts in Cleveland but uh you know he's from around here I'm sure he played a bar down here at some point um I went down to to the breakfast to get the coffee and I started thinking about I started thinking about the uh Hotel breakfast and what I need out of that and um like ways to survive the road and if you guys look really close you're going to see Amy walking by right there she's trying to sneak past me that's somebody saying hi to all the people watching in the traffic I went down to the hotel breakfast and um I've got over the years I've Gotten Good at crappy Hotel breakfast where I will eat well there's something about being on the road and traveling is you don't always know when your next meal is coming so it you tend to eat a lot when it does happen in a hotel breakfast I'll eat a bunch of scrambled eggs if they have that and then if they have like some kind of brand cereal um or granola is even better I really love granola if they have that and yogurt I will eat a bunch of that drink a half a gallon of coffee and to be honest with you that'll last me the rest of the day a lot of times and um like I said you don't know be traveling and you may not have another opportunity to eat before the gig and I never eat right before the G gig and um at this folk camp this uh Todd Snider's uh folk Camp the place where they have it they bring out these buffet style meals all day long and man it's really good food and um they brought out this breakfast spread and I so I did what I do and eat breakfast spread and I tend to gravitate towards being a one meal a day kind of guy and maybe a snack or something after that but um so I ate the big breakfast two or three hours later so like it's time for lunch I'm like what I just ate breakfast now it's time for lunch okay see eat a little bit like oh my goodness and then a couple 3 hours later here's dinner and it's bunch of good stuff you're like what the hell so I came to this realization that um I don't remember remember ever being at a point in my life where I ate three meals a day and um like we never did that when I was a kid I've never been I've never been that guy that's been able to eat three meals a day where we just didn't have that much food that much money that much gumption to cook and um man it's hard to eat three meals a day I realized that since I wasn't raised that way I eat more at each meal so I would if I was raised on three I'd probably be eating way less at each meal but um it kind of caught me it was hard to one of the hardest things to keep up with and um but in all honesty I'm just uh going to be happy to be home cuz uh I'm exhausted just um met so many nice people so many nice people the people that came to that camp were just great really wonderful and got to spend a lot of time with them but it's hard to talk to that many folks and be present and all that and uh it requires a lot of you to remain present it's not hard at first but after a while you just kind of yeah when I interview people on this channel if you sit and listen to someone you know and try to like really be there and present for them for two hours it takes a lot even if you're not talking a lot or whatever and um I've done three three interviews in a day before a few times and I came to the conclusion that's not the way to go just because by the time you get late in the day it's really really hard to to be there for everybody and um so I'm a little worn out I'm going to sleep probably 11 hours tonight also but I wanted to check in with you guys and I hope everything's good with you if you guys have some kind of uh Hotel breakfast tip for me I'd love to hear it going to get back uh to a more regular our regular publishing schedule this week I appreciate you putting up with me uh not uploading as much last couple weeks and uh I got about 5 hours and I'll I'll be home I'll probably go right to bed when I get there it' be good to see Wendell Frankie and Malcolm my dog and my cats you know I'm kind of missing them so hope things are good with Y all and uh I'll see you somewhere down the road much love to you