신지애 Jiyai Shin | 2023 TOTO Japan Classic 파이널 라운드 하이라이트

Published: Nov 04, 2023 Duration: 00:05:01 Category: Sports

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thank you Michael and what a terrific start it is from G Shin she's currently only two shots off the lead bit out of position here at number 10 though going to break a little bit right to left up the hill very slow put she know she greens like the back of her hand though oh hello hello hello what an excellent effort that really moves a lower half beautifully towards the target through the ball that was a good looking shot but a club shot now what a shot this is important shot G Shin second shot into the par five 12th hole she can get this one right Eagle opportunity hopefully has she oh has she ever abs abolute stunner that [Applause] is well this is ga's putt for birdie and she gets it only one behind the leader now G Shin making a charge on Sunday for the round she's standing on the 13th T par three currently two off the lead just 144 yards today 13 pin's only on seven this to get to 20 under par and within one stroke of the lead and again burning the edge he's done that so straight back and backwards and then forwards it's it's great to watch Shin now looking to get close on 14 it's been a terrific day for G and a swing here we go again on 14 she needs to make I would say at least four in the last five to have any chance and that's a good start seven underp for the round she's currently 20 under par that's two strokes behind an exceptional shot from Kaki and that's why she has the lead this player though won't make things easy G Shin rocketing up the leaderboard an eagle and four birdies for shin two off the pace I feel she's got to make pretty much everything got to get it to the hole little hybrid playing 171 today this flag at 16 in the back left right up against the collar I'm not quite sure if she can actually I think she can get to the back of this B looked like the grass was a little bit thinner where she was even though it's straight up in the air yeah not too but come on keep coming keep coming bang on line as well an important part for G shin has worked hard to get to 20 under oh and that was not a great yeah has to make Eagle here the bogey on the 16 that really hurt but this has to be one of her very best did like that well she pitched it further up what what a tremendous shot that was well thought out quite simple we witnessed yesterday for Kaki at 12 but this is going to be a birdie now for G Shin what that means she's back to seven under for the day she's 20 under and two shy of the lead the 18 she's is going to have to do it with a hybrid in hand from a fairway bunker over water to the hardest pin on the green oh no way stop it that is so good really I can't say going Trish absolutely cannot be has to give this a go cannot be short she wasn't yeah welld deserved G Shin excellent round 68 6768 and 65 here on Sunday finish

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