[Music] [Applause] could you open the door what do you want you're in trouble I saw you come out of the house just now you went to the car to get something you left this door open behind you somebody went inside what I saw you go to your car and you left the door open somebody slipped inside they're in there now I didn't see anyone I know that your back was turned what are you doing standing outside my house what you just open the door I'm trying to help you [Music] [Music] what's up everybody welcome back to beyond the grave media this is Josh here checking in on you out there on YouTube land how are we doing I want to get right into this review because it just became available to rent to stream and I think that you should watch it I'm going to say that right off the top this is a movie that was not on my radar that I did not hear about I think it was an actual I think it was a fellow subscriber um inferus rex that said hey you like long legs this movie is better than longlegs it's the best of 2024 and then I heard a couple more people say that and a couple more and a couple more and the hype and what I was being told is pretty it was pretty real for this movie this is a odity it just came out this is an IFC I think it's an IFC midnight it's a shutter original it's not on shutter yet I did have to pay like six bucks to watch it um and I'm going to tell you right now that going in blind and knowing nothing about this movie was an absolute benefit for me um the intro to this movie The Hook was one of the better intros I've seen in a long time I I was kind of like because I'm not feeling great I put it on to like not fall asleep but you know I I I have plans to watch it in the bedroom and then I was going to watch it you know out on my big TV today um if I liked it and I I just sat up I was like oh what is going on I'm I was fully invested I was into this movie from the get-go I thought I mean there's a ton of Pros but thanks for being here let's let's break down what I loved about odity so the plot of odity is going to be a little bit odd to explain without getting into Major Spoilers so I'm going to do my best to just give you some straight facts I'm going to try to be very vague um it starts off with this kind of beautiful home I want to say it's in Cork Ireland or somewhere like that and it's very remote and it follows Dany she has a twin sister Darcy and her husband and they're renovating this wonderful home out in the countryside and for whatever reason Danny is shooting with like a still cam she's got a tent set up a tripod and she's trying to capture ghosts or orbs or whatever she's doing um she's very interested in this old house her husband is I don't know if he's a psychiatrist psychologist he's some sort of doctor that works in this kind of David lynchian Asylum with some Twisted patients who have some cool art um very cool color patterns here almost kind of love crafy in in some spots I really really enjoy what the director did with the color and the shots in this movie but um her twin sister who was blind also owns a curiosity shop kind of like an Oddities um kind of maob you know curiosity place so um the characters get intertwined and for some reason you know we go back to the house and there's there's a lot of unanswered questions that happen here and everyone kind of gets intertwined and it becomes kind of like a murder mystery slash kind of psyche I don't know psychological haunting um there's some creature featuress to it there there's a lot of cool stuff going on in this movie that definitely had me hooked from the jump so that's our basic plot moving forward what I like about this movie is there's a level of danger to it it feels like something that you're not supposed to be watching it feels like just like me and you were talking it feels like we're in the room with these characters I don't know if it's his angles his like depth of field the way that he keeps switching back and forth the director it it feels like I'm in the damn room there's something been kind of David lynchian love crafty into it if you've seen his first movie caveat he this director does an amazing job of playing with negative space and where you're like walking down the shadows and while you're walking down those Shadows you're like looking this way looking that like it feels like there's something there this movie does that with it's elegant it's classy it's nasty he's got a great style man and it is dripping dripping with style dripping with grief drip dripping with maob dripping with unanswered questions um I'm not I can't really say a whole lot of other things about it but there is like there's a lot of people like assuming there's whether it's a paranormal entity or a ghost or a creature there is like drawings of this thing that is really cool there's a decent amount of Gore in this movie unfortunately some of it does happen off screen but for the most part the gore is pretty spoton there's a lot of there's gifts there's witchcraft there's you know this store that you have to go into where there's cursed artifacts I loved all that stuff I thought that the dialogue between the sister and this other character was incredible when they're just kind of having the stare off this monologue at this kitchen table um the way he zooms around the objects I mean being scared to stay at your own house that's a universal fear and I I definitely felt that for the characters in this movie all the characters except for maybe one if you've seen it you know who I'm talking about but this movie does a great job of like setting up this this for boating Doom right and there's a couple of jump scares in this movie that got me Jesus Christ like like I it got me once I was like I know this is coming I know it and then it laid off right um it it does that pretty effectively there's a great AIT there's a great bit of sound design in this movie that there you know there's some cons to it too with the sound but for the most part I think that this is a movie where C curiosity kind of kills the cat so to speak and there are some figures and some IC there's going to be something talked about in this movie that's just going to be like another figure that we have now around Halloween time that people are just like oh you'll never forget this part of the movie like there there's there's a character in this movie that's going to be just like this unknown kind of Legend it's going to it's going to be awesome um and I just spent a lot of time looking for ghosts in all the negative space tons of potential a hell of a lot of potential in this movie lots of Pol lots of possibilities to wrap this thing up I was like it's going to go this way it's going to go that way um and I watched it twice so I have I have I have a little bit of context now when I watched it on a bigger TV with more sound um let's get into the cons it there's not a lot but let's break them down so let's add some things up we've got this great director with a great vision with a great idea with a great premise with a great location with decent actors with an amazing opening with pretty good Gore with you know some intense jump scares some intense sound design we've got a pretty original movie here and not a ton of hype so my expectations were low so as I watched this movie I was like this thing rips this might overtake my favorite movie of the year and I don't think that I can get there I I don't I think that they fumbled the ending in like the last third of this movie but I'm still going to say you need to watch this film I think it comes out towards the middle of September you might be able to wait um I don't know if six bucks is not that much when it comes out I'll probably buy it because I like some of the characters and some of the creature design in this movie I thought was pretty damn awesome pretty effective the jump scares are there I was watching my wife watch it she was scared so it's a creepy little movie it gets under your skin it's very tense it's very forboding um and yeah I think I think I liked it I didn't love it but I did like it so if they would have went a different way with the ending I had more questions it was left ambiguous but it was left fun it was left like oh it is what you think it is and if you've seen caveat you kind of know this director and kind of what he likes to do um the other only cons that I have is like this movie kind of starts right and you're watching it it's got this great intro and then it's got this kind of janky music and then all of a sudden you're like at the title screen you're like what the hell just happened the music the actual like you know music in the movie not like the sound and the score is a little bit it doesn't really fit for me but in the same time it does kind of make it fun it doesn't take itself too seriously so I kind of like that but overall yeah I'm going to say this movie you know it it's probably as good as long legs I think long legs is like it's a it's a better movie as far as like there's more money in it and it's a bigger scene um it's got bigger names but this this has got more effective scares I think um I just didn't really love the ending I think if I got to go back in time and think about all the movies of 2024 I'm get it to late night with the devil I thought that was just original and interesting and it kind of plays off the satanic panic and that's what I'm into and then I would probably go Sting the the spider movie I love creature features I love that movie then I'd probably go this and long legs are right there this might be a little bit better than long legs it's a quicker sit and it's more fun for the most part long legs has an amazing ending though so I can see why people are really really in love with this odity movie I'm going to say go watch it if you spend six bucks on it you're not going to be upset you're going to be like I just can't talk about it I need like a spoiler video I can't talk about what's happening with this creature that straight out of like you know movies it reminds me of I guess would be um you know like a paranormal type of movie like a haunted house flick a little bit of like Creep Show Creep Show 2 maybe um you know the strangers or your next so it it's got some interesting it plays on a lot different things and I I liked it I didn't love it I liked it a lot seven out of 10 that's a great that's a good movie great horror movie so um until next time guys that wraps us up thanks for being here if you want to see more from me subscribe you know what to do down there and then follow me on social media we'll be back with some more long form stuff hoping to be feeling back to 100% real soon until next time take care cheers [Music] [Music]