Reagan Movie Review

Intro Reagan is the latest film from director Shan mcnamer which is about our Title Character our 40th President Ronald Reagan and stars Penelope Anne Miller Robert dbby Leslie and down John Voit and Dennis Quaid as Ronald Reagan this film covers the life of Ronald Reagan As Told by two Russian spies and there's a question that's asked during this time period which I will reveal in the spoiler section but the life of Reagan is told through the lens of these Russian agents and essentially asking why was this guy so powerful and why did he hurt us in terms of the Soviet Union so badly this film is absolutely incredible and I came in really really excited to see it but when I left there I was excited to see it again and I will go back to see this film multiple times and so I'm going to get into it heavy here there's going to be a ton of spoilers in the spoiler section but if you don't want to know what's going on sko over that part but for now we're going to talk about this film Reagan in my next conservative [Music] take all right if you're not familiar with the way we do our movie reviews then please click the link right here or in the description below and that will explain everything please be mindful that in this particular video we are going to give some serious spoilers we have a conservative take section where that's where they will be so if you don't want to know anything about this film at a really deep level then go through the video and then skip over the conservative take to the final take and you should be fine it is chaptered in the description the Review below now for rean I'm going to give this film an8 for story and if you are familiar with the way I do my movie reviews typically I don't give biopics that high of a score because do way I see it if it's just a narrative of a person's life where's the story sometimes people are pretty lazy about trying to draw out a story because you can just tell for btim the Beats of someone's life well in this case is particularly good because of the way it's done it's told through the eyes and the lens of two KGB agents after the fact and to talk about this man named Reagan who could cause us a problem now I'm going to leave that there because I'm going to go into the details of the storyline and the plot in the conservative take Section but for now just know that's the main aspect of the story as it goes through Reagan's life his love interests and his sadness at times his loneliness But ultimately his drive to make the world a better place and to be a loving and devoted husband with a woman who will actually take him for who he truly is being a Hollywood actor some people are drawing him one way but internally he wants to go obviously another way rean is a wonderful story it's powerful it is something that gets you entrenched in the very very first scene and then from there it goes into the credits and the credits are so super duper well done you're like wow we're in for something in this particular film you just feel that you are in for something huge and you really are and one more thing I'll say about the story is one thing that sha mcir the director was able to do so successfully was to drive so much tension in every single scene of this film now you're supposed to have tension anyway in every single scene but tension like this has a brooding sense of a much bigger scope a much much much more to lose big huge Stakes are in play and you know it from the very very first scene incredible all right now for emotional impact I'm going to give this film a 10 because it had me moved to tears at least twice and I'm not ashamed to say that because I remember the country back when I remember Reagan as a president I remember when he told us that the space Shadow had crashed and where I was I remember when he was nearly assassinated I remember us kids liking him so much and putting down Jimmy Carter because we thought Jimmy Carter was a wimp for not freeing the hostages it's just what it was but the point is we all loved Reagan growing up he was an icon but as I got older I see now how much he sacrificed for this country and to see where we are now as a country and see how far we've come or how downward we've come it really makes me sad but there's a bunch of Hope in this film it's super patriotic and that typically moves me to tears but I will talk to that later once we get into our spoiler section for the intangibles here we can spend some time here and just let me just clarify what intangibles are because I don't talk about that very much unless you click on the link above and all that intangibles essentially are things in a film that make it special make it unique that's solely for that film or things that are done in a way that elevate the level of the film for instance I mentioned this like foot loose the first one in the 80s it's a pretty good film but the soundtrack makes it much better the dancing makes it much better and so the film is elevated and so for this particular film I rate this as a 10 as well one for the storyline and the subject matter because it's conservative it's not woke that gets several points in and of itself secondly the acting was fantastic Den Quaid is a master and I'll tell you about one scene right now that that really stood out with him it was a scene when his first wife they were at a table and they were arguing and at the end of it she walks away and she kind of gives him a put down and then the camera pans on his face and through no words for about 15 seconds he just sits there and his mannerisms and the subtlety in his acting is just absolutely incredible also M deer the director does a fantastic job he and this cim photographer they take shots from behind angles up top pan out wide angles on his Ranch that's great and the score is something that just keeps you on the edge of your seat at all times again I mentioned before you think that there's something big in play no matter what whether you be in the polit bureau or with in the Kremlin or whether you be here in America or wherever you are the sense of danger is looming the sense of nuclear Annihilation at any moment is looming and Reagan is at the center of it the one man who can stop all of it for watchability I'm going to give this film another 10 because I plan on seeing it at least three to four more times there's no more to say on that so for this film I'm going to give it an eight overall which is fantastic score I very rarely go over a seven mostly for my overall score because this is the highest weighted average I can give anything and it wasn't perfect in spots and if I could knock it down one way it's probably because it isn't long enough and it's kind of unfair to the creators and the producers and the director because I know you want to put it in the theater and make it go out and make sure you can sell as many tickets as possible and the longer you do that in terms of length the less showings you can do and less money I get that but it is what it is because they try to cover such a wide area it really should have been a four-part miniseries nevertheless the good thing about this film is is it's hyperfocused on its directive in terms of its scope in terms of the big baggy which I'm going to get into in my conservative take the Conservative TAKE (SPOILERS) all right now we're going to spend some time here because I'm want to cover a lot of different things here so number one I want to just first say that the big baddy or the bad guy in this film is communism communism must be destroyed or bust that was Reagan's initiative he learned that from an early age hating the Communist ideology very similar to Lincoln in a lot of ways because Lincoln hated slavery slavery was the swamp during Lincoln's time he and his father would go up the WFT on the Mississippi River and do trading and he would see people being sold into bondage and he hated that similarly Reagan hated what he saw with Communism and the destruction of lives that it caused people around the world not to mention the fact that El almost almost hurt America in terms of the Cuban missal crisis and other things that were happening around the world and so re swamp was essentially the military industrial complex that was his swamp and there's been many presidents who have battled various swamps Reagan and Lincoln were two and there were a few others like G Cleveland like Donald Trump like JFK like Teddy Roosevelt I recommend a book by Larry schwickart called Dragon Slayers and it covers these presidents and their roles in trying to stop the swamp some did better than others so the Love Story between Nancy and Ronald was Paramount in this particular movie and I mentioned before the scene when he was with his first wife and she insulted him and he looked away from the camera and you could see the subtleties in his expression and how it hurt him but that he was thinking to me that I need somebody that's going to be in there with me because she didn't want him to be in the politics she wanted someone who's going to be an actor she wanted that lifestyle and he was like well I get what you're saying but I have my own agenda and my own motive my own directive my own will and he was hurt and it was almost as to say I'm going to have to go to this alone Xander Berkeley who played George Schultz the Secretary of State I have to call him out because he was really good we saw him on 24 and also the walking dead he is a great actor but he came in and was the counter to Reagan he could come into the overall office and tell him to his face this isn't right you shouldn't do this this is going to hurt us and I thought that was good to have his inner circle disagree with him letting you know that Reagan had to make decisions and then you have the Iran Contra section toward the end of the film which is coming at Reagan internally people within his own party his own cabinet were coming against him once you're involved in attacking the swamp you are an upsetter you are a disruptor and there's a lot of similarities between Trump and Reagan two six foot plus men strong willed independent not from a political class one's an actor one's a businessman who actually did some acting later but they were these people who were not insiders and when you go after the swamp you frighten a lot of people now let's get into the emotional section where I mentioned that I almost cried no I did cry twice was when he was almost assassinated and he was calling for Nancy and she was there for him it was such a sweet tender moment moment it was fantastic so that was just every man wants a woman like that and the second one was at the end when he's done all of his work and he's in retirement he's on his horse wide shots of him on his Ranch it's something else and I'll leave it right there I'm not going to spoil anything more than that but if you have a dry eye at the end at the end of this movie well this may be kind of harsh but I would check my patriotism card I just would or at least if you're not tugged inside of patriotism I would check my patriotism card but all in all this film was wonderful and I can't wait to see it again okay now so for my final score I'm the Final TAKE going to give this film in 18.5 which factors in at four stars and a go for my conservative take absolute wonderful film can't wait to see it in terms of if kids can see it it's let me say this the trailers leading into this film are more intense than the film itself even the assassination scene isn't that bad so what I would say personally is if you have younger kids take them to see it but I would just not let them see the trailer there one trailer in particular that I saw that was pretty violent I'll tell you right now it was Gladiator 2 so that trailer had no business being in here the film was PG-13 I'm not quite sure why TR to think about it I don't know but I think it's fine for younger audiences and even still if I can watch The Wizard of ISS growing up they can watch this that scared me this might scare them too but it's American history and they should know about Ronald Reagan and what he did for them so that they can live in a free country so you let me know guys what you think do you plan on seeing Reagan I encourage it I know the media doesn't like it they want to block it many studios said no to this film so let's go out and support this film it's wonderful so let me know in the comments below and until then I will see you guys in my next conservative take

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