Gum Chewing ASMR | Netflix Horror True Story The Deliverance| Spoilers

Published: Sep 02, 2024 Duration: 00:22:27 Category: People & Blogs

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hello hello hello ASMR Nation I want to talk about the movie I watched last night it came out on August 30th um so as I'm filming this you know just a couple days ago and we finally got a chance to watch it and it was called It's called The Deliverance um Glen close is in it Mo'Nique is in it uh the other there's a couple other names in it that I I wasn't familiar with but they were all great uh even the children acting in it was great which is rare but crazy crazy crazy and based on true events so we're going to talk about it obviously trigger warnings it's horror it's Paran yeah Spirit spiritual paranor anyways before we get into it you know the drill you know the deal we got to do some Channel maintenance some Channel hygiene so if you're new here welcome my nonsense if you're old here welcome back oh jez if you're new here please consider hitting subscribe and if you're old here go double check make sure you're subscribed hit the like if you like leave a comment it could be anything related to the video it can just be a hello few emojis whatever as long as it's cool and respectful hit the notification Bell as always I will link my tip jars Down Yonder in the description box no pressure whatsoever but every dollar to helps it allows me to continue to make content content content also you are invited my patreon I know not everybody can come but you can't say you weren't invited there is a ton of content over there all right um so we watched the Deliverance last night I kind of had to watch it in two parts because my husband was like hanging something in the garage so he had to take a break right when it was getting juicy but this is a case that I had learned about many many years ago so when I found out that this movie was based you know when you find out a movie came out about something that you already kind of researched you're like whoa must watch Glen Close I don't miss an opportunity to watch Glen Close she is a queen she's a queen and I pulled up an article about the true story The horrifying true story behind Netflix is the Deliverance what happened to Latoya Ammon and family this is from Forbes if you want to look it up yourself and it's by um Monica Mercury that's a cool last name um the Deliverance which debuted on Netflix August 30th directed by Academy Award Nomine Lee Daniels known for precious so so it's got like all star it's got Lee Daniels um precious is crazy if you have not seen precious pause this movie and go watch precious now watch precious onque is also impre but listen and and Sian Sian I can't remember how to say her name um but be prepared to run the Gambit of emotions that is like an emotional like it rips you apart um this film marks a reunion for danels with actress Andre day she's in it and Mo'Nique who previously directed Billy Holiday and precious respectively cast also includes Glenn Close an Jan Ellis Taylor Caleb mclin and more okay Daniels told Hollywood Reporter that he hadn't heard about Amon story until after he made precious and once he did he steered away from the movie for several reasons you know what there is some some bad gas on Lee Daniels because I remember watching a a Monique interview and there was something like about the pay on that anyways um for one I felt this is a lead Daniels SCH I felt I didn't want to do another story about abuse this woman was abusing her kids or what defines as abuse because she was hitting the kids and two I know how I work I'm an open portal and I know what I demand and I know the spirit Works through me so what kind of spirits do I want on me I was like nah I'm not going to do it so at first lady Neils was like this isn't a piece I want to work on Daniels admitted that the story sat with him forever we had never seen this story through the lens of an African-American woman on screen and I just felt we were in such dark times I don't think really want to know how dark of times we are in I felt like I needed to get reconnected to my high higher power um now this like I said this is based on a true story of two the the story centers around the Latoya family but there was a family before them that crazy stuff happened in this house almost like Amityville Horror like that's true right well it's based on the movies we've seen are based on true events um yes the Deliverance is inspired by the true story of L Torah Ammons in November of 2011 amons her mother and three children moved into a rental house on a quiet street of a small of small one-story homes in Gary Indiana in the movie it's a two-story home but Ammons and her mother Rosa Campbell reported hearing footsteps going up the basement stairs after midnight in the creek of the door opening between the basement and the kitchen one one night Campbell recounted waking up to see a shadowy figure of a man pacing in her living room and when she got up to investigate she discovered large wet bootprints on the floor this is not normal Campbell recall to the Indianapolis Star in 2014 we killed them and killed them and killed them but they kept coming back I don't know what that means but that wasn't the only strange thing that happened in the house over the next few months incidents grew worse amon's dis witnessing her children levitating above their beds and being physically thrown out of the bathroom getting injured by flying objects and speaking in unnatural deep voices and at this time per the movie and it seems like per the real story because there are DCFS agents involved um there's a DCFS worker that comes by to check on these kids because the mom seems to be like a rager alcoholic and I think the dad reported her but the dad's not in the show so is he like I don't know um so she's coming over and she's seing all these bruises on the kids right so she thinks that the mom's been continuing to hit the kids and the mom's like I don't understand what's going on with these bruises like some weird stuff is happening of course you know like any agent of anything is is going to be like yeah right lady you know but so it's almost like how terrifying like what if your kids kept getting injured and you're not doing it and nobody believes you but the movie portrays the momb to be really terrible um just rotten rotten not just alcoholically like just rotten um Campbell recalled telling her daughter we need help we need to talk to somebody who knows how to deal with it Ammons and Campbell contacted local churches but most refused to listen nice churches you got there according to indie star one church official told the family her house had Spirits in it and suggested they clean the home with bleach and P amonia and then use oil to drop crosses on every door and window somebody's up somebody's up it's my teenager sometimes she acts as my paranormal experience amans also followed a clairvoyant advice and set at an altar in her basement she draped a white sheet over an end table and placed a white candle Mary Joseph and Jesus statue on it and opened up a Bible to Psalm 91 she told the site that she and another person wore white T-shirt and white scarves around their heads while burning sage and sulfur throughout the house where do you pick up sulfur to burn and I imagine it smells but to me I I'm a payLo Santo even Sage can get on my nerves they're like well that must mean you're the evil spirit okay I guess I am but I prefer payLo Santo um now I like a sage candle will that do the trick Ammon said nothing happened for 3 days but then things took a frightening turn the family reported that demons possessed Ammons and her children and the children eyes would bulge evil Smiles would appear on their faces their voices would deepen during these episodes and Campbell told the indie star that the demons did not affect her because she was born with protection from Evil um that leads me to this thought I'm not a no all um I'm going to think logically as as far as I can take logic but when there are people out there there's countless reports on this there's you know two families in this house that have went through these similar events and I'm not an know all I wasn't there so to me this is true like there's there's no denying this there's there's DCFS agents there's the families there's two families there's the all these uh Clairvoyance and things that were trying to help like that you're not going to spend money on these things if they're not happening to your house you're not not a family that this they portray them as being broke you know so they're not looking for attention nobody's going to waste their money on things not tangible things um when something's not going absolutely berserk you know just because I haven't been attacked by an evil ended no I got baby dads never mind okay um on April 19th 2012 the family visited their family's physician Joffrey uniu amon's explained to the doctor the terrifing terrifying events that they were experiencing oniku the doctor told the indie star the situation was very bizarre adding 20 years I've never seen or heard anything like this in my life and I was scared myself self when I walked into that room so it looks like the doctor either made a house call or he was visited their family no this is when the kids were in the doctor's office cuz there's reports from doctors and nurses of the things they saw in the hospitals and in the doctor's offices in his medical notes Oni kuu wrote the words delusions of ghosts and home hallucinations history of ghosts at home and delusional during the visit Campbell said that Amon cursed inuk anded demonic voices medical staff said the youngest boy was lifted and thrown into the wall with nobody touching him a DCS report reads you are not going to risk there's not there's no way that you're going to risk your job by saying this stuff happened like I'm going to get sent home from work if I say that I just saw a kid go fly up against the wall and nobody was touching him they're going to be like ma'am go pee in this cup and call us tomorrow someone from the doctor's office called 911 prompting the arrival of seven or eight police officers and several ambulances according to uniki will everybody was well they couldn't figure out exactly what was happening you recall to the indie star as place and emergency Personnel took her sons to the Methodist Hospital campus in Gary someone contacted Indiana Department of Child Services to investigate am were possible so maybe in the real story they're not already being investigated because in this article it sounds like It Came Upon after some hospital visits but in the movie um they're already being stopped and checked on by um DCFS or DCS the underfed CER suggested amons might have a mental illness and that the children were performing for their mother like she had convinced them to perform the case was assigned to DCS family case manager Valerie Washington who conducted the initial investigation in her intake officer report she noted that the hospital examined amons and her children found them healthy while a hospital psychiatrist concluded that amons was of sound mind so at this point you know now we're getting into the mid movie so spoilers spoilers spoilers but so if you want to back out watch the movie um the examination scans and stuff say they're okay and there's also like a psychological evaluation that says they're okay but there's been things going on in the home there's been things going on at school all three of the kids have had some very weird incidents I don't know how true the movie depicted those incidents but if those were accurate then in all three of them on the same day and I probably wasn't on the same day in real life but when Washington spoke with amamos the seven-year-old boy began growling with his teeth and his eyes rolled back in his head he then locked his hands around his older brother's throat and refused to release him until the adults pried his hands open later that evening the 7-year-old reportedly said it's time to die in a deep voice to his older brother I will kill you in an eerie turn of events Washington Originals DCS report recounts that the 9-year-old had a weird grin and was walking backwards up a wall to the ceiling he flipped over Campbell lanting on his feet never letting go of his grandmother's hand Walker the nurse at the time corroborated this account how do you go home after seeing something like that how do you not lose it he walked up the wall flipped her over and stood there Walker told the indie star that there's no way he could have done that well right there's no right that's the point that's what aren't you getting that's what we're saying when the police later asked Washington if the boy had run up the wall as if it was a performing acrobatic trick she answered no according to the police report Washington said the boy glided backward on the floor wall and ceiling it was a gliding motion not an acrobatic move DCS eventually took emergency custody of the ammon's three children without a court order on April 20th 2012 a hospital chaplain contacted Reverend Michael meganut the priest at the Ste St Steven martyr Parish in Merillville Indiana to perform an exorcism on ammon's 9-year-old son magat performed three major exorcism on amb at his church and blessed her new home in Indianapolis so they're out they're out they're out like was gof fun a thing back then because like get this lady out I don't like let's throw some money at it get her out if it's still happening I guess you guys got then then we'll talk about like taking the kids and stuff but um well they said there was abuse before so she had I'm confused but afterward mag mag magut I don't know how you say his last name stated that he was not con he was convinced the demons were tormenting the family and that there were ghosts in the house Campbell and amons returned to Carolina Street to allow Washington to inspect the home's condition accompanied by three police officers according to police records one of the officers audio recorders malfunctioned the power light flashed to indicate the batteries were drying despite the officer inserting fresh batteries earlier that day when another officer recorded audio and played it back later he heard unknown voice whisper hey according to late County police records one photo taken at the house appeared to have are photos taken I guess by the police department um cloudy white image resembling a face while a second photo in green seemed to dep depict a female figure evens regained custody of her children in November of 2012 after moving to a new house and successfully meeting the objectives objectives of DCS case plan for her family according to the indie star and request for dismissal of Warship filed by DCS in January 2013 it was noted that amens and her children had made progress and participated in homebased therapy the report says that family have not experienced any issues with demonic presences or spirits in their home in Indi in Indianapolis they're moving on from that point in their lives the family continues to attend church regularly on Sunday but the family is no longer fixated solely on religion to explain or cope with the children's behavior issues I don't know exactly what that means their haunted home was eventually purchased but for $35,000 article said that the current tenant now it says here that they had a current tenant called the police to complain when reporters and photographers showed up and declined offers of money and interview request but on the movie at the end it like you know how when based on a true story it says like where are they now at the end or what's going on now I believe it said that nobody moved into the house it does say that the house has since been bulldozed it was bulldozed in 2016 and this article does not cover that so I don't know um and then it goes back into like the Lee Daniels and how he did not want to do the movie and he didn't want to meet uh Latoya and I kind of wonder how Latoya feels after watching this movie now because of how she was depicted in it now I don't know her she wasn't my friend so I don't know if she was as rotten in the beginning as as the movie portrays or not and if you think about Lee Daniel's style like he does like to incorporate that element so I don't know if he hyped it up but he said he was nervous about meeting Latoya and I think they talked twice before she before he produced the movie it would be interesting if she came out with like you know something now that the movie's out but I also had a screenshot that one of my friends sent me that was about the interview he did on Breakfast Club so if you watch Breakfast Club you might have seen this if not you can go check it out for yourself um this was posted by a Denise Wilson it's public but y'all be careful watching Lee Daniel's new movie on Netflix the Deliverance him and the lead did an interview with The Breakfast Club and they said it was so demonic they had a preacher on set every day during the break Steph was happening on Sudden at home for most of the cast members the lead started speaking in tongues while filming and that was not part of the script he said nobody knew what to do so they let her go until she wore herself out Charlamagne asked Lee Daniels would he ever make another movie like this and he said never in his life would he do this again he said they were so terrified on set every day that he didn't even want to go to the movie to begin with he's been sitting on the script since 2009 and yes I will not be watching so that part is up to you or not um oh my teenagers just sent me happy Labor Day uh she's she's the good witch today anyways um that part like my I was I sent that to my son after I told him watch the movie I was like wait just so you know like this is supposely what came out about the interview about it and he's like do you think that that part is just hype I said that part could be just hype it could be just hype like yeah we made the movie and all kinds of crazy stuff happen so go watch it but but as you see it's having the opposite effect cuz the woman that posted it said like after she heard about that interview she she's not going to watch it so I don't know if that's a good tactic or not anyways let me know if you watch Deliverance let me know if you plan on watching it let me know if you're like absolutely not because it is kind of like exorcism but based on a true story um it was enjoyable Glen Close knocked it knocked her roll out of the park she got weird with it she got weird with it like she took it there she took it there her her her whole aesthetic like I was like Glenn you can do hard things like you did it she she she did it she tore it up um okay if you watch this all the way to the end thank you very much I am in my night count I'm like halfway ready um I hope you have a good rest of your day night good night sleep whatever and I'll see y'all real soon to

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