Day 460- 🚨USPS Cut Mail Delivery To Three Days🚨#nalc #usps #contract #update #cca #mail #firstclass

Published: Aug 22, 2024 Duration: 00:03:07 Category: People & Blogs

Trending searches: us postal service delivery times
guys when you play chess it's about who makes the best move okay and I think the postal service has just checkmated us um the time for us to go on the streets and rally and gain the public support I think that time has passed because now you have the Associated Press and major news Outlet going to uh present a narrative that's in favor of the postal service so guys as of yesterday about 20 hours ago uh the United States Postal Service announces that it wants to save $3 billion in and the proposal would adjust mail delivery while maintaining a commitment to a maximum 5day delivery for ground advantage and a maximum 3-day delivery for first class mail uh postmaster The Joy said that the changes will take place within the next year 2025 and they will enable us to operate more efficiently and reliably and it will grow our business and give us a chance for a viable future he then goes on to say that since 1997 there's been a reduction in first class mail by 80% and between 2007 and 2020 the post office has lost $87 billion guys this is happening for a reason um it's an election year uh we both know what candidate supports uh the post office and unions and which doesn't and with with this coming out guys we got to know that the contract is not our biggest uh uh problem right now now there's a threat to our security um guys I've been saying that without the support of the American people on our side uh our chance of of winning a fair contract was not in in in in a good sight okay that is my opinion um I will always depend on the people I always preach that we have to deliver a service that is topnotch and A1 a first class service for First Class People guys people believe what's on the news I said it in my other video if it's not gaining Ma media attention and is not being drilled in the minds of the people 24/7 something else will and because our Union has failed to support us to put us out on the streets rallying and and uh showing a fight for our cause uh the opposition has done that and the the media will always always support uh itself The Establishment will support itself so if the postal service is saying that it's losing 87 billion that will be the headline that's going to be posted on uh the American people's uh living room TVs okay guys so it's up to us to be become a a stronger Union and to fight and it's even more important for us to let the people know what's happening in the Postal Service how management is treating us and how we deserve Fair wages and a safe working environment guys stay tuned pay attention and I'll post the article uh in a pin comment so you guys can read it yourself anyway guys stay safe out there and until next time I'll be here you'll be there

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