Microsoft Office 365 Office Word tab, button, ribbon, and toolbar break down part 2 (MS Word)
Published: Nov 26, 2021
Duration: 00:25:15
Category: People & Blogs
Trending searches: is office 365 down
Intro hello everyone so i put out a video earlier today and it's a label uh microsoft office 365 word it'll talk about tabs button ribbons and toolbars it's a breakdown and i have provided a pdf of this so you can print it out on a laser printer so i explained that i would write create another one explaining how to bring up some of your ribbons that you won't have on years by default in particular your quick access toolbar you'll have the basics and the basics will normally just have this by standard by default it'll have save undo redo and screenshot but if you notice on mine which is this right here i have a bunch of them and i'm gonna explain to you how to put them and explain a little bit about it additionally uh you know we talked about your rulers well i'm gonna further break down the rulers and um so i i will start with that with with that first okay so you know if you um uh you know first of all you know you have your margins right so these are your margins on a on your ruler and that you set the margins on your page setup so now so your ruler will this is what the ruler will look like right here this is the area of the ruler but inside this ruler you're gonna have uh you're gonna have tabs that i actually don't have here and i'll explain that in a few minutes how to add tabs but you also have this little thing right here in this corner here let me deselect all of this and turn on this thing i created for y'all so right here on this corner which is right here you'll have this thing that looks like this okay so these are pentagons you have an upper bottom and then you have a square little square underneath there right so the top one here is called your left now excuse me first line and then the second one is your left indent and then you have your hanging indent and so whenever you're whenever you have a document you you will have a so when you click here if you hover around like that pentagon right there you see how the text came up first line and then and then you hover on the second one left and then and if you go down just a hair you'll see the left and then you know uh so if you can't remember what these things are called or what they are so also on the right hand side you're going to have your uh right indent and what those things do well one thing that i do want to tell you by default you know on your document you're probably not going to have rulers this is probably how yours is going to look if you've never added your rulers because this is by default so what you have to do is you go to view and then you click on rulers remember we're using office 365. so it's similar in the other versions uh i think up to 2013 or something like that but this is the version that i have so you will turn on your views so this pentagon's right here going to allow you to do different tabs or indentions not tabs your tabs would actually look like this if you click here and let's say if i hit tab here let me select this Tabs and add a tab well because this is a format it's not going to let me do that right so here let me create a new document um let me put equal [Music] random words uh let's just put uh five paragraph with six sentences and hit enter okay so if i went in here and click here and added a tab if i would click here it'll tap to that those are your tabs and you can change those tabs by double clicking here and you see we're not double clicking you just click and it's going to give you different kinds like this is called a bar tab you click again and now it's going into your pentagons okay so right here if you click it says left tab uh if you click again it's going to give you your center tabs you click again and it's going to give you your right tab you click one more time this time it's going to give you your decimal tabs okay and now uh i'll have a video about tabs in a you know so i don't want to go into it too much but i will show you real quick uh if you click here and then let's say if i'm here and i hit a tab and then i put you know [Music] let's say 45.25 let's put a dollar sign here and then i hit a return and i hit another return but here i want to tab to that tab well here actually let me see if that tab is there so let's go in here and type dollar sign 65.25 let me see if it took that tab it didn't um but what it normally will do is it will align itself accordingly to the decimal uh the dollar you know the point but you know you can also put right tabs left tabs like i said i'll explain all the tabs later but i just wanted to show you what these pentagons do you know so let's say that i'm here on the sentence and and i want to tab everything except the first sentence let's say half an inch to the right i can left click this and right now you see how everything is moving right so if i left click and drag the first one to the back you see this is my first first line so it's not going to tabulate it because i told it not to and so then you have your indent here equally on the right hand side you see how it stops right here if i want to move this tabs over you see how all the text is going to the to the right and left now if you wanted to use mathematical numbers so instead of moving back and forth uh let's say you you can double click here and you see right here your right indent let's say you tell it one inch you hit okay uh and so that's your right indent it went one inch now let's go and change it let's say 0.5 and you'll see it go back to the right hand side equally on the left hand side if you're left indent let's say you want watch this right here i'm going to add one inch hit okay you see how everything moved over one inch so you can do it that way uh but i just wanted to go over that a little bit and i'll have a video that further explains uh how to do uh uh you know the things like that uh so that's what that does right okay now um so if you look uh let me hide everything uh so your margins so here uh here's your margins right your margins can be set in a couple of locations so when i type the my text would start here and here Margins because of the margins right so now you can go under layout go to your margins and set your margins here right uh so let me create a document and show you from here to here right now if you go to your layout you go to your margins right now it's set to one inch one inch at the top one is at the bottom one inch at the left and um so this is your margins right here right so let me show you something so you got a layout you got a margins and i'm going to do a very narrow margin i'm going to tell it 0.25 so you can see the difference one two five one two five point two five uh that point two oops two five hit okay now look how small my margins are so if i went in a random let's say 50 lines three paragraph for line hit enter and you see when you um i insert this text for you so you can see when you change your margins what it does here and i'm gonna justify this so everything is even on the right hand side oops ctrl j for justify there you go you see how everything is even on the right hand side now that way you can see so i'll show you one more time on how to change it uh using your uh margins here right so we're gonna add one inch this time now you see all the space around the text another way you can do this is let's say you can just move these things over if you're not you know you're not really wanting exact measurements mathematically you can like uh move it like for for instance let's say that you had a uh a picture and that picture let's say you you inserted a picture and that picture was sitting right here and you wanted to move all your text to align with that all you would have to do is well you would have to select all the text and go right here and now everything would be aligned to that text so uh so you can do it uh manually okay uh let me i don't want to save this because i'm i'm gonna show you some other stuff with that document um so we talked about your margins and so this is what the ruler looks like these are the actual ruler okay so in your document what you see right here is your ruler so let's go and um open up a document uh let me see i got a bunch of windows so there we go um so you can see the ruler right here without so so now watch this i'm going to go in here and show you something so if you if you have a document and you highlight this area up here like if you click on insert actually it's staying uh we're okay never mind uh sometimes uh some of your tabs will close but i have mine set where no matter if i'm selecting here or here it it appears you can hide it if you want okay so now let's talk about that ribbon by default i showed you that you're only going to have this four if you want to add some this is what you're going to have to do like i have a bunch bunch of them these things do a lot of things for me okay so Commands if you want to add additional items what you would do is you would click here and then you would go to more commands because these things do certain commands for you right for instance if i want to see let me see if i have a document with a bunch of text a bunch of pages okay here we go so let's say here instead of going to all my pull downs uh i can put a command where right now you see how i'm seeing one page at a time right let's say i want to see it page two pages side by side i can do that uh each one of these things will do something different for me okay for instance right in here you know if i was in my home page i would be able to turn off this thing called show height and uh i use it a lot and what it does it shows me where there's a return where there is a space where there is a tabulation by clicking here and also if there's a double return or if there's a single return this thing helps a lot so but if i was here i wouldn't be able to turn that off and on right so what i did was i created a command where i don't have to go home go and click here right um i could be anywhere and hit that uh that button right here look you see i can turn it off and on if you look right in here i turned it off and on or you know let's say that i wanted the microsoft word to speak for me right you know you can go through all bunch of commands to go do this for you or you can create a quick command and all you would have to do is just click here when you apply styles your headings change to match the new theme okay save time in word with new buttons that show up what so this buttons are very very cool and there's hundreds and hundreds of buttons that you can use everything you see here you can turn it i think almost everything you see here you can turn it into a button and have a mop here so uh same thing with spelling you know let's say you want to spell a spell check look all i have to do is click on this button here and then see it it's it's it's doing my spelling instead of you know going in through all my tabs to get to there i did it with one command so let me show you how to add those so if you click here you go to more commands and if you these are your popular commands but if you click here you can go to all commands and you can add all of these commands what you would do is let's say uh let me see if there's one here that i like uh i don't do i don't use this because i i use commands but i want to put right alignment if you look right here you're gonna see so first i'm going to click here i'm going to add it to this thing i'm going to hit add right and in a minute you're going to see another icon show up here uh so and it'll look just like that icon so i'm going to hit ok you see that now so if i click here and you know i always use control r right but if you don't if you're not good at commands all you would have to do is click here uh first uh for some reason it's not i see it there but i don't want to get hung up on that but that's how you add it and i don't use that one anyway because like i said if i want to right justify if i want to right justify this you know i would hit ctrl r if i wanted to center it i hit ctrl e if i wanted left justify i hit ctrl l so i i don't i wouldn't need that i'm just showing you how you can add Developer things or let's say you wanted to add a photo you don't want to go through all those steps you can just click here and go to my device and add a photo or you know or you can add to your stock images instead like i said instead of going um you know insert picture stock image you can add one command now there's another thing that you don't have on years and it's called the developer this developer let me close this because i've made some changes and i don't want to save this because i have another lesson that i'm going to be uh doing in the next maybe even today but what developer does your developer gives you all these functions and i will show you briefly what some of them are uh without this you wouldn't be able to uh put in and let's go all the way to the bottom here because actually let me close this i don't want to mess with that one so i want to create a new document oops control in and it went into another window okay so you know with this developer tab i could go in here and add these things which are like uh this one's called a date picker and i could go in here and put today's date and it would automatically do that and um but there's a bunch of different kind that you can use in addition with the developer you can make macros uh and things that you normally wouldn't be able to do okay in in addition let's say you want to uh let's say you you had this pull downs which are called the combo control uh contents button you could add them and i and there's a lot to that too so i have a special um um video for this but without this developer you wouldn't be able to use this so let me show you how to add this to your uh word document and all you have to do is once so if you go into here you go to more more commands you go to um let me see custom ribbon you see right here look i'm going to turn all those off if i yours is probably going to look like this here let me i don't want to turn them off oh it it okay it's not there no more you see you see how how it's gone this is how yours is gonna look like so what you have to do is you have to click here go to more commands uh go to your custom ribbon and turn on your devourer proof and you click on it it puts a check mark you hit okay and all of a sudden now you have your developer okay guys so uh let me look at my um i think uh i've gone through almost everything i wanted to go over let me double check that little document that i had got it here on this page here let me see here give me a second here you got your tabs rulers you quick bars yeah that's uh there's a lot more to um uh i think i showed you but another thing i've got to make sure uh just in case you know you you do have to go to your view and rulers to show them and click here i think i've gone over that but i just wanted to double check thank you for watching my video and remember if you want an explanati explanation of all of these things which are all your uh tabs uh i have another video that shows that thank you for watching this video if you like this give me a thumbs up and if you become a subscriber there's a lot of things i can show you and on a bunch of different programs again thank you for watching my video