Michael Mosley’s Message to Humanity|| Psychic Liz Cross

Published: Jun 16, 2024 Duration: 00:24:22 Category: People & Blogs

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[Music] my gosh welcome back everybody thanks for joining us it's Mr reality joined by psychic medium Liz cross and Liz how have you been well I was so busy this week singing happy birthday to you well thank you very much I appreciate all the birthday wishes out there everybody been very busy with eating a lot of cake so there is a passing that happened just before my birthday unfortunately Michael Mosley who's like the I guess BBC Oz doctor of the B the BBC and he's got a lot of health tips and he's got a lot of uh online suggestions for you to be healthier but he didn't take advice and stay hydrated and unfortunately that didn't end well and I wonder if we could bring him through and ask him some questions you posted them on your patreon if you're not there patreon.com remote viewing and Beyond sign up be there see the fun that happens behind the curtain wow yeah I really liked Michael Mosley he did a lot of uh work on te but by him being on television a lot of the knowledge you know comes to the people and that's what I love about the TV doctors right the genuine ones he was very genuine he's great so I do have him here by the way when he was missing I already knew that he had passed and I knew that he had not uh died immediately I I could sense that he told me that but he eventually died he lost Consciousness first and then he passed um was it murder no okay no it's his own fault no absolutely not he's taking 100% full responsibility for his Reckless Behavior and he was he's telling me he was a bit like that he liked to live on the edge he liked to push his body to the limits right L of fasting I read about and so did he know on the day that he woke up that this was his last day or was this in his life plan to be dead that day oh on the day that you woke up that day you woke up did you know that that was your last day no it was like any normal day just sunse fun I wonder what made him decide to go for this walk like 40 40 Centigrade outside 1:30 in the afternoon you take a walk in the island some Island in Greece and uh what was his motivation behind that walk did he think oh let's just sweat some stuff out or what was his plan like what was your plan behind that I wanted to push my body but you knew there were heat warnings he said no actually I wasn't aware that there was heat warnings out and I'm saying but you didn't have but maybe one bottle of water he said no I drank that I actually didn't have anything to drink so what were you thinking like what on Earth made you think that this may have been a good idea sorry for the L I wasn't thinking I wasn't yeah no I know but it's like you want to shake him right because it is a big loss to uh to everyone his information and I'm letting him know that and he is fully aware of that the loss now and even though I know the BBC tried to put their own spin on it and they're saying well we've learned from even his passing which is to never hike alone kind of shines a negative light though on everything that you've done when you die like that to me in my opinion but he's fully aware of that he is um has he discovered anything on the other side that he wishes he could share with the world youed anything on the other side that you wish you could share with the world just that he loves science I mean now he's up there he has a lot of scientific answers to questions that he had always Ponder Ed share those with us about yeah about the body um Liver Health is the most important thing he's telling me I'm like more important than heart health he says oh exponentially so um why why is the liver the most important thing or because it really the function the optimal function of the liver is optimizing the whole body sort of that he believes in his own personal thoughts feelings and opinions again this is psychic entertainment right say that we always have to say that um but in his opinion he's saying the liver is of utmost importance it's what ensures the survival of the other organs uh someone asked what is his best advice for weight loss what is your best advice for weight loss reduce caloric intake now that doesn't surprised me he said that because he actually did a whole thing on reduced calorie do you still stand by what you did on the Earth plane which is your reduced calorie uh intake series uh the documentary you did do you believe that that extends your life longer I mean it extends your health longer but see now he's on the other side he goes your day of death is your day of death right but I'm saying th those of us that want to have at least a healthy experience up to the point of that day of death that Day of Reckoning whatever you want to call it um is reduce calorie The Way Forward absolutely 100% yes can he see the totality of the world and the problems that are on Mother Earth now and what does he think if he can the most pressing problem nutritionally is for people do you think the most problem for people on the Earth plane carbohydrates not complex carbs but filler Foods right rice noodles pasta bread that's what's killing people and his own personal thoughts feelings and opinions and how does he think people can fight that because it's kind of addictive those carbs those complex carbohydrates and is that more of a problem than starvation is that right is that more of a problem in Starvation sometimes it's easier to starve than to give into eating those Foods um and also you have to have faith and trust that the universe will provide okay [Music] um I I understand what he's saying so he's saying actually instead of eating like bread and rice and carbs pasta you would be better off drinking broth or a tea with more nutritional value because none of these foods have any nutritional value whatsoever yet they tell our bodies that we're full when we're not actually full with good nutrients but you know there's a lot of poverty in the world right and the problem with carbohydrates if you ever notice this wealthy people if you ever go to like a wealthy restaurant or you're you know flying in maybe whatever business class or first class or you're staying in a boutique Resort or whatever staying in a nice hotel invite me next time you go by the way right well yeah right but they don't eat carbohydrates wealthy people eat very very minimal amounts of carbohydrates they don't need filler Foods right they become satiated by eating high quality foods and nutrition whereas the poor end of the spectrum and even more so now that we have all this inflation we fill up on carbs so so you know we're eating far too many carbohydrates and and what happens is it fills us we're just eating it to fill full but the nutrients are not hitting the body so therefore the body is depleted the body is starving right I wanted to know if he could tell us now that he's in the afterlife is there any he has learned that could revolutionize a new part of BBC he wanted to tell us like if he had another skit to do knowing what he knows now what would he say is most important he actually says that just putting the information out on the television is not enough it's arming the people with knowledge but it's not changing the political systems and you really have to make political changes to make sure the people are well-nourished and wellfed he's telling me in his own personal thoughts feelings and opinions because I know this is going to open up a whole can of worms right he says the government should subsidize high quality nutrition and I'm saying but PE where are they going to pay for that like where's the money going to come from to pay for that I mean here some ideas I probably can't say it on TV here right but you know we have you know we have a lot of people here in the US like how could the government subsidize high quality food for every single individual and he's telling me nobody should be nutrient deficient and nobody should be starving he said this is a misnomer of the government political system there's plenty of food to go around and I'm saying but now you're borderline you're going into like communism where the government will take care of every need now in his own personal thoughts feelings and opinions he's okay with that so as we know the universe and I've said this God knows how many times and if you're not in the CTT group you're missing out because the amount of information we uncover in the CTT group every Monday morning 9:00 a.m Central okay we get a lot of information there anyway he you know I'm saying but this is kind of communist and and the universe is is competitive it's designed to be competitive and I'm telling him the reason it's designed to be competitive is because the need for food Water Shelter and air right those those basic needs and that's what makes us compete on the most basic level if we are not competitive we are not constantly moving energy around light to dark dark to light and uh that's a very big explanation to go into but those of us in the CTT group you know exactly what I'm talking about this this this thing that he's proposing this government subsidization of food that would take away this competition for food and he says exactly he knows that and I'm saying but do you think think that in your heart of hearts now that you have one in in the spirit world you don't really have yeah all gets poofed right so but in your heart of hearts just for this phrases sake or the saying sake do you believe that the Universe would ever allow such a system to come into play and he's saying no that you're right Liz so I mean that that type of attitude as idealistic as it sounds and he goes you asked for my opinion I'm like yeah but now I'm I'm offering this rebuttal this goes against the design of the universe where everything's supposed to be competitive one of your listeners asked about mitochondrial health is this really the building block for good health and how can we improve the functionality of our mitochondria is mitochondria essential oh it's absolutely 100% the key to good health he says so how do we improve the health of the mitochondria again he's standing by calorie restriction good quality you know filtered water uh free from pesticides uh herbicide all this stuff that they put into the water supply he said it is absolutely essential and just living a very minimalistic existence he's telling me we actually don't need much no uh maybe more water um do you think the NHS Will Survive for long in the UK this is a UK listener question do you think the NHS will survive for a long time in the UK no it's GNA Go part private okay I totally get that why do you think how long before it goes partially into a privatized system so when you're looking around the mid 2030s to late 2030s okay you're going to start seeing that this system is on its knees it's is it going to be in far worse shape than what it was than what it is now oh absolutely it's going to be barely functioning so going into the 2030s you're going to see more uh UK citizens UK residents starting to pay for their health care and uh that sort of sent sentiment is going to take hold in the political sphere where they start to introduce a privatized a partially privatized system all right uh what is the main health problem of citizens in the UK what was the main I'm sorry the main like problem of citizens in the UK their health problems what is the main health problem of citizens in the UK they eat crab he basically just said they eat a lot of fried food a lot of sugar fish and chips I mean it's a staple uh you're said singing makes you very happy can humming or whistling have the same effect he says singing clears the lungs and that's important as well singing is almost like a lung strengthening exercise okay and it's very good for the soul and it also makes you vibrate higher um so yes singing is an excellent resource for health uh you talk about the benefits of The cannaboid receptors CB1 CB2 that are found in the brain is there any way to get the benefit of these without ingesting cannabis no but there is a way to enter into a meditative state or letting go of the Consciousness that provides the same effect does it have a same healing effect as the cannaboids do does it have the same healing effect as the cannab it's different like it's not exactly the same but it does the same job uh what are some primary misconceptions that you had about health that now you see oh okay now I see it what's changed since death do you believe that the NHS is is doing a good service to the citizens no no he now he's on the other side he can see he was all for the NHS when he was here he's saying now I'm on the other side it's diabolical and it really is just luck of the draw if your if your name basically gets drawn out of the Hat you may getservice but most people don't what is the biggest misconception now that you're on the other side that you can see with regards to hell that we need to eat he's still like Auntie eating a lot of food do you believe that we should be eating in the evenings no he thinks that we should only be eating in the mornings and do you believe that we should be eating in the afternoon like two o'clock should be the cut off time according to his personal thoughts feelings and opinions and you should have regular bed times and why do you think that it will improve sleep he's telling me why do you think that you should I'm like you can't sleep if you're hungry he's like you got to get get over that you will get over it eventually but I'm saying to him like why why do you think that we should cut off at like 2 o'clock because you got to give your digestive system time to rest he says it it really is optimal uh here's one were you abducted by aliens at any point in your lifetime were you abducted by aliens at any point in your lifetime no but have you seen it he's did you see any U any UFOs or aliens he did have an encounter when he was a small child that I always ask about aliens really well that was interesting uh do you believe there's any way to prepare for the afterlife through our health choices here on Earth absolutely he says um plant-based diet raises your vibration and the higher your vibration the closer you are to source and the spirit world and that sort of understanding so you want to eat very high vibrational Foods how many lifetimes has he had down here on planet Earth as a human being as a human being 400 roughly okay is he upset with himself is he still berating himself or going out without a phone without more water are you upset that do you believe that you made a massive mistake he's he's asking me to help him now he's like Liz please help me okay um are you upset that you went out yes he said it was a really stupid thing to do and he's very sorry about the trauma he's B brought on to his family and his wife especially but why was this in the soul contract to leave this way he said I didn't want to have an aging body I don't like getting old I don't like being in a failing body I don't want to have to experience that I would have been refusing to die did you suffer with depression in this lifetime yes he did he had problems with depression in this lifetime is there a one siiz fits all diet or does it depend on genetics and where you're at on the earth and your lifestyle and your activity is there a one siiz bitol diet no there isn't but we have to reduce our sugar we have to reduce our carbs we have to eat higher quality food now he keeps showing me like stringy sort of almost like seaweed kind of stuff because you got to incorporate more of this into the natto is disgusting what is it natto is like this fermented beans from Japan it's just when he said stringy that's what I thought yeah it's stringy it's kind of like uh you pull it apart and it's kind of and I'm like what is this but he okay what about what is it called n natto yeah natto what do you think about oh he says that's excellent is it fermented he's saying fermentation okay he's saying that's excellent for your health it really is one of the best best things that you can eat more horrible it tastes the better it is for you okay got it what does it taste like oh you don't want to know it's terrible so what else can people do to make their mitochondria more healthy their liver more healthy and just get that overall health boost should we be eating meat every day no we should only be eating are you talking when I say meat are you saying red meat no any to type of meat what about fish fish doesn't count but any type of chicken or meat or what about lamb goat whatever um you should only eat that once a week your diet should be a majority of a plant-based diet I'm like but where do we get the protein and he says you Source the protein from plantbased sources I'm like okay but you do realize that this stuff costs a lot of money and he is fully aware of that he goes hence why I said that the government should subsidize high quality food but do you believe that maybe we're doing it wrong maybe we should teach gardening and growing things in school and you make people have or you certainly give people the opportunity to have allotments to have Community Gardens he goes yeah that's a good idea um sorry what was the question I think that was it everyone I appreciate your questions and Michael Mosley thanks for joining us and sharing some insight from the other side you know we may have to do a part two on this one this will probably bring about loads more questions um and I'm happy to do that you know he could be a good resource for us now he's on the other side he just said thank you Liz I would be happy to do that um he you know for our for our health questions in the future and he does feel like he made a terrible mistake he feels bad about the amount of pain he's inflicted on his wife his family what about your fans because I'm one of your fans so what about your fans he goes uh not so much you guys you know obviously that's a loss but he says there'll be others coming in behind me there's always people wanting to take my place and they'll have new information he says my information was getting kind of stale that's probably why it was time to go and know but it's really if his wife or his family are listening to this video uh he wants to tell you how blessed he was that you were his family he would always choose you again and that he loves and misses you all very much but you can carry on without him and you will be just fine so that was his message to his family Michael Mosley we bid you a do

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