Candace Owens DESTROYED Marc Lamont Hill for his stupid question: CAN MEN GET PREGNANT!?

all right your good morning afternoon or evening whenever you're tuning in I'm grateful to have you here you saw the title and I can't believe we're even having this conversation arguing whether men can get pregnant or not welcome to 2024 where it seems like anything goes over the past few years things have just gotten Wilder but Candace Owens is here so it should be an interesting one can men give birth sometimes that's my answer yes and the answer that is that is crazy and this is we we cannot it's just crazy we cannot allow this to happen but you wouldn't say the definition being a woman's ability to get burn I'm not saying but only women can give birth is a factually true statement only women can give birth there there's only one type of human being only ures and vaginas only women can I'm not disagreeing with that I'm not and that here's what I think we're talking past each other what I'm saying is I'm not disputing the fact that certain body parts yield certain kinds of possibilities right what I'm disagreeing with is the idea that that is the measure of whether or not you're a man or a woman in in in society okay but it is now come to a point where if you say that only women can give birth you are called a bigot that is crazy that's nuts if you say like JK Rowling did when she got canceled by the Harry Potter cast that only women can menstruate okay can men get their period can you can can you help my audience can men get their period some can okay yeah transm some D some transmen who can um and again I my goodness cancel me cancel JK rolling the author of the entire Harry Potter series what is going on ladies you should feel disrespected my real ladies out there the ones who go through that monthly cycle every month if you're still able to you should be upset that you don't get an easy way out like this this is getting ridiculous I think it's okay to ask interesting questions I think it's okay to have intellectual debates but I I don't think that we ever want to enter a space where we deny the the the humanity and I'm not saying you are but to deny the humanity or the experiences of other people I'm like I said I'm was totally okay with trans until it became a demand you what you are denying is my ability to be an intelligent human being right you're denying you're denying my ability to talk about science and biology in a meaningful way you are now making your existence is actually infringing on mine okay and because when you make it a requirement now that I have to pretend that men can give birth and men can menstrate and there needs to be tampons as the ACU is fighting for in Mal and male restrooms and if I don't see the reason the importance of that that I'm a bigot I'm someone that no no no I accept you if you want to run around and you want to wear a dress and you want to call yourself Tiffany and you want to put a you if you want I I don't need to know your name do me to me if you want to call I'm not going to sit here and say I don't believe your name is Tiffany you know if person comes up to me and they're in a dress and a in a skirt and they say my name's Tiffany okay cool Tiffany cool right but when it becomes K as a bigot because she won't acknowledge that you know Tiffany Tiffany the man got her period and can have a baby I'm not playing that game we I am I will never show tomorrow and I have decided uh that or a year from now uh suddenly I have I I I I have reimagined my identity and I have I have I have recognized and affirmed my identity as as a transwoman and I no longer want to identify uh as Mark I want to identify as us your example as Tiffany you you wouldn't be like this book says Mark Your Mark you'd call me Tiffany I'd call you Tiffany but I'm not going to call you she and her because that has real meaning and I'm not going to play the game what's compromised by that is what trying to understand my my my reality you're now saying you've trans your reality and now I have to pretend that words have no meanings and they do have meanings right so I'm not going to do that I'm not going to call you he hi Tiff how you doing Tiff do you have a good day tiff great Tiff I'm not going to then say she she I'm not doing that and if people cannot if people the demand you won misgender me either what I'll just call you Tiffany this is a dangerous Rabbit Hole we're going down honestly I don't care what people choose to identify as it doesn't bother me in the slightest at the end of the day they'll have to face that come judgment time and that's between them and God but my issue is when they try to impose these ideas on kids in schools or mix up trans athletes with female born athletes and vice versa in sports giving someone woman of the year when they're not actually a woman that's where it crosses a line and sharing the same bathrooms especially for those who haven't fully transitioned is just wrong look just because you feel a certain way doesn't give you the right to invade a woman's private space if my wife who was born a woman and is proud of it is in that bathroom we're going to have a serious problem it's perverted disgusting sinful and Confused to me it's a mental illness I'll call you by your chosen name sure as long as you're not claiming to be God Jesus or anything like that but I'm not going to call you a woman if you were born a man no matter what surgeries or changes you've made you can't change the biology or the chromosomes God created ated you with dress how you want act however you feel but I'm sticking to the truth gender is gender and it's ridiculous that we're even having this conversation some might think that's disrespectful but I stick to the good book and nowhere in it does it say you can change what God made you you can't call an audible on God's plan you are who you are and you've got to live with that Harriet Tubman would be ashamed to see a man rocking her shirt she was proud to be a woman and I guarantee she wouldn't stand for this come on now but and if they say where Tiffany go you're not going like he just left you'll say she just left I'll probably slip up you know once or twice but I'm talking about mistakes I'm saying you wouldn't intentionally misgender me no I wouldn't intentionally misgender you but I don't want I don't want Tiffany in my bathroom I don't want Tiffy tampons in the other bathroom that's what I don't get no I don't care I don't care I think it's stupid I think it's foolish I think it's dumb but if you if that's really where guys want to go do it I don't care it's not my business doesn't impa me I don't have to go in the bathroom but I don't want Tiffany in my bathroom and you okay are you okay with gender neutral bathrooms that's how most bathrooms are they just that's all go on the plane they're all General neutral no I got you I'm saying bathroom bathroom fine I'm saying designating a specific one like in public spaces like like restaurants yeah I hate that they say gender neutral because usually they just say bathroom like you don't don't need to say gender neutral just says bathroom and we all understood that that just seems to be an extra step of virtue signaling to say gender neutral you just put bathroom everyone knows what that means no but a lot of times in places like for example in our University uh we have male bathrooms we have female bathrooms and then we have gender neutral bathroom you can just put bathroom everyone knows what it means you put WC everyone knows what it means it means anybody can go here that's always been that way since the beginning of when you've got to go you've got to go that's why I appreciate it when places have a single unisex bathroom one localized restroom if someone's in there you lock it if it's open you can go in handle your business and roll out same goes for anyone else no need for labels when you have a men's and women's bathroom and the men's is occupied while the women's is empty I'm just standing there waiting clenching but with just one restroom if it's vacant I can use it and so can you label it as restroom mushroom whatever you want we're all just going in there to handle our business and move on with life it's really that simple but people always want to complicate things and change what was working just fine time and then suddenly the trans Lobby wanted to say gender neutral and sudden we had to put gender neutral that's so fascinating cuz I find it actually to be the right in this case and I'm not planes do they say gender neutral bathroom I'm with you I mean Grandma's house yeah Thanksgiving right I mean no one call I'm with you but I often find that it's the it's it's the it's the anti-trans community that's like oh my God the gender neutral bathroom bathroom God made bathroom for man B bathroom for woman I'm like what are you talking about no they've always been Just Bathrooms usually at small places Just Bathrooms it's fine but like it's I can't stand the you know Preamble of the Constitution any person can go here we don't care whether you shut up I think that's a good thing I think annoying it's just the constant vir singling sh shut up it's about affirming people's identity you don't need your identity affirmed on a bathroom sign if you need that you do if you've been denied access it just says bathroom privilege just it's not privilege that's cisgender privilege oh my God stop with these madeup turns cisgender privilege it's just a bathroom all words are made up just necessary word no what I'm saying is if you've been again if you've been constantly Den not access something affirming that you can come here matters because there I mean there's a long history of trans just right bathroom right and I'm saying just right bathroom historically has still excluded people who are who are who are visibly gender non-conforming theyve when if you go throughout history you know many people are kicked out of restaurants not even allowed to sit in the restaurant much less use the bathroom because their their gender doesn't seem to line up with what we society's expectations and so saying you can come here too is a sign of saying we welcome you it's just like saying just like when you see like um an ally an ally sign or or or a um or or or a rainbow flag on a restaurant it's not saying that anyone who doesn't have one means gay people can't come in but the point is because places have been so hostile affirming that you can come in nothing annoys me more than that crap I mean I I tell you nothing Anno annoys me more than seeing that crap everywhere all the time it's just you know you got to have the black lives matter flag the LGBT flag the the this sign this sign it's like dude since when are people not allowed to just buy furniture I don't need you to have 18 different sign like I just want to walk into the F store not welcome would you be okay if they're American flag would you be mad at American flag can you help me when we gay in America not allowed to buy furniture you're going to have to help me out with that it's not specific to Furniture but gay people I'm saying like it's every store now it's every store they have to put a flag there is a historical narrative when more G people not allowed to go go go into McDonald's as as long as there have been McDonald's and public and this isn't specific to McDonald's I'm saying that in terms of public accommodations people who who identify as gender non-conforming we we can talk about we can talk about gay lesbian bisexual I'm talking specifically right now about trans folk um yes they're often denied access to public spaces like restaurants like furniture stores like like hospitals Etc and part of the reason and again there's plenty of that on this is that when they're in public space they're often criminalized they're often seen as sex workers are often seen as doing something elicit even if they're just walking down the street so when you the reason you see an overrepresentation of trans women for example uh being being stopped and search and fris or or apprehended or questioned even they've done nothing or presumed to be doing sex work just cuz they're on a corner like literally they could be crossing the street is because there's an expectation of who and what they are a social construct and so yes to say look you can come here we want you here we won't be judged here this is a safe haven here is entirely reasonable if I had a university to use your your your your your argument earlier um and I want to I I think it's okay for University on the website to say hey we we value diversity of opinion we want conservatives too right now you might say well why do I need to say that conservatives are should be allowed anywhere but you would say conservatives are universities are hostile spaces to to conservatives so if I want to signal to conservatives that they were welcome here too I would have to go above and beyond to say that because they're not they're typically not and so by your argument and so I'm saying similarly if a place is denying access historically a country to to queer folk or to trans folk then I'm saying yeah we got to do something extra to say that maybe we should come up with the flag for conservative people I like that I think it's red white and blue it has like 50 stars oh just America that's it we'll take it everyone start putting American flag so we know that it's maybe Confederate one maybe it's the Confederate one I don't know I mean I mean whatever um I will wrap this by saying I think this was a very important discussion and yeah I I think it's there needs to be more of this we don't have to agree um but we cannot be scared to have the conversation people benefit from seeing different perspectives in the black community we are not all a monolith I disagree with Mark on virtually everything he has said here um but I know what me my thank you well I will defend his right to say it um to the death of me I think we we need more diversity of thought and more diversity of opinion and I deeply respect you for coming on to the show and saying what you believe on for inv is this video even real I'm genuinely shocked he was so firm in his beliefs and tackled the issue head on props to him for sticking to what he believes in but wow he's way off before I dive into this whole Fiasco putting my political opinions aside I've got to give respect to both Candace Owens and Mark Lamont Hill they managed to have a civil discussion and that's something we desperately need more of in today's world they didn't bash each other or get hostile even though they disagreed that's a beautiful thing at the end of the day we all bleed red and there's only one race the human race men women that's it now while they disagreed they still defended their viewpoints without tearing each other down kandas to me crushed this debate she won it hands down but he was denying biology at every turn I wouldn't want him teaching my kids or any kids for that matter this is another case of an educated fool someone who's gone through the academic system but lost all common sense it's all emotion and virtue signaling labeling things that never need to be labeled God gave us everything we need and people are trying to change that then they wonder why suicide rates are at an all-time high or why there's so much confusion in societ Society kids are being forced into situations they don't understand at such a young age and it all stems from fatherless homes and the lack of a two parent nucleus if we had strong God-fearing families teaching kids the truth and the values from the Bible society would be so much better off but people fall into sin and let Satan take hold which is why we're seeing all this chaos in 2024 I hope things turn around soon but I don't see it slowing down I know God will work it all together for good though we just have to stay patient breathe and when we see something wrong call it out with love Mark made a comment about the red white and blue representing conservative values and that really bothered me the freedoms we have in America allow us to achieve great things no matter our background yes there's been wrongdoing in the past but that dates back to the beginning of time slavery has existed in every culture but that doesn't mean anyone's holding you back today what's not acceptable is when people start abusing kids or pushing perverted agendas that's when it crosses the line at the end of the day everyone has to face judgment I pray for Mark Lemont Hill kandas Owens and for everyone watching I hope you find Jesus before it's too late because you can be right about everything else but if you're wrong about him you're wrong about everything period I'd love to hear your thoughts am I wrong in my Approach is there any truth left or is everything open to change based on how people feel that day drop a comment below and let's keep it civil and respectful freedom of speech is one of the greatest things about being in America so let's Embrace that if you like my commentary or content don't forget to like subscribe and hit that notification Bell I appreciate you just being here watching

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