Published: Aug 01, 2024
Duration: 00:50:57
Category: Sports
Trending searches: nick chubb injury update
all right what's up everybody man so right back with episode three of Donna 216 you got me here pip and you got will here what's going on Y Man how y'all feeling how y'all doing man yeah so we about to get right into it man if y'all like us though make sure y'all leave us to subscribe at the end of the video but the first topic that we got is stefansky so it's been a lot of rumors about who going call the plays people speculated that the new um the new um officer coordinator was going to call the plays but it comes down that Kevin stfy is going to retain play calling duties so how do we feel about that u i mean you already know how I feel about it I think uh coach Kev um I I don't really see a reason to take the play calling duties away from him unless it's like you're unsatisfied with the style of offense um that he's running unless unsatisfied with the results that he's getting out of the offense um if we look at the offense as a whole it's kind of hard to look at the offense we gota look at what was the Bengals game um that was the only game we really had we really didn't even have that because Jack cin went down in that game so it's really hard to really even know I mean and football injuri is gonna happen definitely understanding than that but in general it's kind of hard to know you know he lost his best offensive player week two um he lost his third or you know the starting quarterback of the team week what eight nine really he lost Deshawn week three because he got hurt in the Titans game um and then he had to play with Joe flacko DTR and who was the other guy I forgot who we signed for the for the fifth week but anyways PJ Walker PJ Walker but anyways like like I said it's kind of hard to see the results because like what expectations the expectation that I would have had for this roster it would be something like what they did in the Tennessee Titans game if you look at this offense as a whole excuse me Deshawn Watson and Kev have called game wining fourth quarters I mean they've called multiple game-winning draws and they don't want in close games in scoring faction you can look at every single game that the Browns won um the Bengals game Deshawn Watson scored a touchdown in the fourth quarter the Titans game the Cardinal game the Baltimore's Ravens game um and it list you know continues to goes on as far as what they've done but I think it's kind of hard to know and to look at like hey the offense looked horrible last year but you played with PJ Walker you didn't have Nick chub you know um you only got aari Cooper and David njoku how good was the offense supposed to look um but now I think this year it be kind of more I wish this contract was due like next year so then it would be more we have more evidence on if he should like be the play caller if he should get resign because we honestly really don't know um we don't know he's supposed to be a offensive Guru but we really don't know he hasn't been able to show anything outside of that year with Baker um that first year with Baker it's been a lot of controversy going on at the quarterback position uh so if he gets good quarterback play What offense um you know how does that look it needs to be at least a top 10 offense um and I I think that him calling plays will be going in that direction because the worst thing you have want is for dorsy to get out there and start calling plays the offense looks like trash and now KF gotta call plays again and now it's nothing we can do to ever vouch for dorsy being a play caller because he's just messed up and now everybody feel like it's cev's thing to do so I think if the offense starts out slow this would be a way to like almost like give Kevin like a a sub firing before firing him like let's take play calling duties away and let dorsy call the plays now if that goes wrong then we gonna go on to the next year and fire him I think that'll be like the steps have play calling remov from him if the offense doesn't look good rather than having dorsy go out there then if he lose his play calling duties Kev isn't giving that back so and he pretty much gonna get fired if he lose his play calling duties because while you here you the offensive coordinator plays so but yeah that's my two on it I don't think it's that big of a deal honestly I think the like the pregame and putting those plays on the sheet to pick from is way more important than picking play so um but yeah what you think um I feel like um it's something to be concerned about not like hugely concerned but well let's be H it's something to be concerned about bro like the reason why I say that is because I feel like Kevin stepensky um yeah last year you know he did deal with ify quarterback play um I guess the year before that you could say he had the co brassette but really I mean this how I feel like Kevin sensy him calling play he doesn't really scheme his Playmakers into the game like he should I feel like last year um Elijah Moore could have been schemed into the offense way better despite however the quarterback play was so I didn't feel like we really ediz Elijah Moore the way we could have um I feel like I mean the only person that really benefited on offense was Amari Cooper and njoku njoku is kind of like a default thing because he love these tight end and [ __ ] um you know I'm looking back like even when he first came um the first two years you know the first year we made the playoffs the second year you know Baker was hurt and all that stuff but it's been times Kevin stefansky he don't make adjustments um he coached himself out games like literally coached himself out games um and offense is too conservative like you know over his tenure here we had Talent um dating all the way back to Odell and Jarvis when they were at the end of day Prime you know all the way to now he's had a lot of talent a lot of options um so I feel like the offense has always underperformed I feel like the offense he never really maximized the potential on the offense not saying that he didn't make things happen with the offense but he didn't really maximize the potential with the offense and that's something that I'm always questioned with Kevin stany so um this year you know if everybody's healthy even taking it to Deshawn Watson I think we tested on this last video man Deshawn Watson I don't think he really I think the reason why deshun Watson was struggling here in Cleveland to be in the beginning was because Kevin stansky doesn't know how to necessarily or didn't know how to necessarily game plan and play to Deshawn Watson stren and I feel like when he started playing and coaching to Deshawn Watson strench Deshawn Watson was looking more like himself so um you know Deshawn Watson is not this type of quarterback that that you got to do all this play action foolishness with you gotta really just let Deshawn Watson work and Deshawn Watson even came out and said he was begging Kevin stefansky to open up the Playbook and spread [ __ ] out so he can really work so I think that maybe they are coming to an agreement because it seems like despite Kevin stefansky still calling the plays it seemed like there's still a huge speculation that the offense is going to be different this year but the thing is we hear that every single year we hear that every year all the offense goingon to be different it's going to be a different look a new look and then you you see the first few snaps and it be looking cool be looking a little different but the rest of the game and the rest of the season be the same old same old man so I'm right right now I am concerned and I do like I said from last video I feel like Kevin stk's under a lot of pressure I think he been getting saved but um yeah play calling I don't know man like if he don't if he don't do good for the first few games you need to give it up to the other dude man I don't know I feel like he I think the the the sea thing is kind of true I think he definitely kind of hold held him back so almost like he just wanted desan to just run the offense and just expect stuff to just work because he was a better quarterback like but he's not he not a plug and play type of guy so I can agree with you on that as far as that um it's definitely been games where he's coached himself out of games but it's definitely been games where he done coaches back in the games if we take a look at just the game against the Seahawks we was down 170 in the second quarter with PJ walker uh Pierre strong and who else we had and a injur deari Cooper on the road in Seattle he came back and tied that game up uh calling three straight what was it three straight in the rounds or not in the rounds it was three straight screen passes but what the defense Ys off of screen passes like then we lose that game though come on L that game why we lose the game you know why we l lost that guy bro we gave up a touchdown to Gino Smith with with 10 seconds left that's why we lost that guy I mean the defense well that game the defense was playing straight though honestly the defense played good it's just that they gave up that game like I don't know bro like then we got to start putting more attention on these players though like Elijah Mo like hey let's have a conversation uh is he is he the guy we thought he was like is Elijah Moore you know we tried to get on the ball off the end of rounds he can't do that he he's not an end of round Gadget guy so throw that out the way uh he's a little body receiver slot we could have did a ways to try to get him the ball more but at the end of day it's on his as well he got to create separation um David njoku he found the way to get David njoku involved I want to say I don't know if it was him or if it was Deshawn but it took up until that Baltimore Ravens game after that Baltimore Ravens after the second Baltimore game did n joku averaged like at least 80 yards for the rest of the season so I don't know who figured that out to just throw him the ball in space and like um but that was simple Amore Cooper does get schemed up uh David and joku get schemed up you could try to discredit it with the tight end um I mean it's a default thing though you know it's a defa thing he love the tight ends man I feel like I feel like we kind of on the same page with it still at the the same time though you can make a solid argument that it's been times I feel like you can definitively say every season besides the year with Baker that what we was taking in training camp versus what happen after the season has been a disappointment offensively you can say that ideally for every season but when you look into the context and you really look at it I just don't think that fall on the blame a head coach man he coaching handicap the only time really coach handicap but you but as the coach you signed case Keenan who you got history with you got history with case Keenan case Keenan made the playoffs at at the time case Keenan was a respected veteran backup quarterback so if you got this dude Baker Mayfield out here his shoulder falling off the bone and [ __ ] why is you making him go out there and still play when he clearly can't play and a lot of [ __ ] with Baker wouldn't even injury related some of the [ __ ] was just him just being shitty so Kevy got to make that adjustment to bench Baker and bring up his backup but Kevin defense is a stubborn dude he don't want to give the play calling he didn't want to bench Baker and then it's even th is K York [ __ ] they got K York on a practice squad it took you know how hard it took for them to let go of K York like that's the type of [ __ ] Kevin stepensky be on he be on this weird dumb [ __ ] so like I feel like he was only hand manager like he's just going cut K that's Andrew Barry job and responsibility but he if he if he highight Andrew Barry like yeah this dude ain't gonna get it done then Andrew Barry probably let him go Andrew Barry see what's going on we not even talking about his ability to bring on good assistant coaches we got the assistant coach of the year coming from his tree we got um Bubba vron um vastly improved our special teams so we G to see what Ken dorsy could do uh you know ever since he's replaced the two people we have who we have uh I forgot who our old special teams guy was he was so trash trash he was garbage I forgot his name he the dude that coached when we won against the Steelers forgot that [ __ ] name but but yeah man I don't know I really don't think it's gonna be that that big of a deal but the thing is though pip you do know like you we gonna never probably know if he a good coach because if Deshawn just play good this season we not GNA know CUA like it's almost like he's never going to ever be able to get credited because if when we come out it's gonna be almost like the Deshawn Watson show it's gonna look like DeShawn doing everything we got Nick chub he got all these weapons why wouldn't you win 11 games with this roster you should win 11 games with this roster so he's never gonna get credit for it because I mean look how hot a bar is for the team so I don't know I feel like it's definitely uh too size to it though it's always ways to look at it well we got the defense though man so the offense don't show up this year I mean yeah you know if desan was playing good yeah that's good on desan but the def fany go get valid credit for that because we didn't seen desan struggle for all these seasons and he still got to call the plays and scheme [ __ ] up so you know he goonna get credit by default like it's gonna be valid credit you feel me so not this BS Coach of the Year [ __ ] he got Honestly though if Honestly though to be real with you if what you feel like is the truth bro I think what's going to end up happening is we going to have a lot of close to games that we going to lose if we l in close good games we play a lot of way better quarterbacks this year so deshaan could still be good and we can still lose so the evidence is goingon to be there regardless it's just gonna be ever if people want to look at it or not so if he's able to Ste coach and those key head situations we got to think about Hey Kevin stansky who on the other side of Kevin stfy do we got to worry about that head coach Kyle Shanahan was on the other side he beat him Mike Tomlin was on the other side he beat him John Harbaugh on the other side he beat him he beats good head coaches with one arm behind his back but it wasn't him complain about a bad play here and there like come on man SCH won games Jim Schwarz won them games come on man Jim Sports won that 49ers game he helped us come back in that Ravens game like Jim Schwarz really had a key Jim Schwarz I keep telling you he the real Coach of the Year bro he just wasn't qualified to win because he's a defensive coordinator but he was the real Coach of the Year for real for real bro but no um speaking of that they did announce that Nick chub is officially out for week one of the season are you alarmed or concerned that they announced it already or do you think it's kind of like precautionary to kind of get the hype down and yeah it said he was exped to miss the week um they said that he began working on change Direction stuff in addition to full speed training and sprinting and the team is being very cautious not to pressure him back by putting the time table on his potential return so I mean it's good to know now that he not GNA play week one more than likely um it just gives us time to actually prepare I mean I'm pretty sure they preparing for real for real but it gives us time to prepare and just see what things can be like without Nick CH and maybe that first one to three weeks um it just I don't know man man week one is gonna be crazy bro it's just that like now we going into the season it's like we don't really know what to expect that running back got Dante Foreman um who is decent though he a decent back uh we ain't you know we ain't really feeling Jerome for Jeron for lowkey trash I ain't going to fake to you I Ain say trash he just he's got to open his eyes man see the field but the one running back we a talk about for real for real last time we didn't talk about Naim Hines like I know they brought him here he he he's probably going to be a special teams guy but he a good dude that really can catch the ball out the backfield he used to do that a lot for the Colts and he didn't really get do that for the bills because he got hurt so I think that's something that a lot of people are not talking about but that's something that we also didn't talk about either so I think he could be a solid dude that can catch the ball at the backfield he probably our best option they probably I don't know if he'll get the opportunity or not but yeah I don't know it's just I expect it to be like a running back by committee type of thing like for the first few weeks but that means that we gonna have to get The Passing that rock a little bit more for real man we gonna have to really pass the ball all over the Cowboys so like like it ain't gonna be no like that's what I'm saying like if the office is gonna be trash we gonna see it first week one because it's gonna be no Nick chug they gonna probably stop the run they gonna have to pass the ball all over the Cowboys to win that game so Judy W better get some separation C playing his old team that's gonna be crazy but I don't know man honestly I feel like Deontay foreman and Jeron for gonna get the bul of the carries I don't think nah hin gonna make the roster be real with you you don't think he gonna make the roster I don't think he might not the roster they got they got reports out that uh James proch is looking good returning to punts if Jame prochet is returning punts um and then you got Deontay foreman and Jerome Ford already coming into his you know Jerome's Ford they is their God he's drafted here you already got a younger Jerome Ford and Deontay Foreman Naim Hans is mostly you know a great returner a good running back um but I don't think he's a better running back necessarily than Jerome Ford to justify taking away from whatever his potential is and I don't think he's a better running back than Deontay Foreman he' be really competing with um you know that Pier strong row honestly I think he he'll probably get a couple of snaps or carries because Nick isn't starting off this year but once Nick gets back I would be surprised if he makes his roster so I I want depending on Nick chub's health and who wins the return um Battle of who's going to be the return man I that's what I say is going to be dependent on his roster now of course if I mean his roster spot now of course if he beats prochet then he'll be on the roster uh just like uh what's your boy name not your boy Jem Grant you remember him yeah just like how kind of how he was as a uh as a running back so I think he' be all right but I don't know if James prochet make the roster over him then yeah he's gonna probably end up getting cut because it's not a lot of carries to go around they already passing the ball more this year um you know it's not a Kareem hunt there so you're gonna really be running a ball just for the sake of running a ball necessarily this is pass offense I wouldn't say running though cuz he he he a pass catcher though that's why I was saying like I I don't know any reports on how you doing it in the training camp and [ __ ] but he is a pass catcher though like he's a pure pass catcher he's probably the best pass catcher on the team realistic you think he a better pass catcher than Jerome Ford yes he R Ron Ford has the ability to catch pass out the back field but you that's not really his like he he can but like Naim hindes really do that [ __ ] though like he really do that though I feel like Jerome Ford is neck and neck with Naim Hans to justify just playing Jerome Ford over Naim H I don't know I don't even know the reports of how drone forward looking he might be a little suspect you know he did he was missing a few days last week they said it was for personal reasons though but you gota think though like no Naim Hans he probably is going to make the roster but we coming from a we getting Ken dorsy bro like what did the Bills look like last year but he left they was passing the ball all over the field they wasn't running a board they run with Josh Allen that's exactly what's about to be going on so like whatever however people feel about Deshawn or however people feel about Kevin like we gonna see if the offense changing it's no Nick chub so they gonna have to be able to um you know really pass the ball out the back field um and I think when Nick chub gets back I guess just easing them in and taking his carries away but it's it's not gonna be a lot of carries to go on this team you know you're gonna have Nick chub in about 15 and then Deontay for and Jon Ford you know how much are they gonna get kabine maybe 10 then Naim Hans getting him out there in a couple pass and sets um it's gonna really depend on yeah pass protection and if he's able to be a better route Runner than Jon Ford and he's able to beat out James prochet but uh it's goingon to be interesting though but yeah uh what El to say speaking of many more things we got uh just wanted to actual opinion on it we got a couple of guys starting so just training camp starting up now um you know it's been the first three days they said to report you know the sea was like 18 and 19 had a little touchdown pass look like the offense is doing a little bit better than the defense but you uh we got Jerry Judy hasn't yet participated in training camp um Jerry Judy a guy we just got over just got his brand new deal um and he's coming over from Denver has some injury issues in Denver um what's your thoughts are you concerned by this do you think he'll have injury issues going into the year or are you yeah would you want to see Elijah more more work in I just want to get your thoughts on that I seen that I mean you know I'm genuinely concerned about the dude anyway you feel me like heard or not I'm concerned about his abilities and what he could do on the field man you feel me so like it does suck that he hurt because he need those reps he needs those reps BR like it's crazy because like I promise you bro like he's a great route Runner man but being a great route Runner only GNA get you so far in this league you know like you gotta be able to catch the ball and make plays man so he need those reps I'm pretty sure he'll be cool though but I mean he has been a guy that's been getting hurt every year so almost every year shall I say so I expect him to get hurt but I don't feel like he's like just I don't feel like he's like injury prone injury PR like you know those dudes that you just know going get hurt like remember like remember the dude Sterling shepher for the um Giants he was getting hurt every year like you just knew he GNA get hurt so I don't think it's like that bad but um it's definitely something to watch for um it's not like he's playing in a different environment it was cold in Denver too though so yeah we got uh you know it was also Jed there too I forgot you know we kind of forgot about J injury I surprised he's still not um you know playing football little concerning a little bit because they've been running James Hudson and Dean Jones out there James Hudson is so trash but Greg Nome also has surgery so now he's also questionable for uh week one um you feel like he gonna be able to return back or what would you like to see from C Mell um hopefully he can return back you know him even though Greg new I'm pissed at him for how the [ __ ] he played last game that last game he was getting Tor so you know that's something I just haven't forgotten um that really just made me really want to get traded like I was s out you know man but he was gonna send Greg to the Canon charge that's so mad about that he go get on Twitter acting like it wasn't his fault though like he was though man I was trying to lowkey catching seeing my TW so he can say something man but he U he definitely played bad though man but I feel like it would be good to have him back week one so we just be at full strength um I'm confident that c Mitchell could step up though I think cam Mitchell is a similar Corner um to Greg new we just don't haven't really seen his full potential because you know he's like the fourth string corner for real for real but I think we'll be fine as long as we got D award and Mar shyy I mean I feel like we'll be we'll be fine but we definitely would love to have you know our our third best corner there in that slot rather he want to be in that slot or not some people think he's the second best corner no be nah who he ain't better than he definitely better than dzil he definitely not better than Mar shy I'm just telling you I know some people that think he ain't trash he ain't trash though bro like he definitely I thought once upon a time I thought he was the best and I thought he could potentially take over for Deno award but I have also seen him people get off on him a decent amount not too much but I've seen people get off on him it make me a little suspect but I mean it's not a bad take though but I don't think he better at Emerson though yeah I definitely feel it I I don't think he better than Emerson either maybe it's just the style that Emerson play uh K mitell had a 58.1 PFF grade I don't even know if that necessarily mean anything though I just wanted to see what he did last year I remember he had a pretty good he had really good game against the Cardinals um and the potential is there now uh Greg is obviously a bigger body 61 with cim mitell at 511 so I don't know hopefully Greg get to get get back out there I mean worst case scenario best thing I want Greg new to be is a good trade asset so you need to play um and hopefully K Mell can show that he's able to replace Greg because if he's is then like I said have a pretty good asset to get rid of no I do like Greg Nome though Greg new's a good guy I think he has all the potential in the world to be the number one corner um Greg Nome is a guy that I don't like how they're playing him and I don't like what they kind of necessarily did but at the end of the day like what you mean you don't like how they playing him you don't like him in a slot no he was never a slot at in college and he was a a boundary corner and you threw him in the inside to play physical football guarding tight ends big body DBS you know he's supposed to be out there on the boundary now why is he not on the boundary and he's a first round pick but he didn't have a bad year so what what what consisted of him being put inside because of Martin Emerson so I feel like they automatically kind of I don't want to say sabotaged his first couple of Seasons but they kind of like hampered his career you look at the year where he had just by himself as a rookie he played f he was going he was staying one-onone with Jamar Chase he was cool on the boundary you throw him in a slot he's getting lit up by Nico Collins and all these random dudes on the Texans like I don't necessarily think that's the position he's supposed to be playing at in the first place it might be the best case scenario for him to go to another team for him to be a number one corner because he can be a like if you put Greg Nome on the Steelers he's their number one corner and he'll probably get paid as their number one corner so that's probably the best case scenario for his career as a player but as far as the Browns go I do hope he get back and get back healthy um I think he's a better player than cam Mitchell um I think Greg Nome is a good decent starter it's just the Browns got too many right now you know you got more Emerson DZ Ward there nothing you can do about that like you can't start bro so like it's nothing you can do about that you know especially when it's Martin Emerson and then you got another Pro bow or Denzel Ward so you gota pretty much just hope you know Denzel maybe miss a game or two and you just show show you big light but he he behind right now he G have to take Martin spot and then Martin not gonna play inside so it's goingon to be hard for him to take his spot so em Emerson fit the slot I originally thought Emerson was gonna be a slot dude because he played slot in college but I guess he was just playing so good they threw him on the outside but I I like him as a better outside option because he actually gets interceptions like Greg Nome he don't get pissed which is fine you know I guess as long as you getting stocked that's good but Emerson actually be getting ped and everything and still doing the same I really want to see them start following guys though like we got all the the potential in the world to pick our matchups like if it's a guy like anico Collins Martin Emerson should be following him or like a uh depending on the matchup though like you know like obviously like a Jamar Chase I would not put Jamar Chase on more Emerson I would put him on Denzel War Jamar burn Martin Emerson but like Nico Collins is not doing what he did to gra news and the mor I mean like I just that's why I feel like it should be better they start following guys but you know coaching they gon keep everything the same but I don't like that how they go about that but um you know we also got Darin Thomasson um he had a scope in his knee big guy he's like 300 pounds so that [ __ ] for real I'm not saying I'm not saying it like that like but he's a big do he just had a knee surgery so um it's a little you know a little alarming um we do got seaka Akia that pretty much red shirted a year of football um so he wasn't even good enough to get on the field so a little concerning there you know he was our third round pick kind of forgot about him um do you expect anybody in this DT room to step up during this preseason time in a you know in a lapse of having dvin Thomson out I'm pretty sure who we start while like Shelby Selby Harris and no I think it' be a good opportunity for Michael Hall though they good we just drafting in the second round I think this should be a good a good opportunity for him to really just step in and just show what he can do like he definitely got the opportunity to start uh he probably I don't know really just depend but they could rotate him but it would good it would be good to see what he can do probably him and Shelby Harris cuz Shelby Harris still a big dude you know Michael hwan is smaller so like it'll be a decent balance um that that'll be a decent look um the ik whatever what's his name again aak yeah I ain't really seen too much of him though honestly so like play like one two games in the preseason that's it yeah I don't really know what they expect from me I just know he a big dude and I know he had a decent amount of people said he was a sleeper when we drafted him man so he's like 455 pounds that's big he might have to be out there low key I to be there think hold on huge maybe I'm gessing 450 is crazy bro he can't be 450 I don't even think he' be to be on the field no all right I was gassing he like 3 yeah 350 450 yeah that's pushing he about to be on 600 T life soon 450 he like 350 but no yeah he ain't get on the field I don't know I I was told um that he was bad that's why he ain't played that's what somebody was told me but I don't know I haven't seen him to really know to judge it but but yeah they got him I don't know it could be fair though I mean we drafted him last year right yeah or the year yeah we drafted him last year right yeah yeah so I mean if he see the field that much then he probably he probably is but you know he probably is but though but I they got a lot of guys to work in you know we still got jamori thrash David Bill we still got uh what's bro name receivers yeah receiver that's one I'm thinking of he got hurt in off oh Mike Woods yeah I don't know Mike Woods might be it might be it might be raps for Mike Woods man I ain't gonna lie you R for him Le fast man he said what I said the league they move fast and you know he was a late round pick so like it might be rash for him bro I ain't gonna lie who fun he got take David bill I mean David Bill David bill at least could run r i see it's czy cuz man I can't even be mad that David Bill not paying out because they tried to take the cheap rout man he old I mean not old he he was a late round pick you know he's like a Jarvis Landry he's slow it's not really a lot of upside of David bill you know like so you really think about it it's not really a lot of upside for him in this league at the moment I think it's really just the offense of young he not given the opportunity to really be force fed like he was in college him being a role player versus him being like a focal point in offense I think it's two different versions of him if he was like on the Panthers I think he succeed possibly he's small too though so like you can't even go on the outside for real especially since he don't got the speed so like I don't know man he might make that last spot though man but I know that thrash dude gonna make the spot just because they we still got tman they be trying to work tman in a lot they really want T him in a replace C but he can't they do I a like what I seen from him last last year I ain't go fake I a like what I saying from I remember I went to me he just know the Playbook man he was he wasn't really catching that ball for real I ain't gonna lie he look good in the preseason though I mean DTR look excellent in the preseason feel me hey what happened to the one dude man you remember our dude from last year that was going off that one dude he was having like a 100 yard games every pre-season and we never heard from him again we was Sor he got cut and he huh you know talking about the dude that finessed the um that finesse the workout did you he returned that punt you ain't talking about him the dude that came from like the um the dude that came from the the the 3D League not the 3D league but the little minor Little League [ __ ] and he was a receiver he had like aund yards like every pre sees a game bro it was last year everybody was talking about he gonna make the roster and they cut him but but he made the practice squad but he had like a 100 Ys every preseason if I could pull up a preseason game I I know you talking um it was it was um Sammy Watkins little brother I think uh was it Sammy walk little brother it was somebody's little brother BR what it was who do we play who did we play in the pr last year jet I think it was Sammy Watkins little brother though bro did we play though dang I can't think of who we played I think it wasmy walk little brother probably was we gonna think of it right after the video end but getting over to the thick of things just wanted to go into this cast video we had to touch on the cast today so it's a report that came out we went ahead and U went over and looked that into it um allegedly reportedly uh the Cleveland Cavaliers declined a trade on draft day that would have sent Darius Garland to the San Antonio Spurs for the pick four which was Stefan castle and the pick eight which turns out to be Rob Dillingham um in exchange for Darius Garland uh thoughts on that how do you feel about that and all just general thoughts on the Cavs and the move they've made this offseason or they're lack thereof um so I feel like it sound like a sweet deal you getting the eighth pick you said it was the eighth and sixth pick right yeah no the the fourth and the eighth the fourth and e oh no I can I can see why they possibly turned it down um but then that's a lot of draft Capital though that's a lot of draft capital I feel like I don't know because you look if even if the Cavs traded Garland you still got Donovan Mitchell you still got Evan Moy and then you still got Jared Allen as your core big guy so like by default you still gonna be a threat in the East to some degree maybe not the biggest threat but you GNA be a threat to make the playoffs and do a little something something so I feel like we use those picks wisely um and we just hit on a pit then boom we know we we can really just still turn up for real I mean you could have got Rob D Dillingham um or the castle dude or probably you know somebody else in the draft because fourth is kind of a high pick um I don't know maybe the cast was looking at it as like yeah you know we not trying to really take that rout of developing guys we trying to really just win now but man Garland man I don't think Garland really you know I think Garland was worth shipping off for that probably would have did it I I probably would have did it though like it ain't like this is Jared Allen or nothing I would have really banged off ging and then I would have took the time it took to what you mean by that bro I chill but I would have got him gone though man I think I probably let him go got him gone I just feel like the reason why they didn't the only reason why they couldn't have did it is because they probably don't feel like developing no rookies when they trying to compete but realistically I look at the roster you're not about to really compete for no championship in the East with this roster so it just makes everything look dumb because it didn't like y y turn down a deal to you know potentially get two younger guys at a cheaper price who probably got more upside than Garland potentially you feel me and you ain't made no moves you ain't signed to S you ain't signed to S you ain't trade for anybody that's on the trade market I think our last hope is Brandon Ingram and it's crazy I just heard rumors that um Utah is a sleeper for Brandon Ingram which is fried but um that's what I'm saying man so seeing them not really make moves and they turn down as off for DG it's like what are y'all really doing you know like what's really what are y'all really planning on doing it's not like y'all about to Pro promote anybody out that can charge or nothing like we really have nothing to look forward to with this roster like they really trying to run it back it sound like they just banking on development of Moy and Garland and it looks like they're banking on um the coach to really uplift this team like maybe they feel like JB bicker sta was holding this team back that much but you also gota look at this Isaac auro our best defender probably outside of like our bigs is still on the free agency Mark he's a restricted free agent so that's something to talk about too like I don't know the Cavs they got they they got weird stuff going on and I don't even at this point unless they trading for like Brandon Ingram or something I don't know what they think they about to do and I don't even know how Don even resigned because like I would have told him like y'all got y'all gota go get Brandon Ingam or something like they obviously giv them Bron treatment right now yeah go get him go trade for him and then we can talk about a contract extension that's what I would have did me personally man but I definitely would have gave on the Bron tree man I feel you I don't know man what you think I feel like it's all kind of it it's all kind of depend uh on the direction you want to go as a franchise like hey are you wanna decline that trade the only reason you would decline that trade is because you want to say hey we want to win right now um and if that's the purpose what have you done to show that is Darius Garland and is Darius gorland that much better than Rob Dillingham right now now in the day to justify it meaning you were in a less of a less win mile mode I I don't necessarily know uh I would have rather took Rob I don't know I'm a Rob Dillan fan I am I would have took him top five you tell me Rob Dillingham for Darius I think Rob Dillingham might end up being a better player than Darius Garland is so and I think Rob Dillan could definitely be a better player than with Darius Garland Flores so like what Darius Garland provided last year Rob dillam could probably provide that his rookie year so I think that and then that's that's just half of the trade that's not even Stefan Castle is another good Prospect as well so I would have did it um I would have like you said I would have probably moved off of four kept eight and I would have just got a a five I mean not a five a three with a pick four or you could have took pick four and Jared Allen and you could have went and got like a I mean it's probably unrealistic but like a poor George like a like a Brandon Ingram that's a deal that you make right there to be able to do that you know a high a highend pick plus a good guy you could go and get a young store um so yeah I would have did that I don't understand why not um they also need to build up their bench um Isaac auro needs to be resigned he's actually one of the decent players on this team um yes nobody to bring up from the Kon charge besides Evan mbly I mean not Evan mbly BS so we got a new edition of jayen Tyson and running it back that's it yeah what am I supposed to do with that like how how is that telling your fans that you're serious about winning how like I don't yeah like after these past two years after these past two years bro seeing how they went out I don't see how they haven't made any moves like over the past two years combined all they did was add maxu niang and uh what's the dude that didn't play Ty jome and then I think they added that backup center that never seen the floor we only have a backup big bro like the Cavs I I don't know they on some weird stuff bro they on some weird stuff bro I ain't going to lie I don't know man I I don't really see how the coach can he they saying that the coach is going to take you know a Brook Lopez and turn it into a shooter well Jer Al is not gonna turn into no damn Brook Lopez so if it's Evan Mobley getting turned into a Brook Lopez even if you take Evan Mobley off this team and replace on with Brook Lopez right now today you still got the same spacing issues with having two seven Footers with Jared Allen and Evan mle being there it's the same exact thing so until they reconstruct or figure out what they going to do to develop Evan more or to develop Jared Allen more or to feature one of their weaknesses more I mean they one of their strengths more but it's definitely PL here weakness they have two seven Footers right there they're competing for rebounds they're they're competing for a tippens it just needs to be one consistent big that's doing all the roaming and the rolling so it's easier uh so I don't know I I think that's really the biggest thing they gonna have to figure out maybe they move off from Jared Island but until they make a deal I'm just gonna pretty much say they just wanna they just want to be the fifth seed and be content with it you know it seemed like they just want to be content with being the Fifth Fifth six seed like yeah man we got our ring with Bri man we got our we just a good team now yeah we just go to the playoffs now y' we just trying to make the playoffs baby we trying to develop these young guys and make the playoffs so when y'all serious about winning basketball games y'all let me know man no for real they not serious they just want to win games and make the playoffs get bounced out in the first round like I hope we don't play New York in the first round that's gonna be embarrassing no New York got a squad though I I'm concerned about you know T running player he run his players 40 minutes minimum so hope we don't play New York they gon run through US yeah but the last thing I want to talk about though um even though we just came to cash I just want to briefly touch onari Cooper's um contract to close the video up um basically um you know he was holding out offseason for real and they ended up pretty much coming to an agreement where they was going to fully guarantee his contract which was going to give him the 20 M fully guaranteed this year they went ahead and front him 10 mil up front as a signed on bonus and they added in $5 million in incentive so um it's not a contract exension but you know we were able to retain him for the year and then he set to be a free agent next year um so how do you feel about the contract C situation how do you feel about that uh I ain't really talked to you about it at all so you gonna probably be a little I don't know maybe I did but I feel like it's kind of interesting that he's gonna be a free agent going into next season uh he said he wants to retire as a brown um but you got to also remember what's going on in cincin right now with t Higgins they got T Higgins who's goingon to be a unrestricted free agan next year um and he's going to probably be his last year in Cincinnati this year so the Browns have been linked to T Higgins they are now open up their books to be able to sign T Higgins to a max deal going into the next season so I think that's something to be very looking forward to I think um 25 mil I said it probably like eight times in the video before was we before he signed I think about 25 mil is a good deal um I would have rathered him like signing a two or threee deal just to had the you know the consy to know we got a consistent wide receiver one always there but if the goal is to go and get a t Higgins because he's younger um taller and he put He put him in a situation where he's the number one um and take him out of Cincinnati where he's been a number two I would love for them to go and do that then you have a wide receiver core of like hey um Omari had a good last year here now we have t Higgins Jerry Judy and Elijah Moore all under the age of 28 already already in here signed for long-term deals um and I think if you're not able to get a big guy a big you know a big name wide receiver then you could just resign CP to another deal so almost kind of similar how he kind of go about stuff with Kareem hunt um you know you know I think it' be that same scenario I don't think coopa be a guy even if he does have 1300 yards I don't think coopa be a guy that's signed like first day of camp I think they'll resign Coupe um you know before it even gets close to him going to free agency um or not then he will be in free agency for a while and then end up just signing back to the Browns I think that's how it turn out but but yeah that's all I said yeah I agree though I feel like cuz he did say he want to retire as a brown I mean everybody say the same [ __ ] all these players say want to retire here and there so but I feel like um I feel like he'll come back next year maybe at a cheaper price depending on how he play this year and depending on how good we are this year um but I think it was a great deal um because it just gives us the option to really just see how elij jamore and Jerry Judy come around and let's just see what we really want to do next year instead of really being forced and doing something that we don't want to do and also we don't have to worry about being tied down to a old head receiver when he starts to regress because he is 30 turn 31 next year before y I love Jarvis Landry don't say that hey no jar Jarvis was cool though man let's be 100y though um but yeah like you know yeah he he had a lot of Leverage though because there's no signs of him slowing down but he will be slowing down pretty soon man so it's just good that we won't be paying him a lot of money potentially when he slow down because he could slow down this year you never know you know so I think it was a great deal we didn't really didn't really cost us nothing like we just go give him five million incentives and just give him what he already was scheduled to make for real so I don't see anything bad about it honestly man I think it was definitely a great deal for sure so I think that was the best option for us yeah definitely for sure all right man that's all we got today for today's episode Man U let me know what y'all think in the comments go ahead and shoot us some subscribe and we definitely got hit damn like button y'all man we gonna be back probably in like a week we gonna drop some smaller videos throughout the week um we gonna be starting also a social media page and put all our Instagrams Twitter where y can find us at at any time um if you got ever got any questions always comment down below and oh yeah I see somebody y'all said like hey uh this video aged poorly because we was talking about aari Cooper getting signed if you watch the video we responded and said that he was gonna get 25 Mill so if anything we was right so that's all I'm say but appreciate yall man you guys have a blessed one man we out and