Adam Sandler: Love You | SOLID, FUNNY, & SO ENTERTAINING
Published: Aug 28, 2024
Duration: 00:06:55
Category: People & Blogs
Trending searches: adam sandler love you
hello welcome back to the James rambling reviews for yet another episode and in today's episode I'm actually going to be talking about a completely different kind of media in this video as usually or in case you're someone who's tuning in for the first time just give you a bit of context usually I talk about movies TV shows and then I'll throw in an occasional like video game kind of thing like for examp example over the course of like a couple of months every now and again I have been doing like reviews of Call of Duty leading up to Black Ops 6 but that is a topic for another day so I would pick I pick games sometimes I review games but not always cuz it's not my main focus it's just something else there to kind of like refreshen everything I've been talking about and in this video it's going to refreshen refreshing things I've been talking about like alien because today I'm actually going to be talking about a standup comedy special or just like a Netflix special because this is Adam Sandler's new special called Adam Sandler love you I think it's called Adam Sandler love you right and so before we get into how I felt about this I will just give you a bit a quick context here I am actually somebody that is r or Die For Adam Sal movies and the reason why I say that is because like I love Adam Sandler movies right I just treat it as fun Cinema I'm not going there for like you know a deep complex narrative I'm like you know what let me just turn my brain off and have fun and the reason that is the case is because stuff like grownups stuff like pixels and all all these other kind of cheesy movies he's been in I just have really really enjoyed how you know it's just entertaining and watch for me and I grew up with these movies and I even rewatched grown-ups I I rewatch grown-ups grown-ups too and pixels this year and every now and again I'll just turn it on just as some comfort entertainment you know I'm not somebody who is like oh I'm in the mood for an Adam Salah movie all the time and also just another little quick bit of context here guys like I have talked about standup specials on I would say more so I talked about it more on the James rambling show before I canceled the James rambling show and just stick straight to the reviews because I realized the reviews were more interesting I would talk about those so for example do like Louis CK and through that time period it was like five or six months of my life where I would just get up and I oh I need to watch this stand up special on Netflix need to watch this need to watch that but I have learned that over time you know I don't need to watch every standup special so there is definitely that there is a lot of kind of World building in context I have have to do for this review in casee you're confused so now let's kind of get into Adam Sandler's new like standup special as well as just a Netflix um I always say Netflix but Netflix kind of presentation performance because this kind of thing I I guess you could see like I'll do no spoilers but literally it's a whole kind of special where Adam Sandler's on the stage performing and he actually sings songs in the special and he tells like jokes in this special and he has a lot of fun that is kind of the general just like you come to this for the jokes the the dancing or the the singing and you the performance in general and you would think to yourself yeah it can feel a bit weird how I would watch this live performance at home but as I established previously in this video I am somebody who really loves Adam Sandler movies and so when it comes to how I generally felt about Adam Sanders love you right I actually laughed like so much during this I was entertained by this and I will say that the this actually feels like a more like you know well put together standup like special kind of thing than other stuff I've seen on Netflix because there are some Netflix specials out there and just a lot of stuff where it's like oh this is this is direct to streaming standup that's just generic oh they're going to joke about this thing or they're going to joke about that thing and there certainly is a way in a style Adam an has in this special but to say the least I have never really seen someone go out of the way to just enjoy themselves by singing during this kind of thing and I really did appreciate that about this and know Adam Sandler just used his like fun personality to create a fun experience for the crowd so that's what I would say about this and I would say that if you want to say it right if I really want to say it like this cuz it does feel weird cuz this is a different piece of media but the pacing of this special is not too bad right okay it kind of starts off a bit weirdly where you kind of see the introduction or whatever but once it starts getting into the jokes and it's like going fast pce it's like yeah okay okay okay this is actually kind of fun to watch and I keep watching it keep watching it and oh yeah it ended already it's like it ended already as kind of what it felt like like I flew by in my mind like so yeah that is how I felt about this I would actually rate this like a solid 7even out of 10 it's not it's it's very very good don't get me wrong but it's not something I'm going to rewatch five times like I got the Gest from this one viewing and this just gave me a whole new like vessel of stuff to talk about and I did watch the special a few hours back but unlike other pieces of media I don't need like two days to think about this thing it's just kind of like it's pretty simple to understand and I can just go for it right now so yeah I hope you enjoyed this review stay tuned for more like it and that is my review of Adam Sandler's new special love you so yeah bye bye bye bye