CHARLTON vs BOLTON WANDERERS - LIVE League One - Football Watchalong with Denveloper

along in League one if you're new watching this on the replay then please do drop a like subscribe to the channel as well if you haven't already that' be greatly appreciated and thank you very much for joining us this afternoon now is everybody an absolutely gigantic game it is a gigantic little one the Wonders look to put their season back on track after a bit of a slip up i' call it a slip up against the re Rex a nil nil is a slip up against new promoted side uh hopefully I've made this lip up because I've gone live with 47 likes and if I ever go live with 47 likes a summer G wrong with we might get there by the end of it welcome in brenon cheers for uh joining let me sort it out on the te we get through the teams as well in a minute all rigged up that's rigged we need a game this TV let's have it boys the away end as well this is the away end that's looking at the Olden no this is the away end I didn't purposely find the a it was just a picture but it is the a that was the last season what was I mate in all my glory [ __ ] absolutely was one of the best days I've ever had honestly the whole day of it was a [ __ ] Maza yeah loved every single [ __ ] minute of it yeah and I'm going to love every single minute of these next four hours I would hope uh with the Wonders hopefully winning and um yeah Arsenal later on as well yes Calvin What's happen I'm in before you don't even know if you've gone but I know you haven't gone you wouldn't go without me you wouldn't go without me go anywhere but not there without me don't get there without me bab yeah uh Charon sh at all uh you know didn't know you in Lincoln come on uh let's see what what happened with Charlton last week cuz obviously they won they won they're on Six Points they've won all their games this season Charon they're on an absolute Rampage the same way that Stockport are on a rampage as well they they won a game more don't why they played a game more but they have um we're about to find out Chon athletic they are in the vicinity of finding out let me uh reset the clock we're in the under 20th minute there's no extra time on knes end bre uh yes uh far what's happening cheers for joining lad we got City over on the other screen to watch how many goals that they get um stop played after oh yeah does that oh yeah they did didn't he yeah that's why they played to three surprised that the was on about in the last stream they [ __ ] D black pool's B in last week right oh lights went off black po Lights Went turn on last week delay week I don't know if there was but I mean stop part coming beating you 3 n [ __ ] turn lights off they R show them off one the Valley's a [ __ ] we W to go home we W to go home we want to go home the valley a [ __ ] we W to go calby you'll get [ __ ] flat packed are you going to Flat pack him lad you me me and you [ __ ] Stanley and him we're having him AR we we're going to have him we're having him bab turning the lights off yeah [ __ ] H dogy NOS time him out [ __ ] knock him out time him [Laughter] out so far get F then yeah he he he knows and he knows I won't say CH for him he fully knows ion part of the reason he said it the all reason he said it oh man throw it off lad now if you think the start I don't if it was in that last stream or not but you see in the start of that last stream was I as excited probably not definitely not F STP on yeah we all f that we not [ __ ] fire it does look like f [Music] uh me we good time out [ __ ] I have no C left and Calvin G doy [ __ ] with his lights off who's left fire someone that's being sens have no one left it does look like a fire I was going to about brief someone mentioned it in the last stream it's not fire it's just a shitty [ __ ] y [ __ ] top that looks all right I think it looks all right red white black polo C on him for the full stream be game wers 3 n up what bever is the get anyway teams 35 uh two is what it is for shton Manion Mitchell Jones gispy Ramsey small commentary yeah [ __ ] you bet you wish we're playing for him don't we playing the Wonders do te Barry uh Campbell and AD me oh we will have you be don't you [ __ ] wor with calls Charles and MC up front don't you worry anyway 3 four three for the Wonders I believe it is anyway super na Backle and here we are and here we are here we go where bolon one we've got back Ringle here we go who super NE back rle it's murder with to scar for the wers in the moon it's murder with to I'm never going to get through this [ __ ] team he's got a [ __ ] massive [ __ ] we go we go he talks it in his football Su we go we call sh the now she dead W Co around the r Reco Santos B number five John Johnson not song um cogley Thomason Shen scone Mak uh Charles and Collins yeah I had to get through it otherwise i' be a [ __ ] singing songs all day how with they got Luke Barry who the f Luke Barry is the question he's not related to [ __ ] Jerry the berry is he who's Luke B I don't know I don't I don't know who they played these lot they've won both the games anyway and it's Charlton the Pitt B Calvin what score was it when we went cuz I forgot they play Lon Arian and they beat Wigan well we we'll give him respect scra the first get in least hey might might been Luke humre yeah man oh looking fans outside B P's go L Yori Jo's goal was on a similar thing it was on a similar te let me let me see if I can get Carin did you see it this week Bolton posted it some of you remember Yi J if you're a full Wonder well some wonder they they they well if you're full Wonder you've already seen it but if you are full Wonder are you just wondering what's wondering but uh where did they post it on they posted it on [ __ ] no come on they did they P it on Summit with must have seen it a few here it is here it is yeah I'll get I'll get it for us boys let let me download it uh yeah we've got time got six minutes just a just a flashback for the wonders if in case you haven't seen it and you're still a full wonder I'm getting on for you this is all these years ago all the years ago some of you might not have seen it like just you was working or some or you just didn't see the post [ __ ] posted other things I'm going to put it on for you right now who remembers this cuz I didn't until they shown it me who remember this back in the [Music] [Applause] day you're your K G right there y s Jake CH joing exactly now there's a new era now we've got Yi Thomasson Yi sh who we've got look it up get in beautiful it there you go one is where only one is Calvin out a lot if he's still in how long did that go on for get the Leos out well they they've been out but we've got one 7% per game well two for the Arsenal one that's the Pinnacle of the [ __ ] day or the weekend welcome in Vin come on let me check for you as well if it's on Far news CU I know many of you out here might not be able to uh watch it but you're still going to stick with us it is on Far news as well I I mean please do uh keep watching me as well uh if you want to watch the game and uh it's there there's a link to it no [ __ ] I give you link you be a bit behind me um but it's one of them in it is that what you on yeah don't leave me I'll [ __ ] off there now and leave me to just waffle please do please still watch but yeah if you want to watch as well uh new Tabit new Tabit new Tabit you can watch along us cuz he is a watch along we do wonders away 3 p.m. yeah that's what he you you might have to like put me behind like pause the stream like 20 or 30 seconds just look at the timer when I start it and if you want me in sync just remember anything you type in the chat I'll be that amount of time for for responding if you want me in sync with commentary yeah don't leave me man scared of playing link I [ __ ] all left me heing me team's ready to come out of the valley when the red red robin keeps Bob Bob bobbing along along when the boys come along hey [ __ ] you red red robin they are what boring set bastards Shon fans AR you look at them diminished he's saying to what what have you done this week might he saying to him he's been a raw week I've been absolutely terrified of the Wonders turning up on satday and here we are k think with me that's that's he saying to his mate you see him at the football and the [ __ ] wonders are here wonders this is [ __ ] War this is the start of war mode this is the start of the warless for me it is anyway it's the start of warm up and well quarter P 5 it's all out [ __ ] AK47s tanks [ __ ] bombers the whole [ __ ] things coming out cuz Revenge shall be served and if hwit pull off a Maza against [ __ ] man city well I might be in some serious tears of laughter show us the Wonders fans team's out here at the volley St one up will not be able to have the uh stats I do need sort out at some point actually uh yeah a sort the starts for Bon games only way I can do it if is if they're on TV uh it's cuz I get the stats from Sky Bet and obviously I'm not in the UK and if I put myself in the UK then I can't watch fck Stream So I've got a way around it I just need to rig it yeah I know Sean or whoever it is is on the Sean's [Applause] account yeah yeah yeah I won't I will not wear arsal I won't even not not any point of this stream when I put my Arsenal top on any for RO out respect of the one was over if it was doing another game mate it'd be [ __ ] on from now probably you can just pause us cin and get it syned up I'll be making excuses are [ __ ] off right we're off it ball on the right hand side go on go on Mak whip it in I'm joking I'm joking not yet we're not yet [ __ ] will we all teams are out we should we we should have been kicked off by now way it was 3m. because it hit freey haven't it to come on now boys imagine fan who is enemy never can't impossible impossible I bet won't be too far behind I'd say 15 12 to 15 seconds I don't know the way he streams it though but if he's clever about it he must have half a [ __ ] brain sell for setting up aight I don't make he be too far little team the one was they're already off at Manchester City uh City have just got their second goal on the game by the way everyone yeah they're already tuning a lot joking they [ __ ] will with all Edon with it at the back City list it was a Joe but it will not it won't be a j fuing much longer we not even kicked off yet we're about too long let's do it Charlton with a kickoff they are shooting from uh left to right in his first half here at the Bley the valley is a [ __ ] we want to go kicking off ry's brother I think run away for the first half here is gone into the defense as always Mitchell right footy clear it's lofted up the pitch it's going to be nodded away uh ball over on the right hand side going to be picked up by so who's struggling to get all of it he's gone all the way back into the defense good starts do yeah we're all rigged rig put a stream back into the goalkeeper back step I don't know if I [ __ ] played it there W man she on a sliding one Santos with it over on the right hand side here toll looking for a ball right down the line has gone all the way into the goalkeeper Manion will pick it up on the back for Charleson uh it's on Far news f a w scroll down B there I don't want to keep putting Link in uh for a start I have to keep we got the game overlapping the chat when every time I click on the chat I lose the game so I don't keep [ __ ] tight uh ball into the middle back step with it over on the right on side here be picked up by tol find his teammate M been Shrugged off it over on the left hand side here picked up Barry Oh man get on the end of this down the right hand side here wandas pushing forward wandas looking to go right but strike into the side n but a decent chance yeah yeah it's on I I need a referal link me for him we have no one left yeah Clarance Manion lofted the pitch going to be nodded away play for throwing to Charon on this right hand side yeah two games you won they winning this one launch down the line going to be nodded back on the pit little push in the back of what ref no none of that Santos will watch it go all the away out the play take time to think took time to think all right straight back to Super naan back theing go walking down the money Road see the oh should have seen running as the way they play the B Bo coming ball down the left Dion Oh score prediction um 2 N the Wonders 2-0 the wers I reckon we we even sh in away end here by the way our last bolon away game I went to Shon and I'm in the way end again although 8,000 mile away from the UK in that [ __ ] away left footy ball into the box be Thomasson I want to see the team but I did say 3-1 Thomas and Santos with it here on the left hand side Thomason all the way back into Santos just by a poke of f across here to the right hand side toll put it for the Wonders out wide over on the wing cogle back over on the right hand side come on get [ __ ] popping there's no one there out on fans man honestly ball down a right wing lifted into the box noded no you about to find out you've had [ __ ] two easy games you're about to find out honestly we're coming scan I won't go as far as saying it won't be long but it might not be too far away it's gone Johnson my back here Santos is it cish one oh yeah don't you [ __ ] worry br will be satting that Swansea and giving it Big L he's not in I don't even know why I mentioned that M into the middle noted away Thomasson come on Rico Santos over to the left hand side here George Johnston it on the left going to go all the way back into the uh right back position lifted away the pitch Reco Santos tries to get his head to it bald on the right hand side here Chon pushing forward Ramsey with it big sliding Challenge from the bolon at the back de attack Bolton's going up the football we've got super he knows exactly what we need Ric at the back D attack V was going up the football Le Sant TOS with it here Thomasson on to pass out wide to J Johnson all the way through to the goalkeeper uh oh oh old J driller it sweet one it s one Manchester City now it s one Manchester City now itet one M you're hearing me right you're hearing baby right bre don't don't cuz I will [ __ ] where's the get him in here tell you about his the ball on the right hand side he's not back into the middle there's a lovely run for his miles on side as well beautiful R through the middle and a s out a shock goes through his [ __ ] legs just about and rolls into the back of the net he it's which one Manchester city shirene thank you very much for gifted the membership I mean there's no Shyer that goes on around there but it's gone to Calvin thank you very much um shirene Calvin congratulations people are going to think he [ __ ] WI ball on the right here Ramsey [ __ ] off I knew it I [ __ ] knew it out of anyone thank you sh out of anyone I have [ __ ] not put it to he [Laughter] in I knew the first play was [ __ ] rigged I can't be time of it goes to that is some funny get over there L I'm telling it out where's a way someone going to search for a w someone go on the [ __ ] search I'll be good anyway shirene was it smudes is it smudging it where's your was G get your [ __ ] get someone go find a ways someone go find a ways for us big [ __ ] search te for ways yeah he next L he was on the thumbnail where I'm ringing him I'm [ __ ] ringing him in the middle of the boat game oh I can't ring him I've not got him on anything I blocked him you're pissing me off someone ring him I'll ring him I'll ring him on Discord I'll ring him on [ __ ] Discord C he's getting it him oh Za far wait hold hold your phone call there's a for City for a penalty which oh L I don't know he does take him let me hold me phone call throwing over on the right hand side oh he's going to the screen the referee near R Ren [ __ ] won be in a minute be R head a significant one so uh pull back position here for the one cogle he's going to give this I reckon he gives this right across him 100 I reckon he's 100% penalty this yeah Cuts right across him definitely a penalty yeah well I'd say it was anyway and I don't want them to have one uh goal kick for the Wonders box it should penalty that man it is it is C right across him he is right on the edge of the box but he does cut across him it's going to give it here unless he's a [ __ ] Legend Santos penalty penalty Manchester City hold the phone call and find away right Foy strip Charlton lead One n of an absolute pile driver straight past Nathan backer and forget about [ __ ] Manchester City and what's happening over there while it's all turned [ __ ] sour over here Charlton One n up D has rifled one the Wonders with [ __ ] players all over the Gap man look at all the [ __ ] oh my God look at the space naan backer well as he got a chance I don't know but it's just a [ __ ] Gap in the middle of the pitch was an halfhearted [ __ ] thing but what can do Johnson do with trying to close it down wonderous Trail One n here at the valy the only saving grace for the past [ __ ] three minutes of my life is all missing his penalty uh Shen M Le GE Johnson and even that won't [ __ ] make me happy come on a [ __ ] one sh me here man [ __ ] Charlton bre Charlton athletic they're [ __ ] pathetic Course island scores 1-1 uh ball out play be throwing on the right hand side here for [ __ ] come on shorted out man the you weren't cheating then that was a penalty that and ball on the left here for the one was Collins no Ma so hold it up Thomas mate if you're a fly honestly do not be in my [ __ ] vicinity cuz your lifespan get drastically [ __ ] short oh come on man Dion is back to him [ __ ] hell must have a little one two not straight back to the same position he's in toall Johnston give it give it Jon all over on the right hand side cogle Reigns teaming down uh Dion out wide here over on the left hand side Collins tries to get it into the box Collins over there Thomasson Shen the right here cogle o a box free kick for the wers in the D in the D bre Spurs leading One n oh what a goal it is as well off the underside of the bar Tottenham lead One n at home is it de and city oh my life's just absolute has anyone got a [ __ ] roll b a [ __ ] Mountain that's significantly high city lead to my life's just [ __ ] absolutely G [ __ ] tballs [Music] like the only thing that could make this worse is the [ __ ] bar the ball bouncing off the bar and it going right over back's head and and going two now honestly this couldn't go any worse for me everything is against me but there's a free kick here Aon Collins cins come on man corner kick for the Wonders B is off the wall behind oh man of I had a bad [ __ ] six minutes don't know where to keep his SC the end of it but he's [ __ ] on the edge of his box laid down con of kick anyway for the wers I I wouldn't mind about the others but [ __ ] one who's losing is py kick into the box behind lasted all of about two and a half milliseconds 31 Manchester City 3-1 Manchester City they've begun here the worst thing ipswitch could have done it the worst thing they could have [ __ ] possibly done honestly man he's basically like going into a tiger's cage and [ __ ] trying to chop its foot off and it wakes up I mean you go in [ __ ] big tiger there Bang have your foot off will you and you'll [ __ ] find out or W up the l n yeah whatever analogy you want to use but you shouldn't have done it either way charland as well magic past the goalkeeper and empty anyway cogy over on the right Fulham lead one nil as well against Leicester it's all going off at the minute ladies and gentlemen uh Dion Charles but wonders needs [ __ ] liveing up here Sheen's been knocked told by referee don't know that's not a free kick on W is a bit of a mangle going on in the middle B the back here Mitchell right for clearance has only fell to um oh wow why I mean he all about having a shot but then there having a shot from [ __ ] n mate goal kick Deon mles it nowhere near go uh Smith s SMI I'm buz for man I knew it be Smith row I just did Smith row man forham gets his first goal you got one hell of a player there F I'm telling you I watched that man for many years many years you got these probably your best player telling you he just got his first bow of many for you I'm happy for him [ __ ] happy for us though back step yeah you got to be happy for him man yeah he wasn't getting any game time he got H you got his first call I knew he'd be a good player for but anyway B the right inside here to see want it switch Yeah and the coming for more as well on his left hand side but the BT down the right hand side sliding challenge comes in he be throwing in over on the far side I bet Rob Wilson's absolutely giggling his bollocks off I had him 100 pound bet [ __ ] Bol finish stop this season Rob is do a cash out can is there a cash out option b he's probably not watching but I know he's not watching because he'd be laughing his BS on sh play be throwing for the wers on the far side I believe we can still get some at all I do oh it's early early we 17 minutes here no point being [ __ ] depressed we're still the one and only W we're losing but you know what I mean Tides can quickly turn oh well joh Johnson's ball nearly turn his own net backs that J Johnston the lad I'm glad I just looked up seen City on bar for all the Ares here uh Dion right for Dion shooting a b today it from opponent besides faites oh is that the me behind the mazus is it I thought it was deep that I thought it being being owned by a state in um whatever the [ __ ] owns them do by what [ __ ] what is it Kar UAE thought that had something to do with Man City winning premier league and having a Champions League maybe it's just a new possession who knows ball on the right hand side here Chon with it out wide Ramsey has latched on the end of this looking I don't know where scone or Johnson is but Santos has had to come across SC does manag to get back from the play but throw now it's lead one against Sheffield United so yeah somewhere around there fck he a s conquer English league is real now yeah it is X one that's exactly why a left past five mate we're going to have a bunch of [ __ ] Saudis running around at B Park thinking well what happened to the [ __ ] Premier League and they're even going to SN Saudi national Anam at the start of our game versus V yeah you've took over the Premier League B and bner back in gispy Mitchell it picked up there the one was Collins that's a lovely ball lifted over the top here gone he inside here gone right he it away she left foot his strike Dion good save down to his right hand side by Manion we coming we are coming back we're having a look basically I know Lan been on about it buzzing for him not absolutely buzzing for him Rangers One n somewhere let's get back on the uh Leos [Music] there ball on the left hand side here GE Johnson it for the Wonders the other who's on a session me Santos it out wi at all cogle a lovely little ball M into the middle here Thomasson find his teammate over on the left hand side in the form of George Johnson to the middle Thomasson oh my God man honestly the synchronization of our passing is about minus .4 ball over on the left yeah Charlton out wide over on the wing can he get it into the box hopefully not it's going to be behind for a goal kick with tracking back by uh cogley I think it was goal kick uh back to will take it uh yes Mauri what's happening the best option to follow the game from here great great the job thank you very much for tuning in man I appreciate it the support backstep with it on the right hand side here to W is going to be cleared Away by gisp who right on his player Santos wins the edit it's picked up by Collins into the middle a for the Wonders run down left hand side of SC if he needs him con thinks he can take on his manone I mean he has done to a point he's out wide a r left wing Collins looking for support he's got it in the form of J Johnson who push right the pitch he's chosen Shen into the middle Sheen tries to find the ball into Deon Charles right on the edge of the box back towards the goal pulls it back to Collins over on the left hand side here George Johnson left footy cross tried to be fired into the box deflected back out wide be picked up by Collins still over on this near touch line right 4y ball back into the middle George Johnson with it Santos with it over on the right hand side toall with a bit of space to proceed forward here for the wanders can he whip it into the box go right on the edge sh there as well left pass wonders and keeping a bit of possession here for the time being he's got Collins with a right py strike that's G straight into the hands of the Charlton goal keeper Manion will uh pick it up Tottenham have taken the lead to two and the [ __ ] all oh mate it's just well Everton I I can't even you Jordan pikmin's got to take every single responsibility for that it's just an absolute Calamity I don't even know what if you can't see it just can wait till match the day remember what I said Calamity it's not a foul as well before anyone say it's there a ball down the right on side here for Charlton looking to latch on the end of it is Campbell he has done as well right ping cross we'll find natthan backer in goal super n back their and go the valley a [ __ ] we want to go come on man we going to keep the spirits we got to keep the [Music] spirits where the [ __ ] wers man let's not be Doom and Gloom until it's 85 minute we got to keep the [ __ ] we got to keep at on man sh oh about I tell you something though where I went to this game last season in physical form away at the valley and I tell you one thing that's changed Chon the the Press they press a lot higher man on I [ __ ] steaming I were off me box but I'm telling you they're pressing a lot higher than what they did last season when we played them and it was we had three R really maybe they want me Venture last season maybe free kick here by CH anyway you scored the goal spre for the time being kick either it's a 50/50 [ __ ] challenge man care for Charon just to Flo it into the box [ __ ] don't get out Landing straight in to naan back's hand what a terrible free kick honestly this lot of [ __ ] they're absolutely [ __ ] [ __ ] I mean a noral losion but the [ __ ] the they're not anything good the Diabolical we [ __ ] B wers man SED out let them have the minute of [ __ ] winning Collins I I do believe we are going to get back into it one way or another we need this next goal though we'll go two down oh mate right [ __ ] where nearest bridge ball down the left hand side of Chon pushing forward with it they've got numerous options as well in towards the back po right P strike oh say my back there getting all the [ __ ] space man how would he getting all he SP his [ __ ] no like playing against no one for start [ __ ] cogle got to got it his man um is he they took it off the site good are you on about to stream or are you just taking the piss it's one of them and I'm leaning towards the L in a minute [Applause] hold on the right hand side has it gone off how I news I I don't know the guy man uh obviously I'm outside the UK so I paid me what was it 70 quid or something like that for the season pass and uh yeah you know I'm I'm not a selfish comp when it comes to Bing I I'll give you the link to watch the game if you can't you I know most of you might leave and [ __ ] not watch me but I'm might a sish come when I want you to watch along with us there's link if anyone wants to watch along with us or just watch on your own or whoever the [ __ ] you with yeah it's still on still on if you want want the stream I might selfish come when he when he comes to the wonders I I'll share link if I've got one sometimes don't have one it's not the link that I'm watching on that's about 12 seconds behind what I'm watching on but might not care ball on the right hand side here cogle with it here Thomasson out wide over on the left there Collins anyway thought cross whipped into the box not it away oh I've got City on over there but if see B on the right side here Charlton [ __ ] City [ __ ] them all well part from quarter past five suck a bit of a shadow for me in a minute ball on the left the big [ __ ] Shadow I'm going have to pull myself out of bit of a dump here at a minute Lefty cross into the box proper [ __ ] gets to me this year I I don't I don't know about you lot but but he does like deep I'll be [ __ ] I won't be that pissed off when I'm streaming but come [ __ ] Monday or back when I'm thinking about rigging up a next bolon stream and we've lost he does man it [ __ ] I know you can't win everything but [ __ ] proper proper pissing me off the ball down the left hand side it's got to be offside yeah free kick for the W at the back uh Santos M here right see pass across here Geor Johnston think he's bet many people would if if they do end up beating us many people just yeah yeah b l no see next time these [ __ ] come to the rebot well War what I mean many people don't remember about what happened at their place it [ __ ] they [ __ ] War me and you're going to find out like Aston Villa were about to find out at quarter pass B that pass Five what were you doing at qu a pass Five probably going to Pub take your phone with you [ __ ] why out because there's ever been a Revenge wait for it well that's for then this is for now with it at the back keeping it no one's closing the ball out not even de Charles is closing the ball down when I tell you that Dion Charles isn't no stats no can't get on for the ball game in a minute I do know way I've just got to [ __ ] rig it and I can't promise you anyone a date for getting the stats on because I don't know when I'm going to Wi it but I know a way to Wi it the reason I can't get them onone is cu I'm outside the UK and Sky bet that I use the stats for do not let me on the site from outside you UK so [ __ ] well can't get St can and I can't put the VPN on because then I won't be able to watch the Bolton game because then I'll be in the UK which is where Sky better so I'm in a catch 22 really but I know another way of doing it uh but I'm just not done it or takes a bit to say not is the reason why this L starts I don't know when I'll S I will sort it it's at the bottom of me [Music] [ __ ] to-do list of of doing things ball lifted over the all the way back the goalkeeper here back step we W from l no one likes us but we don't care Thomason hold on the right never get on we been [ __ ] Dreadful a man it's right up front as well now where we are and here we are and here we go where the [ __ ] is who reckons we need you say name the new season take big doing F Santos with you thing is Sean are you getting in I need you replacing Santos with because I'm extravagantly in in intrigued I who you're changing him with uh Charlton M it over on the right hand side Mitchell Ramsey smashed up the pitch by the CH goalkeeper Manion Santos Johnson all the way back to the goalkeeper here and so very nearly said Trafford from E [ __ ] off baly 10 minutes till half time the Wonders are looking lackluster people top Thomasson yeah exactly go the ground yeah we'll be way birdie won't we for growny pal you're old birdie don't you I hope you know birdie anyway Well's from he said see put see what he can do I don't know much about him man but the other thing that I do know is that ever got us ever since he's manag we finished the position higher than what we finished last season well i' done better than what we finished the season before uh so this season will be promotion if if if it was to carry on that ball down the left hand side here Barry all the free kick give it foged into at the end of the season well who for I'm about birdie Wings one he was in about easy jet so I said you [ __ ] you might as well sign birdie or some sell off from easy jet I said birdie wings please tell me you've heard a [ __ ] birdie Wings cuz if you haven't heard birdie Wings where the [ __ ] have you been on you life you will have heard it and it's a ra you just might not know what it's called that F go y that I had a bet that stop B won't finish bues a w and put it on with you as well if you want well I don't putting reum in it but I'll put stop part won't and I'll put it on at one n down here don't think I won't pay because you can ask the [ __ ] numerous on here name your figure will no a up I it we Rob he's from stoping it listen they had a very good start they've had an extravagant start you you putting a [ __ ] bet with me on Stockport finishing iron and Bol and he's like [ __ ] buying Bitcoin at 72,0 600 whatever it got to the top the exact same [ __ ] reason the exact same like complex te I don't I don't know the word for it but the exact same [ __ ] situation drop me B on the left hand side I'm willing to take vet on stop and at one n down away at Char I I have to pay me [ __ ] bets con of kick here for I mean I'm not hard to find am I come [ __ ] live with me why me up baby you you [ __ ] discover we can't go into hiding can I going live Conner kick foron that box8 be pretty [ __ ] hard for me uh I'll play for throwing over the pass side for the [Music] Wonders they not C the back is super [ __ ] wave here R got two7 percenters for Arsenal Le for rest March now ball into there picked it up here one oh [ __ ] hell ma te a simple pass bre on the edge of the Box three there two Runners he [ __ ] overit it and he knows it as well he knows you can see just just all it need to be a little [ __ ] T man would have been in it have been 111 cuz it with Collins was one1 leester game oh you about Monday night yeah it's one of them Monday to Friday ball on the right hand side here Ramsey like to behind corner kick Charlton when the Champions League comes back yeah have to do because arsal it but Monday and Fridays I don't even pull stories I do nothing well that sh affects me b or [ __ ] M Monday a Friday or a bit Free Fridays work that's that's not mess about we can come to do what you [ __ ] [Applause] want well next week it's Tuesday to Friday ball into the box look the [ __ ] you want on Monday that ball pled in behind goal kick oh one one um you mean uh fulam leester not seen who's ready for Tuesday to Friday no I'm not I'm ready for Saturday till Monday I [ __ ] love it honestly we all love it but I love it free kick CH maning backing into his man the M he's some this kid I'm dying for a piss by the way two minutes my for a piss now you piss whenever you want [ __ ] shame two minutes a piss coming out the second half and we've got kickoff as well and we got kickoff come on come on free kick Manion launches it Forward oh right inside cogle and he side he's going to try and let it go out play it hasn't B it hasn't gone that far but he has got a free kick which um should BR into half time this Santos look at here back there with a big right Foy clearance launched the pitch going to be cleared away again by uh shant down right side Ramsey Ling Challenge from Shane who's won the throw in as well the left gone comes to take it I mean substitutions half time I mean we're going to up front CU I don't think this [ __ ] three up front working to be honest with you m it's not it's not happening B it just isn't passing needs to be a littleit when you're playing against a side that it's ball on the right hand side that pressing you left footy cross into the box all the way across goal kick that will definitely take it to Al was you playing against as side I no mathematical [ __ ] genius I'm just a piss said that watches Bol and Arsenal [ __ ] loves it but listen I watch thousands of football matches obscure leagues and everything probably more than the majority I'm telling you man when when a team are pushing up like this the passing's got to be bang bang it's got to be Snappy man and we ain't Snappy we're not snapping this ball about this pitch we're [ __ ] rolling it it's going to be snap give go catch them out of position while they've pushed up that's what it's going to be it isn't but I hope that ever or someone [ __ ] tells him an time pass the ball quicker we have to man otherwise I do want no wonder how long that Charon can keep this pressure up as well because you know you on ultimate teams and [ __ ] Losing You Go ultimate press well CH have [Music] been maybe near enough ultimate press all have it will have to fade at some point it will just minute added on which is half time pretty much if you enjoy the first half was please do uh stick around I'll come back in 15 minutes which will be 5 4 uh UK time um I'm just going for a piss and then we'll be back we're going to tell you about what's happening next which you already know what's happening next half time and the B Charon Lead 1 n the goal from dock uh with plenty of space and all the rest of it but I'm going for a piss you should probably do too grab a beer I'll be back in a minute e [Music] [Music] [Applause] what's the B situation say [ __ ] awful yeah we're about to talk that right in a minute about the first half yeah absolutely awful would you make any substitutions I don't even know who's on the bench cuz I've not looked at the [ __ ] bench but we better start looking at Summit because that was horrific that first half but I believe that we can pull it back um CH are [ __ ] pance yeah they've won the previous two games they going to be on nine points here at the minute um South one I see 22 forino Dempsey matete arfield buy up me personally I would take M off I would uh and I'd go I don't know if Collins can play Central I don't think he can can he well take M off neon can't really play out wide either so you in a bit [ __ ] one here um i' put out a buy one I would I wouldn't leave it to where he normally does leave him try and got Chi and Let It Go but Mak has been absolutely Dreadful but and he's just one that I caugh out out of many and you know what silver scores got him at a 7.0 how the [ __ ] they got him at 7.0 appr if Charlton and Villa win else in the part be swinging from a tree swinging from [ __ ] Summit the game needs a b it does but are you taking off for him what what what what you doing cuz I'm trying to figure a [ __ ] formation here with I we go forward front if you want but I think M has I can't believe s got M at 7.0 I think he's been [ __ ] Dreadful uh honestly I think he's been he ball through of Ron Collins was completely Lally over it he's done nothing on not that Aaron Collins has but he's not really had enough to a chance I'd take him off man I [ __ ] him would i' not say any [ __ ] just [ __ ] I mean some day some days it's not your day today I'm telling it's not his day Charles she take off it is usually the sub that he know he does it for apparently gabri not trouble with Arsenal team today is from gr J no surprise definely a decent strike in case we got P what's his name it's just signed need dempy on to very fall Thomason he he's changed the formation from last don't he what was used to be a what was it it was a free what was it was it three was it 31 was it 3141 is that no players was it 31 41 [ __ ] sure it was I don't know if that's going Play 3 4 One Two yeah three 3 4 One Two that's what it was yeah yeah yeah we're missing a player yeah what what why is he changing CU he's got new [ __ ] players why why would you change it when you got to the [ __ ] playoff final yeah yeah we can all talk about playoff final but you do live on a [ __ ] result for the rest of your life or are you going to go back next season oh God it cuz we didn't go up yeah the thing is though way imagine if you've got a strategy of like I don't even know [ __ ] slot machines or roulette know I meaning you you winning and you're winning and then you lose the good chunky [ __ ] money at the end but you're still not a strat and you still think it might work again you're going to go all the way again aren you of course yeah if you think about it in a [ __ ] betting term which is what I do well yes what are you saying H Kim United got beat and all [ __ ] left it very late to get thing is was talking about substitutions here doesn't matter what I hold CU I don't reckon he'll make any I don't reckon he'll make any substitutions none the the goal we conceded as well was absolutely Bic anyway right we done the Wonders review ladies and gentlemen boys girls Cher F and Rin quarter pass by don't miss it please don't miss it it's [ __ ] War This Is War this second half's war and when I say War it's not Ukraine it's not Israel this is [ __ ] this is these bastards [ __ ] having it Big Lick very having we're not on about [ __ ] things being blown up we're on about war Villa par it's going off it's going raw off I'm telling you my [ __ ] shirt will be off as well that's a rapid rate at either [ __ ] point I can't wait man I can't I just wish wonders was winning ever El uh have out but are you getting in is big question y we having any [ __ ] assistant manager for the rest of the season [ __ ] i w i i was I don't think you was in Rob I was wondering about a cash out earlier of what it would be if there were an option when they went one mil up but I we TR I we track the [ __ ] statement I'm glad you weren't in I say I wonder [ __ ] rob Wilson's about for a cash out is there a cash out option in our flutter have I spoke to what today I haven't and you know the exact reason he haven't because he looks at the fixtures with the rest of them looks at the league knows he knows Man City playing it switch in it no need to ring me but B B I ain't cashing I ain't Cashing Out Rob so [ __ ] your cash out M ain't cashing out oh is it tit tokens yeah exactly we we me and Rob bet chat make tokens basically eventually yeah eventually never we do need to move off demcast 11 by the way we've been on it too long I've heon tonight tonight we're moving off it we've got to get off there we got to go 12 because I'm getting warning he flashing up left right and [ __ ] Center of you're in you're on here too long so we got to move boys we going to be 12 20 is looking tued up in bed perverts I mean yeah yeah we would be perver unless it wasn't [ __ ] online for everyone's of you and was having a laugh I mean I'd agree with you to a point yeah if we were doing some [ __ ] sporadic or not sporadic but some [ __ ] undercover but we would all like a little C but when we're [ __ ] live streaming it putting it on [ __ ] stream to everyone else to see but having a laugh and launching tokens about yeah I don't know what they call that da [Laughter] maybe who remembers most you won't remember this bird or what I'm talking about most you don't them but he remembers that [ __ ] bird that say I'll get a f what was it [ __ ] FBI on you or place on you so I was sharing a [ __ ] stream on a public [ __ ] site that I paid for him we chucking tokens and I was sharing it on whatever whatever what channel it was probably them two or three or something that oh here we go come on in get your [ __ ] solic how's it going to roll up when you when you've got your flange out and we're chuing tokens laughing our [ __ ] head off and c I thought the Jud going to be [ __ ] laughing his ballocks off I've heard nothing from it since can you imagine like like like me [ __ ] going to car for sharing on [ __ ] twitch can you imagine that the bird going on what going what you bring what you bringing this a for well well [ __ ] I had me tits out I have me [ __ ] flange out and they were chucking tokens laughing at us cuz lad I don't know what other defense you'd have that be that have to be a defense [ __ ] would and if you wouldn't laugh at that I mean I know judges are sensible on that but [ __ ] hell man there's a level of sensible or not FBI this is it a it come down to forget what [ __ ] job you do you FBI or [ __ ] what are you a human your [ __ ] cells work the same as a man if you're an FBI Agent B right you you might [ __ ] get your guy but you're having a look first aren't you because you you're an FBI agent mate and you [ __ ] right it's different if if it's like [ __ ] kid or something but if some some [ __ ] Death woman on on some live stream chat comes and you course you having a look first know what I mean some [ __ ] 38 or 40y old woman with CHS in a flange out what you going to do come straight for me not even have a lot come on gosh you having a [ __ ] luot and then he's saying yes lad give give us your login so I can [ __ ] Chuck some tokens this exactly what you [Music] saying oh he is yeah exactly Jing him no always where is here do you know of any [ __ ] human I didn't want to see it's him or using it I didn't want to see it's him fully in I think he's top of the league as well wa just [ __ ] up and watch second off please honestly I thought kill enough in a ball B [ __ ] off no don't worry don't worry L could you imagine B 21 it which 43 Lester 2-1 could you imagine that leester Everton 21 could you imagine Le h s b three Bolton two I don't know how to do a [ __ ] triple Som assault but I Reon I'd find out uh anyway about to get back on the way in the second half come on wonders yeah S Subs out in a minute uh let me out B from left to right here in the second half at the valley let's do it we have to make sub lece he's made some [ __ ] Subs that's starting point ball on the left hand side here jno with it out wide on the left easily picked off down the right on side here by Charon who are pushing forward it straight away [ __ ] Happ Sig challenge [Music] [Music] subs for Charles there one behind there goal kick wonder you see mine back see [ __ ] mine I not got one if you can see mine I ain't got one you turn this around well it's a starting point I'm just glad he's made him at half time cuz I had significant odds he never puts Al on at half time he doesn't he must understand the scale of this [ __ ] issue that we've got throwing over on the right hand side here for Chon wide on the wing looking to uh SE are Berry easy collection for the wers goalkeeper back St but he make the other substitution as well [Music] we follow the W away SOS Thomasson back it right FY clearance here lofted on the pitch just come on for the Wonders knock it out wi here we go my man that can hold it up right for strike listen it's a shot it's a [ __ ] shot it's more than what de would all cuz he got bullied off it so yeah yeah uh cogi come off by the way for um out of oil I don't particularly think K did that bad to be honest but took him off back step Mo it into the middle here Thomasson out wide on the right hand side will find his teammate on the former Thomason might Thomason Thomason that [ __ ] hell man I'll say it two two j22 into the middle the bo down the right hand side here the bo he'll make a room for it as well get it whipped in right P cross into the box toward the back ping all the way across for a throw in or maybe not on throw in me mid me to down to pump you [ __ ] are now a minute a nasty SL challeng that from Thomas's got yellow card for that surely I'm ason he's not other gu [ __ ] up anyway Charon ball over on the left you can't be too far away from a suspension Thomason I mean there only been two games in but [ __ ] can't remember we got a yellow card in the first one throwing on the left there SOS the yellow right what he clearance away for the Wonders SP on someone do me a favor whoever's watching whoever normally types in the chat just remind me in 15 minutes to get the rest of the beers out the fridge please can't set a time on my phone CU I'm playing the ambulance through it ball through it someone remind me get [ __ ] be out Freer someone that normally talks or typ in the chat G kick for the Wonders Sheen [ __ ] attacking him going straight back to Shen it he's H it all right it [ __ ] flood lights at rebot gone go kick John out B having to go with someone I mean I don't know I don't know I I don't know who the other kid is you can't say you'd win a kid though but I I don't know the other kid I don't know anyway T come on one [ __ ] short it out we're winning this league we [ __ ] are winning this league mate [ __ ] winning it let's just s up every now and again we're going to do it we get about win it but we're getting automatic promotion we are [ __ ] doing it keeping the F it ain't no fake Faith [ __ ] real Faith we're going to do it and all the little [ __ ] melts that are now [ __ ] down and [ __ ] buried don't come back when we're winning don't come back [ __ ] giving it big lck when we're winning just [ __ ] off [ __ ] off down with a [Music] devil honestly all we can have we can have a mission there's a bit of time left we can do it CH keeping the B we do need to step up a lot more B's on don't think the realization set in yet of being wonder about uh Santos going to be a free kick over on the right hand side Charon yes L what's up mate yeah it one down a minute but dealing with it I'm got three kicks to deal with first while dealing with it honestly I know I know you might think I'm being absolutely [ __ ] diabolical but it's not like they've been all over us and deserve to be one up cu the I could quite happily I'm a neutral team to a point but if if they deserve to be one upd [ __ ] say it we we don't deserve to be one no it deserves to be n n in my opinion B the back I say 22 into the middle Thomasson on the o oh tried to back off the THD right I I Do I Do Re know this 60th minute here right see 6 minutes time I m going have to make some subs some CU I can I can see they starting to get tired the Press isn't as high they're trying to keep the ball they're trying to keep the ball as much as they can to to wait for a sub I [ __ ] know man I know the game B watch [ __ ] thousand on the football watch on then Bou [ __ ] Korean not Korean League yeah Korean League looking I know I can see what they're trying to do there look at the press the Press ain't there the Press is not there anymore the Press isn't there there's the odd player the odd player that's [ __ ] pushing Santos I like me Sal on the right hand side sh oh referee [ __ ] play on Shen sends it uh lovely ball overon J left he passes out wide here on the wing his teammate Collins Shion there down the line throw in for Charon just inside the wers off going to [ __ ] wubble me this for Arsenal this is going to wobble me on a [ __ ] I'll be buzzing for Arsenal but it's going to wobble me right like you've never been wobbled before Oh B the right come on come [ __ ] hell man it's a [ __ ] Simple Touch it's a simple [ __ ] touch but [ __ ] hell I always give a free kick is he give it ch ch Whi it in the Box can you imagine a balloon that was like fully full absolutely having it you don't me popping when it's [ __ ] that hot air balloon bab that's not full flame like full gas for it well half his gas has just got whipped and you fall into Earth it a good rate you try basically you're trying to turn the [ __ ] thing back on now to keep you float you nowhere near it's in the earth yet if I don't win it'll keep us up it's the only way I can uh hashtag now oh what the same Cod throw be cleared Away by George Johnson monly listen wonders ain't looking like doing anything here H not look like we're attacking and attempting to do something I thought the subs would have made some sort of impact but I mean we're 30 minutes into the second half here and might give him a bit longer but he's not looking a threat the minute I say 22 to the middle the bo drops deep Thomasson with a pass out wide on the right hand side Collins lovely ball down right hand side here I say 22 cross George Thompson has just played the worst ball I've ever seen in in in in listen to this because you're not going to believe this in the whole time I've ever had this channel in the whole time I've ever had this [ __ ] home football watch on his channel Jones Thomas has just absolutely pinged the ball the worst place I've ever seen it the worst I I can't believe him saying it honestly it's [ __ ] and the power that the it in that as well you'd think it' be the [ __ ] ghost of [ __ ] banson I'm not even joking that is the worst pass the worst pass I've ever seen on this channel cuz he hit it the reason is he hit it at full Pelt thinking he were going to find someone oh he see must have seen someone you you've been here for the worst pass I've ever seen ever but go as far as all the football but I go as far as I've done live stream and the frustration [ __ ] kicking in now it is frustration is kicking in sc's pissed off we got the yellow card as well we're [ __ ] here I I reckon we might be [ __ ] listen I've been trying to read as [ __ ] up as I can but with 30 minutes left and was looking like doing [ __ ] all with already one going get on the card starting to get pissed off it might have to be see at the [ __ ] rebot it might have to be a see the rebot and [ __ ] find out ball over on the right hand side here Charon whipped in towards the back P I ain't seen our team yet no uh I don't think he's out for another 9 Minute might little minut it get my T on he going to [ __ ] w for me for Arsenal this honestly I I was looking forward toing that stream like [ __ ] well we going come on but then you build a war mode now now it's War mode with charlon a it it was always war with Charon but now it's [ __ ] know what I mean you've done us at your place [ __ ] find out Santos the thing is there been many many B fans that will forget about this result because they won't many B fans are still [ __ ] wembly with a kid that's never had a day out take him the kid for a day out take him to [ __ ] one of the away games on the day out as well where are the wondrous I want to know where the wondrous fans are how many did he take how many did he take to [ __ ] Wembley I want to know where they are right [ __ ] now where are when we losing one away at Charlton nowhere to be [ __ ] seen but I'll bet your [ __ ] bottom dollar or any dollar that we get to Wembley again they'll all be back with a raw where the [ __ ] ra what do you want a medal no we don't want no medal we just want to bit of a [ __ ] appreciation for the boys that fought all ladies that stuck along and [ __ ] watch us throughout the season winning losing not turning up to [ __ ] Wembley on a day out cuz the rest of the [ __ ] Bolton are turning up sit over there you [ __ ] sherub anyway me man we getting back into this we're having a drinks break in a minute sorry for me R he just pisses me off when I see [ __ ] women and [ __ ] all [ __ ] family is going out the family they out to Wembley cuz cuz Bol have got to [ __ ] final where where have you been you haven't you haven't well even I'm not I live in a different country but where have you [ __ ] been you ain't been watching them you not been trying to watching them I mean you don't give a [ __ ] forget me man backers down this is going to be r it's right though man it is cuz I'm telling you now if we get to the [ __ ] final of the playoffs again you better believe half a [ __ ] B going and they watch tall All Season might have g a [ __ ] on own game 15 minutes is up oh I know I know I knowy was up five minutes ago yeah he's on the flo CH making some substitutions as well listen if they do was here if they do was here don't worry D's on here no just wait going to wait like I just waiting and all the rest of those of Arsenal fans have waited just wait there's there's a summit called swings and roundabout and when the roundabout swings right back [ __ ] round round Aston Villa's jaw a quarter past five they're going to find out and they'll also swing back around [ __ ] charlton's jaw as well I way away so we're going to be we're going to be put the ball into the middle yeah could all [ __ ] change though could all change right cross into the they've got plenty of time here man I'm I'm going to like it's [ __ ] 80th minute come on wers just pissed off man I am I am [ __ ] pissed off I say 22 down the right hand side here M I don't know the [ __ ] still on this pitch but he is piss PA pass we'll get away with it say 22 whipped into the box cleared away see baring stream he's a well-known character he's one of the wellnest man in the world he's got [ __ ] 245 billion subscribers but is he having an EV C exactly fall into the box behind goal kick watch Alon is Cristiano ralo is the most [ __ ] viewed man in the century but is he having a dcast on Twitch what he was he you are you are [ __ ] Channel you youc cast one not happen is he [ __ ] drinking mimal water live your life however you want it you want a s might be a good person to look having Dy free kick what one is w b on the right hand side I'll say two2 a skip pass one Thomas her is [ __ ] run into trouble and give away a free kick uh to Charlton you ain't got that time on the ball B where the one and only one is where the one and only one is walking down the m no don't stop the songs cuz we're losing to see the we don't we don't only seeing when we're winning we seeing when we're having it uh fre Ki in the back monean launch it be oh [ __ ] off he didn't go out play that did it yeah car it did you had a [ __ ] B on Charon one now and here we are and here we are and here we go we follow the Wonders everywhere that they go where they go I reckon we're going to still [ __ ] win the league maybe not win it but but we are going to win it you going to think you deluded [ __ ] Ginger [ __ ] we losing one n away BR Charlton yeah come on then come on then let's find out going straight on Twitter Ash bwfc me straight after this in between switching the [ __ ] me other beloved me main beloved um behind there goal kick I'm I'm more [ __ ] winning the team maybe not winning it but we're getting promoted promotion on and everything everyone think going to be a troll it won't be no Troll and then at the end of the season when we got it going we got the team going come back and all the dacons that commented on it SL sit over there sit over there and it could be me still sat it in over there if we don't but we will I'm telling you man we're going up we're going up put one down and I'm telling you we're going up this season we are and it's not about being [ __ ] positive as you are glass are full are [ __ ] empty it's about factual B on the right hand side here are Collins whipped into the box dempy gets there ball on the left and trying to get it in go toam have already the third the drill I ain't no drill well running out I don't know what the [ __ ] going on at uh Blackpool but it's 44 I don't know what the [ __ ] is going on up there but it's 44 B it's not even funny though really is it losing there's there's only one thing that can resurrect me from from from this [ __ ] miss up two one follow them as well Santos I not I I didn't obviously not looked at um was to the four I don't know what situation out B selected out play throwing they our league them lot as well substitution for City so [ __ ] SC the goal throwing Mitchell down the line play another throw in for charlon M take it keep the belief it's very hard to keep the believe when when we're not doing anything with it but I'm trying to I'm trying to keep us upbeat I am but I think the [ __ ] players might have gone on Ma last night Santos in the middle C a kick Charon it's going to move one of these boys and ladies that we have to [ __ ] take on let you remove your beers mate not beers not beers not last season [ __ ] have scor three in the Box over the crossbar back you better hope I'm not [ __ ] clipped us all H it went long oh the freezing yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah nice one yeah I reminded nice one W and Alie into the middle see sends it right over the CR any streams tomorrow yeah there will be um I don't know which one I I can't tell you which one cuz obviously I'm going on a [ __ ] session tonight might be the depression session at this rate but I'm going a session either way I don't know which game I'm doing wolves Chelsea are [ __ ] definitely having a session tomorrow CU he's [ __ ] bank call Monday what are you going to do [ __ ] kill yourself all weekend cuz both teams have lost did I say both my teams have lost the alert alert me this though going going into this Aral get will cuz you know you know how [ __ ] buing I am for the for [ __ ] one Reon a draw a draw I can deal with I can deal with man I can deal with a draw just want to get one I can deal with it I can I can I can deal with a wonders draw B on the right hand side here to W him him Santos the passing is too slow though man there's no [ __ ] movement sort it out man no no [ __ ] movement that's all running into Players Ball on the right hand side [ __ ] m is Absolut absolutely [ __ ] diabolical listen he he must just be having an absolutely [ __ ] Dreadful game because the amount of Bolton fans have told me how [ __ ] good is you going to be I W go as far as being as good as P but [ __ ] know he wer far off but i' never watched him man neither would they I mean just a new [ __ ] player in it someone spirals off but today he's been absolutely d olical not blaming the result on him Rico Santos is on the Flor should be a free kick referee's not even giving it ball into the middle here we go dempy pushing forward dempy with it for the wanders right footy pass out W will find his teammate uh M conning sorry what support of answered this question about one minute 4 milon times again um Arsenal um One n Bolton bam all [ __ ] match at the crossb clear it off the line penalty missed ball Ling over the top easy collection for the CH goalkeeper yeah um Arsenal to win uh but V him absolutely B Arsenal all over the show [ __ ] miss a penalty At The Cross by at the PO roll straight across the line um [ __ ] some misses an open net yeah that's how that I I hope it never happens well yeah one and and the and the one N I hope it's an on goal as well [ __ ] all goal anything of Arsenal not deserving to win is is is what I know is how I can answer it but hopefully [ __ ] never happens 10 you should go a session now listen I don't you didn't even know death Cas if anything I don't know the rest but Vin I reckon he's a V and we'll be wait till [ __ ] morning St Arman not seeing him in a while me she Aral M50 M Arsenal net [ __ ] Roomy dayish Room night the right hand side shot it miles over the crossb there's only one thing that I [ __ ] all well just multiple things I well one of them is child and athletic come in the FA Cup come in the FA Cup to me be l i do Bolton anywhere man it's not me off me [ __ ] perch this basically taking a [ __ ] big right hand in in the second oh in the in the eighth or ninth round this and it's cleanly [ __ ] jaw but I'm St back up ball into the middle St back up with Dempsey got me [ __ ] arsal to that's a free kick to CH is it it is I don't even know where my shirt is I don't know where my shirt I after to find it what but it's war war in in just over 30 minutes time I'm I'm already [ __ ] pissed off I already wanted [ __ ] throw the screen straight through the [ __ ] wall Ron Villa come on man just just leaving me off of happiness it it'll make me a little happy a little happy a a little happy if what's wrong I'm I I I I can't do quarter pass I I'll I'll have to do 25 plus 20 pass cuz I I have to you you when a match effect you it doesn't doesn't maybe it does but I I got to go I got to go 20 past 25 past here I'll change it to quarter pass if it [ __ ] goes back one1 but 25 pass I'll be live for Arsenal it looks like here [ __ ] it extra 10 minutes sh out on the left hand side yeah 25 pass for the was qu a pass I have to change the schedule go whenever it was but 25 pass uh I'll be live for Arsenal because I need I KN fig what's happening man my brain's in a [ __ ] matter cuz's winning and Arsenal winning he's thrown a [ __ ] big right hand right across me jaw and I've going wow going bam with a right hand and it's [ __ ] put me a bit skew with so we're going to have a word with ourselves realign and come back 10 minutes later Le schedule another a slice of that Ming yeah you love it you it uh Papa John Jackson yeah kick fre kick for Charon when he's just slid on on M I can't I can't I can't even be angry I don't deserve to be angry because but we we've not we've not been good enough to be for me to be angry at the referee we've been [ __ ] diabolical and any Bol fan out there that today since we played half de [ __ ] heaved one one i' snatch all five fingers well four fingers in your thumb and even have a nibble at your [ __ ] Palm as well well one one substitution for Charon I bring myself back round we got 45 45 minutes oh nearly what [ __ ] 35 minutes I'll bring myself back on trust me might not affect you but it affects me fuing massively 25 pass live um 4 minutes left there wigg it and I tell myself that they've got to come back to the [ __ ] rebot you got to come back to the rebot and when you come back to the rebot [ __ ] me you're going to find out are you right FY cross into the box not two Char well that's it that's it that's it only one Saving Grace one fans got to come back they got to come back there's a word in this [ __ ] life called Revenge which I'm sure you know about they have to come to the rebound and I right now with the rest of the Arsenal fans are about to [ __ ] experience I'm listen this is a [ __ ] M this right because I'm feeling it on a [ __ ] on on a w on a WAV length here because when I went to CH on a way yeah know what I mean they getting revenge they getting [ __ ] Revenge aren they but I'm telling them we're going to get revenge when I'm [ __ ] when they come to ours but I'm getting revenge at [ __ ] Aston Villa so it's all Revenge Revenge Revenge round there it's all Revenge ends I can't say Revenge [Laughter] enough M man's just spinning in revenges oh Roger fedra Roger fedra even Roger fedra is [ __ ] up listen ladies and gentlemen boys girls CH fit and Rin I know this game is's done you do as well uh I need some [ __ ] time to just have a little minute with myself and [ __ ] I might be like quarter pass probably 25 pass I walk around my house about [ __ ] 40 times just figure out what's happened um and try and big myself up for my beloved [ __ ] Gunners that are going to get revenge that are going to get revenge on Aston Villa um but Charlton congratulations thank you very much for 39 people let hit the um like button I've got them 27% in the fridge I'm going to I'm going to live myself just give me a bit of time can't describe that muching hurts me um but yeah anyway um listen next week cuz I know some are only coming for the Wonders let me just tell you about next week I know some of you only here for that uh we have got shuby which I definitely do Tuesday night 100% do I'm doing 100% [ __ ] Tuesday night half 7 live on here I don't [ __ ] there a stream there is a stream uh that we can watch shrew be away efl cup uh and it will give us a chance to put us s in the Realms of playing us vers chance of playing and be Ling Runners as well oh yeah uh and then obviously X to next week quarter three uh we need to start out big time today was a shambles keep your [ __ ] L ey I'm going to have to [ __ ] keep my out somewhere came right off a noose I feel like but me beloved Gunners are playing prob come and find out uh please do it the like button on that uh stream if you can uh if you're going over it uh I need wi this one man done I'm [ __ ] done mate I'm pissed off well I'm going to come back but next time you see me which will be in about [ __ ] 30 minutes I'm going to come back and I'll be a different human I swear to God I'll be you I'll be like b l but don't [ __ ] worry we'll get you next SE we'll get you [ __ ] in the return picture I will I want but in the minute I'm in the [ __ ] nums just give me 30 minutes

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