Category: Film & Animation
[musique] vous êtes serge oui donc toi c'est stéph comment estce que tu as fait pour me retrouver ser vous avz dit qu'il avait une autre fille vous lu ressemblez pas beaucoup serge a toujours beaucoup de succès auprès des femmes il y en avait forcément de moins joli que d'autres j'imagine que pour vous... Read more
Category: News & Politics
Wall street's main indexes rose on thursday after higher than expected producer prices data reinforced expectations for a quarter point rate cut by the federal reserve at its policy meeting next week the dow gained more than half a percent the s&p 500 added 34 of a percent and the nasdaq climbed 1%... Read more
Category: Film & Animation
But... it's been months now. i'm at my wits' end. i'm going to be chairman of the rotary this year. i can't have any violence, any trouble. but you do want your money, don't you? my suppliers are threatening to cut me off. i must have it. just write down who owes you the money, how long for, and the... Read more
Category: People & Blogs
In just an instant people lose consciousness without warning the streets are in chaos moving cars crash around like hatless fes whether on the streets in offices or in subways there are corpses of people lying everywhere strangely there are no wounds on their bodies and no painful expressions a moment... Read more
Category: Entertainment
He said one day he's like i i need you for a project i need you to read this article i'm going to send you the script i'm like yo this is a great script who like who thought of all these crazy things this is insane then reading the articles knowing that this was based off a true story and this actually... Read more
Category: Film & Animation
We ever going to have chickens again mama hard to say i'm awful hungry well patience is a virtue hester the lord will provide i'd be real grateful if he'd provide something soon go to smoke housee get the big knife [music] [music] get inside the house Read more
Category: Film & Animation
[music] right this [music] way what the hell my it's to take you anything you can dream about here you can make who are you i i'm [music] steve okay this guy is such a toolbag [music] step right this way Read more
Category: Comedy
Precious cargo the cinematic equivalent of a microwave dinner hastily assembled lacking flavor and ultimately forgettable allow me to distill this gem into a succinct mockery that even bruce willis might smirk at picture this a worldclass thief named jack played by mark paul gasar struts around with... Read more
Category: Film & Animation
Joining us in the studio today is the skin care queen hope goldman you really are the american dream reputation is everything in this business your career is legendary and your story is inspiring as hell beauty is a cutro business business is a cutro [music] business i hope you don't think i'm ining... Read more
Category: Film & Animation
[musique] [musique] oh [musique] oh oh oh à des monnaies 1 hai phong c'est m un fioutch son [musique] ouais à fait faites-les [musique] kung fu song [musique] road show [musique] oh eric roy chat le tous mais [musique] non [musique] soit [musique] [musique] [musique] oui [musique] ça sent bon ici vous... Read more
Category: News & Politics
It's the us government versus two grocery store giants as the trial to block the $25 billion merger between kroger and rival albertson's kicked off in federal court on monday the us federal trade commission and several states have sued the grossers on the grounds that the proposed deal would eliminate... Read more
Category: People & Blogs
Support for israel's war on gaza i'm definitely not going to be voting for trump or harris they're both war criminals and kamla wants to act like she's one of the people and she is not she is part of the same administration sending bombs to gaza ahead of tuesday's debate minnesota governor and democratic... Read more