Carrie Underwood Vegas Cover Shoot 2012

Published: Aug 28, 2024 Duration: 00:02:09 Category: People & Blogs

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hey I'm Carrie Underwood and welcome to my Vegas magazine cover [Music] shoot a lot of the looks that we chose today for the photo shoot were all kind of pastely type colors um there was a little bit of boldness a little bit of um pretty boldness in the accessories that went with it kind of funky shoes the inspiration for our shoot was pastel and soft and pretty tones um we wanted a lot of movement and we wanted like a playful attitude um and she gave it to us right from the beginning of the day it's really hard for me to pick a favorite dress that I wore today because they were all very different um I started out with like a long kind of a minty green dress and they ended up short and pink so and and everything in between jewels and just lots of stuff going on so it's kind of hard for me to pick a favorite I I like them all my favorite part of the day is pretty much everything we shot you know every one of the six looks that we shot today seemed like there was a winner in there and we did lots of close-ups and beauty stuff and then we also did full length and we did some sitting down Carrie has got such a great attitude for doing a shoot um she's really excited about being in front of the camera and just playing around and you know I know all of her hair and makeup team and people that worked on the shoot really well so we had a really fun day and it seemed like we had a we have a new single out right now and um it was one that I was very excited to to be my first single the album itself is um it's pretty rocking there's a lot of upbeat songs I have a feeling a lot of the ones that people are going to be hearing on the radio are going to be uh pretty uptempo so that's uh really exciting for me to just have so many amazing uptempo songs and um I love this album it's my favorite album so far I think it blows the other ones away and um it was just a lot of fun to make so I'm so happy that that we're here It's Album Time thanks everybody for hanging out with me today hope you had as much fun as I did

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