Logan Basketball - Drills to help improve decision making

Published: Aug 26, 2024 Duration: 01:18:24 Category: People & Blogs

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hey Kimmy you're good afternoon everyone um thanks so much for giving up your time today to come and help make your kids better playing um it's been about four or five years since I've done a presentation so bear with me some stuff could go good some the stuff go but uh whatever it is I'll make it entertaining for you so since I've been down here for the last 12 months I've just sort of noticed a lot of things in players um the way they play bu so I don't know if you guys agree with it or not but what I'm noticing is the kids that everything is controlled at the moment so they've got courts they've got coaches they've got things that everything contain they're not actually playing basketball so I decided to do our first one share some drill things with you guys on decision making um cuz what I'm find is with that everything trained where offense defense defense not so much but offense individual skill um very polished like everyone's skills are very polished playing out of that but when things break down they really don't on what's going on out of that so this these drills are designed to go through that um there is a little bit of rhyme and reason on how I do it the big thing that I ask is if you've got a question don't put your hand up or anything when I I'll just yell at and I'll stop and I'll talk to you guys as we go along that just won the state championship so they've done a few of the things that we've done before but I just love you guys to put your hands together for for giv up their time they [Applause] you and I need is everybody excellent so this drill is all about communication just to get you guys moving okay Marone you're going to go this you're going to go that end so when I go there we're going to problem solve okay so we have to talk to each other we have to move as quickly as we can there's punishment for the team that doesn't Okay so as quickly as you can red you're going this I'm going to change it red you're going this way blue you're going that way I need in the charge Circle go in the ccle go go go go go [Music] corner all right got to sort it out quick s it out ready each three that's not the short Corner excellent good Bey on the scene excellent you pretty well uh split line pretty good Bine good L really really good excellent so now I go basketball quick quick everyone needs a [Music] basketball if we can get them to know where we want them to do we can get to little things like they can warm up like that just getting their legs moving making sure they know the spots on the FL it helps communication these guys know it all pretty well so they didn't really have to communicate grab and out's go out all right so I need you faing your now in your right hand have first SC you have ready let's [Music] [Applause] [Music] go everybody quick let's go we're going to switch underarm remember this is the right Ready set go 2 3 4 5 6 7 11 12 1 14 15 1 one overose what did I say and ready go so yeah if you get a series ofs if you under you're now over we're going now go 8 9 10 14 15 17 18 19 20 every else stop losing take one step back the CH Out 3 2 1 go commun 9 11 everybody else who chest [Applause] [Music] go Corner every push go left leg forwards in right hand we're going to go our leg and SC ready pass it I don't have to boun [Music] [Applause] [Music] it leg last one I know you guys are fter than I know hey now we need you guys to use our brain so popping up or staying down which one's going to get it done quicker staying down ready go [Music] 2 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 count you only count 19 20 keep going told count the last two numbers excellent we get a little bit of energy a little bit of sweat start uset one basketball the other basketball quick I need two people at the top one person going to go to the top two people at the top behind behind you jump in there that's fine so first drill I'm going to show you guys we're going to build up from one onone okay we're going to try and fit as many skills as we possibly can into each drill so you're getting more bang out of your drills when we get through there so little things to work on and this is going to help them with decision so slap theall slap theall back to set her a back excellent Amy's going to set up her player cuts the keyway as she does that you're going to pop L you're going to receive the pass and you've got a long closet play out of the long okay you got the idea now the one thing that I'm going to insist on out of this we need to be allergic to the okay so can you catch something from the if that close to it you stand or so take a step off it so we need to get our space be good let's go back start it again spe let's see what it looks like let's go stop okay so first first what you to [Music] do [Music] and you guys good at that end let's see what it looks like [Music] good so what we encountered com BK long and on the up this the off direction to go the to go probably better in older group [Music] of decision making as well it's up to them whether they want to cheat or they want to [Music] [Music] [Music] all right Stu now we put some rules into it so first thing was when you come off the screen where do you have to get your foot to into where into the keyway so how many people did that not many so that's a decision you have to make when you get through there little things like our setups yeah and when we close out are we standing and waiting what logo are we playing up and in up and in let's see what it looks like now talk what should our defense be let's go do the little thing get there good good chest really good got it so Prett good we on the slap of the ball you're going to as over it you're going to turn def right on back and get out of that what this looks like ladies so same rules wait for the screen and theowing steps up really really well body on back finish okay [Music] good good up good job really good good job so with these you can what your game plan as a pression I'll from there I'll let yous your first op is to score every time okay you got a sh if you see what it looks like excellent now so a big thing for me in all of these is making sure that we ask questions all the time right or wrong just ask what they how they get through it how they got to that process when they get there's no real right and wrong answer you can definitely help them make the right decision but it's always ni to know what [Music] good [Music] decision ex that don't make sense something nice and easy that you can use the training and you see how you can push that into your different system red let's go let's go everyone BK blue everyone basketball on that side so moving these are all things that we can do as part of our the way this next one's going to work we're going to work on our cutting so we're going to dribble with that outside first look Cur up in behind here okay so we're just learning to make decisions now tell me the difference between the and then we're going to Cur on the other okay it's always going to be one side when you're finished I need you to go to the other side do [Music] good I know ready [Music] so same thing just about reac things different way of getting layups in that's feel a little bit more game like a little bit more game like shooting out get through the one thing that I can say out of all of this and with decision making that makes it easier is the communication probably so that's something that I would be Contin [Music] quick it out guys got 30 seconds sort it out blue at the front and two R we need to go blue red blue red blue red blue redes m i want you to jump out okay red Dr the ball you don't need a ball R you're going to come and stand inside so we're going to defend these guys [Applause] but now we're going to cut and shoot with the defender okay so really important lead ready let's see what it looks like [Music] [Music] [Music] get open don't [Music] be oh yeah all right so this is where decision making comes it for the so the got a [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] 100% we% 100% let's see what happens [Music] [Music] so really really good job you guys have got exactly 30 seconds go grab a quick TR good job so uh Canadian coach I think I coaching everyone stealing every it's turn it into your own I think I've still got the video home so those little things like that little things that can bring the game like while the what I would have taken out of that the shooter needs to try and work on their ability to get open so I'll just give you one quick quick little drill one1 I just get one person let's go I just need two people to demonstrate this one so little things like that a good little constraint to be able to change if they want to get open okay so the next one we're going to go decision Mak bre [Applause] all right so the rules of this game are you have to you can only catch and shoot or catch okay you [Music] have going to start on the now the rules are you cannot fake there's no fakes anything okay you got to pass or shoot the ball one or two make a quick decision ready go good really good person decision Qui all right really quickly what can we do to make this faster how can we get our shot off faster or our pass off faster how should we catch the ball we want to catch the ball in the air catching the ball in the air and stepping the P every time okay so which one you tell me which one's faster this or back which one's quick catch the in the let's catch the ball in the air quick let's go rotate rotate good good so gu just to get shots going so you've gotley here so the way this is going to rotate now we've got new rules catch and shoot catch and pass catch and shoot catch has to shoot okay so now we've got two Defenders on three got it so you're closing out here let's go yeah check the result just pop out you go to the front of that you to side [Music] excellent really good job oh yeah good job work good job so again we can work on the things that we need to work on but they have to make decisions out of this go go excellent [Music] [Music] good so little things like that I didn't tell them which way they could pass okay so it's up for them to use their brains they can go from here back to here can go across you can use it how you like you can leave little instructions out and how they problem [Music] solve give me one more good [Music] right side right [Music] side one more one more one more really good so new rules Amani you have everyone St catch theat Sho catch you have to drive okay can someone tell me what's the difference between driving and cting you don't have a B drive you the so what that mean you have to wait until what the until you get the ball now you guys as receivers are you going to stand still or you going to relocate you're going to relocate really good job [Music] really good job excellent rotate through so again you can use as many people as you like different FL spaces you can play it off the tree play it off the [Music] elbow it's about seven times watching back it [Music] really good job give two good ones we'll get out of this I got a question on that one there where the drives and lady yeah that move yeah she can relocate to where she and that's what it's up to you guys on your structure where you [Music] push that was a really ni I know you were relate exra all right for the next the person who reloc Cann see what it looks like Rel relate [Music] very very good all right you guys all that stuff so far makes sense to you guys got any questions about anything how it fits in how you can make it work for your group I mean these things you can use from under eight to nbr1 you just change the rules on it so we go more advant disant way to gets to to get their brains working you have to catch it above theen catch it above the green on excellent but I want the pass to come back to Marley at speed and then we've only got one pass left after that okay we got it let's see what it looks like excent good J J back excellent pretty much that person [Music] [Music] all so this is another one that I that we struggle with one take the thing with this is where you can swap talk about the Lan probably a little too direct at the moment see how [Music] [Music] really really good all right I got three blue along him with three red OPP the that goes I'm not going to you instruction on youring or anything that you guys are just going to get the only that I want you to remember is what did I say about theint line we need to be allergic to thepoint line so we need to step off Theo line let's see what it looks like go [Music] [Applause] W what's the first thing that you guys ready so that's where we make changes so the difference that you can get with three on three side so into this which I'll build a zo action with these as well one of those ones where really have tooc I'll give you some good termin ladies stop for a second remember what we said about to treat anything inside here a swimming po okay when you need to breathe you need to get outside that minutes we get out up [Music] [Applause] [Music] go good every remember one more rule two people three [Music] people good work keep [Music] [Music] all right so when you guys see plan so a lot of the guys at the moment leing the player in front of them okay the player in front of we know what they're going to do they're going to stay the person we need [Music] to fine with all these decision making and I don't know if I actually got this phrase of you when I this B's just a game of 5 ver four 4 vers three 3 vers two we just got to take advantage of those things when we get through that so decision making on the help Defender is going to be a [Music] excellent really good job hold up very so while they're just grabbing a quick dream tell me some things that you guys have issues with with decision making not the decision and I see this all the time is they shoot it grab the rebound walk off yeah yeah you don't the girls won't rebound they just walk off so my thing is every you rebound get putting ITF off to defense away yep awesome not really good I like that it's it's something that we have to be better at especially Logan as an association something we don't do well our transition that I'm going to show you some more advant disadvantage stuff so give me all right the front all right so we got off thewhere we're [Music] play Let's what [Applause] [Music] you again disadvantage just a different way of do [Music] out [Music] rotate through whoever the ball out L move up [Music] you're so we can use these spin out drills a lot of different ways to feed the post create a triangle I'll show you a couple of different ways to do it but you can put different constraints on them as well the ball has to go to one area amount amount of passes it really depends on what you're tring out [Music] now something that is huge in ladies basketball that I noticed a lot more is watch the first [Music] off up a little bit more so they can [Music] [Music] make one out of it but it's also about this one's probably more of an offensive decision making getting wider attacking their player Mak first [Music] the [Music] side I know that was more than seconds good was my rule how many passes were you allowed one pass two dribbles match let's go go money [Music] [Music] [Music] right there because I Look to square up and get her so the little things that we have to look at that decision go the ball from away instead of square up get that up jab it out really really good job all right [Music] excellent so now we're going to pass you're going to pass and cut take your player straight to the post up to there excellent so you want stop the post up so now you got position there we want the ball to play that triang did a j but now what's a decision I the there move you should move excent now we' got easy post want play post let's see what that looks like let you [Music] [Music] go right we got the from the front goes to the back [Music] [Music] F really good okay really good so again these are just little things that I mean Logan we're not blessed with a bunch of 74 wrong with guards post up the guard post up out of there just making you got to move you stand still get a better [Music] angle guys are doing a great [Music] job so third person's on defense come on step out of it good cut and seal good that's all right nowman we stand still when we feed the place we [Music] stand good good job hey you guys enj a really good job you guys got any questions on me how you can change [Music] good job all right really really good job you guys have got 30 seconds good job make sure you get touch get a touch grab a drink good job good job I'm working to build my sh from here because I know everyone likes to build show in but there's plenty of different ways that we can do it to try and make it with an advantage and a disadvantage to do it um and then I'll open it up to questions for you guys and has anyone got any questions anything that you want me to tr or something that didn't make [Music] sense all right let's go do you need me to ring know you got everywhere some of them adjusted to suit me um a lot of them are cury ship has lots of you look on cury ship stuff Canadian on YouTube yeah you got Channel he got quite a but I can [Music] [Music] [Music] give some buildups on defending build this for we can teach you our cutting SP so let we're going to walk it out walk I just got to get around okay so the all the instruction I'm going to give Ivy is I want her to but I want you to go from the outside or inside out and I want okay you got [Music] [Music] me h h [Music] [Music] good all right so the first thing that guess you guys all the rules G out the windows so I wanted inside the out contact around the Hat touching so ladies stop I want you to the things so where did I want you do I want you to touch the hat or go inside out inside out for defense otherwise off [Music] go go come on you got Len and you too Milan inside out go [Music] go good now good better go good job go good good good [Music] excellent so we're going to add and make it two on two okay so we know coming from the 45 where should our cut come from okay so now we're going to make so if you can commit your job you guys go there two new people in and we're stand on off I so blue you're going to stand on offense until you get right around on a full circuit and then you're going to go switch side let's [Music] [Music] go go good good really good one shot out Lan hold up hold up go good really good hold up I need this here to make sure we turn get go help help help [Music] first option to [Music] score really good really good one more good [Music] one that's okay job now hey both you guys stay in so you guys are going to go to the 45 you guys are going to stay in the corner for me so now we're three on three all right sure we're not [Music] go to the 45 go hold up hold up hold up hold up need be the right spot get the high eye Lowe you all right first go [Music] really good job EXC let's rotate through [Music] play so again we're just going to encourage decision so if you're wide openo if it's a long close out attack the long close out from the opposite sides [Music] [Applause] [Music] good what you going to do you're going to C aren't you three times to help defense and we've stayed in the corner that's the we want to cut D good especially ready let's [Music] [Music] [Music] go good job rotate through give me one more good one hey L Lane remember about the pool you can't stay under water too low [Music] go really SP good [Music] job oh Le what are you supposed to be doing Le soon as she turns her head come on now [Music] the let's [Music] go that's okay rotate rotate just move the spot hey I don't [Music] rotate rotate good job I would probably start one on one two on two with the lower AGP and then as you get hold up you can increase add different things into it so you can increase things on the weak side out of this there's got to be movement out of it you guys good [Music] go else is created and we just make for so transmit as much as you need to into your group go one more one more going to change it go down [Music] [Applause] give finish on Miss come on Amani are you even on a four spot go [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] that's okay you guys got exactly 10 seconds drink we're going to change this good job so that's just one way of building up a shelf there's a lot of different ways of doing it I love building them up that way because we can adjust different things put people where we want to put them all over mve transition do one more in the half and we'll move some transition [Music] stuff right red I want you on defense you're going to be on the inside r when I slap the ball blue you just have to get so we're going to go Zara listen you talking when I'm talking going R so you first second third okay so once they go you guys can work that just have to get you go this so we're going to play off the knuckles and the S okay so let's just do now the rules got it so we're just going to into rotations and we're going to play up now you don't have to go to the same place all the time you can always go to different place we good see it looks like job good [Music] job so again good stuff you can change this can get it that someone's got a disadvantage with it rip play out of it hand offs which I know Tre loves or you can backs okay so it's more about the cuts off this that I want [Music] [Music] all right now I'm just going to pass it some going to rip and go out of that got it we're not playing out dle [Music] handing no it's okay hey what happened on the weak side here you both drown you both stay inside thepoint line make sure you get out [Applause] get but hey that was a great start but if it went in what did you get for that many point you that two were you allerg to the you have take that's three good get open get [Music] open really good job sort it out we're going to go first three three scores ready go go get open get open [Music] watch let's go get [Music] [Music] get three people stand still one person dbes the ball okay so one thing that we have to do better what is happening on the weak side what do we talk about all the time do we stand what we [Music] do all right r no threee let's go you can y a tree any time you like what you got to make better decision let's [Music] go one more [Music] really really good job good job good job good job so again just ways that we can put him in an advantage disadvantage what suits you guys on what your program is or What offense you're running things like that you can turn this around to be defensive based as well take the stops out of it everyone knows four people on the basine four people acrossing Advantage disadvantage right the way this's going to work def to move on the [Music] it say switch you're going Tock the ball up you're going to go this we're going play transition okay so pick them up and we're going to play out of that then the second possession we're just going to inbound the ball fast score or if they don't score we're just going to okay so we're playing two position we good move that ball [Music] [Applause] up [Music] [Music] quick really good job one p but I'm going to change something when you guys are playing did anyone notic where you ran down the floor and transition pretty sure there was eight people running down the volleyball okay so you Wing Runners you need to get outside only be the ball Carri down got it [Music] help switch go pick that ball up [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] make decisions up we're first make five [Applause] [Music] there from [Music] [Applause] the your top [Music] take thatall the [Music] you scor two [Applause] [Music] switch [Music] [Applause] [Music] good go go go go go [Music] go good job I grab a drink make sure you get a get see how you can pit your offense into this as well you can run your transition into it you can play it with five if you want to play with five you can play with three you can play with sing side as we'll go through the last one is it's a three possession game then I just realized I skipped over how to put structure into the 3 three stuff so I'll go back and do that last awesome I run this a little bit different to how a lot of people run it so you guys listen you're going to be number good two and four [Music] go [Music] [Music] guys [Music] [Applause] [Music] three [Music] [Music] [Music] you guys all right we one last decision good so if your player follows you what are you going to do [Music] this is how we can turn it into our strong side structure to play out of that three on three stuff that I'm [Music] Miss [Music] facing really good job really really good job [Music] one more let's go one more one more one more [Music] [Music] good makeing [Music] decision all right flip it one more time now for this last one if you can give me the last one where we're not having off [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] guys can we give these guys a round appuse please um all right questions anyone any question sides yeah I'm keeping on that side of so you guys can see to line that's right we'll Zoom it in for you but yeah definitely we switch that between I mean the other one I did mainly on this side left that's why zes yeah definely on that I just want more grou but yeah well I mean in that one yes I mean that two one is a really good way to introduce it you can introduce it build up more out of that as well to get through so I can send you some stuff where actually got to go to the middle so get the timing right on it so we've pass C place where a lot of kids struggle with it and it go straight back to that sing up we one I did that's something that reate out of that so when they set the screen pop cat sare theide fo slowing it down a little bit will help stop go through or introducing rules when you make Jabs or something to make game I know what you mean they just keep going the right um something that I've talked to Mitch about is I'm going to set a up and just put on it stay so there's going to Beed on it probably you mean things that that training session so in this one for you guys just repti going to keep ring that's what I find with kids anyway I mean tr's probably one of the best fundamental coaches I know repetition for you as well T you got to be alert new stuff coming in and I look for this stuff and I just can't find it I need to get where you got that off yeah because that some of that stuff is really very very good I talked to Mich a lot and just doing the shell drill like that you got to put it in posting and change the alignment change this change that so so when the kids come and play in the game and they don't get that alignment you're given them they don't know what to do they haven't seen this alignment so when you do that and they that align one the top and on the all of that now they get us to I see what give me an idea I'll run that all the time IUN so just depends on what you get for so if you're running post iwhere even if you have in post get out my to post up in here because I don't have any giant pict my team or that so said just change it for whatever you guys when you get there if you uh if you're playing with a dominant post definitely have your post to play out of it% any others come on J you're looking anything from you man I just like when you're running those drills and obviously your focus is getting them to make decisions and there's a lot of stuff movement off the ball and that sort of stuff like the default tends to be we'll just kick it we'll relocate not even going to cut that of stuff how do how do you get them to be conscious of that stuff a lot more giving them the freedom to without dictating hey you need to cut you need to do this that's what I Str and just keep doing it over and over and over again reinforcing those spots like the dunker spot have your post have your diag your draggers all that sort of stuff just to keep having those when it breaks down or as you get into older basketball you'll just have a secondary defense a secondary offense sorry that they'll fall that's what they fall into but in juniors I would love space FL play and make reads of it more you can encourage that the better they're going to be as players because the thing that I really noticed with our generation is like I said at the start like when I was a kid you shove your ball you bik you right around to your found someone to play against no refs no polish Wars none of that stuff um whereas these guys are all very polished and everything that they do TR now they don't just go play so I would encourage as much playing as you possibly can let them make decisions make mistakes the more that you then are playing and they don't do what you want and you turn the ball to the defense they'll do it very quickly soon as you turn the ball over the other thing that's great in the game is that silver thing there is a great equalizer if they're not doing what you're saying and it doesn't have to be dragged some up for 5 minutes or seven minutes or anything like that give two possessions say hey mate I want you to do this this and this hey Miss I need you to do this just give two or three possessions get back out on the through there again so I find the bench in game is very good and like said just keep turning the ball over offense to defense they all want to play offense so if you keep taking the ball off them they little annoyed after a while keep the yeah do it I like that no definitely don't you see how of this relates to your group so that stuff that we startop man that's awesome thank you guys very much for your time Christie Christie you go down to Mosaic please yeah yeah I got um you guys thanks very much for your time got no more questions for me let's pop over the bar I sh you drink um thank you guys [Applause]

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