“Building a Dolphin Island Village - Saul VS Oren presidential Debate 🏡🗳🐬”

hey guys and welcome back to my Channel today it's a Wednesday so we're back with o RS our BFF Squad and today I am back home so we met up again in an office every Wednesday we do this and today we're back on Dolphin Island my Minecraft series with my two best friends and welcome back guys today I am your mayor yay mayor may may mayor mayor guys so if you see I got skeleton head yeah so why do you have a wither skeleton cuz it's a skin okay well I wanted to first see your tasks in tact but first Saul would like to show us his house so go ahead Saul show us your house your new your home renovations this one here is this little aquarium a little aquarium with all my fishies and stuff sa has an aquarium with fish and then when you come up here there's a chest room oh my bits you got pet so yeah I got boss blueway Snoop Dog and here this Tom Garfield and Garfield wow and here is my chest room wow wow what's this coordinate what do you have here wow can you lend me some food can I please have some C Cod yes like 32 close the close the CH okay and I see you've added some carpet and here come up here why do you have a heart of the sea cuz it's like a bowl oh that's sweet and a born okay if you come up here my bedroom and up here I have my own look oh my God you have a portal yeah that is so cool all right now let's go and see your tasks guys so first s care to explain this yes this is my automatic sugar can from if you come here you can like see everything wow beautiful beautiful and yeah and also as a mayor let's go to the town hall everyone so all right my task was to build an iron Factory as I have so you had to build an automatic farm and Orin had to place Coral around the island there is a bit of coral all around I have seen it so or you get your prize and Saul show me your automatic farm there was the there was an automatic farm yeah but then the two villagers like it works and stuff look like it g gaed all this except the bamboo mhm and then the two villagers they despawned I don't know why they had name tags and stuff they just despawned or someone killed them or something oh and so yeah it doesn't work oh all right but that means you didn't do your task but to compensate I'll still give you a gift since you went the extra mile to make an infinite sugar cane Factory and as well as you tried your best to make a farm that worked so you get two netherite ingots and three blocks of gold what do you think about your gift siee I'm so sad sad yeah it's so bad you want me to kill my it's not bad all right today uh Orin Orin your gift here are your gifts three golden blocks and two netherite ingots what do you guys think you're depleting me of my netherite cuz I wish I had netherite but I don't so what are you doing in my secret chest I thought it was secret please don't take me to I think I trust all enough to to for him not to steal anything I want to see it Raa you want a all right he didn't take a piercing book for your for your I don't need it it's fine wait wait multi piercing and other thing no I'm fine I don't need books guys Saul and Orin went to see my chest so my plan for today was to revive the Villager population in the area as well as uh break this Farm let's choose a place for Dolphin Islands Village population Sal and orange you guys choose I choose next to my mega sh oh my God okay so guys by way just got a book fishing right or what's this it's my castle what's this Castle okay so Orin let me just tell you this you expanded your territory outside of dolphin island territory this means this is an illegitimate oh no no no no no castle built outside of Dolphin Island which means means it is not part of Dolphin Island which means it's not yours ah you want it for your no I don't want it but it's not yours it's everyone's now it does not apply to the rules which means stealing is legal murder is legal everything is legal yes murder is legal stealing is legal everything is legal here why are there three donkeys orange everyone can steal in here so stealing what if you have chests people are allowed to steal because it is outside of dolphin stop making your own rule to your opponent you're not my opponent you're not my opponent dude I'm just saying that this is not part of Dolphin Island which means the rules don't apply to it so you're not allowed like okay Saul let's find a place for the villagers all right so I was thinking about choosing a place like in here in the outskirts of Dolphin Island why are you going to my house I'm not going to your house I'm finding a place for the villagers to live and I think we should get like a bamboo area for them hey I guess no no this is still part of doph I beat staircase no stop all is vandalizing the all right guys so I am taking the bamboo because we're going to be building a nice little Bamboo Village for the villagers and now I'm going to craft this into a bamboo block all right guys let me start Landscaping over here okay guys I'm going with this type of structure okay guys now I'm going to go get sand because we need Windows for our villagers homes now this is our first house so you or ins Sal please imitate this exact build actually wait I'm going to get a bed for this because villagers need beds I'm not going to like perfectly imitate a villager's house because I don't want it to seem that much like their Village you know so I'm going to get them to multiply if we can say that why am I blinking the exact second I want to look at you guys hello stop linking there you go and now we're going to take like a lot just leave like maybe one there and that's fine let me just break these I think I use them to get up when I built the cactus farm the infinite Cactus Factory why is it not moving move dude all right I'm swimming back ow dude that hurts and in here I am able to just go here make one bed Bam Bam Bam Bam also I need some more wood so bam here I'll place this should I make them yeah I'll make them a chest oh I think I have some chests actually there you go it's in my and I need to figure out a pathway to this place so I'll need to do that and also I need why can't I hear villagers I also want to make bamboo stairs as the roof of this like villager like normal village houses so let me place a chest here that's perfect it's a bit spacious for a villager but you know I was thinking about maybe adding like tables and stuff but I don't think they need that right I know in villages they don't have it broken but I'm going to have it broken here because it's better I think it's better and also here we're going to break these Corners since it's we're going to have like a better you know and in the village I think we'll have this path because it's a village path right we'll have a stone path toward the village right oh and we've got furnaces we can place one here I guess all right maybe we will place furnace here and the chest here yeah that looks better and for the roof I'm going to take these blocks of bamboo and place them [Music] here just like this this is a [Music] mistake I keep making these because of lack of patience I always like using dirt because like you know it's going to get removed there you go this looks good I mean it's not good it's a villager house okay guys I'm thinking it should be smaller should it be smaller like one block I don't know now I'm thinking should I leave these maybe the top one should be like this no it looks bad now I think I'm leaving it like natural perfect now we're going to break the stairs I'll have like a little staircase just need this now how does it look it it looks good I think we're keeping this look all right all right now let's make the path all right guys I think I changed my mind again on these top blocks I think I want them yeah that's better I don't know is it it's not perfect and I think it's too thick yeah we want this perfect for the villagers guys it's okay it's too thick so we're going to break it down I mean you know break it down like make it smaller but then all right so we'll have one door so these will have to go back to the normal I think I made it too big at the beginning like it's not made for villagers oh and then I'll have to change the whole top again it's fine it's fine oh then the roof is going to be weird oh this is the ceiling I want this is badly made perfect now that top part it's just going to be two stairs and then we'll break this but I get it because I have Sil touch and then I'll get some glass PS to place here and it's all back to normal except for the beds and stuff and then you'll have a furnace here and that's perfect is it no it looks too small but it's fine it's fine I'm going to shut up now too much of a perfectionist I can't do anything about it oh it looks like it has a wig I think the top can be slabs I guess I know I'm complicated I'm sorry it looks good now so now we're going to build the exact same one a couple blocks apart like maybe here and I'm going to link up these two here sadly there's like a lot of grass here and it's pretty but I can't do much about it like we're going to have to break it maybe we can bone me the area afterwards I don't know but yeah it is pretty you actually can see this so I need to make a new shovel because this one's going to die there you go this one can maybe go in the chest cuz no one needs it so bam all right second house is done we also need to like build a fencing around it so the villagers don't escape I know it's sad we're having a fence around the village but it's just that like the village could escape and I don't think they can open fence gates or maybe they can I don't know all right I asked Chad GPT let's hear the answer no villagers in Minecraft cannot open fence gates they can interact with doors and beds but fence gates are not something they can open this makes fence gates a useful option if you want to keep villagers in or out of a certain area without worrying about them accidentally escaping all right thank you very much chat GPT now let's make some fences I guess I'll make the maximum I'll need to go get I'll need to go get some more bamboo we can make bamboo Mosaic dude okay well I need to go get some more bamboo in the infinite wood factory but yeah what are you doing in my house you better have good trades I mean it's not a trade he's just like a seller no he's a Trader sadly your trades are bad all right I'm kind of full I kind of have a full inventory but there's nothing nothing I can do about it huh that's 21 here what if I throw like literally everything I'll throw it on the floor and then I'll get it made later actually I need the Cobblestone all right so I guess this is going to be like a trash cuz I don't need it but here is the stuff I'm going to claim back afterwards there you go and now I'm going to make tons of bamboo that's already 64 all right this is all I got I think I had more but I'm not sure but it's fine actually let me convert these 42 blocks of bamboo into bamboo planks which I will put here then if I need more I'll take more and now the fence gate the fences I'll place them like here I want to make it as big as spacious for the villagers as possible I'm starting to doubt my iron tools now I think I'm going to need netherite of everything dude yeah so that was not near enough maybe 48 is going to be enough I literally use all my sticks right now but let's see if it's enough I can't make it too big or actually it can like fall off is this good actually I'll do this here cuz I don't want to waste too many resources so I'm trying my best not to break the grass yeah villagers can jump off from this yeah this Village is pretty big so we need to wrap it up I think I made too many sticks we can make 48 again I guess we made too many sticks oh shoot guys put them here I guess anyone needs so many sticks the perfect villager structure with sticks oh and we'll have like a farm with animals and it's all going to be bamboo and it's all going to be cool obviously it's going to be bamboo because we like the Block it's definitely not because we are uh too lazy to find another material of course not why would you possibly think that and I also need a new axe so we're going to like also we need to separate it a little bit so it looks more like a an actual Village thing so now let's make an axe I think this is big enough for the villagers perfect let's make them some more Huts but first I need to get some more bamboo all right I think I've got enough and now let's go back to our village I'm going to keep these uh fence gates open because it's hard to spot them and I'd rather just keep them open all right I'll build this here I don't know what to do like because it's like high up all right guys I am continuing this home in the exact same format as the other ones takes a while but it's okay okay in this place it's like bad terrain so it's going to have a little lump I mean it's not but like you'll need to walk up some blocks but it's okay maybe we'll have like a couple more here so it's multiple blocks instead of like one layer it's two and now the inside of this here the interior there there's going to be a crafting table here as well as a furnace we need to make a third one and a chest and a bed all right I'm getting the hang of it what else should we have like a house here should we have one more house or no I mean it's going to be a small village if it has three houses but no I think here we're going to have like a farm Villages need Farms should we have animals or like plants I think plants now we'll have some dirt in here I know I need more dirt so I'm putting the top ler oh and we need a composter it's got to be a bit longer so composter I can make one oh it's with slabs all right all right we'll place it here I guess like here probably would be good and we've got some water and we need to get another source I'm making this all perfect for them because we love our population here wait I need to fill this up before and this looks bad how about we grab some Moss all right guys I got I think seven is enough but I got seven Moss blocks so I could place them here so it's like always green it was only five but you guys go out go away we don't need you and we're going to start planting and I'm going to need some bone meal so I'm going to be right back all right I got some bone meal now we're going to place these here make them grow and then break them again and then we'll do this until we've got the maximum all right perfect I got it all here we're going to put this here and this hoe I'll throw it out with the Moss I don't need it no one needs it I want to build another house for the population so uh I also want to bring in animals cuz we've got a little piggy which is great we're going to get some more animals like this pig you would make a nice addition to our farm not Farm we're not making a farm but the Sheep as well come on sheepy we we're going to have two pigs cuz there's already a baby pig here oh no you made your way into your beautiful new home should we have a Wandering Trader on it maybe we'll get a Wandering Trader in with his llamas ha make your way in here dude we're going to dig further no no no no no no no all right I guess we're not having a traitor I don't think we need a tra Traer for a village but I I thought it would look cool but it's not necessary I'm going in here woohoo the trader in all right we got a Trader guys and a sheep and you guys are free now it's not like I'm going to exploit you it's just you're going to be free here just locked in oh my God guys it's been a while but I've got a second cow a second sheep and a nice little horse here so I can't wait for for them to meet each other but it's going to be so cool uh we've got all these animals here and we should breed them come here sheep and this cow as well you guys breed and you breed as well so go breed with your buddy there all right guys I think that three bones worth so nine is probably enough and the animals are enjoying it now we're going to need to do the hardest job find villagers ooh donkey you want to come in Donkey come there you go now let's go find villagers I'm going to be making my way to our nice little pier o i can eat and I don't slow down now I think there's a village around here somewhere I just need two villagers and then they'll breed so I guess oh I need a second boat I can make a second boat oh my God I found an underwater ruined portal do you think they work like can I do you think it's been looted I hope it's not been looted oh look there's so many cods that just spawned all right uh here yeah there's trash in it people found it before me that's sad all right let's not get distracted I'm just going straight I don't know where I'm going oh I can see a villager house all right is that the same villager we went to before ooh I see a villager yeah yeah yeah woo yo guys I'm here to kidnap you okay yeah in our village we're not going to have a a big farm like one of those so we're going to take like carrots and weat hey what up dude all right I'm grabbing some carrots now we're making a new boat cuz this is a whole new Village maybe we find a Smithy with a uh diamond in it maybe okay one boat's going to be for me and one's going to be for transporting the villagers no rooms ooh this one looks big there's no chests I hope it hasn't been raided doors are open I guess villagers can still open doors so it's doesn't mean that solar ore cave all right you what is your chest what do you got nothing yeah and sometimes they have like these things but I don't want to make one because it's useless ooh a bell is there a bell there's no Bell oh there's a bell of course there's a bell it's a village gets raided there's Bell I should raid this no we should raid our own village so then we can have amazing trades nothing here is there anything like bro I can't find anything okay now where did I leave my boat there's a cat I'm not going to have a a huge horde of pets like Saul does he's got like two cats and four dogs I'm not going to do the same thing as he does as he did because I think it's a bit too much oh my gosh I can't wait to be hero of the village let's just go in the water dude or you're all set up now we need to grab one of your friends hi guys you guys you guys can enjoy your life I'm just here to take two of you so I've done my job I need netherite gear guys let's go I'm rowing it's so fun that you can do this like this is certainly not realistic but we got two all right now I'll place this boat right next to this one and like where do we live probably like there I don't know my coordinates dude let me check on my phone the coordinates are like -600 and like 200 or something so uh I don't want to go on land because I didn't come here and now I'm going straight right there soy come welcome back but now guys I'm taking villagers so guys Orin and Saul had to go AFK a bit but I'm telling them I'm bringing villagers here to our new Village and it is looking great I've built so much while you guys Wen around okay guys I'm bringing these villagers oh I realized I don't really need water where did you get them a nearby Village I don't know if it was raided or not it looked weird like there weren't any chests it's weird I'll give you the coordinates if you want no I found big I found a big Bastion day but I forgot where it was but I got the coordinates so I'm going to go maybe okay let's go to a Bastion you want to go if you allow us we'll go with you I'm bringing these villagers over guys bro it's amazing I got sheep I got cows I got horses I got donkeys I got a farm it's our village and then like if we could okay guys after successful breeding I think we got four villagers I need a Fletching table on one of these how do we make them okay now I've got two gravel I'm going to make it into flint all right I already got one flint all right guys I got two flints successfully and now let's go to our village is a Fletcher good bro yes I think it gives you elbows and cuz I'm going to have one here crossbars and stuff okay guys I got a stone cutter and I'll put it on this house so this dude can get a stone cutter Li Librarians you from demanding books really look sa it's so cool I had a Wandering Trader I still have one there's a Wandering Trader okay guys where should I place the Villager Bell like where they ring when there's a raid ooh I have an idea I should make like a river okay guys I'm wondering where I should put this Bell I'll put it here there you go and then soon we can make like a raid so we could trade with them and like they'll give us discounts oh I have a lot of sticks if I give it yeah get an emerald guys I got emeralds it's so cool it's not a fake Village it's I made a village it's a human-made village I'm going to need some sugar canes from our farm to make paper okay I got some leather at the trading Hub and and I'm going to make some more paper and I'll need to make one more here one more time and let's make elector okay guys now I'm going to continue building this path from our village okay guys now we are all here together and Saul stop shooting us and but as the mayor I'm going to say goodbye as my term is officially over I'm taking my flag I'm putting it back here as I can proudly say I am no longer the mayor and guys stop shooting each other and now we're going to be doing the debate on why so now it's the debate because I will choose whether Orin or SA will become the new mayors oh my God Orin would you stop would you like to participate in the vote for being a mayor okay Saul would you like to participate yes and just a question no Saul Orin just a thing Orin lift his poo in my garden what the hell here look look in front of me or give back the shield okay now Orin why do you believe you deserve to be the mayor because L I have the nerite XP Island and the nerite armor so I'm going to buy you each one one armor like this okay Orin says that he'll give us both armor what do you say Saul I say I Believe I Can Fly what does that mean no I say I believe uh that I can be mayor and because I found you a fortress yeah so found a fortress gave you all of the tape no not beat the game not finish the game to beat the game yeah and uh I believe you can eat and if you believe you can achieve okay I've got my vote in I am now going to vote please check the chest it is sa I'm sorry or but I like the story about the Bastion better Saul gave it to me so Saul you may now take this flag place it or Orin you may not touch the mayor I don't care oh my God doesn't have his body go ahead Saul take your stuff oh wait let let me Crown you next video wait wait wait wait do you have the mirror's helmet do you have the helmet sa no no yeah yeah yeah and sa Orton stop murdering the mayor Okay so go ahead and place your wow looks good and now your no your Shield your Shield your Shield wow congrats all right guys on that note I hope you guys enjoyed this video I love you all so much Orin loves you all so much and sa loves you all so much and we'll see you guys in the next one Bye by bye everybody [Music]

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