Category: Entertainment
How's it going everybody welcome back to another video it is day two of the las vegas front row card show we are all set up i'd say for the most part my wife says she is exhausted we actually got in relatively early yesterday after we came back from the show dropped everything off at the hotel we did... Read more
Category: Gaming
At gamestop they're doing the 4 for 40 so i picked up a few games i had this one already but a steelbook for 10 bucks i just couldn't pass it up um i did not have minecraft seld that i already have obviously an nba street hopefully um this one works okay i believe i may need the manual but i am not... Read more
Category: Gaming
Hey guys metal jesus here and i am in downtown seattle for the penny arcade expo also known as pax west hax is very different than the expos i normally attend because instead of having a bunch of retro games hax is all about new games upcoming games it's very similar to e3 actually so this is going... Read more
Category: Gaming
[musique] dans cet épisode hors-série nous allons résoudre ensemble les énigmes du sanctuaire mayaou mais qui ça et comme vous le voyez il se situe juste en dessous du temple du vent c'est à dire au début des îles de la voie des cieux saut en longueur ça me rappelle des souvenirs de collège ça alors... Read more
Category: Entertainment
The new nfl season is finally here and as always we are celebrating with one of our biggest pack openings to date we are chasing 100 football autographs from over 15k in packs well over 100 packs if you guys like these crazy openings we do every year drop a like subscribe press the buttons down below... Read more
Category: Music
[music] [applause] woman co eyes you got mep ti to head down get r stop stoling youring rock but still shaking and i'm ready for the chcken like you mo hey dy r it the back it go let it go you got it on let it go yeah just let it go slow down hold on you're too fast you're too strong take it easy take... Read more
Category: Gaming
[musique] [musique] bonjour à tous et bienvenue sur la chaîne de fiman les amis vous le savez l'actualité du moment tourne autour de la ps5 pro ça fait polémique ça fait polémique puisque là c'est pas le monde du réro gaming qui est touché c'est le monde du jeu vidéo au sens complet quasiment chaque... Read more
Category: Entertainment
[music] happy tuesday all right so it is a new day and i came into the shop early today to get that display cabinet finished now we put it together on sunday night and we were all so exhausted i didn't even move it into place i haven't gotten anything in it yet i have everything ready that i want in... Read more
Category: Gaming
[music] the two miles edgeworth games that comprise the ace attorney investigations collection represent a noticeable departure from the adventures of phoenix wright and apollo justice the pair of investigations titles also mark the final two dominoes falling into place every ace attorney game barring... Read more
Category: Gaming
I found some very good finds at an estate sale i walked through to the sale and noticed they had a bunch of sports memorabilia especially dodgers i stumbled upon a satin dodgers jacket also found a bunch of vintage hats and a ps2 console for everything there i ended up paying 168 okay later i found... Read more
Category: Entertainment
Bonjour permettez-moi de vous imiter en accentuant le trait comment ça la ps5 pro va coûter 800 € à sa sortie vous avez pensé à nous les joueurs qu'on a pas beaucoup deessous c'est inadmissible oui en effet c'est inammissible et pourtant sonia a raison et j'aurais fait de même si j'étais à leur place... Read more
Category: Entertainment
Machine d'anesthésie respirateur médical table d'opération on peut trouver tout ça sur le boncoin c'est pas une blague des utilisateurs vendent des pages entières de matériel médical professionnel mais est-ce que c'est légal de vendre une machine d'anesthésie d'occasion et pourquoi vendre ça afin de... Read more