The Good Shepherd - Part 12 Healing is Gods Will - Warren Hunter
Published: Aug 14, 2024
Duration: 00:32:45
Category: Entertainment
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are you are you ready Daniel we're going to get ready to as soon as my son says go I'll go what all right it looks like we are live so I'm going to just go ahead and Minister amen anyhow we love everybody we thank everybody for joining us today and all those joining us and all the other places of year us today I've been teaching a series for a while on 30 five reasons healing is God's will So today we're on number 12 reason number 12 and we're talking about the Good Shepherd the Good Shepherd So today we're on reason number 12 the good uh Shepherd amen and uh I want us we're going to start we got to he might turn we going so we'll be doing uh this message before we've done many other reasons talking about healing is God's will it's absolutely God's will to Healing now I know in the Pacific class there was something that was mentioned on timing but a lot of it is is closeness nearness uh we really faith comes by hearing hearing by the word of God there are many people connected many people that listen and uh um many people hearing uh what we're ministering what we're doing but timing in the sense of you drawing closer to God is is a big element remember intimacy I've shared this before many times that intimacy is the birthplace of Miracle so when we come into alignment with the will of God that's why we going through 35 reasons healing is God's will we know it's is God's will because so far we went through about 11 different reasons and today I'm going to talk about just the Good Shepherd so today I want us to go to Psalms 23 Psalms 23 you have that for me Psalms 23 amen um yeah Psalms 23 and I'm just going to go over this we're going to break it down and then I'm going to bring out some some some truths here on healing in the sense of the Good Shepherd the Good Shepherd amen uh the Good Shepherd so the Lord is my shepherd I shall not want the Lord is my shepherd I shall not want another translation you know new English translation says the Lord is my shepherd I lack nothing I lack nothing Young's literal translation says Jehovah is my shepherd I do not lack the Amplified actually says the Lord is my shepherd to feel to feed to guide to shill me I shall not lack now when he's talking about the Lord is my shepherd I shall not want amen that means there's no need I'm not needing healing I'm not needing anything the shepherd is going to make sure I stay healed this is one of the number one reasons this is one of the reasons why we know healing is God God's will because we know he is the Good Shepherd the Lord is my shepherd I'll lack nothing I'll want nothing so we begin to understand you we under God's care believers do not lack nothing under God's care Believers lack nothing you need to understand that under God's care Believers lack nothing that includes Health well-being remember sickness is a form of laugh I think that's important to say sickness is a form of lack so when a Good Shepherd a is a dressing he's looking off his flock a Good Shepherd wants to see his flock absolutely healthy and whole I think one of a good nugget is sheep are a lot of times a reflection of the shepherd if the shepherd doesn't have a clear understanding of healing or understand God's will concern in healing to understand how to stay healed himself uh he's going to have problems uh dealing or conveying a absolute healing to his own sheep because you got it yourself as a Shepherd be convinced that Jesus the Healer lives in you out of your belly rivers of living water flow your supplying River streams and we will see this as we go along for the Sheep amen we're supplying a healing flow and so what happens is sheep are direct reflection on the strength who's with me of the shepherd's Revelation concerning healing wholeness so there's several implications to this in Psalms 23:2 it says he maketh me lie down in Green Pastures look at verse two he maketh me lie down in Green Pastures he leadth me beside Still Waters so he's going to make us let me have that verse he maketh me to lie down in Green Pastures you say what do you what does that mean so he leadth me beside Still Waters he restoreth my soul he leadth me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake I like that he maketh me to lie down in Green Pastures he maketh me to lie down so this is a place of green pasture is a place where there's nourishment where there's strength beautiful Green Pastures where they can feed they can eat and then he leads me beside Quiet Waters and actually the word word Quiet Waters there impli has more implication than that it also implies deep Waters Quiet Waters means the water is not running it's not flowing because one has to understand the nature of a sheep with the wool around its hair most Shepherds understand their nature understand their composition so they lead the Sheep not where water's running because if a sheep drinks where water is running the water can get in the wool of the sheep and then suck them in and drown them so the shepherd is very precise to lead them to Quiet Waters also in Hebrew means deep Waters where waters are not flowing so when the shepherd when the Sheep come to drink they can drink remember the Deep calls to the Deep when the Sheep come to drink they're going to come and drink of Deep Quiet Waters amen Deep Quiet Waters where they're not going to get drowneded they'll be able to drink and receive the depths of God so this is a very important uh indication of God's provision of rest peace and restoration and this includes healing everywhere Spirit soul and body amen Spirit soul and body so it also says he restores my soul and leads me and look at verse three he restores my soul and leads me in the paths of age restores my soul and guides me guides me in the paths of righteousness for his name sake so I'm going to take you down the wrong way remember in the pathway of righteousness is life Proverbs 12 tells us that so there's a lot of scriptures that deal with the fact that in the pathway of righteousness is life so he's not taking you down a pathway of death of suffering and disease it's God's will to bring you on the path of absolute healing so we see we also see that that the consequences of not following the shepherd guidance or using the knowledge of the person getting lust uh you know on on a road trip and ended up in a dangerous situation basically going the wrong direction so uh there's a book that I wrote as well and I put it you on my notes it was called presenting yield will and keys to yield will now in presenting a yielded one of the things that I do in presenting a yielded will and you could probably uh we have many of those copies also available with my crusade director in Nigeria as well but presenting a yielded will also tells me something else it in that I talk about uh uh the the uh uh the the going to say the um there was there was these animals these horses coming under training and one didn't want to submit to the training of the royalty in the King's camp but decided the grass is green on the other side and then there was a time that went by that that that grass turned into a desert and because but the the horse that remained in the king's Chambers submitting to this righteous King he was able to flourish and eat and be nourished by the king but the one out in the field ended up starving and was Skin and Bones and all this I mean I was just passing through Nigeria the other day and I saw the skin and bone uh cows in this one uh one of the states I oh my God are they not feeding these cows H Allelujah and they really needed food to Fat them up Allelujah but this is a powerful interpretation because we illustrate in spiritual truths that Disobedience basically leads to hardship while obedience leads to Abundant provision and safety by the shepherd so there's just key guidelines here look at Proverbs 19:3 the Bible says that the foolishness of man uh perverteth his ways and his heart frth against the Lord Proverbs 19:3 uh what an interesting prover the foolishness of man ruins his way and his heart rages against the Lord so when you decide to go your own way your own path uh you're setting yourself up for for disaster the rod and the stuff are described look at Psalms 23:4 now because the verse is telling telling us something very careful about the consequence of Disobedience but then the Bible introduces in Proverbs 23:4 it says even though I walk through the valley of Shar and death I'll fear no evil for thy RO with for for you are with me your rod and your star they shall comfort me now that shepher star had a hook on the end you could you could reach out and grab the sheep and pull it back and there was a lot of reasons there but the rod and the SC are described described basically in scripture in summary as tools of protection and rescue symbolizing God's ability to deliver these people from danger and basically lead them to safety so we can see how that a good shepherd uh can walk through life's darkest valleys without fear because he constantly understands God's presence and God's protection so this is very important when uh you might be learning training with this is a really powerful key number 12 here on 35 reasons healing is God's will because uh a shepherd I was I was even recently just in Nigeria Ministry and explaining how that even a Shepherd can can turn a miracle into a journey or move it into the now and I gave the example for example of um you know when the woman with the issue of blood press through the crowd and she touched the Hem of Jesus Gman and Jesus is is the one who's the Good Shepherd but when she touched him instantly she was made whole so Jesus said your faith is made a whole but her faith reaching out and connecting to the anointing of Jesus instantly they got her healed but gyus on the other hand turned this into a journey said Lord if you come to my house uh I'll be healed so Jesus had to go on a long journey before gyrus Jesus had to kick unbelievers out go through a whole process before gyrus was GED could be healed not like the Centurion man who when he met Jesus felt it's not worthy for you to come out my roof he said just speak the word only and my servant with me at whole the next day that Centurion man was on the road and his servants made him and and they said master your daughter your servant is healed and and he said what time he said the day before the day before at that exact time Jesus spoke and said your servant is whole or basically another another passage your daughter is whole so the point I'm trying to make is that even as a Shepherd you lead into deep Waters you can either turn that healing into a process or you can speed it up Faith Comes by year and year bir so depend on how the preacher preaches amen and and how he conveys what he's gone through he can take another person's healing into a long journey you saying 4 days you'll be healed or five days this will change or six days so what happens is when a Shepherd does that he's now moving that healing into a psychological what I call time bondage process don't do that because now Faith is and behold now we shall see the glory of God so when we see now we we see this so powerfully the constraints the restrictions is very important look at verse 5 Psalms 23:5 says Thou preparest a banquet table thou preparest a table for me in the presence of my enemy you have anointed my head with oil my cup overflows you prepare a table I love that part because the verse in gives us an incredible uh Assurance of God's provision and abundance in the face of opposition man sitting there eating a banquet table and the enemy is outside your door so in the presence of your enemy you are enjoying the blessings the abundance the goodness of God now a lot of people get threatened by that but that is also a major key uh to the healing process uh to Total healing to Absolute um healing so here we see something very very powerful the verse is giving us something he says then he says you have anointed my head with oil now remember in James when it says anoint the person's head with oil and the the the prayer of faith the sick will be healed so the anointing of oil is also showing us a type of God's the spirit of God upon you because he has anointed you we see this in Luke chapter 4 but it's also showing you God's will healing the fact that we anoint my head with oil is also a type of healing and my cup overflows basically said that God just doesn't just heal you your cup overflows it means your Cup's spilling on the ground it could spill so much it could spill out the door and God's not concerned about the cup overflowing or the spill there not a waste so when water's overflowing out of the cup or the anointings overflowing out of the cup God does not consider the Overflow or the cup overflowing as a waste it's once again a sign of God's goodness God's abundance God's love God wants you totally healed healthy he wants you so healed that out of your belly rivers of L water flow that you are overflowing with the goodness of God overflowing with the life of God and that everyone around you is experiencing uh this incredible goodness of God Amen this is so powerful so surely goodness and loving kindness will follow me all the days of my life as I dwell in the house of the Lord but I want you to see this so we see something elsea the abundance the provision of God the anointing or well as a symbol of God's healing and consecration now I want you to go with me to Ezekiel 34 Ezekiel chapter 34 and to to emphasize God's role as a Good Shepherd who corrects and cares for his flock so in Ezekiel 34 we're going to connect to God's role as a Good Shepherd now why you say Good Shepherd because here he's shown what he's a good shepherd he's shown how I'm strategic in Ezekiel 34 we're going to go to verse two he's going to show us strategic how the shepherd is so vital to the healing and to conveying God's healing to God's people notice this verse it's a very powerful verse to write down a very powerful verse when it comes to number 12 son of man prophesy Against The Shepherd of Israel prophesy and say to these Shepherds thus says the Lord God woe Shepherds of Israel who have been feeding themselves so here God's immediately go one of the problems some people don't get healed is the shepherd's more concerned about taking care of himself and feeding himself and looking off to himself should not the shepherd feed the flock should not the shepherd feed the flock so here we see what can slow down healing what can hinder healing uh selfish preachers sometimes preachers are so caught up with themselves building their own kingdoms building their own lives that they're not the the Sheep are not experiencing uh how can I say the Overflow the abundance the goodness of what God is po down upon the shepherd the entire flock remember the Sheep reflect the shepherd verse three look at uh um Ezekiel 34:3 you eat the fat and clothe yourself with wool you eat the fat and so the priest the the man of God is dressed up he's decked out he's got all his top uh beautiful suits he's got you he's got man he just he's looking good you Slaughter the fat sheep without feeding the flock that means you're sitting down eating in a buffet every day meantime the Sheep are starving look at verse four so sometimes this is very important those who are sickly you have not strength to them this is now this is not representing the will of God because when we understand God is a good shepherd he's not those who are sickly you have not strengthened so it's saying that a Shepherd needs to strengthen the Sheep a Shepherd needs to make sure his sheep get healed the broken you have not bound up and you can include uh uh if you want to Ephesians chapter 5 and you can go all the way to the verses where uh the five-fold Ministries is there for the uh the the building up the word is katao means setting of a bone to heal a broken bone to bring it in placement so the the the idea of the five-fold ministry is there for the equipping the word equipment means katao it means to set a bone a broken bone mend the broken bone put the bone back into place so we can rightly be positioned in total healing and health so the broken you have not bound up the scattered you have not brought back nor have you sought for the lost but the but with a for you have not sought for the loss that means that that this pastor is doing his job but he's not seeking loss he's not trying to save the Lost he's not teaching his sheep he's not teaching his people how to be Soul winners he's not teaching them how that the Sheep are welcome into the house of God not teaching them how to bring in other sheep and get them healed but with force and with severity you have dominated them now this is a sad thing I've been in Nigeria almost 65 times and I've watched some pastors so hard and so tough and so domineering over the people using uh the idolatry of the preacher and false worship of men of God and then they manipulate that to their own advantage and use force and strength bad conversation I've literally looked in some pastors faces especially in Africa and then and seen them treat their staff terribly and after they walk out they look at me oh I'm sorry man of God sorry man of God well you shouldn't have done that in the first place you should have done it with love Ephesians uh you know 4:15 speak the truth in love that we may grow up in all things Philippians 1:9 that your love may abound still more and more in all knowledge and all discernment but you sought for the lost but with the force and with severity you have dominated them look at the next verse where we at verse four verse this is incredible look at they have scattered for La of Shepherd they become food for every beast of the field no you're supposed to be the Good Shepherd helping them leading them look at verse six this is so powerful when we look at this chapter so we see here the failure of the Shepherds leaders to care for the flock condem is condemned particularly their neglect of the sick so God expects shepher both Shepherds both spiritually and naturally should ensure the well-being of their flocks and we know it's God's will to healed because they ensured uh look at verse 7 this chapter is so powerful hear the word of the Lord hear the word of the Lord can you believe we're in this time I was listening to benan this morning just doing a little bible study he was explaining how he was with thousands or in a meeting with 2,000 young pastors and when he asked them to lift up their hands if they had read the whole Bible through it was like 90 some per of all these young pastors had not even read the whole Bible through themselves the pastoring people but do not know the word verse 8 you can see this as we go along uh declares the Lord surely my flock has become a prey and this is not known God's a Good Shepherd he doesn't want you to pray he doesn't want you to be attacked he's going to protect you verse n he's going to keep you they did not feed Therefore your Shepherds hear the word of the Lord verse 10 this is incredible chapter uh thus says the Lord behold I'm against the sheep and I will demand my sheep from them and make them cease from feeding sheep so the shepherd will not feed themselves anymore but I will deliver my frock from their mouth so that they will not be food for them this is so powerful look at verse 11 you say why for thus says the Lord God behold I myself will search for my sheep and seek them out now look at God God wants to seek you out God wants you why is Jesus sit at the right hand of the father making intercession for you we're going to see we'll see as we go through you that Jesus is the Good Shepherd I mean look at verse uh 12 look let's just go down to well from 12 as a Shepherd cares for his herd in the day when he is among his scatter sheeps so I will care for my sheep I will deliver them from all the places to which they were scattered on a cloudy day and a gloomy day look at God look at God God is so amazing I will care for my sheep I will care for my sheep so we know it's God's will to heal you because he's the Good Shepherd and he cares for his sheep this connects so well with Psalms 23 it is absolutely incredible verse 13 I love these verses because it's given us the heartbeat and the desire of the Good Shepherd I will bring them out from peoples and gather them from countries bring them to their own land I will feed them see God wants to bring into Green Pastures he wants to feed them on the mountains of Israel by streams look at this he wants to bring you the place to be blessed and all the inhabitant places of the land so yeah you see God's desire to bring us to Green Pastures Still Waters to bring us to the placees where we get nourished look at verse 14 this is so powerful understanding of the world of I will feed them in good pastures and their grazing ground will be on the mountain Heights of Israel there they will lie down on good grazing ground and feed in Rich pastures on the mountains of Israel look at the desire of God the desire of God is that you eat the right food the right appetite the right things uh you know we should actually have a good confession and say anything healthy for me and that's healthy for my body even in the natural I love it I love it I love it these things connect because that's what God loves he wants you totally healthy verse 15 um I will feed my flock and I'll lead them to rest declares the Lord God I'll lead them to rest I'll lead them to rest look at verse 16 I mean I love this uh I will seek the Lost bring them back and SCA the and bind up the broken and strengthen the sick he's going to do what bind up the broken but the fat and the strong will destroy I will feed them with my so yeah we see something so powerful how that God's desire so this passage uses all kinds of affirmation that God as the ultimate Shepherd takes responsibility for seeking and healing and restoring his Sheep amen which includes Healing The Sick and strengthening the weak he so his desire is to strengthen the weak now look at this is so powerful John chapter 10 and I want you to go with me to verses 1-5 and I want you to look at this Jesus is still talking about being the Good Shepherd so in all these things on the Good Shepherd we are seeing the absolute will of God for your total healing John chapter 10 truly truly I say to you he who does not enter by the door into the fivefold but climbs up some other ways a thief and a robber verse two let me just read this verse two but he who enters by the door is a Shepherd of the sheep uh verse three amen is The Shepherd of the sheep I love this to him the doorkeeper opens and the sheep hear his voice he calls his own Sheep by name and leads them out notice the notice what it means to be in tune with the voice of God Amen in tune with the voice of God there's there's healthier there's healing you there's wholeness here verse four amen we're talking about when he puts forth his own he goes ahead of them and he sheep follow him because they know his voice verse five I know this well I know this well a stranger they simply will not followable flee from him because they do not know the voice of a stranger when I was in South Africa and when I've gone to some places there were times we went to certain Farmers or whether it was open land in the field if you were traveling through trans sky or traveling through certain parts of Africa with certain Shepherds would come out of the valley and there was several Shepherds would sit together on the side of Valley and there would be thousands of sheep but when it was time to go home every ship would have a different um uh whistle one might be another one might be a different sound like and but each one had a different sound what happened was when the shepherd got up to move those specific sheet heard the exact sound of their Shepherd because he was going to protect them lead them he doesn't want the Lions the Wolves the he doesn't want the wild animals there in Africa when we were up in that region he doesn't want none none of them to be able to attack or come against uh the Sheep Now understand the closeness of the shepherd is determined uh when it comes to Healing closeness of a Shepherd can also be important when Jesus was getting ready to go to the cross and they came to rest Jesus the disciples everyone scattered and even Peter followed from a far distance and by following from a far distance and not staying close you could see became vulnerable to all kinds of exposure all kinds of things to end up denying the Lord three times proxim proximity to the shepherd is very important because it also provides an environment of protection and healing knowing that the shepherd is keeping himself in the will of God in tune with God look at um verse 7 John chapter 10: 7 we have shared now keep in mind what I'm sharing on these truths I've done an entire series called the Timeless mind of Christ going verse by verse through the Gospel of John so Jesus said there and truly truly I said you I am the door of the Sheep look at verse 8 I'm the door of the sheep all those come before me are thieves and robbers but the Sheep did not y them verses n amen red letters are powerful here I am the door if anyone enters through me he will be saved and will go out and find passion notice he's bringing them to what find good pasture look at verse 10 I love the way Jesus says it to find pasture the thief comes only to steal kill and destroy but I can that you might have a life and have it more abundantly can you believe that Jesus came that we might have a life life and have more money look at verse 14 it's so important because we're tuning in you we're tuning in you to the absolute healing of God to the heartbeat of a Good Shepherd I'm the Good Shepherd I know my own and my own know me you want healing you got to know him you got to walk with him you got to talk with him look at verse uh 15 here I love this one as well John 10:15 amen and you'll see here even as the father knows me I know the father and I lay down my life for the Sheep even as the father knows me I know the father and I laid down my life for the sheep can you believe the ultimate thing is that this Good Shepherd loves you so much he's prepared to lay down his life that by his stripes you can be absolutely healed this is all part of this Good Shepherd look at this is Inc this is so incredible I'm a Good Shepherd I lay it out so the passage from John affirms that Jesus as the Good Shepherd who not only provides for sheep but also protects saves them offering them Abundant Life is also the one who totally dies to them to give them this total secure secure healing look at Matthew chapter 12 I'm going to give you one more couple more verses yeah just three more verses but we're dealing with the fact that it's the 100% God's will to heal you we know that because God is a good shepherd now keep in mind those listening watching us we've already gone through over some more than 11 other reasons why healing is God's Will and one of them when we went through Redemptive reality some of them we we we actually had a part 1 2 and three so this might be number 145 in the series on 35 reasons but reason number 12 now we see over here as well in Matthew 12 and: 10 we see and behold there was a man who had his hand withered and they asked him say is it lawful to heal on the Sabbath day that they might accuse him amen so that they might accuse him look at verse 11 I love this and he said to them what man is among you has a sheep now Y is talking again the language of a shepherd and sheep how a Shepherd loves his sheep how a Shepherd protects his sheep how Shepherd is out to make sure his sheep are safe fed right everything and he who has a sheep and if it falls in a pit on the S will not take hold of it and lift it out so even on the Sabbath The Shepherd's going to do everything he can to make sure he sheeper fine look at verse 12 amen how much more valuable than this is a man than a sheep so then it is lawful to the good on the Sabbath look at verse 13 it's lawful the good on the Sabbath then he said to the man stretch out your hand and he stretched it down it was restore to normal like the other now I've had that exactly happen in a crusade I don't know if we can connect the link here but there is a video we had where I was literally in a crusade in Nigeria in Lagos and I had a lady come to the front her hand had been shriveled up all her life she was like 38 C up little hand and when I prayed for her I told her to stretch for the hand the fingers all came out and she had five fingers come out in a crusade right off the highway uh in Lagos Nigeria we had about 20 30,000 people and this lady's hands just stretched out so they said stretch out hand restored to normal like the other that is so powerful I love this because it's telling me something incredible how that God will rescue a sheep in distress God desires to heal us because we of Great Value to him than sheep the the the it's incredible this message is telling us so much and it is showing so much the desire so so if you catch this between Psalms 23 Ezekiel 34 John 10 basically read the whole of Psalms 23 read the whole of Ezekiel 34 the whole of John 10 and the whole of Matthew 12 as an assignment go through those things and you'll get this reason of why God is a good shepherd and why God totally heals you and go through this and get this amen I'm just going to pray for all all those people who are connected with us live on YouTube on everywhere else on our Facebook on uh link and and all the places that we are live on I'm going to pray for God's total healing on your life and then connect with others father I just thank for every person watching every person listening right now Lord that a revelation of you as the Good Shepherd that you care for them you love them you want them hble and manifest in their life that they know that they hear your voice and a stranger's voice they do not follow when you call they stay close to you they stay close to the Healer they stay connected to God so I speak Perfection over you I speak wholeness over you I speak healing over you I speak strength over you in the mighty name of Jesus Christ we love you we bless you make sure you go to our website sword partner with us connect with us today uh let's bring that on the screen as well and uh you can sew a seed you can partner with us if you're looking for the material on this on this we also have a book we printed we actually don't have it printed in anywhere else except in Nigeria 35 reasons healings God's will actually we have physical copies of this available only in Nigeria can you believe that um but we are busy rewriting that entire book right now expanding it increasing it so you can get that book the other thing that's important to get is presenting a yielded will because I talk about what it means to align your will with the will of God this is one of the ways that you'll speed up your healing when we die to sin and lift to righteousness by whose Stripes you heal so when you die to sin and lift to righteousness you're going to accelerate the healing process healing is automatically going to come to you 1 Peter 2:24 when you die to sin and live to righteousness so father we just thank for everyone watching everyone listening right now in the name of Jesus we speak blessing over them you might bring up our the Hallelujah the page where you can partner if you want to partner with us go to sword backd donate and you can partner over there as well amen and we love you we bless you make sure you connect with us hallelujah thank you Lord and I'm just saying this for those people who are watching us live on all the other platforms thank you Jesus Lord we just magnify you we exalt you we glorify you father we speak blessing over every person sewing every person giving every person partnering amen and we magnify you we exalt you we thank you we thank you right now in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus now those on Zoom I can see you on a screen right here in our place and I just thank you for for all those in the school as well amen connecting we speak blessing over you and make sure you connect uh go you can get those who are watching us also on Zoom you could go to theer app to the Breer app and you can actually get 35 reasons healings Gods well plus over 500 uh other teachings so there's like about 500 other teachings that you can get um on what we call sper hallelujah thank