Why Keon Coleman Could Be a Game-Changer in 2024

Published: Aug 23, 2024 Duration: 00:00:38 Category: Sports

Trending searches: keon coleman
like Keon Coleman I I just don't necessarily like where he's coming off the board uh very similar to what you guys have said I there's a lot to like right like he's got the big body x x receiver frame you can play outside um you know from a guy that had a a great rookie season last year and Jaden Reed Keon Coleman outperformed them outperformed Jaden Reed when they were both together at Michigan State right like there's a lot of things to like about this about this kid even outside of of the uh the interviews and and and what's you know uh being able to cut it up there uh I think this is one of those that he's going to necessarily struggle a bit uh

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