4th & 62: Episode 3 - Bailey Zappe and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Game
Published: Aug 25, 2024
Duration: 00:29:41
Category: News & Politics
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welcome once again everybody to uh the third episode of of of uh fourth and 62 my name is is John fredman he forgot the name of the show I did Imagine imagine that how bad is that well I just stuttered a little bit uh with me as always is the coach Bob paraso hello Coach hi John how are you I remember my name I'm here remember your day that's good and of course from Detroit Michigan is uh cousin Stephen hello Stephen guys how was everybody never better am I still in Detroit you're still in Detroit David yes okay okay I heard it's nice there this time here um so absolutely beautiful because Bob always dresses the part and he looks like a million bucks he's wearing his John Hannah shirt today so why not start talking about the Patriots and top of everybody's mind are the Patriots is who's going to be this starting quarterback this Sunday is their final exhibition game but a week from Sunday they play in Cincinnati right yeah so who's going to be there starting quarterback is it going to be Drake May is it going to be jacobe pret will will uh what's his name he might throw Milton in there Joe Milton III yeah yeah well that's cool it won't be Bailey zappy though no we think he's no he's he bought the farm he he did he did okay well let's let's hope the farmer is worth the sixth or seventh round draft choice I well you know I hope it's worth a bag of footballs cuz I think that's all they're going to get for the kid which is too bad he's a good kid but you know he doesn't have an arm like Joe Milton so yes I'm I'm I'm afraid I'm very very afraid that Mayo is going to succumb to the pressure the the shiny new Penny and the pressure brassette keeps throwing the ball away yep you know he had a horrible horrible interception last preseason game I mean had no business in the end zone right in the end zone absolutely yeah um now our boy Drake he's an athlete he's young he can throw he's throwing on time he's getting more and more comfortable he looks better he commands the Huddle all the pros like him but he hasn't been in there when they start shooting real bullets oh and you know and then he's got the offensive line that it's iffy yeah they don't have Hannah up front well they asked him to come back but he said no I'm too old so Stephen any thoughts on this well yeah yeah you know um may look good but I don't think um who was it Carolina Panthers I don't think they were playing any of their starters so you know he had it kind of easy I thought as far as like who the opposition was so that's not a really good judge either so you know my opinion is uh I think he needs a lot more time I mean the coaches know they see him in practice all the time so they know whether he can do it or not but like you say Bob he he hasn't been up against live bullets yet no and Stephen I read today that he only played two I didn't know he only played two years of college football and it was in North Carolina it wasn't like for Alabama or for USC or for Washington he played two years in North Carolina Yeah well yeah that's true that's very true because he had a stud it was sitting behind yep and the ACC not they had state was there yeah it's okay and they had some they had some teams granted they they didn't have they're not like playing DC or the Big 10 right you know but the kid's got skills he's an athlete I listen I agree with you 100% and Stephen I think you agree too that just let the kids sit for at least a couple of weeks let the kids sit and watch and learn yeah and if jacobe pret throws balls all over the place gets intercepted In The End Zone again then they put him in yeah but I mean that was horrible yeah it was that was horrible and I think that's what led Gerard Mayo to put him in in the first place no you know personally I don't put that much stock in the preseason games anyway the exhibition games um you know Season veteran like like brassette n he's probably not concentrating all that much like a a game like it's a real game but I I think the the biggest Factor whether you're going to put May in or not is the offensive line right if they can keep uh the quarterback from getting sacked every third pass then maybe you maybe you'll take a chance on them but if if they're not any good and they're not any good we'll see how it goes but but you know they showed flashes of Brilliance now granted they're playing against the Sisters of the Poor however right however you know when the kid Kaden Wallace was in there I watched him specifically and he got great technique he gets his hands on people he's got great feet you know and if I'm unless I'm missing my guess whoever he was responsible for didn't get to the quarterback now was run block not so sure he's not real big but I think he's got some skills I hope they play him yep so this this is sounding to me like the like coach Bob isn't just a Monica you're a real Coach how many years did you coach chelsford High Bob uh 15 or 20 yeah wow yeah fresh on the Freshman level and then uh I got up to the varsity uh we had some good teams great players we even made it to the Super Bowl the year I uh I left Chumps we won all right like and and and Stephen and Bob and our I forgot to mention our studio audience of one are live studio audience can we can we hear some Applause you clap you there you go um we will have some chelsford High football talk as you know as we move into the fall and the winter uh cuz quite frankly I don't know I just found out that it was the Lions and I didn't I didn't even know that going to be a chumpon resident now you have well I know I know I know so and you know who the hated rival is it's B Rea thank you yes see you didn't think I knew that I yeah do you know where step and I went to High School Medford need Needum oh I'm sorry who's you should be native no no I don't know you don't know no sorry tell them Stephen what's the question who's who who who's nm's favorite famous Rival Well it it's Welsley everybody knows that the really the really interesting thing to me Bob is the um the mascot for NM High it is most definitely not a lion what it is a rocket a rocket a rocket a Needum rocket yeah a rocket now where did the Rockets come from was it was that before it was before I was in high school was that like somebody threw bottle rockets down the hall or something that could that could be I isn't is isn't that what they call a push-up in Boston right a rocket yeah ice cream maybe yeah maybe that's what it was a stud of the audience said yes that was it that's okay she just heard ice cream and she perked up over there um so you know the by the way the last thing we'll say about nean Welsley the oldest high school Thanksgiving Day football rivalry in the country is needam and Welsley really yes wow yes the longest running and my father has been gone for 29 years but the longest running was Boston Latin Boston English my father played for Boston Latin really back in the 30s yeah wow Lea helmets in it leather helmets and yeah no face cards yeah so but uh the last thing on my Patriots thing as I look at you big number 73 here is uh Gerard Mayo so the only thing that scares me gentlemen is that Gerard May's asked by the Press about Drake May he's asked different questions and he keeps deferring to Alex Van Pelt he keeps deferring to um what's his name oh I'm fra at the M he gets really overwhelming I get very excited I he get excited about this hold on so so anyway uh I that scares me a little bit he's the head coach he's the one who should say Drake May starts Drake May doesn't start shouldn't be up to Alex Van Pelt shouldn't be up to the defense it should be up to gerro Mayo I mean here's the here's the an NFL head coach who's doing on the job training that's frightening yes well you're right well I me yeah yeah there's a there's a lot of moving parts brand new moving parts that haven't um been greased or oiled yet and they're just feeling their way along and he's trying to well van pel is doing this and someone so's doing that I get input from them cuz I'm not in all the drill all the time I do watch the film later on after practice but I don't I he gets I get how well is Drake taking your coaching how well is does he put his foot in the right place after you corrected him stuff like that so so he gets used to the Pro game is he getting the ball out on time is he waiting until the guy is open and by the time he throws the ball now he's covered and you get a right so I mean those are the type the finer points that he needs input from his coach now is the coach any good we don't know we don't know and plus he's replacing a legend yeah and that's what uh right if the Patriots get off to a slow start and you know I'm sure they're gonna get off to a slow start the fans are going to start booing they're going to want to be blaming somebody and then Mayo's going to be taking a lot of heat yeah right or wrong yeah no question no question there's no patience in tile Town title town right yeah you know didn't they I think we're gonna have to be patient here okay so my last comment on the Patriots and on Drake May is this what I saw the other night watching him play in that exhibition game gritted it was exhibition it was against the Eagles it wasn't even the Eagles first team it was their second team or third team was he moved around the pocket well he he made it so he could throw but what's going to happen when it's the first team the Bengals first team or I don't even know the rest of the patriot schedule and they're playing in Anger yeah and and they're and they're you know they all got bees in their Bonnet and their right and may it may gets clocked um on on Third and 12 or 4th and 62 and um you know it's a it's a whole another ball game then absolutely now I think the better one of the better um reports we got was when they were going ones against one when they practice together right well he kind of held his own yeah as two hand touch for a sack and he got touched a couple times no question I don't know no if that's necessarily his fault or we got you know we got the kids that can't shoot straight playing the line but you know he had some good results there yep so yeah he did we'll see he throws a nice deep ball that's for sure yeah and and you know what the comparisons him versus m Jones it's really incredible when he throws a ball like he does how like if M Jones's balls would go 20 30 yards and then they they like ran out of gas yeah where this kid throws a ball and it's a zip the entire way and right you know it's I mean that's refreshing to see and then you get Joe Milton in there who throws like Nolan Ryan fast balls all over the place um you know it it it's going to be fun to see I just hope Mayo doesn't succumb to to the booze and you know we want may we want May cuz you know it's going to happen yeah it's going to happen in Foxboro you may even be there Stephen and you may be yelling we want May and uh we can't we can't put him in bring a tape recorder with you and so we can play it next time on the next show if you're yelling so even if you're not yelling okay I I won't be yelling to bring May in absolutely not okay good thank you I'm gonna I'm G to trust them to play him when he's ready not before hope to do the right thing good right okay so we're going to move on from the Patriots it's been about 15 minutes here and we're going to move on to over here look at me the Boston Red Sox okay and the next you have to change your shirt oh no no wait a minute oh my God this really happening there you go all right I thought I was kidding holy crap oh you were afraid huh just a little you didn't know what was going to happen so I'm still afraid so um the next sound you hear will be the sound of the Boston Red Sox going in to the allstar break wow wow that was unbelievable wasn't it performance performance that was cool that was unbelievable okay so the next sound you hear will be the sound of the Red Sox coming out of the allstar break yep oh my gosh yep where have we heard that before you think anyone was hurt there I don't know you know so so what do we do now they split they split against the Orioles they won two of three in Houston which I'm shocked about you know sometimes they get the uh the blind squirrel syndrome the blind squirrel find the nut yeah okay so what are you worried about they got Rich Hill coming it's all gonna be good perfect segue perfect segue Steve you know so we were in here earlier before we started and B brings out the thing rill threw 90 pitches in a bullpen the next day he threw 50 pitches the next day he threw 80 pitches the next day threw 50 pitches again and I'm thinking to myself this guy's 44 years old his his arm is hanging on the ground yeah he but no Satchel Page Revisited yeah Satchel Page all over again hey I think it's a great they they couldn't find Bill Lee oh he's available he's down with the Savannah bananas he'll play he's no he's in Alaska somewhere I saw him play like all like the Sun never went down and I don't know but uh you know I think the Rich Hill story is really cool and it's definitely a today baseball story something that couldn't happened 30 years ago he wanted to coach his son's Little League team he went all the way until until they finally lost their season was over he he calls the Red Sox for the eighth time and they say yeah sure we'll sign you again we need somebody James Paxton just went out with a with a bad calf or whatever so they signed Rich Hill I have on my notes Here a a RP AKA Rich Hill um you know what watch him win a couple of games it the laugh would be on us you know now now I Oz our Great and Powerful Oz up in the control room asked me today he said you think Rich Hill has the Brady uh syndrome is he and Alex Guerrero getting together he found the Fountain of Youth is he uh know I I don't think so but what do you think I mean I mean I mean look at us we are in Peak physical condition and we're older than Rich Hill so keep the faith Bob you must be speaking for yourself yeah um CUA uh the Water here in Detroit is very good you know oh it is yeah oh yeah well I had a good doctor's appointment today so I'm a happy guy um so I had a couple I had a couple other notes here um I put down on my notes for the for the guys Luis Garcia four prospects now granted the four prospects they traded for Luis Garcia were no and Buddy and nobody cares those were the four nobody ever heard of them we had no idea who they are I you know but Craig brussle had to trade four guys to get Luis Garcia and not for nothing my wife our studio audience our live studio audience could do a better job than this guy's been doing wow wait you're telling me she's still there yeah she I have the keys to the car okay so she she she hasn't left yet but I don't know what is with I don't know I just I just got all flab aasted when I when I kind of thought about imagine being the Angels GM well I want four prospects well you're not getting mayor you're not getting teal you're not getting Roman Anthony yeah who else do you want and he you know he named four people that nobody ever heard of no one cares and and this guy's been horrible so yep you know um you know we've had Red Sox have a history of uh getting fleeced well I don't I don't know I don't I don't know if they were fleeced by the four prospects or if they were fleeced by someone told them Luis Garcia could still pitch right you know but I also have on here Dom Smith who's gone they released him but boy you know when the Red Sox signed him I'm like Dominic Smith he's sitting like 22 in Triple A but you know what he was a I I guess he was in the clubhouse I guess you know he was he was the right temperament of a guy um and he was good Fielder he was good in the field he made some great picks yeah he did so that's fine and it's nice Tristan castles has come back had a couple hits had his first home run last night really surprised that kid worked and worked and worked a little something down with Worcester before he came up and and I was I think on one of our previous shows I said what's he going to be like when he comes back he's not just going to be the same way he was before the All-Star break last year and this kid stepped right in yeah and he's he's playing well he's like he was before the house I love him he did a great job yep and now you know you think about it I'm sorry John but you think about it uh the socks have got a pretty good uh um hitting Squad they got a lot of good hitters yes they just got to get some pitching it's and it's nice and I didn't put this in my notes but it's nice nice to see uh what's his name uh Yoshida starting to hit yeah right he's like white he gets two or three hits a game now right right um and even even doesn't just hit little dinky singles he's hitting doubles in a couple home runs so he's been good I wrote down jarn Duran aside from the stupid yelling at the fan uh he was suspended for that lightly so he should have been he agreed um he agreed um he's been playing like something's on fire there yeah um you know and and now Liam hendris who we made fun of a couple of shows ago um you know Liam Hendricks was supposed to come back you know they said he was throwing 94 but Liam Hendrick I remembered from Oakland through 100 well you know no I know coming back from Tommy John I know he's coming back from Tommy John and from cancer and we understand all that Hey listen who knows maybe it's all at the right time as of this Show's taping they're three and a half games out of the wild card I believe this this is like everybody gets a trophy league and all they've got they've got how many wild cards they given everybody an opportunity to get into the playoffs well that's the third Wild Card the last one the third there used to be no wild card no you're right then there was one then there were two then there were two right now three pretty soon if you're in a four team division you make the playoffs you're absolutely right but anyhow Stephen any thoughts on the Red Sox I agree with you on they're hitting by the way by All rights they they they aren't going anywhere but um you know who knows I mean maybe maybe um the pitching will get better maybe they'll actually catch up I don't think so myself but we'll see and they're fun to watch yeah well it's definitely fun to watch they what Hamilton and Duran each have over 30 stolen bases that Hamilton kid he's com he can fly he can play I watched them in the field a couple games we went to I mean he can he can pick yeah you know then and then all of a sudden one comes right at him and it clanks off his chest but that that's what a rookie does you know what I mean no and well he's fast as heck yeah he can run like the wind so him and Duran both have 30 stolen bases it's the first time since like 1910 or something ridiculous that the Red Sox have two guys with that many stolen bases and the Red Sox are known for running as fast as I can yeah which is not very fast this is kind of ironic the the Running Red Sox I know you can't even say that with a straight face you know but it's you know what it all I wanted this summer was for them to make it interesting and they have they have yeah they have made it interesting I never thought unfortunately every every ground ball is interesting too yeah that's true that's true yes yes they're their Fielding leaves a lot to be desired but the stolen bases are exciting excuse me they get on they get on second base now and you're just waiting for the guy to go to third it's it's like it's it's almost like just go yeah you know um especially with Hendrick and Durant go ahead sorry yeah they you know they're they got some nice young players like cousin Steve said you know it's pitching that's the name of the game for just about every team I mean the Yankees we thought a lot of people thought had a real strong pitching staff Baltimore then injuries come and then the guy supposed to have a real good season and not so much right you know their Ace His Name Escapes Me Now Garett Cole Cole yeah Garett Cole yeah he's he's Z young one game and then he's Joe [ __ ] the ragman the next game you know he's speaking of that what's up with Chris Sail I mean he's stunk when he played for us you know after I guess the first year and and we let him go and we all thought good ridden see you and now he's pitching great what's up with that I don't get it August it's August easy he's his history even when he was a young pitcher in Chicago you know come August all of a sudden he's tired whatever he's got to get hit with a line drive on his hand or he'll fall off his butt again or you know something something ridiculous um and meanwhile Von Grom is still in Worcester and Von Gom still has a bad groin you know but speaking of good trades yeah yeah right yeah but and don't forget the money the Red Sox have to pay sale which was part of that trade so M they the the Braves stole one there but that's okay maybe gr G will good next year maybe um maybe it's going to snow tomorrow could be you somewhere it will that's right absolutely I'm I'm looking out the window here in Detroit and I think you're right Bob is it cold there no it's freezing absolutely I got my hoodie on you kidding good well we got Le less than a minute left um so I Celtics and Bruins the Bruins it's too soon cuz it's still the summertime at least when we're taping this so um we'll leave them alone the Celtics I don't think we have enough time to talk about Jason Tatum um and the Olympics and Steve cerr and all that stuff all you Jason Tatum fans out there we feel your pain yeah well you you know you'll have to uh you'll have to tune in again next time so uh for the coach Bob paraso for Steve cousin Stephen my name is John fredman thank you very much and thank our studio audience thank you very much good night everybody hey he