Night Before the Festival! Trails Through Daybreak EP23 08/27/2024
Published: Aug 28, 2024
Duration: 03:57:20
Category: People & Blogs
Trending searches: the festival
[Music] yo know what's going on everybody SOS Vice here and we are back with uh try dayak you I know how it is anyway where we last left off we had to just continue to try to get through some more stuff here as it at least someone for the moment seems like everything's back to normal but let's be honest it never actually is there's always going to be some Supernatural [ __ ] going down so now we're going I love to say your voice well I mean I have to be honest here I'm not going to give fake enthusiasm for [ __ ] I actually am not enthused by but anyway before we get to more stuff I'm pretty sure you guys may have saw or maybe you didn't from the Nintendo Direct Partners broadcast that we are finally getting a huge remaster on trailers in the sky first chapter I could not believe it even if it was only for a couple seconds I was like holy [ __ ] are you for real like like it actually has like a it's been totally revamped like seriously it's crazy yeah I was sad when I saw that since it's real time combat instead of like oh yeah true now that I think about it it does it did kind of look like that now that I think about it cuz there were also buttons for where it's like uh casting your arts for defense and attack I will say it is kind of weird that they're doing that that I think about it because it all started with the turn base right it's supposed to be the beginning so I am kind of conf as to why they decided to change the form I mean if I had to guess probably because of how long we've done it for all the other games including a Daybreak and a colio they probably thought it'd be a nice change of pace but honestly I feel like it would be better doing it like that I don't know but I mean so far it does look at least visually appealing at the very least characters could be a bit more defined but hey considering it's like this just seen from the switch so far it's like I'm not that entirely surprised cuz I would assume that there also going to put on Steam and stuff but again there was like no actual Like official stuff going on I think I remember the JP one talked more about that but the problem is Real Time combat isn't good yeah true like don't get me wrong for me I would only say it's I'm more like attuned to this just because of uh my experience with hongkai impact third and also EA but it works well for those games because they have more diversity with like what you're capable of and the skills and everything everything so we're kind of mesh as well here it seems pretty lackluster in Daybreak compared to those other amazing games where they've done a really good job in real-time combat so I will admit it is very strange but I am at least hoping and again I know this is a very big stretch I hope it actually has voice acting like I said I know it's a big stretch I know that it would probably be like oh but you have to get all the voice acted for like back then or whatever but it's like at the same time it's like hey I mean people would probably be more attuned or more uh hyped up to getting it if it actually is voice acted cuz that's also one of the things that kind of sucked I mean I'm not going to blame them considering how long ago the game was made but it's like I feel like a lot of the lines would have driven much more to home if it was like I had said in my finale to second chapter but anyway I'm just at least glad that they're actually doing something to it but again yeah do find it a bit weird hopefully we get an explanation as to why they changed the style for exactly what church deter yeah honestly I feel like that it's like it's been the whole process the whole way I'm kind of surprised that they're trying to like ignore that completely especially for the beginning of the legend of Heroes I'm that's why I'm really shocked about it's like it'd be one thing if they did it for zero it'd be one thing if they did it to Azure it'd be one thing if they did it to Revy and it's another thing when they've done it here now but when you're remastering the original like the beginning of this long story I find it kind of weird because it makes you question why did they think to do that why did they not think people would be okay with the turn base considering uh how well it's done for the other games in regards to sales and [ __ ] but H what do I know anyway we're going to continue cuz if I remember correctly we got uh one more fors BG that we're supposed to be doing oh no never mind wait wait what the hell am I doing that oh right tyell district for wait what am I going tyell district for again oh my God I don't even remember now I'm also not sure do respect the plot in the original because modern Falcon yeah that's the one thing I am also worried about because again it's like just on this game alone it shows that they really are having a hard time even sticking to their word of like all the facts and all the uh the lore that we've come to known about a lot of things throughout the series regarding factions regarding archetypes of individuals regarding certain groups and organizations uh regarding the uh opinions and like uh the actual actions of certain countries like the fact that they've already done like a complete uh like a disingenuous kind of thing to uh Daybreak with everything like regarding Jaggers and Cal and stuff like that it's like I honestly don't I honestly worry that if they try to touch anything in the plot in trails in the sky first chapter the Remake I will be pissed don't don't get me wrong I love that they're even doing it anyway but at the same time it's like don't you dare touch a masterpiece as the sky series and ruin it for everyone else cuz again this is supposed to be for us for the ogs no one from like the current uh or the modern area is going to like go to it and actually appreciate it if they're going to buy like all of Daybreak you know cuz it's like hell they don't they wouldn't know what good writing really is because that was more for like the past games not not the ones that are more up to date yeah I'm also not sure I know yeah you said that already sure big this guy I can definitely see that pretty case but yeah I feel like it was kind of like with Azure cuz again it's like all the other characters at the very least in the crossbow series aside from Lloyd were very interesting but anyway let me go ahead and go to Ty see what exactly I'm supposed to do because honestly I don't even remember and also as to why I'm just doing this today honestly I just was so bored I didn't know what to do today I could have like honestly just gone to sleep early but I was like nah I was so bored from lectures today that I was like I needed a way to like vent out all that frustration so I was like yeah you know what might as well just uh vent out more of my frustration here so then I can actually have a good night's sleep so yeah see yeah I'm hoping they leave a the same they better not change your character if they do oh I I would have half a mind to actually go and like tear the place apart if I have to just to make sure that they don't I mean I actually won't do it but it's like that doesn't mean that I wouldn't be pushed that far wait what is this again all right a monster right find a perfect way to describe yeah sure let's go here oh right right right right right okay I remember what we're doing we heard a rumor about uh remnants of alada being uh spotted in Tyrell district and we're here to check that out to see if the rumors are true right okay protagonist Sy the charact N definitely I think this is actually the best way you can describe van honestly it is where's this Alleyway lead down to the waterways beneath the town District as I know the only traffing this way SE there's a maintenance team once a month okay come on we had to have already known now detective but something tells me this wasn't they're doing for S see B no yeah keep it going B I seriously surprised no one has actually reported this to anybody like come on they had to have made a loud noise to break this open it wasn't lockpick it was busted down you're telling me no one reported this okay come on that that's a bit ridiculous like I know it ain't no giant tank I know it ain't no panzo sold at or whatever but come on breaking a gate like this would have made noises at at least to some extent of this Alleyway especially considering the new Surface is right [ __ ] here that ridiculous I swear so many inconsistencies with this all right let's get this [ __ ] over with okay yeah come on you cannot tell me that not only did they not hear one loud sound in the alleyway they heard they didn't hear two loud sounds in an Alleyway in the middle of the night when everyone's supposed to be asleep and there're not supposed to be a single sound come on that's [ __ ] cap like it's one thing that they like obliterated the door but else IM I know like for real man like that's the other thing is like the padding to the protagonist ego is like oh my God give it a rest he's he's clearly making mistakes but it's like no one's actually like going to be like oh okay no yeah we'd make we'd make an even bigger mistake was like no you'd either make the same or you wouldn't come on and I also find it kind of weird is like they're trying to make him seem like a detective when he's not even supposed to be one he's practically supposed to be well originally supposed to be a fixer or just a mercen or whatever you want to call him I don't know whatever sp's actually supposed to be but it's like not this how the [ __ ] is he doing detective work at least with Lloyd it made sense because he was part of the police academy and training for that call my private eye I guess you could say that but he doesn't have very good eyes honestly if it takes him that long to figure out what's going on here kev's forced to again I only know a a broad understanding of Kevin cuz trying to save myself from uh too much uh spoilers for uh Sky third so like I said I have a bit of an idea I just don't know too much of the detail yeah yeah yeah let's just go already God damn it seriously I have no idea what this chapter is even supposed to [ __ ] be about at this point cuz we're seriously doing the most random of [ __ ] that doesn't make any sense whatsoever and nothing seems to connect in the first [Music] place you want to running into well no [ __ ] I literally just said it's a Waterway what what were you expecting to hear lava [ __ ] me bunch of footprints here too prints outside indicate as much but we should be dealing with a rather large group well no duh everything points to them being remnants of Al mod the gings has served them too hey that is not proof of anything heck that's not even proof that it's a ma necessarily how can you tell that just by Footprints oh great here's our logic and reasoning for why Sal cuz the [ __ ] Genesis just coincidentally always telling us oh yes this is how you move the plot having a a non-magical item that was actually manmade tell us what exactly happened I swear can we actually get an answer for this Genesis please I need to know who in their [ __ ] right mind would even make such a thing and even if they did why is it only a while after they decide to have a conscience and be like no destroy the damn thing get rid of it it's too dangerous in the hands of humanity when it's like but you were the one who made it like I get Agnes is a reason for doing so because she actually doesn't want any harm to come into here to calford and again makes sense with uh the position her father holds kind of being an influence so it's like that's the only thing with the Genesis in this game be more bearable of Agnes make [Music] a bit because if it was more like it was tuning into her intuition and it's like maybe it's like she's kind of like coinciding with like the mind of like her Grandpa or whatever I'd find that more believable but it's like the fact that it just randomly happens whenever we talk that's what pisses me off the most but I don't know again depends on what the reasoning would be for why it happens while Agnus is the protagonist all right let's see what [ __ ] I'm running [Music] into why don't it even take us this long to actually deal with this [ __ ] ah great what now I swear he turn into ghouls again I'm going lose it it's all over we're finished this can't be happening what we do to deserve this that was got into you guys Cy why AR he even afraid I'm Miss springing from here and Edith part of my crew's job is helping people who can't turn to the guild that the cops for Aid so um if there's anything you need help with we might be able to give it to you would you at least talk to us you're a spuren think I might have heard you at some point now that I get a better look you got some real beames oh God here we go again can hear how they say I'm a we never see any true it's like then where's the definition of a sprig even come from if it's like there aren't any others if anything it's just a nickname he has and yet people Define it as if like oh there's an absolute word for it [Music] okay come on you really think me taking you to the cops is going to kill you come on now if I took you to Hy that I can't guarantee if you live all right let's do it oh great whoopy D they took some pills great now they have 1.5 times the power they already have if that's going to change anything [Music] [ __ ] okay D I really need to raise Agnes's defense at some point oh no actually let me do crystal Eden yeah that will cover more space thank you let me do do you know what [ __ ] you just do obsid just cuz it can't be [Music] bothering trying to get a good number of them all together no just get at least this see why are they using a blade and just stabbing with it's not a Rapier come on oh right I gave myself all these moves I almost forgot all right let see what can do with this oh [ __ ] but [Music] first oh nice shot man [Music] oh cool P didn't did actually work the way I wanted to nice oh yes and delay kick ass oh wait I was using Al the I thought I was using jabber walk on I was so confused I'm like wait why is it this attack and now all right you know what I'm going just continue with this this oh my God okay let's just do a t right now and then do this [Music] always AG yeah to be fair Agnes is just op that's just how it [Music] is all right there we go now we're done sweet got the heals let's go even though I already healed her we don't do something to stop from taking us in milk cure and an armored guy are going to the [ __ ] you mean the armored guy is dead heck I was the one responsible for [Music] it figures if fear really runs that the oh right no yeah actually that does make sense because uh dtis did uh like controlling through fear Melo is on the Run we took out Ario personally same goes for their boss Dantes there's no one who can harm you anymore you don't need to worry so please just let us help you really don't let them fool you they find out we betrayed them sorry want down of cutie but if a fate worse than death is all waiting for us I'd rather do the deed [Music] myself ah I like how we're just saying something and not doing [Music] anything oh look finally you're here to actually do something Renee about time does C actually did something godd damn CU that's the thing it's like C supposed to be hyped up and everything but as like the greatest security Force for uh Calver and we at least thought it with killer from a cross spell but it's like aside from that they honestly really haven't done [Music] anything they're fine just unconscious guess that's the rebound from using a power their body's just going to handle it's really but what just happened come on I would think even you know it security for only good is B yeah I feel like that's literally the only thing they've done up to date give me a break time your perfectly now didn't [Music] you it's that damn jerk Jo a damn death jockey again his name was so precise um thank you very much for your help h it should be either a guild problem or something your side should have handled from the start honestly like these are also remnants of alada this ain't anything dangerous look if it if it was at least like Dantes or the other group then yeah at least don't get the guild because it's like oh they're so weak must mention I these guys that slip through the cracks of your cleanup operation feel like you did a sloppy job to me not at all this is the most efficient approach to the problem we performed a thorough cleaning of the major cities outside Ed and drove all the leftovers here do you do realize that by doing this you practically created a situation where they could have taken someone hostage right by forcing them here you really couldn't have forced them to I don't know all of the deserted places that are still in calvard like I don't know the remnants of CR Village uh the many deserts that supposedly exist in calv in the central East come on man we do have a Hercules unit standing by that we can send in at a moment's no then why the [ __ ] did you but I wonder we should Outsource the work to you instead son of a [ __ ] it all makes sense now all the fragment information we gathered from all over the city did seem to fit together remarkably well you never sto to think that all of it was deliberately spread by you to lead us here but again why what's so what's the pr the C do it if the C do it they can get more Glory more hard-earned Glory it's all this was that was the intention however you were able to follow the clues was down to you huh I called [ __ ] you ain't the sentimental type still she's going to be back in time tomorrow I know she give me in your fault if I left any problems unsolved so I guess I can help be Justice [Music] once get a damn room you anly old Parts how many more of these troublemakers can we expect any we believe there to be roughly 30 20 Thugs and 10 former members damn even got a breakdown sure are a lot of them though huh we should contact the others at the office and have them come along to assist [Music] us wait we're actually splend the team these two teams should work who Mr King Kai huh oh come on judging by his aim earlier he won drag us down in battle at least well I show you that these teams were decided purely on combat balance you can count on me to support you in battle might even throw in some old stories about van as a bonus what really now I'm in hey maybe being in the other group will be so bad after all I want to know his weaknesses too got to spill later can do can't do serly why is this my team God damn it Van's the only real physical guy on the team and again no heals from Agnus Dam I mean at the very least I have resette but it's like rather have did you see the amazing like Arts I gave to Agnes great well there goes that [ __ ] now the Expedition will begin with Team a then it will switch between the two teams of oh come on now we're copying this to this is the same thing we did in TR of cold seal 3 when going to that uh what was it the naval base or something in no it was leguin's Fortress Yeah Yeah Yeah when uh we went to the steel Maiden right we're actually copying this now come on at least keep it the same pace and actually do it at the beginning Naval base and underground handle right yeah it was also for the underground I almost forgot about that thanks for reminding me all right got a heal van but now this is a problem I didn't upgrade quantra at all cuz at most I would only put Vette in and I just left the Judith to own devices but God damn it this is going to be hella annoying to actually have to do at some point well that [ __ ] sucks all the powerful CS are playing every tra game three time ah oh great it's Les by just a new color palette who would have thought I swear i k them to make some brand new enemies at least for the Final Chapter come on now it feels like they're actually getting lazy with the [Music] mon right give me some oh here we go let me just do coin blets [Music] here [Music] fore [Music] fore foreign speech [Music] fore fore spee speech foreign foreign speech [Music] fore for [Music] Fore fore spee [Music] wait G let me check something just need to make sure no already has G for guyers damn it I was hoping that wasn't the case all right f [Music] oh great and dinner's here too perfect [Music] forch foree spee foree speech [Music] foree [Music] for Fore fore foree fore fore fore foree [Music] [Music] [Music] I will say I am at least glad I'm getting closer to done this game and that's also kind of reason why I decided not to stream this game after I did uh completed Sky second cuz I was like you know what sky second's ending made me feel great so I was like I'm not going to ruin my the mood or the emotion I felt by playing Daybreak I was like I'll put that for a separate day I'm not ruining an amazing ending that I had there I'm going leave it there I'm going stay great and then the next day I'll screw myself over and that's what I did that's mainly why I decided to do this today instead of yesterday even though I had so much time last night I actually took a long nap after playing the game if I will say this I'll pray for you when Daybreak 2 comes out I'm going to need the prayers man honestly if it's going to be even worse than this then I'm going to need some form of copium to survive all this God damn it oh look just a bunch of ragged losers again God damn it I swear yeah no we're skipping this yeah yeah shut up I'm me get this over with you guys don't even worth my time do [Music] this oh my God took so much damage there uh let's use criminal yeah we survive act this art the physical attack honestly it's like if it actually isn't like we have like no AR we're honestly [ __ ] screwed I don't see any way of surviving the fights cuz you guys know I'm going to do it the hardest difficulty again cuz I got to continue the pattern so it's like if I have to I can honestly imagine myself getting like 100 game overs minimum even though nightmare is not as hard for me as it was back then it's like still but no ARS that's going to be tough cuz imagine if I played all of Sky it be medium without any Arts it probably would have taken me like 100 vods to actually complete that game cuz the art saved me so many times oh here we go next group wait am I actually him he would have a prick looking face on his portrait of course all right let's see what this dude has uh Arc Dominator exceed rain du he seriously only has three moves are you kidding me come on dude he's level 64 you're seriously tell me that's all he has bull [ __ ] [ __ ] okay strength fine I guess time for Aaron oh wow but he has a lot of EP wait he has almost the same amount as Agnes I find that hard to believe whatever like Emma is the only redeem of her respected not fair all right oh right A's not healed give me a [Music] second oh God yeah going to have to get some practice okay scorpions wait what the hell it does a rain shot okay weird way for C person but whatever then again I guess it is my first time I'm seeing a c person actually get any action yeah a lot of people who started with coio don't understand how bable Arts off even Co art no true you never learned about like how valuable Arts really is until it's like you've been you've been there you know how important they really are and it's always been an important decisive factor in a lot of fights CU he even if you're not even using it for uh like the attack the supports they do a lot compared to what people would think like Crescent eye or like Insight in Cold Steel insight has saved me so many times from dying I swear and hey keep Chrono Drive in uh Sky helped me a lot too cuz it was like I was able to do more before a character would potentially die and lose all their CP and [ __ ] you can manip exactly it's like you can do so much more with your Arts than you can with crafts where it's like you're limited to only specific situations or like the right timing but that's it oh of course I can't use a this break why am I not [ __ ] surprised [Music] remember the Emma I gave you oh yeah dude that the Emma that was probably the greatest thing to I've ever exist in R like oh my god dude it was like something out of like a fairy tale yeah I remember that that was [Music] [Music] crazy going foree [Music] oh that's what's happening I'm like what's going on all this time oh cool I can finally use one of these uh let's just do a reg C oh thank God she lived that would have been a problem if she didn't let's go with why is it 70 CP just for this move I get it's an res down but at the same time it's just an impede move man oh my God [ __ ] off there we [Music] go oh yes it was oh okay it died from Burn [Music] cool again but yeah uh like we were saying Arts really has it really is a pure decisive factor in battles cuz look I get the Es breakes are cool some of them are definitely amazing but it's like when you think about it as the hole between crafts and arts arts has always been like a major factor I this that has always been able to tip the scale whenever you really need it to the [Music] most no get me out of the way there we go all right how much CP only 120 you serious no give me I need an CP to go higher oh okay here we go just more losers again all right give me a second these guys are pathetic yeah [Music] yeah oh right I can't really control how this moves I forgot about that it's going to take too long uh what do I want to do here now you know what [ __ ] it I'm doing AR El Dorado now because I want to and [Music] then all all right she only has Earth Arts I almost forgot that was a thing I was like damn when did I ever actually use fair fors that was like probably chapter 2 maybe even chapter like Sant nah no reason I can't reach the last guy whatever [Music] [Music] oh that's right somehow these guys know how to do arts I forgot that was a thing too uh I know what let's do regular Oh Come the [ __ ] on all right I'm going have to do something about this uh [Music] yeah there we go much [Music] better that [Music] work I mean I wouldn't say necessarily at cuz I mean no offensive cool dude at the same time it's like it w or actually let's not involve that but it's like again it's like it's different from just like doing it just as an annoyance with like no proof whatsoever and it's another thing when it's like at the very least you have evidence and are trying to make a claim while not necessarily trying to int uh disregard someone's feelings but at the same time uh what's it called uh it's just like a point again of like perspective it didn't seem I know I mean Shany seemed cool say where he is or not from my interaction with ter has been all right all right anyway let's continue wait what is this oh cool I another ladder haven't gone through this in a while where you even go it seemed like it disappeared for a second facing in wait is this a shortcut oh it is wait what oh no no no no no I see this is the actual way I'm supposed to be going while the other one was iing I'm so confused I like what's the difference here it's like no it's the same we go oh here we go good okay I really need something about all our HPS is dangerously low for this team especially minus [Music] span how much long go let me see how oh my God why is this ridiculously long oh my god seriously what's with this oh no no no no no no no right right right we're splitting it in two right my bad I was like is it actually going to take this long no it's it looks that long but it's like that's why I'm doing it as two separate teams cuz otherwise one take Dam forever it be much hard to get like all the goods oh [ __ ] left the Dodge roll there [Music] [Music] wait am I supposed to walk along that oh my God I jumped too early okay that's on me should not have jumped oh I am supposed to walk on this seriously huh wait Crimson tear prevents R freeze 100% okay if we're getting these kinds of items is like I feel like there's almost no point cuz again it's like I feel like that would have been much more helpful earlier I dealt with more enemies that did effects as opposed to now oh my God there we go oh my God yeah I don't know so weird see God damn I can't get around these things okay here we go maybe that's it maybe I'm just not really used to arguing with people but then again I guess it's more that I just choose not to really as much in conversation that's more like just my lack of experience with that kind of stuff probably just more person [Music] all right clearly this is not working all right give give me okay Le take those [Music] guys you see this what this is exactly the point where it's like arts does so much more to these kinds of opponents how much long going [Music] last and just go with driver plus AR never miss facts facts or craft can actually miss and they have a number of times Zin but yeah this AR PR you ever Miss and the only time it's like when it does it's like uh what is it when uh they have an AR Sho and that's not even necessarily A Miss it's just a [Music] block thank [Music] you oh my God [ __ ] H great okay I'm going to have to heal [Music] people there we go uh let's go I should use Mobius yeah think that okay good couldn't move yet [Music] see now that is an example where it's like that would have been a problem if it was arts and again like you can control cast you don't have as much with uh crafts except for just like a just action but it's like you can use cast you can use a a whole bunch of other stuff too to even low that kind of stuff okay uh let me use [Music] relax oh my God oh my God I got so still alive oh my God okay he's dead because to many arguments [Music] of okay here we go damn that that one was aning way too much defense for just a freaking scorpion seriously we that's the other thing is like they not really even adding any real added uh bonuses or effects to these monsters all they're doing is just like what is it just increasing their stats but that's all the dam is here we go again he's going through this okay there we go better [Music] arur fore spee spee [Music] [Music] foree [Music] spee [Music] fore [Music] spee fore [Music] [Music] see just more proof that Arts are [Music] better come on I've got to be at least close today okay there we go I see now how much longer do I have left this stuff thank [Music] you enough of that already wow they're really desperate for dirt fore fore speech foreign spee spee [Music] [Music] damn it I can't get all three all right fine let's do it here uh uh go with halter [Music] foreign foree speech spee spee [Music] ah great one of them healed himself terrific [Music] [Music] fore spee fore fore speee [Music] foreign speech foreign foreign foree [Music] fore [Music] for [Music] Fore fore finally okay get that chest better be worth my time I guess oh my god seriously how much more am I going to have to deal with this [ __ ] serious let it end please had enough of useless dungeons but then again I guess I am choosing to fight all these monsters anyway so lies on me like I'm doing it so then I can make sure I'm at level for the next B that's more of like a preparation trying to have like anywhere like a set or anything it nope there we go no I swear these things need to [ __ ] go this is so [ __ ] annoying oh my god oh no here we go [Music] me B all right give me Squall oh right then right it's not the Scorpion CRA for for [Music] [Music] okay I'll take any a okay just one more chest should be everything I need stay away oh my God great okay come on all day almost we [ __ ] all right how much CP we got hey no screw us I'm not doing it I'm not doing it no this taking way too long I'm moving on all right here we go all right fine you know what I'll do it since I had a healing spot here but that's it that wasn't there I would have totally ignored it move move move no oh come on I thought I there we go okay let's go all right let's go with this first now I just need this these [Music] [Music] two [Music] for foreign spee fore [Music] spee [Music] foree [Music] for Fore [Music] spee fore [Music] let's see activate chain hit over thousand times I guess I can't really read that on the bottom right but I'm guessing that's what I achiev guessing there finished my God but this sucks even more cuz it's not really over because I still have to do the other team just my [ __ ] luck okay let me do [Applause] this let's see can I do I even have anything I can really get ep3 okay so I need EP need to be [Music] cut all right let me go here oh innocence swap oh oh my God yes give me this [ __ ] that qu oh really that's it huh I'll be honest a lot of these weren't really great drivers cuz it just had some basic as Arts but then again I guess it's better than that all right I don't have the c i thinkal okay POS fear bre blah blah blah Shadow spear St ER yeah so just same [ __ ] what was I doing again oh right right right right see if I can trade for the stuff I need nope I need two damn it I might as well just buy it then I mean make it okay so ep3 take that next I need cut three [Music] yeah something yeah sure L it on oh right hp3 I almost forgot so hp3 hit three H3 hit three there three mine three do I have mine three oh no I don't [ __ ] oh wait no I actually can make mine three at least I'm make sure I can all right go to trade m m oh here we go perfect I was St to worry for a second [Music] there there we go okay I think I'm good for the most part yeah okay 50 oh I didn't get this one all right h f can't believe I almost forgot this thing why his HP is only [ __ ] okay not what I was hoping for but [Music] whatever and sent a 17 message friend of mine whispered okay come on now that's just being too desperate heck I don't even think you call that desperate anymore like sadly obsessive excuse me that's one thing to actually be obsessive over God damn was kind ofe anyway all right wait I did save right I'm just in case I don't trust myself all right I was going to say w Rene Agnus you're going to have to be tiar bom or tiar all bomb yeah that's fine see that's the other thing is like Agnes can do damage to these guys it's like sure Quant kind of come on it's always better oh God damn it I got the Dodge that's on me nope nope nope nope all right here we go right give me a second let me do oh that's not going to work [ __ ] oh no I can only do it one way ah [ __ ] it I'll just focus on it same for this one allor right the thing you seem firstand that don't you yeah again like true cuz again it's like you at least trying to like be like uh not mellow but not being too forceful about [Music] it giving evidence but it's not like you're just like rubing in people's face or anything c yeah there we go my bad I'm just not used to saying that word that was like it just completely suck my [Music] [Music] minde [Music] for I almost forgot that was even a move that she had I'm so glad I actually used it cuz God damn I was almost actually about to use a up charge okay got at least it stop [Music] there give me a second I actually need to turn on fan again God thought these days will be behind me now that sum technically over one second okay got it I was about to say like there's no way a CH is just magically in front of me this time nope okay not that let's see wait what oh okay never mind never mind never mind I thought I was confusing the map or something here we go no don't come after me I'm busy here NOP I try okay come on that's not fair doing the finishing blow nope [ __ ] nope oh my God there we go no I'm good man I don't always need to waste my EP good okay can walk there ah I see that's what I use this for now ccha B why the [ __ ] are you walking up the ladder if you saw me climb down it I swear it's going to be the end of nope okay I got rid that one all right last one nope there we go give me this mute seriously mute two that's [ __ ] dumb don't I wait do I even have a mute no yeah I already oh no no that's R name who has mute honestly don't even remember who does uh oh oh no yeah yeah yeah for right never mind but it's like still it's like I can make these two things anytime I want so it's like it's even a damn point oh my God another dude how many of these things are there seriously oh my God no get out of the way damn it here we go no stop it let me deal with who I'm supposed to be fighting stop interfering nope there we go [Music] [Music] spee [Music] fore e foreign for foreign foreign fore foreign [Music] foree [Music] foree foree for foreign foreign fore spee spee fore fore foree speee foreign foreign fore spee fore foree foreign foreign fore [Music] [Music] fore spee foreign fore speeech fore foree foree foreign speech [Music] [Music] speech [Music] fore fore spee fore fore spee spee [Music] [Music] fore fore fore [Music] [Music] spee fore foreign foreign speech foree fore [Music] [Music] okay before I do anything else I want to see if I can give Agnes the new thing all right here we go but it's like but I like have a refreshing Veil though but wait does anyone else have this need to actually check to make sure refreshing Veil as long as someone has it then I can take it off oh okay yeah yeah I have res okay maybe I should just save it till the time's right maybe I should actually do that instead yeah you know what I'll just let even to really need it don't think I need it yet at least not yet so let me save again already let's [Music] go I still know sign of any people or Monsters well I don't know about you but I'm getting bored of just running how about we so how about you get the spill it time to tell us about van Buddy Aaron yeah I want to know too I can only tell you about the times when we were together though I believe you've already heard about his time in oroso which just leaves our time at arus I really want to know but still yes please we want to hear all the sort of Deeds between him and un Clair too guys we really shouldn't if you rather not be involved we can't run a bit ahead of you wait that she really wants to know yeah I thought so want a marrier all right then oh God why do I get the feeling when they he's telling them all about my personal life as we speak well he didn't say he was going to and here we are missing out on the fun so come on out with it out with what we want to hear everything that happened while you were at armis of course n the back yeah figured yeah sure feels to me like you were going out with Beauty's blade while you were there it isn't proper to PR to another pH you to but what an incredible coincidence it was that you happened to meet your friends again while at arous you're just as bad as the rest of them no it's not like I'm that desper to hide it or anything [Music] [Music] yeah I understand when it was the new class of arine school yeah see exactly cuz it's like it's the same thing it's like he supposedly gone through the same thing as us and we a new class 7even we should at least learn about the past one as to like why that's a thing thing now you know so yeah it at least made sense then as to now it's like I think it's just that they just want something juicy to learn about just said they're bored about exactly it's like what about the more important [Music] [Music] stuff [Music] for [Music] Fore e [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] for [Music] still it was like most relationships at that age it's never going to last it was over and done in half a year find as I do agreed definitely we just got carried away cuz we were so happy to be together again I wasn't the only one with stuff going on either could tell she had trouble wor her family even then but that's how relationships are we probably could have taken it fmer it just didn't work out that way after that we were both focus on a school Festival in the second years's that I mean we were busy as hell preparations revolved around Renee as president Elena's vice president you working behind the scenes we filled the whole thing with surprises fors at the end with some real unprecedented stuff School principal may have been less than pleased by it all but looking back still a fond memory for me see why is this exactly it doesn't change anything it doesn't tell us anything significant if anything it was just the more obvious [ __ ] you would believe how cute was back then or much like an older brother Renee was with the way he looked out looked out for us but I but not long after everything came to an abrupt end the next student council election was held in May and El became its next president everyone including us expected that van would go on to become her vice president but it was not to be [Music] [Music] okay why are we feeling bad when he hasn't even set anything specific seriously it it just sounds like any normal [ __ ] was going down but it's like nothing seriously like he hasn't said anything it's like whether oh someone was in trouble or he was getting blackmailed or anything so why are we feeling bad if it's like so far according to his story it was his choice I don't understand there were a bunch of reasons why I dropped out one was that I just wasn't cut off of life to begin with exactly exactly it's like this is supposed to be like or I'm assuming it's supposed to be emotional music but again nothing's happening sure you guys already know I'm not great at groups or being a part of something Aaron's got a bit of that in him too so really hoping he doesn't end up like me bit too late for that I don't think you need to worry about him still are you sure you're really as bad with groups as you're saying huh but why would he just drop out like that yes like seriously not great in groups do you not see the situation we're in right now sure there some reason but no Daddy rather take it to the Grave than tell us judging by the crap he was spearing this morning oh right h [Music] this [Music] [Music] for foreign [Music] for fore fore foree spee for [Music] honestly what was he the point of that CU again gave us nothing I swear I never understand what the point of like half the flashbacks are either it's something from literally we talked about 5 minutes ago or it's just something that gives us no real detail as to the situation okay all right but first I need to know this you can this honestly I kind of think it has to be cuz seriously they've done nothing else aside from like anything that has to relate to van and his wellbeing it's like come on oh look we met up just like normal great let's just move on oh seriously it's just some random goons again come [Music] on oh my God I swear oh no actually yeah we're still missing two Genesis [ __ ] oh what now what is it huh I don't get it oh look it's the rabbit goat man huh but he has pincers neat Amo genus huh come on I've met way stronger Devils than this wait what wait is this the same language like uh like what may was using I think if I had to guess but what the hell was that whatever I was trying to say whatever not [Music] fore fore [Music] fore all great wait triple Heavy R okay okay first of all [ __ ] switching my team uh give me a back all right let me first do a CR then let's do actually let's do a jaar there we go oh he has all these moves too wait he has blue over oh my God are you serious how the [ __ ] do you even have this seriously Renee what's with your skill set I'm so confused here all right I'll use ja walk arm and then uh I just use halter [ __ ] [Music] [Music] it fore [Applause] [Music] fore ler really wish I had that all cancel move all right let me do my normal stick uh coin bullets please let's get this over War there we go oh sweet all right let me do the for there we go oh yeah I that down okay never mind it did absolutely nothing honestly why am I not even surprised uh let's oh I have fear damn it son of a [ __ ] okay call me Po okay let's see what do I go with now uh guess let's do this then thise fore [Music] [Music] [Applause] there fore speee foreign speeech foreign [Music] what the [ __ ] did they just do it almost instant killed me I don't know if it was the guardian that saved me or if it just natur just leaves one HP left but [ __ ] me all right let me use haste real quick we'll see what this does oh oh he gets zero delay a [ __ ] that's cool uh let's go with this just do it oh cool uh let's go with walk [Music] arm oh [ __ ] oh crap oh okay good cast this just in time [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] fore [Music] fore foreign [Music] spee for foreign fore speech foreign foreign speech foree oh I was so confused as to like where was my plasma here from earlier it erased it or I mean it AED it I was like [ __ ] so that's what happened cuz I'm like how do I still have EP left for something and I'm like ah oh not again well at least it isn't to uh anness so I'll take that speech foreign speech foreign [Music] speee spee fore he Chang phases wait you can do that cool finally another a face change monster we're waiting for it oh my God it can summon hell spawn great these are some gnarly looking things but hey I'll take new monsters any day I got 25 enemy Spirits no 26 you got to be kidding me you must be using the fear of our original targets as a foothold to enter this world wait really they can just do that of course somehow that works how careless of me I should have sent the alpha unit and after all damn right you should have whatever I'll take this what is he going to use the grindle again what are you doing wait you aren't there this is be my first time showing it to you directly huh I can't tell you how it works but try to show oh come on let me have some fun here it was actually going to reveal something for once burar zeros and La the hell I thought you weren't going to be maging to tomor you must have rushed everything to get back here and over here never the Discover one I see ah fine thanks come on feels like we just had all our Thunder stolen from us we'll have to take out the others one at a time so that B teene can focus on the largest Target all right fine take one additional member to the group Judith quadre okay come on there's not even a question AG get this party already oh my God I have to command this team [ __ ] oh wait no I can use Mirage okay yeah let me actually use Argent oh he can actually hit me from there oh my God okay yeah that's going to hurt wa prer use radiant Seeker was I no yeah I [Music] did [Music] for foreign spee for [Music] God damn it how much of a beating are you going to take until you're [Music] happy okay good it actually stoed oh my God I'm actually going to need to heal oh no I can't cuz I'm in fear damn it um I just take this for now at least it's something [Music] good nah I'll wait for it to actually happen just because I'm pretty sure I can tell what it's going to be and if it is once again another plot line copied again from its predecessor okay let's see let's go with this please let Crystal even hit all please the real I need to explain no I'm good like I said give you a hot take of my reaction immediately once it happens and again like I can kind of guess what it is going and once itq is proven that it's exactly what I'm thinking going to be very disappointing freaking Christ is simp uh oh I still can't all right let me go back what's your theory well if I had to guess it's probably the same like what happened with a Tio and ren where he gets special abilities of his own because of uh what quote unquote they did and it's basically something similar to Spirit unification but it's their way of it anyway like the supposed Evolution that they were hoping for I had to make guess and again if that is the case then it's like why even give him the grindle then if he can just do this that basically like they're trying to make him seem better than Green it's like Green's already like pretty strong with that kind of stuff so it's like really a gray fairy died [ __ ] [Music] hell that but n no no I hope that's not it if it is I'll be very pissed off cuz it's like there's no way humans can actually make it that strong it's impossible they would have needed information about him but people didn't even know he existed until after the fact when he first showed up as a member let me do another ceiling again again God damn it guys can you not get hurt for one [ __ ] second oh right she has a breath oh no it dispelled my thing of course so glad I all right let's do L and then seer is it funny how getting help out like the game it's great man his is all powerful but heck I know talk about a complete 180 and like in the worst of ways too [Music] all right let's go with you know what I'm going with screw this there we go let me go with [Music] Chase okay there we go now we're done [ __ ] me damn only was at level all right here we go [ __ ] off no here we go with I know I honestly don't even know what to do with this team gray weak to Mirage and almost n these guys have that to rfic okay uh give me quick seriously how are these guys not weak to Earth I mean not Earth space come on seriously oh my God come on Ser how much are they going to they're practically making it a running gag at this point like are they TR are they trying to treat that plotline like a [ __ ] joke because it really is kind of starting to seem like it is uh take [Music] this okay here we go oh my God definitely why the [ __ ] does it have a flower anyway you know what I I'm not even going to question this there's probably actually no reason for it it's just for shits and giggles had to guess all right let me get the call me Po again AL it had to be the one time I didn't have anyone in the party have curia oh my God now he has fear too man s Bard you should not be falling to stateus ailments like this come on you're supposed to be a former Dominion if anything they should have no effect on you [Music] oh I only have umbr damn well that sucks um gu I can't think of anything else oh my God no [ __ ] you this [ __ ] sucks oh my God we all have this now are you [ __ ] with me you got I hate this I hate this so much look at this [ __ ] give me this [ __ ] I'm honestly it's testing my patience on it [Music] okay there we go two [ __ ] down one left at least in this gou I swear if it does the same thing again I'm going lose it okay could have been bad let's see all right lap this code finally get to usess let's go with let's go with no it's not really going to do anything but it's like whatever this use this now uh yeah sure honestly I feel like that at least won't really matter so sure let's hear [Music] it keep doing more no cuz I mean if he wanted to do secret stuff he could have just been a part of a scaran couldn't he and it's like he could have just only like faked his own death there was no reason to like actually give away his dominum power cuz it's not like people could sense him be like oh my God this guy with a cloak somehow has the power of a Dominion you know exactly it's like why I don't see any qualification okay good we has to guard against something finally uh let's go with this scenix dance oh now it's works all right there now one party left yeah yeah I know I can use take the grindle if I need to but I'm not going to yet right let's see let's do ideal Force [Music] do haste there we go let's go with Jabber walk oh that is actually cool yeah we even want to you yeah Fair it's a fair point let me move her away here get her ready to use armarm too I know it's so weird right almost as if he's not even acting like a real one uh let's see actually let me use Ty just cuz I can oh good he's still in range wasn't G [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] let him the fact they didn't even let him do that was wild a not true it's like they're like no no no no no let's try to keep him pure but make him just seem like a badass like at least seemingly all chuny like seriously what the [ __ ] were they even trying to make van anyway it's hard to even tell with uh all the random [ __ ] they just keep giving it's like did they even know what kind of character they were making in the first place [Music] fore fore I also like how we made it sound like this monster was going to transform and yet it looks the exact [ __ ] same nothing's changed all I did was summon guys but that's it all right give me this to uh this real quick let me get it to heal us before anything bad happens ah great all cancel well it didn't take the other stuff so at least have that all right duizer again there we go now damn it not enough for J arm all right fine I'll take [Music] a yeah definitely all let me have her give a the EP charge there we go better let me back up and then this me do a heated War again my godest going to take [ __ ] forever yeah thank you radius sphere again yeah true is like right now or Lane's only good for giving me items and giving me the uh the a damage up at the moment thank you all right give me the damn three of them I honestly can't believe I have like 60 of these things like seriously I've Barely Used it that I've gone to this that's crazy especially since it's like most of it I didn't even buy it's just like I just have it left over all the other [ __ ] I've been [Music] doing has a cool nickname does that you know she's cool yeah I swear like I feel like that's the only point of the the names nowadays cuz back then at least it actually meant something now it's like either it's too literal or it's just like it's just like just the sound cool how much longer I go for this I'll just go forter [Music] [Music] see and that right there shows that art was the only key to winning this fight that's simple all because of Arts if that don't tell people how important it is especially on nightmares and I don't know what take more than that to stop us shut up bar you guys almost died on both your sides you guys don't get to talk heck fairy even actually died I can't say no presence any longer space around us seems so stabilized now too they're all unconscious by the looks of it do you think those creatures really appeared as a result of In Their Fear indeed there must have been underlings of the 77 Devils described the tested it seriously okay come on you're saying a punk group like this somehow ended up like that oh no no no no it it must have meant the the monsters we faced this isn't the first time Rec SE us to such beings have emerged indeed the last time was during the War I believe yeah I'm pretty sure some showed up because of the great Twilight that they did s even appeared under a public but how did something so significant end up down here you really think these guys feeling Corner was the cause exactly like that can't just be it it's hard to say for sure however is said the devils are drawn to the negative emotions of humans thankfully that was the last of their ominous presence here longest s then what a relief never expected to find myself up against supernatural beings down here seriously after all the [ __ ] we've been through quatre you thought there wouldn't be supernatural beings here that's [Music] ridiculous feeling jealous a little oh yes so if that could happen you been 7 years of the making I suppose so what we worked together one time oh look everyone showing up late to the party again I swear this is getting old I'm kidding or who am I kidding it got old since like the first couple chapters is are our favorite couple of crackpots please your master almost died in that fight please we could have still fought on our own exactly without a lane God they SM into exactly it's like dude Zen was such an interesting character I'm not going to say he was one of the best but with his story with Walter man and with Kila like come on he was at least kind of badass now it's like they actually are just like ruining his reputation as the immovable like that was also supposed to be the point too like his name actually meant meant something or like his title now it [Music] doesn't a nice enough dream I suppose why are you looking at me like that poting in sir those the rest of their members correct take them into custody should be the last of them but what were they even doing on [Music] here lay down a yeah seriously Agnes was the one who saved the day to me like we would never needed well I'm sure that's not true n unfortunately Agnes it is very true we were able to Lear at the book of all's remaining forces after they were going to stay here anyway they had nowhere else to run what do you mean finally we can take a break I'm just glad we were able to smack some sense into those idiots when they went crazier than a palm sp there are better ways of putting it same here as soon as I realize it was over my stomach started rumbling like crazy no w'll make up for everything you've done especially old so we can leave that for some other time how about we all head to the Beast room below your work for a little celebration huh sounds like a plan to me had my ey in that place for a while or even the former president's a fan hold on you to even though division Chief speaks highly of it can't say I'm not curious myself the place where you're staying Master H I'm curious too why we be troubling them by charging in on announc of such large numbers it's not an in it would be best if we asked him first but T is a generous man yeah seriously what with like so many of the food scenes come on wait even you're on board with this it's not often we had the chance to go somewhere to get you know I think it'd be nice to invite BMA too maybe some my classmates that all right of course we have to have that one time where it's like the entire cast just comes together for a celebration before [ __ ] goes wrong swear we really love doing [Music] that [ __ ] my life did you have to encourage them it's going to be total chaos my only reason is the one I stated and you're coming too of course well I live there jackass do that work for you too El I suppose so this thing about it takes me back to our school Festival after party there's no way this is this isn't going to be way worse oh my God he actually said the thing it's like the title of my video that's crazy damn I called that even before the stream started let's go all right let's see what kind of [ __ ] we're going to go through ptic GL fair enough I swear again too many situations where it's like these people shouldn't normally hang out with each other yet it's just happening just because and that that's the main reason it's just because nothing more nothing less [Music] oh my God we actually are bringing everyone how the hell is this even working oh my God I swear honestly I would have hoped that this would have been the last scene I have in this game and then the credits for the roll but I know this game's already proven too good to be true that it's not not I a Smalling I know like seriously re Terror and then they were able to let go and truly enjoy the moment seriously how are these people okay with such a gathering like this in the first place [Music] [Music] now [Music] [Music] foree comment [Music] yeah remember guys Ben is a lone wolf that isn't good with people seriously it's like whatever happened to to that uh saying so long [Music] ago for Van mature yeah sure uh-huh God damn it man [Music] well maybe you two haven't changed in the slightest you're both exactly like you were in high school that goes double for you then you're rest of the same slave driver you've always been paid off though s council president to counceling inde the president to be sure you never a bit shy about your lofty [Music] Ambitions what's the plan then building a foothold in the C sh to the police bureaucracy then finally Landing in politics I won't deny skill and knowledge only have meaning when you use them I intend to use mine of course there are plenty of roads I could take to get into politics besides that one here comes his boundless confidence not like he ain't got a good reason for it but uh I bet your Chief must have a hard time working out what to do with you well she's a smart woman I don't doubt she sees right through me talk to no clearly found yourself a fine base of operations haven't you so it's a shame the actual work you do from here is as shitty as it comes full [ __ ] [ __ ] great now we're bringing this word back again terrific and here I thought I could at least go a couple hours without someone someone saying the word it really is a nice place even your landlords are sweethearts I'm sure them being around has helped you achieve a balanced diet too even if it probably still contains far too much sugar who are You My Mother you think the work we're doing is Shady maybe stop piling more on us dude come on Van you need it how else you got pay R how are things with your dad by the way Rarity is at least cooperating with questioning he is I started seeing glimpses of the man he once was I did plan to see an over until a guilty verdict on his charges was reach but my mother sent me away saying she was sure I had something more important to do I see Sone always was a strong woman appears that she still is well even if there's more to come must be feeling some Rel to you finally settled matters with him I do half the reason I wanted to become a bracer was to clean my doubts about father and how those STS turned out to be justified but even still he must be family to me never would let me to being the one to charge him I don't regret the path I chose now I can dedicate my days to mulling over what being a bracer really means time for me to consider my personal goals find I can re my my sword for myself see so I can can finally see things for what they truly are for the first time maybe you should try maybe for that un official S rank then now you got the determination to work for it I don't know about that or while you know about that rank for that matter now I have a clearer head I feel like even a rank is too high for me as I am but since the higher ups rejected not only my resignation but my request for a rate decrease just had to make peace with it you even asked for a demotion huh damn really going to learn to loosen up oh yeah so you dad was that the reason you began to embrace her right what was the other half what like uh something happened at school between me dropping out in graduation you could say that I suppose it has absolutely nothing to do with you not the slightest I got it What's your deal I scw up by something you do nothing but screw up with aain me and my big mouth stop Whispering over me honestly seriously wasn't even the point of whispering if she's right there in the [ __ ] middle you know I heard the two of you had a whale of a time on your own little gathering following the school festival's after party how disgraceful look just cuz Renee brought his older girlfriend along doesn't mean we were looking to get into trouble we just wanted to drink some stuff art square of Vice press would have had our heads over we didn't have a choice but to leave you out no we certainly saw some stunning Cent tell at the place my ex picked up didn't we don't tell her that I knew it you supported me during the St council elections but you were getting up to such debauchery behind the scenes then out of nowhere you just leave that letter I'm sorry NE again is hitting below the Bell isn't it news Playbook besides I'm the one who in around you I need to apologize for for L son for Fore fore fore [Music] foree [Music] foreign [Music] for [Music] Fore Co [Music] [Music] fore [Music] foree [Music] fore for foree [Music] [Music] [Applause] foree speech foreign fore fore foree [Music] I swear I honestly don't even know where the [ __ ] this chapter is even supposed to go anymore cuz seriously like I don't yeah we also got being a physically threat has Authority Act undermine true yeah cuz that's the thing it's like how come it's like the game basically tried to make those kind of moments a thing it's like there were people who criticize that I mean I'm not going to say I wasn't one of the ones but it's like somehow van it's okay when he's a lot older than' come on that just seems ridiculous to me or even if they are the same age it's like the argument can still go to Van anyway why is he like somehow the exception to the rule when it's like there's nothing that should make that exception yeah no I dropped out [Music] [Music] for glad to hear it what about you had fun [Music] for for spee [Music] fore fore [Music] you good spee foree [Music] it's only eight and I'm already feeling be it's just my imagination right we dealt with all of about Mod's leftovers and I ain't picking up anything out of the ordinary either but right never learned what that [Music] was but yeah you're right there it's like why do we keep saying dealt with the AL when mkor still [ __ ] out there those thugs weren't alada melor is alada okay stop trying to make it seem like it actually is over when obviously it is not s like good a great another a stupid Quest the hell is this de spren doesn't look suspicious at least all right I just asped guess this me CH must be the code it was telling me to look into Princess go to the stable along the river upon which the iron steeds descend honestly I wouldn't be surprised if this good to the stable I oh I see the car shop gotcha Steed cuz of like the car I got you [Music] what's this optional thing is it inside the restaurant no where is this oh it must be upstairs I guess okay maybe here we go oh okay yes yes Mom I get it I promise I'll be back in time for new I been rambling so much about this God well I mean to be fair there is a lot to like ramble about this game I'll go ahead and talk to gramy sounds like a point a family call I won't put it from the sound of it she was talking to her mom far as I know she was a theater actress and this a grim cat tough nut the crack Grandma's probably worse though she was a chanceen singer and a first want to miss of her I see what was even a point whatever moving on wait we're in the stairs again right here we go all right let's see God damn it okay so I have to choose well I'll finish Judi just to get it out of the way this before yeah I do remember he's name um I also do quadr but uh all right let me go see where I should be going yeah Riverside I already know where I need going give me to the car shop yeah figured it would be here like come on it was obvious got to stable along the river upon which the injured iron steeds Des send it's got to be the body shop well I'm here now what you put up the request then oh NOP not me just heard you the gra find what was going on and offered to lend a hand no way I was going to pitch in pitch in to what you three with me here H you can leave all the questions for later took the subway here yeah assume your car is going to be in the usual garage what if I go get it that came out of nowhere yall should have a key already since this is where I bring my car to get service what are you up to though nothing bad just getting a nice free car wash okay thanks for the offer little out of nowhere though definitely like that but let me pay you for [Music] it it's seriously I came here for a [ __ ] car wash [Music] second test on the gateway to our Fair Capital lies a merchant whose store carries varieties for every man do you yeah I feel like the fur line is weird honestly like what what does it even do or for what reason anyway it's like I've also never really been a fan of like having fur on a coat but again that's like my personal tast but still even then it's like why gateway to the fair Capital wait Gateway Merchant [Music] um fine Cod to nice no I agree 100% woman women make it work really well uh [ __ ] I'm trying to figure out what this is the Gateway to the capital um Merchant I don't want to look at the map cuz i''d be cheating reach him to accomplish the task the merchant if I had to guess the oral store I mean the oral Cafe if I had to yes let's see if I'm right hey I was right I think let's see cuz I figured the entrance is like due to train cuz we don't have like a grand entrance to Calvary oh it's not a man I thought I was on a roll wait the W merching for a man then well actually no now that I think about it an oral Cafe would make sense because orans can be for everybody what would it be that [Music] I mean oh just a department store overall okay now someone's just [ __ ] with me why am I getting free stuff for no reason all right well at least I was kind of close in where I was going I said reach the place in the business district where three pillow stand you can hear the Rushing Water wait you there [Music] uh just more van getting it no yeah it is three pillars three pillars wait business [Music] district oh oh okay okay I think [Music] oh wait but first I'mma go watch the movies wait first let me see uh what stuff I have that way I know nothing so I have wolfes recum so curious perfect driver inside of Heaven okay golden blood director's cut yeah sure why not just get it over with okay I see who's back there I swear they make it so obvious who I'm supposed to interact with fore I see what [Music] yeah right yep of course yeah it's like dude come on don't turn your back you prly asked for it anyway [Music] right who is it this time van my man it has been a while have have you been hey gny didn't think I bump into you of all people here yeah well I came over you to sober up for an after party holding to find her playing my damn movie end up watch it one last time like being reminded of the Leon door that got a way to get back to my senses I thought you looked a little teared up for some reason yes it wasn't my imagination you put it behind you though does that mean you've already moving on to your next movie normally I'm not one to say but you're a good friend fan so I'll make an exception and tell you I am but that's all you're getting that said you got a lot of potential in say why don't you come make your big acting de my next film you could be the hot as hell bad boy person I saw you back in please are you sure you weren't looking at something else you weren't watching on your phone on YouTube maybe that's where you actually found someone I don't know about you love the theme of it too it was about dark Justin as if dark Justice I'm not seeing the Buddy the only time there was dark Justice was when I made the decisions to actually eliminate the [Music] villains all right anyway let's move on uh what was I going to do again oh right right right right SE in [Music] District said thing about water yeah I figured what's going on there God damn it I can't cross the street that sucks I should be allowed to walk across the street even if there are cars come [Music] on is it inside the hotel probably is wait what oh these are the pillars isn't even dark Justice or qualify yeah true but like that's the closest thing is we'll get to dark Justice in this game but again I'm not saying it is I'm just saying like out of everything that we've been through oh hey well you've been waiting for me does that mean you got tied up in this thing too indeed I did but first why to sit time and relax sure all this adventuring has made you ever tired if we done one where we prepare a grand finale well was that supposed to mean cuz there's no point getting all worked up about it [Music] okay someone's playing some sick twisted joke on me what the hell is this it's a reward for your tireless work Mr arry are you Ser dude why does he need two tables worth seriously now I I I die the other day I haven't cuz it's found of sweets and and it's all mine so wonderful to see you delighted at least we could have done true okay hold the phone for a sec I even getting into how the hell I'm going to eat all this without gting a billion cure on what's to catch you not saying I don't trust you but kind of don't trust you too good to be true too nice the hell are you getting that I think Mr wait what wait I don't understand oh oh I see all the people from all the requests I've [Music] done question would I have missed this if I didn't do all the quests or would I've been uh able to without it cuz I mean to be fair I do remember almost every single person here oh right yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah when the guy had to uh steal money to uh payback a camera you kid me you get free Tech free employees everything think this too yeah it's like come on man right and the one girl was uh trying to get away from her stalker and the other one was the friend of her from who worked at the the coffee shop oh no no that's the wallet one okay yeah yeah okay I remember that right the doctor we needed the uh like medicine or whatever oh right the pendant thing I forgot about that all right yeah she was the chick whose uh boyfriend was trying to leave the group then got killed before that right and then the two Idols uh let's see the other two oh yeah the one guy was the one who was uh doing the scamming the other one was the guy no he was the one who was de I think and her she also had one but I'm trying to remember what it was [Music] [Music] oh right yeah during the uh the lockdown this true it's like this isn't really give an edgy image if it's like everyone's like super thankful like oh you're the best you're the greatest of all time come on [Music] [Music] [Music] remember' and Lloyd only got this recognition after 7 countless times yeah it's it's true when you think about it because it's like he didn't get like all the recognition and or they didn't get all the recognition and Glory until like way after that cuz it's like people still had doubts about the both of them even then so it's like how come he's getting this and it's just the first game of his series come on God is Almighty why to gang up on me like that it's not right I'm allergic to kindness yesh I'm stuff going have to hit the gym feels like sounds like a good problem to have maybe may my big bunch of sties is what they are oh you're one to talk fan kind of funny honestly always see the dark side Humanity by no you don't don't you dare this is the opposite you got a clue why I stumbled into something selfless like that okay come on no you have a clue you just don't want to admit it really is the true softy the clients would a springer went above and beyond to get the piece of mind shut up someone tells me the whole thing was you're doing anyway I right again though the young Miss came up with the idea of fairness she wanted to show her things so she asked her Butler to do the [Music] rounds you found this young businessman you might know name is Roger his face lit up like a match when he heard your name I guess I we did hit off a bit let them to me and is had already done some research into your on Brazil's behalf figured i' lend a hand as thanks for how you help dingo H that was nothing wait back up a bit what do you mean you did some digging exactly what it sounds like point of my nosiness just s fell you know really him you sure think told me a thing or two about you K and I got me curious might make for a good article AR ride the antier not the man e deser but no no no no no don't even think about it I swear to God if that shows up on the paper I'm going to lose it well how am I supposed to keep a low profile you saw my face on the front page please van what do you mean keep a low profile everyone already knows who you are just wondering how I can't got all those guys together that was the trick huh right got to hand it to her I didn't think we'd be able to put on that big of a party on such your notice Sheed the department store and that mechanics place in two something else it all work to Perfection big old party with enough sugar to put you in a coma and think of it that would make for a great article too see it now we you not get off with the anti-hero [ __ ] and I was not crying whenever you say you don't mind I'll be keeping track of your exploits from here on out give me a break will you to keep an eye out for him too well guess ao's going to eat oh and I get money seriously okay how is this a point for all of it you know what I I don't even care no I'm just going to do this and Skip through the dialogue I can't be bothered all right there I've done it look I had to okay okay so all drivers gain seriously only two you can at least give you five SE Mass rail locket car bundle can tactical bonus of 4.0 ah [ __ ] same C two oh okay I've got almost all the battle ones oh I haven't done three virtual battles right keep getting to do that but not like it really matters all right let me see let me just go here [Music] first uh let's see let's do you know what I honestly don't even care about these other bonding events even though I should but it's like honestly no I'm just going to skip it and move on like I said I can't be bother cuz look although other people definitely maybe somehow I don't know how want to see it I don't personally unfortunately that's just how it is and again this is my game my walk through so that's just how it's going to be oh I didn't even get an extra point that sucks all right almost done ATS and ADF why could I give him HP up crr needs HP okay I don't have anywhere else to go right oh no wrong [Music] thing nope okay good let's head back to my place all right like am I actually just going to be doing basic fors bgs like seriously if that's actually all I'm going to be doing the next couple days it's going to [ __ ] suck I just want to see what the simulator has I'm not actually going to do it I just want to see what it has I need my something no no no it's fine okay okay ghoul Ida the Tyrant ver ragna AF uh CIS Divine Divine bleach okay verit ragna is that the is that what the the prince's bodyguard uh golden Beast name was this one I I think is the uh it's that robot that was the same like the one in the reinford company this one I know I'm not going to have fun with I might as well say that for my own time honestly or should I do it no you know what I'll do one just for curiosity's sake uh which one should I [Music] do well I don't want to fight the robot again cuz it was annoying as [ __ ] uh the other ones H screw it I'll just go up against she now why not let see how it goes okay how do I want to do this okay let me oh wait no no no no no first yeah there we go okay all right let me do heated oh no I don't need to do heated more yet let me just do coin Fair well don't worry I'm going to change fairy no way I'm keeping her in the party H but who do I choose uh [Music] that uh let's go with let's go with Tyrant storm ah [ __ ] I may have messed up damn it okay I messed up [Music] [ __ ] uh how do I want to do this I guess just this yeah and I missed that up okay good didn't waste her uh EP yeah all cancel wait was it oh no no no no it was the cancel my bad okay eat in there let me do heated War just to get that EXT a bit then vandalize me [Music] [Applause] [Music] but now I'm kind of curious if she's in uh this version of herself as a simulation will she use her as break that is the question cuz if she can I might be [ __ ] here okay next I'll have to heal oh okay yeah I'm oh my God kill me please it's also have vas so much P early yes seriously it's like come on he hadn't accomplished that much yet okay thank you for the heal uh go [Music] with what should I do maybe just snip there we go oh yes it missed finally but actually let's go Phoenix dance fore speee foree [Music] oh my God am I lucky I got that Guardian that would not have been [Music] [Music] fun thank you Aaron fin actually doing something useful for me we also my storyboarding friend saw you stream to find what you said about oh okay tell them I appreciate uh their agreement uh let's see let's go with h [Music] there we go oh HP up okay did not mean that but sure you play these games even more really huh damn small world a [ __ ] I forgot I ended in range okay that's my fault God ah [ __ ] Fan's dead not good ah [ __ ] uh this is going to be a problem oh here we go like you play Somebody's 10 times damn I'm surprised he has that much mental strength to actually go over these games that many times respect again must have suffered a lot but still respect you know what I'll actually use this [ __ ] it what was he trying to go like platinum on this or something uh let's see R's not going to work I guess I can try thank you all right let's do another snipe he oh okay okay okay yeah cuz I was going to say it's like how could you actually put yourself through it that many times I honestly would have lost my B me God damn it man a [ __ ] I want to heal but need to take these opportunities when I can oh yes executioner oh get another chance nope ising this H wow again I have [Music] respect okay going to have to heal van all right give me oh yeah I can do both of these there there we go now to do [Music] [Music] this oh no there goes the old can yeah I was afraid of that thank you oh thank God he had to resist y it's not the same criticism TR as we do Laura CLE ah okay good I see so like individual got you uh let's go for I'll go for side why not oh damn it she ran out okay give me a second let me use ep5 ep4 am I saying five oh I'm not [Music] surprised oh no she actually is using her es break a [Music] [ __ ] okay as long as Agnes lives we can do this she lived I'm so lucky I think it was Van secret power because putting him on honestly it is because it's like you saying you can undergo like so many transformations to me heck the only person should be allowed that is MC bur at least he was or I take that I know like seriously man come on uh let's go with should get all of us there we go oh no not the all cancel again [ __ ] damn it I just got that's the for Van are you serious God [ __ ] all right please heal uh please okay yeah it would be Duality she loves that there we go let me do this [Music] thank you I also find it surprising like Van's supposed to be my tank but he's only surviving because everyone keeps casting Guardian on him like that's wild in so many ways all right let's go with now let's continue with theen next got to waste time healing van [Music] again but I mean to be fair this formation has been working for me so [Music] far oh my God he actually barely took any damage from that I'm impressed for a second [Music] all right I know this is going to be a waste of time cuz she'll probably just all cancel this anyway but still I have to try something all right stay focused on me next let's get a let's go for regulus caliber [ __ ] going to need to take another Eep charge yeah there we go all right we're good oh thank you okay it's just silver WIS good I was like please don't let it be Duality okay I'm [Music] good y here he goes again oh okay it didn't all cancel this time wow please okay good I was going to be like please don't do that move again please I'm begging yeah this is going to be a long ass fight I can just tell uh let me take a t then do this [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] oh you've got to be kidding me well then again this is why actually let me use cor drive on us Almighty C bling I know seriously all that hype in that looks like does nothing here oh yes it missed oh come on Van you should be able to hit it because of [Music] that fore fore [Music] speee spee [Music] it's amazing how my me up yeah I mean is impressive in tell oh my God I barely lived holy [ __ ] uh [ __ ] I don't like having this crit right now cuz it's very dangerous what I possibly think of doing it but actually oh wait no she's I don't like this position I'm in uh screw it whatever I'll just do it please at least let her get a turn before she's in a oh yes she does oh my God that might have saved me okay let me do let's see healer again and then another Cobalt curtain [Music] there we go and now we should be good to go I have to move this out of the way soon okay here Perfect all right so let's do the usual next this [Music] [Music] for Fore speech [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] for okay it only did a delay I'm fine with that let's go with let's keep going with the oh my God yeah I figured this was going to [Music] happen yo what's up Phil welcome back oh I'm so glad there we go seriously angus mean the MVP thank you like seriously he keeps getting hit by everything come on give me something to work with man all right let me get back for Aaron's sake uh [ __ ] uh we me use the ep2 [Music] there we go even if the quick is only for van at least it's something I swear she use Duality right now okay good it's just Sil I can do with that going be like please don't cancel it quick not after I just got it wait hold up here we go all right we're good cuz I have to set this up for now there we go thank you oh we got EP up let's go going of a regul caliber wait what how far are you into the game I'm on the last chapter I don't know how much is left on this chapter but that's all I really know at the moment cryst Eden oh I can do something here let's go with Pluto's Nova has been a nightmare it really has and it's not just because it's on nightmare difficulty even though it's honestly not really that difficult but it's like the story has been a nightmare not in a good way all right let me uh damn I want to use the crint now uh [ __ ] it I just use corn bolets going give Dam there we go and let's go just save by using another caliber thank you there we go we got three yards going at the same [Music] time where the nightmare yeah hly no thank you I'm good man [Music] hey let's go ooh zero Arts perfect timing fre Crystal Eden how could I pass that up uh that's good I'll just use this okay I at least am making progress Le have that going now this oh yes EP up thank you uh heal van please he needs it there we go okay we're good let's go another caliber oh here we go again van I swear to God if you die again all right let's see we lived wait what no I kissed my ultimate first what is this oh we live somehow oh thank God so we'll still keep his effects oh my God I was about to lose it again I was going to be like God damn it man a third or fourth [ __ ] time you died and you're had a tank thank you okay get the silver win yeah I can handle that I do this again yes then give me this [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh yes thank you Aaron I needed that Guardian so bad B come on you can counter that [ __ ] wait till you [Music] [Music] wa what do you mean like I'm not trying to deny or anything I'm just kind of curious in like what exactly we're pointing out here uh what should I do here uh scw I'll just do whatever boost oh right yeah yeah yeah true I don't really see the point in it cuz I mean I get the point where like it gives AR m a bit of a boost like just regular crafts but I don't understand why it has to limit our SC crafts cuz it'd be one thing if they just admit oh the reason is this is how we make it more difficult for you so then you can't spam it all the time but it makes it seem like there's probably a different reason for it but it's like honestly even then I still wouldn't really understand that being the reason thank you rar yes another counter let's go I'm on [Music] aoll I was wondering what she was going to power up cuz honestly it's like she's been taking so damn long I was like was she ever going to level up now one more being honestly it kind of is it's not she's really doing anything different okay good no Duality love to see it continue this again cuz honestly I'm just spamming the same pattern over and over again just Agro van and everyone else hit with FS so then they don't get caught up in her attacks oh God not the blizzard oh no I'm frozen damn it it's going to be annoying uh let's see actually now [ __ ] this I use Fenix [Music] [Music] foree fore fore spee [Music] [Music] okay good now I can do this [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh come on couldn't get a guardian that time aing come on oh God I'm scared of what's going to happen here [Music] oh my God I'm so glad I timed that right is going to have one more move and it's like I can't have anyone else be the anro point there we go okay now everybody's back thank you [Music] for [Music] spee [Music] [Music] spech fore fore [Music] foree for [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] spee fore spe fore fore spee [Music] honestly where would I be without I she's the only reason I'm still alive at this point all right let me take uh there got to be something good I have here uh yeah I guess I just take this for the time being [Music] [Music] fore fore foreign [Music] fore fore for foree foreign fore fore [Music] yeah this wouldn't have to come back to fight me in the ass eventually oh yes I lived [ __ ] yeah ah [ __ ] the one time God damn it right let's there we go oh God damn it I have nothing great one time I need something cool oh yes it missed let's go oh and another Miss let's go [Music] oh [ __ ] okay I might not be able to survive this this time cuz unfortunately agus does not have her srak ready okay I just need someone else along agus to survive yes oh my God someone actually did survive okay okay okay okay hold up a second hold up a second hold up oh wait I guess I could have was just a my van I think about [Music] it yeah yeah don't worry I got I got this [ __ ] don't worry oh damn I can't do an es oh thank you you live for now uh gu just Cobalt tast for us just in case then [Music] Phoenix oh [ __ ] no damn it oh crap no no no no no please live a please [ __ ] hell okay uh regular this caliber please uh oh wait no no no we we can still survive this but uh let me see should I even bother oh wait no but she can't reach me yet oh damn it I don't have of course the one time all right uh you know what I I don't even care just revive them like honestly even if it doesn't change like still just the buy time what oh you got to be kidding me at had extr oh my God I did it let's go oh that's right we don't get exp from this all right again it was just more long than it was really difficult so yeah let's turn off the simulator all right decent at least get as much as I needed to from all right I'm going to continue the story a bit more and then I'll end this stream because again it's like I feel like I've done literally nothing it's I don't want it to be like that cuz then it's like what was the point of me streaming if it was just going to be like that oh my God Aaron's only at one okay first let me save all right hopefully this isn't a super long cut scene or anything cuz then it might be up for a while oh right should order delivery see if I can get some more of those EP charges equipment delivery oh here we go give me some of these what wait oh s my bad I was like what the hell okay come on come on what are you serious oh new weapons I don't really need weapons honestly item delivery yeah there we go damn these hella expensive I'll just get 15 of these cuz at least it's something five bone celestials nah I'm good and then let me get some more in these these so then I can just like trade these for a [ __ ] actually let me get 20 more yeah and then I should be able to trade those [Music] later cuz again it's like I could do the weapons but it's like honestly I'm fine like I'm still surviving with what I have I don't need to go that overboard with this [ __ ] so yeah all right let's do it the next three days leading up to the festival swep through like a whirlwind oh wow okay so we really did just okay good I honestly didn't feel like doing for SGS that just seem like a waste of time to be fair that last Quest that I did or like mini Quest basically made it seem like it was all done so guess there really was nothing left to do which honestly I'm fine with I'm more Dilly ding with this [ __ ] not the trouble Armada was recent there was very little in the way of problems relating to them in Star CR Solutions were consist of contracted Tas and of modest requests since celebrations were already upon them they found themselves rewarded with not just mirror but food and other material gifts those together with a gradual increase in decoration stent about the city made them keenly aware the festival's approach assistants also found themselves coning their respected Futures and respons to what ex said all this in mind and more I felt like The Grand Event was destined to become a turning point in their life yeah I mean that is usually how it is they approach a much suspense both at home and abroad for what was to come following a memorial service set for CR was the unveiling of the Republican Army's next generation of weapons right there was that kind of discussion going on number VIPs would soon descend upon a capital ready to take part in moments both solemn and Mary but the night before the Revolution Festival had an early surprise in store be on guard for the seventh Genesis of the Revolution Festival tomorrow see oh wait wait wait wait this SE isn't who I think it is again is it I swear to God how many people have got to call themselves C by this point in the series until we're done with that but interesting whoever this is also knows of the existence of the other Genesis and they know there's more but more than that they actually know about its existence even though it's supposed to be secret okay I mean to be I was kind of wondering if we tackle the other two Genesis here or not and I mean again it makes sense because it's like if it really was over we would have F found them in alad's base or something but clearly nothing was found or reported so it's like there has to be more to it obviously come on here we go December 3rd First District vantel Revolution Memorial Plaza [Music] [Music] it's almost 10:00 a.m. kept this waiting long enough just look at all the people it's SP you man a bunch of others too I may press you can pick around from The Crow any you ever friends are there too right sure you didn't want to tag along oh yes I think it was for the best that I didn't or my position I would have needed bodyguards if I had gone unfortunately right fair but I mean it's like wouldn't it be kind of dumb for him to even put bodyguards because it's like when I reveal her identity and it's like people the whole point of her name is to make sure that people don't connect the to the message you received maybe one of remain here that much more gotcha I wish we knew who even sent the damn thing I have an idea yeah especially since they mentioned the Genesis and when we don't have a that all we have to go on is the name c the name has been assumed by tomb people who made themselves known the Empire Recon years yeah Crow and Rufus not believe E Done to be the one who sent message however I don't know man I mean I wouldn't be surprised if Rufus is involved in this again I mean he wasn't Ry the original was a terrorist responsible for trigging the Civil War over there right someone else used it after that that is correct but bear in mind that both of those matters are considered resolved we had no reason to believe they would take up the name again that being said seemed that the aliens must have been chosen through careful Del I mean to be fair every time C has been involved it practically seems like it's meant to be like a sign of sorts like the times are changing right it was the same with Crow with like the change that the noble faction was imposing onto aronia it was the same with Rufus when it started to seem like the the elements of the world were facing up against the humanity yeah now it's just a matter of figuring out that they're trying to help us or mess with us not like we got much to go on we can't even say for sure it's someone who name starts with fa SE this true it could be anyone m still alar so hell can't even write him off oh there's Agnus is Dad [Music] [Applause] [Music] spe [Music] [Music] for thise [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] fore [Music] fore fore [Music] [Music] [Applause] foree [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] spe [Music] for [Music] speee Fore for CR sounds like it must have been a truly beautiful place it was it's where a close friend and someone I owe a lot to passed away I've done some filming there in the past it's hard to believe I'll never see that same scenery ever again as long as we do not forget them don't continue to live on both the people who lived there and the place in which they lived I hope you're right I'd like to believe that too I feel the same way but even if we do forget it won't be gone forever everyone who lives leaves a mark on others and the surroundings that gets passed out whether people aware of it or not think so couldn't have put it better myself still your dad some Wordsmith huh I almost found myself getting went over by all that stuff he was saying really think so that's what I was going to say super cool feel like I could trust him with anything uh let's not get too hasty there not to mention that face if I want to jump the political ship he could get work as an actor no time flat even his voice carries well talk about hitting the lottery Rocksmith fits my image of a politician a lot more but no one can deny how talented your dad is I guarante and sin I could feel myself being roped in by his act sorry I shouldn't have put it like that true cuz it's like if he really is this great of a guy why did he potentially have to play dirty against Rocksmith I mean I'm not going to say Rocksmith was a sane or anything but it's not like he had necessarily failed in what he was supposed to be doing so it's like why would you actually have to use dirty tactics to beat him you don't have to apologize I understand how you feel to tell the truth oh you're certainly a man without equal in a different sense from president Rocksmith I believe we're about to get another Glimpse at just how too the morning is at an end which means it's time for the grand unveiling for [Music] for for H right cuz they have been kind of uh foreshadowing that in the other games right cuz even in that one letter from like I think it was a master CI terine was saying that he was busy checking out stuff on the East because it seemed like there was trouble Brewing there I wonder what exactly is going on that makes it so dangerous [Music] now fore [Music] [Music] it [Music] [Music] right the one from mardu for [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] spee foreign [Music] fore [Music] [Music] for Fore foree spee fore [Music] spee foree [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foree [Applause] but I kind of have to think where did they even get the knowledge to create a paner sold at because look even if they can put it in the black market what they're doing with the zifa it seems almost the same like what'r was capable of doing with his friends or I guess acquaintances back in class seven right when it came to a being able to connect with them to unlock new abilities with valamar right CU it's like I feel like that kind of understanding that shouldn't be something that the normal paner soats were capable of but it seemed like these ones are in a way again I might be misunderstanding it it might be a different kind of situation but even then it's like to be able to one up that where would they have gotten the all that data from like I understand like having being able to create a different version of them sure they've done the same with the airships and stuff in Le bro but I feel like that extra part about the pan or the assault frames it just seems too familiar to what the Divine Knights could do I don't know I may just be in over my head about this but that was certainly overwhelming even if we've already seen the airships and the AFS yeah right I didn't expect him to roll them out in such dramatic fashion though he appears to have made full use of all of marik's evaluations on them yeah cuz I mean still even with Mar again it's like I could see them making pan sold ass but with with the zifa again that didn't seem like much of a thing because again only' and Crow should have been able to do stuff like that none of the uh regular army guys have done anything that crazy this is my first time seeing them so I'm more than a little blown away right now oh yeah you wer with us when we saw some of them in basil anyway now that the big speech is over it's time to get to what we [Music] planned was spread throughout the city while checking for four SGS and the bulletin boards sounds good we'll also be keeping an eye out for any signs of the seven Genesis even if we shouldn't dedicate too much of our energy to that yeah still en chance that message was a prank I better safe than sorry I wish my Affairs had to end up casting such a shadow over what should be a happy day oh come on you're being silly tell me about it be more nervous not being in the loop on what's going on at this point we want to be involved SIDS all for everyone join the festival only me and one other person need to be actively patrolling just you notice something out of ordinary think at all that's all know that's vital understood be on the lookout huh my nose might not be as good as yours but there's no way I'd miss trouble Brewing understood always be available to switch in if I'm needed same can be said for me she need a hand I'll always be here I appreciate it like one SW wait why do I need to switch I'll just keep it this how it usually is after all it was the original Duo looks like Victor's back already poette and yum must still be out enjoying the festival I hope they're having fun at they are Wonder Maximus with them future together started seeming a bit more promising at the party I kind of mixed feelings about that but I guess I ain't my call to make all right then let's get to work all right seems like I got extra stuff to do oh okay wow yeah there's a lot of [ __ ] I'm just going to check what it's like here and it's like where the trigger stuff cuz if there is oh okay here we go so let me just get these quests out of way all right just going to check the boards and I'll probably end the stream so then it's like I can just do that off stream and then said more the main festival stuff just uh for next time or something I don't know like I said I'll figure it out just get this out way and last should be hope I don't trigger it oh no okay good here we go all right everything cool all right so that's going to be it for the stream for today guys again nothing really happening at the moment but again obviously come on there's no way alad is done with yet but I'm again I'm just more curious as to like how that's going to work I can imagine the kind of ridiculousness that could happen but honestly I'm not looking forward to what happens there but still it's like secretly why do they keep doing like this Pro I wouldn't say fan service but like trying to do like these cameos where it's like okay these kind of relationships would never actually happen but it's like they're just trying to do it just for the sake of like making it seem like that great of an interaction I don't know again anyway let me give a huge shout out to both RF and Phil for showing up the stream we catch up with you both uh like I said I'll see if I can stream later today I should be able to but again who knows you guys aren't already following the channel if you do enjoy see please make sure you leave follow much appreciate check out my YouTube channel post of vs join Discord you guys not already but this my SOS voice I hope you guys have a great rest of your night see you guys next time we out