Category: Entertainment
It's why i think you know bobby like picked me out of the bunch to run with him it's because you know i keep track of every penny i take it very seriously i think there's a moral um commitment you make when you both give money and take money and i'm very strict about that um immigrants tend to be really... Read more
Category: Entertainment
Si tu ne sais pas quoi regarder en septembre 2024 sur les plateformes de streaming ou encore au cinéma et bien rassure-toi tu es au bon endroit mais ne perdons pas plus de temps et débutons ce 3 septembre sur canal plus avec l'ajout du film sorti au cinéma pauvre créature qui a fait évidemment sensation... Read more
Category: News & Politics
Government is is more than just a bunch of people with policies what government actually is is it's a transactional body that's all it is it's policies tell us like how we spend that money but the reality is is it's it is a transactional vehicle and one of the best things to increase productivity accountability... Read more
Category: Film & Animation
Star wars die letzten jedi ist der unterschätzteste star wars film leia film poe und der rest liefert sich einen erbitterten kampf gegen kylo ren und die erste ordnung während rey luke skywalker trifft und ihn zu überzeugen versucht sie zu einer jedi ritterin auszubilden star wars 8 ist keinesfalls... Read more
Category: Film & Animation
Okay let's see if we can get through one of these skits sketches baby please okay ready c maybe maybe motherfu you want bre uh okay do we go again act on thee my name is lorden michaels i'm the producer and creator of saturday night we're excited because there's never been a television show like this... Read more
Category: People & Blogs
Il mondo dello spettacolo è in fermento a causa delle recenti indiscrezioni sulla fine della storia tra belen rodriguez e stefano de martino con un inaspettato coinvolgimento della schermitrice ed ex concorrente del grande fratello vip antonella fiordelisi secondo fonti vicine alla situazione sembra... Read more
Category: Film & Animation
Hey guys check this out wait for it he is much more impressive than the hedgehog i f previously dude i'm standing right here you're colorful bunch we don't want to fight you actually sonic i would like to fight w my turn can we just talk about this he's too powerful sonic i can't believe i'm saying... Read more
Category: News & Politics
[music] [applause] [music] hello and thanks for joining arts 24 from the can film festival today about bloody time that's what dame helen mirin told me when i asked her about the increasing recognition women are getting in the film world with a career spanning 60 years she has three golden globes five... Read more
Category: Entertainment
Sans spoilers jean du jardin qui joue une sorte de zoro progressiste il fallait le [musique] [applaudissements] faire zoro comme d'habitude jusqu'à la minute indiquée dans le titre de la vidéo il n'y aura pas de spoiler jus qu' vous êtes tranquille après on va tout spoiler zoro et donc l'histoire de... Read more
Category: Entertainment
After the traumatic events of the first film smile the curse seemed to have ended with dr rose cotter's demise the world moved on but the terror never truly left as smile 2 begins a year has passed and a new character emerges leah thompson a college psychology student intrigued by the strange phenomena... Read more
Category: Film & Animation
[music] no [music] no don't change anything you did okay meeting some people fre show our films cute [laughter] no suan no no no idea but good luck [laughter] me boogie night lou [music] i never i never fell asleep during a movie i can't even if it's very painful i don't have guilty uh i like um every... Read more
Category: Film & Animation
[music] mrs vardakis i appreciate you coming mr bali we buried my brother-in-law two days ago i'm sorry for your loss a terrible accident this isn't that simple i need the best investigator i can't trust the local police why is that my husband's family owns some and if he finds out that you hired [music]... Read more