The Big-Chat | Chenbot OUT! Paranoia, Pandas, and Plot Twists, Someone's Out Tonight.

[Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] h hello everybody and welcome to the big chat we're glad you're here we got a great show lined up for tonight and well let's just go ahead and dive right into it first off I need to say a few thank yous cheers that Quinn's gone yeah yeah yeah I'm a badass thank you to the parapost network for allowing us on we are live on jurgs radi at yurs you can go over there and check got all your favorite sportcat shows both live and on tape delay you can find us on W djy in Atlanta and radio free Nashville which stands for wfn in Nashville Tennessee as well as Los alos that assass that wrong California New Mexico hell wherever how much have you been drinking wish I had I was so I was so EXC I was so excited when I saw that Jerry was going to be hosting the show tonight I was like oh oh oh then I did the breaking news uh Tik Tock Instagram real I I did it all I did it all and hello Brenda and hello there rockard um welcome welcome welcome um we're glad you're here please remember thumbs up like follow share subscribe all that good stuff so yeah we got uh we got Quinn uh out of the house are you happy are you happy I'm not happy I I I'm I'm happy he's gone he just like should have went last week the only thing I will say about this and is that uh Quinn is a better player than Angela the only problem is he just got caught doing it well I mean she's the level of crazy that like everybody said you don't know what to believe she she is crazy we're I'm doing pretty good rockart uh it's been a crazy day uh Chris hello welcome um she's the crazy the show needs but she's just she conversation she's got to go find out why I I like I said I give it two weeks after the show's done they're shipping they're shipping her ass [Laughter] out yeah I don't know that she'll be involved in minia what did she say the other night uh she she would even try oh no uh hold on she would she would oh if they have a [Music] pot unless it's illegal hey but she's like a cockroach this is definitely illegal yes yes she can't just stomp on her and get her out of the house poor Leah poor poor Leah finally admits to everybody that she that she has a crush and then out the door baby she's kind of like been the Black Widow this SE and everything she's been involved with is gone I mean honestly if you think about it every pretty much every single thing she liked or situation she got involved with of course it didn't help that Angela was behind the scenes in it up but you know well I mean Cam's still here so oh Cam is he's going to win the game because he's well I mean if they get out Kimo next he's the only other guy he's got to run the table if it's a physical comp I mean mckinzy and bbina are athletic Chelsea won't be able to play this one so who knows but tor's not going to win a physical comp Kimo's not I think it'll just depend on what it is well I heard from some other uh podcasters today because you know I'm nosy and I listen to all of them like they listen to us and uh the rumor is that it's going to be the one that they put them on the the thing where they sit on the rope and they spin them around or maybe they stand I can't remember and the last one KN to gets slung off the ropes is the winner MJ Leah would probably stand a fairly decent chance of that rabina too low Center grav yeah I was gonna say with her being so tiny yeah so she would uh stand a good chance at that one so I guess you're right it depends on the comp but that probably I don't think would would be a comp for him I mean I could be wrong but not for no definitely not chemo but cam maybe he played football he's probably got good hands yeah I mean I don't know but he does have those big ass feet oh yeah that's true if you're standing that would be a disadvantage on a rope not that big yeah that would be so you know that reminds me you probably didn't do this but when we were kids in gym they had a rope attached to the ceiling and we had to climb up it and the only thing saving us if we fell was like a padding that thing yeah didn't so but I was fat and out of shape so I never got up it I usually made first like and fell over and then they were like get out of here what's wrong with you you're a failure you'll never amount to anything and look they were [Laughter] right yeah so who knows what they're going to do but if it is that comp man if it's that comp I don't know hands off rabina or Le yeah that's my my guess it's that comp what going to win it or yeah yeah who's going to win it see I feel I feel like it'll be rabina or MJ but if they're spinning them and there's a height advantage of course here's the other thing what if they get motion sickness because they've had players puke while actually being spun around it's a thing so h who knows I don't know on that one I don't either it does make for good big brother I just I would have much rather seen Angela go than Quinn but we get another week of craziness so and we've got what five more weeks uh no four five yeah five no in October 13th so four so I was going to say because while Angela was going out the door after she voted she was saying that Nana I'll see you and I think she said like five more Saturdays or something yeah uh I think she's planning on uh well I mean she's a jury either way so yeah um reminds me I need to look and see um they've got a two-hour episode coming up here in the near future it's too late for a double eviction I would think so the twoh hour one I don't know what that could be H and that didn't help me very much paramont thank you [Music] so what's dragging what's Brenda what's dragging you did you get something stuck in your wheelchair what's what's going on there's probably a boob they need to make a big sister well Brenda the government's always watching you so just count it as that so well so we started off last night's episode um with chemo saying him being back up on the block again um could be an opportunity to to break up the trio and Angela decides to go I guess try and sweet talk MJ per se and uh you know MJ's letting her do her thing but she says that you know her and Angela are fine but she's not working closely with her she's not working closely with anybody nope not since week one yeah um so she goes up to uh the HOH room and um everybody I guess was was watching her her and Angela down there and Chelsea says that she has a a fear of Leah winning the veto again and using it on Angela again so MJ Chelsea Cam and Quinn who were up there agree that they're going to keep the nominations the same and uh Quinn of course doesn't think that Leah would do it again um but he says that he's getting the vibe from Chelsea that she uh would put up Leah um even though she's not outright saying it and um maybe I just wasn't watching that closely but I didn't really feel like him and Joseph were that terribly close but he says he can't lose another friend after josea just going home well they had a final too and it an alliance well but like so did him and Tucker yeah I think the only one he didn't have a final two with was probably Kenny probably damn it um but so um Quinn then decides to go and run his mouth to Leah about everything and Leah says that she would not use the veto again um because her whole goal in Saving Angela last time was to get her to jury which she did so she said she wouldn't use it again but she's worried that herself or Quinn could be put up um and also that she does not trust anyone in the house but him uh and then I feel like Angela uh gave us the line of the century of I'll do a pot with you guys if you have a [Laughter] [Music] pot as long as it's not illegal what's a what is a pot is that you put your head over a steaming I don't know it it reminds me of that uh Vine from several years ago uh Chris are you doing a [Laughter] weed but at not illegal s is not illegal yeah and she she's apparently gonna go take a take a shot with chemo too so yeah I can see that uh but so MJ thinks that at this point chemo is the biggest threat because he always has Tor and rina's votes and MJ tells uh Chelsea that her and Quinn had had a discussion about potentially keeping Angela which uh Chelsea thinks could be smart uh in order to to weaken the trio um and then uh cam is just sitt there in the bathroom or it was either in the bathroom or outside I don't remember off the top of my head he didn't have his shirt on so I wasn't really paying attention um going over his tattoos with Tor and Chelsea and him being very vulnerable in opening up so much just made Chelsea like him more yeah so then um Quinn m J and rabina are picked to play in The veto comp and once again MJ says she wants the votes to stay the same see how long that lasts I've been hearing rumors but we'll talk about that later um so she uh MJ also tells uh Chelsea and rabina that she wouldn't use it uh and then we uh go to otev um where they have to search for digital trash with the correct evicted house G guests name on them um and then I guess they got hit with some lovely uh hot spalter ewaste um so the first and only question of the competition is that they have to get the name of the evicted house guest who didn't get to play in the new rule comp which I I thought it was going everybody's thought process was going to be a lot more stupid but they were also partially right but they weren't thinking fully ahead um so when Angela was like oh well uh uh MJ's still here so it's Tucker I'm like okay well she's not completely wrong but she just wasn't backing up enough so uh I loved I I loved Leah's take that uh Angela stomped up there like uh she wanted to speak to ot's manager oh my God yes she did I was like what was that big baby what was that were the big baby and it was just Dong Dong Dong that's what it reminded me she she made her way up there and she didn't she didn't falter at all either you wasn't gonna lose no or was she wasn't very bright uh so it it's it's getting down to at this point it was only Quinn Chelsea and Kimo who hadn't picked something yet and and it just does a quick pass and Chelsea is giving Quinn the dirtiest look just as he's walking away with his with his piece of trash um so then it's uh it's down to Chelsea and chemo and uh Chelsea is like okay well all of my people are already up there that I need so she just goes back without anything and MJ is the only one to pick Cedric and Chelsea says that um otev was right they were all a bunch of dumb asses yes yes this is a cast of dumb asses they weren't [Music] listening it's like like it's like they it would be one thing if they were like oh it was Joseph and then I'd be like yeah [ __ ] dumbass but they're but they I mean it's not like they were so far out in left field no no um the only thing I guess CBS could have started off with a softball question they could have followed ABC like they did when they did the interview the other night on TV or the debate they threw softballs at one of them so they could have done that you know but instead they started with a hard one makes me wonder what the next question was so somebody somebody sat for what six weeks and went through things to come up with questions on for a five minute comp and you saw how elaborate massive and elaborate that that it was animatronics they had all kinds of cool stuff trash talking panda love it uh the Brooklyn trash talking yes and then and that was great um I'm also wondering how long it took them or not took them how long that production just filmed them digging knowing after they lost it on one question they were going to need every ounce of footage that they could get did it really take them that long to you know to dig through that they're like no we just we we we've got we've got to stretch the footage out as far as we can yeah yeah it was so bad Julie didn't even show up so she was just like I yeah oh you're fired you there she want to meet Quinn I don't know one the other uh Jerry seemed very happy about it so he did and I got to say it that it was very ironic that history was made tonight and that he was the one that brought Quinn out who was named after his TV character I mean if that's not the universal lining I don't know what is but uh so obviously uh for the the the bunch of dumb asses MJ wins The veto and Chelsea is like uh you know it's fine because MJ will do whatever I want her to and uh that is the first time in Big Brother history that otev has been won in one round yes yes another another record this is a season full of Records um so then Angela can't sleep and I I love the music that they use during that because you just hear it the minute her eyes open yeah and she notices people are missing and in Big Brother you know that that's not good and I have my senses I've got a six sense [Music] yep uh so she thinks that everybody uh who's outside is is plotting to get rid of her and that's Quinn Leah and the trio um chemo torn Reina and so she I I love that she makes the comment as soon as she comes outside everybody is white as a ghost yeah I mean they were probably like oh god what the hell are you doing up you're old aren't you supposed to be in bed lady yeah it's past your C your curfew Angela what's wrong with you go to bed so um there were people talking obviously and uh so she goes and uh tells Chelsea that she was ease dropping which she wasn't really eased dropping she just she just dropped walked right outside it's not like she was on the floor again with her ear up against the door she just well You' noticed before though she did go to every door and before she went outside and she was like they're outside side they've got do something they're up to something bad heus Burn Them Burn The Witches so uh she goes and tells Chelsea that qun and Leah have solidified something with the trio she because she very clearly heard that happen and so then um it it comes to Chelsea and MJ talking and because of Angela's nice little bout of paranoia starting to make Chelsea think which kind of glad it did in a way I know you won it well I mean he needed to get out of there he needed to go you want to still see him there get well I mean no my guy was there I'd have preferred him be there but he he would have made a much more solid move on Leah than Quinn did obviously would have yeah he's he's a video store manager come on you know he would but up against a nurse recruiter but wait a minute yes that just hit me he's a nurse recruiter so he should be used to talking to females I still don't understand how he's a nurse recruiter and he isn't an RN I have never in my 30 some years of in the medical profession I'm did they flat out did they flat out ask him if he was an RM no no good evening Dixon I they didn't but he never seems like he would have admitted that at some point during the season guess to make somebody feel bad for him or something but yeah I I don't know I don't know a nurse recruiter in Oklahoma he didn't stand much of a chance but my guy is gone I'm a badass I'm still I'm still sour about it so so Chelsea basically okay let me have my time you're you're still grieving I understand so all I got to say so Chelsea and MJ are are going back and forth on Switching up the game a little bit and she is saying to basically take down chemo but then when MJ and Quinn were were talking before they were talking about uh keeping Angela which I don't recall hearing that much of a conversation between the two of them about that no I don't think that that it was uh shown that much but so then I just nobody can just keep their mouth shut in this house at all telephone I don't I don't I don't get it I mean with with Quinn it kind of makes sense that he would go run his mouth to to Leah to get his dick wet but MJ then proceeds to go tell Quinn that hey it's um it's either uh you or Leah sorry so he so he then runs frantically uh up the stairs to to plead his case I kill you you right now and uh Chelsea was like but you've been a little shady and I'm pretty sure that you're working with other people so well in fairness he had fight with anybody so and um Chelsea is then thinking that you know he wouldn't go after her after but MJ is kind of like where's my where where is my John Cena noise whenever I need it are you sure about [Laughter] that well we'll talk through this because I don't know that it was in her best to get him out because Chelsea has already said to C that if it was between Chelsea and Leah she felt like he wouldn't pick her he' pick Leah he'd pick Leah well now he can no longer be blocked he's got free and open access to Leah so and Leah can you know spread her little glitter power or whatever and Lisa's gone well you know she gone she could do something I don't know what she could do but she could do something better eyelashes that'd probably work cry andry well no the crying is [Music] for please play with me I can't stand there so just G to be one of the greatest players in Big Brother history and I'm going to hate her well as uh as Quinn goes on to say from tonight's episode that some of his favorite um Big Brother players were were horrible players so yeah yeah he wasn't lying he had some good lines I was I was glad for that he took that part in stride but I had no problem with him out the house see you bye yeah I'll see you in a few weeks I've been in here too long with you bastards I don't need a hug you didn't want to hug me when you you don't want me here get my way you're blocking my way to Jerry you don't like hugs anyway so yeah but so last night's episode did not show The veto they showed it on tonight's I guess probably because they needed more footage yep uh so um Jerry oconnell graced us with his presence this evening uh since uh Julie has covid she's gonna be okay yeah she's good she doesn't have a sore throat anymore so she's good um so uh MJ vos's Angela and Chelsea puts Quinn in her place um and his face after that said a whole lot it was just he's very expressive most of the time and he was just like yeah yeah so in in Chelsea's mind from Angela's mind says that she uh her she has been given information that might hurt her later on in the game so that's why she decides to put Quinn there and that is as [ __ ] a little bit it's the hair but Jerry got to touch it did um so I guess from Angela's mind to Chelsea's mind from Chelsea's mind to MJ's mind is also making MJ question whether she can trust Quinn as well and Chelsea thinks that it's a strategic move which I will give her that that it is but again for him to be the first one in jury by [Music] you yeah yeah now I mean he may have time he was salty speaking of which hello Salty Dog and thank you uh he was salty but he might get over it he's still he's not playing big brother but he's still in big brother [Music] so it it's possible and then again another another wonderful line from Ang she's like a cockroach you can't kill her God how I want [Music] to and Quinn makes a a very bold statement saying that Angela is the greatest player in Big Brother history for having the veto used on her three times little pig little pig let me in that's just just can't I can't I will not I can't even if she gets put on the Block every week right up until the end and wins a damn thing and she is one more stuff and done I will never claim her as the great I can't do it it hurts my soul usually these old go first we we'll get t-shirts that say not my HOH yeah yeah well and then you know you say that and that reminds me something Chelsea did say that I thought was so stupid how many people are left what nine so she said that she didn't want to get blood on her hands have to go look through my list here I'm counting my head four five six she doesn't want okay well eight now she doesn't want to get blood on her hands I think you just targeted the one that you would get the most blood on your hands yeah yeah because now theoretically whoever wins this next HOH their team could carry to the rest of the season in theory because they just took the middle people out the strongest middle person player so now somebody flips now it's cam Chelsea MJ Leah Tor chimo rabina Angela yeah there's Angela in the middle has voted who has voted against chemo the last two times that's right so now I'm not sure after after part after part of tonight though I wonder if Leah would be able to well I'm also wondering if they're not trying to bank on picking her up one of the two sides I would say I would say probably but it's it'll depend on what week it is of which side yeah and then it depends on what Angela stirs up I mean she's what we wanted for for the season I mean let's not lie about it she's what we wanted she's the player we don't want but we deserve well well it's it's she's she's the player you love to hate she is and she is like a cockroach so she's not Taylor she's no Taylor I I was not a Taylor hail fan but hold on hold on let me get my she she she's still Taylor ha I did not like Taylor but she is not a Taylor hell there's no uh so no hey maybe Angela will get a lay sponsorship after this hopefully she'll get a Twinkie sponsorship so I said that I led and I'm gonna burn in hell so you are creepy as [ __ ] I know I am but yeah I I don't know something outside the house there you go maybe she'll get a pickle sponsor no that'll be me well I'm working on that right now so okay so uh Cam and Chelsea are talking and uh this is all from tonight that they both agree that quenna has been really shady and that he would probably do whatever it took to better his game for him to win and When Quinn and Leah are in the unicorn room talking he says that he is very confused on everyone's logic and feels very which doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me he said he feels very alone against the trio but he still has what he thinks he has the other four yeah um but Leah is super peeved at Angela um because of her paranoia getting the better of her and her going to Chelsea that her and Quinn were finalizing stuff with the trio blah blah blah blah blah um which is the same thing that got my boy out her paranoia um and she's just peeved that um that Angela threw her under the bus [Music] and and um Angela specifically told Chelsea that she heard an alliance being formed between Quinn Leah and the trio yes she didn't hear [ __ ] no she saw Quinn and Leah in the trio hanging out in the backyard laying on the bean bag chairs playing pool didn't hear shitz asay ack and flat out de yes we were she so um I think it it's very uh it's very strategic of Leah to take advantage of Angela feeling back bad but then Angela decides to pull a move of going to talk to Chelsea about it and oh I'm just going to play stupid and just let her have her moment and make her think that you know my age is showing here and I don't remember anything and Chelsea is just like I don't know why the hell you're bringing this [ __ ] to me that's between you and her ex ain't got nothing to do with me so uh Leah is worried and is what what she said was looking for other votes to keep Quinn I feel like we might as well have inserted a a picture of her like cam of just oh yes yes she she wasn't out doing anything no so uh then they decide to play a fun little game of uh kiss Mary evict and obviously um Chelsea would kiss cam he said it would be the best time of her life um Kimo said that he would kiss Quinn and uh Leah said that she would marry Quinn so that um I feel that I feel that uh so saly it may not be the way but it's a path it's a path we we have to take Little Steps so so [Music] um Quinn decides to use that as like oh well this is my opportunity to hop out of the friend zone um so then everyone is trying to get Leah to come in so that she'll kiss Quinn uh she won't do it um but then uh back in the Unicorn room alone together he he pulls her over and is like hey is it just cuz you don't want to or because it's strategically not a good idea and she's like it's the second option uh and F uh fullon admits to the camera that she has a crash on him spoiler alert he goes home he got to meet his namesake you know she should have grabbed him as he was going to walk out the door and that's what I was hoping for yeah that's what I was hoping for I was like come on come on yeah and then like I said I I granted I might have looked away to been writing something down but I didn't even see the two of them go near each other what I did see is rabina tried to give uh Quinn a friendship bracelet on the way at the door and he said I don't want it thanks though interesting you sour your first vote in the jury but they got to go meet Jerry he was looking Dapper I I I still would have liked to have seen him come out in the dress but well I think it it was a shock enough to the show to the players I can't imagine if he'd come on and address I think it would have been great TV oh I'm not denying it but I don't know that uh I don't know that the house guest could have stood it they'd have probably lost it but so Quinn is continuing to uh go around and beg for votes um he's going around to each person tells MJ that you know if if she votes for him he he won't back door her next time and she's like oh oh oh yeah I I I believe you I can tell you're I can tell you're being honest like looked to the camera I don't know if I can trust him um and cam still thinks strategically that it's better to get rid of him for cam it is and Quinn just flat out tells Chelsea that well hey if I win HOH next week I'll probably just pick rabina to pick somebody out of the trio to go and basically he promised his her an HOH if he' won I mean basically I guess um he could have beeny that's been happen that's been done before for it's big brother I mean I could the LI the list of his lies I can't keep track of so um so Chelsea says that her head is spinning and she's not sure at this point of what to pick because how it comes down to it is that if it goes to a tie like she has to go into this knowing who she's going to pick because if there's a tie she's got to be the tiebreaking vote so she goes to to talk to MJ for her opinion and Chelsea also flat out says it's very hard for her to to trust Quinn um and then we we we get down to everything where everybody's getting ready to vote and Kemo just grabs Quinn's leg and he's like quit um but Kemo basically you know repeats most of the same stuff that um he said last week but uh Quinn's was pretty great that that might have been if I was on the fence that might have been something to sway my vote um that uh says he he he wants to stay and not just because so so many of the house guests want to kiss or marry him so they need four votes to evict and it was a four to2 vote the only two people that voted to get rid of chemo were Leah and Angela yep and I I I I I say this like I want to know where Angela's head was going in this but I also really don't want to know she probably and uh Tor rabina Cam and MJ all voted uh to get rid of Quinn and rabina gives Tucker a little shout out and so once Jerry announces everything uh Quinn just calls everybody out and it's like y'all are so lame yep gets pretty much the house and rejects rina's affections of the friendship bracelet and uh I I loved I loved Jerry's questioning of him as compared to how Julie typically does because he was like Hey you uh you ran out of there pretty fast man what's uh what's going on with that and he said that he didn't feel the need to sit around and be like all sappy about it and he Flats out admits that he was a liar the whole time yeah he owned it he owned it and uh says uh obviously that he felt the the closest to Leia the whole game and he rated his own game pretty low about a what was it a 7.5 out of 12 I believe it was yeah I was just say 7.2 but yeah it was yeah seven something out of 12 12 that was kind of an odd number but it's uh but he was he was most happy about all the free clothes that he got or his his free costumes you know but what the heck I've seen Tor wearing Joseph's shirts and she had on his jumpsuit the other night so did Joseph not get his I mean he was he might he might just not have taken he might not have one of them he might have been like I'm done with you people there are some people like that there are some people in the Big Brother show I mean one one of my best exits of the house was uh oh what was it cornbread what was his name um he basically it was week one and it was back when they had the house uh closed down and the cameras weren't live for two weeks before the week of the show so they Tech had three weeks in there and they had him believing that they were going to keep him over whomever it was and they were lying and he was falling for it and as soon as uh the vote come out he got up walked out and turned around y [ __ ] y'all and I I will say uh I reached out to him at the beginning of last season when we decided we were going to do this show and he talked to me but he said I will never talk about Big Brother again as long as I live nor watch it so some people it's well I mean and for some reason this season they seem to be more emotionally invested in each other I'm not sure why that is it it could have to do with the fact that they don't have a lot of time to process because of the AI Arena who's going to leave because it could flip it could do you know so and it's kind of an acute process or reaction but this season they've become more emotionally invested in each other than I think they have in past seasons and I don't know why well I not there for it but I wondered if I wondered too if maybe the um like the similarities in age so much this was a good cast whoever did the casting for this season did a good job they really did except for Kenny except for Kenny except for Kenny [ __ ] Kenny so KY if you want to come on and and and talk about Boston Strong bring it uh bring your wife I know you bring your wife yeah so but yeah I mean they did a great job casting I mean I think Dr Phil had to have some help with it so but but yeah so they did do a good job I did I have enjoyed this season more than I have other seasons in the past few because there's been more drama there's been more Big Brother than there has been in the past few we traditional I I think the the added AI aspect did a lot and speaking of added AI where the hell is she gonna go does she see in the world Miss Ansley uh made an announcement to everybody um that um she has to go find out more about humans so she is leaving her Junior AI in charge and he will be in the house soon she said he M will be in the house soon I'm thinking it's probably we're reading too much into it it's probably zingbot but I don't know oh Sho uh rabina pulled out her tin foil hat so I mean I and they haven't had a double eviction so they're going to be thinking oh God that's coming or since since there is going to be a two-hour episode coming up is there a possibility that they bring somebody back they did not show Quinn his goodbye messages true CU you would not show and he did not say stay tuned tomorrow to see the goodbye messages and my full interview now I mean that could have just been because they were scrambling to get a gown set but he pretty much word for word stuck with the Playbook did a great job I I really think he did a great job um for learning he flew from New York this morning learning that he was doing it so wow because I I can only speak to like um like how they do it on drag race but typically whenever they end up uh like doing a double elimination they end up bringing somebody back or when they've brought somebody back then there's a double elimination so could be well they're going to it's not going to be anybody that was out of the house for jury because they're tainted now they could come in and tell them all kinds of things so that's out but it I I also feel like at that point it with Quinn having just been evicted it wouldn't make a whole lot of sense for him to come right back that fast if that was if we're not reading too much into that expect the unexpected well one thing that uh and I've called Julie Chin out on this at the beginning of the Season you remember she said she was going to be much more involved with the cast than she has in previous seasons and she has not and she has not and tonight would have been a perfect example not don't tell the cash she's got covid put AI in there put her in the little box they could have done it yeah I mean they've done it with the they did it with the AI instag and everything and what they were doing with the what was it that Quinn had the uh the um Power of uh the the Whatchamacallit HOH I don't remember what it was called HOH takeover yeah so could have done it easily I think very easily I mean shoot they've got hundreds of hours of Julie Chin talking and being on Big Brother it wouldn't be that big of a stretch you know so I mean I'm not not that I'm complaining about Jerry I mean I think he did a great job um kudos to him and you know he has been a fan of the show for a while had to be pretty stressful to find out this morning live he found out on live TV this morning in New York City and fly to LA or Burbank to the studio so yeah wow so it had to that had to be pretty stressful so and I don't I mean I'm sure as an actor he's had plenty of experience doing live but this is Big Brother live this is a different live you got a cast full of idiots in the house you don't know what they're gonna do so but yeah he did a great job and I really I liked him uh in the pinch to do it this the first time in 20 what are we on 26 Seasons that Julie's missed an episode yeah like I said I I I liked kind of that he took more of a a dig at Quinn with his questions to him yes oh yeah Julie wouldn't have been that snarky so one thing that I I did find very odd though was the frequent breaks there at the end did you did you notice that yeah it seemed like that but then I kind of attributed to like I said they just flew this guy from New York and you I mean granted he's an actor and a professional and blah blah blah but well I thought it was weird to cut to a break right after talking to Quinn just to come back for ansley's announcement yeah I thought that was a little odd yeah well why not fill the time with commercials because the Casher hasn't been filling the time fa yeah I mean I just kind of blew that off as he was probably there they were trying to put a little less stress on him that was my way of thinking about it I I don't I'm not going to read too much into that but and then again we may be reading something they they could be talking about zingbot it could be the zingbot whatever 200 AI zingbot could enter the house but they said he would enter the house [Music] soon what's that mean so well and I didn't get all of the letters of what she was saying too to see what it spelled out yeah she did kind of say it quickly and I wasn't paying attention so because well I guess they were they were starting to to talk about it but they couldn't remember all of it yeah because I I feel like that probably stands for something like Ansley stands for what sley stands for I forgot I don't forgot she was such a big important part of this cast I don't forgot what the hell it means it's because it's it's spelt funny too she was hot I did subscribe to her Tik Tok page I don't know I know the a the AI is artificial intelligence P that I don't remember it's in my notes somewhere yeah yeah I don't I don't know what it means either but yeah it's it's it's in my notes from when everything started but yeah we'll have to see um they're still on uh well they were on kittens a minute ago I checked and yeah they're still on kittens so um I don't see why they would be keeping it down till after midnight because it was a live episode so the you know West Coast should have seen it by now so they're either doing the comp right now or they're coaching them one or the other because God knows this cast needs some coaching good Lord I need to get a sound effect of Quinn saying that it's a cast full of dumb asses because he's right uh no that was Chelsea that was uh Chelsea repeating what um otev said yes I'm I'm doing great how are you doing um I don't know I don't know what I'm good he's concerned well he should be uh why did Shay switch rooms it's the same without the Cheerios box where have you been seems like he's missed an episod or too so she did some house cleaning so yeah what was that 350 pounds of dead weight yeah yeah you lost you lost a lot of dead weight there so took a lot to push that out so I'm trying I'm trying to do well oh I will get the Cheerios box out of my car though just for you g mo why do you have a Cheerio box in your car cuz buns eat Cheerios oh oh he spent a few weeks in jail well but at least glad to see her out now yeah we're 11:29 so good good good glad you that one felony so yeah I'll just I'll just get a little table to put right here and I'll just set it on there okay so because apparently the fans need it so I understand yeah yeah I love our new our new fans and we really appreciate the RICO Network for bringing him over um even if some of our guests haven't figured him out so they don't have [Laughter] to can only do is is salty dog still here where are you at do yeah yeah salt well see he called me out said this wasn't the way to get 500 Subs um I'm sorry we're we're just talking about some fun stuff man yeah it's just big brother so but uh yeah they're weak so but yeah it's we're we're slowly getting there and we're thanking for uh thankful for uh Uncle Rico's show he's done a lot for us we've had a little help along the way and you know salty this may not be the way to 500 Subs but as much as people hate it you're still watching we've got we've got an amazing amount of people that listen on FM radio there you go salty appeared you summoned him he appeared just like a dog so come here boy h yeah you you might you might have an apology letter you need to write salty yeah salty you left some of our guests salty [Music] so of all the flavors I'm okay with it it was was it was good so where is Andy I don't know where Andy is uh I hope Brenda if you're still watching is he doing your show good Lord so Jason took it hard who's Jason what the hell is he talking about our guest from last night oh done forgot about him yeah him I'm moving on to the next one you're already looking at next Wednesday we've done forgot yeah I'm moving on I ain't got time for that so I don't mean that offensively I just mean that so yeah I was I was over on Twitch today screen recording Cat's Music she's great isn't she I was listening to that again while I'm editing for uh W uh rfn in Nashville well that's probably a good bet probably uh yeah and she's great she is great uh gosh imagine imagine if we brought him back for Saturday that would be well salty I've got the screen here on the right and it's like a button I gotta push you know when I see it I just kind of push it but it's like an itch you have to scratch I had to scratch it [Laughter] so yeah and Chris well why well why were you why were you so mean I don't think it was just salty it may have been rockard uh I I could I don't remember who all it was but why have you renamed him I don't know well what was spank me Mommy I come was GNA say you renamed him so that's it he's just spank monkey now yes no you're right I had listened to it or I am still listening back to it I haven't finished editing it for uh Nashville radio and I think uh I think she's going to go places and I'm not just saying that because she was on our show so I think that he's right yeah yeah he's not a hater no I think I think she's going to go places and we're going to be able to look back and go hey we had her I think she'll come back too oh she absolutely will she said messaged me and sent me a thank you yeah she um she followed me on Tik Tok so now I can see all her Tik Tok stuff ah I have not it hit him hard I have not um went on well I went on Tik Tok to post that video earlier so I was trying to get breaking news out there to get her views up you know salty I'm trying to get the 500 I'm on Tik Tock I I did a reel in Instagram today and I never do a Instagram reel did a Facebook real insta what you are you are you are you allowed back on Facebook now well I can't go live and there's certain things I can't post I'm still banned till the 24th so I still I blame you but you know hey uh the weapons I can't help it yeah yeah yeah soty well she's going to go places so and if she does come up to Chicago you got to make sure to go see her so she said she was going to try and venture out starting uh next year I think it was yeah I think she said spring so yeah she just finished up her Masters well she she said she had stuff starting in the spring too that she couldn't talk about yet so yeah I do know for the radio station I don't think she was allowed to put any music on the our station the thinon rock station I don't think I I will follow up on that and I need to get back to where I can do stuff without sitting in this chair and screaming in pain so that's fair didn't know she was a golfer well you know she might be good at it and Andy is not allowed he sent me a picture earlier where he was surrounded by a bunch of police officers Maryland state troopers I was kind of sure they didn't I was like oh they finally [ __ ] caught up to you man they finally got you Andy so it took them long enough they little slow in Maryland so but no I don't I don't know where Andy is tonight really usually he's messaging me last night during the show he was messaging me on Facebook man she's great she's great she's cute that's why you're not on showing no I didn't say that that would be mean I wouldn't do that so yeah you would you totally would no no I like Andy so well we have a show tomorrow night too don't we have you researched the author yet I have not oh you should he does some paranormal Fire EMS stuff so like Paranormal in the back of an ambulance from some freaky stuff you might want to check it out what what kind of freaky you just just going to have to read it and see or check it out and see hey you were the one that left me unprepared for uh honey uh what's her name I I didn't I didn't look her up either but I I hope she I I I emailed her and I was like you let me know when that book is back in stock because I need it she's like yes gotcha you know and um well we still have a coupon code if anybody wants to use it on your site I was like um preferably the hard cover the hard one she's she's like oh okay I'll I'll I'll let them know that that's not in stock it's like thank you she was great you know if we had had her and this this I got a list the fan base that we're getting now holy C she would have loved it they would have went nuts I'd probably have my 500 Subs we are working on bringing Aon back she is great amazing we do love her unfortunately she is a workaholic so she's going to be busy the next couple she's gonna be busy for tonight and Saturday show so Brenda's GNA be there so we'll have fun yeah we'll have Andy and BR and you and I don't know I don't know who else will come maybe we'll invite somebody weird I know weird [Music] people we need to reach out we need to reach back out to the werewolf I'm G to let you do that because maybe you would have better luck than I would but it was a full moon and I haven't heard from him as far as I know a message is still on unread so somebody could have drove a wooden his heart or shot him with a silver bullet or whatever the hell it is they do to werewolves so that's true I really wanted him I you know I would love to get him in the time traveling vampire but so annoying he's busy so well I'm sure he's got a lot going on so all right well tomorrow is uh Jamie Davis with fun fantasy reads and then we have a Monday night Big Brother Amanda should be back she took the night off to be with her husband happy birthday Abe and then Wednesday we have the par our normal guys and we have a UFO spectacular planned yeah we have a UFO expert coming in and then the latter half of the show we have another East Tennessean that's got some experience with some haunts some hints so should be interesting and then we're back again G and driv schedule that week no nobody and then back to the misfit Saturday [Music] so we'll get up to something every time y'all are on the radio gigs y'all need to keep hammering people to sub here well that's the thing that I'm learning somebody told told me it's as simple as doing one thing asking and I have been poor at asking people to come over to the sportcat shows and subscribe so we're working you know you know how much I dish that out on the radio and I got to get back on the radio oh my God if I could sit down for long periods of time it's killing me doing this editing I'm behind I'm usually doing much better so I gotta get back on the air I can't stand maybe maybe you need to get like a um uh an exercise ball okay to sit on no it's not it's it's my leg well yeah but any I can't still help if I have anything in my left pocket I mean like anything small thing my my little uh snot rag whatever it kills me it's a M's pain I can't sleep on that side I can't when the chair touches that side it's horrible and they're like oh it'll get better in time of course you know the doctor's advice lose weight eat better exercise that solves all the problems why the hell would I do any of those none of those are fun if I was feeling better I might go exercise make me feel better then I'll think about so I'm trying I'm trying that's why I'm sure y'all hear me fidgeting with my chair all the time I'm I'm trying well you see she lost her to table so no it's just in another room oh okay my bad I'm sorry I thought that you never mind now we just [Music] got inside joke H all right you know I do want to say if you came here purely for the big chat and brother show we are glad you're here please Thumbs Up And subscribe we are wacky and crazy and we review Big Brother unlike the other podcasters they do it smiling cheerfully and have great opinions but they don't drop the I'm so very often so [ __ ] you Kenny yes it's still Kenny's fault so we are glad you're here uh please remember to subscribe to us we're going to follow Big Brother throughout the rest of this season and then when that ends we have another great show starting called Two Broke witches with two broke witches speaking of witches did you see the preview for the Disney show coming on with uh what's her name Agatha oh I I heard it but I wasn't watching it cuz I was also finishing last night last night's episode ah gotcha while the commercials were on on the computer I know we were talking last night about how we were a little over Marvel that's looked pretty dang good so well no it was not us that was over Marvel yeah yeah yeah yeah I get it so um but yeah so we uh we'll uh I'm tempted to do a review of that show when it comes out because I got two broke witches I got you you're practically a witch I'm pretty sure my wife's trying to curse me God knows my daughter trying to well I don't know uh so yeah yeah we should we might review that show the show don't worry about it Universe inside you I'm not sure what the hell he's talking about saly what the hell are you talking about before I get out of here no and then uh me and Aaron have got to uh got to get together for uh yeah we're g to tape that and we also have um you and I need to record some episodes from our UK fans who are wanting to do a show we've got two of them lined up we just haven't dropped the ball on it yet so or whatever dropped whatever so we need to do that so we've got a lot a lot of moving Parts lots of moving Parts seems like I'm always busy I don't like this I want another vacation of course the last vacation damn near killed me so it's true you might lose a leg by the time Big Brother's over I wasn't attacked by a shark or anything I'm backing up damn near [ __ ] I don't get it we are going International uh actually I'm talking to a uh we've been international well yeah we're we're talk I'm talking to a UK radio station so very cool I'm actually talking to a short wave station just because I think it'd be cool but that's another show and yes Chris you need to encourage that I would love that especially with Tennessee Beast Alabama e oh come on it'd be fun e we' have Jeff on you could moderate I'll let you moderate while we go at it Jeff's never going to let me get in a word in edgewise you're just going to have to mute him the whole time oh it's a great Universe inside of me yeah yeah yeah yeah it's a big spat just great big world I got to push a button uh good night everybody have a great one we'll see you soon love yall [Music]

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