Earth and Monty VISIT ECLIPSE! in VRChat

and this place looks the exact same yeah so uh everything all right with you and uh well that you're not going to I don't know it's been a while since you've talked to him yeah but you know I think it'll be cool right I've been you know want to make sure they're all settled in and stuff before I you know met like you messaged them or visited them right right uh so if I'm a b man and I will be because I because Pua told me where they'd be they're in the theater right now oh should I should I go in there then I mean up to you they're probably in there waiting for me huh uh Clips I mean I I I don't know if they're waiting for you but uh that's true but I have a question so if you're going to leave right not right away I'll just you know make sure things are all right before I get going yeah I know but like where do I go to get picked up like here or do I go back cuz you know there was there's a portal in the ball pit just call me I I don't I don't I don't think there's a portal thing here should we go check I'm very certain there's not I kind of want to check you kind of want to check if there's a portal in the ball pin Ju Just in case you know I I'd like to know at the very least if it's there or not I mean I CS has got to know I guess I could I guess I'll wait till I talk to a Clips then right you want to I want to walk in with you uh sure I mean if you want to you don't have to no cuz I don't know how you D Earth dang it okay okay if you want to if I want to I I am going to want oh wow you're just right there oh hi how you doing you what so uh it's been a bit he is this as awkward as can possibly be isn't it yeah maybe you can go now I guess should I I mean is it the glowing thing if I un I it's like it's like a thing I turn on usually in the dark glowing thing why are you here well I thought it' be nice to come and check in on you you know you said I could um I did send you a text I don't know if you got it um can't receive text too easily Oh I thought you said we could that's kind of why I did the whole texting before I came I'm sorry are you busy cuz if you're busy I can go no I'm not busy right okay uh Earth just give me a call I will grab it pick you up as soon as possible you're just going to leave your girlfriend here hey I got some friends to meet up with myself man I'll just be right back enjoy Monte see Earth bye love you so Eclipse love you too thank you so eclipse what do you want to do h there's nothing to do really well I was thinking you know I wanted to maybe take your measurements measurements yeah logically I know I could get measurements from like sun or moon because technically you guys are kind of the same like model but I feel like you have different measurements cuz I'm looking at you right now and you just look like you have different measurements going on there I am taller than the both of them exactly so I wanted to get your measurements so if I wanted to make you anything I could you know just do it so I mean is that okay okay I don't want to do that without your permission do whatever Earth okay let me take your okay there we go shoulders okay and then arms and then waist okay neck and then legs then width of legs then feet I'm fast I'm fast cuz Luna doesn't stand still and neither is Dazzle um all right and then hands hold on hands good there we go I'm good thank you for humoring me we know the Evelyn in this world's probably dead right probably not too long ago huh what was there like a Blood Moon here too no disappearances happened oh was Evelyn on that list she was the first one oh that's sad I don't like that there's bound to be more eventually just given the fact that it's Fazbear yeah this company's not great company's never been great and all the facets of Fazbear it's always been an awful company hard press to find a good one no matter Multiverse and moon what about moon has he been better which one well how I don't remember exactly like when you left was it was it with new with like the old New Moon being back or like old moon coming back new Moon's gone you know like were you there one yeah old Moon yeah he's great no idea about New Moon um but or Nexus as he's going by apparently all right sure yeah to be fair I have been asked I I mean i' I've asked to not be involved in that whole Nexus stuff cuz uh you know well let's not talk about me but all boot's good I want to hear about you how have you been s into this place good enough mhm any details I can hear or just good enough what do you want me to say Earth in regards to that well where do you sleep where do you you know do your what do you do for during the day like that kind of stuff I work then I go to sleep and charge and then I work again okay but where do you work are you a theater attendant I'm not a theater attendant I a mechanic I work it I simply sit here basically oh well you know that's cool only place is not at terminals you know I'm starting to learn I'm trying to learn how to do um you know computer stuff I tried programming but that's a little hard you programming well yeah I tried and I kind of messed it up really badly so I haven't really done that I'm kind of trying to like get into like the hardware of stuff first before I go into software because I thought you know software would be like a soft introduction it's not Hardware is probably the easiest right Hardware Hardware is simply plugging stuff in and making sure it's correct that would be easier exactly that's what I was told I thought software would be easy I just because of name maybe that makes me stupid but you know I thought it'd be like easier turns out it's not so no it's not so I have a question do you guys have like a a portal in your ball pit portal no we're not they're not that stupid to put a portal in their ball pit besides I wouldn't let them ooh can I see there's not a portal I know can I see a ball pit that doesn't have a portal in it it's a new experience for me because I'm used to just a big thing of metal at the bottom of our ball pit you really want to see it yeah I know it's a simple thing for me I have a simple life going on yeah don't be surprised if you meet a who what what's that about oh nothing just the moon here well what's wrong with the moon here doesn't listen oh I see um so like like doesn't listen is he kind of like are you not getting along with them well or does everybody not get along with them I don't ah I see well you know I'll I'll see what they're like let's say I don't believe you I have a visitor don't have to talk to her okay bye what so there a thing in the ball pit or there is a lack of thing um excuse me what are you doing to my it's just a ball pit now nothing's at the botom I want to feel it I want to feel it except p oh yeah that's just padding you know it does feel like padding usually but sometimes there like a piece of metal that like sticks out sometimes it's not like a sharp piece of metal but it is a metal piece so yeah so I was wondering um since I'm here and everything uh would you mind like if we cuz I know we kind of wanted to get into like I mean I personally wanted to get into a hobby with you um were you still interested in picking up a hobby with me Hobbies yeah I was thinking maybe puzzles would be find to do together a decent exercise to keep the sharpness of the mind yeah that's what I thought it also cuz it's fun if you want we can get like a 500 piece puzzle or we can go to a th000 piece puzzle that could be fun 2,000 that's a good idea we'll work on it together and then um if you want to work on it when I'm not here that's cool too um we can set up one at my world too if you want by the way hi nice meeting you I I don't think I talked to you but nice meeting you I guess um are you um like new here she's not staying yeah I'm like not from here oh you're from your dimension got it yeah yeah yeah um cool yeah cool meeting you sorry was I was I not supposed to talk to him or I don't care if you talk to them or not okay I didn't know how we felt about that or if you get along with them or not is there a reason why you guys don't get along besides she doesn't listen don't like moons I can see why you've had pretty bad experiences with all moons you've interacted with yeah have you gotten along with the sun here no makes sense you don't seem to click while with Suns either is there a me here nope oh your father here died of a heart attack oh okay well that ends that dream of me coming back is a you know me here that'd be fun I doubt it'd be any funner well I guess yeah the one time I met another me was a goose me they were very mean oh believe me there are other us out there made for all sorts of reasons what do you want hi there mood I um I don't know I'm just trying to figure out what the hell's going on here well I I happy to explain it um I am visiting you know to hang out with my one of my good friends Eclipse I'd say best you sure he's not trying to use you to get close to you then throw you away afterwards I'm sure I have nothing to get from hers yeah that's why we're best friends is it okay if I call us best friends why but you had something to get from me got it yikes oo okay he still has that stupid kill coat in his head he does he was made by your father still that never changed and that wasn't fixed yet you know this place has only been open for 2 3 weeks oh we're in the past Yeah a different world Sun and Moon are still in the same body oh I see so we're still in the very early development stages here I'm more wondering why you weren't going to question why he sounded different oh I figured it's a different dimension so things are different right do you see a chicken and a bunny right over there right yeah yeah well your eyes haven't adjusted yet I doubt they will actually mine haven't you know Henry won the lawsuit for those two oh so they're not here they're not what is Montgomery Gator but as a girl foxy was apparently made later into line instead of roxan oh Bora and Lefty you don't seem like you like them very much I don't care for them like that no have you made any friends while you were here do I need to make friends I guess not you don't have to I was just hoping this could be a fresh start for you it is away from everything it is yeah you're away from all the drama ah ah oh my gosh you startled me Earth hi Earth hi wait are you are you are you different Earth or they're the same Earth hello I'm from the dimension yes I'm coming to visit a hello it's good to see you too you look sparkly yeah um usually when it's nighttime mode of the daycare I go into this you're really sparkly thank you like fairy pixie dust a yeah that's kind of the vibe yeah what do you want F see I just wanted to see uh things cuz I saw Monty was here and then I was like wait it's Monty here does that mean Monty is mon did you I I get confused sometimes because Monty is also gender fluid so I'm not sure if Monty also here fed out if they're a gender fluid or not so I'm wonder if Monty Monty turn into a Monty different I'm confusing myself mhm so what you doing FC you have you have any other plans today uh can I buy some potato chips they're $12.99 $12.99 that's reasonable here yeah well they shot up I double the price when we opened usually it's $18.99 no it wasn't it wasn't the theater i999 what it was $29.99 oh yeah that was one of the days with okay yeah yeah it was more ridiculous back here okay I don't know why I got the bags of chips but I mean we have we I I we have a lot of food here do I eat for free do I even need to eat anymore that's for you to find out I'll find out what this appointment chips bye bye it's good to see FC so um puzzle 2,000 piece puzzle huh I was getting along with him for a bit FC Moon Moon okay then what happened I just didn't that's okay that happens sometimes it has to happen a lot with me sometimes when bad things happened to somebody a lot you kind of noticed that oh lot bad things happening more than good things CU it's easier to do I think it's really good that you at least talked to mood and got along with them for a little bit even if things have broken down for now I'm sure you two can rekindle whatever friendship or relationship or whatever was going on like acquaintance ship you just both got to put work into it if you both want to but if you don't want to anymore that's completely fine you okay fine so what you looking over reading history here things are similar but yet different do you want to go out and do something fun it is currently 2 in the morning here yeah I'm sure Walmart are still open yes you want to go walk around Walmart at 2:00 in the morning we can go buy puzzles at Walmart late night puzzle shopping and we get some snacks that actually are reasonably priced does my money work here no it does not you don't have a bank account here well that's Jank I kind of wanted to pay for stuff Jank yeah that's that was a I don't know I thought that'd be fun to say I I'm trying to try new things now try to use a lingo the younger kids well that's not even what the young kids say anymore I just thought I'd throw that in for fun I was watching Adventure Time that's why man I have no idea where the hell this guy is uh something about them switching places going to take a 50-50 shot it's either me or roxan makes more sense was rockan though I mean that was the one that replaced him oh open up oh God Monty what do you knock knock my so economic leader I can't tell if it's you or if it's the suck your hands up and give me all your money yeah it's you what's up man man you knew it on side Hey so uh Earth wanted to visit so uh visit a clip so I thought like well I might as well come too and make a bit of a trip for me Earth here yeah she's uh talking with the clips right now and FC would love to know that he does he walked into me while I was coming over actually oh really yeah dude it's like 2 in the morning here what is he doing now we don't have a proper schedule anymore at this point man it's crazy man that's fair I mean from what I he things things have been rather calm for you guys right uh yeah what mean not like end of the world destructive scenarios oh yeah no I mean besides the fact that we had a kid disappear named Evelyn last week mother days ago actually what is she meant to die no one found her she's still alive I I don't know what she's doing man faz's got some on them man okay yeah I know they're losing their lawsuit it's getting worse they're using that in court now God damn so what basic understanding here is she was the first Model yep I replaced her huh don't know what she even looks like probably more of the same hope not uh puppet's been uh I guess just existing for a while she's not taking it too well but she's getting used to it right FC is doing great he has kids Cove to himself plus he gets to run around and do stuff he stabs kids fake sword of course okay I was going to say you know the missing kids pretty bad you sure okay H it's not FC he looked around for the kid too and Andrew wouldn't let him I think weirdly enough man whatever uh it's a whole it's a whole weird thing here it's bad am I still here by the way some you're here right and you are just as bad just as bad as I usually am you actually might get us demonetized what the f I am oh you actually might yeah how's that they just drop un just drop sensors for 8 seconds straight and then go on and do again a minute later over and over again repeatedly over and over again damn I've been thinking though I talked to people recently [Music] um that wasn't me I know it was was them was her her yep oh yeah you that might be one of the things that changed around here huh uh things are weird dude the Sun and Moon here haven't separated yet yeah you got are in the past it's a big point of contention for people that's a big point of contention the moon here is a little bit upset about things recently I guess they visited your dimension recently apparently Eclipse shoved our sun through the portal into your world and moon came out of it cuz they switch on light levels and that's how it used to work yeah point being Moon has a kill code that's also what was there before but I'm trying to understand what's going on and I'm asking puppet about it and this and that and moon and Eclipse were getting along for a bit there don't tell me he he f up right big time dude I'm not surprised by that listen I'm going to just say it again Eclipse has a tendency to push people the way he starts getting along with but it was different so he approached moon moon was telling him how he's working on something or something like that about how he's trying to I talk to moon a bit also after I visited him a few times talked to him some stuff he's not a bad guy he apparently was working on a way for him and son to talk without having to switch bodies or videos or going into their own head Eclipse said that wouldn't work wouldn't tell him why told him he's stupid called him an idiot and then Moon wanted him to leave because he kept saying stuff like that and Eclipse just did Eclipse things I guess and acted Superior which made Moon a bit a bit upset because he doesn't know why he's being treated that way after they hung out and played games was was what it sounds like they're playing zomboid like we used to do I played it with him last night actually it was pretty fun we have zombi always kind of fun no matter what you're doing yeah but Moon I think the main thing is he looked at me he told me he's not a monster he kept saying that that he's not a bad person but I guess eclipse is treating him like he is he gets like he's feeling that way self- projection dude self- projection is a lot well the core of it also is I think that he blames this moon for what our moon or his Moon did probably not like I'm not surprised by it that's not fair right like I I get it right stit trth blamed me for what previous me did I didn't have recollection of it but that's even different because this is an entirely different place like this Moon literally doesn't know what he did wrong and is being punished for it not like this one actually committed anything I mean they just woke up right just woke up but their eyes begin to turn red I guess that's how they can see it oh that that that's all that's been a things it's kill CO's been anybody's systems Moon said what caused it was that Clips Turned the Lights On it's because Moon wouldn't let him look at his head to see what the kilo was doing so Eclipse turned the lights on and then told Sun that Moon agreed to keep the lights on for the rest of the night and that's when it made him angry that's all I can that's what he thinks is when it spiked he talked to I guess arson Mo to about it I don't I don't know I guess I'm worried that he doesn't have someone that can understand what's going on and can help him out and thinking about giving that USB to Armanti here recently but that could be a whole mistake too what actually is on there everything well most of everything and not like I'm giving them my memories my personality not on there either I'm only giving them my knowledge basic blueprints are your kid too in case that ever needs to get fixed and I'm not available I'm just worried that they might start going into space and doing star power stuff mean they could if they do I'm going to call you you know that right we're going to stop that in tracks sure I mean but I'm thinking if I give Moon something to hang out with besides just me maybe someone that can help him somebody that's smart I mean hell I'll be honest with you man you and him got along right we got along pretty damn well we were neers to each other then again we like best friends yeah we were we were best friends pretty tight i' say cuz I the way it's going now I'm worried the eclipse might actually be causing more harm than he's he's trying to prevent doesn't even realize it at this point either he's trying to stop this kill codee thing but he's just doing it more he's just actually enabling it by causing resentment or something Moon doesn't want to do that you know well it's like a month old he doesn't deserve it yeah and the Sun is a crush on me by the way it's really freaking weird I'm not surprised he had a crushing Rock sand in our world you're technically the rockand stand here and the Earth is puppet to be fair that's that's valid there our our moon knows everything now about what's goes on but he doesn't like Eclipse all right here's a deal way I see this oh give give the other me the code thing you any somebody that you can actually like that's on your side that is smart I'm going to give it to Moon I think it's not going to work on him but you know what I trust you with what you do man I want moon to make that decision all right dog but I I have to think about it because the more the more we mess with this place the worse it gets hey I'm not sure what you mean by worse this was this was going to happen you inserted yourselves in stuff was going to just change I know I know it's just I don't want to cause more problems and what if this Monty actually does want to do bad things I doubt they do maybe I have to make some confirmations with them first I I'll give them I'll give them a good read you know for a bit more I almost kind of miss our our problems cuz I don't know I don't miss them at all actually you do not D do not miss problems dude this stuff is a lot more simple a lot of them followed us to be fair they just aren't here puppet's purposefully not doing anything besides anchoring herself here to avoid that all right she's miserable she's miserable she's not miserable she is no she ain't I think I know her more than I know you huh or you know her I was going to say maybe she's not miserable but she's not having the best of times here well I imagine the uh situation with moon and Eclipse ain't helping either she's very upset about that she how is she by the way where in the world is she she's around dude she that's actually a great question yeah maybe I should hang out with her more so I'm going to take a quick little guiss up there could be she could be N I bet she is she did not take that disappearance very well by the way I imagine nobody else did man disappearing kids fazber does that in Spades mon our Monty seemed to think that it was bad situation we looked around ourselves together but we couldn't find her did uh they ever say if they hang out with the I guess for my since Rock sand here I I don't know I I'm kind of curious what happens after this lawsuit if we're ever going to actually meet meet those people but amen I'm going tell you right now you can trust Monty with that stuff I know dude I don't know what to do because like I I I to just watch I can't do anything about it I Tred talking to El about it he he is convinced every Moon ends the same way I mean he weren't wrong has to be wrong by definition of how Places work this place is built I know I know I know what I know what you mean I know what you mean d i i i get what he's saying too you haven't not been there on like a dimensional level a lot of them are not exactly nice this one is I'll take your word you should beat him sometime might get along actually uh I'll hold off on that I don't want to get too involved with people I'm not going to really meet much yeah it's fair enough he um he doesn't seem interested at all with dimensional travel well his major concern is just keeping him and son happy is what it seems like that's it I'll be keep it that way no star power nonsense if I hear a single peep about it from our Monti post giving them knowledge I I'm going to go visit you and we're going to fix that deal I can come up with a bit of a WAP there but yeah I really don't want to deal with things like space stations I saying yes already star power and Magic I'm saying yes already my man if they start messing with that sort of stuff I can I can make some sort of WAP state so it gets rid of certain parts of my knowledge there I appreciate it I would be too bad just got to Target all those that' be easy actually all right dude you have to get going right can't say I'm going to be puppet are you why not go for it I got a real good feeling if they're not here with you they're got to be up there in them cameras all right all right man I up my man you used to be like that Dam a little bit not really bye oh God damn uh you got to be somewhere around here no way I'm just going to be sleeping on the floor on anyone else's couch unless it's foxy thank you're up here anyways we should I come and through the other uh wait what was it again I think uh that's Freddy's that's Rock Sands i' coming through the other way you know what screw it going through Rock Sands thing knock knock my Politically Incorrect racial epith hello boo oh come on godamn what are you doing here uh you know just kind of wanted to Earth wanted to come by see how Eclipse was doing and I thought well I might as well see what you guys are doing God I heard you guys have a hell of a week hell of a week yeah let's go with that that's a hell of a month of an everything where's Lefty at is it Freddy Lefty he's in his room probably balora balora can't get my name right right well Wasing videos I I I understand that somebody called them at some point yeah dude this place is crazy hey it's less crazy than ours that's true in a good way oh you're right it's just I don't know it's hard you know how you holding up dude I'm useless not useless incredibly useless what the you mean you useless I don't I don't have anything I can do well you don't got your mad superpowers let you see through time and space I ever have to bring those back out that thing's coming back then don't use them dude you got many other abilities to your repertoire than that no if I use any of them strengthens him I have not used magic I'm saying you got more stuff than just magic or whatever the whatever the it is anyways what what do I possibly have well you see you got your planet dude you got your empath see you have your people skills are the most part you're naming all of Foxy's skills yeah well you seem to reflect it little Myer skills have been real useful recently by the way yeah 100% well didn't work on Eclipse you surprised by that not at all he actually just doesn't care are you surprised by that dude of course he doesn't care a little bit because he helped me you know and helped def SE what are you doing just just sit still I'm sitting you're trying to sit and it's not working how is it not working just just what what have dude all right fine screw it I don't know I I I left because I put a lot of people in danger and maybe I shouldn't have brought other people with me they're getting Bel great though fy's making friends FC is doing FC things I'll be real probably the best thing for foxy in the world it is and FC it is so don't don't you dare say you shouldn't have brought him I'm working I'm more confused why you brought the other guy I didn't bring him brought us there's a difference you could have got any other dimension yeah man I'm be real I don't even know if you like Eclipse that much I feel like I owed him something cuz he saved you the moment I brought that thing back to my home I had no way out it was going to be me and them in a staring contest for the next thousand years or so one of you died I'm not sure if one of us dying means both of us dying or whatever the hell but I ow a lot and he thinks that I just want to use him for stuff and I don't I don't care enough to use him for anything I just wanted to maybe show some support and be someone he can talk to about stuff doesn't work usually he's hurting people and I know he's been through a lot I don't know or can pretend to know what he went through maybe you do dude just because he went through a lot doesn't give many rat to hurt anybody for it that's my point but how do I say that your trauma doesn't give you a right to take it out on others or hurt others your rights end where someone else's begin just like that man he uses the excuse that it's going to happen it's going to happen moon will have his kill code activate moon will kill a kid but how does he know probably it's basic he'll just use it as an excuse to be like I know what's going to happen like he's some he basing all that stuff on the other moon what the other Moon did what that's what I'm saying he's using that to say that this Moon's the same and the other moons that did it I tried to tell him this isn't our moon this isn't your moon he doesn't care I I can't do anything about it I I'm not what am I going to do it seems like the more I talk to him about it the more he gets set and so like he's just a stubborn dig his heels in and just sit there and do nothing about it only way you can't prove a man like that wrong is you got to just prove it wrong how he's a man of science damn it you give enough evidence to him he will shut up I don't have a way to get that evidence Monty sure you do you got portals to many other places he keeps basing this off the portals you got to do the same way if he doesn't believe you that's just hypocrisy of his finest I I can't leave I open a portal myself you mother all right classic puppet a Monty Adventure call on reservation at some point guess I'll give you a call at some point yeah hey man don't you sweat right now for now just enjoy your life here R FC foxy how have you been actually now I think about it we haven't talked about you too much my dude I don't know I don't do anything so man I know for a fact you hate that he's busy all day with his performances and FC is off doing FC things and you could be security here I have been trying to look through all the camera Fe feeds and everything you're not going to find nothing like that everyone's gone and I don't know if it's going to happen again and I can't stop it and which ones are on the loop what the cameras which one of them is on a loop I don't know they're not there's no problem right now there there's no issue right now no no no there's going to be an issue hey hey this is just me coming in here when the disappearances happen with this in the pizza Plex we discovered that some of the cameras were starting to Loop not uh not all of them for indefinite but some of them did start looping not here they shut off they shut off all of them no just the ones where the kid disappears at M Direction I just found this puppet you're already looking at the places that it happened so shouldn't there be places where I've gone through it's been 6 days I've went through all of them there's no Trace of her they do it again I'm probably not going to find it too it's there's too much to look for Monty where it happened at it happened in the daycare it was the first one I been look in the airlock there's nothing in the air lock I'm not looking for anything in the air lock I'm trying to see if any of it there it is what look at the running water [Music] barely noticeable barely I got to go thanks nothing all right I'll see you later man do just walk with you her cuz I got to go pick up Earth too I mean she's at the yeah yeah we're going the same way anyway I think probably right is she daycare right now is she here uh should have probably know nah she walked out talk to her whatever they walked out where look they're going to like a Walmart or something are they allowed to leave I forgot what we can't leave we don't I don't I don't think Eclipse gives a sh okay besides Earth don't exist here dhy I have to go look for her not Earth but thank you I'll see around or we can walk there together I don't know man I'm going to go to the exit Z there's an exit right there I'm going to the airlock for the day yep I'll see you then man see you [Music]

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Tinwoo Tech Eclipse Smartwatch Review!

Category: Entertainment

Intro what's going on guys answer here come true with another video and it's been over two months now since i had my 10 new tech eclipse smartwatch and i'm finally gonna give you guys a full review so i hope you guys enjoy the video alright so first things i want to discount code go ahead and point... Read more

tutoriales fáciles #05 | como hacer una TV moderna sin mods (para decorar) thumbnail
tutoriales fáciles #05 | como hacer una TV moderna sin mods (para decorar)

Category: Gaming

Mon shuk chavales sean bienvenidos todos a un nuevo videoo para el canal sí ya sé hace una banda de tiempo que no un video de este tipo la verdad que extrañado hacerlo quería hacerlo hace mucho tiempo pero nunca se me da la oportunidad ahora que sí e nada sean bienvenidos todos a un nuevo video para... Read more

Schools districts across Northeast Ohio giving students day off for solar eclipse April 8 thumbnail
Schools districts across Northeast Ohio giving students day off for solar eclipse April 8

Category: News & Politics

>> pizzas looking good right about now suddenly in our side. but first talk about but also look forward to april. 8th is the day so many are waiting for because it is the day of the total solar eclipse. as we know, cleveland is really directly in the path of totality making us quite popular.... Read more

How to Unlock the Secret Survivor in Seekers of the Storm | Risk of Rain 2 thumbnail
How to Unlock the Secret Survivor in Seekers of the Storm | Risk of Rain 2

Category: Gaming

Step one find your way to the guilded coast and defeat a reion knite to collect the house on seed you can get to the guilded coast by either activating a massive gold shrine or any stage that you see it on cleaning the tep and then going through the gold portal or you can get to there by dreaming of... Read more


Category: Gaming

Previously on outlast 2 not like i [music] do nowhere the outsider iss can we do that can we roll that again [ __ ] [ __ ] jesus christ unhand her you be do we jump yeah oh my wait wait this is before i found her hanging nailed it wake up wake up i'm still here oh whoa whoa whoa okay well not that way... Read more

Eclipse Lunar dia 17 de setembro! thumbnail
Eclipse Lunar dia 17 de setembro!

Category: Science & Technology

O eclipse da lua acontece na noite de 17 para 18 veja a lua na noite do dia 17 é lua cheia eclipse da lua sol corre na lua cheia veja como ocorre o eclipse o sol manda raio solar para a terra a terra projeta um cone de sombra para trás e a lua olha para o cone de sombra e acha legal vai em direção ao... Read more