Premier League Official Takes Charge of Big Sunday League Football Match!

Published: Aug 25, 2024 Duration: 00:39:44 Category: Sports

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[Music] St good I've got me pom poms in bag [Music] [Applause] [Music] so what do you have to do get changed on side at pitch or on road no we'll uh we normally we've got changing rooms at our place but we if we play away we normally get changed outside club and then just travel cuz not many teams have got changing rooms so yeah but you're not playing not playing today no I've got my little daughter's bag so she'll be with me outside uh put put me S Squad cuz we've had a late drop out but what were that for uh did he go early night night we've not heard from him so I don't know what crack is um but we're not apparently you're not going to be annoying referees in County Senior League anymore no no I've decided to uh have a bit of rest it's not a bad way to bow out though is it no no it were good last year and I just lost a bit of motivation and I've got I've got youer again today so it's spend a bit more time with family I reckon this year well that Bret is he playing I'm secretary with bird well now so that takes up a lot of my time did you pass your spelling test for it then ah yeah I'm not bad at secretary role I like to think I'm organized what about Bretner is he playing this year he um no he's taking up camping that's what Bretner is doing this year he's taking up camping what wait what abusing campsites on Twitter maybe that's what he'll be doing yeah he's not playing Saturdays but I reckon he might turn out forly do they um do they turn out in rain if you're camping will he if it's raining will he be going out in camping he's at least Fest this weekend and some Snapchats has sent me camping out so this morning are you actually referee D's only comeing ref Grayson's got camera you weren't referee other day though when you text me were you would went to be ref he woke up poly this morning so I to I'll bringing me dogs bringing me dogs down taking them out this morning as you do ready what on me off all right that's so often do your referee then on a Sunday morning I'm try and get as as many as I can really league secretary now I'm trying to help the league out as much as I can but the plan were this morning just obvious it's our opening game at season which is a big game two big clubs obviously challenge cut winners last year uh and obviously as a good side finished second or third I think finished third last year so good side so it's a nice Something game so I'm going to come and bring me dogs I got two dogs the the leads on the lot and then gaz's our referee secretary unfortunately Lee's walk should been lee wood H the best Mark referee last year got the referee award last year for the our best referee unfortunately what Ping so but this is your these kind of games are your only opportunity to referee really are they yeah yeah they are yeah to be fair it's good really it's a really enjoy it it's good cuz it gets me out about I like the grassroot stuff I didn't for years was it well I just going to say that obviously because of the level you're at and there's loads of examples of yourself who you who don't referee anymore on the pyramid yeah if if if you if you get older and want to referee again you know when you say drop off the retire from the Premier League you'll be a bit out of out of syn would you cuz I didn't referee for years when I went full-time lining in uh 2009 I referee for that same that same season so uh and then after that season I went uh fulltime signed a contract and then just concentrated on refereeing I didn't referee for I was still referee Sunday morning football till about 2012 and then I just packed up and uh CU obviously I thought about focus on my body look after my body more make sure I'm fit and right for Premier League games as you do but then I missed it and I missed it a lot and then I got involved with West Breton Sunday morning football team and then obviously uh stepped away from them last Christmas and then got back into refere I really enjoy it man you know when you get the BG back me being a massive football fan obsessed with football all me like and I mean obsessed I watch 20 live games a week uh all the Premier League games this weekend I'll watch them all obviously the ones that weren't live I'll still watch them at some stage this week just to catch up with stuff really cuz I'm and know but when you become a match official and a ref it ruins football for you because when you go to games like when I go to O to watch Red you you watch the officials so it kind of spoils football a little bit for you in a good way cuz it's good obviously watching match officials and stuff and and we're still all learning all time aren't we Lo Ms this morning so Stars Then of this team Ryan Stars him there's some different faces in to that final Danny Jones is a start we've signed quite a few players that were playing with one well town and H well they've got some I see you've got Dayton who ironically played for asley HS last season yeah yeah D we've got quite a few new players that are uh that are de we've got a good squad this year who's the new manager then Aram Mo where is he he's over there next to dille and what does he bring to to he's brought five good players we like I said they all used to play we only well and they went to W town and Darfield Cross Keys they like floated about and soon as I knew that they got they weren't bothered about carrying on with one well Tower I rung him I said look just bring bring your Lads to us cuz they're all decent players they're all good kids and all Jack Portman great Striker he's got doy Center mid um Blakey we played with Garber cig what do you think um obviously stereotypical view of Sunday League football is people being drunk and and pissed up on a Sunday morning what do you think the appe is I've played since I 17 and it's a game of football at end of the day and I tell you something there some some teams that I've played with and again so years a gear sat teams more than a match so what do you think appeals to players to play game of football and and a few a few PS it P after you know that's what I think people play for it's good crack gives you something to do gives you a bit of structure on a weekend and all so apparently special one apparently chosen one I won't say that apparently you brought some real star players to party yeah we've put a good squad together me and wellam and then Well's obviously gone on to other whatever he's doing but yeah I think we've got a good squad for Seas cuz you they struggled didn't they uh up to Christmas last year I literally just joined this summer like but yeah I think they did struggle part of last season and then managed to get a squad together in one cup and run her up into so you did you manage Another Sunday team last year last year I with W town uh yeah so what's uh the week day like for a Sunday League manager how many times you at your phone [ __ ] hell every day it's there's all going off in group chat uh non football related but then like when you get to your I'll put a message in Tuesday to see who's available F Sunday then it's messaging players all week oh have you are you going to put your name down and all that but yeah so how many have you got today we've got 16 full Squad I bet you I bet you don't have 16 every game I've never had it before in my life when I before team that started Miss with mat and um 11 majority have you turned up with 10 before and started with we've done that having to play and everything but uh yeah we've got Lads missing and all which is even better you know and they got to let Lads down on a Sunday it's a good what what tends to happens people rolling in 10 minutes after lad Young D been messaging him all morning somebody's gone to pick him up no answer then he's just turned up so what's his re excuse running it that's about it but does it drive your crackers oh it's nuts mate to be fair I thought I would gain it up I was going to lay it golf on a Sunday and then M Matt's is me comeing to be me assistant and then about four games in on man sent to the throne AR yeah so what's up with you today uh I don't know whether it's like it's like a cross between ailles tendonitis and platis or something it's just me old age yeah and old age that don't tell but yeah it's uh he's not here is he is he left Jake Jackson no he well he had a bad injury last year didn't he uh is he not helping up management side again he he'll be coming he'll be coming but he's he's not helping managing as much now but he'll be coming to watch I would imagine but yeah he's uh he's just getting back I think so you're just a cheerleader today cheerleader yeah I've got my pom poms in bag yeah hopefully set off with a good result some good good new additions to team that is s referee so soon as Camas have come out gave son a job it's not D him so you jack of all trades are you I've never saw you we never saw you do this we've got every clip going with you now aren't we really that's i' still put them up I've been doing it three four year so you had a familiar face what other stars have you got today Atley keggy Jordan Kershaw got a few Dylan Jackson Atley B gtic Co is it yeah we got a good squad out these are a good team though these do you put the nexts up every week then I'd like to say it but I don't uh how I put this on is there a clear favorite today clear favorite oh you completely honest we usually start better than these we play better and then the score and then we F A bits these are like our bgy team i' I mean they've got some unreal players like they got a good side but so we're going to see you again next Saturday as well aren't we yeah be that should be a good laugh might take some stick I don't think I will but they've got your name WR website aren they calling you jack Fenton well to Jack Fenton had a world didn't so I thought it got be you I didn't even score they put me name down I didn't even score me yeah he said Jack Fenton did this Jack Fenton did this I thought who was this player I got assist like but uh I got dragged cuz I I went right good you've done it wrong mate that needs to go right to corner what's the chap the chief executive he's uh he owns the football club he's richest man in Arsley but he's not trained in uh go course I don't usually do it you know he owns Arley Oaks Club up there does atly do much do you mean here does it look like it he's not out there put Nets up who's the ones putting Nets up down there uh Le's right back and Richard Center rle got number 10 on so I'm guessing he's playing up front I'll take it rest of team's arriving looks like it to me for now Liam Mo br playing as well what so mentioned that what what's chances of him getting booked book he pay paying out EV he gets booked every week lles with at Center half he's odds on for a booking uh what about you I I don't really get booked to be fair don't you score a lot of goals on a Sunday morning yeah I third top scar last season I don't know how but Bailey's on all in he or is he not playing for you now Bailey's on already but it's Joel Rick Queens so played against his didn't he he actually he actually said to Kyle he says uh he's 100% committed into ay Oaks he can only play half at time he's playing with Queens so I don't know how that works like don't but you know it being a bank holiday do you think you I was surprised it's going ahead to be honest I'd rather play like cuz cuz then I spend less time drinking no but you could have had a lot of people away couldn't you van yeah but a few Year back uh Dy Cup Final used to be at B the weekend so obviously leads Fest and greenfields on so if you missed that I missed it that's finally we're actually playing on one my man uh we won 21 but I missed it I played all the way through D cup and missed final because it van the weekend right dayon I thought you were first player so you left us last September how many clubs have you had since not many playing for B town that W field yeah anymore just sign for are you playing for anybody on a Saturday yeah just I've G I'm at B town with my brother now oh you're still there yeah you're in Army now are you yeah I'm in arm St as Co there yeah I'm go back up first September so you won be playing much at all then uh I should well I should be a bit just depends just depends on let me go a weekend see hopefully get as many games as I can in be a good game today though I think Fen is going to kick you oh he'll be giving me some I could imagine there's some stars on that team is though yeah Liam O'Brien playing he's a good player Bend is good B it looks like it yeah number 18 have you all forgiven him T semifinal not yet so what it bad Scot bad since has it what did he do it weren't the nicest to tles swagy I about it sent him down he got six months in prison that bad attack you're probably not hysterical typical Sunday morning ref you probably move about the field rather it halfway alive well it's out job if if you're there there about you can make you can make a a conscious decent decision you'd like think well there be two decent football SI today Birdwell have signed a few decent players so I'm intrigued to see how these go you know you know when you look at your leag and I've never been involved in Sunday football I think this is the first time I've ever been s on a pitch at 11:00 in the morning and the stud typical is you get pissed up players you referees St in halfway a lines but your league how different is it to that stereotypical view we're trying to make it better uh two years ago we had six referees which which teams teams and leagues can't continue if if you're not if you're turning up with no referee and there's nothing worse as as a league secretary or a club secretary when you're turning up and you're having to sort a referee out yourself which is not ideal you've got enough stuff on on a Sunday morning never mind trying to sort a referee out then referee yourself sometimes but Gaz Brown was coming as our ref secretary also a referee he's done so much work over the last 18 months we've got 30 odd refs and they're quite high quality when you look at the levels they're at he good we've some really good referees so we're in good shap and like you said it's decent referees we're trying to make the standard better trying to make it more inclusive for everybody which I think we are I think I think we are doing it so yeah so it's a good game to start the League this morning I wish I were watching it rather than reing it i' certainly prefer it to be ear with me dogs like this young lad's got his dog down but somebody's got to do it mate what you do looking forward to it be finish me warm and you packed in yet then L another season not yet now are you doing it on a Saturday uh I'm signing on with W but not selected not yet now they got a game this afternoon but are you not too first I am younger than me are you I am but I missed a chunk of a lot of chunk of pre-season so what it is got to wait on you I'm only 32 33 next we there's a few stars out here isn't there well we're all right man we're doing all right we'll see if they're all here in December dog walker dog walk dog walker Jake have you been reduced to dog walker you've like help guide him to glory oal and now you're dog man dog man mate how come you're not involved still not right morning morning right yeah you no you're a spectator rather than management now yeah no I'm not I I weren't involved in that anyway to be honest help Matt asked me to help out so I helped him out right yeah so no I don't want to be a manager so I we've been looking at appearance records and you made quite a lot for w didn't you over you played in a one at least one at monu Cup finals I played I played it mon final yeah uh and I think it Joker the absolutely he's the one what got abandoned yeah leg brick bless you uh and then but I played for alter and W it with chry that what season four there's a few Stars there's a few stars in that team aren't there what outon yeah that one Adam Ste in it yeah good player think B in itday B Ben there but you you only had did you only have 12 men for that final yeah got a Danny Burkin Shaw strike great goal left foot it cuz they I think they thought they were going to walk it didn't they J yes they did are yeah it would a good game to be fair so what he just back up what I think he it was just a a snatching grab don't he he just um he just twatted one did Danny left foot and it went in is that one of your highlights then ah that last last few years easy you got a few stars on show today aren't you you call Stars well b day for starters B no Fenton a his man it's a good season open yeah it is yeah so how did he get how how did you get on it League last year confir started off [ __ ] well winter then ended [ __ ] to the fair thought ped out could get to win so what would you say aspirations are this year to be fair I don't think we're as strong as we are last year so last year we wanted to compete for every Miss I think just a bit rebuild get enjoying football still got a good side I've got a really good team just I think put too much pressure on it last do you um do you find it hard getting a team out every week no we got 16 to be fair we think we do and then we get pretty much 16 every cuz it must be hard for some Sunday League managers yeah it's right [ __ ] ball it's 24 job um I'm constantly chasing R not chasing R but it's everyone might be 10 minutes might how often do you get people dropping out in the morning yeah maybe one a week but a couple of them sign with sides to be honest so out of them most of them are every week we know where we are you got Westfield LS haven't you there a couple je sign yeah um we had a few je sign with more season except for when we join their league I've asked them get them we're not kicking off we at them you waiting for these cor Corner Flags 1975 is that a normal problem no not really but I tell you the most high profile incident to no Corner Flags 1974 World Cup final Olympic stadium in uh Berlin West Germany versus the Netherlands just about to kick World Cup final off English referee jack Taylor he looks around about to kick off he's ging World football no Corner the game 10 minutes is this going to get delayed this cuz we can't we to where are just going to get him now so a game so forun oh somebody just forgotten him yeah they just forgot him first game of season but like I said we might be a minute so late but I'll have to be me you do it boys yeah boys no liners Leave It All To Me So off Sid will be consistent so I'll deal with that good start you're the home team you can call green or blue blue it is blue what you want do ball change me boys any issues I'll try go throw you all the best good come [Applause] [Applause] on all in a [ __ ] tackle instead of just somebody what point late it's that late I've got a get [ __ ] out offside first ball [Music] [Applause] I just said to over oh [Music] already yeah you come here [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] everything is set go now wall oh [Music] my what we doing here [Applause] well done [Applause] head [Applause] [Music] some tasty stuff isin't there well that's why can't let it breathe too much that's why I've got probably a couple of fouls which are little soft fouls there's one here one there but I thought that yellow card were good it just took this thing out of I need it to get you you know when this there little battles going off between individuals everywhere you kind stage of the games you need to kind of kill it a bit it was a nice tattle anyway he tried to make out oh it's me first tattle it's not a Rond you don't get your first in PR do you but it it's not a nice one he's G to there's a bit of friendly rivalry between dayon and his former Club is there he's got that many farmer clubs mate it could be anybody some goal that that's go in it by the way well Atley did so well in that corner didn't he he's do well in tight space it's least game probably edging it but as he back in it one uh thing I asked I don't know if you I don't know if you'll know him Lee Knight appeared on a video a couple weeks ago he's a referee not sure um it might be R and way that's why I'm not sure if you know him he's only he's only just got back into it to be fair but he did the denbe onew game and he he did a thing before game and asked him about off sides cuz he was on his own they not put assistance on I mean you you're one of top L assistant referees in the country for off sides but how easy how hard or how easy is it it is difficult uh obviously I don't like using uh Club assistance because it's such a tough job assistant referee because I'm not saying I'm not saying because you start do it for a full time I'm just saying because there's so many fractions and so many intricate parts are offside so much so much subjectivity so rather than somebody on the sideline who's not as trained as what I am making offside judgments could potentially kill the game it puts them in a tough position doesn't help me out and it frustrates the player so what I tend to do is I do it myself I do all ins and outs offside myself but I've come up with this bit of a technique which helps me me offside so when I I see a player shaping up to knock a long ball forget about him unless his opponent near but if there's no opponent here and he looks to play the ball forward I don't look at him I look at the back line and listen for the ball being kicked and that's when when I make a judgment so when I hear the ball being kicked I can take a picture of the back four all the Defenders and where the attackers are and make a judgment but could you miss a late challenge though I could but I need to it depends what my priorities if if there's a Defender knocking a ball long and there's an attacker closing him down that's obviously I've got to focus on that and not worry about offside but when there's an a Defender knocking a ball forward on somebody in the middle of part playing a ball forward and there's nobody near him Say No need no five or six yards potentially commit to late tackle then I'm confident enough to leave him and focus on the back L and what are clubs like in terms of we offsides they're okay with it because they know I do it and no but I don't think that's you in general are clubs pretty good regarding offsides they accept that they a bit guess work yeah I think they accept he said we never guess it's a calculated speculation never guess but it's it's better having me being consistent rather than two Lads on touch line one doing a really good job and what one not doing such a good job and what's with the situ obviously you just said about ins and outs that do them as well again a lot of them I going play reaction players us quite honest at moment so that's how how I get three or four it is what it is as long as I try and get the big decisions right we'll be all right you played so well up to end half good go he a good play he well they got he got out of a tight squeeze didn't he play I think been better te this is a game for man of your caliber isn't it you just SC hatrick by now would you no I'm not it's been tight then um they're putting a good shift in third well have grown into it bit it's good game hopefully second you can't really prct to win it can you no not a minute I think whoever wants it most to be fair few tasty challenges as well yeah there always is will be tight this I re do you think there could be a red card's a bit to be honest if be still on Pitch but it's one of them you don't want you don't want rest sending them off on silly stuff but he has put three or four BU offenses he got ball and miss the man got a bit man talking [Music] [Applause] Fu easy [Applause] get out get [Applause] out is that a goal you call against run up play ran oh no been po M been poor second half we just panicking not not not putting a foot on it one of their plays are shed all over him as well to be honest they are a bit better team this half we've got quality team that can do that but at least 10 minutes toy that's good take a t clipping area there [Applause] [Applause] come on a drink [Applause] good to see boys nice you ult then you me top supporter you're not top who's top supporter old over here but you come to you come to most games 18 [Applause] 18 last 20 [Applause] mon on now on now [Applause] you'll never get back in team here Kyle will you no I'm happy not I'm happy watching who do you think being star man um our best player I think Ellis will just come off the right game and I think Jack Portman and Danny joins link up well together come out of nowhere aren it the lead though yeah well they were all all start it second a they were definitely on [Applause] top yeah quality needed yeah yeah and uh I think once once we went 2-1 up then 3-1 see T now shouldn't we who do you think be man at match I'm going to vote sent a good start at season for you really good you had it what was last start last season like CH we bot at League after about five games and you got a lot of new players aren you yeah it's a good start would he come to every game yeah he used to play but knocking on a bit now when did your last play went in N for a game off season oh needs off yeah how did you do CLE Che oh thought you going to say conceed five no clean one about 8 n ah so they picked an easy game for you what do you think re when he could reckon dville will get his head on this hopefully hopefully he's had a good game aren he at back all dville yeah yeah especially when you're especially when you're under C solid D and turn it back on D [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] on so good morning early afternoon workout for you enjoy it's a good start at Sunday league is it so it's good solid start we've only had one game today so Birdwell probably edged it I thought as better side until well they're all over them miles better side they were pushing they look likely didn't obviously sloppy goal 2-1 and they conc again 3-1 always chasing enjo so what's your routine now have you you're going from this to old Trafford or something now I don't know my game until next Tuesday so I don't know where I'm going next weekend so my priority now is theall they yesterday yeah had a Football League game yesterday Championship yesterday Stoke yesterday so this is my recovery today this nice recovery so I'm going to have a p go home take me dogs out oh yeah dog dogs must be devastated W they to they had to wait oh they been house will be upside down when I get home but so I'm going to go and Che them out and then I'm parking myself on set and I'm watching Bournemouth Newcastle for Liverpool that's my Sunday afternoon plan [Music] [Applause] [Music]

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