Category: Entertainment
Absolutely i went to see this where else am i going to see a movie where a young ronald reagan is baptized by kevin sorbo i'll take one please i will not be asking for my money back so there's a part here that unintentionally sums up the movie pretty well it's when reagan is talking about candy and... Read more
Category: Entertainment
[music] reagan the latest biopic about president ronald reagan offers an expansive look at the former commanderin-chief dennis quaid plays the titular character alongside penelope and miller as first lady nancy reagan with a cast comprised of everyone from veteran actor john voy to former creed frontman... Read more
Category: Entertainment
It's mourning again america and that means i'm mourning the 2 hours and 20 minutes of my life i spent watching this horrible movie that's time that i'm never going to get back and if you add in the 15 to 20 hours it's taken to write edit and upload this video that means that even from beyond the grave... Read more
Category: Entertainment
You know it's so interesting to me i i love hollywood stories and how politics interchange you know from um you know the soviets trying to take out john wayne to how they foresaw reagan as well too so i i i think i'll st for dennis you know how what did you know and maybe what did you learn about this... Read more
Category: Entertainment
Got a chance to see reagan with dennis quaid and penelope andne miller let's talk about it right now welcome back to the channel everyone thank you so much for spending time with me as we rant about movies comic books and television shows as well as the occasional board game my name is frank zenka i... Read more
Category: Entertainment
[music] did you ever meet the i met them when i was a little girl um where yes my parents um knew one of their best friends the blooming dales and they used to be at their parties i have a we have a picture of my older sister dancing with ronald reag and i probably had no idea i was like who are these... Read more
Category: News & Politics
This is the guy who won the cold war and did it in a peaceful way ronald reagan margaret thatcher like valenza and the pope but it was ronald reagan was the leader of all that welcome to stackle beck tonight i'm eric stackle beck and as i look around at the chaos in our nation and our world today i... Read more
Category: Entertainment
[music] dennis penelope thank you uh for joining me today on presse hey there thank you congrats on this wonderful film i watched it uh actually late last night with my father we enjoyed this very much uh the first question i have for both this is for both of you uh bringing the life for one of these... Read more
Category: Entertainment
When i play real people i want to play from their point of view and be respectful but also want to capture something more than just a saturday night live impersonation so is uh that off camera for fun yeah but when i went to the reagan ranch i could feel him there and that's what made my decision Read more
Category: Film & Animation
He's super cute do you just love getting to be home with them all the time yeah i do i love it you're an artist right i i used to be a wow but that feels like a lifetime ag goally definitely we get it i used to be a stripper the before times [music] nobody in this family can clean their own butts no... Read more
Category: Film & Animation
I was a brand new kb officer given my first intelligence assignment a certain actor and union leader dutch there's a purpose for you l you can run from a bully for so long but after a while you're going to have to stand up to him there's about to be another war right here in hollywood the comm's on... Read more
Category: Film & Animation
[musique] l'entrée du personnel se fait par l'office plus loin j'ai mis une annonce pour recruter un employé de maison trop la classe on dirait un british je suis un british oh ça va pas être simple qui sait ce qu'il nous [musique] apportera je cherchais de réseau et moi je fais de la broderie avec... Read more