Yuji and Megumi's Fate | JJK 268 Chapter Review | The End of Sukuna

hello everybody Eternal Flame here and welcome to the jjk 268 chapter review and it's the finale the Shinjuku Showdown is now over as the chapter is named finale now I will say before I start this chapter I am rather conflicted about it I absolutely love the first half of the chapter but it's the second half of the chapter that I am very conflicted on so yeah but I am very very hyped to get into this chapter so without a further Ado let's get straight into the chapter of the finale so the chapter starts out with sakuna and megi facing against each other as sakuna says just how do you think you'll be able to go on you had your body stolen by me you murdered your own sister you turned away the hands reaching out to you oh right that brat you saved even ended up slaughtering thousands give it up you can't live a proper life anymore just relax and leave it all to me as meami is surrounded in a world of black with sakuna mouths and eyes all around him trying to force control back trying to convince Megami in order to give him back control however Megami is able to notice that desperation he can see that desperation clear as day on sakuna as Megami then said why do you sounds so desperate is it because there's only one left only one more of your fingers there's a special way to turn yourself into a curse object which means that if each Dory takes no care in tearing you from me here you'll die plus the resonance isn't all good good news for you if these 19 fingers disappear that lone finger won't have enough pull to connect you soul to it even something like you Fierce death as sakuna presence began to get smaller and smaller shrinking down and down as in that moment sakuna was reminded of just how small of a presence he truly had sure he had pushed Megami down into darkness but that had been ripped away Megami had regained the will to live and sakuna could no longer have a hold on his body all of that control he had was gone everything that he had been working towards was ripped away from him thanks to the brat and everybody else's efforts as he's returning to his truly insignificant form that he is the form of a finger however it's not over quite yet as megi explains that sakuna understanding of him was wrong as Megami says from the very start I never intended to live a proper life sounds obvious but there's tons more people in the world than just me just once more I think I want to try living for someone else and this opening right here is probably my favorite moment from the chapter itself where it shows what sakuna truly is where it shows how small sakuna is even though sakuna thinks he's massive even though sakuna has so much power and is the strongest Jiu-Jitsu sorcerer he has no influence he has been beaten and his power has been amounted to nothing because he has no more power anymore while he did manage to succeed in Breaking megami's will removing the person that he needed to live megi just had to get a new person no new people who needed him knew people who he knew would need him and miss him if he were gone not just Yuji but nobara as well everybody was there fighting for Megami and now megami's will had returned to him which has stripped sakuna of all the power that he had access to everybody here all members of the cast ended up stripping him down of all the power he had and turning him back to what he truly is a mummified finger from an ancient long gone era and it's something I really love about this everybody's will is coming together in order to give Megami back that will to live it's a nice part of the chapter that I absolutely love this also kind of shows sakuna in a desperate state that we have never seen sakuna in before and I absolutely love it of course we always knew sakuna was open to doing manipulation thanks to 214 when he tried to manipulate Hana however this is shown even more when he's trying to manipulate Megami now manipulate his current state so he can get back control to also show the fear of death he has something that Megami catches on to that no matter how much sakuna has tried to step away from Humanity prove he is not human prove he doesn't need ideals he still ultimately is human he was never removed from Humanity no matter how much he tries to act like he is and not just every human but every living being Fierce deatha however it's then we return to reality and we get to see just how massive yuji's domain is because it's actually towering over several buildings and just to remind you malito's domain expansion wasn't even bigger than a courtyard that Nomi and Yuji were fighting in dang On's domain expansion fit inside of a subway station or at least it's barrier dead and keep in mind as well this this is an extremely fatigued Yugi as well thanks to all the black flashes he's landed all the amount of times he needed to use reverse Cur sneak to heal himself as well as healing of his own blood as aun even called it out himself that Yuji is running on his last leg so yeah a really tired yui's able to produce a domain expansion like this which is crazy however we see Yugi punch sakuna out of megi with megi himself being free as sakuna is trying to reach out for megi trying to basically forcefully consume him but it doesn't work as Yi begins to approach the little glob of sakuna that is left and he asked what's it's going to be sakuna release fushiguro return to my body once more and I'll spare your life after all Yuji had already displayed the ability is capable of destroying sakuna fingers something that megi had acknowledged that he can destroy the soul within sakuna fingers so sakuna would know Yuji is capable of killing him as Yuji tells sakuna you are me we were born into this world unconsciously shouldering curses what sort of monster you turn into is entirely decided by your luck and I had my Gramps sakuna let's try it one more time living not by cursing someone but by existing alongside them even if no one else will accept you I'll live with you and while this at first feels like a call back to when Yugi said I am you to mahito this is actually very different and basically a parallel to that because the two scenes had very different meanings where Yuji was saying I am you to mahito he was accepting that him and mahito were the same that just as mahito kills humans without any thought Yuji will kill curses without any thought however back then that wasn't Yuji trying to relate to mahito that was simply them both accepting their roles in reality that Yuji would be the one to put down mahito and any other curse that was like mahito because mahito was never human maito could never be a human because he just wasn't innately human like how sakuna is innately human that was yui showing his understanding in the world however now Yuji is showing an understanding that sakuna could have easily be became him just as he could have easily become sakuna after all sakuna and Yuji are nearly the same person they have the same level of willpower the same level of power itself and potential but the one difference that existed between Yuji and sakuna was that Yuji had someone to guide him on the path to become better which was his grandfather without his grandfather he could have very easily just become another sakuna which was what happened with sakuna sakuna had no one to guide him in his life sakuna was alone in a world with power and that power was all he needed to satisfy himself because he could never understand what it would be like to be good cuz he had no one who could guide him however now Yuji is trying to give sakuna one more chance one more chance to understand life with a good person to guide him and guide him on the right path to allow sakuna to truly embrace the meaning of life and why life has such value because while sakuna understands it he doesn't embrace the value of it and that's what Yugi is trying to do give him that chance to embrace it something me that he never gotten his first life but now he can't get however sakuna chooses to deny Yuji this as sakuna tells him I'm impressed you take this far so far itadori Yuji don't underestimate me I'm a curse and in my opinion this is sakuna adamantly refusing yuji's second chance he doesn't want to embrace the value of life he doesn't want to change who he is he accepts who he is and he refuses to give Yuji that chance to live with him again cuz there' be nothing else for him that would be a greater torture but most of all by accepting yuji's ideology he would have to live with the fact that he accepted that Yuji had an ideology even stronger than himself something that adamantly would annoy sakuna and I think for that reason I think just sakuna is dead I think sakuna is gone and he has no final move left in this world because for me I feel like sakuna would rather die than accept that yuji's ideology was right now I do plan to make a much bigger video going over the narrative between Yuji sakuna and Megami because that is very important for the entire story of Jiu-Jitsu Kaizen but yeah I think for those reasons that sakuna is just gone that he's never going to show up again I think he basically made the final finger just die as well so there just wasn't a chance and he was able to move on because he would refuse to live in a world with Yuji however there is one more interesting part of this discussion that I want to hint on which is the fact that sakuna calls himself a curse I don't actually think that sakuna is a curse and I think this is just sakuna really trying his best to deny himself as human mainly guys this is actually hinted back to something we saw in the sakuna versus Joo battle where sakuna questions why Joo would want to ever become human why would he want to become like human beings I think this was sakuna showing that he actually thinks curses are just straight up Superior to humans which does make a lot of sense for how sakuna is considering he calls himself the king of curses considering he's been called throughout of history of the king of curses and more relatable to a curse than a human so I think this is sakuna final attempt to reject his humanity and just die as a curse and now up next we pan over to uram versus hakari and I'm not going to focus on this too long or even like say their entire conversation mainly because to sum up their entire conversation it's just uram telling him that the only reason they managed to win is because sakuna was in an incarnated body they had luck on their side they were able to narrowly escape death because they were born a thousand years too late and just uram sees no more purpose in living because their purpose was sakuna and if sakuna is gone they have no purpose in stay alive and now you might be wondering why am I not giving this part that much effort and that's for one main reason gay gay himself didn't really care about this fight like it just happened and it kind of got off screen even though it had a lot of potential it just got off screen and this is where we get into parts of the chapter that I don't like this part especially like like I get uram choosing to end their life this is the perfect ending for them however it's kind of a similar problem that I have with Kaku but much worse for Ram than kinjaku which is we don't see enough of uram for this to really hit for me at all like we get to see only a few panels of their fight we don't really get to see any reason of why uram is just so dedicated to sakuna so because of the that gay clearly doesn't care that much about this conclusion I'm not going to give it that much care either mainly because there's not much I can really talk about because of the fact we don't really know that much about uram or hakari as much as I would love to go much more in depth with that we don't know that much especially about uram so all this feels just kind of empty me it's then we returned to see Megami awake in a bed as you does the oppy prank with nobara however Megami kind of has to spoil their fun because he already knew that nobara was back cuz he was there for the residence hit inside of sakuna body nobara then comments on the fact that they had a pretty lackluster reaction to noar's return as meami tells them I already knew and Yugi does say that they cried a bit inside the domain with nobara commenting that this had to be a in-person type thing which it is nice to finally be able to get to see all three of them in their Dynamic again because we don't really get to see their Dynamic that often but the few moments that we do get to see their Dynamic I honestly find it really nice so yeah howevers then Yuji ends up passing them both Gojo letters in this moment we also see that all of yuji's fingers are healed as well now for nobara it's information on how her mom is doing and where her mom even is and I'm going to be real you this is also another part of this chapter that just feels really empty to me now of course I think it is intended to feel a little bit empty mainly because nobara herself also doesn't care about that information so it does make sense but I'm going to be real if you guys I didn't even know noar's Mom was missing for the most part of her life I kind of forgot about that I'll be honest so like well yes it was intended to feel empty it kind of just brings something back to my mind which is the fact that we barely have any moments of these guys other than like Yuji himself going deep into his character we don't really get that many moments of like nbar interacting with her past or nbar talking about her past or just seeing anything like that I don't want more of it but like I just don't think this letter should be here for nobar I would have preferred if it was something else like yeah I get it was supposed to feel empty but there was another really easy way to just do this instead remember in noar's flashback there was one of her friends that she wanted to meet with again that she never thought she would see again because she had no idea where they were now I'm saying her friends because I also forgot what their name was and that's how little we really know about them because we know nbar wants to see them again editing me will probably put their name up but but this really hones in on the point that gagay didn't really flush out them that much I think it would have been better if Gojo just gave them information on their friend instead and then it's megami's letter as well which I kind of liked because it makes a lot of sense for megami's characters since he never really cared about his dad so it makes sense that Gojo could actually play off the fact that he wrote in a letter hey I killed your dad sawi and actually be able to play that off as a joke now like I'm not mad about that one at all like I find this very very funny but at the same time like me granted I wasn't expecting too much I don't know what I really was expecting with meam learning about like his dad being toi but at the same time I was expecting more than a joke I don't know I'm not too mad about this one in comparison to the nobara thing like I think this is just a funny joke so like it's oh well for me unlik the nobara thing which actually just makes me feel empty as G is making sure to make good on all his interviews before it is in we see all the characters head over to UDA kotu in order to save him as we see all the characters that contributed something to the battle other than that disgusting abomination of a feature that should have been hit with a black flash as y all are going over to UDA aotu and that is where the chapter ends we have no idea what's going to happen but we are on break week now I don't think much is going to come out of this I think this is just going to end up being a panel of maky punching UDA in the head for taking Gojo's body or at least that's what I see being the most likely thing to happen here now overall this chapter like I said in the intro is a mix bag for me if you guys cannot tell I absolutely love the beginning parts of this chapter Yuji and sakuna is confrontation with each other with yuji's final bit of development that he had gained as well as megi himself and megi finally taking sakuna out from his body I love that part but everything in this else in this chapter kind of just feels empty to me that's at least my opinion on it but I want to hear what you guys think in the comment section down below about this chapter do you guys have the same opinion do you guys think it's the opposite do you guys think more people should have died or do you guys think that less people should have died I want to hear what you guys think in the comment section down below I'm going see you all later peace out have a good day

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