Blood Monkey | FULL MOVIE | 2006 | English Movie | Horror, Action | F. Murray Abraham

for [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] it's [Music] coming ready is coming [Music] [Music] Professor Hamilton Professor Hamilton does it work do it [Applause] [Music] Professor Hilton are you receiving me this is hilon oh I [Music] can't Professor Hamilton are you receiving me I can't get hold it doesn't work Professor Hamilton are you receiving me this is all hold up I can't I can't hello how are youing [Applause] me we caught one you got [Music] one yes yes yes good work good [Music] work oh the C is for [Music] popping by you're said oh come on anything you want to say before we get started word up I'm Greg an anthropologist and I study wild and wicked animals but I prefer Homo sapiens big tits look look look give me the camera give me the camera no no no no no oh yeah look at that that's the stuff oh for God's sake great would you just give it a rest hi I'm Danny keep the bloody thing still Greg I have to make this look as professional as possible not some film for freaks okay okay action like where is it we are making a video documenting this trip heading into jungle where an expedition is already in progress hi I am your pilot okay isn't he supposed to be wearing like a gap and stuff [Music] hi no survivors not a [Music] chance so are you excited we're almost there yeah definitely Amy do you want to give us a little uh Insight you know into your mind the mind of the psychologist um can I say no set set come on say something anything try Josh Josh talk to me please what tell you you mean like uh my hopes and fears and all that yeah sure no that was a joke oh but seriously I am you know extremely excited to be embarking on this Expedition as a Bist it's a real once in a lifetime experience blah blah Bist blah oh look what a surprise The Jock beating up the nerd oh are you saying I'm the nerd are you kidding I love this guy hey how do you want like this or like this what are you trying to be me I'm Greg the good-looking one oh and I'm also like a super genius at anthropology if I'm like here Jane Goodall is like here who's Jane good on uh only one of the most brilliant ethologists anthropologists and primatologists ever she's even got her own Institute you see why I love that guy hey does that thing have a night vision option on it yeah so wait I'm going to need to use it later why why why for the Sydney show copies 10 [Music] oh god really I don't even have any makeup on yes ity you do oh you caught me yay you so it says here that you have a first in Social anthropology huh really yeah really okay so can you say it for the camera I have to get all the intros locked in before we head into the wild or whatever didn't you just do the introduction for me already I'd like to take this opportunity to give a big what up to the kids back home what up oh come on Seth just do the thing hi I'm hi I'm Seth I study anthropology Jesus was that so hard [Music] [Music] I'm having second [Music] thoughts sorry [Music] are you the students yeah hey what I said hey I can't hear you it's loud what come hey hey is this the place I don't think this is the place definitely not the place I know go f you know go wait you leaving bad things in here oh this is good stuff what do you need like tigers and stuff maybe but so what you're saying is there somebody else going to come pick us up did we just wait here or what bad things I can go no further follow track follow track wait follow [Applause] track so we start walking or what yes [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you all right yeah so why you just seem quiet I mean you always seem quiet you like usually so and I you know I I can't talk right just thinking about trying to climatize I guess sounds the Shadows I know what's that it's a global positioning system should let me know exactly where we are wait so where are [Music] we for what's that I don't know a little to it's all right do that as much as you like [Music] [Music] on on it's not funny that's not funny what's wrong with you Josh I told you that thing would come in handy you should pigtails while you're at it it was a big one you wish okay come on let's go let's move it on let's take it on home let's go we're in the jungle that's it it no more track so what do we do now we wait what we're going to wait here looks like that's the [Music] [Music] plan we stranded I can't believe it well keep up the good work how long are you going to wait before you tell him you've got a li five maybe 10 more minutes he's like obsessed with it I bet he's you know atorian stubborn and obsessive you do horoscopes yeah sure like Sydney she's an Arian true wow you're good smartass see anything no no not really yeah how could you yeah maybe we should get back to the guys yeah did you guys hear that yeah what was it I mean it sounded far away but then the Echoes they sort of sort of yeah I know what you mean scared me too hey guys I've got smoke I think I've got smoke wait a minute let me see that is not funny why'd you stop I think I saw smoke it's not funny hey guys yeah right oh my God what is it something's there what is it no know keep still is it oh my God keep still no honey yeah CA why night there oh my god oh man can you see it see something I can't stop shaking oh man still see something he who are you I am sh I be Professor hertin the Cavalry about time come oh wait uh when do we get to see Professor Hamilton when he is ready right so what do you think about jungle Jan yeah she something else she's definitely a bit of a piece greig must you always insist on being such a pratt yeah good morning students I am Professor Hamilton breakfast this in 10 minutes and we leave in 40 leave where to you've hit the jackpot here we have all hit the jackpot a valley untouched undiscovered flora and FAA unlike anything you have ever seen wait I thought we we're just going to be here study the same things you see in your textbooks and your uh your classrooms back at home or you have the opportunity to write the new textbooks to bring home the newly discovered specimens to those classrooms each one of you blazing new trails it's rare to go where no human being has ever gone before oh these days men have to look to the skies and Beyond to achieve that not us we have that right here so Chop Chop no time to lose that had to be rehearsed had to be had to be I don't know no no this is good this will be cool it's like a Aristotle yeah this is cool what about you quiet one you ready to blaze new trails and all that I don't know you get the feeling that you're not getting the whole truth hell where are the others they told us there' be others right anyone else think that Professor Hamilton is a little you know strange I just can't is this base I mean well like where do they do all the work hey guys this is my first time here as well you know they told me there' be others yes we heard you so uh you guys think that Professor Hamilton in that chick Chen it's not as if everybody else wasn't thinking it no I was I'm just surprised you said it hey go hey anyone see my cell phone no where did you lost have it where I just looked obviously what's going on Sid lost her phone no somebody stole it all right what's the deal look mine's gone too who's not having phones um you stole our stuff coming out off no now I don't see why I shouldn't why should be hey that was mine was the operative words look can we please have backer stuff nothing in that bag belongs gen was obeying my orders as a nature of your ability not a concern your trust however is I will not risk the leaking of any information while on this project [Music] all right listen up who's missing nice of you to join us I want you to consider these your badges of Honor dog tags before marching into battle but uh sir we already know each other sure oh this isn't me I'm Greg ah Greg how interesting the rare blood type Greg oh H set yeah that's me now these tags contain all the information needed in case of an emergency but be sure you wear your own come pick yours out I got an in wear them it could shave your life the jungle is not good for the complexion so hot and that's 5 minutes everybody up [Music] [Music] oh it's beautiful isn't it yeah you going to want to have that ready for this wa yeah [Music] so and it's all Uncharted all unknown all for me for us how exactly do we get down that's how we get down yeah you have got to be kidding me no way go away so here the journey end you can't expect us oh it'll be fine it'll be fun it's important to push oneself in this life especially now with great risk comes great reward exactly I read it in one of Josh's Comics I'm not going I can't do this what are you going to do go back go back I can't let you do that you be robbing yourself of a great opportunity but I'm not I am counting on you for documentation ah perhaps uh an introduction sorry guys but it's been all day now okay no no you have to Pro this I am Professor Conrad Hamilton I am standing on the edge of the Hamilton crater situated below a valley unspoiled in its most pure and natural state as it was millions of years ago so it remains today have you gone through this yet Professor out and into this Valley no we will be the first you are watching history and each one of you will be living it okay guys I'll see you down there see you down there I'll be waiting for [Music] you okay go looking forward to this [Music] come on in the water's [Music] fine oh my God this harness is riding up in places that I if I'm comforable this I really need the bathroom you guys okay up there you're looking good from down here wasn't so bad what's up [Music] buddy hey this drop I'll catch you oh my god Sydney don't look down you just L down didn't you no oh crap man I have never seen two girls coming down on me like this is that guy ever serious would you want him to be shut up girl go [Music] I can't believe we just did that oh yes come on Josh hey come on Josh you can do it come on come on keep going that's it buddy go go now go now go now just slow slow down Jos just let go of the RO and it will stop let's go the just relax stop slow down yeah SL [Music] [Applause] [Music] down the [ __ ] kick me really let's go pick him up and carry him but we've got to go you can assist him when we make Camp we're not going to leave him in here yeah I've got come on let's get you it's all right I'll be fine Josh are you sure oh oh no [Music] w [Music] [Music] what's this headquarters base camp weren't we supposed to be the first ones down here yeah we were that was the argument so this is where everyone else is this is where the others are others you're the others well I shouldn't have to explain myself I will admit that I may have Twisted the truth a little but I had to get you down here but the no one else needs to hear this yes myself and Chen have descended into the valley before but but we have yet to explore the outer limits what about all those extra packs who are they I see ah yes yes um we'll uh continue this [Music] later better yeah yeah much better thanks just she watches around yeah yeah that's good come on seriously I am serious the guy is insane you know I can't use that why not you're supposed to be documenting the truth aren't you yeah but still hang on incoming 12:00 what behind you GA around little food for thought does anyone know what this is it's part of a skull Einstein it's not I see it that's weird what what is it said it's a monkey skull moving on no it's definitely not a monkey so human that thing yeah right it's I believe what Sydney's coming to terms with is she doesn't quite know what it is no kidding but I should but she should I mean aside from the distorted features look at the cranium the volume well it's like it's like us I mean we're 1,200 cubic cm in volume right and this this has got to be at least 14 15 it's got to be about 18800 cubic cm any of this creature become extinct it isn't stay there stay right there so I'll just go ahead and be the one to say it what the hell was that all about how did you and then you had it it's just me you got to watch that what is that CH now good night thinkers for our benefit it's a grave about guy yeah they hi him out the tent a little while ago something's not right here I mean we're students not professionals not yet anyway we're not supposed to be in life-threatening situations I get enough of that student parties did you understand any of that skull stuff yeah intelligence well evolutionary intelligence anyway can be sort of measured by the size of the skull so so we're looking at a new species maybe only I don't understand why we're here if he's so protective of it I [Music] know well you know Sydney and Josh were talking about going back tomorrow she's a little scared [Music] yeah I don't know she says she feels pretty confident she could find her way back what about you you can go with I was thinking about it just starting to feel a little like a host yeah [Music] come on let's [Music] go they let him go this was a warning I've got to go okay I know doesn't need to know but got to go I really need PE hey who's there Greg come on guys this is private time get love us enough I'm going to waste you guys Hey Hey Sydney left what woke up and she was gone she wouldn't leave us even if she knew the way would she did H said anything about it no Dead Man Walking I'm in a go away Z well what is it did Sydney come and talk to you this morning which one is she the brunette the blonde oh yeah her well I mean did she yes she did ah so she left I mean you let her leave let her leave why wouldn't I it's not like the you're in prison here I had send escorter back early this morning she came to see me I explained what we were doing here she sounded intrigued but said she thought it was best she left homesick she said really huh just seems kind of odd what does maybe she would have waited for the rest of us say goodbye at least well you know women they get an idea in their heads and what what is it exactly we're doing here Professor you're getting an idea in your head you shouldn't I won't tolerate Mutiny on my crew you understand I want you to rally the troops because we're going in further toly Uncharted Territory I promise you that but Josh with his ankle there's no way we can go into Uncharted Territory he can stay by the rest of you the rest of you must come with me if I'm to accomplish anything said I'm relying on you will you do this for me what did you say he said we need to move out we need to pack up where moving further in but what about Sue he said he had Chan take her back safely so she's going to be all right yeah I'm sure she'll be fine it's just that I uh well I didn't think she'd leave about saying goodbye to me that's all she wouldn't what do you mean well I just think Sydney nothing all right let's move hey you right Seth what's going on he said you can stay here if you want hold down the fort alone no no I'll cope with what do you think yeah we best get together look let's just get going here one look I'll think of something [Music] [Applause] okay help help please what are you doing please tell me [Music] what ah for what is that it's working what is that thing hold on what about Sydney you took her back yes Sydney's returned safely she got back pretty damn quick as you can see Chen moves pretty damn quick yeah but even so how prepare to move out 2 minutes guys we need to do something I feel like you like a bait what do you mean I don't think it's this place is he so interested in I think it's what's living here that he's into what are you doing rad crumbs like markers when we need to get out of here without those two but how are we going to do that gun we got to get the gun if we do that we do it tonight what about Josh if we get the gun we don't need to worry about it we can take our time of Josh move out this way all perfect the camp here fit your tent there oh guys there's millions of them keep to them jum m wait must get you away from that mess it's like a warning a warning yeah that's exactly what it is it's a warning for us come on what's that it's nothing don't worry about it it's nothing thank you you really think it's a good idea to stay here yes I do that what is it start talking yes I suppose it's time I have uncovered a new species of primate a completely separate branch of evolution one that could Poss possibly tie up the Loose Ends The Missing Link how can you call something missing when it's been found no this is an offshoot you mean to say they've been breeding down here for thousands of years so what do you call it then them what does he call them frankly I just I don't know it's been like trying to to prove the existence of Bigfoot or alien but all of this instead of waiting for them to come to us we've been going to them you have that skull isn't that enough evidence only that they once existed I want to prove they exist now we need something more concrete something that can't be debated exactly how dangerous are they well I uh should imagine that they're only dangerous when there space is invaded which is exactly what we're doing now no no they're not any more dangerous than any other animal in the wild the fact of the matter students is that I can't do this without you you see if I had chosen assistants from Academia they'd have wanted to share in all the glory but you as students well you're just as smart as they are but there's no chance that any of you will shine me no offense of course oh now this is [ __ ] this is wrong Professor you realize what's going to happen when someone finds out I mean you're treating us like prisoners like we're your lab rats by the end of this you won't be telling anyone you will be so infused with the discovery and the knowledge that you'll barely remember my little Persuasions enough it's time we all go got some rest don't you think this is so messed up Sydney was right but all the other people missing I don't even want to think about what happened to them I'll get the gun tonight after everyone's asleep I'll get the gun me too no it's got to be quick it's got to be quiet if there's two of it'll be easier if it's just me yeah or me I mean it could just be me c look if it's you and something happens I'm not strong enough to carry Josh well don't worry about me don't make about me I'm not but what would happen it just we look I'm just saying okay just in case that's all that's why it's got to be me well a scream or something if anything happens ah yeah thanks nice touch Greg guys if it getss really serious we can always use this look it's like Morse code SOS without the dots see Batman's got one quite similar hey hey do you mind if I stay here with you tonight just Danny's with Greg and I just didn't want to be alone tonight no I mean yeah that's fine thanks I just don't think anyone should be alone tonight you know yeah thank you tonight noises what do you think they were doing I don't know might have been like a another warning maybe like some sort of Call to Arms or something but I mean it could be anything it's probably nothing we don't even know what we're really dealing with you're not scared are you no no I'm not scared good I am are you going to get the gun now's a good a time is any do you think they're asleep no should probably wait I'm glad you got such a big then I usually plan ahead for two you're such an idiot are you okay Josh can't I just pitch my own tent you know what I mean I'm not letting you go anywhere I'd be fine with it really just keep thinking about Sydney well now that I mean who's to say they didn't what's wrong nothing just the rain [Applause] it is not my foot that's gross Josh stick it outside that rain you're in you're kidding me come on Greg it's true some animals piss on their prey Wicked watch out Josh they're marking you yeah out of 10 I get 11 Josh guys Josh is gone what they took him what it's gone after him wa wait wait wait hang on get alive I one one [Music] Jos Josh Jos Josh I can't see you Jos [Music] Josh Josh Josh Josh Josh [Music] Josh joshh Josh Josh [Music] St for the hell oh my son of a why why did you me oh God oh God it hurts it was me why did you shoot me why what's wrong with you why are you why what are you doing why what are you what's going help help help help God help no no help to go I to go home please no what are you doing I have to go you can't just leave me here I have to go after him I'll be right back come you will not go to them get her please oh God help oh God [ __ ] [Music] go Che Chen ch you used us all as bait this place you knew how dangerous it was before we got here and still you told us to come you must understand no I don't you are so young you have a lot to learn about about what desperation Insanity failure failure I am just about to succeed don't you realize what's being discovered here what's being discovered they're killing us you're killing us you think they're just going to let us walk out of here just stroll out of here so you can put him in a cage and put up a big sign around him I expected some casualties everyone understand sacrifices do they but we'll see about that when I get back and I explain to everyone how you sacrificed a 20year old girl for your precious Discovery you get that yeah I got it listen what someone's coming CG wonderful where's Seth Greg where's Greg where's Seth gone everybody's gone is it on can we go yeah tonight our Expedition led by me Conrad Hamilton was attacked by a new breed an intelligent species that has so far killed at least five of our members we are being stalked hunted toyed with but we stand resolved tomorrow We Begin Again three of us remain and three of us will continue our Quest wait what you can't be serious yes of course we're so close to achieving our Dream our dream we have to get out of here now oh you will not keep on recording the three of us will continue our Quest find this new breed and we will endeavor to bring back evidence to the outside world that these incredible creatures exist there she should be right around here who your friend Sydney what is that thing tracking device what are you serious someone knows we're here y get excited we're the ones doing the tracking Sydney shouldn't be too far off now why aren't you recording this what is the camera for record it we're close we're very close did you plant a device on one of them one of them them no on all of you what I can't believe you they got hold of Sydney didn't they and you let them how could you science that's how I could that's why I did she should be right right around [Music] [Music] ah my go go get this I can yes you can they did this they did this this is beyond intelligence this is imagination and they are my Discovery mine Professor Conor ah [Music] good right let's go oh my God oh God oh my God he was striking something it was Sydney's tag he needed it to get them to come to him okay let's go it's that way to Camp from there we got the breadcrumbs we got about 3 hours of good Sun left you guys with me yes just get me out of here please let's go no did you guys pack up C no they must to taking it okay okay come on they're taking it it's okay it's okay now just keep moving yeah keep moving go come on let's go let's go there was one here one right here I remember it right here you sure yes I'm sure but if you remember it then we must be on the right track right right right this way what happened if they found them let's just keep moving okay move [Music] move move [Music] [Music] move thank you I think this is another place stand no [Music] run run run run run run run come on not now come on let's go it's Josh's M he might still be alive come on come on come on I don't like this Z it could be a we've got no choice come on no you got the night vision yes got it got it turn left turn life was straight okay okay what's that Echo oh my God a huge cave Josh can you see Josh he's not here okay we need to get out of here say there was something there give me the camera they're here they know say they're in here there's [Music] nothing there nothing a [Music] [Music]

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