Category: Travel & Events
I got a chance to say 'good bye' to our friends pipes and drums of 1st battalion scots guards and 1st battalion irish guards Read more
Category: Entertainment
[music] today marks the 3year anniversary of the horrific withdrawal from afghanistan where 13 service members lost their life while msnbc and cnn talk crap about donald trump but don't mention anything about this where's biden where's harris nowhere to be found but donald trump is there showing his... Read more
Category: News & Politics
Welcome to the uss global youtube channel the hardfought battle of the ukrainian troops continues with great gains a ukrainian ace fighter pilot is once again at the center of the action destroying bridge crossings in the ksk region of russia the aim is to prevent russian forces from advancing westwards... Read more
Category: News & Politics
Right now though let's take a look across the other side of the atlantic because it's labor day weekend over in the united states of america which is the official end of summer they mark it uh with the bank holiday weekend uh let's talk now to charles feldman co-host at kx news radio in los angeles... Read more
Category: News & Politics
People back in russia, and they’re hearing about this, too. they’re hearing about this, too. so it’s going to have damage. so it’s going to have damage. >> and, brett, while i have you, >> and, brett, while i have you, later on this week, the lower later on this week, the lower end of manhattan will... Read more
Category: News & Politics
Pressekonferenz mit markus söder, joachim herrmann und dieter reiter es ist niemand verletzt worden nur der täter ist ausgeschaltet worden ich möchte meinen ausdülichen dank aussprechen zunächst mal an die polizei durch ihr beherztes sehr entschlossenes aber auch professionell besonnenes verhalten konnte... Read more
Category: Education
Yes you can vote yes you can donate to political causes yes you can attend political fundraising events no you cannot attend political fundraising events in uniform or in um some costume of your federal service you cannot host or be like the chair running a fundraiser for a pol a political event Read more
Category: News & Politics
The political ramifications of ukraine's offensive are also significant particularly in terms of its impact on national and international perceptions for ukraine a successful campaign in curse could serve as a major boost to national morale and strengthen its position on the international stage it would... Read more
Category: Education
Hello everyone this is defense politics asia and this is the summary for the day of 933 for the 13th of september frontline changes report as usual is already out so if you want the shorter version you can watch the frontline changes report uh s wp the summary will be actually the more complete version... Read more
Category: Gaming
Good deal good de hey good hey guys welcome back to another video we're here in the f-15x today and we're going to be fighting the suco 35 yes that's the f-15x not the f115 ex i'll get into a little bit uh into the difference between those in a moment here but let's go ahead and climb [music] first... Read more
Category: Gaming
Est-ce que je tente la grenade à impact grenade à impact test numéro test concluant Read more
Category: Science & Technology
[music] the bore class is a russian designation project 955 bore and project 955a bore are a series of nuclear powered ballistic missile submarines in the russian navy this 955a submarine ranges 9,300 kilm and carries nuclear ballistic missiles this range makes it one of the advantages of the russian... Read more