Huntley Returns to the Ravens! Lamar Jackson Emerges as a More Vocal Leader! 🔥🏈

Intro the Baltimore Ravens are making moves Tyler Huntley resigns with the Ravens Lamar Jackson being more of a vocal leader and he and Derk Henry send an unequivocal message to all of the other teams in the NFL let's get into it let's talk Ravens with Yolanda [Music] Welcome today's video we are going to discuss each player that makes up the offensive [Music] line good evening Ravens vog how is everyone doing tonight I hope you all are doing fantastic on this Sunday evening we're not going to be here long but I had to come come out tonight because this is my night this is the night that I normally stream but I wanted to come out tonight and just talk about some of the things that the Baltimore Ravens are showing to us that indicate they are ready they are serious about chasing this Lombardi so far there's been some moves we've had some pressors that really give us an indication of where this TEAM stands and we all know 4 days from now Thursday Night Football the Ravens open up the NFL season and we take on the Kansas City Chiefs it's going to be a tough task for us but I think the Ravens are ready as customary here before we jump in I'd like to give a warm welcome to everyone who has already joined in the chat good evening to you Jeff okay so you were early okay and let me see if I can fix this let's correct that let's change the size I don't know if it's going to allow me to but we'll try um yeah I hang on see now it just left me let me try one more time and change the size of the comment we're going to get right with these comments one day I promise you just hang with me because soon enough we're going to get it together okay I don't think it's going to let me so what I'll do is I will just go back to my other screen and read the comments from there but so far I have Jeff Jay with us thank you sometimes in Florida sunny Florida the sun is just not your friend look I'm from Florida so I know this time of year Well really every time of the year because it's always hot in Florida but um yeah so come back I'm glad to see you I hope you do come back we have Nana with us tonight good evening and we have the hawk TV good evening to you songstress for real good evening glad you're with us thank you Edwin I'm so glad you're here good yay you made your first live attendance good and you know Edwin I was thinking about you the other day because you and I had I don't want to say a differing of opinion about the o line and I'm going to talk a little bit about the o line tonight CU I have spent I think a lot of my time during this offseason discussing my thoughts on the o line so I'm going to give a little bit of an updated revised if you please thought of what I think the the offensive line is going to be and that's after watching a couple of YouTubers who break down film and I was watching them and I I said oh okay let me give a revised version and I was like I hope Edwin comes back so that he can hear my thoughts on the o line because I know that you are really believing in the o line and I'm not too terribly far off but I'm not just where you are just yet but I can get there just Toronado good evening thank you so much for being here she said she's just coming through yes and if you all would do me a huge favor I know the show just got started but if you just trust me it's going to be a really good one go ahead take 2.5 for me hit the like button and if you're new welcome I'm so glad you're here sit down grab a beverage of choice mine is water and hit subscribe join the family and uh let's get into tonight's show um okay and Edwin you're telling me that you're from Baltimore you live in Raleigh North Carolina Lina okay very good good good good Edward said he's excited to hear my take okay excellent sounds good let's get right into the show I'm going to see if I can put the comments on on this on this screen let's try it here and let's see what it looks like that's a little bit better let's see if I can make it a little bit bigger or as a friend of mine likes to say I want to Igan it just a bit yeah I think we're going to do that and you guys can see me in real time change some of my settings so that it looks a little bit better so I'm going to give a background so that you can see the comments a little bit clearer clearer okay hang on one second let's get a little border there ah that looks better and then let's get a background there we go and let's change that there we go so now I can display the comments on this scene rather than the other one we have with us sip toally films good evening let me move this over just a bit see these comments give me a world of trouble but don't worry I am troubleshooting so as soon as we get all the comments uh I'll put it right here as soon as we get all the comments squared away I think my show will be a okay okay thank you so much for joining coach I'm glad you're here he was one of the YouTubers I was mentioning who I watch in terms of film breakdown I watch coach Evans no matter what he talks about because he's just so good and so knowledgeable about football but if you are new and you're not subscribed to sip to tally please go over subscribe to his channel because he's going to hold your hand all through this season and he's going to walk you through why the Ravens are winning the Super Bowl I promise you it's going to be great but he was one of the content creators who I watched and breaking down film showing me the offensive line because I've said this before when the game is being played we all know that the speed of the game is so fast it's kind of hard to see and really give a true assessment now some things are glaringly obvious if your o line is flat on their face lying on their lying on their stomachs okay well that's a problem but otherwise it's really hard to pinpoint during the game who's doing what who did what well you can kind of walk away with a little bit but really it's when I watch film coach Evans all 22 films and even Cole Jackson over at Road road graders when they break down the film and I watch it I'm like okay I must I must have missed that in the game so let me revise my assessment of the o line but let's dive in I see a couple of others have come here tonight we have zephia Bowman I hope you're doing well yes oh we get to see that you know we're talking about uh King hering tonight yes please do what Nana said hit that like button go ahead subscribe if you're new yes killer cam thank you for joining we have in equip Institute with us tonight good evening hello hello and we have have J the 6 prayer circle that Lamar is able to break the sound barrier when Chris Jones moves F out the way we going to talk about that all right first thing I want to discuss I don't know how you feel but Tyler Huntley Resigns Ravens please leave it in the chat and let me know the Ravens resigned our former backup quarterback Tyler Huntley he was cut from the Browns a couple of days ago we did not waste any time and I'm glad we didn't I'm happy that he's back what are your thoughts in the chat you know we had on the offseason these pre three preseason games we had Josh Johnson we saw Devin ly and we saw Emory Jones now out of the three my preference would have been I hate to say it but I'm going to say it anyway Josh Jones as backup number one but behind him I would have preferred Emory Jones which we did not keep and will show you the depth chart it's an unofficial one that was released a day or so ago from the Ravens but I know Tyler is going to the practice squad but I'm just so happy to have Snoop back because this is someone who knows the system this is someone who's been a raven for years he was here last year when Todd monin took over he understands the Raven's way the Raven mindset and when I think of a backup quarterback I hope to not have to use that backup quarterback which would mean that Lamar Jackson is healthy and Lamar Jackson is out there producing so we don't really need them unless of course we're just like blowing teams out of the water and we're up by like 30 40 points then we can go ahead and insert backup quarterback but other than that I want to see Lamar Jackson on the field and not having him on the field for any reason if it's a coaching decision or whatever if Lamar has to God forbid Miss some time I feel more comfortable with Lamar Jackson sitting down and having Snoop being on the field that's my comfort level I like what I saw from Josh in that second game against the Falcons I did not like what I saw in the first game and then he came back in the third game and it was wasn't as consistent as it was in the second so that kind of up and down roller coaster ride I didn't really care for and it doesn't give me a lot of assurance especially because he is a veteran so when I think of a veteran who's been in the league how many years has has Josh Josh Johnson been in the league yeah that many and he's on the upside of his 30s and when I think of someone that seasoned I want more consistent play from him and I didn't see it so that's my thought but certainly leave yours in the chat if you feel that Josh Johnson would be better leave that there let me know if you're more comfortable with Devin ly let me know that too but I prefer I I feel I feel much more comfortable with um with Snoop that's kind of that's kind of where I am zapia said he bet uh he's better he he better than the other quarterbacks yeah yeah I like Emory too I do but I don't know I'm not sure why the Ravens didn't really like Emory as much as I thought they would have and yes Devin ly is a draft pick I get that and I know how the Ravens typically operate when it comes to draft picks we we often keep them and even if it means that they are developmental players even if it means that it's going to take them some time we tend to keep our our draft picks so maybe that's why but yeah John Parsons good evening thank you for being here definitely upgraded the quarterback room I agree I agree I was really I was thrilled yeah killer cam says me too yeah I was really really thrilled to to have him back so that's the first thing I wanted to to to to discuss good Shoutouts evening Mr Galloway thank you so much for being here I hope you are well listen if you have a YouTube channel let me put the little Ticker on here and we're going to see if it works I'm testing out my um nightbot so here's the ticker if you are in here if you're watching would you do me a favor if you have a YouTube channel please type in exclamation point house and once you type in exclamation point house my nightbot should drop the link to your channel fingers crossed this is me trying to do techy stuff and you know hey it might take me some time but let's give it a whirl so if you are in here you and you have a um YouTube channel type in exclamation point house and let's see if my nightbot is working but um yeah and Nana says that she's ecstatic to have Snoop back he should have never left I agree I'm glad he's back welcome home Snoop thank you if you're watching snoo we missed you oh how we missed you and how glad we are to have you back hopefully you will kind of like make your way from the P practice squad to actually being that that backup quarterback that would be great the hawk TV good evening if I Flacco vs Huntley as QB2 didn't say it earlier to you serious question would you rather have Tyler Huntley or Joe flacko as your backup QB o I would say I'm going to go with that's a tough question because there's there's two sides so it's partly both I would I would love to have Snoop as my backup quarterback because he knows Todd monin system and because he's younger now we all know if we watch Snoop this is not the quarterback who is going to connect on the Deep ball more often than not but what we can utilize Snoop for is for those short intermediate passes quick release that's where we can get the most from him and because he was here with us last year because he's younger hopefully he's quicker he's faster I would take Snoop for that for those reasons however that's why I say it's kind of both because we all know at least for me I think flacko was a great quarterback look what he did last season he came in off the couch and led you know LED his team to a you know to the play offs or I don't know I think they made the playoffs but um I think were they a first round exit last year leave it in the chat let me know I can't remember but that's a great question Hawk TV I'm going to stick with my I'm going to stick with my gut feeling there and take Huntley even though having flacko as an option at backup would not be would not be terrible now would Flaco want to come back and be a backup quarterback to the same team that kind of ousted him with Lamar Jackson probably not so that leads another question where I can ask you hawk TV as well as everyone else in the chat and if I miss your comment or your question if you have a question leave a q colon for me and that way I can easily find it but if you had your choice chat and those who are watching on replay leave a comment down below if you had your choice flacko Huntley or tanah Hill as your backup QB QB number two who would you take and while you all are discussing that I'll say hello a couple of take a couple more comments Edwin says that in my opinion o line will develop over the course of the season that's my revised O-line Development Over Time um version of of where I think the o line will be um and you know I can see the o line rotate in specific areas on a series to series bases I would hope they don't rotate that often because I feel like there needs to be continuity and maybe not on a series by you know series to series basis but maybe quarter to quarter and I don't think that that's re unrealistic but just I wouldn't want the rotation to be so often and so frequent I'd like it to be to where the player whoever's starting that game they have an opportunity because I know that this is a young relatively young offensive line we have entrusted the keys to this very expensive car we've entrusted it to young players and with that they going to be mistakes that are going to be made that's normal that's natural and we're going to have to give them Grace there is a learning curve for sure for 34s of our offensive line and I do agree with you Edwin they will get better over time but my big concern and I'll segue here my big concern with giving them time we are in the AFC North where every game matters and when we look at the record and we are one game off or one game behind that can totally change the outcome of us going into the postseason I am of the mindset that I want to Stack as many WIS as possible especially early on while we are relatively healthy because every game matters every win matters and you know there's this narrative out there about the Ravens oh they're great in the regular season but it's just when they get into the Posies and they choke they're not I want to dispel that narrative this year and that's what we're going to do but so that's my only caveat to your point um Edwin yes I do think the Ravens offensive line will develop but while they are developing I hope that we are resourceful enough that utilizing Derrik Henry in the back field utilizing two tight end sets whatever it is we need to employ whatever strategies we need to use so that we can come away with the win and obviously stay healthy that is number one on the list whatever way we can win let's do that because as I said before in our division especially every game matters we also have with us tonight good evening Joey thank you yes Ravens all day and I appreciate your support thank you for being here big re host of Big Boy talk good evening thank you so much for joining Dean 100 thank you good to see you glad you're here lirry was a horrible pick yeah I I get it I get it yes um let me know in the chat I see people who have YouTube channels who' dropped the you know who put in uh exclamation point I'm sorry yeah exclamation point house and I see the nightbot give me a thumbs up because I can't read through the nightbot and look at your comments at the same time if it worked if it actually worked to your channel just give me a thumbs up that way I know that I don't have to make any changes to the nightbot so moving forward I don't have to say during the live streams hey I have this person here and this person has a channel nightbot can do it for me so just leave me a thumbs up real quick if the nightbot did what it was supposed to do um so yeah Nana says that she would much rather have Tyler Huntley in that scenario okay Joey he would take Flo as backup I I can I can see that Killam I can see that too it's not one of those things where I say it's a large margin between Snoop and you know uh flacko no I it I think either one of them would be great as backup because like I said before the goal for me is keep my quarterback number one upright and keep him healthy and on the field that's it and then beyond that the times where we want to call on a backup and that's just strictly because we are blowing the teams way out that's where we would you know utilize our backup Jeff J said Snoop looked great maybe his brief sent away gave him a chance to reflect on some yeah maybe sometimes that happens in life you know sometimes just being away you come back and you're more appreciative and that's not to say that I hearing or ever heard Snoop was under appreciative or ungrateful that's not it at all but sometimes um a change of environment even for a small like you said a brief stint that could do worlds of good so let's see I'm I'm hoping that Huntley makes his way back to quarterback number two sress for real says yes Huntley oh great Point let me pin that let me pin that comment there there we go Huntley with our developing oine Mobility is necessary excellent excellent excellent point yeah with a young developing oine Mobility is going to be key so um second thing I wanted to Lamar Jackson's Vocal Leadership talk about tonight Lamar Jackson his influence and his leadership he's starting to become more vocal I know we saw it last year we did we saw it but this year he just seems to be stepping into and embracing holy the role of I want to win a Super Bowl and I want every teammate with me and if my teammate is not with me in terms of what I see on the field I have words for them and I would not have thought Lamar just being easygoing and you know fun and and laughing I didn't think Lamar would come into this type of position or this type of role but it seems like he is he is embracing the fact that if you get it right great if you don't come in my office let's have a talk and I watched him I think he joined the lounge a couple of days ago and one of the things that he mentioned was Ronnie Stanley was like don't come after him so hard you know like he was I guess criticizing the the o line and just kind of I don't want to say criticizing maybe that's the wrong word he was correct in let's go with that he was correcting some mistakes or at least pointing out some mistakes or where he felt the o line could have done better during practice and Ronnie Stanley kind of said you know hey like you know and he said listen sometimes you they need it and I don't think it came from or I don't think it comes from a un a place that's you know impure or a place that's being mean or or ugly in any type of way what I think is LaMar's hyperfocus this year he was very focused last year but I think this year especially with the sting of the AFC Championship he's going to show us that when he is holding himself to a very high standard he's also going to give that same standard that same rubric that same measure to the players that surround him so that's really good to see I appreciate him for that because you know these are especially with the young you know the young talent that He has at o line he's got to be the voice for them he's got to he has to speak up let them know what he needs as a quarterback hey I need you to do this in a situation like this this is what I need from you and I'm glad to see that he's doing that because that's going to help them improve yes it's tough love yes it might not be comfortable but it's necessary and our quarterback one is doing just that so it's good to see sress for real says I think there will be times when Lamar Lamar Jackson's Mobility will need to use his Mobility to avoid saxs in the pocket absolutely he's going to have to there's no way around that and S Just For Real says snoop's playing style is more similar to Lamar it is very similar not equal but certainly similar so as she made the point earlier sers for real said yeah when you look at our young offensive line escaping the pocket being a mobile quarterback is going to be essential to Our Success especially early on Edwin as our offensive line gels learns gains the experience as they grow in the meantime in the meantime we are going to have to rely heavily on Lamar's foot ball IQ Lamar knows how to protect himself he doesn't take unnecessary big hits he knows when to run he knows when not to and that's something that we're going to have to look to him to do and protect his his body and protect himself in the event that pocket collapses he's going to have to utilize and we're going to rely on his speed we're going to rely on his athleticism we're going to rely on him being able to have that connection with Derrick Henry to eliminate or relieve some of the pressure of this growing offensive line so that's what I'm expecting to see at least in the first couple of games um at least you know the first three for I'm looking to see that and what I'm watching for is to see the development of the offensive line if you make mistakes in game one okay if you make the same mistake in game two if you make the same mistake in game three now you see where I'm going that's going to be a problem so I'm going to give them the leeway to make those mistakes early on but as long as they watch film they study they see where they need to improve and especially the one player that kind of had me a little I'm not going to say worried but I'll say it would be Daniel fele not because I don't think that he is going to be a good player is he ready to be a day one starter and for us day one starter means Chris Jones and Company what that means for us is even though Chris Jones is getting older I saw someone mention oh well he's getting older well we have some older guys on our team too we have Derrick Henry so just because a person is older look at Kyle vanoi look at Javi and Clowney they were older but they they let us in sack totals last year so just because someone is older I'm not going to diminish what they can do so I going back to my point about Chris Jones we're taking on Chris Jones in 4 days we're going to need to focus on what we do well Roan Smith you know gave a oppressor earlier today and he said I I don't remember what the question was but it kind of was something along the lines of like how can you what do you need to do to to secure a win against the Chiefs like what do you need to do and I'm paraphrasing if you want the direct quote I think it's on the Baltimore Ravens uh YouTube channel the interview today but the the answer was simple he said we've got to take away the Run game make them onedimensional we can't allow the Chiefs to get comfortable we've got to be able to stop the you know to stop the run and on defense that's what they're going to have to do on offense for us we're going to have to be more than onedimensional because that we know the Chiefs can beat you in multiple ways so for us getting in there there and making sure that if our oine struggles early we have to use what has worked for us which is the Run game and you know that's kind of that's kind of where I see us being successful especially early on while our offense offensive line continues to to gel to take shape take a few comments here Nana says Shoutout to Chiefs Kingdom's Ian Lamar had control when monin came aboard he was being held back he was he was absolutely being held back and I think having Lamar speak up more and I don't know so I am not here to represent that I have had a conversation or that this is in any way backed by fact if Lamar is having conversations with the front office the GM about what he needs and is being more vocal about it hopefully they've listened and you know we're going to see what happens in days Ian I see is with us from the chief's Kingdom good evening Ian thank you for being here I want to say I know you've been in here before I know you've come by the channel and I appreciate you coming back you are certainly welcome I want to let you know in advance while I certainly respect your team this year is going to be different from the Ravens you can book it book Market mark it here you heard it here first it's going to be a different you're going to see a totally different Baltimore Ravens a more hungry Baltimore Ravens and I can't wait to beat you all next week on Thursday and that'll just be the beginning but no I I'm just teasing but but seriously I I do think that this is going to be a a difference for us we do have and Ian we as I've been mentioning here tonight we do have our areas of weakness I'm not going to say deficiencies I'm going to say weaknesses but then again so does every team and let me take 2.5 real Like the Video quick if you are here and you're enjoying the content please do me a favor give me a thumbs up let me know that you're enjoying it if you are watching on replay thank you so much leave a comment down below let me know what you think is going to happen on Thursday night versus the Chiefs I'm taking my Ravens but I'm not going to get into that right now and tonight because come back tomorrow night I have a very special episode where I'm previewing our game versus the Chiefs and I'm bringing a special guest she is a dolphins fan her name is Miss fins and she will be previewing we'll do a collab together and we'll talk about the Chiefs and Ravens and we'll also talk about the Dolphins and the Jaguars it's going to be a lot of fun tomorrow night so tomorrow at 800 p.m. Eastern Standard Time make sure you come right back here because you'll hear all of my thoughts on how I think this matchup between the Ravens and the eag and Ravens and the Chiefs will be living legend says I agree Yolanda the old line is going to be crucial like new addition o oh yes I love that I love that yeah so okay Ian says even a 17-year-old can beat y'all team oh well you know what Ian I thank you so much for that because when we us as that quote 17-year-old team when we beat you on Thursday I hope you come back see I hope you're not one of the I hope you're not one of the fans Ian that just goes around and is only available for comment and question when your team wins because when your team doesn't I still want you to be as you know I still want you to stick your chest out with it I still want you to be here and represent right so make sure you come back Rave Kingdom said them signing Huntley let me know that they were not happy with Devon lry and Josh Johnson but my thing is why address this situation this late is my issue good evening R Kingdom thank you for being here I would say yes I I agree with you why not address this earlier in the off seon I don't have the answer to that I don't but what I can say is I look at the situation and you're right would I have liked for them to address this a month two three months ago absolutely sure but what I am going to take away from this is that maybe just maybe I don't have proof of this but perhaps Lamar Jackson had a conversation and said listen the help that I need at backup in the event we need him we don't have him on our roster go get Snoop bring him back like Nana said we should have never let him go we should never have let him go however we did and that's water under the bridge now the good thing is the Ravens recognized the issue and they took action that's what matters to me and so I'm glad they did um and you guys lost a lot of good players on uh Ravens fans don't forget that and let me tell you what the Ravens also retained a lot of good players so don't you forget that but I move on um let me say one other thing about um collap I've been doing you know I Last Time Entertaining This started doing interviews and collabs with other YouTubers especially those in the Raven space but also in other fan bases as well and Ian let me know if you would ever like the link so that you can come on my channel and we can talk about why you think that the Chiefs are are unstoppable which they're not you guys lost some players too leria sne oops let me stop because I said I'm doing a preview tomorrow night see you guys get me to go off on tan I can't do that but yes we lost players but we also kept a lot of our Main Stays don't forget that so um moving to the last point so I started these interviews and it's so good to see other Ravens YouTubers doing interviews and uniting the fan base because as you can see you know we have people like Ian bless your heart Ian we have people like Ian who come by and you know they just they don't mean no harm but they certainly don't mean you no good and we need to you know we need to stick together as a flock we need to be band together even if we disagree that's okay I'm not here to represent that all of my views are 100% correct sometimes I'm going to be right sometimes I'm going to be wrong but I appreciate every person who's taken the time to come on my show and talk with me share their knowledge and it's just been fantastic so it's good to see other YouTubers doing this same things and Ian let me tell you this and I do want to say this will be the last time I entertain anything like this in my channel we don't have a downfall and um so I would just tell you to please step Lively and watch a step okay so make sure that if you come in here you're going to be respectful and if you're not going to be respectful you are not going to be permitted to remain in the chat that's all I'm going to say about that and um uh let me see I'm just SC scrolling through a couple of the comments mostly Ian and it looks like I'm going to have to like put Ian on timeout for a little bit yeah we're going to put him on timeout cuz he doesn't seem to be getting it so now he'll get it living legend said thank you the collabs are dope I appreciate it yeah I've really had so much fun because um the people the gentlemen who have come on the channel and even the ladies too the ones who've come on the channel everyone has their own expertise a certain junqua that they bring to the table and it's really good to hear other people's perspectives and not only that I ask questions because I want to genuinely learn about some people you know learn about them their backgrounds how they got into sports how they got into football and how they became Ravens fans just more than just your regular you know typical content oh B squared says wow I never got an invite okay b square you know what I gotta invite I gotta bring you on the on the show I definitely do because I want to make sure that you are there because I want you to come back to YouTube that's what I want I'm gonna bring you I'm gonna send you an invite and good okay it looks like my nightbot is working I'm going to send definitely reach out to you and have you on the channel because I certainly want you to to be you know to be a part of the the show but yeah that's right R kingom respect I go into everyone's chat it doesn't matter who your team is because I love football so I'm in it doesn't matter if it's the Saints it doesn't matter if it's the Char if there's a you know a sport if there's a football content creator who happens to be producing content that night I'm there I'm there but I'm going to be respectful even if I don't believe your team is going to win I'm going to be respectful so Ian just needs to learn a little bit of respect he'll get some before he comes back in this chat I promise you that and if he doesn't have any respect then he won't be a part of this um but I bet you one thing and is you know there's certain people who are really good on typing because they're behind the you know behind the camera and they can hide and you can't see them you don't know them but you you you say hey meet me in a dark alley right he's not going to do that he he's he's one of the kind that that's not um uh oh and I want to also say um no file language on the channel we got to we got to keep it really really nice because I do have children watching the show um so but yeah J the 6 rege need to collaborate they sure do they do they need to they need to collaborate they need to get back I hope Big R is another one I hope he gets back to the sh you know back to YouTube soon I I miss I miss their content they're really good offer very good perspective good evening Jared green glad you're here he has a YouTube channel of his own if you will do me a favor Jared and type in exclamation point house nightbot we'll drop the link to your channel so that everyone can go over and subscribe to your channel but um yeah see CB squared J the six says you definitely need to come back absolutely well the last thing I want to discuss and I want to get your Ravens Depth Chart Overview thought on this before we go the Ravens announced their depth chart a preliminary one right and I wanted to get your thoughts on how this depth chart looked did you have any questions or any concerns about it let's have a look here we go so for the depth chart I was kind of sort of okay with it for the most part for the most part and I don't know that and this was just this was something I saw on Twitter yesterday but um I don't know if Coach Harbaugh and Company in the front office are really giving the true indicator on who's going to start at Right Guard that was one thing I saw I said oo because John Harbaugh did mention earlier this week in oppressor that there's really not a need for me to disclose that I don't see an advantage to that so um but the okay there we go but the only question I guess would be Right Guard why is Daniel F starting over Cleveland I mean I figured it would be but who knows um we'll see and the other one the other one that I had a little concern m is the backup quarterback the reason I had the backup quarterback and I know this is J as it stands right now Josh Johnson is backup you know number two hopefully that will change hopefully that will change and right tackle Edwin thank you yes I have that in my notes right tackle so for right tackle we have Pat McCary over Roger Rosengard yep I had that in my notes to I skipped over it so thank you um and Edwin says that for this right tackle guard will be the positions that rotate potentially could be could be my only thing and tan I see you in the chat good evening thank you for being here um and yes as Nana said please keep it clean I think I missed I miss yes please keep your comments clean and respectful we're having an issue with one person tonight it seems like Ian might need to be banned permanently from the channel and I'm going to give him one more chance one more chance to to see if he he can behave himself if he can't mind his manners then he just can't come back but um yeah for for McCary starting over Roger Rosen Garden day one next week if the Ravens have seen something out of McCary that I haven't seen my only goal is to put the best players on the field talent wise to protect Lamar Jackson and if that is carry at right tackle so shall it be I don't know that it is I would prefer Roger Rosen Garden but again this is just the preliminary depth chart um so from here the only other thing and I think we're fine I don't I didn't really take issue with anyone on defense I thought this was this looked good and and again guys and and ladies this could be just Harbaugh not really wanting to show his hand per se and and we really could see something different come Thursday during game during the game so we shall see but this is the preliminary depth chart right tackle Right Guard and hopefully backup quarterback hopefully those change that would be good if it does well ladies gentlemen that is all I Sign Off have for you all tonight remember please come by tomorrow at 8:00 p.m. eastern time it's not my normal streaming time but this is where I will give my my true you'll get all of my thoughts on the matchup on Thursday against the Chiefs please come by I'm also doing a collab with Miss fins who is a dolphins fan and she's going to be on the show joining me and she's going to preview their matchup for week one as well as I will preview our matchup for week one as well I hope to see you all very soon thank you again for coming out hanging out with me it's been a lot of fun if I missed your comment just come back tomorrow and leave me another one because you know sometimes I miss I skip over comments not intentionally just because you guys are having such great dialogue but I do go back and read all of the comments because you know this is uh you know this is fun for me I appreciate you all let me leave you with this it's rough out here you never know what someone is going through be kind because someone might need your kindness it could make all the difference in their life and you never know when it might be your day when you need someone to be kind to you until next time you take care stay safe and always remember go Ravens God bless

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