Stop dragging my heart around - Stevie Nicks & Tom Petty Cover - Jules Robbins
Published: Aug 30, 2024
Duration: 00:03:01
Category: People & Blogs
Trending searches: stevie nicks
okay ready yeah come come and say it this whe is on the blown up ow I got rocks got lots of rocks everywhere eh [Music] you come knocking on my front door same old I met you you be before said hell what am I getting into you need someone looking after you so you had a little trouble in town now you want to weigh those demons down stop dragging my stop dragging my stop dragging my heart [Music] [Music] around people run around Lo in the world don't got nothing better to do make the meal some right I kid you need someone looking after you so you had a little trouble in town now you want to we those demons down stop dragging my stop dragging my stop dragging my heart [Music] around stop dragging my heart around stop dragging my heart around stop dragging my heart around stop dragging my heart around so you had a little trouble in now you want to weigh those demons down stop dragging my stop dragging my stop dragging my heart around [Music] you did it you did one full song yeah I know ouch it's because the Rocks hurt my butt yeah I got to do it