Inside Day 1 of the 2024 DNC in Chicago | full video

Published: Aug 19, 2024 Duration: 05:51:25 Category: News & Politics

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[Music] hello everyone I am the Moore permanent chair of the Democratic National Committee it is a pleasure to welcome you all to my hometown Chicago this convention is a celebration of our hard work and accomplishments and of the American Spirit that makes this party and our country great that's the spirit President Biden reignited when he did when he told us we were in the battle for the soul of our nation throughout his term he has brought us together and revived our country and our country sold and last month in a true Act of patriotism he passed the torch to the Next Generation and the next president of the United States comma Harris as convention chair I may appoint officers to assist in the conduct of our proceedings it is my honor to announce the following convention officers assisting as co-chairs our lieutenant governor Peggy Flanigan mayor Mitch Landrew Senator Corey Booker and congresswoman es Veronica escavar our convention parliamentarians will will be former House Majority Whip stenny hoer hoer rder Rick Johnson and DN C parliamentary Helen mcfaden Lieutenant Governor Garland Gilcrest Harris County Harris County Judge Lena hildalgo and congressman Ted Lou will serve as Sergeant at Arms Lis Terrell will serve as our book doorkeeper and congresswoman Barbara Lee will serve as our timekeeper I'd now like to turn it over to my friend chairman Harrison thank you Manan hello Democrats the Democratic party is96 years old it's the oldest active political party in the world every person here is a part of a movement that brings America closer to our goal of a more perfect union and every convention is a moment it's a moment that contributes to our movement it's moments like 60 years ago when Fanny Lou HR told the shocking story of the racist brutality she suffered simply for registering the vote or 52 years ago when Shirley Chisum ran a historic race for the presidential nomination or 40 years ago when a roundhead boy from South Carolina the same before you today watch Reverend Jesse Jackson challenge America to Hope and to dream folks all of these moments led us to this transformational moment when a black convention chair and a black DNC chair lead us in nominating a black and aapi woman to be the next president of the United States [Music] folks this is because the Democratic party is and always will be for the people for our future we are honored to we are honored to be a part of American history as we gavel in this convention and celebrate this historic nomination I would like to thank the incredible workers at this year's convention the convention staff by the amazing led by the amazing Alex torn Brook and our convention chair Manan Moore and my amazing staff at the DNC you quite literally set the stage for us today and we wouldn't be here without all of you we we hereby call the inperson portion of the 49th quadral Democratic National Convention to order [Applause] please stand if you are able for this evening's invocation offered by Cardinal blae Joseph subich Archbishop of Chicago let us pray we praise you oh God of all creation quicken in us a resolve to protect your handiwork you are the source of every blessing that Graces our lives and our nation we pray that you help us to truly understand and answer the sacred call of citizenship we are a nation composed of every people and culture United not by ties of blood but by the profound aspirations of life and freedom justice and Unbound hope these aspirations are why our forbears saw America and as a Beacon of Hope and with your steady guidance Lord may we remain so today in every generation we are called to renew these aspirations to reweave the fabric of America we do so when we live out the virtues that dwell in our hearts but also when we confront our failures to root out ongoing in justices in our national life especially those created by moral blindness and fear of the other we pray for peace especially for people suffering the senselessness of War but as we pray we must also act for building up the common good takes work it takes love and so we pray May our nation become more fully a builder of peace in our wounded world with the courage to imagine and pursue a loving future together and may we as individual Americans become more fully the instrument of God's peace guide us Lord in taking up our responsibility to forge this new chapter of our nation's history let it be rooted in the recognition that for us as for every generation Unity triumphing over division is what advances human dignity and Liberty Let It Be propelled by the women and men elected to serve in public life who know that service is the mark of true leadership and let this new chapter of our nation's history be filled with overwhelming hope a hope hope that refuses to narrow our national Vision but rather as Pope Francis has said to dream dreams and see visions of what by your grace our world can become we ask all of this trusting in your ever Provident care for us amen [Applause] please welcome Prairie Band patami Nation Tribal Council Vice chair Zach pami and secretary Lori [Applause] melor here we are together on our ancestral homelands of the Prairie ban patami nation and our sister patami Nation we also honor the spirit of the other tribal Nations who traveled Westward to this beautiful area welcome 2024 Democratic National Convention to our [Music] homelands this land has and always will carry enormous importance to its original stewards our ancestors and our present day communities I am Vice chairman of the Prairie Band poad Nation joined by secretary laoren [Applause] melier and our nation's Tribal Council who are also with us in the audience from time of Memorial our ancestors lived in the Great Lakes region however in 1849 an illegal auction by the US government forcibly removed our tribe from our homeland since then we have have been working to reclaim it finally this year the department of the Interior placed some of our ancestral lands west of Chicago into a [Music] trust thanks thanks to the resolve of the of our tribal community and the Biden Harris Administration we reclaimed a piece of our home we became the only federally recognized tribal nation in Illinois in 175 years together in our homelands let's have a joyful historic convention blessings to you all Mig glitch [Applause] please remain standing for the presentation of Colors by the Illinois State Police Honor Guard deta ATT car c for left left left left left left colors colors turn please welcome William and Charles Harrison from South Carolina to lead us in the Pledge of [Applause] Allegiance I pre to to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all please welcome the Soul Children of Chicago to sing our national anthem [Music] the Twilight lastes andar through the the parts we were so G we stream the rock is [Music] the through the night that our flag was still there [Applause] oh for the land of the free and the home of the [Music] right pleas please welcome Chicago mayor Brandon [Music] Johnson welcome to the greatest city in the world Chicago where idab be Wales and Jane Adams organized to deliver real transformative change across R this country Chicago where Reverend Jesse Jackson United people from all different backgrounds to keep hope alive and to a community organizer on the south side of Chicago Barack Obama Rose to the White House reminding us that yes we can and now Chicago this city of hard work and caring people is where Democrats will celebrate President Joe Biden and nominate kamla Harris for president of the United States of America as the son of a family that worked to make ends meet I know that kamla Harris the daughter of a mom who worked hard every single day she is going to look out for the interest of everyday people I know that as a fellow former social studies teacher that Governor Tim Walls will never shrink from standing up for our democracy and for those most in need and as a black man raising a little black girl on the west side of Chicago I know that my daughter Braden will see not only a reflection of herself in the white house but she will experience the deepest part of American values think about it what will it take to build the middle class and make it easier for families not only to get by but to get ahead it will take someone with toughness to stand up for us and let me tell you America amas got it what will it take to defend our fundamental rights and our freedoms it will take someone with leadership who would fight for us and let me tell you America leadership kamla she's got [Music] it and what will it take to defeat magga Republicans and move our country forward and not backwards it will take everyone and let me tell you all kamla she's got us from Mississippi to Pennsylvania to Delaware kamla Harris she's got us from Michigan to Wisconsin to Nevada to California and right here in Illinois KLA Harris she's got us to the child care workers to the tip workers kamla Harris she's got us and to make sure that this country ensures that families will have access to real affordable housing to create a pathway to the American dream kamla Harris she's got us together we can build a better brighter future and there's no better place to start that than right here in the greatest freaking city in the world the city of Chicago God bless you all thank [Applause] you this is our town we've got steal in our spins iron in our veins and hope and our hearts we've got the flavor the guts the grit and those big shoulders you've heard so much about we a bold City a proud City a Who you calling Second City where 77 neighborhoods are one a city of giant a city with heart a city with Heroes a sweet sweet place to call home we were born ready baptized by fire tireless tenacious tested trust it and like someone else we know when we fight we win we're ready to rise to the challenge to rise to new heights rise rise rise up up and the way we go we're ready to scrape the sky and reach for the stars to stand tall for tomorrow to witness greatness we ain't going back we've got big things to do big shoes to Phill Big Dreams to realize we ain't afraid of nothing No Nonsense no fear oh yeah we're ready so America welcome to Chicago we've got our dancing shoes on we've got our game faces on America we look like you sound like you work like you dream like you we feel you America we see you America hey Make some noise so we can hear you America welcome to Chicago hello my friends my fellow Democrats I started my journey to the stage in 1988 I was 12 years old and my family was watching the Democratic National Convention now to be honest I wanted to watch something else but we all knew when my grandfather sat in his chair the TV was his but folks when Reverend Jackson Jackson came on I paid attention a black man from South Carolina raised by a single mother that was me and as long as I live I will never forget what he said he challenged young people to Hope and to dream so that's exactly what I did I dream big I worked hard and I never lost [Applause] hope when our power was cut off when there was nothing in the fridge when we lost our home to a con man I never lost hope and now my friends I'm standing on the same convention stage that inspired me and I'm the chair of the democratic party the world's oldest political party folks only in America and that's the beautiful thing about this country that I love so much hope and hard work can take you anywhere you can go to college you can start your own business you can even win the Olympics that's the America Democrats believe in and that's the America Democrats are fighting [Music] for so four years ago my friends we were a country divided by fear and we were stuck under a man who preached bigotry and hatred Hope was lost but my friends we found Hope in President Biden and vice president Harris and the 80 million Americans who stood by their side and now we are united we're United in our pursuit of progress because my friends they saw us they fought for us they heard us and under their transformational leadership we have forgiven billions in student loans we have expanded access access to healthcare and we have strengthened the middle class but the Fight Continues and there are still more work to do you know I know that we when we elect kamla Harris and Tim Walls they will build on our accomplishments and they will create a country that works for every American they will invest in our dreams in our futures and hope will light our path forward they will lead us in the fight for americ America and believe me when we fight we win and folks we can never forget who we're fighting for this election this election is about Americans who are watching right now wondering who's going to finally pave that dirt road or make it easier to feed their family or get medical bills under control this election is about those who believe anybody can achieve their dreams if they work hard and trust in the endless possibilities of America this election is about communities who need to see that hope and joy will always overcome fear and Chaos this election is about every little boy inspired by a party chair who looks like him and every little girl who will finally see a president who looks like her my friends we are Paving a path for them we're working toward a brighter future for them and we need each and every one of you to join us and my beloved home state of South [Applause] Carolina our motto is while I breathe I hope folks I believe in the power of Hope but it's going to take more than hope to win this election so in the next 78 days our motto can't be just while I breathe I hope it must be while I breathe I vote because that is how we make hope real for all of America America let's vote for Democrats up and down the ticket let's save our democracy and let's vote for our MVP kamla Harris and our coach Tim Wells thank you all so much for being here and now it is indeed my pleasure to introduce our next speaker who will be co-chair for tonight this is a young woman who is a current lieutenant governor of the great state of Minnesota and when Tim Walls becomes vice president she will become the first Native American governor in this great country folks let's welcome paggy FL again [Music] [Applause] [Music] good evening thank you Jamie as we gather together on this historic night we remember those who came before us who fought and prayed this moment into existence the suffragists and the abolitionists the activists who fought for our rights the leader who P the leaders who paved the way for us all their courage and conviction shaped the course of history their memory reminds us that the fight for Freedom always passes from one generation to the next we owe it to them and to ourselves to carry their legacy forward tonight we pay tribute to those who dare to dream of a country that truly stands for liberty and justice for all next we'll hear from one of those people a lifelong advocate for civil rights maxen Waters [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] wow hello delegates now you know I've seen a lot in my lifetime I was just 22 years old when Fanny Lamer made her presence known at another Democratic Convention it was in 1964 in Atlantic City and she arrived with a group of black delegates from Mississippi and she simply asked she simply asked that her delegates be seated in place of the state's allwhite delegation she told the people in the room about the violence she suffered at the hands of white police because she a black woman had demanded her right to vote when she finished she asked the country a simple but profound question is this America she didn't get the outcome she was hoping for in Atlantic City but you can bet that when the official Mississippi delegation was seated at the convention four years later Fanny Lou hmer was sitting there with them now here we are here we are 60 years later at another Democratic Convention with KLA Harris kamla Harris Harris as our part's nominee oh so I know there is no better leader to Marshal us into the future Kamala has been a courtroom prosecutor a district attorney an attorney general a United States Senator Vice President of the United States and when the dust settles in November and America of all Stripes have elected her their president I know she'll be thinking about Fanny Lou Who I happen to know is one of comma heroes in that moment all of us all of us from New York to Pennsylvania to Arizona to California we can ask ourselves is this America and we will be able to say loudly and proudly you're damn right it is [Music] [Applause] [Music] please welcome president and CEO of the NAACP Derek Johnson and president and CEO of the National Coalition on black civic participation Melanie [Music] Campbell good evening I'm Derek Johnson president and CEO of the NAACP and I'm here to do my black job since the founding of our nation we have been on an unending march to protect this imperfect Union tonight we celebrate the power of the collective of what is possible when we are all in for all people but as we do let us not forget the history that preceded this moment or the history makers who prepared us for it as we just heard in 1964 the Mississippi Freedom Democratic party led by fenu HR and Mississippi NAACP State President Aaron Henry who stood tall and challenged a process that excluded them to ensure that we will all be recognized here tonight in 1973 the historic elections of Atlanta's mayor mayor Jackson Detroit's mayor Comey young and LA's mayay Tom Bradley paved the way for another historic election just 10 years later right here in Chicago with the election of Harold Washington as the first black mayor of the city of Chicago and in 1988 the Reverend Jesse Jackson in his second quest for the White House inspired us all to keep hope alive now this is important because we must all understand black history is American American history and in this historic moment we will write the next chapter together good evening I'm Melanie Campbell president and CEO of the National Coalition on black civic participation and National convenor of the black women's Round Table we have come this far by faith and for black women this moment has been a long time coming vice president KLA Harris's path to becoming the Democratic nominee for president of the United States has been paided by the leadership sacrifice faith and patriotism of generations of black women black women like Dr Dorothy Irene height Diane Nash Ella Baker Amelia Borton Robinson Barbara Jordan Shirley Chism and Reverend Willie Barrow women whose optimism about what America could be and their fight to make that Vision real redefine the leadership role that black women could play in moving our nation forward as president kamla Harris will lead with power Brilliance and strength from the highest office in the [Applause] land brothers and sisters I don't know what this world is coming to we resist those attacks collectively and we will stand together do we believe in Freedom support human rights we believe in that support self-determination we're built on that stronger together is not just a lesson from our history the institutions of this country belong to all of the people who inhabit it Jesse Jackson took to the stage at the Democratic National Convention in Chicago knowing the uphill battle he would face in composing the score of a harmonious Nation Reverend Jackson started out very young he opened the door and he continues to do that even now that all of us have a responsibility for other generations to come behind us Jesse Jackson's candidacy in 1984 helped to pave the way for Barack Obama's presidency in 2008 his 1988 candidacy helped to reshape the Democratic National Committee his candidacy was before its time fueled by Passion and determination and marching to their own beat our civil rights leaders laid the groundwork for lasting change dreaming of a country where equality and justice inspired the Next Generation we need the energy of our young people we need the wisdom of our elders we all can be proud to say that we we are truly a leading democracy and we respect people's ability to exist America is not like a blanket one piece of unbroken cloth the same color the same texture the same size America's more like a quilt many patches many pieces many colors many sizes standing on the shoulders of giants kamla Harris is the candidate who encompasses the Brilliance determination analysis and the action to carry the torch lit by the founders of the movement there's only one choice to represent our Collective voice what kind of country do we want to live in value system of the modern democratic party has been shaped by the civil rights movement of the 1960s there's a direct line from 64 the national Democratic Convention where FY ler asks to be eded in 2024 where a black woman is a democratic nominee it's been a long struggle and a long journey but family is going to be Vindicated and Sher the Chisum is going to be Vindicated in the 24 Democratic Convention I wonder if I could sit in a room with Shirley chis with Rosa Parks with caretta Scott King what would they say about what's happening today the civil rights movement has been a key part of organizing ing the agenda not just of the democratic party but of democracy this is the hope that runs through kamla Harris's leadership one where hope change and freedom are the drum line of our democracy I stand before you today as a candidate for the Democratic nomination for the presidency of the United States of America I stand before you today to proudly announce I am now officially the Democratic nominee the president of the United States we must never surrender America will get better keep hope alive keep hope [Applause] alive please welcome founder and president of the rainbow push Coalition Reverend Jesse Jackson [Music] [Applause] [Music] w [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] w V go vote right away don't hesitate don't question it Go V yeah Democrats our first order of business is adopting an upto-date convention agenda when the convention rules committee met everyone was working on upd plans based on the significant changes that had just occurred when the committee approved an agenda it was a work in progress that members knew would need to be revised accordingly we now have an agenda for the next four days the agenda is included in the standing committee report booklet email to each convention participant in addition to Fantastic speakers and performers tonight's agenda provides for for adopting the up-to-date convention agenda hearing the credentials committee report hearing the rules committee report and considering a resolution as recommended by the Committee hearing the platform committee report and considering our national platform as recommended by the platform committee and holding a confirmatory and ceremonial vote for our Vice Presidential nominee Tuesday in includes a ceremonial roll call for the Presidential nominee Wednesday we'll hear ceremonial nominating speeches for our Vice Presidential nominee and Governor walls will make his acceptance speech and on Thursday my friends we'll hear a ceremonial nominating speech for our Presidential nominee and vice president Harris will make her except speech so now delegates the chair will entertain a motion to approve the upto-date agenda is there a second all in favor of approving the convention agenda please say I all the close say nay the eyes have it are we going to next please welcome credentials committee co-chairs secretary Marsha fudge and James Roosevelt Jr [Applause] [Music] greetings my friends it is an honor to have served as co-chair along my friend Jim Roosevelt pursuant to the call the credentials committee met and adopted a resolution to credential the delegates and alternates to the 2024 National Convention I am pleased to report that there were no credentials issues to be decided by the committee their work allowed us to nominate two champions for democracy and freedom vice president Harris and Governor [Applause] walls our delegate selection process is designed to ensure every voice is heard and every vision is heard and our delegates accurately represent their electorates diversity is our party's strength and I'm so proud to see the wonderful representation of our party and democracy here today I am pleased to share that the credentials committee report was adopted and all delegates have been fully credentialed in memory of Marvin Turner we are going to have a great convention and we are going to win thank you please welcome rules committee co-chair Bishop Leah [Applause] dri hello Democrats it was my honor to serve as co-chair of the convention rules committee alongside my friend Governor Tim Walls Governor walls is a little occupied this evening but it's good to know that serving as co-chair of the rules committee is a lad for promotion the rules committee adopted the procedural rules of the convention on July 24th they are based on longstanding processes governing our convention and ensured that we met all ballot access deadlines the rules established the virtual nominating process for the party's nominees and set the stage for in-person votes at the convention to adopt our platform and resolutions recommended by the rules committee as well as to cast celebr atory votes on our nominees and hear their acceptance speeches under the rules committee Authority the rules committee is recommending for your approval one resolution contained in the committee's report the resolution supports the current practice regarding automatic delegates as well as other reforms to make our party stronger the co-chairs are pleased to move the adoption of this resolution on behalf of the rules committee thank you Bishop doy the rules committee has move the approval of the resolution is there a second we have a second I will now uh call for a Voice vote on approving the resolution as recommended by the rules committee all those in favor of the committee's recomend recommendation to approve the unity resolution say I all opposed say nay I'm pleased to report for the the record that with a majority of delegates having voted in the affirmative the resolution has been approved my thanks to our rules committee co-chairs and members for your efforts to build a transparent and inclusive party thank you madam chair please welcome platform committee co-chair chairs mayor Mitch Landrew and mayor Regina [Applause] Romero hello delegates it is my pleasure to join co-chair Romera to present the national platform as recommended for approval by the committee our platform is grounded and our democratic values of hope of progress and love of our country it makes a strong statement about the historic work that President Biden and vice president Harris have accomplished hand in hand and it presents a bold vision for our future KLA Harris will protect reproductive freedoms Donald Trump will rip them away K Harris will lower cost for Americans expand access to Affordable Health Care protect and strengthen Social Security and Medicare Donald Trump will cut taxes for billionaires and big corporations and he will pay for it by putting health care and Social Security on The Chopping Block KLA Harris is going to defend our democracy Donald Trump is going to undermine it the choice before us is clear and the stakes could not be higher bu mayor Landrew it was a pleasure to serve as your Co co-chair I also want to recognize Louisa Terell and the drafting subcommittee for their work this platform was passed by the platform committee on July 16 prior to the president passing the torch in an act of love and patriotism and it's the product of a comprehensive process to engage with leaders from all corners of Our Winning Coalition hundreds of submissions hours upon hours of hearing and testimonies countless conversations with Community leaders and Grassroots Democrats all were essential to Pro producing a forward-looking vision for our party that Echoes the voices is of all vice president Harris is now carrying the torch and she and Governor walls are committed to delivering results for the American people then you have Donald Trump his extreme agenda is working against everyday Americans he is fighting for Big Oil big barma big Banks but most of all most of all my fellow Democrats he is fighting for himself this November we need to keep Democrats in office and elect kamla Harris and Tim Waltz so we can Implement an agenda that works for everyone [Applause] luchamos ganamos and with that on behalf of the platform committee we are pleased to move the adoption of the 2024 Democratic National platform thank you the co-chairs have moved the approval of the national platform is there a second we have a second I will now call for a voice vter approve the platform as recommended by the platform committee all those in favor of approving the platform please say I all opposed say no co-chairs I am pleased to report for the record that with a majority of the delegates having voted in the affirmative the platform has been adopted once again thank you to our platform committee co-chairs and members as well as a platform drafting committee and his chair Louisa Terell us [Applause] [Music] [Applause] when camla Harris set out to find her vice president just one month ago she was looking for someone who believes in our democracy who works hard for the American people and has an endless supply of Hope for our future she found that in vice president Tim Walls come on give it up for Vice give it up on August 6 the Democratic party officially nominated Governor walls as our vice presidential candidate while Governor walls' nomination has already been certified we couldn't miss the opportunity to celebrate this future vice president's Integrity commitment decency and service to our nation the chair will entertain a motion to ceremonially confirm Governor Wall's selection as the Democratic party's Vice Presidential nominee we have a motion is there a second we have a second we will now have a Voice vote on the motion to ceremonially confirm our Vice Presidential nominee all in favor of the motion please proudly say I all oppos the eyes have it I'm thrilled I'm thrill to proudly reaffirm Tim Walls as a democratic nominee for vice president [Applause] yes yes yes USA pursuant to our convention rules Governor walls has been invited to make an acceptance speech which he will deliver on Wednesday August 21st thank you my friends delegates please welcome to the stage co-chair P Peggy Flanigan to resume chairing our [Applause] convention thank [Applause] you thank you thank you well good evening and and welcome to the first night of the Democratic National Convention I'm Peggy Flanigan lieutenant governor of Minnesota and I am thrilled to be here in Chicago with Democrats from across the country to Rally around kamla Harris and Tim Walls and their vision for America it's been 8 years since we last came together as a party and I can feel the excitement in this Arena it's filled with energy and with joy our theme tonight is for the people we'll hear from union leaders civil rights Advocates and our fellow citizens and we'll hear from our President Joe Biden who has been a champion for the people for his entire life my name my name in the oju language is gii weam or in English speaks with a clear and loud voice woman I'm a member of the white Earth nation and my family is the wolf Clan and the role of our clan is to ensure that we never leave anyone behind that's why I am supporting kamla Harris and Tim Walls to be the next president and vice president president of the United States for almost 6 years I've worked side by side with Governor walls I've seen how hard he's worked to Minnesota for Minnesota to be the best place for kids to grow up he does it all with a big heart a buffalo plaid jacket and a bottomless bag of snacks Nutter Butters cheese curds and Diet Dew every time we meet he brings something for me because he's always got my back and when he's vice president he will always have yours he and kamla Harris have spent their lives fighting for you for your family for your future so whether you're a lifelong Democrat or just tuning in thank you for being part of this evening four years ago the covid pandemic upended Our Lives my brother Ron was the second person to die of covid in the state of Tennessee we couldn't see him we couldn't have a memorial and millions of American families went through the same thing our communities were suffering our economy was struggling and Donald Trump was playing games our country was brought to the brink by his failure to respond but the Biden Harris Administration stepped in with quick and decisive action they contained the virus created millions of jobs and invested in our nation's future under their leadership America began to heal the words about a pandemic at this point no we're not at all we have it totally under control we think we have it very well under control we pretty much shut it down a lot of people think that goes away in April with the heat we're in very good shape because of all we've done the risk to the American people remains very low view this the same as the flu it's going to disappear one day it's like a miracle it will disappear we all together have done a very good job job we think the death will be at a very low number I see the disinfectant is there a way we can do something like that uh by injection inside or or almost a cleaning I'm taking it hydroxy chloroquin qu right now yeah you can test too much you do know that who says that oh just read the manuals read the books manuals read the books I think it's under control I'll tell you what how a thousand Americans are dying today they are dying that's true it is what it is health is on the way and it is long overdue the $1.9 trillion Co relief bill to get stimulus Aid directly to struggling Americans our plan is about what we need to do around a national strategy for contact tracing for testing for administration of the vaccine and making sure that it will be free for all tonight the US is nearing a major milestone in the fight against the Corona virus the US is about to deliver the 200th million covid shot since President Biden took office beating his Target by about a week millions of American students returned to school earlier this month after more than a year of remote learning sports venues are filling up and concerts are getting scheduled I'm feeling great business is definitely ramped up I'm so thankful to be able to serve our customers again after all this it's a blessing please welcome Illinois representative Lauren [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Underwood Co was the worst Public Health crisis in a century Donald Trump failed us but Joe Biden and KLA Harris got it under control Donald Trump Trump said it is what it is Joe Biden and kamla Harris said health is on the way Democrats in Congress tried to lower the cost of Health Care Donald Trump tried to take our health care away we tried to expand Social Security and Medicare Donald Trump tried to cut them year after year after year he took the covid crisis and turned it into a catastrophe we can never let him be our president again as a registered nurse I care deeply about making health care more affordable as someone with a pre-existing condition I am determined to protect the people who are most at risk and as the youngest black woman ever elected to congress I am painfully aware that black women especially pregnant women and new moms were more likely to die from covid I wrote the mbus to protect those women and to address the maternal Health crisis and that bill was introduced and championed by Senator kamla Harris because she protects the people who are most vulnerable she's done it for her whole career as vice president she and President Biden passed my legislation to make healthc care more affordable and now four out of five Americans can get covered through the Affordable Care Act for $10 or less per month and under the Biden Harris Administration the number of uninsured Americans hit an alltime low four years ago it was not safe to hold a convention like this but tonight thousands have gathered in this arena in my home state of Illinois to make sure kamla Harris is the next president of the United States we have come so far these past four years and we're not going back thank you my name is Rich Lois I live in Florida and until two years ago I was a full-fledged member of Maga I believed Trump I was a Maga pundit I had my own podcast I was in a state of panic terrified that Democrats were destroying our country when the pandemic hit we need a leadership but we were given almost nothing it was a major betrayal to the country so I finally stepped outside the Maga Echo chamber I stopped listening to what Trump said and looked around with my own eyes and I realized he had been lying about pretty much everything lying is Trump's toxic superpower he's ripped apart families communities our whole country so this is my message to all the Republicans and independents who are watching people like me voted for and believed in Trump I made a grave mistake but it's never too late to change your mind you don't need to agree age with everything you hear tonight to do what is right we need to be able to trust our leaders that's why I'm all in for KLA Harris please welcome California representative Robert [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Garcia thank you thank you we all we all remember we all remember the world in 2020 where we were and for some of us who we lost now I was in my second term as mayor of Long Beach California and my mom was a health worker like many of you I watched in Terror and horror as the co pandemic consumed Our Lives as mayor I fought for more hospital beds for more tests and to make masks more accessible what we needed at that moment was National leadership but instead we got Donald Trump while schools closed and dead bodies filled morgs Donald Trump downplayed the virus he told us to inject bleach into our bodies he pedal conspiracy theories across the country we lost hundreds of thousands of Americans and our economy collapsed now that summer of 2020 my mom and my stepfather both died of the covid pandemic and I miss them every single day so when Donald Trump and his Maga extremists like margu Taylor green downplay the horror of the pandemic it should make us all Furious [Applause] now I will never forget when col KLA Harris called me after my parents died she told me about her own story about losing her own mother and that she was praying for me at that very moment now we all know that later that Year Joe Biden and comma Harris were elected president and vice president and what a difference they made together they got people vaccinated they got the virus under control they safely reopened our schools and they passed the American Rescue plan a historic a historic economic package that helped small businesses and created jobs all across the country thank you Joe Biden and KLA Harris now I I am a proud immigrant who came to the United States as a young child we grew up poor English was our second language and we often like many immigrant families struggled to get by but my mom she moved here here to the United States because she believed in the American dream I'll never forget the day that I became a United States citizen I raised my right hand and I pledge and oath to protect and to love this country it was the proudest day of my life my mom my mom taught me to love this country she taught me that real American patriotism is not about screaming and yelling America first real American patriotism is loving your country so much that you want to help the people in your country that is American patriotism and we all know that KLA Harris understands and knows this as well KLA Harris is ready to lead this country we can all remember 2020 we can all remember the horrors of Donald Trump but let's remember most importantly tonight and every single day this week that we are not going back thank [Applause] you hey everyone I'm Ryan from kamla HQ and we have a little game we like to play here called two lies and a lie we list out three things Donald Trump has said and then we try to figure out if any one of them is true which they're not let's play first up jobs Trump claims his administration created more jobs than we ever had before he says we had the greatest economy ever and then we got hit with Co and he says he created a manufacturing jobs Miracle let's dig in more jobs than we ever had before Trump lost 3 million jobs in fact he's the first president to lose jobs since Herbert Hoover what about this claim that it was the greatest economy ever and only Co tamed it once again no let's take a look at his track record on jobs before CO as compared to the Biden Harris administrations what do you know hardly the most successful ever and about his supposed manufacturing Miracle Trump talked a big game but actually lost 178,000 manufacturing jobs and just to be clear it wasn't just Co here either manufacturing jobs were already on their way down before the pandemic so that's round one and it looks like what we have here two lies and another lie you get the hang of it I'll see yall in a little [Music] [Applause] bit Donald Trump downplayed covid while Americans were living in fear he lied about creating jobs while our communities were fighting to survive but the Biden Harris Administration stepped up they actually took decisive action to create jobs support small businesses and rebuild a stronger and more resilient economy Kamala Harris is a leader we can trust Even in our most challenging moments especially in those moments Donald Trump diers kamla Harris delivers Donald Trump abandons vulnerable people kamla Harris protects them Donald Trump bullies scientists Kamala Harris believes them our next two speakers will tell us why that's so important please welcome Brian wallik and Sandra abraa [Music] [Applause] in 2008 we met while working on the Obama Biden campaign we found our way there because we believe in the power of organizing then we found each other the day we brought our second daughter home from the hospital Hospital Brian was diagnosed with [Music] ALS I was told I had six months to live that was s years ago we could not change Brian's diagnosis but we knew how to organize so we co-founded a nonprofit called IM and thousands of terminally ill paat patients fought for new therapies $1 billion to fund ALS research and earlier access to treatments all of which President Biden signed into law we will also keep fighting alongside patients living with Parkinson's Young onset dementia and Alzheimer's we've seen just how Relentless activism can beat the odds just like what Brian has been doing for seven years and that is what we need right now to elect commala Harris she is the daughter of a breast cancer researcher she knows the promise of Science and that patients need to be able to get the care they need wherever they live we all want to make life better for the next generation and believe that people like Brian can be the first generation of survivors [Applause] and we can make life better for our caregivers too Brian and I are still driven by hope and by faith in what we can do collectively and that includes the power of our vote this November we are voting for our future because we plan to be around for it [Music] please welcome Illinois Senator Dick [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] Durban I've known Brian and Sandra for years in fact Sandra was my personal press secretary you will not find a more courageous couple let's give Brian and Sandra another round of applause in every election campaign we Democrats talk about jobs now forget for a moment Donald Trump's wild claims he lost millions of jobs jobs in America he promised to bring back manufacturing jobs but he failed he promised to deliver infrastructure but he failed his record was defined by failure to put it another way Donald Trump is like a bad boss you want time off to take care of your sick parents ask Donald Trump denied in Donald Trump's America there is no Paid Family Leave want to have a child but need IVF too bad that's shut down too one a pay raise too bad the boss just gave himself one so there's nothing left for you Donald Trump reminds us of a boss we've all had the guy who thinks he's a very stable genius but is driving the company into the ground now get this Donald Trump did make history let's give him credit he is one of only two presidents in the history of the United States to leave office with fewer Americans working than when he started now he wants a chance to make America unemployed again on the other hand let's take a record look at the record of Joe Biden and kamla Harris they recovered all those millions of jobs that Trump watched slip away they added over 6 million jobs on top of that 16 million jobs in total 16 million today more roads are getting fixed more factories are being built more Americans are working construction and more Auto Workers are making cars than on any month when Trump was president and we know behind every job is a person or Community forever changed data centers in Wisconsin semiconductors in Pennsylvania electric vehicles in Michigan yes hello Michigan these Investments mean strong economy growing public schools and well-funded well staffed First Responders the in these Investments being hope that's what kamla Harris and Tim Walls are fighting for they'll fight for the places that are too often Left Behind fight to change lives and uplift communities fight to bring back American manufacturing my friend Ed Smith a giant of the Illinois labors was he's a great fellow we lost him this year but Ed Smith told us there's joy in this battle when we when we help people buy their first homes send their kids to college and retire with dignity incidentally that happens to be my family's story too my mom and dad worked for the railroad because we were a strong union family we will not just to get by but to get ahead that's the American economy KLA Harris and Tim Walls are fighting for let's join that fight and build it together [Music] now let's hear from some union workers on the ground in Arizona thanks to the Biden Harris Administration investment in America welcome to Phoenix Donald Trump said he'd bring back American manufacturing but Joe Biden and KL Harris actually did it thanks to them plumbers and pipe fitters like us are building the factory semiconductor plants and data centers of the future we are hard at work in Phoenix Mesa Goodyear Chandler and more our neighborhoods schools and local businesses are growing sometimes we have so many projects that we send fabrication out to other states our local union is now up to 4,800 trades members that's up from 2800 in 2020 thanks to Joe and KLA and it's an exciting time for us in the next generation Our apprenticeship program now trains over 1100 people a year every year at local high schools when they announce what graduating seniors are doing next more and more of these kids are joining the trades my son is a senior in high school this year and he plans to join us not just for the great career and the financial security that all us parents want for our kids but it's because he's excited to work on The Cutting Edge of innovation commer Harris will keep investing in American manufacturing with her commitment there's nothing that us American workers can't build please welcome Ohio representative Joyce batty [Music] good evening I'm Joyce batty and I'm proud to represent Ohio in Congress I was born in the Buckeye state and I've never left now JD Vance likes to talk about how he's from Ohio but as soon as he could he ran away to Yale in Silicon Valley cozying up with billionaires while trashing our communities JD has been our senator for 18 months and what has he done for hardworking Americans nothing he's been busy writing the forward to the book from the project 2025 guy while JD and Donald Trump have been sharing conspiracy theories from the darkest corners of our internet KLA Harris and Joe Biden have been busy expanding access to the internet while the other guys have been criticized in women without children Joe and KLA have been expanding the child tax credit and let me just tell you cutting the poverty rate for our children kamla and Joe Biden have been also at the same time reducing the the price of health care for our seniors and yes securing a cap of $35 on insulin and as JD and Trump they want to take us back to the past KLA and Joe have been bringing the jobs of the future to America today with the chips act a 20 80 billion investment and that's not just a big number it means new semiconductor plants and thousands of good paying jobs you see I worked with kamla to pass it and I saw her leadership style up close a rare combination of Brilliance legal expertise and patience you see it's simple JD and Trump like to talk about States like Ohio but KLA and Joe actually get stuff done for us and so does our next vice president and my good friend Governor Tim Walls America are you ready to build on our progress are you ready to turn out for leaders who know that action speaks louder than words are you ready to vote for KLA Harris are you ready to put people over politics once and for all well the air of joy and freedom is up on us and now it is on us to go seiz it thank you God bless [Applause] [Music] you please welcome abs president Lee Saunders SEIU president April Barrett leuna General president Brent Booker IBEW International president Ken Cooper CWA president Claude Cummings and AFL CIO president Liz Schuler [Music] [Applause] yes [Applause] Union Yes Union Yes Union Yes Union [Applause] Yes all right I'm Lee Saunders president of abme a union of 1.4 million public service workers and Health Care Corrections sanitation and more you know four years ago we faced a pandemic and a recession with the president who didn't care one bit what working people were going through enter Joe Biden and kamla Harris within weeks they passed the American Rescue plan pulling the economy back from the brink and putting us back to work they've Guided by they're Guided by a basic principle more freedom for working people including the freedom to join a union so this November this November we're moving forward with CER Harris is our president I am April veret and I am the President of SEIU representing 2 million service and care workers we are all in for kamla Harris because kamla Harris has always been all in for US vice president Harris joined fast food workers on the picket line and she walks a day in the shoes of a home care worker she shares our vision for a modernday labor movement a movement that meets the needs of workers in the 21st century and an economy that is ready for the future it is going to be together that we write new rules to make it easier for all workers to join a union and we y'all we are going to build a younger darker hipper fresher sneaker wearing labor movement a movement that is going to be more inclusive and built for the middle class and we are going to end poverty wage work for once and for all so let's do the work let's elect kamla Harris so that together we will Usher in a new era of worker power and together we will win the future let's go get it I'm Brent Booker and I'm proud to represent Luna the labor International Union of North America we're construction workers public employees and postal mail handlers for decades we fought for more investment and our infrastructure while Trump made empty promises the Biden Harrison Administration delivered now we're rebuilding highways Bridges and tunnels and powering a clean energy and Manufacturing boom thanks to them our members can buy a home put their kids through school retire with dignity as president kamla Harris will keep fighting for workers who are building America [Applause] hello hello I'm Kenny Cooper representing 840,000 ibw members the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers the ibw powers America from fire alarms to solar Farms nuclear plants to battery plants Storm Restoration of power lines and we've been doing it for over 130 years today we're building a new Energy Future while providing great paying jobs and a stable retirement for all Working Families every step of the way Kay Harris has been there for us she's bringing back American manifacturing to forgotten places throughout our country she cast the deciding V vote to save our pension plans she's lifted our apprentices up all over the nation and guess what she's not afraid to use the word Union she has came through for all of us and it's our turn to come through for her thank you [Music] hi I'm Claude Cummings Jr president of CWA the communication workers of America we all saw the digital divide during the pandemic millions of American families didn't have access to highspeed Internet at home too many kids kids were forced to go online class in McDonald's parking lots but as vice president KLA Harris helped pass the largest investment in Broadband ever ever she gave CWA members a seat at the table so we could work to connect every household to the internet while creating good union jobs listen we don't play at CWA and we have fired up are you fired up tonight are you fired up are you fired up we're fired up to work with our next president kamla Harris I'm Liz Schuler president of the AFL CIO representing nearly 13 million American workers this election is about two economic Visions one where families live paycheck to paycheck where people have no right to join a union a CEO's dream but a worker's nightmare or an opportunity economy where we lower the costs of groceries prescriptions and housing where we go after big Pharma corporate landlords and price gougers where there's no such thing as a man's job or a woman's job or like Donald Trump would say a black job just a good union job that's the future our President Joe Biden has fought for and that's the future kamla Harris and Tim Walls will keep fighting for let's build it [Applause] [Music] together please welcome Los Angeles mayor Karen [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] bass hello hello Democrats hello Democrats are you as excited as I [Music] am I've known KLA Harris for almost 20 years our bond was forged Years Ago by a shared commitment to Children a belief that it is everyone's responsibility to care for every child no matter where they come from and no matter who their parents are comma knows that each generation has an obligation to the next that's why when I was speaker of the State Assembly and she was a prosecutor we fought to address youth homelessness and reform the child welfare system we wanted to make sure that California's Foster youth aren't cut off and left on their own the day they turn 18 as attorney general Kamala created our state's Bureau of Children's Justice and worked to give children in the Juvenile Justice System a support they needed and when I asked her to swear me in the first woman vice president swearing in the first woman mayor of Los Angeles we knew we were sending a message to young girls everywhere that they too can Le now I know kamla and she feels the importance of this work in Her Bones when Kamala meets a young person you can feel feel her passion you can feel her heart and you can feel her fearlessness that is what defines a commitment to children being willing to fight fiercely for every child and trust me Kamala has done that her entire life so this November we're going to fight to elect kamla Harris as the next president of these United [Applause] [Music] States please welcome Grammy nominated country music star Mickey gon how y'all [Music] doing the lines on the interstate the dust on the back we're a Friday night football game the L at a rock with the light Shi woke bring High School heart driveing with the windows down with the dance floors Church PE suit TI tatto one big small town ain't we all a we all a we all americ we [Applause] all we are [Music] how yall doing and a hotel me [Music] downon changing everything in [Music] a we all americ a we all we are we got the same St the same just want to live good life a we a we are Amer are you to be americ woo [Music] w at the end of the day we're never mil at the end of the day a we all a we all Amer we a we all we got the same the same just want to live good life [Applause] we we am no matter your race your cre your color for all americ and always live at that wo [Music] o all americ thank you so much [Applause] [Music] [Applause] as we look ahead to our Collective future it's important to reflect on all the incredible progress that we've made in the last four years the Biden Harris Administration laid the groundwork for a stronger more resilient Nation they invested in critical infrastructure delivered relief when disaster struck and made health care more affordable kamla Harris cares and unlike Donald Trump she has a plan not just for the next four or eight years but for generations to come now let's hear from some of my fellow state executiv about how kamla Harris and Tim Walls are investing in the long-term future for our nation I'm Pennsylvania's lieutenant governor Austin Davis I'm I'm the proud son of a union bus driver from Pittsburgh every day my dad would come home and tell me about how our roads and bridges were in disrepair president Trump promised us infrastructure week over and over again he really didn't care though and it never happened but President Biden and vice president Harris are on our side they brought together democ rats and Republicans to get it done we got I95 in Philly fixed in less than two weeks we repaired the Fern Hollow bridge in Pittsburgh in record time right now we're repairing roads and bridges across Pennsylvania including in Pittsburgh the city of bridges and vice president Harris is looking forward she's committed to keeping our infrastructure safe and modern when I think about the future I think about my daughter Harper and all of America's children investing in them means investing in our infrastructure it means replacing millions of lead pipes it means providing clean air clean water safe roads and bridges not just for us but for generations to come that's the Legacy that President Biden is leaving our children let's keep Building Bridges to the future with kamla Harris and Tim Walls let's [Applause] work in Wisconsin we also need leaders by our side [Music] I'm Wisconsin's lieutenant governor Sarah Rodriguez but long before I took office I was a registered nurse I served at the Peace Corps at the height of HIV AIDS and in Baltimore emergency rooms at the height of the heroin and gun violence epidemics during the covid pandemic Trump and Wisconsin Republicans failed to protect our health that's why I ran for office and flipped a red District blue because once a nurse always a nurse now Trump is promising to terminate the Affordable Care Act meddling in personal decisions between a woman and her doctor and threatening to slash Medicare vice president Harris fights for our health she'll defend women's reproductive freedom and protect Medicare and Medicaid thanks to the Biden Harris Administration insulin is capped at $35 a month for seniors and they negotiated down the prices of 10 more life-saving drugs like eloquest and jardians for Americans on Medicare Kamala will continue to take on big Pharma and lower the cost of prescriptions for everyone of course Healthcare isn't just about drugs and treatment it's about Freedom the freedom to make your own choices and the freedom to get the care you need without worrying about the cost kamla Harris is fighting for that Healthy Future let me tell tell y'all about Texas [Applause] Leadership I'm County Executive Lena Hidalgo and I serve the 5 million residents of Harris County Harris County includes Houston Texas governor an Richards said I've been tested by fire and the fire lost in the years I've been in office we've dealt with chemical fires we've dealt with 10 floods seven hurricanes a deadly winter freeze and of course the pandemic when that last disaster struck Donald Trump abandoned us he spread misinformation that cost lives compare that to 2021 when the Texas power grid went dark kamla Harris didn't just put out a tweet she called me to make sure we had what we needed over the years I've learned that kamla Harris always calls and not only does she call she delivers the very week she launched her campaign she was down in Texas with vital FEMA assistance right after Hurricane Barrel kamla Harris cares she will never risk lives for the sake of politics and she's leading the charge to protect our communities from extreme weather the Biden Harris Administration have announced at least a billion dollars to help us with just that and Houston is thriving we deserve leaders who acknowledge the threats heck the existence of climate change we deserve tough leaders who have our backs we deserve compassionate leaders ready to help that's kamla Harris and Tim wals I can personally attest that kamla is a leader who has our back I'm California's lieutenant governor elenni kunelis but I hold another title just as dear to me KLA Harris's friend I met her when we were both young women trying to navigate the hall of power I worked in housing she had just been elected district attorney we get frequent lunches together and she was funny and fun she was also a great mentor once I told her about a professional experience of being minimized because I was a woman she put her fork down and said elen never let anybody make you feel small I saw her put that Creed into action when Wall Street foreclosed on millions of homes Washington wisdom was that $4 billion was the best you could do other Attorneys General agreed but because kamla Harris grew up in middle class home she knew that wasn't enough for all the Working Families who got screwed over so she put her foot down and refused to settle for less kamla Harris won2 billion dollar from the big banks for California homeowners and that's because she cares she cares so so much that if you're lucky enough to be her friend she calls you on her birthday and sometimes she sings to you she called me on mine right when I had decided to run for lieutenant governor she asked tough questions I promised I'd follow her lead and invest in the future together we shattered that glass ceiling California and got and got to work I am so glad the country is getting to see the comma that I've known for decades for Californians and pennsylvanians for Texans and wisconsinites for states red and blue and everything in between President Biden and vice president Harris have been investing in our future and are on our side and we are not going back do you know about project 2025 the far rights Playbook it is Trump's vision for America's future I'm not going to be nice it will ban abortion Nationwide I got rid of roie raise taxes on middle class families gut Medicaid that's money that finds a lot of medical treatment strip rights from LG ptq plus people wait a minute I'm not finished cut overtime pay it is going to affect workers bottom lines give him unchecked power and I will wield that power very aggressively and it begins his first day back in office in an explosive undercover video a co-author of project 2025 saying that Donald Trump quote blessed the work he's doing now he's been at our organization he's raised money for our organization he's blessed it so he's very supportive of what we do he doesn't want freedom he only wants control I know Donald Trump's typ these are the stinks project 2025 wants to take our country backwards this is our fight we are not going back please welcome Michigan state senator mallerie [Applause] [Music] McMorrow hello I'm Michigan state senator mallerie mcmarro and this this is Project [Music] [Applause] 2025 now over the next four nights you are going to hear a lot about what is in this 900 page document why because this is the Republican blueprint for a second Trump term that's right they went ahead and wrote down all the extreme things that Donald Trump wants to do in the next four years and then they just tweeted it out putting it out on the internet for everybody to read so we read it and whatever you think it might be it is so much worse tonight I want to tell you about just one aspect of project 2025 it's planned to turn Donald Trump into a dictator okay right here on page 535 it says quote reissue Trump's schedule F executive order to permit discharge of non-performing employees now that doesn't sound that scary right but here's what it actually means in plain English if Donald Trump gets back into the White House he's going to fire civil servants like Intelligence Officers engineers and even Federal prosecutors if he decides that they don't serve his Personal Agenda they're talking about replacing the entire federal government with an army of loyalists who answer only to Donald Trump I know all right then okay page 873 it says quote conservatives have long believed in either ending law enforcement activities of independent agencies or ending their independent status again that sounds pretty boring but what it means is that under project 2025 Donald Trump would be able to weaponize the Department of Justice to go after his political opponents he could even turn the FBI into his own personal police force that is not how it works in America that that's how it works in dictatorships and that's exactly what Donald Trump and his Mega minions have in mind an expansion of presidential powers like no president has ever had or should ever have now by the way if you're asking if any of this is even legal well remember thanks to Donald Trump's handpicked Supreme Court he's now completely immune from prosecution even if he breaks the law but that's not who we are because we believe in a government of the People by the people and for the people not the government of Donald Trump by Donald Trump and for Donald Trump we believe in the separation of powers and the rule of law we believe in a system built up to serve everyone not breaking a system to serve one Petty selfish man the truth is there's only one way to stop him and to stop project 2025 how do we do it we elect kamla Harris this November we'll be back tomorrow night to tell you what project 2025 means for your pocketbook please welcome California Senator lefon [Applause] Butler hello Democrats California delegates Make some noise it's great to see so many familiar faces and I I can't forget the state that I was born and raised in Mississippi Democrats let everybody hear [Applause] you Democrats before I joined the Senate I was a leader in the labor movement so I know a champion for the people when I see one I met kamla Harris when she was district attorney and I was president of a large care workers union we hit it off right away what really impressed me was how well she got to know my family my wife Nikki but especially our daughter Nyla and as soon as Nyla heard that Miss kamla was running for president she asked if she could be vice president so no disrespect to Governor wals but Nyla put her name in first vice president Harris and I share a lot in common we both graduated from historically black colleges me from Jackson State University the vice president from Howard University we were both raised by mothers who work fiercely to provide for us and we both believe that every single one of us has the power to change the world when we choose to do it together you see kamla Harris has always understood the assignment no matter if she were the underdog no matter the bullying or the name calling she never doubted that our best was still ahead she knew a better future a better future was possible possible if we stood side by side with our neighbors and we fought for it no matter what language they spoke no matter what country they came from no matter the size of their bank account and that's what she did as a prosecutor together with law enforcement she prioritized holding criminals accountable and protecting Public Safety as State Attorney General together with students she put a scam College out of business after the morgage crisis together with families who lost their homes she took on the biggest banks in the world and w w a settlement five times what was initially offered every time she walked into a courtroom she would simply say kamla Harris for the people for her it wasn't just a professional oath it was a battlecry and let's be clear to her opponents this way of seeing the world the the idea of fighting for someone other than yourself is Unthinkable but let me tell you Democrats what's really unthinkable conning young people who simply want a good Ed a good education is Unthinkable stiffing hardworking laborers like Donald Trump did in Atlantic City is Unthinkable bragging about having ripped away a woman's freedom to choose what she does with her own body is Unthinkable and Democrats Americans we deserve better we deserve we we deserve a president who is tough not just tough talking one who shatters the boundaries of what's possible not the boundaries of what's legal and one who wipes the floor with cheats and frauders because well Democrats she knows the type Democrats that president the president that we deserve that president is my friend KLA Harris thank you all so [Applause] [Music] [Music] much hi everyone I'm Deja Fox and I'm so excited to be here today from Arizona that's right that's where I was born and raised by a single mom I was a free lunch kid raised in public housing and I got my health care at Planned [Applause] [Music] Parenthood because of policies that lift people up I walked through the gates of my dream school as a first generation college student people of my age are making big decisions about our lives and we deserve a president who has our back not some power hungry millionaire reality TV personality who only cares about himself we need kamla Harris she'll deliver a future where we can decide if and when to start a family a future where we can afford rent in groceries of future where we're not crushed under student data future where any free lunch kid can walk through the gates of their dream college for young people this is a fight for our future we have a responsibility to do this and we have a responsibility to do it right and that's why we're going to show up for KLA Harris and Tim Wolf W and here now with a musical performance is Jason Isbell thank [Applause] you I get home from work I'll call up all my friends and we'll go bust up something beautiful we'll have to build again when I get home from work I'll wrestle off my clothes leave I'm right inside the front door nobody's home know you see that hammer finds the nail and the I guess I'm doing what I'm on Ser to do I don't think oh here where it hurts just lucky to have the work [Music] and Sunday morning I'm too tired to go to church but I thank God to the world I thank God to the [Music] [Applause] world when I get my reward my work will all be done and I will sit back to my chair the father and the son we no more hes to feel and no more rocks to break morees on the TRU someone else is safe you see the hammer finds the nail and the poor man up I guess I'm what I'm to do I don't why I'm here where it hurts I'm just lucky to have the work and every night I dream I'm drowning in the dirt but I thank God for the [Applause] world and the day will come I'll find reason somebody proud to love a man like me my back is my hands freezing what I'm than I don't while here where it hurts I'm just lucky to have the [Music] Sunday morning I'm tired to go to church but I thank God to the world I thank God to the world [Music] thank you shout out to my Alabama delegation over there I love [Applause] yall kamla Harris worked hard to achieve her goals raised by a working mother I had a summer job at McDonald's Donald Trump worked hard to spend his daddy's Fortune she believes in working hard for the American people when the middle class is strong America is strong Donald Trump believes in working hard for his billionaire friends I don't care about you I just want your vote I don't care please welcome former Rhode Island Governor Gina [Applause] [Music] Rondo good evening hello Democrats hello Chicago it's a great honor for me to be here this evening you know long before I was the governor of Rhode Island I was a little girl growing up there in a middle class family my dad found his American dream in a watch Factory in Providence and that job that job gave him a way to provide for our family a community for him to belong to and so much pride but like so many Americans in the 80s after 25 years of his hard work his job and the job of all of his friends was shipped overseas you know years later my dad said to me Gina this happened because our leaders let us down and my father was right the Republicans in power who pushed failed economic strategy let's just cut taxes for the wealthy and leave everybody else behind well not only did my father lose his job but frankly manufacturing left my state manufacturing withered in Rhode Island and all across this nation in communities all across America factories shuttered communities got hollowed out and people were left without their job without hope without the dignity that comes with a decent job and you know Republican Economic Policy failed Rhode Island how do I know that because when I took office first Democrat elected governor in a couple of decades I inherited one of the worst economies in the country it was a mess but we got to work and we turned it around we turned it around with a pro business pro worker agenda kamla Harris has that same agenda she knows we need an economy where the costs are low and opportunities abound an an economy where people can show up to their jobs with dignity and pride she has a new economic vision for America you know how she knows that she knows it because just like me kamla Harris grew up in a middle class home her mom worked to cure breast cancer by day and feed her family at night and as an adult kamla worked to lock up sex offenders and violent criminals by day and she took care of her sick mother at night KLA Harris gets it she gets that so so many Americans work so hard every day and they're barely getting by and that is not right it is a fundamental economic principle hard work ought to pay off we believe in that and that's why the vice president is committed to building the opportunity economy an economy that rewards ambition an economy that rewards hard hard work she believes in an America where everyone regardless of who you are what you have where you started you got a chance to get ahead in this country kamla Harris will give more than 100 middle class Americans a tax cut she'll build 3 million new new homes for the middle class and she's going to forge an economy with Fair competition free from monopolies monopolies that Crush workers and small businesses and startups kamla Harris will make building up the middle class A defining goal of her presidency [Applause] meanwhile meanwhile Donald Trump he's going to double down on his worst economic ideas the same ideas that my dad's job overseas ideas that don't work we know they don't work because they never have he wants a another huge tax cut for the wealthy he wants to put his corrupt buddies in charge of the economy and he wants a sales tax that's going to supercharge inflation we cannot afford Donald Trump's failed economic ideas but here's the thing the most important thing KLA Harris works for the people KLA Harris works for you and Donald Trump is in it for himself as our president KLA Harris will build an economy where everyone and she means everyone can find and live their American dream so let's put her in the Oval Office thank you I am a lifelong Republican a former Trump voter and I will not be voting for Trump in 2024 my name is Norma I'm from Carson Washington and I am a two-time trump voter I will not be voting for Trump this time around I'm actually embarrassed to say that I did vote for Trump in 2016 Donald Trump has nothing but contempt for the American people and ironically for those who claim to be his b he's only interested in betting fitting himself personally everything he said he would do he did not do I do not trust that he can do the right thing anymore we've seen what Donald Trump really is and it disgusts me to my court I don't think the man can be trusted he talks out of both sides of his mouth he's a very dishonest person I hate the way he uh disrespects women voting against Trump and for C Harris is the right thing to do please welcome New York Governor Kathy [Applause] hokel hello Democrats are you ready to elect kamla Harris the first pres president of the United States yes you are yes yes you are friends like so many of us my grandparents came from Ireland as teenagers with nothing but hope in their hearts and fire in their bellies they built their lives in the promised land of Buffalo New York a union card meant good work at the steel plant the steel plant that lifted my parents from living in a trailer to the middle class like other families in my blue collar Community they believed that with hard work they could build a better future not just for themselves but for those with less hope and less opportunity I'm proud of my roots and the value as I learned grit determination compassion kamla Harris and Tim Walls grew up with those same values and those values have always Define the people of my state well most of us anyway Donald Trump was born a New Yorker but ended up a fraud a philanderer and a felon he wasn't raised with the New York values that I know he never had to worry about child care costs or groceries or rent he never had to worry about anything or anyone but himself trust me America if you think you're tired of Donald Trump talk to a New Yorker we've had to deal with them for 78 long years the fraud the tax dodging the Sham University the Shady Charities we've seen him stiff contractors rip off workers he abused uses women brags about it and then takes away their rights and New Yorkers are sick of it it's no wonder he had a fleet of maral Lago sorry about that Florida sorry about that Trump hasn't spent much time in New York lately except that is to get convicted of 34 felonies and that's just fine with us because New York's motto is exceler ever upward and Trump takes us ever downward because here's what Trump never understood America isn't a luxury good to be bought and sold by the privileged and Powerful few America we just can't afford another four years of that we have kids to feed roads to build jobs to create real problems to solve and we need leaders who can get it done Trump talked big about bringing back manufacturing jobs but you know who actually did it President Biden and vice president kamla Harris thank you Joe thank you kamla and look no further than the city of Syracuse where a company called Micron is Building a$ 100 billion microchip Factory with union labor it's it's the largest private investment in American history and it's going to create 50,000 good paying jobs the Biden Harris Administration has made the most significant investments in our economy in generations and as president kamla Harris will continue to build an opportunity economy for all my friends history's watching us together we must protect abortion rights together we must protect the middle class together we must protect the American dream and together we must elect kamla Harris president of the United States thank youy to R rain on the Thunder tell a storm I'm new I'm a on the regular painting white what kind of America do we want one we were divided angry depressed come on we were Americans fascism we conquered it the moon landed on it the future building it Freedom nobody loves it more and we fight for [Applause] [Music] it freedom from control freedom from extremism and fear extremist wanted take us back but we are not going [Applause] back we go forward that's American and we need a leader who is for the people ours is a fight for the future kamla Harris protecting people from predators and big drug cartels holding Wall Street Banks accountable a crime perpet traded against our middle class standing up to dictators and fighting for all of us I say we fight that's our choice a prosecutor or a felon are you ready to make your voices [Applause] heard are I needed I break CH myself let my in do we believe in the promise of America and are we ready to fight for it I'm keep running [Applause] qu and when we fight we win [Music] [Applause] my in good evening everyone good evening good evening it is so good to be with everyone one this evening in this Hall and everyone at home this is going to be a great week and I want to kick us off by celebrating our incredible President Joe [Music] Biden who will be speaking later tonight Joe thank you for your historic leadership for your lifetime of service to our nation and for all you will continue to do we are forever grateful to you thank you Joe and looking out looking out at everyone tonight I see the beauty of our great nation people from every corner of our country and every Walk of Life are here United by our shared vision for the future of our country and this November we will come together and declare with one voice as one people we are moving forward with optimism Hope and Faith so Guided by our love of country know knowing we all have so much more in common than what separates us let us fight for the ideals we hold dear and let us always remember when we fight we win God bless you God bless the United States of America good night everyone [Applause] [Applause] please welcome actor and director Tony Goldwin hello Chicago and hello to everyone tuning in from all across America welcome to the first night of the Democratic National Convention now how is that for an opening act I'm just saying now as our vice president just said over the next four days we we will be bringing folks together from all around the country people from every Walk of Life to talk about this nation we love and about a candidate who has devoted her life to Public Service who never shies away from her righteous fight and who always stands up for the people we are going to talk about the choice America faces in this election it's a choice not just between two very different cand candidates but between two very different Futures we will hear from everyday Americans about what is truly at stake in this campaign the future of our middle class the future of Reproductive Rights the future of our climate our security our schools the future of our freedom the future of our very democracy we will see the vision of our nominee it is a vision of stability security and opportunity for everyday Americans where we continue to grow this economy by growing the middle class and where the safety of our children our families and our communities are a fundamental civil right it is a future where instead of scoffing at allies and fawning over dictators our president stand hands up for our friends faces down our adversaries and American democracy remains a Beacon of Hope and inspires the world to take on our biggest challenges together we'll learn the story of a leader who has dedicated her life to making doing the work of making good on the promise of America a leader who understands the middle class because she grew up in the middle class a leader who has taken on powerful interests at every step of her career and fought for the rights and freedoms of all of us and then of course we will hear again from the Democratic nominee herself the next president of the United States of America kamla Harris because she has a message for us it is a message that's joyful not mean spirited a message of Public Service not self-service a message of optimism and opportunity not chaos and division a message that has woken us up to who we are to who we've always been because Americans are not a cynical people we are not small-minded and whether we realize it right now or not we are currently already writing a new chapter of the American story and we can dream as big as we want so I just want to ask you are you excited yeah well good are you ready okay well then I challenge you to make this the moment you get off the sidelines and into the game so I want you to text join to 30330 and get involved because when we fight what happens wi we win and we are going to win this thing together and while we're doing it we are going to have a whole lot of fun so let's get [Applause] [Applause] started please welcome nine time NBA champion and coach of the 2024 Olympic gold-winning men's basketball team Steve Kerr thank you thank you so much thank you it is so fun to be back here in the United Center and as you guys know a lot of good stuff has happened in this building especially in the 9s you young people Google Michael Jordan and you can read all about it okay so there was an amazing vibe in this building back in those days and I feel that same winning Spirit here tonight so the last time I was in a pack basketball arena was in Paris France N9 days ago some of the best players on Earth 12 incredible American men came together to win Olympic gold and the next night I was back in that same building watching 12 more of the best players on Earth our incredible American women do the same thing and I cannot think of a better metaphor for what this country is all about than the way Team USA came together at the Olympics we had players from across our wonderful country players who have trained and fought relentlessly shed tears trying to beat one another throughout their careers joining forces to wear the red white and blue and when we won the American flag raised to the rafters the national anthem playing gold medals draped around around the necks of our players whose hands were held over their hearts it was the proudest moment of my [Applause] life thank you now I I could never have imagined that a few days later I would receive an invitation to step into a different kind of Arena and so here I am I know I know very well that speaking out about politics these days comes with risks I can see the shut up and whistle tweets being fired off as we speak but I also knew as soon as I was asked that it was too important as an American citizen not to speak up in an election of this magnitude the reason I said yes to speaking here tonight is that as a coach and former player as a husband a son a father even a grandfather and as an American I believe in a certain kind of leadership I believe that leaders must display dignity I believe that leaders must tell the truth I believe that leaders should be able to laugh at themselves I believe leaders must care for and love the people they are leading I believe leaders must possess knowledge and expertise but with the full awareness that none of us has all the answers and in fact some of the best answers often come from members of the team and if you look for those qualities in your friends or your boss or an employee or your child's teacher or your mayor and shouldn't you want those same qualities in your president and when you think about it that way this is no contest with KLA Harris and Tim Walls I see all those qualities they have devoted their lives to serving other people whether vice president Harris was defending her community in the courtroom or Governor walls was inspiring the Next Generation in the classroom or on the field for that matter by the way coach to coach that guy's awesome although I have to say coach Wall's way too much Reliance on the blitz in 99 against Mano East you had a strong defensive line I would have played more press coverage with your corners and then dropped the safeties into a Tampa two that's just me sorry I wanted you to know how I feel every day of the NBA season all right but listen The Joy The Compassion the commitment to our country that we saw at the Olympics that is what KLA Harris and Tim Walls have and it is what our country needs leadership real leadership not the kind that seeks to divide us but the kind that recognizes and celebrates our common purpose think about what our team achieved with 12 Americans in Paris putting aside rivalries to represent our country now imagine what we could do with all 330 million of us playing on the same team not as not as Democrats not as Republicans not as Libertarians but as Americans who know the greatness of this nation doesn't come from any one of us but from each of us doing our part to build a more perfect union that vision is what this campaign is all about it's why I'm here tonight and it's why I'll be getting out every day to help people get out and vote on November 5th and elect KLA Harris and Tim Walls as the next president and vice president of the United States and and after the results are tallied that night we can in the words of the great Steph Curry we can tell Donald Trump night night thank you Let Me Tell You Folks in Ohio and in this area don't sell your house do not sell it we're going to get those jobs coming back and we're going to fill up those factories what's going to happen but Trump lied and abandoned Lord's toown this is about a community it's going to be a big change to go somewhere else the GM Factory in Lordstown did close putting thousands of people out of work because Donald Trump doesn't care about our communities all those jobs went away and he did nothing he did not do one thing for those workers there he didn't come and make promises he came and made false promises kind of lost hope in everything I don't really want to leave but then something changed instead of lies and broken promises Joe Biden and KLA Harris got to work and brought us manufacturing jobs back including to Lordstown kamla will continue to have workers backs and get the job done American workers deserve a fighter and that's exactly what kamla Harris is do we believe in Opportunity are we ready to fight for [Applause] it please welcome United Auto Workers president sha Fain all right all right yeah thank you good evening America and good evening to the people that make this world move the working class on behalf of 1 million active and retired members of the UAW I am honored to support KLA Harris and Tim Walls to be our next president and vice president and I want to say thank you to Joe Biden for making history by walking the picket line with the UAW for the UAW and for workingclass people everywhere this elexon comes down to one question which side are you on on one side we have KLA Harris and Tim Walls who have stood shoulder toos shoulder with the working class on the other side we have Trump and Vance two lap dogs for the billionaire class who only serve the themselveses so for us in the labor movement it's real simple comma Harris is one of us she's a fighter for the working class and Donald Trump is a scar [Applause] that's [Applause] not that's not just my opinion that's a fact all we have to do is look at the track record When Donald Trump was President Corporate America ran wild Donald Trump did not bring back the Auto industry When Donald Trump was President Auto plants closed Trump did nothing Trump told workers in Lordstown Ohio that he would be bringing all the auto jobs back and Trump did nothing in 2019 general motor workers went on strike for 40 days for good jobs and a better life and Trump did nothing talk is cheap but in 2019 you know who was on the picket line standing and shoulder Tosh shoulder with Auto Workers I'll give you a clue her initials are kamla Harris in 2023 who helped bring jobs back to lown Ohio kamla Harris and in 2024 who will stand with the working class in our fight for justice KLA [Applause] Harris and that's the difference Donald Trump is all talk and KLA Harris walks the wall in the words of the Great American poet Nelly it's getting hot in here it's hot in here it's hot in here because you're fired up and you're fed up and the American working class has fired up and fed up the American working class is in a fight for our lives and if you don't believe me just last night blue collar workers UAW members at Cornell University had to walk out on strike for a better life because our fighting corporate greed and our only hope is to attack corporate greed head on corporate greed turns bluecollar blood swe tears into Wall Street Stock BuyBacks and CEO jackpots it causes inflation it hurts workers it hurts consumers and it hurts America and corporate greed is Alive and Well in the Auto industry you know last fall we achieved lifechanging gains in our strike at the big three we even want a commitment to reopen a closed plant not too far from here we were able to do that thanks to the support of kamla Harris and Joe Biden and the thousands of Auto Workers that went on strike but a year later one company wants to go back on their commitments in our contract and let me be clear Stanis must keep the promises they made to America in our Union contract and the UAW will take whatever action necessary at Stanis or any other Corporation to stand up and hold Corporate America accountable and when the UAW stands up we know who stands with us and who stands against us Donald Trump laughs about firing workers who go on [Music] strike and K stand shoulder toosh shoulder with workers when they're on strike and that's the difference between kamla Harris and Donald Trump the scab Trump is pushing divide and conquer tactics of the rich it's the oldest trick in the book they want to blame the frustrations of workingclass people they want to take those frustrations they want want to blame it on Race they want to blame it on lgbtq plus people they want to blame it on some destitute and desperate person at the border they do that because they want workingclass people to be divided and to focus and keep the focus off the one true enemy corporate greed the rich think we're stupid but workingclass Americans see this for what it is this is our generation's defining moment so I have a question for you are you ready to stand up speak up and show up and put KLA Harrison T walls in the white house we we need a defender of the working class in the White House someone who is is one of us and someone who knows how to fight and that fighter is the next president of the United States kamla Harris thank you please welcome New York representative Alexandria o Casio Cortez thank you Chicago thank you Chicago for your energy thank you kamla Harris and Tim Walls for your vision thank you thank you thank you thank you Chicago for your energy thank you kamla Harris and Tim Walls for your vision and thank you Joe Biden for your leadership you know six years ago I was taking omelet orders as a waitress in New York City I didn't have health insurance my family was fighting off foreclosure and we were struggling with bills after my dad passed away unexpectedly from cancer like millions of Americans we we were just looking for an honest shake and we were tired of a cynical politics that seemed blind to the realities of working people it was then only through the Miracles of democracy and community that the good people of the Bronx and queens chose someone like me to elect them in Congress and America in my heart I know from that same cloth of Hope and aspiration we will also elect kamla Harris and Tim Walls as presidents and vice president of the United States of America I am here tonight because America has before us a rare and precious opport unity in kamla Harris we have a chance to elect a president who is for the middle class because she is from the middle class she understands the urgency of rent checks and groceries and prescriptions she is as committed to our reproductive and civil rights as she is to taking on corporate greed and she is working tirelessly to secure a ceasefire in Gaza and bringing hostages home in kala Harris I see a leader who understands I see a leader with a real commitment to a better future for working families and Chicago we have to help her win because we know that Donald Trump would sell this country for a dollar if it meant lining his own pockets and greasing the palms of his Wall Street friends and I for one am tired about of hearing about how a two bit Union Buster thinks of himself as more of a patriot than the woman who fights every single day to lift working people out from under the boots of greed trampling on our way of life the truth is Don you cannot love this country if you only fight for the wealthy and big business to love this country is to fight for its people all people working people every everyday Americans like bartenders and Factory workers and fast food cashiers who punch a clock and are on their feet all day in some of the toughest jobs out there you know ever since I got elected Republicans have attacked me by saying that I should go back to bartending but let me tell you I'm happy to any day of the week because there is nothing wrong with working for a living imagine imagine having leaders in the White House who understand that leaders like kamla and Tim but Chicago just because the choice is clear to us does not mean that the path will be easy over the next 78 days we will have to pour every ounce every minute every moment into making history on November 5th but we cannot send kamla and Tim to the White House alone together we must also elect strong Democratic majorities in the house and in the Senate so that we can deliver on an ambitious agenda for the people because if you are a working parent trying to afford rent and child care kamla is for you if you are a senior who had to go back to work because your retirement didn't stretch far enough Kamala is for you if you're an immigrant family just starting your American story Kamala is for you America when we knock on our neighbor door organize our communities and elect kamla Harris to the presidency on November 5th we will send a loud message that the people of this nation will not go back we choose A New Path and open the door to a new day one that is for the people and by the people thank you thank you very much God bless God bless you all wow how about that AOC good Lord so kamla Harris's Story begins in a middle class neighborhood in in the East Bay yeah in a modest Department above a nursery school in a close-knit community where people looked out for one another with a mother who instilled in kamla Harris the core principles that have defined her life in public service these are the experiences that made her the leader she is today the neighborhood we grew up in was a very hardworking middle class tightnit Community families going to church on Sunday kids playing in the front yard mommy got us these bright blue mashing bikes with banana seats and we were surrounded by caring adults this neighborhood on banro way we've spent so much time here behind me is where it all began her mom mom shamala rented the apartment that was above the Shelton's Nursery so in the beginning Mrs Shelton used to babysit the girls sham was a single mom life was not easy for them but she loved her daughters fiercely kamla herself says that her mom told her that she may be the first to do many things but to make sure that she's not the last she's always been that kind of person a true leader and very protective of her friends and her family when KLA was all of 4 years old her best friend in kindergarten Stacy Johnson got into something with another kid on the playground this one particular day we had made some clay art and this one boy in our class had taken mine for whatever reason and threw it on the ground and it shattered so kamla being very protective just jumped in front of me and stood up to him to me that shows the kind of person that she has always been to stand up to the bully and to stand up for the underdog and to stand up for what is Right kamla carries the lessons of our mother the fighting Spirit of our mother the compassion and I have seen it over and over again in our growing up when we were in high school my sister's friend Wanda was being molested by a family member and kamla just jumped in she wanted her to come and stay with us and mommy said of course that is kamla she can't help herself from standing up for people and standing up for what she thinks is right she has been that way our whole lives being a protector is what led her to become a prosecutor Looking Back Now I could say it was her [Music] calling please welcome Stacy Johnson batist and Doris Johnson [Music] good evening I'm Stacy Johnson batist and this is my mom Doris Johnson we we are so excited and honored to be here with you kamla and I have known each other for a long time we met at Burkwood headge school we hit it off immediately and became each other's very first first best friends our moms also became fast friends and on weekends we would pile into my 1966 Mustang and uh kamla's mom shamala would sit in the front with me and kamla and Maya and Stacy would sit in the back and off we would go to a a movie or some Adventure my mom still has that Mustang I do comma and I both get our grit from our mothers kamla has always been a protector one day at school we made clay art Pro um projects during story time when they were outside on tables uh to dry for whatever reason a boy in our class took took mine threw it on the ground and it shattered kamla jumped in between him and me and said something that made him so mad he picked up a rock or something and hit her on the head blood came streaming down the school called shamala to uh to come take her to the hospital the stitches she got left a scar over one of her eyes she still has it that's the kind of person Kamala has always been from the very beginning someone who doesn't hesitate to stand up for what's right to take up for the underdog and to stand up to bullies I have seen it time and again whether the bully is an individual a gang or a corporation she fights for all of us before we go I know my mom has one more thing to say comma your mom would be so proud of [Applause] you please welcome former secretary of State Hillary Clinton thank you just to see you thank you so much thank you thank you thank you all so much thank you thank you my fellow Democrats thank you my fellow Americans thank you so much you know thank you all thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you so much wow there's a lot of energy in this room just like there is across the country something something is happening in America you can feel it something we've worked for and dreamed of for a long time first though let's salute President Biden he he has been democracy's champion at home and abroad he brought dignity decency and confidence back to the White [Music] House and he showed what it means to be a true patriot thank you Joe Biden for your lifetime of service and Leadership [Applause] and now and now we are writing a new chapter in America's story you know my mother Dorothy was born right here in Chicago before women had the right to vote that changed 14 4 years ago yesterday think about it Tennessee became the final state to ratify the 19th Amendment to the Constitution the state legislature was deadlocked until one lawmaker's mother a widow who read three three newspapers a day sent a letter a letter to her son no more delays she wrote give us the vote and since that day every generation has carried the torch forward in 1972 a Fearless black congresswoman named shley Chisum she ran for president and her determination let me and millions of others dream bigger not just because of who she was but because of who she fought for working parents poor children the last the least and the Lost in 1984 I brought my daughter to see Geraldine Ferraro the first woman nominated for vice president if we can do this Jerry said we can do anything and then there was 2016 when it was the honor of my life to accept our party's nomination for president and and nearly 66 million Americans voted for a future where there are no ceilings on our dreams and afterwards we refused to give up on America Millions marched many ran for office we kept our eyes on the future well my friends the future is here I wish my mother and kamla's mother could see us they would say keep going surely and Jerry would say keep going [Applause] women women fighting for Reproductive Health Care are saying keep going families building Better Lives parents stretching to afford Child Care young people struggling to pay their rent they're all asking us to keep [Applause] going so with faith in each other and joy in our hearts let's send kamla Harris and Tim Walls to the White House you know the story of my life and the history of our country is that progress is possible but not guaranteed we have to fight for it and never ever give up there is always a choice do we push forward or pull back come together as we the people or split into US versus them that's the choice we face face in this election kamla has the character experience and vision to lead us forward I know her heart and her Integrity we both got our start as young lawyers helping children who were abused and neglected that kind of work changed es a person those kids stay with you comma carries with her the hopes of every child she protected every family she helped every Community she served so as president she will always have our backs and she will be a fighter for us she will fight to lower costs for hardworking families Ames open the doors wide for good paying jobs and yes she will restore abortion rights Nationwide as a prosecutor kamla locked up murderers and Drug traff traffickers she will never rest in defense of our freedom and safety Donald Trump fell asleep at his own trial and when he woke up he made his own kind of History the first person to run for president with 34 felony convictions as vice president as vice president Kamala sat in the situation room but we also know as vice president Kamala sat in the situation room and stood for America's values I know what it takes and I can tell you as commander and chief Kamala won't disrespect our military and our veterans she she reveres our Medal of Honor recipients she won't be sending love letters to [Applause] dictators she will defend democracy and our Constitution and will protect America from enemies foreign and domestic think about it the Constitution says the president's job is to take care that the laws be Faithfully executed those are the words of our Founders take care just look at the candidates calent cares cares about kids and families cares about America Donald only cares about himself [Applause] on her first day in court kamla said five words that still guide her kamla Harris for the people that is something that Donald Trump will never understand so it is no surprise is it that he is lying about comm's record he's mocking her her name and her laugh sounds familiar but we have him on the run now so so no matter what the polls say we can't let up we can't get driven down crazy conspiracy rabbit holes we have to fight for the truth we have to fight for kamla as she will fight for us because you know what it still takes a village to raise a family heal a country and win a campaign and America needs every one of us our energy our talents our dreams we're not just electing a president we're uplifting our nation we're opening the promise of America wide enough for everyone together we put a lot of cracks in the highest hardest glass ceiling and tonight tonight so close to breaking through once and for all I want to tell you what I see through all those cracks and why it matters for each and every one of us what do I see I see freedom I see the freedom to make our own decisions about our health Our Lives our loves our families the freedom to work with dignity and prosper to worship as we choose or not to speak our minds freely and honestly I see Freedom From Fear and intimidation from violence and Injustice from chaos and Corruption I see the freedom to look our children in the eye and say in America you can go as far as your hard work and talent will take you and mean it and you know what on the other side of that glass ceiling is kamla Harris raising her hand and taking the oath of office as our 47th president of the United States because my friends when a barrier Falls for one of us it falls it falls and clears the way for all of us so for the next 78 days we need to work harder than we ever have we need to beat back the dangers that Trump and his allies pose to the rule of law and our way of life don't get distracted or complacent talk to your friends and Neighbors volunteer be proud champions for the truth and for the country that we all love I want I want my grandchildren and their grand children to know I was here at this moment that we were here and that we were with kamla Harris every step of the way this is our time America this is when we stand up this is when we break through the future is here it's in our grasp let's go with it this [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] my I think it's fair to say that we all stand on the shoulders of Hillary Clinton so I'm just checking are you ready to join this fight yet okay that's the answer I was looking for so I want you to text join to 30330 and get involved now what does fighting for the people people exactly look like let's go back to 2011 when KLA Harris was Attorney General of California the housing crisis had devastated American families and the big Banks had forced Californians out of their homes well kamla Harris stood up to those Banks and she secured a $20 billion settlement for California families that is fighting for the people and that is something that our next speaker knows all about please welcome The Fearless fighter from South Carolina Congressman Jim [Applause] kurn thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you and good evening thank you South Carolina thank you four years ago Americans were were experiencing High anxieties and great uncertainties a daily virus ranged schools closed businesses shuttered Donald Trump mismanaged the crisis from day one looking out for himself instead of the country the American people responded to the crisis in leadership by electing new leaders thanks to Joe Biden and KLA Harris we reopened our schools brought back our businesses and restored our faith in the American can do Spirit thanks to Jo and comma we reduced the price of prescription drugs repaired RADS and bridges and replaced lead pipes thanks to Joe and kamla we are honoring Our Heroes in uniform and expanded benefits to over a million veterans thanks to Joe and comma Make It in America is no longer just a slogan but a movement that is bringing millions of manufacturing jobs back to America for President Biden's life time of achievement in service of his country we owe him a great debt of gratitude and we are all grateful for one of the best decisions he made selecting ker Harris as his vice president and endorsing her to succeed him I often say that we are but the sum of our experiences in the introduction of my Memoir I wrote all my experiences have not been pleasant but I consider all of them to be blessings so has been the case with kamla her experiences have prepared her for for this moment commer Harris is a true battle tested leader a district attorney Attorney General Senator and vice president who gets things done while Donald Trump has been bragging about how he overturned Ro Comm has been fiercely advocating for the resp itation of reproduction freedoms while Trump has been looking out for himself and is being their buddies comma has been fighting to lower cost for all Americans and while Trump falsely pleased ignorance of project 2025 which in my opinion is Jim Crow 2.0 comma has been offering the American people enlightened proposals and Visionary leadership having grown up in AP pich I often look to the good book for understanding and guidance as second Corinthians informs we are troubled on every side yet not distressed we are perplexed but not in despair persecuted but not forsaken cast down but not destroyed our great democracy has been tested and so has the basic goodness of the American people but our resolve to remain a great country with freedom and justice for all will not falter we will continue our March towards a more perfect union United in our common purpose and emboldened by our resolve to elect comma Harris and Tim walz as the next president and vice president of these United States of America thank you and God Speak in the criminal justice system the people are represented by two separate yet equally important groups the police who investigate crime and the district attorneys who prosecute the offenders this is the story of Donald Trump his entire life Trump has believed he's above the law that no one would ever dare hold him accountable he lies he rips off workers he sexually abuses women and when you're a star they let you do it you can do anything he cheats in business he cheated on his wife with a porn star and paid her off so the American people wouldn't find out during an election but in the criminal justice system ordinary Americans have had the courage to find him accountable time and time again guilty guilty guilty Donald Trump guilty on all 34 felony counts for the first time in history we have a convicted felon running for president and to take on this case we need a president who has spent her life Prosecuting perpetrators like Donald Trump he tried overturning georg's free and fair election I just want to find [Music] 11,780 v he's tried to escape any responsibility for instigating the January 6th attack on our Capital we're going to walk down to the capital and I'll be there with you and if elected Trump has promised to overturn laws that would keep him accountable and exact retribution on anyone he considers an enemy even warning of a bloodbath if he doesn't get his way so we the people have a chance to render our own verdict on Donald trumpy we are the jury he most fears when we vote this November we vote for justice accountability and the rule of law that keeps America free do we believe in Freedom please welcome Maryland representative Jamie Raskin [Applause] hello America and welcome to the Democracy convention welcome to the freedom convention and thank you for the beautiful weather Chicago it's uh it's been a little rough on Capitol Hill where it's not just the heat it's the stupidity now we meet in this great City tonight where Abraham Lincoln was nominated in 1860 to save the union from fanatical insurrectionists and where Franklin D Roosevelt was renominated by democrats in 1940 to defeat fascist dictators now we fight in our time to defend our freedom and our democracy against the Banana Republic an who have converted Lincoln's party into a dangerous Cult of Personality you know I'll never forget the pounding on the doors of the house chamber on January 6 were the screams to follow hundreds of our police officers haunted and attacked 140 of them wounded by extremists wielding baseball bats steel pipes even American flags five people died that day and four more of our officers took their own lives in the days and weeks to come all of this after Trump was defeated by more than seven million votes by the great Joe Biden it was after 80 judges rejected every ridiculous claim raised by this sore loser who does not know how to take no for an answer from American voters American courts or American women remember what the mob chanted as they stormed the capital and injured our officers hang Mike Pence someone should have told Donald Trump that the president's job under article two of the Constitution someone should have told Donald Trump that the president's job under article two of the Constitution is to take care that the laws are Faithfully executed not that the vice president is executed Pence has now joined more than two dozen officials from Donald Trump's own Administration in denouncing him an historical record and Pence is the first vice president in more than two centuries not to support the president he served with in a general election and by the way JD Vance do you understand why there was a sudden job opening for running mate on the GOP ticket they they tried to kill your predecessor they tried to kill him because he would not follow Trump's plan to destroy and nullify the votes of millions of Americans your votes Pennsylvania your votes Michigan your votes Georgia Nevada Arizona are we going to go back to the days of election suppression and violent [Applause] Insurrection we're not going back well look when we we after that beautiful day as Trump calls it the Republicans 10 Republicans joined all of the Democrats to impeach Trump for the worst high crime and misdemeanor ever committed by a president inciting Insurrection against our own Constitution make no mistake a man who uses fraud theft and violence to take power will commit any any crime to keep it and now Trump's promising to Pardon hundreds of his fellow criminal convicts and insurrectionists he calls for quote the termination of all rules regulations and articles even those in the Constitution my friends are we the people going to let Donald Trump terminate our Constitution and obliterate the blessings of liberty for our posterity that's right we're going to elect kamla Harris we're going to elect the career prosecutor and inspiring public servant and Coach walls and we're going to defeat beat Donald Trump the career criminal and encourageable reist con man and his pet chameleon JD Vance and America let's make it a landslide so big that Donald Trump and his Kangaroo Court Supreme Court Justices cannot even try to steal it let's make every vote count let's make sure every vote is counted let's Let Freedom Ring and let's let democracy work in America please welcome Texas representative Jasmine Crockett well good good evening America on November 5th our nation will hire a president a commander in chief and leader of the Free World so let's compare their resumés shall we one candidate worked at McDonald's while she was in college at an HBCU H you the other was born with a silver spoon in his mouth and helped his daddy in the family business housing discrimination that is she became a career prosecutor while he became a career criminal with 34 felonies two impeachments and one porn star to prove it her entire career as an elected district attorney Attorney General and Senator she's always worked for one client the people meanwhile he's a 78-year-old lifelong predator fraudster and cheat known for inciting violent mobs listen y'all he's only looked out for one person himself as women are dying he is bragging about overturning roow and y'all know I come from Texas and right now in Texas come on Texas but right now in Texas they want to Institute the death penalty that is a problem while KLA Harris is fighting for our Reproductive Rights to be restored she is also the leader we need on the global stage she helped secure the release of Americans wrongfully detained in Russia at the same time he cozies up to his role model Vladimir Putin and Maga holds legislation hostage here at home critical resources to secure the border military aid to Ukraine and even the farm bill she's lived the American dream while he's been America's nightmare America looking at the two choices before you who would you hire Donald Trump KLA Harris comma Harris has a resume Donald Trump has a rap sheet she resides over the Senate while he keeps our national Secrets next to his thinking chair y'all know what I said that other time in M Lego while Donald Trump wants to put our 1787 Constitution through his project 2025 paper shredder and make every day January 6th KLA Harris is fighting to fulfill the promise of America in the real world this wouldn't even be close but this election is don't make a mistake we are the the underdogs in this fight even though there is only one person qualified only one person who's done the work and who has delivered the results and she's needs you she needs your one vote this November can we count on you some of you know a little bit of my history some of you don't so let me tell you I was a public defender I did criminal defense as well as practice civil rights law for almost two decades I know a good prosecutor when I see one kamla Harris is the kind of prosecutor we long for in the cases like those of Banna Taylor yeah she was the first attorney general in the nation to order that her officers wear body cams and she started the back on track program to reduce recidivism listen y'all she did all these things because she genuinely cares about people she sees each person as just that a person not a statistic she's proven that since the first day she stepped into a courtroom and said what y'all already heard Hillary say I did not copy out for her speech I just want y'all to know she walked into that court room and said KLA Harris for the people and she meant that many of you know her credentials but what I love about kamla Harris goes beyond her resume is that she sees the humanity in everyone she's the only candidate in this race who is capable of empathy when I first got to Congress I wasn't sure I made the right decision the chaos caucus couldn't elect the speaker and the oversight committee was unhinged I was going through all of this when I I visited the vice president's residence for the first time as I approached vice president Harris for our official photo she turned to me and asked what's wrong mind you we'd never met but she saw right through me she saw the distress I immediately began crying and the most powerful woman in the world wipe my tears and [Applause] listen it's so hard for me to tell this story she then said among other things you are exactly where God wants you your District chose you because they believe in you and so do I I'm I'm stop okay the next month I went viral for the first of many times to come for hitting Republicans with a dose of their own medicine that brief but impactful interaction gave me my legislative legs and I've been running ever since the question before us is will a vindictive vial villain violate voter's vision for a better America or not I hear alliterations are back in style we deserve better we deserve a president who can be a bright light in a sea of Darkness one who will put us who will pull us for because we won't go back Amanda Gordman said it best there's always light if only we are brave enough to see it if only we are brave enough to be it KLA Harris showed me that light and America when she is our president together we will shine as that Beacon of Hope and freedom around around the world once more God bless y'all this is one of our Willow boxes this is the outfit she was going to maybe wear home from the hospital there's for a little the blanket that she was [Music] in it's okay for 54 years they were trying to get roie way terminated and I did it and I'm proud to have done it I was punished for 3 Days having to wait for either my baby to die or me to die or both I was stuck in this horrific hell of both wanting to hear her heartbeat and also hoping I wouldn't it has to be some form of punishment for the woman yeah it has to be some form I almost died because doctors were forced to follow Trump's abortion ban comma will protect a woman's right to choose we trust women to make decisions about their own body and not have their government tell them what to do do I have so much faith in her and when Congress passes a law to restore reproductive freedoms as president of the United States I will sign it into law we have to fight for Comm Harris our rights our freedoms and frankly Our Lives everything is on the line [Applause] when you're expecting a baby packing for the hospital should be a joyful moment for us it was different we were told with 100% certainty we would lose our baby girl Willow and we were sent home for 3 days we waited until Amanda was sick enough to receive standard abortion care eventually a Amanda's temperature spiked she was shaking disoriented and crashing I don't remember what I threw into our bag that day only that instead of welcoming Willow I was hoping Amanda's life could be saved I'm here tonight because the fight for Reproductive Rights isn't just a woman's fight this is about fighting this is about fighting for for our families and as KLA Harris says our future every time I share our story my heart breaks for the baby girl we wanted desperately for the doctors and nurses who couldn't help me deliver her safely for Josh who feared he would lose me too but I was lucky I lived so I'll continue sharing our story standing with women and families across the country today because of Donald Trump more than one in three women of reproductive age in America lives under an abortion in a second Trump term would rip away even more of our rights passing a National Abortion ban letting States monitor pregnancies and prosecute doctors restricting birth control and fertility treatments we cannot let that happen we need to vote as if lives depend on it because they do 2 years ago my husband and I were expecting our second child our daughter Lauren couldn't wait to be a big sister I was getting ready for her fourth birthday party when something didn't feel right two emergency rooms sent me away because of Louisiana's abortion ban no one would confirm that I was miscarrying I was in pain bleeding so much my husband feared for my life no woman should experience what I endured but too many have they write to me saying what happened to you happened to me sometimes they're miscarrying scared to tell anyone even their doctors our daughters deserve better America deserves better kamla Harris and Tim Waltz will fight for Reproductive Rights in our freedom and our shared future growing up I was an All-American Girl Varsity soccer Captain cheerleading Captain homecoming queen and Survivor I was raped by my stepfather after years of sexual abuse at age 12 I took my first pregnancy test and it was positive that was the first time I was ever told you have options I can't imagine not having a choice but today that's the reality for many women and girls across the country because of Donald Trump's abortion bans he calls it a beautiful thing what is so beautiful about a child having to carry her parents child there are other survivors out there who have no options and I want you to know that we see you we hear you KLA Harris will sign a national law to restore the right to an abortion she will fight for every woman and every girl even those who were not fighting for her and now I am honored to introduce another champion for women a leader who's fought for me and for so many others Governor Andy basher [Music] [Applause] have Bley dual is one of the bravest people I've ever met I'm amazed at the courage it takes to share her pain to share her truth yet Donald Trump brags about tearing a constitutional right away from Hadley and every other woman and girl in our country that's why we must tear away any chance he can ever be president ever again in 21 states Trump's actions have resulted in extreme bans on abortion in my state even in cases of rape incest and nonviable pregnancies that leaves 12-year-old girls like Hadley with no options that fails any test of humanity any Test of Basic decency any test of whether you have any underlying empathy thankfully this extremism is being soundly rejected all over our country in Kentucky we put reproductive freedom on the ballot last November and I beat Donald Trump and Mitch McConnell's handpick candidate by more than five percentage points this November we're going to beat them again elect kamla Harris and Tim Walls and protect reproductive Freedom folks Donald Trump appointed the Supreme Court Justices who got us into this mess his project 2025 goes even further here's the thing thing Trump and Vance simply don't believe in your freedom Trump says people are absolutely thrilled that women had their basic rights eliminated JD Vance says women should stay in violent marriages and that pregnancies resulting from rape are simply inconvenient their policies give rapists more rights than their victims that's not inconvenient it's just plain wrong and a woman grieving a nonviable pregnancy shouldn't be required to carry it to term just to listen to her child die or to hear no sound at all all women should have the freedom to make their own decisions Freedom over their own bodies freedom Freedom about whether to pursue IVF Freedom about whether to have children at all how we treat people transcends party lines it goes right to the heart of who we are my faith teaches me the golden rule that I am to love my neighbor as myself in the parable the Good Samaritan says we are all each other's Neighbors so I want anyone watching tonight Republican independent Democrat to know that you are welcome here we believe in America where we live out our values end anger politics once and for all and move Beyond this US versus them by remembering we are all Americans that's how Joe Biden and KLA Harris lead they both called to ask how they could help Kentucky in recovering from natural disasters they helped us improve our roads our bridges and invested in our people they didn't ask me who kentuckians voted for they asked me what kuckian needed and folks they delivered kamla Harris gets it she knows we must move Beyond anger extremism and division that everyone has dignity and deserves respect America we're going to win and we're going to win by staying true to our values of compassion empathy and doing right by our neighbors I'm so proud to be Allin for the next president of the United States kamla Harris thank you please welcome Senator rapael [Applause] warno well hello America thank you so very [Applause] much on January 5th 2021 the people of Georgia did an amazing [Applause] thing they sent a black kid who grew up in public housing and the Jewish son of an immigrant to the United States Senate in onef swoop and among those Georgians was my then 82y old mother she grew up in W Cross Georgia do you know where that is is Way Cross [Applause] Georgia she grew up in Way Cross Georgia where she picked other people's cotton and other people's tobacco but because this is America the 82y old hands that used to pick somebody else's cotton and somebody else's tobacco picked her youngest son to be a United States Senator this is my America thank you [Music] Mom thank you Georgia Thank You America for raising your voice and using your vote a vote is a kind of prayer for the world we desire for ourselves and for our children and our prayers stronger when we pray together and so together together we flipped the Senate held the house and we sent Joe Biden and KLA Harris to the White House together together we vaccinated our citizens we for fortified our cities and our towns and we stood by our small businesses together we set out to heal the land a nation besieged by a deadly pandemic and beset by the awful and divisive rhetoric of a man too small for the office entrusted him or the task set before it the day after my January 5th election he instigated an Insurrection a violent assault on our nation's capital and the peaceful transfer of power all driven by the big lie but behind the big lie was an even bigger lie it is the lie that this increasingly diverse American electorate does not get to determine the future of the country the lie and the logic of January 6th is a sickness it is a kind of cancer that then metastasized into dozens of voter suppression laws all across our country and we must be vigilant tonight because these anti-democratic forces are at work right now in Georgia and all across our country and the question is who will heal the land and so here we are America are you ready are you ready to stand up in this moral moment stand up for the best in the American Covenant elections are about the character of a country and we must decide again we are the latest generation of Americans who get to decide what kind of country we want to be and we must choose between the promise of January 5th and the Peril of January 6th a nation that Embraces a nation that Embraces all of us or just some of us Donald Trump's America is the America of January 6 people who have no vision traffic in division he does not know how to lead us and so he wants to divide US America make no mistake Donald Trump is a plague on the American conscience he is a pre he is a clear and present threat to the precious Covenant we share with one another and yes I I saw him I saw him holding the Bible and endorsing a Bible as if it needed his endorsement he should try reading it it says do justice love kindness and walk humbly with your God he should try reading it it says love your neighbor as yourself it says in as much as you've done it unto the least of these you have done it also unto me I choose the American Covenant pluram out of many one I choose January 5th I choose a nation that provides a path for ordinary people and gives every child a [Applause] chance and that's Joe Biden's America and he's been fighting for it for more than a half century President Biden America is so much better because of you a true patriot who has always put the People First thank you Joe thank you Joe but I'll tell you something else not only is that Joe Biden's America that's KLA Paris is America she was leading with Joe Biden when we expanded the child tax credit cutting child poverty in America nearly in half we ought to renew it she cast a tiebreaking vote for my bill capping the cost of insulin to no more than $35 per month for seniors we ought to extend it to everybody together we passed an infrastructure Bill bolstered American manufacturing and clean energy energy an investment in the house that we all share together and I've got news for you we are just getting started are you ready to win this election KLA Harris and Tim wals represent the new Way Forward we're not going back we're not going back [Applause] because we are the United States of America we always dream of about the future and so forward on women's Reproductive Rights because we believe that a patient's room is too small and cramp a space for a woman her doctor and the United States government that's too many people in the room forward forward on worker rights because most people do not mind working they just want to share in the prosperity that they are creating for others forward on voting rights forward on affordable housing and access to healthcare we are moving forward and so I'm inspired tonight I'm inspired by all of you I'm inspired by the resilience of an American Spirit that has rebounded from the pandemic and is holding at Bay the forces that are trying to divide us and I'm inspired tonight by the memory of my late father a preacher and a junk man Monday through Friday he lifted old broken cars and put them on the back of an old rig but on Sunday morning the man who lifted broken cars lifted broken people whom other people had discarded and told them that they were God somebody my dad discovered strength in the broken places a power made perfect in weakness and so I'm convinced tonight that we can lift the broken even as we climb I'm convinced tonight that we can heal sick bodies we can heal the wounds that divide us we can heal a planet in Peril we can heal the [Music] land and in a strange way in a strange way the pandemic taught us how a contagious airborne disease means that I have a personal stake in the health of my neighbor if she's sick I may get sick also her health care is good for my health I'm just trying to tell you that we are as close in our Humanity as a cough I need my neighbor children to be okay so that my children will be okay I need all of my neighbors children to be okay poor inner city children in Atlanta and poor children of Appalachia I need the poor children of Israel and the poor children of Gaza I need Israelis and Palestinians I need those in the Congo those in Haiti those in Ukraine I need America children on both sides of the track to be okay because we are all God's children and so let's stand together let's work together let's organize together let's pray together let's stand together let's heal the land God bless you keep the and keep looking up please welcome Delaware Senator Chris [Applause] Coons good evening folks good evening America good evening Chicago are there any Dem rats in the room tonight folks we are on the verge of making history we are on the verge of an historic election and I want to talk with you for just a few minutes about my dear friend our President Joe Biden Joe Biden's mom had a saying you are defined by your courage and your are Redeemed by your loyalty four years ago I had the honor of helping introduce Joe Biden to our national Convention I spoke about Joe's Faith his love of family his determination to restore the soul of our nation back in 2020 America was nearly flat on our back from a deadly pandemic an economic collapse and then in January an assault on our democracy all of this all of this because the drama and Chaos of our former president had knocked us down but folks Joe Biden's courage Joe Biden's faith in us Joe Biden's determination to heal the soul of our nation gave us hope and gave us confidence someone who has himself been knocked down by Life Time and Again Joe Biden knows the grit and determination of the American people he believed in us and Joe Biden helped us get back up again using the incredible skills he developed in many years in the US Senate Joe got passed and signed into law the most consequential legislation of any president in 60 years helping our veterans advancing gun safety cutting prescription drug prices fighting climate change rebuilding Bridges and Broadband bringing manufacturing back to America together Joe and kamla helped rebuild our economy from the middle up from the bottom up and the middle out not from the top down and they made our families safer and our country stronger at home and abroad today we are so much better off because they believed in us in our democracy and our incredible first lady Jill Biden our incredible first lady Jill Biden our incredible first lady Jill Biden was at Joe's side every step of the way fighting for Education advancing the cancer moonshot determined to improve Women's Health Care honoring military families Joe and Jill together you have done so much for us and there's so much more you will do and we can do together Mr President thank you thank you for elevating a great leader in kamla Harris vice president Harris thank you for choosing a great running mate with a heart for the middle class like yours ins Sergent Congressman coach Governor Tim Walls I have hope do you I have hope do you I have hope do you and it is in no small part because of Joe Biden I have never known a more compassionate man than Joe Biden I have never known a man who has taken from his own loss and his own faith and delivered so much for the future of so many others Mr President Mr President you were my Senator as a delawarean you are my president president as an American and you will always be my friend on behalf of our nation Joe for your courage in fighting for our democracy we thank you on behalf of our Democratic party for your loyalty in fighting for our democratic values we thank you and on behalf of Delaware thank you Joe and God bless you we love you we love Joe we love Joe we love Joe we love Joe [Applause] thank you all we love Joe God bless you and thank you very [Applause] much hi I'm Vivian werewell and I a fourth grade student at Christ mlli I've been bouncing around all week excited for this moment and last night I could barely asleep I remember the day that we heard that President Biden had won and the whole neighborhood started celebrating so when I heard you were coming I really wanted to meet [Music] you I adore you because you Embrace change from my generation and the ones to come I look up to you [Music] now it is my honor to introduce our first lady Dr Jill [Music] Biden please welcome first lady of the United States Jill Biden in the hard times of I have to Cate you baby I have to praise you like that [Applause] I I thank you thank you thank you thank you so much love you too Joe and I have been together for almost 50 years and still there are moments when I fall in love with him all over again like when I handed him our baby Ashley for the first time and saw the smile that lit up his face or on nights after an exhausting day in working in the Senate when he would read one more bedtime story just because the kids asked when he stops on a rope line because he sees someone grieving who needs to know that everything is going to be all right one day or to encourage that child with a stutter to find the confidence she needs those moments when I'm reminded of all he's accomplished in the name of something bigger than himself receiving the medal of freedom with you humility placing his hand on our family bible to take his oath of office and weeks ago when I saw him dig deep into his soul and decide to no longer seek reelection and endorse kamla Harris with faith and conviction Joe knows that our nation's strength doesn't come from intimidation or cruelty it comes from the small acts of kindness that heal deep wounds from service to the communities that make us who we are from love of a country that shines with promise and renewal kamla Harris knows that too our son Bo first worked with Kamala when he was Attorney General of Delaware he told me at the dinner table one night Mom she's special someone to keep your eye on and he was right Joe and I know kamla we have seen her courage her determination and her leadership up close kamla and Tim you will win and and you are inspiring a new generation we are all a part of something bigger than ourselves and we are stronger than we know the future of our country is in the hands of those in this room and all of you want watching at home it's going to take all of us and we can't afford to lose with faith in each other hope for a brighter future and love for our country we will fight and we will win together thank you thank you I to I [Applause] to please welcome first daughter Ashley [Music] [Applause] [Music] Biden good evening I have this memory it's the eve of my eth birthday dad is still in DC tending to Urgent matters in the Senate that night as a surprise Mom to told me Bo and Hunter to get in the car I remember pulling up to the Wilmington Amtrak station riding up the escalator to the platform the train stops doors open and Dad steps out as soon as I saw him I run down that platform and jump into his arms like magic mom brought out a cake they sang happy birthday and I blew out the candles dad hugged me and he said that he had to get back to work he crossed to the southbound train and off he went to DC that was a snapshot of one moment of one day on this extraordinary journey of being Joe Biden's daughter Joe Biden is the OG girl dad he told me I could be anything and I could do anything as a child I would sit on the leather chair in his office doing my homework and he would sit next to me doing his work drafting the violence against women act and he wasn't just a girl dad I could see and he wasn't just a girl dad I could see that he valued and trusted women how he listened to his mother how he believed in his sister and most of all how he respected my mother's career dad was always there doing everything he could to be a true partner to her dad you always tell us but we don't tell you enough that you are the love of our lives and the life of our love I had my wedding reception in my parents' backyard at the time my dad was vice president but he was also that Dad who literally set up the entire reception he was riding around in his John Deer fourwheeler fixing the play settings arranging the plants and by the way he was very emotional I thought that I would be a mess but he was the one crying and I was the one who had to comfort him before he walked me down the aisle he turned to me and said that he would always be my best friend all these years later dad you are still still my best friend his example in service inspired my career I'm a social worker in Philadelphia I support formerly incarcerated women as they heal from past trauma and they reclaim their lives dad always told me that I was no better than anybody else and nobody was better than me he taught me that everyone deserves a fair shot and that we shouldn't leave anyone behind that's what you learn from a fighter who has been underestimated his entire life when I look at Dad I see grace strength and humility I see one of the most consequential leaders ever in history and I also know that he never stops thinking about you about your dreams about your dignity about your opportunities about your family dad knows that family is everything when Hunter and I lost our brother Bo to cancer in 2015 the grief and the pain felt like it might never end dad had the capacity to step out of his own pain and absorb ours and I know that Bo is here with us tonight as he is always with us after both passed I got this tattoo on my wrist it says courage Dear Heart a reminder to myself to keep going to get back up like my dad has always done he has taught me that a courageous heart is a miraculous thing a courageous heart can heal a family a courageous heart can heal a nation and maybe even the world and now this election requires the courageous hearts of all of us in 2020 my dad selected kamla Harris to beat Donald Trump and he knows in 2024 she will beat Donald Trump again so tonight I am asking you if you stood with us in 2020 call upon your courageous heart stand with us today work harder than you have ever worked before in your life this is the fight of our lifetime our freedom our democracy our Reproductive Rights all of this all all of it is on the ballot and I know together we can do this because my dad helped show us the way and now I would like to introduce my father your 46th president of the United States Joe Biden [Applause] I've evered so keep it up my desire and I'll be at your side forever know [Music] [Applause] high high I said we never show face [Applause] again thank you [Music] than thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you I love you thank you thank you thank you thank you that was my daughter thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you for I tell you what to my dearest daughter Ashley God love you you're incredible ible thank for that introduction and for being my courageous heart along with Hunter and our entire family and especially our Rock Jill who as those of you who know us she still leaves me both breathless and speechless everybody knows her I love her more than she loves me she walks down the stairs and I still get that going boom boom boom you all will know me no no I'm kidding let's give a special Round of Applause to our first lady Jill Biden my dad my dad used to have an expression for real he'd say Joey family is the beginning the middle and the end and I love you all folks and America I love you folks let me ask [Applause] you let me ask you are you ready to vote for freedom are you ready to vote for democracy and for America let me ask you are you ready to elect KLA Harris and Tim Waltz President and Vice President of the United States my fellow Democrats my fellow Americans nearly four years ago in Winter on the steps of the capital on a cold January day I raised my right hand and I swore an oath to you and to God to preserve protect and defend the Constitution and the Faithfully execute the Office of the President of the United States in front of me in front of me was a city surrounded by the National Guard behind me a capital just two weeks before have been overrun by a violent mob but I knew then from the bottom of my heart that I knew now there is no place in America for political violence none you cannot say you love your country only when you win in that moment I wasn't looking to the past I was looking to the future I spoke of the work at hand the moment we had to meet it was as I told you then a winter of peril and possibility a Peril and possibility we're in the grip of a once in a century Pand mic historic joblessness a call for racial Justice long overdue Clear and Present threats to our very democracy thank you [Applause] and yet yet I believe then and I believe now that progress was and is possible Justice is achievable and our best days are not behind us they're before us now it's summer the winter has passed and with a grateful heart I stand before for you now on this August Night to report that democracy has prevailed democracy democracy has delivered and now democracy must be preserved you've heard me say it before we're fac an inflection point one of those rare moments in history when the decisions we make now will determine the fate of our nation and the world for decades to come that's not hyperbole I mean it literally we're in a battle for the very soul of America I ran for president in 2020 because of what I saw in Charlottesville in August of 2017 extremist coming out of the woods carrying torches their veins bulging from their necks carrying Nazi swastikas and chanting the same exact anti-semitic bile that was heard in Germany in the early 30s neonazis white supremacists in the Kus Clan so so emboldened by a president then in the White House that they saw as an ally they didn't even bother to wear their hoods hate was on the march in America old ghosts and new garments stirring up the oldest divisions stoking the oldest fears giving oxygen to the oldest forces that they long sought to tear apart America in the process a young woman was killed when I contacted her mother asked about what happened she told me when the president was asked what he thought had happened Donald Trump said and I quote there are very fine people on both sides my God that's what he said that is what he said and what he meant that's when I realized had to listen to the admonition of my dead son I could not stay in the sidelines so I ran CU I had no intention of running again I just lost part of my soul but I ran with a deep conviction in America I know and believe in an America where honesty dignity decency still matter and America where everyone has a fair shot and hate has no Safe Harbor and America or the fundamental Creed of this nation that all of us are created equal is still very much alive and a broad Coalition of Americans joined with me 81 million voters voted for us more than any time in know of History because of all of you in this room and others we came together in 2020 to save democracy as your president I've been determined to keep America moving forward not going back to stand against hate and violence in all its forms to be a nation where we not only live with but thrive on diversity demonizing no one leaving no one behind and becoming the nation that we profess to be I also ran to rebuild the backbone of America the middle class I made a commitment to you that I be a president for all Americans whether you voted for me or not we have done that studies show the major bills we have passed actually delivered more to Red States than blue because the job of the president is deliver to all of America because of you and I'm not exaggerating because of you we've had one of the most extraordinary four years of progress ever period when I say we I mean kamla and me just think about it co no longer controls Our Lives we've gone from economic crisis to the strongest economy in the entire world record 16 million new jobs record small business growth record high stock market record high 401ks wages up inflation down way down and continuing to go down the smallest racial wealth Gap in 20 years and yes we both know we have more to do but we're moving in the right direction more Americans have peace of mind that comes from having health insurance more Americans have health insurance today than ever before in American history and after as a young Senator beginning to fight beginning to fight for 50 years to give Medicare the power to negotiate lower prescription drug prices we finally beat big farmer and guess who cast the tiebreaking vote vice president soon to be president kamla Harris and now it's the law of the land instead of paying $400 a month for insulin seniors of diabetes will pay 35 a month the law we passed already includes starting in January every senior's total prescription cost can be capped at $2,000 no matter how expensive the drug they have and what we don't focus on and our Republican friends don't seem to understand our reforms don't just save seniors money they save the American taxpayers money you know what we just passed saves it saved $160 billion over the next decade that's not hyperbole it's because Medicare no longer has to pay those exorbitant prices to the big farmer but look thank you Comm too look folks how can we have the strongest economy in the world without the best infrastructure in the world Donald Trump promised infrastructure week every week for four years and he never built a damn thing but now because of what Comm I have done remember we're told we couldn't get it done remember when we came in office we couldn't get anything past but right now we're giving America and infrastructure decade not week we're modernizing our roads our bridges our ports our airports our trains our buses removing every lead pipe from schools and homes so every child could drink clean water we're riding affordable high-speed internet for every American no matter where they live unlike not unlike what Roosevelt did with electricity and so much more we are uniting the country we're growing our economy we're improving our quality of life and we're building a better America because that's who we are how can we be the strongest nation in the world without leading the world in science and technology after years of importing 90% of our semiconductor chips from abroad which America invented that those chips our chips and science act meant to private companies from around the world are now investing literally tens of billions of dollars to build new chip factories right here in America and over that period they'll create tens of thousands of jobs and many of those jobs in the so-called Fabs the buildings make the chips that's being constructed now and guess what the average salary in those Fabs size of a football field will be over $100,000 a year and you don't need a college degree because of you and so many electeds out there American manufacturing is back where those to say we wouldn't lead the world manufacturing 800,000 new manufacturing jobs our Republican friends and others made sure they go abroad to get the cheapest labor we used to import products and Export jobs now we export American products and create American jobs right here in America where jobs Bel long with every new job with every new Factory pride and hope is being brought back to communities throughout the country that were left behind you know you're from a many of you you know what it's like when that Factory closed where your mother your father your grandmother grandfather worked and now you're back providing once again proving that Wall Street didn't build America the middle class buil America and you is unions built the middle class it's been my view since I came to the Senate that's why I'm proud to have been the first president to walk a picket line and be labeled the most Pro Union president in history and I accept it it's a fact because when unions do well we all do well you got it man you got it [Applause] I agree I'm proud look remember we told we couldn't get anything done because of the we couldn't get anything done in the congress with your support we passed the most significant climate law in the history of mankind over $370 billion cutting carbon emissions in half by 2030 launching a climate Corp similar to am Corp and Peace Corps creating tens of thousands of jobs for young people in the future who are going to make sure this continues creating hundreds of thousands of jobs in clean energy for American workers including the ibw installing 500,000 500,000 charging stations all across America and in the process reducing carbon emissions and we're seeing it we're seeing to it that the first beneficiaries of environmental initiatives are those fence line communities that have been smothered by the legacy of pollution Louisiana and Delaware Route n all the factors all those chemical factors are right next to the poorest neighborhood they're the ones we're going to bring back and how how can we be the greatest nation in the world without the best education system in the world Donald Trump are the Republican friends they not only can't think they can't read very well seriously think about it look at their project 2025 want to do away with the Department of Education well during the pandemic common and I helped states and cities get back their schools back open and we gave Public School teachers a raise we created apprenticeships with business and communities putting students on a path to a good playing job whether or not they go to college and by by the way we're making College a hell of a lot more affordable increasing pilgrims by $900 over $15 billion to HBCU minority servants and including Hispanic institutions and tribal colleges we kept our commitment to provide more student relief than ever by lifting the burden of helping millions of families so they could get married start a family buy a home and begin to build family wealth and contribute to the community and grow our economy it's not costing us it's creating more wealth we fundamentally transer how our transformed how our economy grows from the middle out and the bottom up instead of the top down you know my dad you say there wasn't a whole hell of a lot to drop down on my kitchen table at the end of the month I come from basic middle class family three bedroom house four kids a grandpa living with us decent neighborhood but never a penny to spare and look that top down notion never worked a lot of Democrats didn't think it worth but thought thought it worked but it doesn't and when we did all that what we've done everybody can do well everybody Donald Trump calls America a failing Nation no I'm say but think about this think about this he publicly says to the whole world I'm going to say something outrageous I know more foreign leaders by their first names and know them well than anybody live just because I'm so damn old but I'm not joking think of the message he sends around the world when he talks about America being a failing Nation he says we're losing he's the loser he's dead wrong many of you are very successful people travel the world name me a country in the world that doesn't think we're the leading nation in the world without America not a joke think about it I'm being literal who could lead the world other than the United States of America well guess what America is winning and the world's better off for it America is more prosperous and Americans are safer today than runner Donald Trump trump continues to lie about crime in America like everything else guess what on his watch the murder rate went up 30% the biggest increase in history meanwhile we made the largest investment common and I in public safety ever now the murder rate is falling faster than any time in history violent crime has dropped to the lowest level in more than 50 years and crime will keep coming down when we put a prosecutor in the overall office instead of a convicted felon and folks distinguish senator from the C senator from California and I passed the first ban on assault weapons and guess what it worked if we care about Public Safety we need to grand gun violence and it makes me a shame when I travel the world which I do more children in America are killed by a gunshot than any other cause in the United States more die from a bullet than cancer accidents or anything else in the United States of America my God that's why K and I are proud We Beat the NRA when we passed the first major bipar in gun safety l in 30 years I'm serious that comes from here and now it's time to ban assault weapons again and demand Universal background checks it's hard I never thought I'd stand before a crowd of Democrats and refer to a president as a liar so many times no I'm not trying to be funny it's sad Trump continues to lie about the Border here's what he won't tell you Trump killed the strongest bipartisan border deal in the history of the United States that we negotiated with the Senate Republican took four month four weeks once it passed and they acknowledge those expansive border change in American history he called Senators to say don't support the bipartisan bill because he said it would help me politically and hurt him politically my God no I'm serious think about it not a joke ask even the Press who doesn't like me they'll tell you that's true typically Trump once again putting himself first and America last then I had to take executive action the result of the executive action I took border encounters have dropped over 50% in fact there are fewer border crossings today than When Donald Trump left office and unlike Trump we will not demonize immigrants saying they're the poison of blood of America poison the blood of our country common I are committed to strengthening legal immigration including protecting dreamers and more and here's what else I believe in protecting your freedom your freedom to vote your freedom to love who you love and your freedom to choose it's it's decision over turning roie Wade that you heard earlier tonight United States Supreme Court majority wrote The Following quote women or not without electrical not not allowed not without electri electoral or political power no kidding Magie Republicans found out the power of women in 2022 and Donald Trump is going to find out the power of women in 2024 more watch and we're Trump as Mega Republican right Wingers seek to erase history we Democrats continue to write history and make more history I'm proud I'm proud to have kept my commitment to appoint the first black woman in the United state supreme court for Toni Brown Jackson a symbol for every young woman in America that you can do anything I'm proud that I've kept my commitment to having an Administration that looks like America and the TAPS in for the full Talent of our nation the most diverse cabinet in history including the first black woman in South Asian descent to serve as vice president and will soon serve as the 47th president of the United States she is good [Applause] look thank you Comm folks I've long said we have many obligations as a nation but I got in trouble years ago for saying I'd make no apologies we have only one truly sacred obligation to prepare and equip those we send to war and care for them and their families when they come home and when they don't that's why I so proud that rman signed the pack act one of the most significant laws ever helping veterans and their families exposed to toxic materials like burn prits and asan orange I was around during the Vietnam war it's hard nobody was able to prove that there's illness was a consequence of Agent Orange and no one was able to prove initially that because they lived in Burn pitch like my son lived next to in Iraq for a year that is the cause of their Illness but because of the pack act a surviving spouse with two children is now eligible for a stiping about $3,000 a month and those children who lost us a parent are eligible for tuition benefits to go to college and to get job training it's already helping over 1 million veterans in their families just so far well I love them and I'm I so proud of my son's service we get it but guess who doesn't get it and doesn't respect our veterans we know from his own Chief of Staff of fourstar General John Kelly that Trump went in Europe Europe would not go to the grave sites in one of the in France the brave service members who gave their lives to this country he called them suckers and losers who in the hell does he think he is who does he think he is there's no words for a person they are not the words of person not worthy of being Commander Chief period not then not now and not ever I mean that I mean that from the bottom of my heart just as no commander chief should ever bow down to a a dictator the way Trump bows down to Putin I never have and I promise you k Harris will never do it will never never bowed down when Trump left office Europe and NATO was in tatters not a joke America First Doctrine changed our whole image in the world well I spent they gave the hours about 190 hours some total Liv my counterparts are heads of state and Europe to strengthen NATO we did we United Europe like it had been United for years adding Finland and Sweden to Nato 10 days before he died Henry ker called and said not since not since Napoleon has Europe not looked over their shoulder at Russia with Dread until now until now well guess what Putin thought he take ke in 3 days 3 years later Ukraine is still free when I came to office the conventional wisdom was that China would inevitably surpass the United States you haven't noticed no one's saying that now and we'll keep working to bring hostages home and end the war in Gaza and bring peace and security to the Middle East as you know I wrote a peace treaty for Gaza a few days ago I put forward a proposal that brought us closer to doing the that than we've done since October 7th we're working around the clock my secretary of state to prevent a wider war and reunite hostages with their families and surge humanitarian health and food assistance into Gaza now to end the civilian suffering of the Palestinian people and finally finally finally deliver a ceasefire and end this war those TR those protesters out in the street they have a point a lot of innocent people are being killed on both sides Jess we worked around the clock to bring home wrongfully detained Americans and others from Russia and one of the most compli licated swaps in history but they're home K and I are going to keep working to bring all Americans wron defined around the world home I mean it folks I've got five months left in my presidency I've got a lot to do I intend to get it done it's see it's been the honor of my lifetime to serve as your president I love the job but I love my country more I love my country more and all this talk about how I'm angry all those people who said I should step down that's not true [Applause] I love my country more and we need to preserve our democracy in 20124 we need you to vote we need you to keep the Senate we need you to win back the House of Representatives and above all we need you to beat Donald Trump elect K and Tim President and Vice President of the United States of America look they'll continue to lead America forward creating more jobs standing up for workers growing the economy lower the cost to American families so they just have a little more breathing room we made incredible process progress we have more work to do and KL and Tim will continue to take on corporate greed and bring down cost of food they'll keep taking out big farm or making insulin $35 a month not just for seniors but for everyone in America and Cappy prescription drug cost a total of $2,000 not just for seniors but for everyone and folks that's going to save America again tens of billions of dollars folks they'll make Cy more affordable building 3 million new homes providing $25,000 down payment assistance for the first-time home buyer more than the 10 we approved Donald Trump wants new tax on imported goods food gas clothing and more you know what that will cost the average family Accord of the experts $33,900 a year in a tax no it's a fact comml and Tim will make the child care tax credit permanent lifting millions of children out of poverty and helping millions of families get ahead but you know what Trump has he put the C he created the largest debt any president had in four years with his $2 trillion tax cut for the wealthy well Trump has a new plan he wants to provide a $5 billion tax cut for corporations that are very wealthy put R it put us further in debt and folks you know we have a thousand trillion we have a th000 billionaires in America you know what their average tax rate they pay 8.2% if we just increase our taxes we proposed to 25% which isn't the highest tax rate even it would raise 500 billion new dollars over 10 years they'd still be very wealthy look kamla and Tim are going to make them pay their fair share they'll protect Social Security and Medicare Trump wants to cut Social Security Medicare comml and Tim will protect your freedom they'll protect your vote to right your right to vote they'll protect your civil rights and you know Trump will do everything to ban abortion Nationwide oh he will you know KL and Tim will do everything they possibly can that's why you have to elect a senate in the house to restore roie Wade the ancient Greeks taught us that character is Destiny character is Destiny for me and Jill we know comml and Doug are people of character it's been our honor to serve alongside them and we know that Tim and Gwen Waltz are also people of Great Character selecting kamla was the very first decision I made before I became when I became our nominee and it was the best decision I made my whole career we've not only gotten to know each other we become close friends she's tough she's experienced and she has enormous Integrity enormous integrity her story represents the best American story and like many of our best presidents she was also vice president that's a dooke but she'll be a president our children can look up to she'll be a president respected by world leaders because she already is she be a president we can all be proud of and she will be a historic president who puts her stamp on America's future this will be the first presidential election since January 6th on that day we almost lost everything about who we are as a country and that threat this is not hyperbole that threat is still very much alive alive Donald Trump says he will refuse to accept the election result if he loses again think about that he means it think about that he's promising the bloodbath if he loses in his words and that he'll be a dictator on day one in his own words by the way this sucker means it no I'm not joking think about it anybody else said that in the past you think he was crazy he is crazy but you'd think it was an exaggeration but he means it we can't let that happen folks All of Us carry a special obligation Independents Republicans Democrats we saved democracy in 2020 and now we must save it again in 2024 Road of each of us cast this year will determine whether democracy and freedom will prevail it's that simple it's that serious and the power is literally in your hands history is in your hands not hyperbole it's in your hands America's futur in your hands let me close with this nowhere else in the world could a kid with a stutter and modest Beginnings in Grand Pennsylvanian claim on Delaware grow up to sit behind the Resolute desk in the Oval Office that that's because America is and always has been a nation of possibilities possibilities we must never lose that never comml and Tim understand that this nation must continue to be a place of possibilities not just for the few of us but for all of us so join me in promising your whole heart to this effort and where my heart will be I promise I'll be the best volunteer Harrison wals has C have ever seen each of us as a part in the American story for me and my family there's a song that means a lot to us it captures the best of who we are as a nation the song is called American Anthem there's one verse that stands out and I can't sing with the dam I'm not going to try I'll just quote it the work and prayers of centuries have brought us to this day what shall our leg our Legacy be what will our children say let me know in my heart when my days are through America America I gave my best to you I made I made a lot of mistakes in my career but I gave my best to you for 50 years like many of you I've given my heart and soul to our nation and I've been blessed a million times in return the support of the American people I really been the too young to be in the Senate because I wasn't 30 yet and too old to stay as president but I hope you know how grateful I am to all of you I can honestly say and I mean this in the bottom give you my word of Biden I can honestly say I'm more optimistic about the future than I was when I was elected as a 29-year-old United States Senator I mean it folks we just have to remember who we are we the United States of America and there's nothing we cannot do when we do it together God bless you all and may God protect our troops thank youer [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] I [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] High [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] High [Music] fire [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] fre High [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] High [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] please stand if you are able for this evening's benediction offered by Rabbi Michael Beals and Pastor Cindy Rudolph tonight's convention theme for the people hint at the inclusive bridge building messages and Poli policies the Democratic party will require to succeed not only in November but long after that no prayer better unites Jews Christians Muslims and others of Faith along with Democrats Republicans Independents and undecided that the threefold Priestly coite benediction presented in the Bible it is divided into three in order to shower the following blessings of gratitude H upon my fellow delawarean President Joe Biden for more than 50 years of selfless effective public service

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