Packernet After Dark: Is Anders Carlson the Right Choice for the Packers?
Published: Aug 08, 2024
Duration: 00:45:15
Category: Entertainment
Trending searches: anders carlson
[Music] you're listening to the Packer Net podcast Network US Cellular has noticed the way we use our phones has gotten ironic we try to put our phones down for dinner but the menu is on a QR code that's ironic we hit like on social posts that we don't actually like which is ironic which is why US Cellular created us mode to help us reconnect with each other and use our phones less ironically a phone company wanting people to use their phones less is ironic let's find us again with us mode from US Cellular visit built for us to get started you're a podcast listener and this is a podcast ad reach great listeners like yourself with podcast advertising from lips and ads choose from hundreds of top podcasts offering host endorsements or run a reproduced ad like this one across thousands of shows to reach your target audience with lips and ads go to lips and now that's Li IBS YN you you feel this this nervousness on the phone there sir I've been trying to make an urgent phone call up there I don't think it's something I want to do on an overseas phone you got to make some phone calls hang up the phone Prank Caller Prank Caller ladies and gentlemen welcome once again to packernet after dark this is the call in show the packet podcast network if you'd like to call in if you'd like to participate in the show please feel free to do so the phone number here is 608 50171 18 new callers go directly to the front of the line we don't have any new callers today again we're going to be sticking with the newest calls if we run out which we're kind of on the verge of being maybe too short don't have quite enough calls we'll start going backwards but we're kind of going back into that's really old news territory so we'll do that in case of emergency again like I said if I skipped your call and it's still relevant and you still want to talk about it just shoot it to the front of the line all right let's get started with Seth from Iowa hey Ryan what's going on hey um I had a couple things for you um one is well actually maybe a few things I'll start with uh Isaiah McDuffy I think Edan Cooper will take him over but I think a lot of people forget how young McDuffy is and how good he was for his last year and total tackles and aggressiveness so I know I wouldn't be surprised if he plays a bigger role than a lot of people think um thing I want to talk thinking competition um well I think um I mean as of right now he is the number two linebacker um I I would assume he's going to lose that job to Edan Cooper Edan has been injured so he hasn't been getting a ton of opportunities but he's been very good from what he's been out there and by the way I mean I I think all of us like McDuffy there's really no doubt about that but I I think it would be a major disappointment if edrian Cooper was not given a prominent role and obviously Quay Walker is going to be given a prominent role however in a base 43 defense and you're going to be in b a large percent of the time less than 50 but still a large percent um Isaiah McDuffy is going to be that guy not to mention pack different packages where you might have this guy in or that guy in or whatever so McDuffy is certainly going to have a role but I I I really think he's going to be relegated back to what he was when we had um dandre Campbell right so he was the number three guy behind Quay and dandre now instead of dandre we have Ed and Cooper I mean I I think if we think of that as sort of a onetoone swap then we're probably thinking relatively rightly now maybe McDuffy does get a little bit more than what he had in that situation cuz he has more experience but I do not think he's going to be the number one or two linebacker um we'll have to see to the extent of which uh edan's injuries and how he's performing after the preseason games and whatnot maybe we'll get a better idea still relatively early I have not heard a lot about Edan um mostly good but again it's we're talking maybe four or five separate notes so he could be very far away and I'd have no way of really knowing that was the situation so um but yeah I think McDuffy continues to play a role uh night Carlson was 7even for seven and Joseph was 6 for seven but I know that Carlson missed the one at the end there so but it was a bad a bad snap I think so do you think they just didn't count him because of that and if so then wish they would have just had him kick it again um the other thing I thought that was interesting is um I'm not sure I fully understand what you mean at the end they he kicked a field goal and he made it and then um they made him kick it again because they had iced the kicker so they didn't I mean it wouldn't make sense to say he made it but that didn't count because it was a bad snap and then the next one does count um they did it because they called a timeout prior to that's what you're referring to uh Greg Joseph has had a pretty solid career like nothing crazy but um I'd say he's like if you're going to great I'm like a b to B+ kicker and based on his stats and he's actually only 29 and surprisingly oners Carlson is 26 um probably because kickers stay in college for longer so I thought that was really interesting like if you're going to look at it from an age perspective three years difference I mean it is three years but on a kickers that really that big of a deal um so then the question I asked myself is who do I feel more confident and for consistency and who do I think has the higher healing better long-term potential um I think without a doubt Carlson has the better long-term potential I think he's got a huge leg I think he's got a lot of growth in him and he's about even with Joseph now so if he takes a step up he'd be better the thing I struggle with is if he told me that Carlson's going to be more consistent and I know he has a leg too or not Carlson sorry Joseph is going to be more consistent I'm very tempted to take Joseph for the year mainly because if we're serious about a Super Bowl we can't afford a missed field goal like Carlson had against the ners and I know that was last year but that that's a that's a difference between bouncing early in the playoffs and making it to the Super Bowl maybe winning the Super Bowl um you know you got to make those kicks um and and the other thing is the the extra point struggle so we'll see how that goes in the preseason but I don't know I'm really having a hard time deciding who I'd won early on I was on the Carlson no matter what but the more I think about it the more I've looked at Stats and age and stuff having a little bit of a harder time with it so anyways let me know your thoughts hope you hope you're doing well talk to you later well I mean there there's a few things I mean number one we we don't know anything about consistency I mean I understand saying that it's very we have to take it seriously because it's very important to not miss kicks especially in critical situations but there is no kicker that isn't going to occasionally Miss Even in big games you know Mason Crosby missed field goal kicks um not very many but he did Miss I think uh three he's 28 of 31 on field goals in the postseason um and perfect on extra points which honors is already imperfect he's seven of eight um but still I mean Greg Joseph is not going to be perfect you can't expect anybody to be perfect but in terms of you know which one do we think is probably going to be more consistent I think the other thing to keep in mind is that what we're seeing in the training camp right now we can't assume is just real life if I sound a little short here this is my third time trying to freaking record this because the settings are all jacked up so if I get a little annoyed I'm sorry here's the deal with Greg Joseph number one I I if I were to phrase this I wouldn't phrase it in such a way that makes Greg Joseph look like some kind of a kicking God because he's not the way that I would phrase it is we need to determine if we're completely done with Anders Carlson if we're completely done with Andre Carlson he's garbage he's going to lose Us games and he's never going to get any better then we have to let go of him and get stuck with Greg Joseph and I use that exact language because that's how it would actually be what I don't want this to beew and that's that's a perfect if if if that's where you're at that's fine what I don't want is for people to view it as Anders might be something special but we don't know and I don't want to miss this golden opportunity with this guy Greg Joseph who's like this Elite kicker Greg Joseph is not in any way an elite kicker he's having a decent camp but let's be very clear he's been in the NFL for 5 years he's been on three different teams he was with Cleveland in his first year they let him go then he went to Tennessee and they let him go then he went to Minnesota he was there for three years and they let him go um by the way Andre Carlson right now is sitting at 79% which everybody's very upset about it's not a great number part of that has to do with the hurricane conditions of the other day but whatever 79% Greg Joseph's career percentage is 82.6% it's really no different whatsoever than where Andre Carlson is at right now and his extra point percentage is 91 90.1% Andre who we all admit was God awful last year was 87.2% so he was 31st out of 34 kickers um do you know where Jo Joseph would land one spot ahead of Andre Carlson as far as his extra point average 90 point what did I say 90.1% yes 90.1% would be one spot ahead of Anders Carlson so Anders was 31st he would be 30th if you took his career rear average and just plopped it right there his um extra point percentage this past year was 94.7% before that was 87 before that was 90 so this past year in Minnesota was his best year with extra points right it was his absolute best year 94.7 last year he ranked um 23rd for all kickers by the way 11 kickers were at 100% That's Not Unusual actually 10 kickers because one of them only kicked like one time 10 kickers out 100% so one and three just did not miss extra points more or less so again I have no issue essentially with people saying I don't think Andre Carlson is going to be that dude in which case we're just going to find some veteran that's not great but maybe could set a relatively High floor although I don't think Greg Joseph has set a high floor I think he has a pretty low floor um but if that's the direction you want to go then that's fine I I don't view it that way I I see it as Andre has a chance to be a good kicker he's our only chance to find a good kicker and um if he's not that guy then he's not that guy but right now we don't have that option as far as I know there are no available kickers with a really high success rate um but you know that's that's for everybody else to kind of determine I know a lot of people are just done with them maybe I don't know I don't know what's up Ryan what's up everybody in Packers land it's a Aon from oakair hope everything's going well um just wanted to say appreciate all the coverage of the uh training camp ande um and uh I called in a little while ago but I I might get uh uh skipped which is totally fine um so I'm just calling back to uh to say that uh my wife and I got tickets to the game against the Houston Texans at Lambo field in October I think it is and uh we got tickets through the University of Wisconsin oair Alumni Association they bought a bunch of tickets and then um we'll be able to do like an all you can eat brunch buffet with open bar uh the morning of and uh uh and then we'll go to the and enjoy a uh home game at Lambo field against the Houston Texans which I'm really excited about because that game should be a pretty entertaining game considering it's um Jordan love versus um oh what's name CJ strad which uh you know two very fun to watch talented young quarterbacks and uh upand cominging teams so I think I think it'll be a fun game to go to um if anyone has recommendations or if you have recommendations on some restaurants to visit in Green Bay or some places that are must uh checkout places let me know uh otherwise yeah super super excited for uh everything and uh here's to an exciting season well that sounds pretty awesome um I i' I've mentioned this before I don't live in the area I've been up there less times than people from out of state even out of the country have probably been there more times than I have I've been to Green Bay I don't know four times in my life something like that and two of which would have come when I was a little kid and even so usually it's because I'm within driving range as soon as the game's over you hop in your car and you leave so we we we don't stay we don't get a hotel so I've never actually stayed in Green Bay um one time we did for family night but I don't think we went out to E anywhere or anything um I do know everybody talks about craws I don't know uh much about it seems like uh seems like a diner but I'm I'm not going to tell you what it's like cuz I don't know then there's some uh fancier newer places um Hinterland Tavern in the sky those places in that title town area are also uh I've heard people talk about but ask some of the locals I guess maybe maybe not the lo I don't know cuz the locals probably won't tell you those now maybe they will I don't know but there's those places you got to try once even if they're not the greatest it's just kind of they're known for this thing and the locals probably never go there because they're like oh it's freaking I'm I'm over it I'm not going there anymore um but yeah I I do hope that it's by the time that game rolls around it's expected to be a massive game that's what we hope it is because if it's not that then you know people probably don't see those as the top teams and I'm hoping that Again by the time that rolls around you're looking at some people talking about this is a potential Super Bowl this year you know what I mean so we'll see I hope it's a big game I'm already nervous for it it hasn't even come around I mean that's obviously going to be tough it's maybe the toughest game we're going to see this year um and you know it really is it's one of those you know not that you can't win a Super Bowl if you lose it but it's one of those that you look at it and go if we're really a Super Bowl Contender if this is like a real thing this is the kind of game these are the kinds of games that you need to win so um we'll see how it goes it it is at home that's one of the benefits of the schedule is most of the the ones that you look at and go man that's going to be tough those are at home all right why don't we take our first break we've got uh five calls left so we'll see if we can stretch these out to be the whole thing we'll take a break we'll be right back Yoo Ryan it's your uncle rico what up hey I was just listening and you're talking about I can't remember one of the guys recommended um um Deadpool and Wolverine green yeah I I'm I'm going to say you're not going to like it okay uh I I liked it but I I don't think you'll like it cuz it is 100% comedy and it's kind of uh I mean t of action but it's like comedy action it's like not dramatic action it's like yeah it's the comedy and um I'm I'm you know I liked it okay but I'm more of a yeah I think like you like you expect a superhero to do superhero things not goofy things and Logan check out Logan sometime if you haven't watched that that's a wolverine one but I really enjoyed that and I think that'd be more up your alley um try that one out all right then I'm not saying don't watch Deadpool but Deadpool is um he is a goofball a sexual goofball actually everything is sexual all right R go out later reminds me of Robert California I won't elaborate but if you know you know yeah it doesn't sound like something I would enjoy but I I think I first of all I want to give it a shot because I've been on this crusade to make sure that there aren't movies that most people have watched that I haven't watched and so there's been a lot where I've been like dude this looks stupid and then I watch it and then I'm like well there's a reason this was considered a legendary movie despite the fact that it looks old and stupid it was actually a really solid movie um also I ended up watching a horror movie I don't remember what it was called but right out of the gate it became it's it's like my least favorite thing a lot of horror is so lowbudget the acting is really bad and in this one the acting was so bad you almost kind of get the impression that it's kind of on purpose a little bit like it's almost a little comedic or kind of goofy or like over and it really annoyed the crap out of me but I stuck it out and I kind of enjoyed it even though it's something that I never would have thought I would have enjoyed it was it was decent there were a couple little uh creepy things in there and whatnot it wasn't it wasn't bad it was uh you know everything I would think I wouldn't want in a horror moovie like it was mostly Gore and comedy not even com just bad acting and whatever but it was decent it was decent so bottom line is generally not my style doesn't mean I'm not really going to like it but I have a feeling I'm not going to again like Guardians of the Galaxy I don't like and that's everybody's favorite like everybody loves Guardians of the Galaxy it's just it's just goofy you know you you hired Comedians and you make a lot of jokes and the action is just kind of like a side note to the dialogue and whatnot um and so I I struggle to get into it but I'll give it a shot I need to give it a shot it's it's in the cannon and so uh I'll I'll check it I do remember you said Logan I I I remember a long time ago the Wolverine movie maybe I think Logan is the second one isn't it um but I remember that being pretty decent I can't really remember because it was a long time ago but I remember quite a while ago a Wolverine movie coming out and it was pretty pretty okay but uh yeah if you take a comedian and you put him in a suit and you're like okay we're going to make an action movie it's like I'm going to hate this I'm going to hate it so much all right why don't we take our first break right here we got some Chris from Alabama coming up we got a couple calls from him so we will uh Get It Rock and rolling uh will oh um Twitter not p i mean patreon please if if you wouldn't mind supporting me on patreon I'll let me check that real quick see if anybody has uh packdaddy but go to Twitter X go to my profile there and if you wouldn't mind um check out the pinned tweet where we are supporting family um again a listener his grandparents house burned down it's it's one of the more devastating thing you know of all the people that you don't want bad things to happen to with your grandma and grandpa you know what I mean they've done they've been nothing but good people they've cared for you they bring you all the candy and they slip you 10 bucks once in a while you know when you're a kid then their house burns down so um and again they're Packer fans on top of that so please do me a favor head over there anything you can do please uh try to help out let me see if I can get some names in here real quick so we got Scott Henning Joseph pereno Dennis Dockery and Adam magana all donated I'm going to assume you're all listeners to the show because all those came in quickly after I rehar it Dennis I believe is a lions fan but he's always hanging out and uh and uh having a good time with us he's always like fans of the Vikings and the Lions there are some that kind of like hang out and they're like I just hang out with the Packers a lot it's no big deal or either that or he's just in uh in Detroit no I think he's a lions fan legit I don't remember sorry Dennis I don't remember but um anyways we're up to $1,270 which is a pretty solid start they're trying to get to$ 15,000 and again one of the biggest things you can do is share it because if you can give five bucks that's great but if you can go find 10 people to give five bucks that's even better so anyways we'll take our first break we'll be right back US Cellular has noticed the way we use our phones has gotten ironic we try to put our phones down for dinner but the menu is on a QR code that's ironic we hit like on social posts that we don't actually like which is ironic which is why US Cellular created us mode to help us reconnect with each other and use our phones less ironically a phone company wanting people to use their phones less is ironic let's find us again with us mode from US Cellular visit built for us to get started this episode is brought to you by our good friend at NFL Sunday Ticket on YouTube TV I'm sure by now you've all gotten back into your Sunday routines but they could be even better with NFL Sunday Ticket in YouTube TV you get the most live NFL games all in one place every game every Sunday and 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thousands of shows to reach your target audience with lips and ads go to lipsand now that's libsyn by the way this was supposed to be recorded yesterday there was a bunch of audio issu so I said screw this I'm going to bed I'll just release it tomorrow um I did notice when I restarted it it seems like the volume is lower I don't know why it does that I have the microphone setup exactly the way I did yesterday it's right in my face um it's just coming through quieter I don't exactly know why it does that I'll try to do some normalization after they got some AI tools if I remember but I'm I'm just saying that to say if it's kind of annoying and all of a sudden it got quiet I apologize um I am new to this I'm using a new uh recording thing which I think does a lot of things better as far as I know it's not cutting off my words anymore like audacity used to do but there's still some other things that I got to get figured out so anyways Chris from Alabama what's up what's going on Ryan this Chris from Alabama been I everybody been out there I know it's been a minute since I called in my apologies for that I have been listening just haven't been called in but just wanted to uh time in man and and just get my thoughts on on training CH so far you know and and contract situation I know we didn't talked about it really I don't want to say old new right now but it's it's you know it's it's move on time with that but uh I know it's still some people kind of upset about the contract me myself I'm actually glad of the contract high it was structured from the knowledge that I know that structure you know what I'm saying it doesn't seem like a bad contract and if you're going to pay them you might as well pay him why y'all ain't why you ain't got to pay nobody else you know what I'm saying go ahead and get that out the way and by the time all the wide receivers come up contracts it'll be time for love to get another contract extension so it really won't hurt the C by that time you know C go up but we all know that by now got training camp man pre-season game Saturday football is back might well said back it's not all the way back to pre-season but it's back got a we got a real game real live game coming on Saturday I can't wait I'mma lock in I want to see what's going on with these rookies that we bought in all even all the way down to the undra the free agents you know they important too they you know injuries happen through the year might be one of the guys we see in pre-season that might say might have a little something here that might have to step up late in the season you never know man but excited to see what's going on excited to see Packer football and I'm just waiting for this season man I think we going to have a real good season I actually probably give a call back here uh maybe today maybe tomorrow whatever give a little prediction I I haven't heard anybody give any prediction I know it's kind of early so I probably say this is like a early prediction and maybe our round back uh depending on what happens during the pre-season and leading up to week one and give another PR but yeah man uh I expect a real big year I do expect us to win the division I know everybody is hyped on Detroit but I'm thinking we taking the division it's going to be a two two horse race man Minnesota Chicago Chicago everybody H about Caleb and ah I mean he probably might have a high season I I I get him made wins man I don't I don't think it's first year quarterback you know you gota you got to go through those run pains so we'll see man you know I don't like I I ain't stud Chicago but yeah man I just wanted to time in man and give a little thoughts I'm back man on back on the regular train here's part two we got cut off a little bit it is good to hear from you again Chris oh three minute mon me man I forgot about him but anyway like I said I us to try to call in a little bit do doing the season I just been I've been having my head in the dirt you know life happen you know got to take care of your business so it really this offseason really wasn't that as long as it usually been maybe because I was just working so much doing doing these lasts two three I feel like every year it goes faster I don't know why it used to feel like an eternity like foot and maybe it's just because there's you know more that I'm engaged in like training camp and whatnot but used to feel like man when football ended it just you don't see see it again for like a year it's just gone now it's it's like you feel like you're in the Dead period it's going to last forever and like oh in in 4 weeks they start okay interesting mon so but I'm back now man and y'all be hearing from me a whole lot especially as the season starts and like I said man I give y'all a call back give me some give you some predictions on what I think we going to end up and just get my thoughts as stuff come in this is a whole lot of news that's just popping up but anyway go P go and I talk to y'all guys later well again it's good to hear from you Chris looking forward to getting some more calls from you um as far as the uh the division goes yeah I I I more or less agree I mean if you told me the Lions won the division I wouldn't be absolutely shocked if you told me the Vikings won the division I'd be shocked um Lions Packers man I mean it's it's kind of a neck and neck thing I'm with you I think the Packers ended the season on a higher note um one of videos that I wanted to play for tomorrow which apparently the Packers decided they're going to uh have a training camp despite there not being one scheduled I don't know how that works but so we won't be doing that but anyways one of the videos what he talked about essentially was look the the the team that has the most room for growth is very obviously the Packers so if you look at he was even talking about San Francisco if you look at it and say Green Bay San Francisco and uh Detroit were all very similar teams they were all very close and even um which teams are are headed in which direction you feel like the the lions are you know continuing to grow but more or less they've they've kind of peaked and now it gets difficult to grow every year that's what the Packers were went through for a long time um it's difficult to get better than what you were last year when you kind of get to the top um San Francisco I think is is potentially on the way down uh we'll see it's they they never seem to come down they're very well coached and and they're they're a solid organization and those guys tend to stay at the top but they're they're struggling you know they're potentially losing Brandon iuk now and and it's you know whatever but um the Packers I mean it was Jordan's first year it's going to be his second year you know the the wide receivers are all going into their second year with Jordan and many of them it is their actual second year in the NFL got a brand new def like everything it's what happens when everybody on your team is like 24 25 years old there's just there's so many people you can look at and say there's every reason to believe they're going to grow I mean anybody can get better from one year to the next a 34 year-old can get better in year 35 he was in near 34 but if you're just looking at it from a statistical standpoint every one of the Green Bay Packers is is a guy that you would I I don't know if you'd say expect but a higher probability of being better this year than last year as opposed to a lot of other teams where you you you saw them kind of at their best and you more or less expect maybe they stay the same maybe they have a slightly better year more than likely though at some point you start to taper off all right that was pretty quick but why don't we uh take our second break just cuz we have three more calls and depending on how long they take to get through we'll just uh wrap it up with those three so we'll take a quick break we'll be right back hey Ryan it's Garrett from sou Illinois what's up just wanted to remind you that uh even though the offense hasn't really been spectacular uh coal tour did remind us that he's been running everything pretty vanilla when it comes to offensive play sets so I think it's easier for the defense to dominate when the offense really isn't throwing much at them to be uh be honest so I'm not too discouraged by it I honestly think uh what I'm really excited about with the preseason game is Le Flur is going to take this opportunity the next few weeks to put a lot on tape for uh the Eagles have to prepare for in uh in game one in Brazil so I'm really kind of uh interested to see just what he has up his sleeve when it comes to um play calls and you know what what exactly is he going to throw out there this different that we've not seen before so this is a year two for love and he's reacting and reading the defense so fast and able to make proper uh you know checkdowns and everything I really think that uh going to be an interesting preseason when it comes to what he throws out there other than that um I'll just have to watch the game after I get home after being at work all day on Saturday but uh with it being in Cleveland I get your sentiments about uh what of a junk Town it is and I've been to the Hall of Fame once for a Hall of Fame game and uh I wasn't terribly impressed with the area around it so you know Brandon nyuk I really don't understand why he would want to go to Cleveland leaving a town like San Francisco out on the bay which has this down fall too but peace sake at least the water's clear yeah and not Rusty the weather's nice I don't get it I'm out yeah I it the rumor now is Pittsburgh and we'll see I'm still skeptical I mean you got Pretty Ricky who's basically um supposedly he retired but now he's he's out there talking big about uh Pittsburg there's a whole battle going on online right now it's pretty wild the Insiders are getting a little sensitive um what's his name Ben something uh he's a Denver guy he's he's a pretty well-known Insider guy he's got great sources and all that he's a he's a Broncos guy but he's pretty National and he and Pretty Ricky been going back and forth essentially the one guy saying like it's done he's going to the Steelers and he's saying no it's not and then he gets into an argument with Greg Gabriel who is just the Twitter kudin uh I believe he's a former Bears guy he's online but he he's kind of an old school Guy where he's super arrogant and he doesn't really know how to talk to people in today's uh you know environment and so he has this mentality of uh you know I I am the one who knows I've been there I am the one to be respected and um he certainly doesn't take criticism very well he's made some mistakes and he doesn't he just doesn't handled it well he starts lashing out he's just lost his mind I think he he one of the things that came out this we're off on a tangent here but of the things I was just kind of scrolling through trying to figure out what the heck is going on cuz the other problem is they're not like quote tweeting so usually you can just follow the thread they're copy and pasting like screenshots so I can't like figure out what the heck we're talking about but anyways apparently like 4 days before Justin Fields got traded he was he was 100% like these he was arguing with so many people these idiots think that they're trading Fields they don't know what they're talking about he's he's one of those fields truthers apparently and his inside sources says they weren't trading him and then 4 days later he got traded ated and so he just he kind of snapped it sounds like I haven't seen him that much but it sounds like he just kind of snapped at that point everybody's been pulling receipts on him and dunking on him and he's just not handling it very well so I don't even know how we got started on that anyways um why don't we go to uh Mr Uncle Rico yo Brian it's your uncle rico yo hey I was just here and you were you're listening to the Pod making your comments on the family night and you spoke about Wayne and Larry uh the announcers and yeah iconic love them but uh I think they may be hitting up there a little bit not that I want to get rid of them but I worry about them a little bit uh last year they would uh kind of lose track kind of like I do sometimes of uh their train of thought or the player or they you know they would like take like you do a lot of the time you can't remember a player's name and uh and then the one would just kind of let him drown and instead of like rescuing them like uh help me out here buddy and like anyways so yeah we're privileged to have Wayne and Larry but I I hope they uh I hope they're not getting too old I should look it up I don't know how old they are which one's older but but uh yeah we need to get them uh some of them um uh those yeah see I need them right now some of those uh those memory vitamins those yep Centrum I don't know something go W go Larry go pack love them well I I haven't noticed it about Wayne and uh and and Larry but um what would I know I I maybe I have and I wouldn't remember because my mind is going so it's scary it's it's really scary I I think it might just be that I have too much going on there's like over stimulation and whatnot but I'm I'm missing appointments I had a meeting with an Advertiser that I missed I had a meeting with the guys from Lads which I did last year really cool thing got to sit down talk Packers I missed that appointment um now he's not responding to me it's it's getting freaking brutal it doesn't matter what I do you set it's like well put it in your calendar it's like okay it's in my calendar and then I don't see it on my phone or I see it on my phone I'm like okay one hour I have a thing to do and then I'm going to go off and do my thing I'm just going to go do I'm going to forget in five minutes and then I'm going to be like oh crap I had a Thing 2 hours later like I don't know what to do about that I told my wife I said I if if they're is a device if there isn't I'm going to invent it but what I need is something that syncs to your calendar and is like an actual I'm I'm talking not like my phone I I need like a buzzer on my wrist that just like vibrates it's like you got a thing and then I can it doesn't matter if it has like a a visual component that tells me what it is or not it's just going to spark my I'm going to remember as soon as I feel like oh crap you know so I I I have a let's say you got um packernet derailed right it's at 700 at 6:30 I'm like oh I got that thing I'm going to forget at 6:35 that I have that thing so at 650 when that thing starts buzzing I'm going to be like oh there yeah I'm I'm going to know immediately what it's buzzing about I don't need it to be visual at all I know what I'm missing I need that to be a thing if it's not already cuz I I can't oh just put a reminder in your phone I have reminders they remind me and then I forget so I don't know what to freaking do man and if you set the reminder too close to the thing then I'm not even there like what happened today where I was out on a walk with my family and it was like oh whoops I was supposed to be home right now and I'm not so memory thing dude I don't know what I have no idea what to do about it but yeah you can you can understand that being sort of an uncomfortable situation like what do you do if you notice somebody who is Iconic is maybe starting to slip like what how does I don't know how you have that convers you hope that they recognize it themselves and say I need to step away um because you never want to have to be the one to say look man uh I don't think this is working anymore that's uh but whatever we don't need to get all somber about it I haven't noticed it and I think they're going to be healthy and live forever they're going to live as long as I live because I don't want to ever hear anybody else calling Packer games so there you go hey Ryan Daniel from California what's up I know like we got a lot of competition with uh safety corner right and I know like specifically Corner we're pretty locked in with Stokes as the starter but uh with the situation and what's going on I really like it because they kind of rotating guys in and out but we don't we don't see the tape they see the tape and they clearly know based on what our offense is doing who's better at what right so when it comes to game planning even the Bullard might be the starter there you know you could see a lot of Evan Williams because he's good again in certain coverages and we'll have an idea Clayton you know definitely wants we start watching some film for preseason we'll have an idea especially right of who does what better right so if you're playing you know you're playing like a Shanahan offense and you need you know to play a specific type of defense like what we did in the Super Bowl or not the Super Bowl the uh playoff game we weren't in the Super Bowl but uh you know how we played aggressive and then another team where you're just you know dropping into coverage and just you hit your spot spot dropping just you know whoever is better at each one depending on how aggressive you need to be right because typically most teams against momes they they play a lot spot drop right because he'll just dice you up if you're you know lot of man so I don't know it seems to me but we have no tape it's just speculation like Evan Williams is just dicing up Zone coverage Bullard I don't know he's kind of aggressive so who knows but just the point is if it's game plan specific you'll have a guy who who might be slightly better at one thing over the other and they'll be able to and they're both good right we we we see it they're both good they're both giving Jordan a hard time so they'll be able to mix and match exactly what we need for the game plan and I'm all for it so excited go PCO yeah that will be interesting to keep an eye on I don't know how much I believe them when they say that stuff I mean there's obviously going to be some rotation but I I don't know if it'll be as much as they're saying it is um I think it's a way of in a way sort of deflecting um the question of like how can you get all these guys on the field the answer more or less is you can't and some of them are going to sit on the bench if not the whole season the vast majority of the season and so you say look I mean the way we do things is we mix things up and sometimes this guy goes here and may maybe we maybe we you know a lot of maybe thrown in um but in reality it at the end of the day it really is just going to come down to one guy is probably going to win that safety job one guy is going to win that corner job I really doubt that Valentine is just going to come in for a certain game and take over for Stokes if Stokes is that dude I just I don't I don't think that's going to happen not to say we're never going to see Valentine I mean you know if they run out four or five wide receivers we're going to need more corners um but I just I think somebody's going to win the job and they're going to be the corner and somebody is going to win the job and they're going to be the safety now are there going to be sub packages with maybe they throw a safety in at linebacker or whatever yeah sure but um I guess what I'm saying is I don't see games where sto Valentine is Stokes is healthy and Valentine is just going to take his spot because we think it's a better matchup or uh Bullard is perfectly healthy but we're going to have Williams taking the job today because we think it matches up better maybe but I would be shocked if that was the thing I could see it more so at safety just because maybe we don't really have an established guy yet um less so with Stokes unless he's just doing a bad job um in which case I mean I I think if that happens with Stokes and Valentine it speaks really low of stokes's future with the team because they want a guy that's just going to win that job and be that corner so um but we'll see we'll see how much how these guys get used how often they get used I think a lot of the guys that we talk about in the offseason aren't the guys that we talk about in the regular season right there's a huge pile of guys that talk oh man they're really talented and I can't wait to see and when game day rolls around nobody's talking about them you know no nobody talks about that extra Corner that extra safety that that fourth running back you know all that that's that's preseason talk um but again we'll see you never know we'll have to see uh what they what they got in their bag and uh what they can surprise us all with I suppose but anyways I'm going to leave it at that you guys have a good rest of your day talk to you later have a good one bye-bye [Music]