Published: Sep 04, 2024 Duration: 00:12:52 Category: News & Politics

Trending searches: benny johnson
[Music] [Music] what's up guys your boy Benny a lot of people talk about their morning routine so why the hell not I wake up around 7 a.m. sometimes a little earlier sometimes a little later but that's kind of an average I get a cup of water I start my coffee I go for a walk run or get a workout in and I check X to go see what's trending that day maybe we should tweak the show uh change up some story ideas and so on and so it's very important to see what videos are trending in my feed and the video out from this morning is of one of kris's surrogate this is a surrogate this is somebody who literally works for the campaign the Democrat from California coming out against conell Harris how's that work guy's named R con and he's slamming KLA Harris's own tax plan to tax unrealized capital gains if that sounds extremely Marxist to you yes it is it would mean the destruction of course of pretty much all private property and home ownership in this nation and that's exactly what it's intended to do the dude straight up says uh yeah I'm not in favor of that so how bad is ship you create a company it gets to 100 million or 200 million on paper now if you're taxing that you're probably going to force that person to sell it they're probably going to sell it to private Equity do you really want the entrepreneurs to be forced to sell their companies to larger institutions and to decline in value I just I don't think that that's what you want for a startup Eed consequence they're Jeff Jeff Bezos wouldn't have to do that they're going after these these very I think the whole policy is demagoguing to go after these people that they say pay less of a tax rate than their ma does and they have billions of dollar I get the get why but this is not the right way to do it and also 90 95% of investments in startups fail and so you're so how do you even run a real campaign when your own surrogates can't defend you and who are the best surrogates for KLA Harris well it' be bcnn it's actually reporter are the best surrogates for KLA Harris the ones who aren't in a car crash with Tim Walls ins side the road Wisconsin that reporters corporate media reporters are actually conell Harris's best surrogates not even Democrat members of Congress do as good of a job as people on CNN and the the anxiety on CNN when someone who's not a someone who's a trump surrogate actually aake goes on and starts telling the truth about kamla Harris oh man that can't be allowed this is another clip that was absolutely thermonuclear in my feed this morning is both of these actually back to back it's like a perfect sort of shadow box right of what's happening in American politics Comm surrogates can't defend her and CNN the Comm surrogate who's the host can't stand it when V tells the truth here's the clip that went so nuclear if if evolving what you want you can call what you want but one second one second that hang I can't leave that hang on policy if I if I I understand but I'm going to ask the question then you can totally answer she said very clearly that that now is not this is th those are not her positions if evolving on an issue if evolving on a position you can even call it flip-flopping on an issue if that is now not allowed if that should be you know the death Nowell to a campaign Donald Trump's got issues there so look the reality is Donald Trump's been clear about his policy positions with KL Harris I want to be specific about this though actions speak louder than words when she well let's let let's you brought up some claims about K Harris I want to finish that discussion she said she didn't favor a ban on fracking now the reality is she was one of the strongest proponents of that ban so much so that when she was in California she sued the Obama Administration over granting fracking permits she didn't just favor the abolition of Private health insurance she was a co-sponsor of the bill with Bernie Sanders as a US senator for Medicare for all for Americans the reality is when you think about the green New Deal she was the chief proponent not just as a co-sponsor of the legislation but going further and saying she would end the filibuster in the Senate to Ram that through so the reality is she can say what she wants to say now those are actions she has has taken is someone allowed to evolve of course they are but she deserves to explain exactly why she's changed those positions exactly what her position is if it's not a ban on fracking what exactly is it what exactly is her healthc care plan if she no longer favors abolishing Private health insurance which just for short years ago when she ran for president she did and that's the kind of scrutiny that's been missing I think Donald Trump has received plenty of scrutiny and I give credit to him for sitting for hostile interviews that kamla Harris has not but the American people the American elector deserve policy debate that they have not had and it gets and it gets to be I guess it it will be for the voters to decide my favorite part about all that is the face of the anchor right like look at look at the face look at the face of the anchor there on CNN look at look at how like defensive and angry look at her jaw tense up right and the rage fill her eyes and her her like uncomfortable gesturing oh man and like how uncomfortable she's getting as v f checks all of this Ron Swami's classes with CNN host demanding Harris policy uh defending Paris holl isn't that amazing the CNN host is the defender what did I tell you the actual surrogates are the media host policy flip flops actions speak louder than words that's right uh the Trump Vance ticket has 37 combined interviews in the past month while Harris walls ticket has done one but it's not really even an interview Fox News and you know that so this is the expression of every reporter that actually goes live on TV with v Ron Swami we've seen it again and again I'm in danger V has done a great job I mean this is my probably my favorite person to watch on live TV because he just has a very good job um ripping the guts out of the lies and the facades that are put on in this country by the corporate media and how they are never held into account like what he does here to Christian Welker being like you're Russian collusion hoaxer you're a Russian collusion hoaxer so you got to um fess up to that why don't you apologize to that the American people it's amazing he does this uh with regularity why not play just one more too fun that language they live like verman do you believe that that is as your uh Republican colleague Chris Christia said Neo-Nazi rhetoric this is a classic mainstream media move pick some individual phrase of Donald Trump focus on literally that word without actually interrogating the substance of what's at issue the word the middle of a cultural war in this country it's actually describing a series of behaviors you have antifa and other related groups that have been burning down cities for the last 3 years in this country would you describe wildly violating the rule of law we have an invasion on our Southern border we have millions of people crossing our Southern border let's talk about the substance of why we have to recognize that we're not in ordinary times would you use the vocabulary of the verban or not is not what's important well I haven't used that language so you can look at my my track record on the campaign Trail I talk about the issues we all talk about them differently but what I'm not going to do is play some game of focusing on some word that somebody else said without ignoring entirely the substance of what we're actually talking about a border crisis of historic proportion economic stagnation we haven't seen in 50 years a national identity crisis and a loss of national pride in the Next Generation that potentially existential for this country let's talk about our dependence on China today we're actually talking about xiin ping picking on Donald Trump's word verman to talk about that status quo you know what's Vermin what's running around San Francisco on a given day before Gavin Nome cleaned it up on a dime to roll out the red carpet for Xian ping if he could do that for Xian ping he could have done it on an ordinary day and yet we're here sitting talking not about the substance of that but on one word that Donald Trump said in some speech in Miami this is what's wrong with the mainstream media focus on the substance and let's have an actual policy debate rather than talking to a presidential candidate instead of the policy substance of what's actually going on in the country picking on some word that Donald Trump said on a certain day and asking me for comment on it give me a break the best part about this is watching the anchors actually putting it on mute and watching the Anchor's expression this smugness these a-holes right these these self-important self-aggrandizing uh they don't live in the real life look at this look at this look at the image that you're sending you're just like looking you're looking down right because you have nothing to say you have nothing to stand on look at this it's really it's hang it in the lbe you know hang it in the lube V saying AA says she's evolved on fracking in healthcare it's not just a change of opinion she's taking concrete policy action to M these unpopular policies I change my mind doesn't cut it and that's such a great point so let's um so let's go to finally my my favorite series here of of aake directly calling people out to their faces to Fredo uh after getting canned by CNN on news Nation uh Fredo uh getting totally btfo owned uh bake just an altimer just for fun come on here you go ramas Swami why do you keep going at Nikki Haley why do you think this is going to bear fruit Chris I don't know what you've been smoking man you and the rest of the mainstream media it's laughable Nikki Haley's been going after me the whole campaign first debate second debate you know she's been trailing me for much of the time but I realize the establishment media has realized that there's a puppet they want to put up I'm not playing that game the Grassroots of this country know they want a leader who isn't going to send send us our sons and daughters to go die in Foreign Wars that racked up 7 trillion in debt Dick Cheney 2.0's taking over the GOP problem is the Democratic establishment media is now rooting for War I I'm the only candidate speaking for a true America First agenda on that debate stage and I think we're going to be successful Viv how are you going to bring people together when you just uh put together a tapestry of conspiracies you know that I'm not pitching anything about even come on my show there's no tap she w't even come on my show what you talking about second hold on a second I let you I let you put it out there and now you know I get to finish smoking and uh now I get to answer which is um oh this is what the media is doing is putting up Nikki Haley against because they know I'm the real deal please she hasn't even been on my show I'm just watching you get slapped around by her and I'm wondering what your strategy is the fact of the matter is Chris that my strategy is calling out the mainstream media like I did to Kristen Welker at the start of that debate I asked her about the Trump Russia collusion hoax told her to look the audience in the eye and apologize to them just like I'll tell you you're part of the mainstream media despite pretending like you're not look the audience in the eye and tell for all that happened part main media and you play the same games at the rest of the mainstream media do takeing tonight you've been you have been you have been covering for your brother you have been playing a game you I cover for my brother of course I help my brother of course I do you know what that's been journalistic standard that have now been failed not just by you but by every member of the broken political media so yes it is going to take it out out and you want to look everyone in the media is responsible for covering for my brother see what I'm saying you miss 90% of media is colluding with pushing one one answer on the American public for the origin of covid-19 to the hunter Biden laptop story to now which people they decide they want to put up as their puppets to take Donald trp the of the matter [Music] [Music]

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