Ex-Cam episode 1! Featuring Justin and Alexis married at first sight season 15
Published: Dec 18, 2023
Duration: 00:55:25
Category: People & Blogs
Trending searches: justin hall
well oh I'm Alexis I'm Justin and welcome to xcam welcome to xcam thanks for joining us okay so I just have to comment on how it's a strange exchange ex strange means this is your word of the day for those at home who don't know EST strange means like you're kind of separated you're not together and the exchange is the conversation it was a play on words I kind of overpowered and just told jus but anyway that's what the extrange exchange xcam is all about um we're going to talk about some of the comments you guys talk about all the time some of the scenes that you love some of your worst moments where we are now where we plan to go and all the growth that we've made over these two long ass years okay Justin yes so um some of the things we're going to be talking about is questions you guys had for me uh I saw your comments trust me I saw all your comments um but we're read them I did he read them I did I read every last look I was in the comments I couldn't help myself though like you know I was just curious uh but we'll be discussing some of the concerns you guys had as far as like me transitioning I'm not transitioning talking about scenes with you know my brother I'm gonna give you you know the inside scoop of the intimate conversations we had uh it's G to be a great time so I hope you are you know just join us just have a good time sit down relax uh it's gonna be it's gonna be a great time all right so I I don't know about you J but I get a lot of DMS a lot of questions about the actual process before you even get married before you're selected what happens how did you get here and I laugh because I although I was am still ready to be your wife to this day I stand on that um I was scrolling on Instagram I saw the post it was just like added it was just like do you want to marry a stranger do you live in San Diego are you this I'm like yeah that's me and I um followed the link for the post I signed up did a quick little video saying I'm ex William I still have it maybe we can put our videos in there do you still have yours or did you have to do that uh I can probably find I still have mine so maybe we'll plug in we'll plug them in here right at first s because I am tired I am an empath and I pour into people all the time and I just give them my all and it's never really reciprocated I'm ready to eliminate the what ifs and just go head first hopefully you guys can figure it out for me but it's just like a quick brief not even a minute video explaining who you are um then uh I was just like that's funny I try to get my friends to do it with me they're like no absolutely not and I'm like it's not really going to happen it's just you you know we're living Our Lives um then there's a whole bunch of interviews to where they um ask you how long was that questionnaire to where there was just so many random questions it was like it was it was I think maybe 250 questions it's not more yeah it was two hours though for sure it was so long and we did it on our own time um to where uh I was just like oh my goodness and they were asking everything from find finances um to what you want in your spouse but they would ask it a different way it was kind of like a personality assessment but also personality assessment of what you want your spouse to be um we H handed that in um we got call backs to go to like a secret location to where we took those photos that you guys know in the beginning um we did some of the interviews with Pastor Cal some of the production team and we really kind of just um spilled it all um this is where we showed our personality and things came at you quick it went from filling out a packet to like you're getting married in two weeks I don't know was it fast for you Justin uh it it was it was it was pretty fast for me you know uh I thought I thought it was a scam because I didn't watch reality TV I think the only reality TV I've ever watched was this show called ball and hills and uh the only reason I watched that you remember that yeah yeah was it Ball Hill no it was it was College Hill no they B Hill too yeah it was yeah because one of my teammates Mariah was on there and that's the only reason I watched it we because we play ball together you know who I'm talking about no but I I don't think I ever W I know what you're talking about I've never seen it I heard of it before I used to watch the only ones I would watch was like Bad Girls Club like okay because I was in college and I was like yeah I want to be bad like Alexis you're not you're not built like that so when when I saw the ad I actually this is exactly what I said to myself I said I never do no dumb [ __ ] like that fast forward right and so I know how I know how they they they they got me because they re they it's a in marketing we call it retargeting and so it's when you click on the ad and you show interest but you don't do anything but then you start seeing that ad on all your other platforms you know that's trying to get you familiar with who they are so when they reached out to me they they reached out to me on IG and I was just like huh I was like you know why not I ain't got anything to lose you know little did I know I'm kidding but uh the process was fun man like I went through the interview process I met with Pastor cal um that that was such a privilege it was I love Pastor Cal like that really if I didn't want to do it meeting with pastor Cal really solidified it for me because I'm like it for me I'm G keep I'm G keep it a buck it was it was seeing another black man in front of me you know you know an intellectual educated black man that that was important to me you know so to see that being referenced you know and kind of advocating you know for me you know it it made the process a lot easier and then um it really hit me when they came to my house uh and they surprised me Dr Pepper I was towering over her but she's adorable um but overall I think the only tedious stuff was like the psyche V like I was like can we be done I ain't crazy I promise I ain't crazy yeah it was it it's questionable still the verdict still out but I hear you I pleased with um yeah that was probably the only tedious part I feel like a lot of us share that whole concept of like it's not really GNA happen until they're like that when they tell you you're getting married in two weeks that's genuinely a surprise yes like I was genuinely surprised because the process is so like just you don't really know and then when you go do an interiew interviews and stuff there's still tons of people to where it's people you guys never get to see but we've seen and behind the scenes and such so you're not really thinking like you're on anybody's radar at least I was I'm like yeah I know that I'm kind of far in the process but I didn't really know what to expect and the producers do a great job I know ccia was just like yeah we just want to see your place and then I got a knock at the door Dr Pepper there and I'm just like what are you doing here Ariana like why are you here um and then she's like you're getting married in two weeks when I tell you my stomach sank to the bottom of my booty cheeks like it was it was definitely something to where I genuinely had no idea and life just kind of I was actually like I don't think I told you this but I was actually dating someone like right before that time too like literally yo get over it um right before that time and I had told him I was going through the process and me neither one of us really thought so so what you what you saying is you in them streets before you know you officially was told you get Mar we all were like that's the whole point I'm not gonna quit a quit trying to find me a husband just because y'all playing I didn't know if you were serious or not like I'mma keep what I got you feel me and then we like cried when we found out I was like actually going through with it but D you the street you wasn't doing nothing Justin you was just waiting for the Married at First Sight this show that you just said a few minutes ago that you didn't take Serious you thought it was a scam and you was just home being wholesome hoping that it wasn't that's what you're telling me you know what I believed in the process I Believe In You Wen even in the process yet go ahead lie again lie again she still likeing no for real tell me what happened what I'm I'mma listen Okay okay I was I was messing around I was messing around um with uh I don't know it was just it was just it was just a few women you know it wasn't nothing serious um are these the ones that wanted your meat [Laughter] yes during the first episode let's let's talk about that real quick I feel like that's a no okay sorry I keep jumping answer the question first and then we gonna talk about the meat that you love talking about apparently okay okay yeah I like uh [ __ ] especially now um what was your question what was your direct question the original question was um how close to the wedding were you still involved or how close like in the process to where you were just like I probably should take this serious and cut off who I got it was probably about it was it was after Dr Pepper came to my house same same when when that when that hit I was like no this is real yeah and I was talking I didn't I didn't directly tell them but I was like hey I'm off the market like I would just cut through I sent the text message they um Dr Pepper actually asked me to call the guy who was like dating yeah in person or text them or something and um I was like no I can't do it not don't I can't do them like this on camera I can't do it um which is kind of good but um I know I did call him we did have a conversation he was like get out of it and I was like I can't I can't why would you do this it was it was very dramatic um he's actually married now two years later he so that that worked out we all got something I will say although when I say I was messing around I was still celibate you know but I was you know cell what CIB bit okay what you thought I said Cel bit you know I can't pronounce it you know that's one of the main things I can't pronounce it I can't proun no I've been CIT it's bit that was they they they that was a thing in the comments they was like it ain't cibit it's cibit I was just like y'all know what the [ __ ] she meant those sound exactly the same to me I'll have you it does it does people are just they can be tedious sometimes but okay no I was I was still celibate but I was uh I was just you know just dabbing dating so that was my secondary question how did this meat conversation come up because it it kind of carried on to me because keep in mind y'all we didn't know who our spouses were genuinely there wasn't like you've seen them you could have guessed it was like any of the interviews that were never crossovers there was never a time where you saw your spouse beforehand um so that was genuine but I do I did recognize that a lot of the conversations that were brought up on my end were asking about like me like what if he's this what if he's that what if he's this and I'm just like why would that be a part of the conversation you get what I'm saying and it was like a constant theme and then the show made it make so much more sense because that's all you had on your mind that's all you wanted the people to know about you tell us more Mr Hall tell us more you know it it was just relevant it was it was you know it was relevant in the conversation it would just come up you know and anytime it was my time to talk you know or share you know one of my one of the main reasons I decided to go through this process and I was just like you know I'm tired of feel like a piece of meat I'm here's the thing a matter of fact they showed a scene uh after at our wedding you know exactly what I'm talking about and and I was like you know women just curious and I can be so naive sometimes I you know because I'm learning that apparently people have never met a six8 person in real life I'm discovering that's a thing I don't think I had PRI of you either yeah see i' I've been around tall people all my life so women are naturally curious and sometimes I'm thinking they just being nice you know and my gullible ass you know fall into it and be like oh yeah you just want to hang out you know like they gen something hang all right they want to see hang exactly you know and so that's what that's what I started noticing you know I just wasn't you know um just catching the sign and that's just kind of how the conversation went I was like man I'm just tired of feeling like a piece of meat that's why you know I didn't realize how often I said it though I will say that uh I was like damn talking about my meat a lot in fact I was walking my dog at baboy Park and this cop stopped me he was like Hey ain't you the piece of meat guy yo you should you should brand that you should go into meat sales like you should like really we'll talk Offline that could be a thing where it's like are you here to see my meat you know like I just um it's a stereotype though for real that tall men have large meat so I mean it's a fair assumption but I think what the fans were saying is like typically it's reversed like if you talk about something too much that means the opposite like if guys are over compensating where like they have a fast car and it's small so that means they are trying to overcompensate for other things or something like that huh do you believe that though like I never pay attention to things like that yeah I mean after the fact to where I'm like oh that makes sense like and and fellas when you watch this I want you to comment and give me your your thought process but I'm I'm going speak for the guys I feel like when a guys confident he know he can lay the pipe down really well you know there's going to be a confidence about him whether it's in his Swagger you know like we want you to know but I think it just comes out in different ways you have extroverts that that they express it and they want you know like hey this is just what it is prime example Kevin Gates Kevin Gates is one of them type guys that just gonna let you know what it is you know and he talks about it a lot where some guys might show it in they swager how they dress they might cook for you you know it's different ways that Men Express they know how to slang that thing but they don't really directly I mean Kevin Gates does but he's a different person I just okay so the Fe for me not speaking for all females but for me I just think it's odd to where like people who got like this is gonna sound real shading I can't I don't got time to fix it so it's just going to have to sound try you know how people be like Le stick it than the Snick like that's my that's my that's my title like that's my ACT leg stick it in the Snicker but it's like if you were that thick we could look at you and see that you thick you didn't have to tell me or like beautiful legs like I can make that a judgment for myself like you don't have to tell me with something I find out on my own so that's why it was confusing to me because I'm just like it don't take away from your lane of pipe by not telling me like if the pipe is being laid it's going to be laid either way whether you tell me or not so why continue put it in my face your examples and I'm going to leave it alone a lot of your examples you're giving don't still like suggest that it's talked about all the time like you did and I get you're saying just came up in conversation well on me yes it did come up in conversations uh which is why I brought it up it was relevant it was relevant to the conversation and so it just happened to been brought up it was um I was terrified because all the meat talk and then when we went to the bachelorette party um there was a question about uncircumcised versus circumcised and personally I've never still to this day I have never seen a uncircumcised not to say like a little turtleneck don't hurt nobody but I was terrified because it was so much penis talk like I don't really just sit around like I know that's a thing for girls to just sit around that's not something that I I I I typically do so I was just like why are we always talking about meat and then lo and behold here comes the meat dealer himself the meat dealer and conversations just always first thing you and your brma talked about uh after the uh during the wedding ceremony they show the scene of it during the wedding ceremony yeah it was it was you uh your best friend she was just like you think he she was talking about my me I you know I didn't really watch it okay well they showed a scene where it was you uh your sisters uh and your best Emerald I do remember that scene somebody I do remember that um the measuring the vagina scene I need to comment on this I would I said something because I was very uncomfortable everybody knows like I'm not really I don't typically talk about sex and stuff like it's just like I'm mature enough to have the conversation but I just I was raised to where it's just like it's not something that a lady should talk about um so for me it was just weird that my best friend was asking that because we've been best friends for over 15 years you know that's not me so for her to ask that I was just saying something just as like dramatic and extreme um because I was like they're not going to air this there's no way they're going to air this because I'm saying something like just completely off the wall uncomfortable there's no way and this is how you know I don't watch reality TV because that's exactly what they want to hear they want to hear the Off the Wall stuff they want to hear the uncomfortable stuff so when I said yeah you remember we measured our vaginas and stuff like that I was joking we did not measure our vaginas and I want you to know I have women messaging me like oh my gosh I measured my vagina too I thought I was the only one measuring what are y'all measuring your vaginas for like I know like I don't understand why people do that I put it in the comments if y'all meas y'all y'all genitalia please just I don't what's the reason but that's what you were talking about yes yeah yeah but yeah so overall that's that's how the meat thing came up it was just relevant in the conversation I just fair I I get that um speaking of the me in the bachelorette party and the bachelor party I know you had a big scene during the bachelor party with your brother what like is that like something that why do you think that conversation came up like you know like is that something that he said before how were you feel like that was a big big scene and I I felt like during that scene that was kind of like the same Justin we saw at the reunion and it was like a big gap of time to where it was like you were so emotional all throughout the season but like you ended it the way you started it did you make that connection at any point not at all um I don't think my actions at The Bachelor scene was necessarily emotional that's just how me and my brother engaged on it that's our relation I wasn't saying you were emotional let me CIF I was saying you were like confident standing on your ground and was like I'm not one to play with yeah exactly that's that oh yeah when you put it that way yes that's exactly what it is cu there's a thin line between my brother being my brother and him trying to be my dad because he he he helped raise me during you know those important teenage years he feels like he can dictate you know my actions when I do it how I do it how I respond to it like he sets up these unrealistic expectations without me being aware of it and so when I make decisions like I do he gets it comes out eventually he explodes and so that was just one of those explo uh the one of many uh explosions we've had um and so I have to remind him because he's four years older than me maybe five maybe even six uh I just have I just have to let him know you know like like bro like that's why I said what I said you know I was like bro like you don't have to be here I don't need you here you know I want you here you know but yes it was the exact same um um moment exposion style that it was in you know the reunion because I felt like you know I don't mind being challenged but if you going to come for me [ __ ] like you know walk that walk and that's why when me and my brother when he was like you acting like a little [ __ ] that fighting words I was like boy you you lucky lucky the cameras because we do be throwing blows not anymore you know I think the last fight we had was maybe 10 12 years ago um but he just he has to learn how to talk to talk to me and what I'm not going to tolerate is you trying to talk to me like I'm your child and that's why we was going back and for that's why actually they cut out a lot of that scene it was a lot it was a lot worse uh the guys were concerned like Ben Mitch like I saw everybody just kind of watching like it was a big deal um and so I'm they they they just kind of showed you guys a piece of it but it was really his tone and how he was coming at me I talk so that why I was like night night bye I just yeah that's fair I feel like if I cuz I don't think think you even told me about that incident until like pretty far into the relationship and it was probably because we had likely got into an argument or something and it came up and then I proba yeah because that was um that was a a big scene I feel like on my end for the bachelor party bachelorette party that was I had a a great time it was a very long day we were there from like sun up to sun down like that day was pretty long I brought my best friend will um and Jackie and um oh so oh they were all there at the bachel party yeah oh that's dope okay yeah we um you didn't bring any friends to the your brother yes right yeah brother I mean some of us made better choices like no um um I brought will my best friend and I brought um Jackie and it was it was funny because Morgan had brought a guy too I thought well was gonna be the only guy there um it was fun it was kind of odd getting to know the girls because at first it was just like yo we all did a crazy thing together so we're automatically bonded but it's still first impressions are what they are um just because we're thrown into the situation doesn't mean we're automatically going to like each other we're still human beings we're still like judgmental creatures just because we're human um I know me and Kristen very first day we're like that's my girl like some people you just know and we're still really close um very day I'm sorry what you say who did you have any did you have any reservations uh of anybody um after like the first encounter I mean you know the question always comes up um what do you think about this person what do you think about that person what it has to happen like the Dynamics of reality TV it has to happen and of course they asked me about Lindy um Lindy I don't want to talk down or anything it was just we came from completely different backgrounds um I almost said I'm a city girl um I am actually a suburb girl who enjoys the city who enjoys traveling things like that whereas ly was completely opposite and I think it was a obvious implication that we wouldn't get along or whatever um I just like the Dynamics for me I try to find pieces of people that I do enjoy like I always want to find a silver lining so I I did I was like Lindy talks a lot and I was like I talk a lot you know people always take that part out like a lot of comments were like is so mean she said ly poor Lindy and I'm just like yo if she talks a lot she talks a lot there's nothing wrong with talking a lot I'm just saying she talks a lot we haven't found anything in common there's absolutely nothing wrong with that and I'll still say that if I meet her again for the first time tomorrow there's nothing nothing wrong with having first judgments about people it wasn't to be nasty it wasn't to be anyway I wasn't offensive to her I even text her when the show came out um because you see scenes either if you don't see the show you see scenes um and I was like girl I'm so sorry if that hurt your feelings I I didn't mean it in that way that was just how I felt about you and things like that like I even messaged her because I care that much but I was just like it is what it is like if you didn't like somebody and somebody brought a camera in your face and was like what do you think about her you know you would say how you feel not to mean I didn't like her I'm just saying you say how you feel when you're asked at least I do um but yeah that was a fun day and I was on the pole and I was twerking and I was doing all this stuff and it was Sasha's birthday that day I remember it was stasha's birthday it was a great time and we had all the Tequila and Tacos flowing it I I was so annoyed uh there were so many people calling her everything Basha they couldn't get it right it was St Stasia Stacia and I remember at one of the um not the reunions the After parties with kha Knight and SAS and Kristen had a scene and I was like she I had her on my snap she had this cute orange jumpsuit on and I was just like by the way her name is stasha stasha it ain't that hard to pronounce so yeah I mean they probably know now but yeah I think they was doing the same thing with Kristen and Kiren yeah oh you're right yeah yeah some people call me Alexa whatever call me what you want but don't crawl me broke um so we we did the introductions we did the bachelor party bachelorette party and then we got married we did what were your thoughts you know they show the scene they they showed a scene where they was like if you could design your uh your perfect wife you know what would she look like and I was like caramel complexion I was like I'm dark skinn that was still the offensive to me go ahead you know C complexion I was like brown eyes so I could swim in and I was like sense but look and then I was like a soft voice and then they showed a clip of you of the wedding you know screaming say um that doesn't sound a lot like Kaitlyn to me shade hella shade you know what okay let me okay don't do that don't do that I it was sh never mind go ahead it's all good it's all good you know what I got an explanation for that so you know so my explanation is okay I love me some black women I do I I like white women too and I like Latino women and I you know I have my preferences you know um but you know at the time you ging me that look I'm not saying anything Justin I'm silent at look at the time that's what I wanted but here's the thing you know that's that that's what I always dreamed of having you know a beautiful black woman by my side you know but what we want is necessarily always what we need and you know what I've learned is most black women unattracted to me I've only dated very few black women you know uh in my life and I they just never gave me the time of day in college and high special High School College I'm just saying and maybe it's so are you and this might sound shady and we are what we are whatever are you cuz you said you always wanted a black woman by your side most black women blah is that an excuse to like go outside and like settle I don't want to say you're settling because I think Caitlyn from what you've told me from like just what I've seen I think she is a perfect match for you I think she is so sweet I think she is like chef's kiss I think that's a great look for you um but what I'm hearing from you right now is it sounds like that's too hard let me just go for somebody who's gonna like me no I'll tell you what it is it wasn't it wasn't until I started really dating outside my race where I was really expanding my Horizon you know I was so close-minded on only dating you know somebody that looked like me you know I didn't think anybody else could complete me until I really started you know going outside my comfort zone and so when I connected with her she really like put me in a place where it was like I was like wow you know you can't judge a book by color it's not about color you know everything I I believed in was all from programming and so now the way I'm living life is I let my heart Le me you know and and so that's that's kind of why I said what I said you know as far as like yeah that's what I wanted but you know when I got into a relationship with with her it was more so I was like man she's what I want and what I need what have I been thinking nothing to do with race is just more so of just being open yeah it's exposure because um you don't really like what you're saying you don't know what's good for you if you've never had it so I think U throughout the process I would always say um maybe my type is the reason why I'm single um because I've been doing the same thing and expecting different results you know and that's why I think I did fight so hard to be in our relationship because I'm like this is something new and usually when something's new it's scary and it causes all these emotions and people stray away from it but it doesn't necessarily mean that it's not good you get what I'm saying just because it's new or different or something when you challenge some beliefs that you've had your entire life that's huge and then for you to find out like oh this might be something that actually works better for me so it's like your your ego is kind of combatant to what's in front of you like you're like contradicting yourself and you're rediscovering different things to where it's just like oh shoot so I think it's completely fair and I think that tells a sign to the whole process as a is of itself that it was a self-exploratory process to where it's just like we came in thinking we wanted something we think we wanted marriage we think we wanted you know I spoke to a couple of other cast members who are like I'm not getting married again you get what I'm saying so it's like we were all exposed to something new that we've never experienced never done before and I don't think anybody should fault you for thinking you had a type and then finding out maybe that wasn't it it's a part of the process it's a part of life it's a part of growth and and it's commendable that you can sit here and defend your choices and defend your woman because okay this you gonna stick beside her you gonna stick beside her so I mean I don't personally see anything wrong with it and I don't think it's as simple as race but I don't think we have enough time to discuss that um but yeah that how was the wedding day for you overall I had I had a blast you know it was memorable uh it's going to always be my first wedding uh I I lowkey I don't know how I turned into a shim at night I ain't gonna say oh my gosh that made me so uncomfortable that was like I really was like my poor baby ain't got no rhythm I don't I don't so here's the thing you know what that's shimmy so I was all my friends I grew up with all capist and and and if there's a video on YouTube surfing maybe 10 15 years ago where I was shimmying you know and I don't know it's just you know some I ain't gonna do it but it's something about them shoulders you know so I was feeling it that night and I just had to and then that back bend I had a good time I had a good time that wedding night what about you my sister's a um and for those of you who don't know the kappas is a Greek uh black Greek uh part of the divine nine uh fraternity and that's what he's talking about the shimmy that's like their go-to move uh my sister is part of Alpha Kappa Alpha and that is a s in the black frat excuse me in the black Greek nine divine nine um predominantly known in HBCU but we're all of they're all over now um she was just like get up get up because she knows it's kind of offensive to do their and to like kind of imitate in that way so I was just like oh that part made me my stomach and I'm like oh and I'm looking at my sister um but I'm surprised it was probably the coldest day in San Diego history that night I was also very drunk and I I thought it was funny how it progressively got worse with my hair and it just showed how drunk I got like I just remember taking like my friends would just give me wine like they was just giving me wine all night and you know wine be making you feel sexy so I was just like it's my wedding day I'm feeling sexy I got my sneakers on my dress was filthy did you notice that yes I saw that my dress was filthy they were like you should have just got cuz I'm like a lowkey tom boy they're like they should have just got the girl a tracksuit um I do remember us being in our bubble for real like that wasn't fake that was for real to where yep I was going to like maybe Fil A confessional or do different things or talk to different people and I'm like where's my husband where's my husband you know and I was just like babe heab where are you and I think just the adrenaline of having a husband and wanting to be married for so long that day it was really just like it was so happy like and I could look back and say you know we've had our arguments we've had all ouram drama we've had our things but I can stand in here and be a real honest woman and say that day was a really good day um yeah I don't know if I told you that morning they um because it was covid and stuff during that time my sister almost couldn't come to my wedding because she tested false false tested positive for covid and I was like oh my gosh they didn't tell me until like a week later but um even the things I said that to say even some of the things that were happened around the background and some of the things that our family and our support group like shielded us from like we didn't think anything was going wrong we didn't think anything like it was just like a peaceful day because yeah everybody at least for me and my family it was just so much love and my best friends were just like you are insane Alexis but we're going to support you and um I don't know I just my brother-in-law he was so funny he had uh because everybody was m during the wedding and that's the thing that people forget and this is kind of like a little background detail you'll be having conversations like normal and the cameras will be like hidden so you almost are tricked into thinking not tricked but you're almost like just comfortable enough to forget that they're around you'll have normal conversations and you'll forget you're wearing a mic but my brother-in-law he was like a Seer agent he was like nope nope nope he wasn't talking about nothing I don't think he said too words entire time because he didn't want to mess nothing up he was like they're like Todd what is what are you doing he's like nope nope nope I'm like I'm like I'm not saying nothing um but it's just so funny to to think about um how just people think like the camera's like this on you all the time and you just like no the camera's back there behind that bush like the camera's back there behind that Podium grown too they had or not it was a crane that big old crane that they had and that thing go any anywhere like like you said it's real easy to forget the cameras are there it's so because they follow you everywhere yep would you would you do it again absolutely um would you hell yeah I would do it differently um absolutely and I think that's our question we always get to at the end of these this is what we're going to try and get for you guys what would you do differently and it's going to get more involved when we get into the arguments it's going to get more heated we're all smiles and Giggles now but I'm sure there's gonna be time where I'm just like no you see this is why this is why we broke up the first time um but not to say this's the second time let's be clear about that but anyway um I would do it again um I would probably still drink as much as I drank I'm not I wasn't like drunk carried out nothing crazy I was just enjoying myself and I always act slightly drunk naturally anyway so for me to actually be kind of Tipsy that's what elevated it more um would I cry again like I cried not if I knew it was going to be on every commercial break I probably wouldn't have did that I probably would have a cute little cry I wouldn't have done that um but yes I would have worn my heart on my sleeve I would have wrote the best vows that I could I would have invited all my closest and dearest friends I would have took a Chance on Love and I will continue to try and take a chance on love every single time it's what I do so yes I would do it again um what would I do differently did I answer that already maybe no yeah I wouldn't whatever yeah that part what about you Mr Hall I will absolutely do it again um I I appreciate the process and the growth I don't think a lot of where I am now would even have have happened you know if it wasn't because of my appearance uh I think as far as like what I would do differently uh if I was on treatment now and balance like I am is have less out birth uh and and really comprehend and like comprehend being able to read the room you know uh I would do things differently like that you think that would have applied for the bachelor bachelor party yep okay yep because you know if if you if you read the room you know you can sort of sense almost what's about to happen you know and a lot of times you can kind of strategize to deescalate the situation before it happens you know uh I think I would have responded differently you know to my brother than how he had came at me you know maybe just something just a lot more calm you know uh or probably just walked away from the situation same thing with you know the reunion I think I would have definitely reacted in fact I wouldn't engaged you know because how I am now and then the emotional part even though it was out of my control I think um I would have been a lot more stable uh and and we probably could have had a lot more healthier conversations you know so that's why I would do it again okay I I think I okay I think I was asking the question for the first episode because I I think we're not think we're gonna answer this question every single time y'all because we know we've done things wrong we know we could have done things better um we're kind of just trying to help each other grow because how many times can you get a one-on-one discussion with your ex and have like yo this is where you should and it's coming from a healthy place it's not like you know like that's why you that's why you single now like it's not coming from negative place so um we're gonna answer this question it's going to go week by week so if you're like yo on episode four week two you should have done this stay tuned because we're not talking about that yet we're talking about episode one you know we know there's 97,000 episodes and we're gonna try and give these to you weekly so it's not going to drag on they're not going to be two hours no shade no tea um it's going to be precise it's going to be behind the scenes we hope that you guys will engage with us ask us questions kind of give us commentary to help us go on um one more thing I think I would do differently is I would have had a different dress I love my dress it was just it kept falling down um I think I may have done like a girlier dress like I don't know um that was another thing too behind the scenes cuz you're getting married in two weeks for females you had whatever sizes they had on those racks those were if they had your size on those racks and your girls a little thick so I think it was like a eight or 10 so whatever dresses they had in eight and 10 that needed slight alterations those are the only ones I had to choose from I couldn't choose my perfect dress and then get it altered so not to say I don't like my dress I liked it for the most moment but I think on my next wedding I'll do a different dress but um overall um I know you had an update let's answer those questions and then we'll get out of here your question was what are your health update sir let the people know oh yes thanks for reminding me girl you I appreciate it so health update um shortly after the show um I was diagnosed with a genetic disorder called uh filter syndrome and you're boring with it and uh I know a lot of people was like how is it you know you guys didn't catch it when you know you were young it's it's something you have to request you know when you're pregnant to do like a chrom chromosome analysis test um and so basically what it is is how 47 chromosomes and so a lot of uh of the emotional uh un you know the unregulated emotions that you guys saw during the show was due to that actually one of the number one side effects of it is uh you know unregulated emotions um so now I am on treatment and so the English version of that is that my body wasn't producing natural testosterone like you know a male with 46 chromosomes that doesn't you know a lot of and and a lot of you were saying you know he looks like he's transitioning um and when a man is not producing that number one hormone uh sometimes he can develop uh more pinent features so I didn't know that that's the signs behind it I'm more in treatment now I love it it's probably the best thing that ever happened to me that's why I appreciate my time on mths because I don't think that you know this red flag would have came and it would have raised the red flag I mean red flags in my current partner to go get tested so that's that's you know what it was um and that's what it is and I'll be on trt which is testosterone replacement therapy for the rest of my life which I love it uh and yeah so that's that's the update uh if you guys want to do research there's little information out there but there's a support group called xxy they're based in here in San Diego and you guys can kind of educate yourselves on what it is and be a lot nicer you know what um uh I'm proud of you for putting like you know you could have cap it to yourself you didn't have to share it with the world so that's like a big step for you to like share that information so I'm proud of you um I also did I was like I knew it was something cuz I was just like why do I have to emotionally regulate for this man every single day and um um I really just I cuz then Kaitlin have something to do with you actually going to get tested for that yes so a lot of the a lot of the behavior traits that was going on you know during our marriage was happening in our relationship you know uh and she's in that she you know she's in Holistics help you know and she came to me and she's like babe you know don't take this the wrong way you know but have you ever gotten your your te your testosterone levels checked and and I had such an ego and a chip on my shoulder I was just like no but we can go do it you know what I'm saying ain't nothing to me that's exactly how I came off and she kept telling me that she's like have you ever heard of you know she's very sensitive to me when she came to me about it and like even when she discovered it she waited weeks before even telling me because she had to figure out a way to deliver it without me exploding and so you know and so when she did you know I got it and I think when I got my levels back it was at 52 and so what is it supposed to be for people that don't know the the range for a testosterone for a man should be on the low end 300 on the high end a th I was at 52 I was six times lower than and so my doctor my endocrinologist was trying to figure out how I played college sports and how I was so active and my body was only going off what it already had it was living off what it already had and so when I was younger it might have been um much higher but the older I get the lower it got and you got the worst in a stick you did you know unfortunately and I'm sorry for that um but yeah I appreciate the apology because that never happened um but I no like all jokes aside I really do appreciate it um I think honestly it kind of worked out the way it was supposed to um because I think one of my better features are that I'm patient and I think it could have gone horribly wrong if you were partner with somebody else um so I do think there were times that I could have extended you more grace um I don't want to say it's here or there or I could have done this or you could have done that I just think it is what it is and I think we both did the best that we could with what we were capable of um and I I did learn a lot it increased my patience even more um and I just I I appreciate the process I appreciate the fact that we were to get partnered together and things like that so I I don't hold any malice or anything towards you and I really just commend Caitlyn and I know it's changed your life in such a short amount of time so I'm just I'm happy for you I said all that to say I'm happy for you and I do forgive you and Life's good that's good no likewise I'm definitely happy for you and and I was proud of you you know when you when you told him that you know you were in a relationship and she's a she man my he's a she yep you know he's a she and my DM was lightened up they was like how dare she and I was like hold up hold up she told me the same night of the wedding I told you that's why I'm like I told you and they were just like how do you respond I was just like [ __ ] I mean that works in my favor sorry you know but I was just like you did say that you pervert you like oh yeah to that later you're I mean that's that's like every man's dream we talking about girls um no we are not like unicorns to where we're shared and no that's not we're in a monogamous relationship that's exactly where my mind went to though I ain't gonna lie most people do most most men do um but yeah I think I got a lot of those hate comments and messages too like how dare you jip the process like I I said it since day one I don't I don't hide um who I am and that's a part of who I am whether it was given or shown to you guys that's not my responsibility my responsibility is to be my authentic self and I was was that with my husband I was that with everybody in my personal life um it's not something that's just new because I'm like I hate men let me go try women that's not my Approach I have been dating females since high school um I have been bisexual um if you would like to label it for the entirety of my adult life and this was nothing new um yeah I did share that on one of the the episodes when I came back it was still new at the time we are still together um some year later and Things Are Beautiful Life Is Life is Beautiful um I don't think it was selfish of me I don't think people even understand what it means to be bisexual because there was a lot of men like kind of offended and it's like sir did you want me like what is what's the issue here um and it was a lot of people coming because I am a Christian I am religious spiritual um both um but that's between me and God yep and it's as simple as that like that's myom we talk every single day we we talk several times a day um the day comes where he smites me to hell and he you know whatever you think is going to happen to me that will still be between me and God um but yeah that's my life no you know what I'm proud of you for you know standing firm and like who you are and and despite what people's opinion I'm proud of you I feel like she's a great match for you uh I don't know her I've seen her she's got a lot of Swag you know I dress her too I do that I dress you I her yeah she's got some swag but n at the end of the day that's why I select the song on the trailer I always tell people I'm very calculated when I do Instagram posts and there's always a uh a cryptic code in the message if people know me they'll read it okay I'm a nerd but when when I chose the good good by Usher you know it was it was to let people know that like Ain't No Bad Blood between us you know what I'm saying we ain't good good but we still good you know what I'm saying we just why we doing this and I want to see you happy you know like you got a lot to offer and you were you was patient you was really patient you know that's why I love my current partner because i' be putting through the ringer sometimes you know but she patient with me uh and I love that and and and so I commend you for you know just being you being happy despite what people say that thank you it took a while in it was a little blurred in the middle of that because y'all I want y'all can I just do this one little thing when you get out of here um some of yall are mean like you can State your opinion can say what you want you can you can you know challenge what is presented to you because we did decide to go on a public platform we did decide to marry a stranger we did decide that doesn't mean we decided and agreed to hate every day we didn't decide and agree to be tormented ridiculed we didn't we didn't sign up for that we signed up for love we signed up like yeah I get that's what comes with the job that's what people like to say shouldn't never done it no that's not an excuse for you to be a nasty mean hateful person that is not an excuse and I don't tolerate that on my page I don't tolerate people talking crap about Justin on my page or me and y'all know that so keep it cute in the comments and um I just it doesn't take anything to be kind you can still share your opinion without being a jerk a booty hole like you can still say you know what Alexis I didn't like that you did that I wouldn't have done it that way or this was a meme approach to me or you could have done it this way but you don't have to say you hateful little SL like you don't have to go that far it don't have to be that and I I I know that Justin you still kind of get affected by that and overwhelmed by that often um is there anything you wanted to comment on that before yeah you know I'm glad you brought that up thank you um you know it sometimes it's disheartening to me it's because I I do advocate for black women and I'm going specifically say black women because these are the ones that are in my DM and it drives me crazy because my mama black my sister black everybody in my family is black you know and so to kind of get these hate comments about dating a white girl you know just kind of makes me feel some type of way I'm not jaded towards black women but it hurts my feelings more so than it does any other ways uh because I'm such a strong Advocate you know for black and women women's rights in general you know and so it's just it's tough you know I'll be having a conversation with my mom you know or like my my lady friends will reach out you know and and I'm maybe you know I don't I don't mind saying that you know that I'm affected by that yeah it does and and just be mindful that I am human you know I do love my woman yes she is white you know and she knows that and I know that you know so you don't have to send me these comments of how you feel you can share your opinion but be kind about it because at the end of I'm human you know and I still got emotions so that's my two things okay well I think we pretty much covered a good amount y'all if there's something briefly that we missed we were supposed to be shorter than this but it is what it is um if there's something that we missed please leave in the comments and you're like yo why didn't y'all talk about this we might be able to hit it on the next episode um absolutely but overall we we just we figured it out as we go thank you for watching I am Alexis I'm Justin and we'll see you guys next week peace