Ep. 48: "Very Modest, Very Demi Moore"

Published: Aug 23, 2024 Duration: 01:12:13 Category: Entertainment

Trending searches: demi moore
Banter change what change what why didn't you press record we got we got God damn bro oh do you have to tell us a story about people that we have to cut out yes bro damn no I don't want to tell anybody I'm not telling any stories I wanted to show you guys something but I'll wait till after since you want to go ahead and Rush [ __ ] my bad do not disturb is your phone how you doing you have to show us no nothing it doesn't matter [ __ ] again it doesn't matter bro hey man how's your how's your week B bro what are we talking about that's why I pressed record you guys were talking about uh your car we were not talking about we were talking about body discipline oh my God and this guy chimed in with his [ __ ] Mr me hot cheeks over here and [ __ ] Mr are you one of those people man I've seen this [ __ ] on Tik Tok where they're like you guys can count your calories anywhere you go you can eat fast food anywhere you go and they [ __ ] go and then they order like [ __ ] crazy [ __ ] they order like crazy [ __ ] this was one I saw man it pissed me it pissed me off so much bro they were like can I substitute they went to KFC for one already he didn't even get grilled chicken he got regular Fried Chicken not the crispy but like the regular whatever not even grilled they got it that's a healthier option that's the reason why they have it but he was like if you still want to be a fat ass and count calories you can get the original recipe he was like in instead of the biscuit can I swap it out for green beans a side you Tred to swap it out for a side let alone a weak one they said hell no he was like I'll just I won't take the biscuit he should have just take take the biscuit and give to someone he know and then pay full price full price for a drink and was like I just want water so here's my take on that [ __ ] right that was crazy that was a wild ride you can eat whatever you want absolutely and work out absolutely but if you are serious about working out and how the way you look and you have like a bill that you want to like achieve might be like super lean if you want to be super lean you got to really like then he needs to leave with that cuz he don't leave with that cuz he misleading all all fat asses Like Us in the thinking that they can do that and they're going to lose weight but I'm going to be honest I'm on to you if you're eating [ __ ] my fat ass is on to you that bro yeah mind you you feel off of what you eat absolutely you're not going to feel good not you eat like [ __ ] yeah so eat goodat good honestly I'll give you your prize bro he's actually been doing really good he doesn't eat out as much anymore he he he does a cheat day on weekends so the full week he he does a fast SL on the weekends I to confirm he doesn't eat out he doesn't he does honestly he's been doing a lot better than me I'll get all right and that's our show yeah no it's cuz like there's been like the the last couple times I've gotten food anyway it's disappointed me it's like I'm not going to waste my money on it uh and and two like when we go to the like we've been having rehearsals and like going to Studio yeah and like him and Calvin always want to pick up food afterwards or beforehand and uh they're always like they're always trying to buy me something or ask me if I want something I'm like no I'm good I got F the crative he usually will take like a fry which isn't bad like one fry I'll take an offering but I won't take like I won't take an offering this man thinks he's a Gody talking about I'll take an offering get the [ __ ] out of here dude I'll take sacrifice get the [ __ ] out of here dude I'll take a shilling a god of what fat that's you he's God of whes that's what he is that's him cuz the last time that we did this where I was like no I'm good I told him beforehand this was after the podcast I told him like we are not picking up food and we're not stopping when we go home he did say he's like I don't need it my mom made [ __ ] curry goat whatever the [ __ ] she she made salmon bro bro be racist to Jamaican people not even racist I just said something mom would probably make no that was a little racist my mom would not probably a my grandma on the other hand mik Mrs Malik's mom please please do not [ __ ] please do not it's it's Miss Malik's mom bro she's not married anymore oh miss Malik's mom see he's just [ __ ] up all over the place dude please don't don't don't cancel me cancel thank you for coming to the show um do you want yeah um he was like yeah let's do that and then we leave we're leaving literally the second we leave the studio like you're going to [ __ ] at me bro I was hungry dude but I'm hungry bro you're going to have to St so that's the thing that's the thing I'm trying to be more like FM where he's doing like the water that they [ __ ] up Calvin's order they did they didn't give Calvin his fries they didn't give him his drink either he didn't order a drink yeah he did they didn't put it on there they didn't put damn so he ordered a drink but they didn't put it on there dumb as hell he ordered a Sprite dumb as hell bro McDonald's McDonald's you see you know what um like he kind of like how you've been saying it I um the last few times I've gone to eat fast food it's been extremely disappointing it's either too salty or they [ __ ] up your order or it's just not satisfying you know what I'm saying like it's almost like Chinese food now where it sits in your stomach for a few hours you feel full for like you know like an hour and a half you go to use the bathroom and then you're hungry again you know well that's the MSG absolutely absolutely you order it without it is this a butter or lady this man almost called it a ladybug a butterfly it's a Francis hey bud it literally is Francis can you show the camera when you're finally catch him part of me don't Parton me he don't like your lotion he don't like your aura bro oh [ __ ] there you go what are we to the show man where' it go where' it go that's the wrong side of the camera there welc to the show man yeah this is Francis Fly Away franced guest wow he just flew on his own you told him to and he did he somebody finally listens to me godamn to you Francis finally somebody listens to me [ __ ] welcome to I tweaking I'm thinking the camera's over here it's the aura right there was amazing that's another word that they're using too I know they they use it so much is not bad uh what's another one um uh uh uh um the girls are using it what is it um oh deure deure don't even talk to me about that do not even bring that up do not even touch that one bro I don't want toou very it was cute it was cute for the first day very cutesy very deore it was cute the first day but then like everybody's using it now very cutesy very demour it's cool it's de thank you yeah I said it like Demi Moore Demi Moore but and go ahead it's very Dem me more for sure damn I took a big rip off of that oh [ __ ] I'm about to be in the hospital how's everybody's day been before we dip into like more phrases because I there's there's new ones I just found out about you didn't even yeah that's what I'm saying how was everybody say oh yeah welcome to welcome to [ __ ] thanks thanks for that I'm about to edit this cuz I'm just [ __ ] with I'm just [ __ ] with he got scared [ __ ] yeah don't uh uh yeah welcome to another episode of uh BDT podcast we are your boys book bag Intro Benny alongside impli over here and me and we're back we're back in the car we're back in the yeah back in the car like we said you know what I'm saying uh yeah just another uh funfilled episode this is going to be a food heavy episode just cuz I have something to talk about a little bit later in the podcast there was a little survey taken oh so this is why I want to talk about it we've talked about it on our previous podcast but we didn't have enough research I did my research you did it I don't like how you say that word research yeah it's research research that's what I said he all right whatever bro but yeah man how's everybody's uh day man how's everybody how's your week I have to go why don't you go first you go ahead everybody week bin um man this How's your week been??? week has been really busy man it's been very music heavy um I uh I've been talking to a lot of people who make beats a lot of producers uh a lot of cameramen a lot of um people who make like really quality video um on top of that just like um I haven't been getting a lot of sleep I need to sleep more man I've been working extremely hard trying to do this roll out um I'm really trying to figure out if I can do a a lot of people have been doing this but I really want to do an album release party my album is coming out next month at the end of next month um and then I'm thinking of a release party at the beginning of October so trying to get some catering trying to get some like um Quality drinks specifically for the album you know what I'm saying I'm thinking like maybe like a a mango lemonade Hennessy or something like that you know what I'm saying something like kind of references me without like being on the nose you know what I'm saying so so but yeah this week's been really good man really good I'm bringing a flask uh what about you I'm bringing a m loveup ult stupid that's nasty I know it is michelo is gross bro you need to chill how hold on tell us about your day and then we'll dip we'll dip into that again food heavy food heavy we'll dip we'll dip into that food heavy day or the week cuz you're weak bro just working how's your week been bro just working bro just working okay got back into the gym though okay oh [ __ ] no wonder he was telling us about did you find a cheat meal for this week or what I actually did not I got you I got you um I'm going to tell you more about that later onop [ __ ] do the family it's so heavily salty bro Wing Stop is not it facts we don't want to hear about your guys sexcapades bro yeah what the [ __ ] not with you not enough oh oh he Che look at that's crazy he don't eat out oh I can't make jokes about cheating but he can me yeah very UND of you un of you guys totally not reference hey let's ruin hey let's ruin deure by calling it demore Demi Moore we're killing it today all right the death very Demi Moore it's very deure you guys how's your week been uh it's been it's kind of Bittersweet man a lot of uh I I work with special needs kids and a lot of them are actually going to school now because they're ready to go so that's good though be proud yeah man it's that's what I'm saying it's bitter sweet like like I'm proud of them you know what I'm saying for the ones that I've had and that they're moving up uh it's just sad cuz it's just you know you're not going to be able to see them anymore but we've been having new kids come in slowly um that's good man it's been pretty interesting uh I'm just kind of waiting to see what my schedule going to be like but other than that yeah uh Shitty beers let's dip into you said multra right what's your favorite shitty beer everybody's got a shitty beer that they drink yours is Michelob you're standing on that I like PBR that's disgusting I like pbrs for a shitty beer I [ __ ] with it so it's funny you say that like real quick story I went to the bar and um one of the bartenders posted on on his Facebook page like if you come to karaoke that night and you sing um um what was it what's that ludicrous song um not my neck my my back what's that um that other sexual song yeah yeah yeah was like whoever comes to karaoke and does that song will get a free PBR and I was like okay I'll do it yo PBR is [ __ ] gross I'll drink it bro it's so n it tastes like it tastes like somebody pissed in swamp water then splashed around in it while they were dirty and then poured it into a can like it's not it's better than like Rolling Rock or whatever the [ __ ] what's the [ __ ] beer though Rock like Miller Light yeah any of those like any of those like McDonald like a cheap beer bro this what it is like you know what I'm saying not like super [ __ ] crackhead cheap facts I mean mine's red strip bro like colle party possibly white trash sorry guys uh beers mine's red stripe bro I like all beard that's a that's that's not really a trash beard to me I like kind of fuckle red stripes and I feel like a lot of people do too because it's like an import I mean it's like a essentially red stripe is hinin yeah like it's rebranded hin and hinin is not that good I think it's straight it's a better beer okay fine I'll give you that do y is is Guinness actually like no Guinness is pretty good Brown as [ __ ] yeah it's super it's like it's like Calvin it's like a it's like a coffee it's like a coffee beer yeah is he good yeah Den is fire it's decent no don't no no no this guy's taste but don't know what they're talking you guys want don't watch the side I haven't had it enough to be like it's fire like you you know what when I first the two times that I've had it I haven't had it in like a few years big ass cup those are good man that's the best or or a point never had a point of coffee though like did you taste it yeah you you taste it it's good though I'd say like but I don't get a p just get a can they got a Colombian one or yo bro yo big Guinness they got talk to my man bran out of are they Irish yeah hey Branch out of Ireland guys come over to America you know what I'm saying hey Guatemalan is number one coffee facts [ __ ] we might have to make do that collab do that collab that's crazy man a big inness I'm telling you man we're we're just [ __ ] out here with the bro we really are man come on now coffee and beer so yours is yours is um michelo PBR PBR all right F I like the theme red white and blue still keep an American americ honestly man I don't think mob's is Mob American I have no it doesn't sound American it sounds German for it sounds American as [ __ ] yeah Blue Ribbon they gave it to themselves what's the other one what's the other one you know what I really [ __ ] with um Ying uh Yingling Yingling what the [ __ ] he's naming all these for it doesn't count Yingling is not foreign bro it's just from down south I think heard but I don't know if that's a [ __ ] beer I don't know if that's a [ __ ] beer Miller Light High Life those are [ __ ] beers I don't [ __ ] with any of those bro oh High Life High Life High high life is the champagne of beer yeah there you go bro is high life a [ __ ] beer though I think it's a [ __ ] beer okay all right all right mine is high life that I have a song about it if you guys it's in that category cuz it's like if it's like in those if you're at a bar and it's in those specials where it's like two to the $4 range okay then it's a [ __ ] beer it's in there it's a [ __ ] beer okay cool cool cool cool yeah go check out go check out High Life by implied featuring High Walker and uh Damas go check that out High Life shitty beer yeah not not a sponsor not a sponsor guys hey look if y'all watching sorry we're calling you shitty beers but we're drinking you facts we're still giving you we're still giving you play so you know what I'm saying so if anybody if anybody if your sales after this CU of you're [ __ ] no for real shouts to hinan man y'all are fire I [ __ ] with y'all H to be honest I like all beer that's just me though every beer is unique it's too hoppy for me it makes me blo you're like a it's the way I see it no it's Unique oh [ __ ] bro it's your dad hey what that is he going to is he going to come come feat oh snap [ __ ] come in special guest no come on what's up bro say special guest what's up man how you doing bro special guest the camera Friend's Brother good seeing you pops he's funny yo that's hilarious like this is the second time of my friend's dad so you're like a wine tester for beers like you just [ __ ] with him don't matter what I mean that's how I treat life everything's different though like different out here bro this guy man this man went from not talking to philosophical he said I live the high life and that's our show look at this no I mean that's it's true though it's true off topic but on topic I don't mean to this is a very fastpaced I like this episode I like how I came yeah we're going good but like um this so Blue Ribbon right yeah when I was a kid this is so stupid I don't know why I thought yeah I thought that inside there was chocolate in it like you know how like it's a fat blue like when they give you an award in your first place to give you that blue ribbon it's like that fat Circle and it's got the little things you thought there was a chocolate in there I thought there was a chocolate in there and the the thing that made me think about it was Beethoven 2 okay when he won the [ __ ] hamburger eating contest they gave it to him dogs can't eat chocolate why did I think that this man wants to call everybody fat but he sees a blue ribbon and he thinks there's chocolate inside I said episode fat F heavy episode yeah whatever take it easy there yeah heavy episode all right no but I definitely I get what you're saying I blue forehead over here talking [ __ ] man shut your ass up know got and you got like the colors bro like missing red shout aesh um these kids bro these kids are wild um no but um did you want to do the uh the Show recap/Mplied Promotion/ Tech explanation show recap did you want to talk about the show at all oh yeah okay so hold on before we do that um this man has been promoted granted the episode was late I did tell him to upload it the night before yet facts like with him we've been H just like with us I should say cuz we've been the one editing yeah he had technical difficulties as well but I was pretty impressed by the editing and uh yeah we talked yeah we promoted our show and we said that we're were going to leave tickets in the link in the description down below but the show had already happened yeah the show happened if anything the show was happening as the S aired aired yeah pretty much so like that's just what happened uh sorry about that guys but hey he's no longer employee number 647 3377 d48 DB he's now the cafeteria lady of the of this Empire [ __ ] go dude now giving us meals serving I can I can I can be cool with that you know what I'm saying you know what I'm saying my chick chamy with M let's go bro I'm trying to get to HR like I'm trying to get to HR status like Calvin you know what I'm saying I'll never get there this is some [ __ ] he saw the hot Cheetos movie last night and was like it could be me too you know what I thought that movie was based off Hot Cheetoes??? the true story but it's completely fiction there's rumors that like this guy did not invent hotos at all apparently it's completely fiction so I don't know there's a debate going on right now I don't want to call it a debate because hey man why y'all trying to tear Latinos down cuz if it was a white guy y'all wouldn't say anything yeah y' would have been like oh my God this is amazing yeah no they bogus itself it would make sense if it was Latino cuz hot like for real for real all those hot chips y'all you know put in on you know what I'm saying yeah it was like Latino and black people afro Latino you know what I'm saying staying together our brothers facts yeah man like okay granted like in that movie or whatever maybe the speeches weren't going down where he was trying to motivate everybody maybe he didn't move up in the company like that maybe that's fabricated that's why it's called based off a true story but like I'm going give the man the credit of inventing Hot Cheetos if he did that [ __ ] why you raising he don't raise the culture oh you know me I feel that my man raised the culture I don't need him to be the face of Fredo for him to impress me my question is do you think do you think that after he invented it he he thought that uh black woman will be eating them in classrooms at 7 a.m. he probably did not anticipate that which by the way which by the way crazy Latin latines vintage latines and black women yes okay yes from the when did H Cheetos come out I don't know that's a good question can you gole pretty sure it's been a long time though this [ __ ] guy I I wonder know if it's the 90 yeah can you Michael G real quick bro we got to be exact we have to be exact we're the podcast exactly we're the BD we're not doing it for us we're doing it for them exactly God holy [ __ ] man and this guy's the cof but you want to make me cafeteria lady just here's the thing here's the thing guys need to understand that we're all a gimmick here I'm the rock he's Stone Cold he's a villain but he's also cool so who am I you're like mankind are you kidding me me and you are a tag team Rock and sock connection I don't like that bro all right man are you done bro taking this man [ __ ] forever you was either that or Linda McMahon bro but you know what I'm while he's Michael goand that you know what's been pissing me off lately so you know how Australia really did bad at the the break dancing hold on I want to finish the hot Cheetos I want you to talk I want to talk about this before I 9 it's not very clear that's why it took me forever okay we we'll say the '90s we'll say the '90s early 90s vintage latines ladies latines and black black ladies yes from that errow from when hot cheetos was invented beforehand what were yall eating were y'all eating spicy chips beforeand were youall putting like hot sauce that's why I'm I'm asking bro like what there's no way y was not fixating your your your spicy needs at 9:00 a.m. as soon as they came out it might have been original lays in hot sauce what was before the '90s the ' 80s yeah was [Music] cocaine they're doing onions in the morning it's funions hey that was crazy bro welcome to the team dude even though you were already on it this guy stupid as hell can I demote him no he just announced my promo no I'm not trying to hear that I'm not trying to hear that I'm going strike you three times [ __ ] [ __ ] play with me I like how when he asked me that he looked at me with like a smile and puppy dog he literally he said that with so much cuz you're the tribal Chief bro anime character I don't how is that racist bro speaking Japanese oh my God yo speaking of I Olympic Breakdown of Breakdance watched this guy on YouTube named Hollow and he looks just like our Boy George here take off your hat real quick George that not even look like bro tell me tell me I don't know who that is all right here let me pull up let me pull up the picture real quick you said oh is this supposed to be we'll talk about Australia tell me tell me this man does not look like a George damn where the [ __ ] did it go damn I might have only put it in the group chat no I didn't put it in the group chat all right bro chill out this picture kills me too cooking he looks like Bruce Lee he said this guy oh put it up put it up put it up please yeah yeah there's a streamer guy that looks just like George I didn't respond cuz I didn't think he look like oh my God no he looks just like you George if your beard was Fuller nothing like me tell me tell me Ric this is Ric Ricochet no that's funny as nobody acknowledg it he looks like he looks like one of my co-workers if he shaved his whole head bro and this guy has locks that's crazy not like dreadlocks I mean like curly hair like he has long hair you know what if George had long hair he'd be a good like Latino Green Arrow he had long hair bro he he has it now still it's just on his balls whoa don't ask me how I know that wrong Green Arrow a different that's the pen Arrow all right so Australia yo so so what info you got on that cuz oh my God because of that Breck dancing is not for okay I also want to clarify I was in 2020 I learned that it was break dancing not brick dancing I've been pronouncing it wrong for years I didn't know that people broke dance but um basically break dancing break dancing is no longer allowed in the Olympics it's not that it's no longer allowed it's just that they cancelled the events no dude they're not doing it anymore so they took it out because of what shorty did in Australia can you break down what that happened oh my God okay so real quick I just want to say like I you tell us how she broke dance no so literally shorty I don't know what she was doing like I'm not going to say her dance her her entire act wasn't terrible but like some of the moves she did were so bad if you haven't seen it please YouTube uh her name is rayun and look no disrespect to her at all you haven't seen this it's cringe look first of all a shame to my dog's people no disrespect to her at all I think it's incredibly Brave to go out there and make a fool of yourself but um dude man it was so bad that like you know how uh Red Bull sponsors a lot of those break dancers and all that [ __ ] like they're pulling out some of them are pulling out some of the big companies that like sponsor them are pulling out she is she not only entered to do this and did what she did man she studies this and teaches this at aity this and then like from videos that I saw outside of her performance from the olymp same sh there was some that looked like yo like she looked like she knew what she was doing it looked nothing like what she did at the Olympic I think she took a big risk and I think that's brave but like bro what no bro that was my was Most Wanted bro liter no literally you made every you made the sport you man it's like so cool that we got dancing into as a sport and then she she got it taken out ruined it and it's crazy because it's crazy because America Japan I want to say Brazil and maybe China all phenomenal all fire and and I think Japan took it I think Japan took first and the USA took like second and I don't know who took third dance like okay the Tik to dances are pretty dumb but people that dance dance I understand why it's a huge culture because we grew up in an era where like you got served stomped the yard tell what my favorite era is bro what's my favorite era his favorite era was when dance was born literally with [ __ ] break dancing Kang hats Kang hats on on cardboard cardboard boxes but we grew up when when those movies came out and like the Jaba walkies bro Chris Brown Chris Brown bro Chris Brown user Michael Jackson all that [ __ ] BR Adam saani yes oh my God moose boy don't even no but what I was going to say earlier is [ __ ] Gambit himself Channing Tatum he was break dancing that [ __ ] he was killing that [ __ ] and step up I wasn't [ __ ] with him back then he was killing it I thought you going to say he was cute I was like I think I think he's looking at what I was going to say was okay so like for me personally obviously we know break dance is heavily like black Hispanic Asian you know what I'm saying but for the the people who are white who break dance you know more power to you but what's been killing me lately is because of like this ray gun [ __ ] we've seen a lot more of that kind of dancing like that what she did at the Olympics yeah like that kind of like they're like if this is pass in the Olympics it's in and it's not please do not do that don't do that [ __ ] bro please that [ __ ] was crazy no when what nothing she just kicked out she was eliminated like she was eliminated quick bro I wish I could pull it up for the only defense I I had for her was like if she was trying to dance to win the what do you call it the the participation try no the judges chy the Judes my bad the judges the judges I [ __ ] up on some oh like points yeah like points wise she was trying to secure the goal no but she bro she was not getting it looked like she was it looked like she was trolling bro honestly I thought she was having a seizure halfway through it was bad it l like she was trolling bro like like pretty disrespectful it was man I don't understand cuz like literally right after her I think America went and the shorty who was for America was amazing and so it was like this is a weird ju to position like it was so strange the documentary in like two years is going to be five oh it's going to be amazing it's it's gonna be like the last it's gonna be called The Last Dance give it a year bro give it a year it's gonna be just like the Michael Jordan Last Dance give it a year bro with algorithm and and all that they they gave algorithm gave so many filmmakers so much content for them to work on to make a film by next year oh God do it and it's CRA watch out there's going to be a documentary mark my words by next May on baby baby the memes have been terrible bro the have you seen the Jurassic Park one cuz her arms are like this in the break dance position and then she doing a kangaroo BS oh man bro it was bad she does a kangaroo she does a sprinkler bro you know what I'll edit a few Clips in here cuz it was bad she does a sprinkler did she really I didn't see that part did the sprinkler oh my God yes she even did the hand behind the head I'm surprised she didn't hit the shopping cart you know what I'm saying I I didn't watch the full performance but from the clips that I saw yes what you guys do over there Australia is actually really good at break dancing but shorty did not cheated they're also good at dodging death how the [ __ ] Dodge them big ass spiders for real she got served that's y' got Olympics for what Australia coming to the Olympics wouldn't they come every four years huh Olympics come every four years yeah Australia 2028 no bro I thought it was the World Cup World Cup is I think is like that too World Cup is every every years is it every four years yeah hey we have technology it's this year what cup is this yearo this year World Cup cuz you're latines and you look up the Olympics I don't have Michael go right now I'm sorry yeah oh that's why you've been [ __ ] telling him yeah that's why I've been telling him to Michael double duty I guess the only I guess it counts too yeah man La is in there too shout out to Y that yo the other thing the other thing at the Olympics bro I don't keep up with the Olympics so I'm not going to be like if y'all wanton go then none of them win this [ __ ] guy bro he wants to call everybody fat but doesn't want to watch peoplec okay that's not bad it's be you know what Georg 18 it's going to be in Canada us and Mexico oh nice meico oh [ __ ] that's fire okay um George actually could be in the Olympics cuz you know how they had the pistol shot the air pistol that's George I could definitely see George doing that that [ __ ] had his arm broken he talking about this guy Googled when the next World Cup was we supposed to Google the Olympic no we that's what we said first we and you guys were in conversation I me like can you look up the next Olympics too I meant like how many years like [ __ ] it's every four years so the last one was in 2020 or 2018 2019 for World Cup yes quick math where were they at that was um no it was 2020 oh okay I'm not yeah I'm not good at man that's one man [ __ ] guy dud 20 shut the [ __ ] look shut the he gets so mad so what was this food 2026 wouldn't have had wait no never mind you're right that's the World Cup godd damn bro what the that's what I'm that's the one I'm talking about stupid I'm just giving you a hard time man stop giving me a hard time don't deot don't get demoted how about that I'm blue D die all right chill out oh my God by the end of the episode we'll figure out if we give him a check or not no you know no see residuals today whoa whoa whoa whoa all right chill out please you get three marks oh three marks that's crazy I like that Mark Ruffalo I knew he was going to men Mark M Mark Strong and and I need another one Mark Twain there it is thank you I think he's dead but Mark Jacobs okay I'll take that Designer looking I don't know Mark no Mark wallberg how [ __ ] you guy I couldn't date that dude I just laugh at his accent all the time bro hey shut the [ __ ] up I'm going to [ __ ] [ __ ] you yeah oh my God it's me [ __ ] m [ __ ] you the fact that he has his his own burger place and them own custom Jordans man Jordans jordens and the next Olympics it's in La no way yeah oh [ __ ] that's your hometown bro that's where you [ __ ] that's where you [ __ ] all the time I'm [ __ ] I'm gon [ __ ] [ __ ] you while from your family it's a gang sign right no bro God dang bro can you stop doing that can you stop doing that that's what I'm saying sorry you guys we don't bang at all all right except for each other we just want we want to know so we don't get caught up especially with this gu we're in blue we're definitely going to probably get proud We love everybody we love the people what's wrong with me wearing blue bro you're wearing pink get off me Dam you know any gangs that wear pink I do actually the lgbtq yo be careful sorry I'm just [ __ ] with you guys I'm just [ __ ] with you guys're they're the deadest ones you know where allies you know the jli ones hey you know we're allies we're just kidding chill out but uh speaking of uh speaking of BLTs uh what food were you talking about oh No 1st Dates at Cheesecake okay okay it's that even food specifically oh [ __ ] you said it was very food heavy it's going to be food heavy right but I don't mean like in the sense of we're going to be talking about dishes specifically okay but it's more so of the topic of uh Cheesecake Factory oh how we talked about it when it was a trend how like girls were like do not take me to Cheesecake Factory on a date because and they don't really give a reason yeah right so excuse me I made a joke to some girl cuz her birthday was happening I was like oh I'm like so what's going to happen for like what you going to do for your birthday like your man to take you to Cheesecake as a joke but I was I was like I want to see what she's going to say right cuz if she says oh I [ __ ] love cheesecake then the internet is Cap right so stupid she was like if you take me to cheesecake I am breaking up with you I said whoa so that's the first time I heard somebody say this and this was like around the time that we talked about it on the Pod yeah right so this is like episodes ago right so this became a topic again cuz someone's birthday came up and I said the same [ __ ] and then I just asked cuz like a bunch of the girls were just around when I said this joke so I was like how do y'all feel about Cheesecake Factory right cuz the first girl the first girl I made the first joke with she said the reason she doesn't like it is because it's very overwhelming menu wise there's too too much there's too much on it too much options and then two the Ambiance they feel like if you take them there on the first date at least there's too much going on it's a try hard okay right some girls have said that they didn't mind that they kind of [ __ ] with Cheesecake Factory in this discussion but a lot of them were like it's very overwhelming and they don't mind Cheesecake Factory but as a first dat no okay right I was going to say you probably shouldn't be eating on your first dat as well cuz what happens if you get the bubble guts then you're screwed okay well not everyone has IBS like you this no but I kind of agree with that thank you bro thank you George chill but that's also but that's also what I asked them right it's funny you brought it up I was just I was just frying no I got you I got you I was just frying you you know but like um I asked them I'm like all right so like what's your ideal first date they're like if you're going to take me out to eat take me out to somewhere where it's like a little chill if anything like just like just like a ice cream date for the first date you know what I'm saying they're like they don't want that extravagant like first date no they don't want to be taking like they want to be they like Dave and Busters over cheesecake that's what they told me I was like damn that's more overwhelming of a place than the [ __ ] menu itself but that's the thing I feel like you isolate yourself with games the interaction yeah I guess it's probably what it is and there's it helps with like also com Li specials I never understood MFS who take girls in a movie or girls to a movie on their first day girls yeah they they brought that up too they were like that's more like a third like we've been established we've been talking for a minute cuz what you going to do you're going to yell over like we don't have to have conversation about us anymore because we kind of know each other we F obviously [ __ ] with each other absolutely on on this specific date yeah yeah now let me ask y'all this what up right just cuz I have a consensus but I want to ask y'all first before I give you the consensus okay right flowers on the first date it depends on who it is and I'm just being very real about that yeah because some women will straight up tell you they do not like flowers some women will tell you immediately if you just met the shorty no but if you known this girl for a bit okay you guys been friends for a while you you guys decide and you guys want to take you know take it to the next level what do you mean by like you guys have been friends for like a while you mean like you've known them for a minut years and like you just decided to to them or like you've been friends as like you just met her and you've been talking for a little bit and it's like now time to like take her out I can say yeah it's like a wide spectrum okay I like how I said I was it was going to be very food heavy we're kind of like running through the subject pretty fast but but like I said the same right I'm like it depends on like I'm not because again you guys are talking about being try hards flowers is very try hardish as well you know what I'm saying see that's the thing like they know what they want bro because they like from from the consensus that I've gotten before they tell us to try hard that's that's what I'm confused I hear but I've heard that all the time too but like now that I've gotten a mix of this's a mix of different shorties and of different age groups okay that's good too so like it it like I'm talking about from girls from the age of 18 to I want to say mid 40s I asked okay in this discussion yeah that's a solid realm so like yeah it's a solid it's every age groute even ours like so like um I said the same I'm like not in the sense of like I've known this girl for like years and it's like I'mma ask her out finally type [ __ ] more so like I just like I we matched or like you mess I dm' you you dm' me and we've been talking everything's been cool you've been making me laugh I make you laugh type [ __ ] I'm going see how that Vibe is for me to be like okay I'm going to bring you flowers or I'm going be like ah I'm not going to buy flowers but if I take you on an interactive date we're outside and someone is outside and they're just so happen to sell flowers I'll probably be cute and based on the vibe I'll probably buy them on spot facts you feel me the one thing the one pointer I will say is if you know shorty has kids always get something for the kid as well because I've I've heard just like you a consensus as well it's like well if you know them if if you're like acquaintances with them for a while yeah not not if it's brand new that's if you it's very shorty the it is it is honestly honestly for me I'm not going to get your kid a gift if I'm not meeting them then and honestly I don't feel like I could meet your kids right then and there you're supposed to I feel like we should be established as people before we talk about bringing your kids in into I feel that like give it a couple months before we talk about bringing the kids in here I feel that you know what I'm saying not that I don't want to meet them it's just it's all about timing absolutely you know what I'm saying I don't want this to not work out in the midst of it and you think it's because I don't like your kids right you know what I'm saying a lot I'm pretty sure that happens to a lot of people and it's a common misconception no I feel that misconception this guy [ __ ] that one's actually good it's a pretty long word I feel that yeah so um oh so these girls right half of them said I want flowers on the first day if anything I demand them yeah good God damn demand is crazy I said damn they they D and you know which one said the one the one that verbally said I demand them first date was the one that was like do not take me to Cheesecake Factory cuz I'm I'm going to break up with you I'm I'm not shocked I'm not shocked all I I like I didn't think that a menu could be that overwhelming like you got options and if you want a cop out just get the chicken tendies and then for dessert like you got mad options you got mad cheesecake options I definitely feel that you know what I'm saying so I guess I just have to take the Bros to Cheesecake right just that's a bro spot now that doesn't make that's the new Buffalo apparent need bro apparent that makes no sense to me every time every time I bring up this subject yeah around these women and they like I see their reaction like y don't like Buffalo blast that's my [ __ ] I love that [ __ ] I love my bro you're a [ __ ] fool Buffalo blast that sounds like a sex position I know why bro they're so good they're so good basically they're just you also like baming onion so I'm not surprised think of like think of like okay a won rapper right yeah and you basically get like buffalo chicken dip you make it you put it in the middle fold it and basically you like bread it up that sounds fire and then they fry it that sounds fire it's so fire damn I've even made them at home they're pretty easy to make you know what that reminds me I really so I worked at why you laugh when I said I've made them at home [ __ ] I just laugh at the fact that I don't go to Cheesecake but I actually heard of this from him so that's how I know he actually I've you also you also don't date you just take [ __ ] home and then just I've gone a couple times where like when I was in middle school and then like I've taken a girl there once on a date so I worked at um you remember Grand Lux Cafe yeah that's just a derivative of Cheesecake so they have a very similar menu they have a very similar Ambiance kind of same decoration style I mean rest in peace they actually closed down last year but um you don't see a lot of dates there you see a lot of like family not anymore you didn't before that's the craziest part experiences at Cheesecake they were more like going with family yeah you go with family I was more going there when I was like 12 right right right I never really saw like dates there the last time I went as an adult I was 21 absolutely that was the one time I took a girl on a date there don't do that bro never again go to and I didn't even know that maybe that was the first time me experiencing them not liking it right I definitely you know what I mean like no it definitely depends on the girl too bro it does man yeah and she got me loaf that was so whack why'd you get that what yeah she got meat she definitely had the bubble guts later on she had to that's [ __ ] wild meatloaf the first day crazy even pasta's very carb heavy man you're going to be you're a cheesecake bro go hard go hard I mean that's why it's like a third option chicken Carbonero pasta without the [ __ ] peas and then a slice there way too many [ __ ] times that used to be my order used to be you know what's crazy so many dates out there this [ __ ] guy I went once with a girl a damn once with a girl how many to be fair how many times with a guy to be with my brothers plenty of times how many times with a guy it's crazy um you only said girls bro what pisses me okay so I have I know but I'm telling you the only time times I've been at to Cheesecake were with family the only times I've been at to Cheesecake it's to Cheesecake oh it's a cheesecake it's a cheesecake um no I had a I have a coworker who told me that he took this girl in a date to Texas Road their first date was to Texas Roadhouse and uh why would you do that that's an over you brought it up that's funny you brought it up I asked as far as to go out to eat yeah I'm like what's your spectrum then if it's too if you don't want too try Hardy like if you don't want to try Hardy but you also don't want get everything you want off the dollar menu right [ __ ] I was I was I was like it's Dairy Queen exceptional it's a ice cream date shorty can [ __ ] with a blizzard you never know again I think it depends on the woman I also brought up Applebees I brought up chilies they laughed when I brought up those CH go hard chili go hard chilies go hard boy I haven't been in a long time did you hear about their Saucy tenders have you heard about their Saucy mie steaks oh that's yeah yeah bro we got to go to chili we got to go to chili let's go to chili never you're coming us we going we're going to go that sampler bro is all you don't even have to eat bro just come with us for the drinks man come Vibe with us come with us and just watch us get you a m AO bura but yeah uh uh so like some girls were they brought up they were like Texas rooh house is cool really yeah what the [ __ ] they love that [ __ ] [ __ ] that's insane and it's cuz of the bread I was just going to say the r bread and butter take that [ __ ] home J and then I can butter your rolls like come on now so with that in mind do they like Olive Garden no I did not bring up Olive Garden I should I'm so no I'm so glad you brought that up cuz like I remember as a kid thinking that that [ __ ] was like fancy Cuisine it's not two places not two plac I like it two places and a third that I'll bring up on my own Olive Garden you can never take a girl to Olive Garden they hate that [ __ ] I don't know bro some girls I was with the girl for a minute but that's an established minute that's what I'm saying no but but like we went we went there we went there for like one of our first dates too what and she was the one that like was like yoing yeah she was fing with that Haden she was like she was like I love that [ __ ] I was like low key me too she was like let's she was like do you want to go like you want to go right now let's go right now Fern Fern will he'll definitely say this see down ass chicks like that are fire bro no that but see I feel like that's a later on there not a lot of those because they got the um the buy one get one women love that [ __ ] bro where you buy the meal at the restaurant and then you get a take home as well that [ __ ] is that [ __ ] that [ __ ] is a godsend bro that [ __ ] is fire mios used to do that too they don't do that no more majanos is fire but the other one is Red Lobster women [ __ ] that's a a date spot you cannot go to so where would you guys take a girl for a first date you go first poppy it's funny you said that cuz that's what they asked me yeah where'd you take George in your first actually he took me to his shed and we SM I smoked him yeah he smoked me out and this was like this was dead ass like a year after like high school yeah your first date like I had not talked to him in years this man just hit me up randomly hey bro what's up what's good I was like oh [ __ ] what's up man how you been type [ __ ] you're actually telling me about your guys' first date yeah that's how it went he dm'd me that's crazy hey man I appreciate you for having the balls to do that me reach out you know what it's kind of funny because this together Luke did the same to me I like how this is how how it turned out hey go ahead no Luke hit me up Luke will be on next week's episode but Luke hit me up and he was like hey man I heard you back from college do you want to smoke and I was like yeah and then look at us now yeah you know but what would you take BR see you already had time to think about it so you have an answer yeah I told them I'm for first date I'm cool with like the little ice cream meet up just sit down and talk get to know each other but I'm also like I want like like we can go on an interactive date yeah you know what I'm saying those are always Museum where we can still talk but we're still looking at [ __ ] damn it's very girl dependent [ __ ] that reminds me bro if a girl's down a thrift shot first dat that's fire that's fire ladies take notes take notes I like to my boots where y'all at where yall at where yall at for these guys bro I go play soccer except for this one bro you remember where you at for him you remember beep who worked at your bar who would always say yay okay I took her on a date to a museum and the date was phenomenal we got tacos after we had a good time and then for some reason she just never hit me back just never hit me back like the date was great and I even got a kiss at the end and then she just never hit me back be like that don't make sense but I would take a girl on a um maybe like a wine tasting date you know what I'm saying not to get super [ __ ] no no well you're a lightweight so that makes sense okay this [ __ ] guy for one we went to your wine tasting my girl at the time was not a Wine Drinker she SI oh that's right so you had to drink her she would Sip and was like okay this one's okay and if she liked it she'd drink it but she wasn't drinking them like that which is a little bit of a shame she's Italian but that's that's besides the point I don't know Spanish like that I'm ashamed to my Hispanic people everybody's a there's a little bit of shame to all of us as a to our race but anyway that's besides the point um so yeah I was drinking her [ __ ] translate Library into Spanish libr with that guy this n a libraria over here Libo it should be liio it should be Lio that's sounds like Li li like thato you know what's funny I think did we have this discussion with Nash we did we did have this yes we didn't we have this recently yeah that's what I'm saying we had this with like Nash I mean to cut you off you're good you're good daddy but yeah like an interactive date yeah for sure some yeah something you guys can actually have Conversation Over You know what I'm saying you don't let's go to the library like type [ __ ] you know all right should have asked if they were down for like Day dates because like the farmer a farmers market date would be fire to Farmer Market yo you're going [ __ ] crazy I'm being cute as [ __ ] bro hey look hey guys guys guys tune in to my advice you know what I'm saying like it's it's make his own separate page called the date Pablo date page or something no hell no too BR you guys need help we got you guys yeah man it's just like again like I'm asking I'm asking just cuz like it's interesting thing for one cuz like I had no idea that women was not [ __ ] with Cheesecake Factory like that y'all love cheesecake in general that one shocked me that's a shock yeah and it's like the reasoning why behind it is like the the menu is overwhelming it's like okay I get it the ambian and what's crazy is they cut the menu down because of covid so how can it be more overwhelming still they cut it down I haven't again I haven't been since 21 bro I'm okay it used to be four pages long it used to be four pages long now it's only I think two pages or one and a half D so they cut it down a lot was it really four pages I like it was more it was a book I felt like it was a whole well they had a separate drink had like a they had like 17 dishes from each country on that [ __ ] bro yeah that's why it was four pages it was like a whole section and then you had like shos and then you get [ __ ] how do they do did they just give you a menu get scan a code for the [ __ ] drink menu well that's how they were doing it for a while but then they went back to they're back to plastic menu shaku does that where the menu is just wait whoo whoa whoa who' you take the shaku oh I only go with it's only been I was going to say damn I was oh my God bro I don't eat sushi bro when I go there I get the chicken Catu time he get a [ __ ] cheeseburger somehow the chef is like oh I know you I don't go on dates like that guys chill out I don't even go at all bro I haven't been on a date since he hasn't bro you should brother they're fine I have not been on a date in a [ __ ] five let me you up bro let me set you up George what are you doing this week went on a date last week and it was fire with who a coworker oh what's fire package delivered or what [ __ ] package delivered no stupid as H um package deliver just wrong crib huh oh he hit a kill streak that week no just the wrong door that's a cute one guys hit a girl up with that line package delivered her I'm not going to lie I hit a girl package delivered at the wrong it's crazy Fern you sometimes bro you just you just blow my mind crazy sometimes I say pickup lines to be funny but sometimes girls genuinely think it's cute so it's like okay like I mean it to be cute in a little way too but it's like I know I'm going to make you laugh I've only had one pickup line land and it wasn't because of the pickup line I had one line land too yeah it wasn't it wasn't because of the pickup line it's because they're always like oh I'm so glad you had the confidence to come talk to me it's like bro you're just a girl like it's not that hard that's the one thing uh I beg the DI bro I don't have that confidence you should man you're not ugly yeah you're funny you're a sexy dude bro you got to go with that it's not even that yeah it's just I'm not confident bro well stop I don't have just be confident I don't got it just like hey just like shy Le buff just do it bro you know came out the cut you know honestly you know you you should do bro just when you're out in public just compliment somebody oh baby I do that all the time I've been doing that at work have you work it doesn't count bro you know those people one day we can go to the city right go to the city just walk around like yo nice shoes bro y I [ __ ] with your honestly a lot of the time that brings a conversation into play you know what I'm saying that helps bro that helps a lot just do that bro what helped Nonsense me was work in retail facts talk to everybody so many people yeah [ __ ] man I just I just don't got it man I don't I don't have the confidence I just don't got I you're a damn lie because every time we be on songs bro your confidence is up here just take that same song okay spit a verse at a shorty where you at I'll bring the snacks hot boox in get I know about that type of confidence but just just just just do it bro confidence BR just do it all right we'll help you we'll be there you got a voice it's funny all right so like um at the show yeah can you say what you were going to say no no no you just got a voice bro use it damn yo what's up with you being philosophical I [ __ ] with it this guy watched Iron Man one I've never seen it you're such a [ __ ] liar bro you're such a liar never seen a movie like whole I believe it he don't watch movies like like that no bro he seen look bro I can tell you right now we seen Iron Man 2 in theat and this is what he's talking we didn't see the first one first of all first of all no second we did see the third one together Jesus Christ but what the [ __ ] I know for a fact he saw the first one because you got to remember bro that time period movies that were coming out everybody were watchings Iron Man The Dark Knight Pineapple Express everybody was watching those everybody was in the theater movies in the summer I doing playing GTA 5 I actually believe that though I believe that too but I know that he was like trying to GTA 5 did not come out at that time okay what did come out bro it's probably like it was 200 [ __ ] eight bro came out then Liberty City it was probably San Andreas it was Liberty City it was it Liberty City city see you [ __ ] Li talk about five [ __ ] out of here I played it a little said purp so I could wake up in the hospital and blow it up cuz he had all the mods I play video games just so the cops can come and I can blow them I play video games [ __ ] nerd bro get the [ __ ] out of here get go buy a new PC or something I'm you collect figurines and people love that [ __ ] Bro also saw he said figurines hey thanks for atast they are dolls the ones that some of them that he has are dolls cuz they they can take the clothes off they're not [ __ ] dolls you can't take the clothes off of them bro they didn't say toys he's mad because I call this gundam's toys they are toys he he does that to you bro see this is why you should promote me man look at this CFO that [ __ ] has to go through me has to clear he's not CFO he's CF bro get it right you can't even get your own employee thank what I want I'm the I'm the one he's chief of [ __ ] bro so I have two titles a CF and a CFO CFO is or a CF or coff Jesus Christ Chief [ __ ] officer and chief officer of [ __ ] saying both of them at the same time is crazy but cof is just your self- entitled name Mr I don't [ __ ] but you're chief of [ __ ] apparently see look got him I got him I got him caught in a lie is crazy you're like a spider he's your fly play that song that I sent earlier the gotam song coming to theaters 32nd May 32nd what the [ __ ] all right bro I'm sick of y'all I had what 11 more days [ __ ] I'm [ __ ] crying how many days are in May I think it's 21 no wait no [ __ ] what the [ __ ] why are we thinking of May it's 31 days right it's goingon to be May all that I do is not enough for there's 31 days in May don't want to lose don't I was definitely I [ __ ] with that song man right now since bye bye bye is trending because of Deadpool M which by the way Perfect movie what's the one I I'm really bad with name titles but what's the one that's um oh um um [ __ ] thank you that that song [ __ ] rocks that song [ __ ] rocks like Spanish is better oh yeah Spanish it's fire in Spanish yeah Dam it's funny it's funny Auda originally came out with the cover for it in Spanish really but insync was like we're going to come up with a Spanish one too oh they made the innc made their own Spanish version oh yo that's like um Phil Collins did all the version did all the um language versions of U Tarzan every single song that's insane Bo s has an end of the world version in Spanish Alo damn fire I love that [ __ ] man yeah I love music like thato facts bro [Music] [Music] bro damn I like Spanish man I'm trying to learn I just got dualingo back but I feel like dualingo doesn't really help man yeah first of all why the [ __ ] is you laughing yeah cuz you were talking to uh what's your face yeah colia Colombian rage Colombian you mean Venezuelan rage I want to go to Columbia I'm going call her I'm going call her Venezuelan Haven trying to go to the medine you know what I'm saying yeah facts you trying to call her what Venezuelan Haven for you and beige rage we were made for each other looking at yeah it could have work out cuz it was Lane witch barrier no man you know what all right I I like I not racist here but I feel like a lot of the hispanic women I've dated they it's always I don't want to date and then they'll get mad when they see you talking to another woman and then they'll be like you're mine like I you you don't talk to nobody but you just said you didn't want to date I think I think Latino women are very they they're very um hard to get but they also like to be very territorial that's goofy you can only have one you can't have both you can't have your your Cheesecake Factory and eat it to sorry it wasn't funny but I had to you know by all means thanks Dad fcking all right to oh [ __ ] oh man y'all are [ __ ] idiot favorite cheesecake flavor honestly either blueberry or like that chocolate marble that chocolate marble was hard fire all of it bro cheesecake is cheesecake is so hard bro I don't know man sometimes New York style fire oh I don't [ __ ] with cherry or strawberry honestly give it to me bro honest okay I'm going to say this uh strawberry and desserts uh strawberry is strawberry is a fruit overrated nah oh yeah yeah you're like I like it I like it I [ __ ] with strawberries I do [ __ ] with like strawberry in Spanish fresa okay I like strawberry flavor like some candies pops but like I just I just think it's overrated I think there other flavors other fruit flavorings there nothing wrong with that what do you guys feel about mint I like mint okay which one of y'all said it was like toothpaste was that you George maybe it was one of that I brought I brought up that it was good he swore up and down that I said that it was on an episode on an episode Mr it's not because I'm Mr gumo let me ask you a question two packs a day ass Mr promotion no no no no bro you changed he's [ __ ] lying because in high school I was not only known for my my shoes I was known for my gum if you needed it I had it all you had to do was come up to me all you had to do was come up to me I had two packs a day I used to do this purposefully the homeboy today to this day I don't know how you did it bro no lunch money he to this day they all they had to do was hey I need a promotion yeah step into my office that's all they had to do the [ __ ] they say step into my office and I say step in my office try come on in what flavor is this is it mint yes Miami mint after he talk okay you know what I'm so glad you actually passed this to me I like them now no no I was doing I'm addicted adct I was doing some research over the weekend I'm sorry some some research no no no no no no no no they now have a vape that's specifically made for your nose so it has two bulbous it has like two bulbous things at the top so you can place it on your nose comfortably and all you have to do is inhale oxygen tank yes that's [ __ ] up that is way too much guys I don't even like inhaling through my nose like that yeah I have I don't like inhaling or EX telling uh Nick from my it's it's not fun it it's not fun it hers yeah they they it's not bad but like you know what's crazy it hers it's crazy kids doing whippets and [ __ ] have you seen those videos uh no they're buying like these flavored the big ass [ __ ] yeah like [ __ ] whippits bro you know what the [ __ ] yeah we did those at Jake's house remember yeah I remember whippits yeah that for New Year's on damn bro you're not supposed to say names God damn F he's part of theou I have to [ __ ] edit it K are doing those like Vapes now that's they're wh doing whipits like Vapes yes this is man the that's why they're [ __ ] joking in behind door this is exactly why this is a age restricted show guys children don't yeah this is [ __ ] ridiculous get out here on baby that means you should probably leave George I'm sorry but no ever since uh Deadpool and Wolverine ever since we got the Henry caval uh the caval The cavalin Cameo I've been kind of like walking around like this you were just leaving and then being like you were just leaving stupid as [ __ ] bro he obsessed with Henry cell oh is this your dad again yeah my my brother must have picked up his car hell yeah I just [ __ ] up my throat doing that yeah I don't know why you I'm [ __ ] dead so you were just leaving I'm glad you're drinking water now bro is that water he's always drinked water that's a damn lie bro when I was living with Fern in the city I asked him to drink water you know what he told me what year was that it's 2018 no you moved in you moved in 2019 he's changed yeah he still won eat [ __ ] veget been drink water I believe you there was a time there was a time where I was buying water bottles I was drinking way too many water botles you heard battles I heard Bells water Bells is crazy I can't talk today either guys don't worry bro me neither oh water bottles right I drank way too many of them that I got water poison in oh I remember that I was there yeah was like bro are you [ __ ] good I'm like I don't know he started puking water I was puking way too much I was like it was bad hot and then cold I was getting the sweats how many water bottles did you drank I drank at least like half the 24 pack I was just you had drank 12 in that oh my god dude that's insane poisoning I didn't even know you could do that until I met Fern that was crazy I didn't know that could be a thing water is good for you how can poison you too much of anything is bad for yeah I I didn't know that I thought it was that I thought it was everything except for water he thought it was everything everywhere all at once and [ __ ] what are those things called where you store wine a seller decer a barrel is isn't there another name for it what does it look like describe it something of Bales was another word or like is that even a word oh a barrel a wooden barrel oh cuz I've heard that word like used Bales something a baale of wine I don't know bar I'm no no why do you keep saying barrels bro like I'm definitely probably tweaking you probably are cuz I've never heard of a bail of wine this guy was going to say a bushel of wine like an idiot what the [ __ ] I can't trust I think you're thinking of a Decay bro I worked at Cooper Hawk that's all wi D you also thought pharoh was another word for something else no that's not what I said I did not say Ferell I said what was the other one back me up on this out what happened I Saw My Brother come on don't even don't even mention it yeah don't even mention it's all right my bad I saw the Twins doing twin telepathy for second I had actually intg they were radio each other T and Tamaro over here they're paging each other for real though it be fire you can have radios like this one Twin power that would be dope it's called an earpiece I was going to say but like just have it airpods we need some good we need no we need one of those like CIA grade you know what I'm saying yeah no we need the insync performing live how are you supposed to live every day with that though like I couldn't be at work with that you know what I'm saying you could oh yeah you work on Amazon that's not fair you would be able to have a headset but the kids I feel like would grab for it where at work yeah oh yeah I wouldn't be able to have it in CU they think that they'd be like hey can you put that away cuz it's part of my ear my hearing aid cuz then they're going to be like oh you're deaf I need paperwork for that literally no you we just need a little ear pieces so we can be like hey man what's up you want SM to join after this look no damn you don't love me anymore and plus our walkie talkies could probably pick up the channel oh damn I mean if it's CIA grade nah man we've had to change channels so sometimes semis that come drive by they pick they pick up that's funny as hell though I ain't even going to lie that's cool I'll be listening to that [ __ ] all the time it's cool how the radio works B we've called like a code once and then we've heard back like what was that on Highway break or something whatever and we're like yeah we probably have to change channels that's funny as hell Dam man yeah man [ __ ] hell yeah yeah man that was an episode guys that was a really good episode it was fastac we kind of ended on time and we have I don't think this needs really editing like that other than like if anything I'll probably touch it like just like that you know and that's it you're probably going to edit two minutes out of here probably if that if that it was a great episode man George just let me be man I'm lunch lady now I'm serving the food all right remember all right before we end the episode dude actually does he deserve his strike I don't think so no you're not talking I think a little bit wait whoa whoa who no don't do that I think he deserves it the way he just talked back to me right now no that's one strike in my opinion strip one no I'm good on that I'm not taking this right you want another one take it damn remember you have three all right whatever I'll take the one talking about n behave I don't want to like you're [ __ ] all done bro all done behave no I don't I'll bring up my work stuff but which by the way if there's any uh corporate I hope I'm not really breaking hip hook CU I'm not talking to any about anybody I can't really talk right now but cuz I know I just [ __ ] that up but I'm not talking about anyone especially not about I'm editing this out bro by no clients I'm editing this out especially by no clients this [ __ ] guy he's getting scared over here [ __ ] to saying and these questions were asked during movement looking at and by the way this is not even like it's not even real we're not here oh my God holy [ __ ] dude [Music] damn you do that sound so well you need chill out we'll be right dumb as hell bro I've noticed there's been times where I'll sing a song and then I'll sing a song afterwards and it has nothing to do with what I just Sayang I honestly I definit party next door and then I just sang future fact stupid as hell but uh yeah I think we can end on there guys uh cuz speaking of fashion I'm kind of hungry and I want to see if my mom's either going to cook or if I'm going to have to make cous he about to finally eat some looking ass I invited him to go get a sub cuz I got one yesterday yeah and he was like I'm busy stupid as hell he's always busy bro he always got something going on I ended up not getting he always going to I'll save my time I'll save my bread pun intendo I got you give you money shut the [ __ ] up I still want it though cuz that sandwich was banging when I had it you hungry ass hungry bet you as soon as we finish this up dessert he's going to be no I had some food before this I had some food he's such a [ __ ] Li I haven't eaten all day I had no breakfast you just said you ate earlier that's part of the day [ __ ] I hadn't eaten all day before that point so shut up he wasn't saying God damn bro this ridiculous man you're ridiculous are good end it please you're the one that started it you're the [ __ ] you're the T right now how talking about so he's going to go get food at the crib you started saying that or saying he's going to get food after this he's like I actually already ate domino effect got me such a gaslighter this guy he really is bro BL hit him up he's got a fat [ __ ] [ __ ] takes away takes away all the gaslighting I'm [ __ ] dead usually that's how it works I guess goofy as hell don't hit me up but uh where can they find you guys all right man you can find me on it's implied on Instagram right now I'm on Apple music Spotify title SoundCloud you can find me on everything uh it's implied also on Tik Tok so hit me up but uh where can they find you Big Poppy you guys can find me on Tik Tok Snapchat as well as Instagram at uh bookbag Benny and I guess you can find me everywhere else cuz this guy I [ __ ] put that information on the last episode I didn't bro I didn't what did what I what did I put on my Facebook did I really yes you said you said with my name d sorry sorry so I guess you can find me everywhere but the for the ones I'm mentioning now is at bookback Ben but if you didn't watch last week's episode or didn't pay attention to the intro like that don't find me anywhere else not for real uh but where can they find you sir on hinge or grinder oh unhinged on grinder unhinged on grinder no just just an X just just on X all right say at what PornHub that's your username imagine it's pornb Wolverine with all right y'all all right y yeah and shout out to all the ladies that had did all the surveying that I had bestowed upon you I know they were all jokes at first but I brought it up it was a trend so shout out to y'all I appreciate your guys' input power to y' uh you gave my men here uh some good Insight on what to do to take a girl out and one man bro I don't need the help or one man you need the help CF hit him up chief of [ __ ]

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