It Happened! Elon Musk Reveals Final Results NEURALINK Second Human Trials! (MIX)

Intro after several incidents with the first patient that caused the neuralink chip to lose 85% of its signals musk officially confirmed that the company has completed the implant on the second patient with unexpected success many changes have been made for the second patient and the new generation of the implant device is it safe in the long term and are there risks after the chip improvements find out now neuralink Neuralink Second Human Trials second human trials after the successful testing on the first patient noan arbaugh it's been more than 7 months now and we finally heard brand new news about the second patient Elon Musk shared the results of the new chip implant in a recent 8 hour video as we know the second patient suffered a spinal cord injury and was paralyzed in an accident it's not too difficult to see the second patient also had a similar condition to Nolan arbaugh the guy was paralyzed after a driving accident and neuralink is thought to be giving him a second life like Nolan arba in the first few weeks after the successful implementation Elon did not rush to reveal the patient's identity therefore in a conversation with Lex fredman very little info about the patient was mentioned musk said I don't want to jinx it but it seems to have gone extremely well with a second implant there's a lot of signal a lot of electrodes is working very well clearly there have been changes in the redesign of neural Link's implant device after learning from some issues encountered with noan arbot the first generation chip included 64 threads each thinner than a human hair with 16 electrodes per thread totaling 1,24 electrodes incredible however the chip for this second patient seems to be even more effective to increase bandwidth and avoid electrodegradation on the threads Elon stated that the nextg implant device will have 128 threads but each thread will only have eight electrodes this change he said could potentially double the bandwidth if the thread positions are accurately ident identified on top of that the threads for the second patient will be implanted at a deeper level compared to Nolan arbau the electrodes connecting to the cortex will be implanted 8 millim deep from the brain surface instead of the previous depth of 3 to 5 millim according to R info implanting the threads deeper helps secure them more firmly addressing those issues that we learned from the retraction of threads on the brain which led to a loss of 85% of the threads and a reduction in Signal detection additionally deeper implantation means that even if the threads were racts slightly the electrodes are still going to be deep enough within the brain to remain functional and detect neuronal activity now while it's not clear whether impacting the brain at a greater depth poses a bigger risk to the patient it is evident that patient number two must endure more significant damage compared to Patient number one for the second patient neuralink team also learned that residual air pockets in the brain are a major cause of the threads on the chipped retracting explaining this neuralink head neurosurgeon Matthew McDougall said during any typical brain SE surgery a small amount of hair is introduced into the skull that's because neurosurgeons like to have as much room as possible around the brain that air pocket we think may have contributed to eating up some of the thread slack as the air bubble migrated to be under the implant pushing the brain away from the implant McDougall explained in response neuralink team wants to keep the second patient's carbon dioxide levels in a normal range during surgery to prevent the brain from expanding or retracting the company plans on better sculpting the implant to prevent a gap from appearing under the skull that will put the implant closer to the brain and eliminate some of the tensions on the threads McDougall mentioned neuralink had planned to perform a brain chimp implant surgery on a second patient back in June but the plan got cancelled due to medical issues the surgery then took place quietly and only became known when Elon revealed it in a recent interview so what did Elon Musk say about the results on that second patient as mentioned above although Second Generation ship got tweaked it still ended up with a Max of 1,20 four electrodes with a latest sharing from Elon he said that there are 400 active electrodes implanted on this second patient's brain this means that the chip has not yet achieved the maximum 1,24 electrodes but only achieved 40% and only about 50% threads are going to be active right now on the second patient's brain previously no one the first person to get a neuralink implant shared that although some of the electrodes had previously migrated out of his brain and were now just about 15% functional nurlink has since then restored the Chip's functionality through some software tweaks even with only 10 to 15% of his electrodes functioning noan arba was still able to break his previous world record for Speed and accuracy in controlling a cursor with a BCI musk said according to Nolan if future patients in the trial can get to 100% or 90% of the electrodes to work they'll be able to accomplish tasks that he can't do now offering great hope for our future thus the initial result of 4 100 functioning electrodes in the second patient is extremely promising awesome the disconnection of threads from the cortex would undoubtedly impact ARA's ability to connect to and control Machinery now to address this issue nurlink has implanted a step to increase the sensitivity of the brain wave recognition algorithm for the bci's chip operation this adjustment aims to eliminate the need for surgery to correct or reconnect the electrodes in Threads that have detached from the patient's brain neuralink even claimed that by improving the algo that translates brain waves into commands for controlling a computer cursor on the BCI chip the user's experience arbas in this case will be significantly enhanced the data bandwidth sent to the computer for control purposes is expected to increase compared to the initial days right after surgery musk describes neural Link's next steps as gigantic predicting that in the coming years the company will significantly increase the number of electrodes and enhance signal processing the electrodes which are a big component of the impact collect brain cells and then route them to the electronic devices within the implant the devices process and wirelessly transmit neural data to a version of the neuralink app that runs on an external device like a computer how did the implantation for How did the implantation for the second patient proceed? the second patient proceed in fact the new generation of implants has improved but the implantation process hasn't changed much from the first patient except for the depth of the invasion and the number of invasive threads according to McDougall once surgeons cut that skin on the top of the head they flap it open kind of like opening the hood of a car make a 1 in round diameter in the skull remove that bit of the skull open the lining of the brain and then show that part of the brain to the neuralink robot this is where the robot shines he said it can come in and take out these tiny things much smaller than human hair electrodes and then precisely insert them into the cord into the surface of the brain into a very precise depth in a very precise spot that avoids all the blood vessels that are coating the surface of the brain and after the robot's done with this part then the human comes back in and puts the implant into that hole in the skull and then covers it up screwing it down to the skull and sewing the skin back together so the whole thing takes a few hours during the procedure surgeons make a cut in the skin on the top of the head over the area of the brain that's the most potent representation of hand intentions according to McDougall if you an expert concert pianist this part of your brain is lighten up the entire time you're playing he said we call it a hand knob even quadriplegic patients whose brains aren't connected to their finger movements anymore still imagine finger movements and this knob part of the brain still lights up the neurosurgeon said neurolinks upcoming implant plans Neuralink's Upcoming Implant Plans despite those issues the company says it has more than 1,000 volunteers ready for upcoming surgical trials musk says he hopes to reach his goal of implanting his chip into eight more patients by the of the year but that's still subject to regulatory approval it's hard to believe but neuralink accelerating its efforts to maximize efficiency and restore function to thousands of patients remember the blindsight product that Elon talked about on X this is also part of neuralink upcoming plans and could very well be used in the next day patients some may have heard of blind sight but others might not know about it musk wrote on X that blindsight is the next neuralink product after telepathy as the name of the implant blindsight is an attempt to restore VIs to Blind patients even those who are born blind the company is still in the process of testing this product on animals to get the best evaluation before applying it to humans fair enough in reality restoring Vision with a neuralink chip will be more challenging than typical cases of paralyses because as you know the eyes are a pretty sensitive organ that's connected to the back part of the brain that allows us to see blind sight will primarily Target the area at the back of the brain known as the visual cortex to stimulate the neurons to function again the 10,24 electrodes from the blindsight chip will directly stimulate nerve cells in the retinal structure this stimulation mimics light signals helping the brain form images the brain will then process the signals from the neuralink device to create images now the truth is these images may not be as clear as normal vision which is almost impossible but they do help blind people recognize objects and their surroundings muskus shared about this that resolution is going to be low at first kind of like early Nintendo Graphics But ultimately May exceed normal human Vision if internal stimulation becomes ineffective neuralink could potentially transmit external images to the patient's brain in this case the patient might need to wear a digital camera kind of like a GoPro in this way the camera device would wirelessly transmit data via Bluetooth to a mobile device the phone would then convert the image data into neural signals which are then embedded back into the neuralink chip the chip would subsequently send those neural signals to the brain allowing you to see the images displayed on the phone of course this scenario would be quite challenging and would require extensive research in time it does sound a lot like virtual reality doesn't it before ABA got his implant in January he used a mouth stick to interact with a tablet screen he stated that with the implant he can now simply think about what he wants to happen on the computer screen and the device makes it a reality he mentioned the device has given him a bit more Independence and reduced his Reliance on caregivers after noan was imp planet with a neuralink chip his life changed and he achieved things he thought he would never be able to do under his current circumstances the second patient expected to perform even better than no one as the neuralink team has gained experience and lessons to avoid errors compared to the first implantation Elon has stated that neuralink brain implants will be the best way for humans to integrate and compete with Advanced AI systems in the future imagine if Steven Hawking could communicate faster than a speed typist or an Auctioneer that's the goal musk posted to his social media platform X in January 2024 musk has promoted neuralink as a technology that could facilitate a symbiosis between humans and AI in the future in his conversation with fredman musk mentioned that the neuralink chip might be the best way to prevent AI from surpassing humans and going rogue in a Terminator likee scenario musk said neuralink devices would eventually be able to repair damaged neurons to help people with problems like blindness and paralysis it can also solve probably schizoph if people are having seizures of some kind Elon said on the podcast it could possibly solve that it could help with the memory he added that neuralink aim isn't just about giving people a neurological damage a full range of communication but to enhance their already natural abilities he even suggested that a person using neuralink might eventually have Vision that's higher resolution than human eyes must compared Vision enhancements with nerling to the visor worn by the character lefores wore a thin visor over his eyes that that allowed him to see by reading the electromagnetic field and then sending inputs into his brain do you want to see it in a radar no problem Elon said you could see ultraviolet infrared Eagle Vision whatever you want musk said solving issues like neuron damage is the first baby step to getting neuralink to a point where it could do more complex things like communicating with AI systems however we anticipate that neuralink will continue to face numerous issues in the future as the number of trial patients increase just this year nerling been inv involved in two major controversies that have brought the company a lot of criticism in June a former employee sued nuran accusing the company of having a discriminatory and hostile work environment the employee shared that they were not provided with proper protective equipment while working with a monkeys used in nerling device testing and claimed that a monkey carrying the herpes bee virus scratched her through her gloves following this there was the issue with the death of a large number of animals during research which Nolan arbau confirmed as a necessary sacrifice earlier in 2022 the Animal Rights group Physicians committee for responsible medicine accused the company of torturing monkeys during trials as Ambitions for this technology grow musk will need to reduce the current risks associated with N1 and ensure that his brain chip is successfully used by thousands of patients Nur Link's second successful chip implantation signifies a major leap in neurotechnology and its potential to transform medical treatment for paralysis and other neurological disorders the improvements in the chip design and surgical procedure demonstrate the company's commitment to refining and advancing its technology by addressing these initial challenges and demonstrating promising early results neuralink is Paving the way for future breakthroughs that could fundamentally change how we understand and treat neurological conditions this technology might even eventually they offer enhanced cognitive abilities and more profound interactions between humans and machines highlighting the transformative potential of brain computer interfaces or BCI for short now we want to ask you the YouTube viewer what do you think about neuralink and their latest update on the second patient participating in the trial please let us know your opinions and your comments Down Below in the comment section all right so get this Elon has just revealed the idea identity of the second official neuralink implant patient and he successfully had the second generation link chip implanted in July in under a month this patient has shown major breakthroughs controlling digital devices and most importantly his recovery's been smooth no complications unlike the first patient so who is this second patient and what abilities has he recovered find out now one identity of the second patient the second patient's Identity of the second patient been confirmed as Alex an automotive technician with a passion for repairing and exploring all kinds of vehicles in complex Machinery unfortunately a severe accident left him with a significant spinal cord injury robbing him of his ability to move and perform tasks like he used to while neuralink and Elon haven't disclosed the exact timing of Alex's implant our sources suggest that he likely received the neuralink chip about the third week of July with the surgery performed at the baron Neurological Institute earlier on July 10th Elon hinted that neuralink would be conducting a grain implant surgery for the second patient in the coming week the surgery was initially planned for June but was postponed to July due to the patient's unstable health condition by August 21st we had finally received a lot of info from this patient indicating that nuring have been carefully monitoring Alex's progress in response for over a month before officially announcing the results it's worth noting that the first nuring patient Nolan arbau also had his identity and remarkable capabilities after the implant kept under abs for more than a month before being publicly disclosed clearly both Nolan and Alex have spinal cord injuries and nuring seems to be focused on these types of cases in the initial testing phase however as we mentioned earlier despite having similar spinal cord injuries there are differences in the invasive methods and ship design between the two patients these differences aim to avoid issues that occurred with the first patient two New chip and Invasive method for Second Patient new chip an invasive method for the second patient to help you understand why neuralink had to change and improve Pro the invasive methods in chip design for the second patient we need to revisit the serious incident that alarmed the first patient specifically after the first patient received the chip consisting of 64 saw threads thinner than a human hair that extended into the brain tissue each thread had 16 electrodes allowing a total of 1,24 electrodes to record brain signals after implantation however just about 2 weeks after the implant 85% of the electrodes and threads had retracted from no one's brain causing the chip system and signals to seem disconnected with only about 15% of the threads still functioning the CEO of the company admitted that air had become trapped inside arbos skull after the surgery which may have contributed to the threads pulling out Matthew McDougall neuralink neurosurgery director stated that the company had taken steps to eliminate the air pocket in the second patient the company also implemented a plan to insert further threads deeper into the brain tissue and monitor their movement furthermore as we know more threads on the chip led to a firmer attachment to the brain so the chip design itself was also revised for the second patient specifically the link chip for Alex will double the number of threats from 64 to 128 however the number of electrodes per thread will be reduced from 16 to 8 resulting in the new ship for the second patient still having a total of 1,24 electrodes around the brain with this change neural Link's neurosurgery director indicated that it could potentially double the bandwidth allowing for more stable and accurate recording of neural signals for the second patient Alex the depth of implant in the 128 threads into the brain tissue was also adjusted instead of the 3 to 5 mm depth used for the first patient nuring team decided on an 8 mm depth to achieve a lower retraction rate based on lessons learned from the previous incident in addition the neuralink surgeons conducted to sculpt the surface of the skull to minimize the Gap under the implant so that it sits flush with the normal Contour of the skull this McDougall said should minimize the Gap under the implant and put it closer to the brain and eliminate some of the tension on the threads as a result nurlink confirmed that no threads were retracted in the second participant which is a very promising sign these are the changes that have been made to the implant device and invasive methods for Alex before getting into the results and new capabilities of the second patient after getting neurolink Chip let's briefly review the implant procedure performed by the nuring team even with the adjustments in depth and Chip design the implantation process for Alex didn't differ that much from the first patient initially surgeons made an incision about 5.8 mm thick on top of the head opening it like lift in the hood of a car beneath the skin is the skull where they create a 1-in diameter circular hole remove this section of the skull open the durometer and then expose that part of the brain for the neuralink R1 surgical robot this is when the robot shines as the surgeons cannot intervene it can enter and place much smaller electrodes than a human hair with precise accuracy into the cortical surface at just the right depth and location to avoid all the the blood vessels covering the brain Surface after the robot completes its task the surgeons return to place the implant into the skull's hole secure it and Stitches the skin back together the entire process takes several hours after receiving the neuralink chip Alex also had to participate in research sessions of up to eight hours a day undergoing the progress of monitoring neuralink experts and doctors three neuralink Neuralink Second Human Result second human result like the first neuralink patient Nolan arba the second patient Alex has also been able to perform a variety of tasks control and use digital devices just by thinking specifically neuralink confirmed Alex was discharged the very next day and his recovery's been very smooth by early August musk revealed that 400 out of the 1,24 electrodes in Alex's brain were already showing signals even less than 3 weeks after the implantation let's say this 90% of us are horrified by neuralink and these chips because we fear we might die after the implantation however clearly from the first patient to the second the results have shown very rapid recovery early appearance of positive outcomes and almost no lasting side effects we're not saying Nur Link's 100% safe but at least it's not as terrifying as we originally thought returning what Alex the second patient's been able to do with the link chip Alex has improved his ability to play video games and has started learning to use computer AED design CAD software to design 3D objects nurlink stated that this is a significant step towards providing high performance interface which enhances digital device control for people with quadriplegia and helps them regain independence from the moment Alex connected the link to his computer it took him less than five minutes to start controlling the cursor with his mind oh my goodness killer he's doing this better than noan arbau could this be partly due to the tweaks we just talked about very likely within just a few hours Alex was able to surpass the speed and accuracy he achieved with other assistance technology using neuralink web grid task similar to what Nolan did on his very first day using the link nerling second patient broke the previous world record for Brin computer interface cursor control using non- neurolink equipment after the initial research session Alex continued to test the Link's capabilities independently using it to play the firstperson shooter game Counter Strike before Alex had to use a mouth operated controller called quad stick to play the firstperson shooter but even then the controller limited to only moving or aiming his weapon at a single time never simultaneously like normal Counter-Strike player would so in other words Alex had to essentially switch back and forth between the mouse and keyboard functions while playing the game but thanks to neuralink he can now aim with the implant and simultaneously move while using the quad stick just running around so enjoyable because I can look side to side and not need to move the quad stick left and right Alex told neuralink in a blog post I can think about where to look and where it goes and where I want it to it's insane it shows him gunning down a bot enemy and then firing another from afar all with total ease after his injury even though Alex wanted to learn how to use 3D objects using computerated design software to continue working independently he struggled because current assist of Technologies did not offer the level of control that he needed on the second day using the link Alex tried Fusion 360 cat software for the first time and designed a custom mount for his neuralink charger this was then 3D printed and integrated into a setup as you can see to the right of Alex's laptop is the 3D printed charger Mount he designed using his link nerling still working with Alex to boost his productivity with the link by mapping intended movements to different types of clicks left right and middle thus expanding the range of control he has allowing him to switch quickly between different modes and CAD software think Zoom scroll rotate click and drag in a Spare Time Alex continues to use CAD software to bring his design ideas to life the neuralink team hopes that over time the link chip will help many people in their hobbies and pro fields and they're excited to work with more individuals to help them reconnect with their passions there's no denying that Nur link has given Alex capabilities and opportunities he could never dream of before thanks to the link Alex has not only regained some of his motor skills and personal freedom but has also pushed the boundaries of what he can achieve in various fields from entertainment to work this is just the beginning after just one month using neuralink Alex is likely to set even more impressive records and achievements and with neural Link's many plans for development this year and Beyond there's no telling how far he's going to go four neural Link's Neuralink's upcoming plans upcoming plans well updating on the promising results from the second patient neuralink also highlighted its future plans and improvements specifically neuralink mentioned that to further enhance the experience for trial participants using their digital devices the company's continuing to expand the available controls Nur Link's also working on decoding multiple clicks and simultaneous movement intentions to provide full Mouse and video game controller functionality additionally the companies developing algorithms to recognize handwriting intentions for faster text input these capabilities not only to restore digital autonomy for those unable to use their limbs but also to enable communication for those who can't speak like individuals with neurological conditions like ALS this year Eon added that the company aims to implant chips in 10 patients with various conditions many are eagerly anticipating the blindsight product which aims to restore Vision even for those with congenital blindness and Elon announced it's going to be Nur Link's second product as mentioned on his platform X if all goes well there will be hundreds of people with Nur links within a few years maybe tens of thousands in five years and millions in 10 years additionally in their upcoming plans the company intends to enable the link chip to interact with the physical world allowing users to eat and move more independently by controlling robotic arms or wheelchairs in a conversation with Lex fredman must discuss the potential Synergy between nurlink and Tesla particularly with the Optimus robot must suggested that people who have difficulty speaking could communicate more easily through Optimus after getting a neuralink implant this means that your thoughts could be spoken by Optimus if if someone has lost the use of speech then then they can still communicate to an Optimus not stopping there connecting the body to parts of Optimus and controlling them from neuralink will also be quite feasible in the near future as both of elon's Technologies reached the Pinnacle of their capabilities let's say somebody has lost their arms or legs uh well we we could actually attach an Optimus arm Optimus legs it's easy to understand like this in a normal healthy person the nerve commands are the brain will allow us to move our arms legs and other senses according to the actions we want but in the case of the Optimus part when a patient completes the implantation of both the chip and the Optimus part of the body the neural commands from the brain which are actually transmitted to biological limbs can be transmitted to robotic limbs allowing us to move and perform operations no less than a real armor leg elon's also confident that the manipulation of your Optimus transferred arms and legs will be more flexible and responsible than your normal biological limbs there's going to be less lag with the Optimus Parts if you think neuralink is a technology that should be condemned and eliminated try looking at it from a globalist point of view consider the cold haunting statistics there are about 180,000 Americans living with quadriplegia and each year another 18,000 fa the tragedy of paralysis due to spinal cord injuries we live in a digital age where our work entertainment and social lives revolve around smart devices and computers but for those with paralysis the ability to interact with the digital world is extremely limited leading to a loss of Independence loneliness and financial hardship neuralink a project by Elon has ignited New Hope for those with spinal cord injuries and paralysis the success of the brain implant for the second patient Alex has opened the door to a future that many once thought impossible just 5 minutes after connecting the computer Alex was able to control the cursor with his thoughts a feet that previously existed only in Sci-Fi movies this achievement not only demonstrates ning's groundbreaking progress but also affirms the potential of this technology to transform lives Alex's story is a testament to the human ability to overcome faith and believe in the power of advanced technology the neuralink implant chip has given noan arbau Alex and other patients a second life overcoming the limitations of their bodies that they never thought possible the success of the two patients was not a fluke but the results of meticulous improvements after the failure of nurlink first surgery looking back at the difficulties faced by nuring first patient it's easy to see why many people are still concerned about the risk of this technology however nurlink has learned from those mistakes and made significant changes to the chip design and implantation methods by doubling the number of wires and adjusting the depth of the implants the company has addressed issues that previously affected the system's Effectiveness as a result Alex has done things that few could have ever imagined from controlling a computer cursor to designing 3D objects while playing games just by thinking Alex is living a life that he once thought was forever Out Of Reach and Alex's story does not end here his success is just a small step in Nur Link's long journey the company's got big plans for the future from enhancing user experience to developing new applications for the chip with neuralink collaborating with other Elon Technologies like Optimus the potential for brain computer interfaces is Limitless the prospect of a day when people with paralysis can move communicate and even work independently with the help of technology is no longer a distant dream experts believe that that neuralink technology could have a significant impact not just in medicine like restoring Mobility for paralyzed patients but also in enhancing human abilities something Elon often refers to as superpowers here's hoping that day comes soon what do you think about neural Link's latest patient update neon's next projects share your comments and opinions below are we placing our trust in nuring too soon the first patient to use the chip cried out of fear after an incident where some threads retracted from the brain tissue even more frightening Elon Musk and the company have hidden a terrifying secret behind this incident which has been revealed by an internal source this incident directly impacts The Blindside product intended to restore a vision and it appears to have been immediately delayed with so much happening at neuralink is neuralink losing our trust many rumors are spreading in the media that neuralink has temporarily stopped operations due to the incident with the first patient but this information isn't accurate neuralink is still operating normally and is even recruiting the next patient for the blindsight product which aims to restore Vision even in those who are congenitally blind Elon Musk has confirmed before the incident that caused the electrode threads to detach Before the incident that caused the electrode threads to detach from the brain, Neuralink frightened the first patient, Noland Arbaugh cried. But why was Noland so afraid? from the brain neuralink frightened the first patient Nolan arbau who cried but why was Nolan so afraid first let us recount the incident that occurred Nolan arbau underwent a smooth surgery in January 2024 with the first project telepathy in the first few weeks after the surgery he recovered well showing promising signs of being able to control a computer mouse just by thinking however things took a turn for the worse in early March due to some technological issues which nearly led the company to remove the device from Nolan ARA's brain as we mentioned some of the 64 threads of the N1 implant chip had retracted as you can see on the daily Peak BCI performance chart published by neuralink The Columns represent the standard measure of Nolan arbos speed and accuracy in controlling the cursor measured in bits per second or BPS the higher the BPS the better the cursing control yeah it's easy to see that BPS started to show a significant decline from late February to mid- March this coincides with a period when both Elon Musk and neuralink did not share any updates about the first patient suggesting that the company was likely focused on resolving this unexpected issue it wasn't until March 20th that neuralink announced a live stream on X to update the progress and reveal the identity of the first patient and of course the company concealed the earlier incident instead the live stream focused on noan arba being able to play chess just by thinking on the surface this seemed like a major breakthrough leading many to believe that the first human implant was a resounding success but something seemed illogical neuralink seem to have attempted to cover up the incident by highlighting Nolan's ability to play chess just by thinking however reviewing the chart shows that Nolan arbaugh BPS remained unstable until early April this means that during the time neuralink announced the live stream and his new abilities the company had not yet fully resolved the risk of electrode thread retraction perhaps this is why noan shared it's not perfect I would say we've run into some issues with this incident noan arbau was frightened to the point of Tears he said he was very emotional because he feared losing the improvements the device had brought to his life arbau added it was very very hard to give up all the amazing things that I was able to do I think I had cried afterwards he also told Bloomberg that he freaked out a little bit when he began noticing the lag between his thoughts and the computer cursor what causes this problem What causes this problem of Neuralink? in neuralink according to the Wall Street Journal the reason behind this incident cannot be overlooked it's believed that the threads were retracted due to pilis a condition where air becomes trapped inside arbas skull following his implant surgery causing some threads to disconnect meanwhile many are alarmed because similar incidents with Utah Ray chip implants have occurred in the BCI field before posing lifeat threatening risks although neuralink managed to mitigate this risk soon after even improving no one's BPS speed to a record 8.0 BPS and currently aiming to surpass approximately 10 BPS we believe this solution may not entirely be foolproof the risk could recur in future patients three sources including current and former neurolink employees told Reuters that the issue of the small electrodes detaching from the brain tissue causing the device to not work normally had been considered by neurolink for years even during animal trials neuralink has not been able to find a way to permanently prevent this problem for many years now since animal research the evidence is that it still takes the company one month to bring the bpsb to a stable level so is no one's H threatened after this incident it needs So is Noland's health threatened after the incident? to be said that the human body especially the brain is a complete and Superior structure compared to any computer humans have ever invented however alongside this the brain's the most delicate part of the human body accompanied by the most difficult to treat risk if injured with neuralink inserting electrodes into brain tissue is indeed a challenging procedure considering factors such as precise implantation locations minimizing the risk of damage and most importantly preventing the body's natural rejection mechanism upon detecting foreign objects as we stated neuralink is safer than any other BCI technology in the world because there have been no studies or reports proving it triggers the body's rejection response leading to brain infections in this incident at least as of now neuralink has demonstrated its safety by not causing any help health issues for Nolan arbau the only setback was a decrease in recorded signals which made the patient less effective in using the chip neuralink has modified the recording algorithm to be more sensitive to neurop population signals improved the techniques to translate these signals into cursor movements and enhance the user interface however this incident has understandably caused Nolan arbos some mental distress along with the apprehension from neuralink supporters on the other hand no adverse health effects post incident don't imply that the incident should have been allowed to continue we can't guarantee or predict how dire the situation could become if not just a few but all 64 threads were damaged leading to the loss of 1,24 electrodes what's even more concerning is that in the event of a more severe incident the likelihood of Chip rejection would be even higher than ever why shouldn't Elon Musk be too subjective with this tiny incident in previous submissions to the Why shouldn't Elon Musk be too subjective with this tiny incident? US Food and Drug Administration or FDA for permission to implant brain chips in humans nurlink did mention in detail that through animal trials electrodes could retract due to the brain's natural immune response thus eliminating sensitive electrodes decoding brain signals however the company asserted that this was a sufficiently low risk in the implantation process and that the chip system does not need redesigning last year neuralink was indeed approved by the FDA to implant chips into human brains according to a source the FDA also recognized potential issues after neuralink reported the results of animal trials prior to that the FDA had expressed concern about Clarity Effectiveness and transparency leading to several rejections of neuralink applications from permission to implant brain chips in humans regarding the issue of the N1 ship threads retracting in Nolan arbau brain the FDA has yet to comment on the incident FDA Representatives have declined to address issues related to the company's brain chips but the agency stated that it will continue to monitor the safety of patients participating in nerling studies According to some experts nurl Link's decision not to redesign the brain chip system could pose challenges if more electrodes detach the company has stated it will address the issue through software adjustments but scientists assess the algorithm adjustments may not be sufficient redesigning the chip also carries other risks two sources indicate that repeated invasions into the brain could lead to Serious brain tissue damage if threads slip out or post serious health risks if the device is removed from the brain previously when neuralink brain chip encountered issues some experts believed it was predictable the Connecting Threads are often on the surface of the brain tissue so complications are quite common said Eric lud har a neurosurgeon at Washington University speaking to Bloomberg one factor that Engineers haven't really focused on is the brain's mobility within the skull just nodding or sudden movements can cause disturbances of a few millimeters it's difficult to imagine a Potential Threat to no one's Health if risks materialize now Elon Musk and neural Lan are likely facing significant scrutiny and pressure to address the situation comprehensively all issues should be resolved thoroughly before human implantation begins making this a significant lesson for both the company and Elon Musk while we appreciate neural Link's potential and the efforts of its medical team the failure to disclose risks early on is a major oversight leading to the lack of transparency why neuralink may have struggled with blindsight it seems like we were on the brink of witnessing Why Neuralink may have struggled with "Blindsight" another groundbreaking success from neuralink when Elon Musk confidently stated that their new product could restore vision for the blind even those who were congenitally blind however it appears that some information indicates that neural Link's new product Blindside has been put on hold this hypothesis arises because Elon musk's latest tweet suggests that neuralink is seeking a second participant for brain chimp implant testing but this time for telepathy instead of Blindside as previously announced earlier on March 20th alongside the announcement of a live stream sharing information about the first patient blindsight was also unveiled shocking the entire industry with the company's rapid progress specifically in November 2023 Elon Musk shared that neuralink was researching A Vision ship but it would take several more years to be ready at that time the company was focusing on obtaining FDA regulatory approval for the first human trials and just four months later blindsight was officially announced according to what musk once said about blindsight the first two applications were going to aim foreign humans are restoring vision and I think this is notable that even if someone has never had Vision ever like they were born blind we believe we can still restore Vision the visual part of the cortex is still there even if they've never seen before we're confident they could see Musk said during a neuralink show and tell in 2022 restoring vision for those congenitally blind is indeed a groundbreaking feat but it comes with numerous challenges because as we see it the success rate is much lower than controlling a computer mouse with a computer in the case of neuralink Blindside implant it will also differ from telepathy because the 64 thread intrusion area of the N1 chip will be focused on the rear part of the brain called the visual cortex where Vision processing happens the visual cortex is responsible for observing and processing raw image data sent from the outside world Through The Eyes therefore injuries or diseases affecting the visual cortex can lead to visual disorders of varying degrees or even blindness musk also mentioned some initial developments for patients using blindsight stating that I should mention that the Blindside implant is already working in monkeys resolution will be low at first like early Nintendo Graphics But ultimately May exceed normal human Vision also no monkey has died or been seriously injured by a knurling device while blind sight may still be conducted this year it's at least delayed for some undisclosed Reason by musk possibly due to the unexpected results from primate testing or similar issues to what happened with noan in the blindsight chip the only thing that we can speculate about blind sight's operation is that the company will either transmit images from an external camera into the brain or stimulate the activity of dead visual nerve cells these are the only two methods we can think of right now how do you think neuralink will restore Vision now neuralink is seeking more individuals like arbot to test their brain chips while it's unclear what happened it's not necessarily essential and not too much of an issue for neuralink to rush the release of blindsight and not too much of an issue for nuring to rush the release of blindsight the company should continue researching and testing at longer to achieve the best safest and most refined results even with the smallest mishaps the minor setback with Nolan arba has been addressed and we can't deny the successes neuralink brought him he can play chess civilization Mario Kart or any other related activity 7 days a week no one participates in research sessions for up to 8 hours each day however on Saturdays and Sundays personal use and entertainment May exceed 10 hours a day recently he has used the device for a total of 69 hours in a week with 35 hours for structured learning sessions and an additional 34 hours for personal use despite receiving high response and appreciation after the success in the first patient people are still hotly discussing this incident of neuralink some people wonder that the arms and legs also have nerves why don't we test connecting the computer to the Li first maybe every time the chip malfunctions we got to open the skull answering this question is quite simple we all know the brain is the control center of the nervous system where all sensory information and motor commands are processed and sent when implanted in the real brain neuralink can directly access nerve signals at the source allowing it to read and send information more accurately and quickly if implanted in an arm or leg nerve signals must be transmitted from the brain to the limbs and then read this can lead to signal loss or Distortion making accurate and efficient processing difficult others still maintain the basic view that metal integration with the human body remains difficult probably need to find a more durable conductor in fact the N1 chip has reduced the amount of metal in size as much as possible compared to many other BCI methods Elon Musk company is leading in device safety the materials used for the N1 chip include a biocompatible enclosure that ensures it can withstand the harsh physiological conditions within the human body like we said above the device features 64 ultra thin flexible threads each with multiple electrodes allowing for 1,24 channels to record and stimulate neural activity these threads are made from polymide a biocompatible polymer and are embedded with conductive elements like gold or platinum the chip itself is about the size of a US Quarter which makes it approximately 24 mm in diameter and a few millimeters thick it's intended to be implanted in the skull sitting flush with a surrounding bone and covered by the skin making it cosmetically invincible finally this is mostly what people are discussing about neuralink they believe that the technology has a lot of potential but faces stability issues so it'll be a long time before it can be applied to a large number of patients we fully agree with this sentiment neuralink and Elon Musk need to focus on resolving all issues with their product and not be complacent about any minor risks everything related to human health is precious and not as straightforward as issues at Tesla or SpaceX the incident with neural Link's first patient has raised many doubts about the safety and effectiveness of this technology the company's lack of transparency and information concealment only adds to public distrust however we believe people shouldn't rush to condemn nurlink they have achieved certain successes in helping Nolan arbau restore function and the future potential of this technology is immense the key issue is that neurolink needs to take immediate action to regain public trust they need to be more transparent about potential risks more open in sharing information and more diligent in ensuring user safety neuralink stands at a Crossroads they can choose to continue to cover up and evade issues or they can face reality and make the necessary changes to regain public trust the future of neuralink holds much promise but the road ahead is still filled with obstacles can they overcome these challenges and regain public trust only time will tell imagine if Steven Hawking could communicate faster than a speed typist or Auctioneer that is the goal musk wrote on X finally neural Link's ambition is to use implantable devices to connect the human brain to computers to assist people such as enabling paralyzed individuals to control smartphones or computers or helping blind people regain Vision similar to existing brain machine interfaces the company's implantable device will collect electrical signals sent by the brain and interpret them into actions consumers won't have widespread access to this technology soon before neur Link's brain implant devices are released to a larger market they'll need to undergo rigorous risk control under FDA regulatory approval what are your thoughts on the neuralink incident and the lack of transparency in delaying the disclosure of risks associated with the retraction of the N1 chip threads please share your views in the comments below we value your thoughts and we hope that you've learned more about neural Link's second human trials after watching this episode if you did hit that like button and join your Tesla carwad family by subscribing to our Channel and don't miss out on any of our awesome videos by hitting the Bell icon we value your feedback and your time thank you so much for watching and see you soon until then stay safe and have fun [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] fire [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] C [Music] [Music] [Music] for [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Music]

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