Reaction To Pittsburgh Steelers Cam Sutton Being Suspended 8 Games For The 2024 NFL Season

Published: Jul 17, 2024 Duration: 00:07:47 Category: Sports

Trending searches: cam sutton
we did finally get a update on the cams situation right we know um back in March he had the issue domestic incident from there Detroit Lines end up releasing him we signed him shortly after that then we're kind of waiting to see you know what would come from it NFL uh basically said that they give an eight game suspension after reviewing everything and from his side they're not going to appeal it either so eight games is what it is in terms of the length of the suspension we know that now um we know that that if essentially is once the regular season gets here he won't be able to be you know with the squad right for those first eight games then after that he's able to come back that' be what November time frame so for you was your reaction to it man um in terms of the length of the suspension and just it as a whole uh I was surprised because it seemed like the way everyone was talking about cam Sutton's situation particularly from a legal standpoint it wasn't going to be more than like four games MH and cuz he initially got the felony Dro to misdemeanor and then the misdemeanor was going to be completely wiped out if he completed yeah off the field program uh so and like no one and that's the other thing like whether it was Steelers Media or national media when talking about a cam Sutton suspension and getting back in the league no one was talking about eight games right it was like will he get any will it be two will it be four I didn't not hear the phrase eight games being popped up when talking about a cam Sutton suspension at all going into it so like maybe I'm like I was just naive or ignorant to it but I mean I pay attention to NFL talk I I think fairly consistently I think you do as well yeah so yeah that's that's why I was surprised it just seemed like how everything was looking from a cam Sutton legal standpoint it wasn't going to be that long of a suspension plus the fact we didn't hear uh the number being eight games from anyone in the know on uh just the NFL or even like the Steelers and how they handle stuff like this like no one was saying that but then after hearing it was eight games a lot of people were pointing to like six games was always going to be the bare minimum and you know the NFL did their own like due diligence on and decided that a was the proper number and you know it is what it is I just I never heard it being six games I never heard it being eight games at all in the lead up to this so that's kind of why I was surprised yeah no I'm with you man um I was back and forth in terms of the length of the suspension I thought four and a pill I thought if they did six or a pill it three whatever it is you going to cut it in half so they might give you a big number but that's for the appeal to give you a little little bit of leeway and that be that so the eight initially seemed like a big number but I thought like you know what man this is the gentleman's agreement of NFL make yourselves look good thought a big number a player PA y'all know what you're going to do appeal it we'll drop it down two games we'll call it even him deciding to not appeal it was the part that kind of caught me off guard but I kind of was back and forth on the decision and my thing is it's like yes by accepting it and not fighting it you move on from it it goes the rest a lot sooner I think about Brady with the flate gate if Brady doesn't fight it takes suspension takes the F when it first happens people move on from that a lot faster than why now we got to go to trial now we got to dig on to pill now was going to Supreme Court now with this we learning about PSIs and all this other stuff solely because of him fighting it and then when we go back and actually talk about the game and the impact up we like bro it was legar blunt game anyways but that was kind of the vibe It's like because you fight it it made it stay around longer now if you feel like you're innocent though or you feel like yo it's worth fighting to me then I get it and that was the part where Brady were as a PA member we were supporting the lawyers fighting it because it's a PA fight and it's like yo part of you was like yo I don't want to support this but the second the other side is like yo I get it if you feel like you know this is your reputation and you want to prove it man go for it because if I was in that situation I would want to have that opportunity as well so with Cam I kind of look at it like yo you have this opportunity to fight it you have opportunity to appeal it but I can also understand you want to move on from it you want to say man I made a mistake and whatever the detail details are we don't know that and we don't ever have to know that but you might just be saying bro I'm ready to move on from it and if I feel like this is what I deem accountable for myself then so be it and that's the part where it's like I respect that decision but I was a little bit surprised with him and the PA just kind of be like yo you sure you don't want to fight the eight because that's a half a season that to me if I'm just simply talking about roster configuration if I'm a coach if I'm a GM eight games is a lot more than four is a lot more than the two games you know what I mean like a half a season is drastically bro we don't talk about half a seasons for dudes that pull a hamstring we're like he gonna miss a couple games but half a season is a lot of time that was the other part where it was just like dang man but cause and effect put yourself in a position NFL reviewed what they reviewed and the threshold too for what we would say is legal breaking a law versus bad for Optics are very different for the NFL and I think that that's something that n we're see with this yeah this is like criminal case versus civil suit like criminal yeah man we got a judge jury yo let's come out here all right everybody guilty D all the facts Sil was like Hey man we kind of think you was wrong bet you wrong NFL they looking at a similar way man they're like yo what does this do to the Optics of the NFL you being an author on that field what does that mean how is the Casual viewer gonna feel about this how are investors gonna feel about this well and even just cam stting having his name in the news for a good what month month and a half not only the allegations that were out there on the Run where on the yes like anytime you were talking about cam Sutton like all that stuff was being associated with him and that's a player that plays in the NFL that's that's that's not good for the brand so yeah I I could see the NFL with the eight game suspension sending a message with this mhm and we said too back then when it first came out we was like yo he's a big enough name with the contract that they could send a message because he's not just some you know dude that doesn't play isn't hurt him he's like yo this is a $30 million contract guy is a guy that kind of you know risen up as a draft pick that is a big name that was on a NFC Championship team you know playing in the game and stuff like that so yeah that doesn't just go away quietly and sometimes you do got to send that message and because he's not so big where it's like yo you are above reproach these are the type of dudes that can't have a message sent on them so and if I think they they proven their point with this one man eight games though like boy but here we are

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