Meet Curmel Moton: Floyd Mayweather’s Protégé and Boxing’s Next Superstar

Published: Aug 24, 2024 Duration: 00:08:02 Category: People & Blogs

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what's up this your boy CJ coming to you live from Miami Florida man for everybody out there that thinks boxing is dead check out this kid Carmel Moten Floyd's Prodigy I've been hearing a lot of noise about him you know what I mean and I usually don't jump on The Prodigy band wagon until you know I've seen a few fights but man I've watched enough of this kids fights to know that he is the real deal now before all the haters start coming out and be like well Floyd's handpicking his opponents and we haven't seen him fight anybody yet and blah okay the kid is 18 years old he's a he's he's a newer professional um the people that Floyd has putting in front of him they keep getting tougher and tougher they're supposed to be getting tougher and tougher uh he's fought undefeated Fighters and the guy last night was easy work I mean first round knockout I mean if you blink you missed it I mean he set up a combination so nasty to put the guy out it I mean come on and this is not the only fight that I've watched to this kid you know I usually really want to watch the kid you know in tougher situations in fights that last longer I want to watch him in you know more uh fights that require him to do more I've watched him in all of those all of those type abouts already he's only fought five professional uh fights I watched him uh fight the the guy that went the distance and he broke the Dude down the whole fight he broke the Dude down the whole fight the only reason it went the distance because the dude had a chin but cormel was putting pressure on this guy counter punching setting up shots uh going to the body going to the Head bringing the head that I mean the dude can box for real whoever they put in front of this dude it is going to be a problem for them yes Floyd is strategic yes Floyd knows how to make money yes Floyd is a businessman yes Floyd has mastered the spark the sport and the business side of boxing you cannot get mad at Floyd for understanding how the business side of boxing works but at the end of the day he's going to have to fight the toughest competitors and he's going to have to perform and I believe this kid will perform because Floyd also knows that if you want to get the money you have to be the best at your craft that's why Floyd works out nonstop working on his game cuz he knows that okay if you want to get the bag in this game you have to be the best even on your worst night that is what all of the training is for you have to be the best on your worst night let's say you going into the ring and you not feeling that good that night but you fighting a killer and they on their aame and you might be on your b game you still got to get it done on your b game when they on their aame and that's why Floyd trains as hard as he does and that's why he believes in this kid because he knows that this kid is going to be ready for the moment when the moment presents presents itself and everything that I've seen so far from this kid especially last night is this kid can flat out box he can perform on the the the brightest stages he can perform in front of crowds he can perform you know what I mean the kid can perform when the cameras are rolling the kid can fight everything that I've seen from this kid so far this kid can fight he has the skills to pay the bills it is just a matter of time before he takes off remember if you haven't been paying attention to to Floyd's Prodigy the next Prodigy because obviously you know what tank Davis is doing you know what I mean you know tank Davis is running the game but when tank Davis decides to hang up his gloves this kid will be next trust it when all of these guys that you hearing about right now when Terence Crawford uh David benitz when um um Canelo Alvarez when all these guys hang up their gloves and everybody's like who boxing is dead and it's over this kid will be there to fill the Gap trust it I done watched enough fights where where where I know this guy gonna be the guy you know what I mean and I know he only had five professional fights he got four Kos he's fought undefeated Fighters you know what I mean he's fighting Fighters around his you know what I mean his skill level they well they not around his skill level I mean cuz cuz he he Molly whopping them they not around his skill level but they they undefeated you know they they they they they they professionals you know they might be seven and 0 He he'll might come into the fight three and 0 or something like that but still this kid can fight he gonna keep running through these opponents he gonna keep building his confidence and then they gonna start putting them them killers in front of him and trust me y'all think that he gonna fold when they put them killers in front of him he is a killer himself that kid is not gonna fold that kid is not going to fold don't let the baby face fool you that kid is about that life you know what I mean I don't I don't know what it is with these guys that that's built like Mike Tyson and tank Davis I don't know what it is with these guys with this build but when it come to boxing they trouble trusted so remember where you heard it first this kid is going to be that guy now I'm going to touch up a little bit on the other fights that I saw last night Floyd versus it was a good fight Floyd I already knew Floyd was going to win I already knew Floyd was going to show you know his skill and the skill was going to be you know the difference in that fight but I was expecting uh Gotti to let his hands go a little bit more I was expecting Gotti to make it a dirty you know gruly you know messy fight that's what I was expecting because Gotti is was way bigger than Floyd I mean you've seen the size difference he he looked like when he did touch Floyd a few times they looked like they hurt you know I mean they L like there was some power behind those shots so I was just expecting got to let his hands go a little bit more just to just to make the site just to make the fight more entertaining to watch but Floyd did his thing Floyd countered Floyd had great reflexes even at his age Floyd you know dodged you know a lot of shots I was just expecting God to just let them hands going just you feel me just just just make it messy and I thought he was going to do that from the way he was talking the way his dad was talking in the press conferences and you know what I mean and the way he was talking in the press conferences I was like oh man God going to bring it that's that's what made me to tune into that fight CU said oh cuz if Gotti bring it it's going to be entertaining cuz now we get to see this Floyd still got that Bob and weave and dip and and you know what I mean that counter punching and you know I mean is this fight gonna get a little bloody you know but um I didn't see that from Gotti Gotti Gotti kept his hands up for the most part I I thought he was just gonna let them things go I thought I thought he was gonna die on his shield I thought he was you know what I mean I thought he was gonna just say man man f it man we F we F to go to war that's what I thought he was GNA do but he ain't do that but he's still a tough guy though big tough tough strong guy he GNA be good at you know if he want to continue to box you know once he get his skill up to par he'll be good if he want to do the MMA thing he'll be good so whatever Gotti do you know he he G he GNA Excel um and then the fight before the main event that was a really good fight too I don't even know those Fighters names I ain't never watched those Fighters but that was exciting for all 12 rounds I mean that was just one of those stand in the pocket you know Let it Fly type fights those those fights are fun to watch I know puts a lot of damage on both of the fighters uh in those type of fights but that was a fun exciting fight to watch but back to the main thing watch out for this Prodigy because he is going to be the future of boxing you give it five 10 years this guy is going to be all over the headlines as long as he don't get into no drugs or no partying or get caught up with women and all this stuff like that and he stay on the on the on the right path this kid gonna be he gonna be dangerous trust me and with that being said man I'm out peace

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