Pierre Poilievre Demands Liberal Government Non-Confidence Vote | GroundedTV 40

Introduction we're live and good morning welcome to grounded TV episode 40 uh we did have some technical difficulties this morning that we uh don't even want to talk about it was uh very uh I'm having the worst morning ever nothing's working um yeah it's working now it just started working out of nowhere Discord wasn't transferring video and it was we tried to use signal and then he couldn't hear my stuff and here we are anyways yeah good morning yeah Discord can be unpredictable sometimes uh that's for sure but uh it's Irreplaceable though we're stuck with it it's the best it works like 90 I don't think we've ever had that issue before never had that kind of difficulties so that was the first time uh however now we know that this could happen so what we got for you today is the main story is Pier pv's recent actions in words as of yesterday about pushing for a non-confidence motion in the House of Commons will this end the Trudeau government stay tuned to find out find our op weather first we're going to talk about the weather first I just just I was giving you let us know in the chat you think we should cover the weather I'm not I don't think it's that interesting if you guys like the story though then Justice wins okay I'm not saying we're g to start telling you uh the UV index is you know the is set Justice's green screen up and he's going to be like the weather girl he'll get up and he'll tell all the weather why be WEA man why can't be a weather man sorry sorry what's wrong like why why do it have to be a weather girl out like like like I give off this feminine appearance somehow I want what I imaged I just imagine you a freak it's a freak hail storm with golf ball-sized hail that c it's like the second most costly disaster in Canadian history or something so I I that was the title that's what's worth talking about not the fact it's the weather okay I just want to be clear on that that's all I say so I just thought it was interesting because you know we want to talk more I'm crapping all over I I I I want to talk about more than just politics you know we want to get into you know we want this to be like your morning radio show so to speak that you know we kind of I know I grew up listening to or I guess I say grow up but it was mainly my early 20s and late teens I guess that I was driving around and working listening to the radio and listening to talk shows like this in the morning on my way to work and that's kind of what I wanted to do is right and and so I feel like you know things uh if you guys have any ideas we can add for segments to the show let us know I've got a couple ideas uh just uh you know everything from talking about freak weather such as this yes all the way to maybe reading out some crazy comments we get on some of our shorts uh because I think some people think we're the politicians I don't think they understand true we are not Donald Trump we are not Cala Harris we you know it's almost like these comments are directed at the video they are yeah yeah but yeah it's like it's not you know that that's what's kind of funny about it right I love it um it's my favorite part of doing the shorts account is looking at the ones that were held for review like the comments that the YouTube bought these are a little heat we're not going they're pretty uh yeah catches weird ones though they're not even that bad um yeah most of them though are you know what's funny a lot of the ban trumps or a lot sorry a lot of the bad comments are mean ones about Trump I just opened up the comments for a second because I was gonna I was I wanted to start a segment called crazy comments where we read out the craziest comments we can find throughout our shorts or our long form videos I imagine these are going to come from our shorts though just those are the craziest ones are and as you mentioned the held for review section I go over there and I look and you say sometimes it's weird this one is literally a bunch of thumbs UPS clown emojis and poop emojis like that's just a bunch of directed I I know I think that's directed at Trump um yeah see that's what I mean there's a lot of them that are really angry at Trump there it's everybody though the most of the comments you get are angry comments most people don't comment oh I love this guy although the Trump people are also the most likely to do that as well they're the they're the ones that post the hearts almost all are Tim wall uh everything on the Tim wals shorts as well is always just people not being very nice to Tim wals uh Tim Walls wals or walls I'm not sure what it is Walt I thought it was like the dance they're calling them everything from awall walls uh to whatever the hell that means to the Tim wall yeah worst oh that's about Biden worst president in history okay yeah we're just kind of reading out some comments I I I don't I don't know if we should name these people cuz some people put like their full names in comments probably don't name them I'm not going to read them out but then some people have name like user R like segment where we just docks all the people that leave comments why you using your full you're using your full name you know what I mean like you're using your full name well it's your Google account right I think it's a dumb system although maybe it's not maybe people shouldn't be commenting things that they don't want their name attached to right it's like the Facebook system though uh a little bit yeah okay so yeah I don't know like some of these are just nonsensical most of them are nonsensical I I think the most the most clever one was on our Jag me sing short where uh we montaged him saying he ripped it up somebody commented I I think he shredded it I thought that was pretty funny yeah I saw you like that was original sometimes I'll go through the comments and I see the ones that Justice liked and I'm that's always funny to me too to see the which well I'm not allowed to like certain because we're we're trying to be partisan or or someone commented on on my grounded news video K and I liked that as well I thought that was great I thought you know what thank you you watched the video clearly so you were able to give some input whether it was one letter or 100 I appreciate it it was you know what it it was bad it wasn't good or bad you know exactly it wasn't good or bad clearly they watched the video and were able to formulate an opinion of K so you know what that's good enough they watch the video I'm happy all right are we watching the haill storm things that we want to go over yeah and I also wanted to get into something I thought was crazy I don't know if this is worth covering either but uh John Bon Joy talks a woman off a bridge in Nashville like I thought that was crazy like you really are leaning into the morning radio host thing I would love to do that I I I like it I don't know if you want to stop me if you hate it like I don't care you know just laugh those are that's the type of story I would imagine on like you know uh you know that radio station I'm not going to I I don't know if I'm doxing myself by naming it but the one that plays whatever they want wherever they want or whatever you know I'm pretty sure that's a Canada wide radio station regardless it uh they played it at my work all the time and yeah that radio show where they'd be like well yeah that that's what was weird for me is going to another Canadian city and you start listening to the radio and it's the same channel names and like you know there's different ones right like there was one uh when I was you know down in a certain area people if if I if I say it they'll know where where it is but the the bear there a station never heard of anywhere else in Canada and that one is just like all rock it's all metal it's like I've never heard metal on the radio before before going there and I was like this is crazy and you know and it was just funny because uh I feel like if you're in like Vancouver or Toronto you're probably like you you you you'll probably get more of a mix of that stuff in Toronto but I feel like it's more of like a definitely small town thing to have just rock and metal playing constantly um but yeah no I just think it's it's weird cuz you'll hear the same name but it'll be different hosts so it'll be like they'll have different hosts for like you know uh this you this city you know what I think is interesting you looked into the cat eating thing no okay well I think it's really funny because there's all these people who are posting this article right we're going to pull this up uh why are we talking everybody's getting upset about this they're saying it's happening in Springfield because Trump brought it up in the debate he was talking about Haitian immigrants eating cats right in reality I got to find the it's like Canton Ohio I don't want the fact check article I don't know why it tries to give me that I want the one that's actually CU it's from like a month ago yeah I'm not very prepared right now but anyways wrong City she's not an immigrant she's from America and it was a crazy lady who got arrested okay so they're trying to say it was a Haitian migrant but it was not that's what Trump was well he didn't say Haitian but the people on uh the wonderful breaking news website x.com they're saying break News website it's a social media platform see Ohio cats are preparing well I respect that they chose cats for that but anyways let's uh not play any of that stuff I don't know if we can play that stuff on stream cam we I'm not gonna play the lady eating the cat no I'm not talking about that I'm talking about the Tik Tok that was up on the screen that's all I don't know if that was just my screen there it was Calgary Hailstorm everybody's scen I mean there's no music coming through it's probably fine you're allowed to watch Tik toks okay well anyways I'd say uh let's let's get into the to the stuff Sal in want to cover the freak weather incident before we get into the juicy pure po of story here okay damage it ctv's Mason DTI is joining us [Music] now with more on that good morning the poor weather my goodness it's pouring there this morning so tell us about the hail storm it happened back in August and now we're finding out exactly what it cost in terms of insurance claims this morning Mason why is this guy dressed like peaky blinders uh it looks cool that's right Marcia the hail storm came on August 5th and pelted the north side of the city it broke Windows damaging one in five flash flooding also submerged vehicles and strong winds red Havoc at Calgary International Airport the Insurance Bureau C of Canada says 130,000 claims have since been filed since for a total of $2.8 billion now that's a dr8 billion oh my God neighborhood well no it's not actually you know this is horrible this horrible not fun at all it's a lot easier to understand I'm just saying I'm shocked this is why I wanted to cover the weather this is why I wanted to cover the weather I mean what do you what are we going to say you know it's crazy it officially I am surprised I didn't expect it to be Canadian history when looking at that top 10 list Al has been hit the hardest among all the provinces by far this is right here within the last this is God telling us to keep the car for McMurray wild now followed by this hail storm in Marcia Alberta floods which saw part of downtown calary under water the20 Alberta hail storm and the I'll be right back I got to grab something you watch ranked on that list my goodness the hits just keep coming and we're looking at some of the damage it's just staggering um what's how does this impact insurance companies Mason well they've been working over time I think it's fair to say over the last uh few months or so here uh for example Auto Body companies are booked solid until the October trying to get all the hail damage fixed the Insurance Bureau of Canada says it was actually a record number of claims this summer d driven by four separate weather events that all happened within the span of Just 4 weeks and that's putting a lot of pressure on these companies the Insurance Bureau of Canada says Auto the cost of auto insurance now exceeds what companies are able to sell it for and they're calling on the province to scrap a rate cap they renewed the earlier this year the province has uh hinted that changes to Insurance are coming this fall but Marcia with companies less and less Keen to do business in the north side of Calgary it's a bit of a worrying scenario for the homeowners like the one behind me that certainly needed oh yeah okay Mason thanks for that update stay dry Mason de that pretty crazy though Forest this morning and then uh yeah I just thought that that that's like that's like the second time hail like that has happened in in uh in history of uh areas of Calgary oh wow think last year they had a similar situations the damage was is not as bad it sounds like this storm was just much longer more widespread just the siding damage alone like your entire house exterior is destroyed from the storm like you're almost like like they're actually selling this new kind of sighting I heard there it's like like they're trying to promote it it's like fullon steel siding or something because of this because of these events which is just wild why is it not Auto playing I don't know oh oh that's probably not a good idea to yeah yeah not play it then yeah what that's so there's a flag on that I thought it was kind of a cool story about you know we'll just tell people about it then it might be telling us not to do it because we're streaming that's yeah I think that's what it is just just just uh yeah I guess we keep talking about stuff and people can't find our stream or something I guess I don't know uh guess we're not talking about Bon Joy talking a woman off a ledge um I thought it was a cool story but yeah if we're going to get disclaimers when we play the video it's probably not a good idea to play it on stream that is kind of so wild that that is today's society though they have a what which should be a Pierre Poilievre Press Conference pretty cool story they have a disclaimer on basically it's just Auto flagged right it's like a topic I guess yeah some sort okay no no no I don't even know if it's just a sensitive topic or if it's uh they don't know what in the video right it looks too if you look at the thumbnail it looks like it's like a bridge you know maybe we're on uh a different webs I don't know I don't know it it wor about yeah bony we're moving on to what we came here to cover today I'm just saying it's it's a pretty cool story um yeah any El you want to talk you want to get into the pure po of stuff get right into it okay I wish they would just do two conferences just do the first one then I don't know I think there used to be a time where most Canadians spoke French and that time is just not exist anymore I don't know I'd be surprised I think it's more just about being inclusive hard the extraordinary thank you very much everyone um despite my strangely timed cold I uh had a great summer traveling across the country he used this exact line last time seeing the Extraordinary People the farmers and fishermen the factory workers uh and Forestry workers the hardworking people the soldiers who protect our country and keep it glorious and free they reminded me of the Canadian promise the promise that anyone from any where could do anything that hard workor about that would get you a powerful paycheck that can't have your attention on the show I'm watching it I just had it open neighborhoods a country where it didn't matter where you came from it mattered where you were going didn't matter who you knew it mattered what you could do that's the country that I inherited I was born of humble means and raised by school teachers the country my wife came to as a refugee from Venezuela six people in a two-bedroom basement apartment in Montreal but look at this they've enjoyed that was the Canadian promise but after 9 years of the NDP liberals that promise is broken uhoh everything costs more because of money printing deficits that destroy our money and our dollar and high taxes that punish work and Destroy paychecks a carbon tax that's now 17 cents a liter which the NDP liberals have voted and budgeted to increase to 61 cents a liter get out of here that tax increase would grind our economy to a halt the trucks and trains that deliver the goods to our super markets would stop rolling their drivers would be unemployed the factories that ship their goods in those trucks and trains would shut down it would be like a nuclear winter for our economy why if the Trudeau NDP liberal agenda of hiking the carbon tax to 61 cents a liter were to go ahead we got to stop hard work doesn't pay earn it the NDP liberals take it from you housing costs have doubled faster High Rising housing prices in Canada than in any other G7 Country Now 25 to 45% more expensive we have middleclass workers living in cars and Tents tent cities have now become common in every single Center across this country where they never existed before in once pristine and beautiful Community Parks we now have people living in tents either because they can't afford homes or because the radical NDP liberal agenda of flooding our communities with taxpayer funded and decriminalized hard drugs has addicted our people leaving them ly pavement their contorted bodies uh half lifeless maybe they will be among maybe they are among the 44,000 people who have died of overdoses in the last N9 years of this chaotic policy our borders have lost all their security 99% of shipping containers go uninspected that's where all the drugs and guns come in oh he figured 120% increase in gun violence under Justin Trudeau's radical agenda rifles while allowing criminals to run free Catch and Release Crim criminal justice has made us all d uh lose our security Now jagmeet Singh who supported all these policies in fact pushed for them to happen says that Justin Trudeau is radioactive and right before the byelections seeing sudden had a change of heart or so he said publishing a video claiming that he was no longer in the costly Coalition well let's look at the wording the costly Coalition is called a supply and confidence agreement so if you're pulling out you have to vote non confidence if you don't you're still in the agreement no matter what your video stunt would have everyone else believe so the question That Jag meet Singh has been asked 31 times in the last week and he has refused to answer1 is whether he will vote non-confidence to trigger a carbon tax election why is that say it ripped it up first news conference so he did his video two days before voting started in those byelections trying to trick people into thinking he was no longer part of the Coalition the B elction H after which he can just change his mind and go back to voting to keep Trudeau in power so I have an announcement and a challenge I'm announcing that Common Sense conservatives will put forward a non-confidence motion at the earliest possible opportunity and I'm asking Jag meet Singh and the NDP to commit unequivocally before Monday's byelections will they vote non-confidence to bring down the costly Coalition and trigger a carbon tax election or will Jag meet Singh sell out Canadians again what's he going to do guys will it be it's put up or shut up time for the mdp there will be a carbon tax election and in it Canadians will decide whether they keep the NDP liberals in power to tax your food punish your work double your housing cost unleash crime chaos drugs and disorder on our streets will they vote do you think if they stay in power they're going to release even more drugs and disorder uh I think that they're going to just not deal with the problem and it'll okay 61 Cent a liter carbon tax or will they elect a common sense conservative government that will ax the tax build the homes fix the budget and stop the crime well that sounds way better and we need to bring him down now because otherwise carbon tax carne's agenda will predominate we found out that there's a new F Phantom Finance Minister now they have a lame duck minister right now who Trudeau is pushing aside just like he pushed aside other female ministers and he's bringing in carbon tax Carney uh someone who uh he's not even a girl has too many conflicts too many to hold the real position Trudeau said he offered uh carbon tax Carney the real job but that that that caused a dilemma what would carbon tax Carney pick power or money and he said I know I'll have both he keeps the money with his uh chairmanship of a large multinational corporation that's moving investment to China what Buys in Latin America and the Middle East while he opposes them here in Canada unbelievable he gets to push his radical Davos agenda of you will own nothing and be happy while at the same time he doesn't have to respect any of the cont conflict of interest you think he wants us to eat bugs too maybe he doesn't have his interests and Investments exposed online like the rest of us he gets all the power and all the money and none of the accountability and My worry is that he's going to push for a higher carbon tax and we know that because when Trudeau relented under my pressure and paused the carbon tax on home heating for oil heated homes carbon tax Carney stood up and said no there should be a tax on home heating right now in other words carbon tax Carney believes the tax doesn't go far enough I have quotes from his book here and I I raise this with you because he was trying to weasle out and keep his position Secret in yesterday's press conference here's what he said in his book the Canadian Federal carbon pricing framework is a model for others one of the most important initiatives is carbon pricing the best approach is revenue neutral Progressive carbon tax these are among the reasons why people are starting to know him as carbon tax car me car me there we go even a nice little uh horn to Mark the occasion carbon tax carne it's Now official that is his name oh a radical agenda my message to carbon tax Carney is come in from out of the Shadows we don't need a phantom Finance Minister if you are going to be pulling the strings you should be on the floor of the House of Commons with your massive Financial interests and your foreign interests disclosed to Canadians stop pushing to kill Canadian jobs while you ship the jobs abroad make your carbon tax agenda known and be held accountable for Canadians so that we can choose in the carbon tax election and when we do common sense conservatives will bring home the country we know and love where hard work earns a powerful paycheck that buys affordable food gas and homes in safe neighborhoods where anyone from anywhere can do anything where the Canadian promise is restored now let's bring it home Mr continue the interational stud forward only years yes we we would continue going forward we can't we're going to bring home the international student system we had before Justin Trudeau which was a modest number of PE young people who were extremely promising could come here and study and if they excelled they followed the law they learned English or French they could be join permanently join the Canadian family we brought them in in numbers that we could house employ and care for in the event they needed health care that system was the best in the world uh it was under Sean Frasier who who as much as I make fun of Po of he's probably right on a lot of this stuff I think the immigration system they increased it without like adding the infrastructure to be able to handle that um yeah he's probably right he hasn't really talked about this very much he's been mostly just saying he would fix it right I've been watching him for a while he's talked about this before reducing immigration yep oh i' I just I only hear him say it sometimes and he always seems like very trepidacious around it but I think it's become a really big issue for people recently and I've heard it come up a little bit more just people are frustrated no I know foror bad for the immigrants as well right they're coming here companies it's these because companies can Advocate to bring in workers right so there's programs in place for companies like McDonald's and other big chains to just bring in workers from overseas the problem is there's no screening process to ensure that there's no one else in the area to take the jobs first so the idea that this system's in place that it's meant to supplement rural areas and other areas that are having a hard time staffing places so they have these programs in place for that right but it's a problem when these programs get abused companies don't want to hire the locals cuz the Locos cuz the locals sorry are you know have too high standards or something I don't know like you know usually like we have I completely agree with you yeah and a lot of these companies are probably doing it just because it's easier you could hire people from the local area but realistically the people who live here are going to be a lot less uh grateful for the job even you know like if if you get a foreign foreign worker they're going to work harder they're GNA appreciate it more it's that is that's why they're doing it they shouldn't be doing it still um and obviously there was a little bit of a good faith system where they were trying to kind of trusting people to try and hire locally first but um yeah you know and I mean I mean actually you know what I'm not going to say it I was just going to well actually I will if you're somebody who yourself is an immigrant and you can pull in immigrant workers who also speak your native language uh instead of hiring a local who like I said is not very appreciative of the job they're probably less reliable um yeah you just get all these advantages with the foreign worker too because then they also don't want to piss you off I can understand why they do it so there's yeah there obviously needs to be guard rails and brought in so many people that now by the admission of Trudeau Miller and the entire liberal government it's out of control and it's hurting our housing market in Brampton they found 26 International students living in one basement in one house kids are being sold into sex slavery and are being sent back to India in body bags what the this is turning into a massive humanitarian crisis what is he talking about is that I I I didn't hear about that one afterward entirely caused by trudo and the NDP liberals we will bring home Common Sense on International students temporary foreign workers and population [Applause] growth % reduction in the number of people to Canada is that something that most can expect if you have a consera government we we will cap population growth so that the housing stock always grows faster than the population we'll have we'll have exact numbers in the next election but we're building like 240,000 homes that's like 1.4% increase in our housing Supply you can't grow the population faster than that unless you're going to have uh worse housing shortages so we've been under Trudeau and the NDP we've been growing the population by almost 3% but we grow the housing stock by 1.3 1.4% no wonder we're running out of homes that's not even a question of whether you support or not immigration it's a question of whether you support mathematics uh and humans need homes and I don't care where they come from I didn't finish my stretches but I just want to come back and say uh this is actually really good this is substantive this is a real plan uh I'm impressed that he's saying this it doesn't matter if you've been here for two days or two cent your family's been here for two centuries you need a place to live the only way to get rid of the shortage is to build homes faster than we add people and that's why we will have a mathematical formula that caps population growth below the growth in the housing stock comments on migrants could be ConEd as incendiary seem ready to move forward and support your motion to bring down the government are you confident that you can actually Force an election this fall that's up to uh the sellout NDP are they going to put their actions where their words are Jag me Singh claims that he's torn up the supply and confidence agreement that means he has has to vote non-confidence to trigger a carbon tax election and I'm asking him to answer the question he has dodged 31 times will you vote non-confidence to trigger a carbon tax election at the earliest possible time yes or no sellout Jag meat Singh will you vote to keep your friend Justin Trudeau and the costly Coalition in power or will you allow Canadians to choose in a carbon tax election that is the decision that's the most substantive answer I've ever seen him give to a question and he couched everything he said uh it's not even about being anti-immigration it's about making sure that there's enough homes to actually cater to that many immigrants right like I think I think it's a good I don't know if it's perfect I don't know if it addresses everything I don't know enough about the immigration system to know that but uh I'm impressed that that was an actual policy like that's something he's actually planning on doing yeah oh it's all French right money and pay a lot less yes I will look I don't understand why it is that Canadian Pilots are paid so much worse than American Pilots after N9 years of the NDP liberals uh us pilots make a lot more money and pay a lot less taxes that's calling it The NDP liberals is a good strategy as well and Pilots said cada are simply trying to make up for the ground they lost as a result I think so too of the government caused inflation so I would call on air candada to negotiate in good faith with the pilots we're not going to support preempting those negotiations we stand with the pilots and their right to fight for a fair deal good wages and when I'm prime minister not only will they have more powerful paychecks they will actually pay lower taxes that they bring home those paychecks that's the bright future we Face a country where hard work earns a powerful paycheck how is he going to increase the wages for Pilots I don't know affordable food gas and homes and safe neighborhoods let's bring it home thank you everyone well I just thought it was worth talking about because yeah he's calling on these other parties for non vot non-confidence again which good happen last year and keep it up it's really good timing with J sing's recent stunt because it's trying to show like you going to do it you going to do it like you know like it's it's it's a good provocative thing to do I think I agree wants to test the confidence of the house as soon as possible for a little legislative background if the government loses a vote of confidence we as Canadians likely get a snap election so Power Play Review how possible is it that the government would lose that vote if it happens let's bring back the front bench to talk about that s Salam Jim ellton Carl bong and Ma Walsh ma is coming to us from Deno where liberal PS have been meeting for the last few days over in Montreal the NDP has been doing the same the Block in UD uh ma how's this going over there what is your anticipation about what the Liberals intend to do this fall well I think I think the conservatives need to realize maybe that the Liberals are not they are a bit more unsettled that the NDP lost or pulled the plug on the on their deal but they're not concerned that they won't have a partner in the House of Commons the block has already made it incredibly clear that they are willing to play ball with the Liberals um on confidence matters if the block gets something in return for Quebec and that has hearten the Liberals that they will be able to make it through uh some say not just to the spring but even to next fall still so they absolutely don't want an election this fall that's clear that's been made clear to me but they also think that they will have negotiating Partners In The House of common still even with what Pier PA have was saying they're trying to negotiate with the block right now right yeah they're trying to push like basically leblock is trying to negotiate with the liberals so I don't know exactly if that's being reciprocated or not but I think they're waiting to see what's going to happen with the NDP but I think there is I I I don't know if I think if the NDP turns on the Liberals they're still going to get voted out because they don't think with all the seats the BL block has with liberals is enough like lebl I think if leblock teamed up with conservatives they they would have enough I think think but not vice versa with uh I think it would still be a non-confidence if the NDP team up with them so uh I'm just checking what are the total here I'll quick play I think it makes sense say that they would they would land at that assumption the block has been pretty clear that they have lots of things that they can leverage in order to exchange for their support and their support is more than enough there's more block we oqua than NDP is it really 32 yeah NDP only has 24 oh yeah so they could do it doesn't even matter then so he could vote non confidence then wait is this old wait look up green party too because green party votes in favor of non-confidence the only parties I think it's the green party and the conservatives that vote Yes every time the green party is uh two and Independence three bacon four is this this is from right now right yeah yeah that's right and this is an opportunity for the block to get essentially what they want from the governing liberals by uh speaking to them about different policies that the Liberals could essentially help put forward that can benefit the province of Quebec but what's interesting about the conservative strategy right now and likely going into the spring and then eventually into fall is that the call for a non-confidence vote is going to be consistent because ideally the conservative leader wants to start to get Canadian voters to start pressuring their MPS to ideally vote against the Liberals if a potential confidence vote was introduced so while it may seem that you know you would need not just the NDP to support a non-confidence vote but also the the the block uh the conservatives are trying to bank on the fact that there may be enough discontent amongst Canadian voters to start pressuring their local MPS to start saying that hey even though you are you may vote in favor of the liberals or you may vote against a non-confidence motion uh we need to go to an election and we know need to go to one very very soon Jamie do you think that even if that pressure was applied to the NDP there's any sort of political imperative for for them to do so or incentive well I think the what you see with the NDP right now is they are indistinguishable from Justin Trudeau's liberals and part of them pulling out of the supply and confidence agreement was to start to build some room between them in advance of the next election and so whether or not Pier po have and the conservatives get their way and asking for a carbon tack election and forcing a fall election this fall or this continues to go on it just continues to push the NDP and the Liberals together which broadly reinforces the frame that the only way to get real change in Canada for people are going to bring affordability lower taxes Etc is to vote conservative and so whether it's voting this fall or voting next October reinforces the political frame that I think Pierre and the conservatives have quite effectively set for for J me sing every day he's out there banging the table saying he's different and this government's terrible and whether it's one confidence motion two confidence motion three confidence motions depending how many opposition days there are or how many how big the omnius budget bill for the uh fall economic statement implementation bill is no matter how many confidence votes there are if the NDP ultimately are sitting on their hands or voting in favor of the government it's just reinforcing the conservative frame that conservatives really driving with Canadians so I don't see real much downside for the conservatives and until the NDP actually comes up with an actual alternative credible Vision uh that's grounded in some semblance of economic literacy uh I don't think they're going to be able to change track I think their message so far is if I've listened carefully to Mr sing um to jug meet sing Carl is yeah the Liberals are bad but we actually think the conservatives would be worse I think that's how they're going to explain their votes and I think the other thing is it's not necessarily that they're going to get those votes that those opposition motions will be able to be turned into confidence votes immediately my understanding is the house Minister's office has the ability to push those vote I think there's five that they need to a lot they can push them this is really technical but they can push them later in the year they have to do it before the end of the year doesn't mean they have to do it right away and they actually don't even have to introduce a fall economic statement if they really didn't want to vote like that that that's right and and frankly uh all these things are tactics that will play out in the next few weeks and you you know we'll be back again to talk about them but the key thing for the conservatives is that if they're serious about bringing down the government uh they won't frame it the way Jamie just did about the carbon tax election right it will be a simple very uh very simple non-confidence motion that this house has lost confidence in the government period if you attach all kinds of policies and rhetoric around it you give an out to both the NP and the block Cuca now staying on tactics the beauty for the NDP is that the blocka will always vote before them so they will always know if the government is surviving or not that gives them uh some freedom to to vote one way or the other depending on what's happened just before them so it'll be interesting to see that play out the blocko is in the driver's seat right now in terms of the balance of power what does that mean do you think what a big deal a separatist party is essentially holding the balance of power yeah they balance of power and they are not afraid to go in an election it means that if they are to make some gains for Quebec the government's not going to have to deliver some things like it's not going to be just pro forma uh the block is going to use this very carefully they not going to roll over because they don't mind going to the polls right now but if he can show quebecers that he can make some gains on the problems that we have between Quebec City and alawwa right now uh they'll come out as a winner so so they're on top right now they're quite comfortable with their situation ma last word to you on that how do liberals feel about bargaining with the block I mean to be fair it's something Harper did to stay in power too so it's not unheard of but boy oh boy like you know D dancing with a partner who doesn't even want to be part of the country like I guess that's where we're at I think that's where we're at that's where all minority governments are at that's where this government was at between 2019 and 2022 before they had this deal with the NDP I do have to push back against Jamie a little bit the conservatives want an election ASAP as soon as possible because they know things are very good for them in the pools they don't know what it will look like in the spring so they do want this they also have their own interest in wanting it and the NDP don't need to vote with the government if the block are so the NDP might have more flexibility IL um than the block are painting it whether the NDP can articulate that and make that point to Canadians I think is very interesting in the winipeg byelection right now those signs tying Trudeau to Singh are part of the conservative campaign on the ground the common sense consern you got any thoughts on that another um I I think it's stuff we kind of said before right they're not really saying anything new here I feel like this story I thought there was going to be some more recent developments but yeah it seems like it's still kind of just more more of the same stuff we'll really have to see what happens on Monday um true came out and made an announcement in Theo to D he yep that's actually on the watch later we can actually just segue away from let's skip over this video let's go to watch Power on politics if you want but it's up to you yeah we can watch the Power and politics it's just a panel uh we we can do the other stuff and then go to that let's do this one first and then we'll do the power in politics one yeah that's just yeah yeah for sure oh is this it this is it right yeah this is him good morning Trudeau Liberal Retreat Concludes everyone things conversations here in conversations here in been focused on the things we need to continue to do to invest in Canadians confident countries invest in their workers invest in their people invest in their future and that's exactly what we're going to keep doing we'll stay focused on delivering the things that are making a difference for people right now uh and continue to build a strong economy for the future I don't know how nobody has had this talk with them and said you don't need to say keep doing say you're G to change that's what everybody wants oh that's a sound issue on their end elction uh and that people in her writing want you to go what can you say to your own MPS to convince them that she's wrong in a democracy people will have all sorts of different perspectives and that's important that we have that including within the Liberal Party the reality is all of us are focused on what to do to make sure that Canadians uh are being supported are feeling confident over the future are getting the housing they need are getting a school food for their kids and breaks on groceries that are do that were doing the kinds of things that are actually putting the strongest balance sheet in the G7 in service of Canadians that's what we're focused on and that's how we're going to get Canadians through this difficult moment from CV news youve got two crucial byelections coming up I wanted to know how much of those results are you seeing as a referendum on your leadership listen people are facing tough times right now and that's why we continue to step up to deliver for them we're there to invest in child care we're there to invest in Dental Care 650 seniors have now had access to Dental Care despite the fact that pier poov and his conservatives have kept blocking it and kept pretending that it doesn't exist they're all about Cuts we're about investing in a strong future for Canadians investing in support for Canadians that they need right now the French Parts Sor no I was going to say instead of skipping over them let's just nod our heads along and stare and pretend like we understand what he's saying oh yeah that's a good point like all right like we understand biling hi prime minister justtin bomgardner with Vista radio here Vancouver Island um a lot of the uh tariffs on sou lum they feel local local businesses are actually in Jeopardy because of it uh with the possibility of a trump um presidency coming into play what are you plan on doing with tffs we know he's going to probably hike everything coming in and how is that going to affect the businesses here that are suffering on Vancouver Island uh a number of years ago uh when uh Donald Trump was presidental he brought in uh crippling tariffs on steel workers and aluminum workers across the country uh in addition to other things that made life difficult for Canadian workers and we stood up for Canada and we not only defended our steel workers and aluminum workers and Forestry workers uh successfully we also uh made sure that the American people and the American Administration understood that things that hurt Canada also hurt their jobs and their future and when we talk about softwood Lumber the reality is Americans are facing a housing crisis as well Americans are facing challenges with the rising cost of housing and paying more for lumber for CA from Canada makes no sense for the American people and that's an argument uh we are making with the American Administration right now and it's uh we're bringing it before trade tribunals and we're going to continue to fight for the great jobs in Canada's world-class forestry industry that has demonstrated both the principles of sustainability of uh responsible work practices and of uh building a better world with a Great Canadian including BC lumber yeah what he's saying would be good if he wasn't if his policies weren't affecting the lumber industry the way they are like yeah tariffs on Canadian wood going to the states is the last thing the lumber industry needs in Canada right now that would be that would decimate it uh from what's left of it but a lot of it's damaged because of his policies yeah so that's what's frustrating is like if you know like like it's just it's I don't know no yeah I kind of agree I think as well though that Trudeau is at his height of like when I actually appreciated him when Trump first came into power so it was like one year after he got elected and uh I remember I was pretty impressed just because Trudeau immediately understood like how to flatter Trump and he basically he went there with a picture of uh his dad Pierre Trudeau and Donald Trump standing together shaking hands or something he gave him like a framed picture of it and uh initially if you look at the initial rhetoric that Trump had about Trudeau he liked him he was fine with him right and I think that relationship eventually soured I don't remember if that was like after the election or when that happened it was to do when people were talking about what was going on during the freedom Convoy I think a lot of people started to look at Trudeau a lot differently especially internationally where people started to split into looking at them as you know authorative right and thinking you froze bank accounts like it's like it's like we hear these wild stories about some countries right like about Australia about Canada about you know the UK like you know it's it's just these things that would never really happen in the US or never at least like the people would probably be way more upset about it but in our countries it's just it's like where we've never really had to be on the defense against the government like for most people in Canada I think it's just like a new thing I mean some to be overly to be like want to be on the defense I think most people never really had to worry about the government about what the government was doing because it didn't a lot less yeah for sure you're right for with you Mar Walsh with the glob mail um you were asked at the beginning about Alexander Mendes's comments and and you sort of responded with some of the things we've heard from you things like SL like confident Canadians invest themselves I'm not sure people really understand what that means how do you convince people in sort of everyday language that you can actually win this election given what people are hearing at the door given what people are hearing from constituents given what the polling shows how do you actually keep them on board well thank you M for asking me what it means to say that confident countries invest in themselves because that's the choice that we have made and we've made it consistently since 2015 and it's more important now than it's ever ever been Canada has one of the strongest balance sheets in the world the lowest deficit the lowest debt to GDP ratio amongst G7 Nations the highest per capita foreign investment in the G20 companies around the world are investing their Futures in Canada we were the third largest country in the world for foreign direct investment just last year after the US and Brazil people around the world are investing in Canada because they believe in Canadians they believe in Canadian workers they believe in the future we're building here this government is doing the same thing we are investing in the future of Canada by making sure kids have room in daycare so that their parents can get the jobs and careers that they want and that our economy needs them to do we're investing in the kinds of uh resource economy that leads into the knowledge economy whether it's leading the world on electric vehicle Supply chains or drawing in global investment in strong jobs of the future we are stepping up and investing in our future we believe in Canadians the world believes in Canadians you know who doesn't believe in Canadians Pier PF because his answer to what do you do with the strongest economy in the strongest fiscal balance sheet in the world right now is you cut you cut programs that Canadians need you cut the school food programs it's going to say save uh families $800 on grocery bills you cut the spots in child care that are allowing women to get back into the into the workforce and build those careers they need you cut the programs that are delivering for canes right when they need it we have the strongest macro balance sheet in the G7 we believe in putting that in service of Canadians by investing in them and the answer the conservatives are bringing forward is oh no we'll create growth and opportunities through cutting programs Canadians are relying on that's the choice that people get to make in these upcoming byelections that's the choice people are going to make next year and I can't wait to continue getting into it this fall with po whose perspective I can't wait either cuts are the only way forward because I know that confident countries invest in their future invest in their workers invest in their people and that's what we're going to continue to do you know what I got to give him credit for that prime minister Justin TR probably the best speech I've seen him give all year yeah they both they're both on together there I don't agree with him on a lot of it but give respect for that I give him respect for that he was he he doesn't seem scared you know he seems confident and I think that's what he's been missing yeah so I think uh you know let's see what happens this fall um I know we're uh we're kind of running out of time here we kind of wasted a lot Conclusion of time with technical issues today that we now know can happen so will be uh doing a bit more on that um our next stream is going to be this Saturday I believe or Sunday I'm not sure 100% what we're doing yet on which day it will be we don't our weekend streams it kind of depends we have to take turn pissing off our wives so it really just depends which one if it's going to be on Saturday his wife's off on Sunday so it's like we can't win we're not sure which day it'll be for sure but uh yeah expect the Regular Show Tuesday Thursday um starting next week we're going to be trying some things a little bit differently we've got a lot in store for everybody we're going to be doing kind of a I don't want to say a face sft or revamp but we're basically you know our schedules are changing and we're going to take this opportunity the the show will be going back to 8:00 a.m. eastern time um unfortunately just because that's the only time we can do but there is something in the works I don't really want to give anything away until it's a sure thing uh but we might we're going to have a lot in store for you guys this fall and upcoming in the following year so yeah um thanks again for watching uh please drop a like or subscribe we appreciate your support and stay grounded out there

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