What the Cards Say - Dave Grohl - Baby?

[Music] welcome back to the lnx files as always this is a safe space for all things spooky and today we're going to use these tarot cards to do a what the what the check on Dave Gro his long-suffering wife Jordan Bloom and the love child that was that is apparently going to be fathered outside the marriage so let's take a look okay so no one requested this video like literally no one maybe I'll check the comments and I'll see a request but I thought you know this would be interesting just to talk about cheating cheaters long-term marriages dishonesty musics and their habits you know with Mistresses and side chicks and all of that and yes I know I am a sweaty person I just got out of a yoga a hot yoga class that I was barely able to survive I was able in my opinion to do 40% of all of the positions okay and probably if you ask the instructor she'd be like Oh that girl she did like 20% of everything is very hot there's no clock in the room I was like ready to just call it after 15 20 minutes I don't know how I hung in there like barely barely barely I'm sweaty and gross this topic is sweaty and gross it all works okay so has everyone read his post on Instagram I've recently become the father of a new baby daughter born outside of my marriage I plan to be a loving and supportive parent to her I love my wife and my children and I am doing everything I can to regain their trust and earn their forgiveness we're grateful for your consideration toward all the children involved as we move forward together oy okay so he has been married to Jordan Bloom since 2003 they have three children together and he is of the food Fighters his dad was some sort of political figure in Washington DC and let's take a look at their immediate astrological charts so a lot of astrologers will say that cheating has nothing to do with astrology or it has nothing to do with zodiac signs and I'm more or less inclined to agree with that do I think some signs are more predisposed to cheating yes simply by virtue of the fact that I feel like there are more signs inclined to do whatever they want now what is David gr he's a Capricorn Sun Capricorn rising Moon and sag he kind of has like the inverse of briad Pit's chart which is a sag sun sagge rising Moon and Capricorn now I love Capricorn men I prioritize going out on dates with Capricorn man if a Capricorn man hits me up on a dating app I'm like oh I want to at least meet this guy no matter what CU he's a Capricorn I love Capricorn men because I view them as stable practical and in touch with reality when they commit they really commit and they're like it's on you now like I'm going to be showing up for this relationship you better show up too like they are no joke if a Capricorn's dating you they would be you know considering at the very least a long-term relationship with you just simply out of respect for everyone's time they're like we're going to die someday like we got to do this now that said one time um I was doing a search um and I read several articles and they said that they took all the signs for from an app for cheating um not Ashley Madison like a different one like for married people having Affairs and they said that the the highest number of zodiac signs uh of one particular sign was like Capricorn on on that dating site now I didn't vet this I didn't check their research methods but they were like Capricorns are among the highest predisposed to cheat as based on the data that we have on this website for cheaters and I was like oh this is very interesting now I could see that being the case just simply because it's a Saturn ruled sign and like you know Saturn is like Father Time like this is the one planet that's like I'm kind of running the universe like aside from the Sun you know it it all starts and ends with me I give I can also take it's it's almost sort of like the emperor in the terot in some ways it's it's a very very very serious powerful sign and I could see someone with so much Saturn in their immedate chart feeling sort of entitled and then if you throw oh I'm a musician also into that and I have side chicks and groupies and Mistresses and escorts at my disposal you could have a situation like this so as a Capricorn rising Dave gr's uh 7th house ruler is in the sign of Cancer the ruler of cancer is the moon his moon is in his 12th house so what would that mean for someone who's already famous because we know if your seventh house ruler is in the 12th house it could tell us something about the person you end up with they might be a famous person they might be otherwise isolated from society like work in a hospital they might be in an institution they might work in an institution they might be a politician and otherwise on the fringes of society but sometimes the seventh house ruler can tell us a little bit about our behavior in relationships and for his moon to just be hanging out there in the 12th house a place of grief loss Secrets addictions things hidden beneath the surface subversive things things in the shadows I was like o That's not great I I also really don't like that so that's number one number two the exaltation ruler of his seventh house uh is Jupiter what's Jupiter doing okay well he's got Jupiter in his 10th house so on the one hand that's a blessing in terms of his career and public achievement but also the exaltation ruler for him of his seventh house is moving out of a conjunction with Uranus so what I've learned having dated a a guy who had a Jupiter Uranus conjunction in his seventh house and Jupiter for him was the ruler of his seventh house this was someone who was a little erratic with relationships and this someone I met I know I vetted there was a lot of sort of stopping and starting like not feeling comfortable or confident I don't think that's what Dave's uh problem is but I think that there might be an erratic quality behind the scenes with him um in terms of matters of the heart so while think Jupiter in his 10th house is a blessing for his career as we've clearly seen manifest in his life I think that as the exaltation ruler of his seventh house its closeness to Uranus spells uh an instability there so that's number one also he has a Venus in Pisces Venus is exalted in Pisces it's a great place for Venus to hang out um Venus can do her greatest good in Pisces that's in his third house the house of communication he's a singer songwriter musician guy so very auspicious manifestations for his career right which we've seen But Venus and Pisces does have a shadow side like when you have a benefic that's exalted sometimes we get oh let's just everyone eat cake you know where it's just kind of like well hang on that's we we can't live like that you know it could be fun for a weekend but not forever so there would be a shadow side of that of like I just want to love everyone and I just want to you know be intimate with everyone cuz I just feel you know so deeply like you could see a manifestation like that hanging out with a venus and Pisces in terms of a shadow now Jordan Blum we don't know her rising sign which is a shame cuz I would love to know what her seventh house ruler is doing and where it is but here's what we do know um she's Sun Moon and Venus all in Gemini all in Gemini so to me what this would mean would that she would be more forgiving of this or not you know and with Geminis it's really on a case-by Case basis because they're such a changeable adaptable mutable sign I have a relative who's a Gemini who is in an open marriage she's like whatever like her husband travels a lot he could have girlfriends stashed around the world she's like oh you know it's whatever I don't need to know like they don't have kids like that that is some classic Gemini Behavior other Geminis because their minds work so fast the analysis of things would cause them great suffering you know think about all the times that they were lied to or just the breaking down these situations that their spouse could have been in and it could it could cause them an enormous world of heart uh the entire situation so I would say Jordan would be predisposed to forgiveness or it would be very difficult for her so let's pull some cards but I want to do a different spread we're just going to do a Q&A spread as I like to say okay so I the first thing I want to know is about this other woman and I want to know can you show us what is the extent of their relationship because if this was a groupy who was like oh just please shag me so I don't commit suicide and he's like okay I'll shag you once and she's like I'm pregnant haha and I'm keeping the child and it's yours like that would be more forgivable than like I have another like girlfriend in life in like Seattle and like I go there all the time to like be with this woman like what is the extent of their relationship is what I would like to know I think I'm making my point what is the extent of his feelings for this other woman how dishonest has he been to his wife and I know that's Pro some of you are going to be like that's the dumbest question you could ask and I get I get you I get you guys but like is this just like a lot of omissions or has this been like a a world of lies of just lying to someone's face omiss would be very they're both painful I feel like one's slightly less painful than the other omissions versus someone lying to your your face and being like oh we're all going to go to the hardware store that's where we're going we're going to build a shed you know and like meanwhile like he's impregnating some groupy so here we are okay um will the marriage recover how is Jordan feeling right now and is there anything else you want us to know well kids I think we have our work cut out for us right all right so what is the extent of their relationship oh four of Wands so like not great like what this describes is stability and like almost a domestic happiness there like you know it's like in that film Along Came poly I watched that for the first time from start to finish uh over the weekend you know Netflix random right like Jennifer anison's character was like my father had a whole other family like that comes out as the big reveal this is kind of in that neighborhood like I have a another partner like this is like domestic household Bliss balance happiness so I would go so far as to say is he has a relationship with this woman that's what I would say okay what is the extent of uh David's feelings for her oh um okay well interesting tortured I guess we could say so we got the empress in reverse so we still got the empress card now it's reversed because there's like a confliction here there's a destabilized quality to it but the empress is you know Mother Earth you know fertility motherhood abundance come here darling let me braid your hair now is it coming up in Reverse just because she's a big secret like has he confessed to Jordan who she is probably had to is she going to leak it to the Press maybe but you know I hope she has some privacy just just for the sake of her unborn child so with a card like this in Reverse there's a deep complexity to this woman and their his feelings for her but this is still a very positive card even upright or in Reverse there's a lot of positivity here so I would say that he does have feelings for her buried hidden conflicted but they're there is is how I would interpret that okay how dishonest has he been over the years oh they're not really telling us but I mean they're acknowledging the dishonesty so we got the Two of Wands so usually we view this card as upgrading you know one situation for another but I think we can just literally view this as Like This Woman's been around for a lot a long time so I feel like she's represented by the wands drilled into the side of the parapet and this person is blocking that wand from this wand which I feel represents the wife um you might have a different interpretation that's fine put it in the comments and so how I view this is just that like he's hiding her so I would view this as like lies of omission rather than lying to someone's face I feel like lying to someone's face we'd get like maybe one of the swords cards because that many of the swords cards have to do more with mental treachery and misrepresentation but to me this is hiding block walking shielding this woman and this woman being you know somewhat of a permanent fixture in his life for a while who wasn't going anywhere okay um will his marriage recover from this I mean ace of cups in Reverse so all the love draining out of the situation it I wouldn't say this isn't hopeful cuz it's an Ace and Aces do signify Beginnings or New Beginnings it may say over time it may take a lot for this to become upright again I think that right now they're you know the rebuilding stage I think they're in The Grieving stage for what once was um I would interpret this as like is is going to take a lot of time if it happens at all but the cards as you can see the cards are talking you know the cards are uh answering our questions okay can you tell us anything about Jordan's feelings oh um okay well I mean this kind of makes sense so we got the page of Pentacles so I don't feel like they're really answering the question I think what this means is she's focusing on the kids like the guides will often use the pages to represent children children in a situation just because we don't really have a baby card you know we don't really have a child card but the pages are the youngest of the Court cards so I mean page of Pentacles children's stability the fact that the pencils came came up is she considering divorce and just like dividing the assets May maybe we haven't gotten any cards of separation between the two of them maybe we should ask that okay and is there anything else you want us to know I mean just when they tell us what we already know sorry okay the star in Reverse so again total disconnect from the universe higher self Integrity one's guides things being asked backwards and what's interesting the all the major Arcana cards that we've gotten here just like have come up in Reverse so total lack of uh connection to the Divine so when people are connected to the Divine they're operating from a place of ego so what this is suggesting is that like this woman is not like his better half and like he met his soulmate and like he had no choice but to impregnate her and be with her they're really not suggesting that they are suggesting a connection but it's almost like they're they're saying that this was against like you know the ordering of the universe and how this was supposed to happen lack of compassion for others and also this is you know coming from a place of a lack of self-love of David gr to himself you know because in causing all these suff all the suffering to his wife and children he's also really hurting himself as well and so this card could also represent a disconnect from understanding that and the consequences of his actions so that's what I got for you guys comment below let me know your thoughts about this let me know if you have any other interpretations of the card put it in the comments like And subscribe and as always we'll do this again [Music]

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