OK Municipal Election Results!

Published: Feb 14, 2023 Duration: 02:57:16 Category: Gaming

Trending searches: tulsa election results
foreign [Music] thank you thank you [Music] foreign [Music] foreign foreign [Music] foreign thank you foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] folks good evening my name is Nick and my pronouns are he him his and this is the Oklahoma progress now live election results streaming content show yeah we are back it's been a very long time since we've streamed uh other than the candid form the other week but I didn't talk on that one so um yeah we're back we're gonna be doing election results tonight joining me would you like to introduce yourself hi my name is nabila and I will be joining you tonight to live stream election results so yeah if you are just tuning in and go ahead like follow share all that good stuff we are I think pretty much everything up up and running um we also have another special guest who will be joining us through the evening uh the emotional support Hedgehog and there he is and if things don't go well uh the Hedgehog has an emotional support Rose yeah so you know get a hedgehog uh get some Rose pour yourself a drink you might need it tonight I'm not gonna lie this is uh Oklahoma politics so we uh often have uh yeah a lot to deal with so anyway um if you have races that you care about let us know I'll try to look them up but right now we are waiting for the first results to come in and I am just making sure the stream is everywhere Twitter is man I think Twitter has like a block on uh uh sharing the link it's like nothing's popping up for that which is always funny the whole algorithms being taken by Elon Musk yeah yeah yeah all right so we got this I will try to watch YouTube okay it's like Facebook is so glitchy so yeah what races are you uh looking forward to seeing this evening any particular ones that you're interested in yeah um I'm super excited for Ward 8 and of course uh Ward six I feel pretty pretty good about Ward 2 that's my my Lord but who knows we could be surprised hopefully in a good way Ward TV should be a bit of a blowout I believe yeah that is definitely the anticipation there um I was doing a little research today on like Norman and there's just so much chaos around this state like it really is kind of ridiculous uh how how crazy local elections get and how relatively little coverage there is on some of them so um anyway all right I'm just sharing this around a few places so if you want to spread the word uh I would appreciate it yeah we're going to be clicking around here I'm just waiting for the election results update usually they do start to roll in at least absentee in early voting so that gives you some indication of uh what is happening um okay look over here and it's looking at chat hey we've got 17 viewers where else where else everyone watching from um pull it up there so we are streaming on Facebook twitch and YouTube so uh not sure which all platforms are up and going at the moment but um twitch looks like it's working fine yeah 14 on Twitch okay good good good looks like it's going okay um yeah so here's up in chat if you've got something yep what's up on YouTube so yeah we got it we got everything going look at you stream Labs working like you should love to see it yeah no twitch is way better than Facebook oh my God I love watching stuff on Twitch it really is a great platform for uh live streaming and watching but yeah let's um let's go through while we're waiting for results to come in um let's look at some of the other races I'll start sort of off the beat in half a little bit um if you were down in the fine world of Ward 5 um you actually had four people to vote for uh David Greenwell decided not to run again which is great good news for all of us but that means it was an open seat and um yeah there were four four candidates um it was a pretty sleepy race uh Matt Hinkle had sort of the I would say stronger showing in the sense that he sits on a Planning Commission is connected with a loss outside interests and uh had a lot of backing by uh sort of institutional players like the police and firefighters and stuff like that um but uh Audrey Beasley was uh running there um Progressive seeming advocate and then tune win uh who helps run the Asian Chamber of Commerce uh he he was running down there and did pretty good on fundraising and then Jeff Owen who I did not file any expenditures which means he was not running much of a campaign um so yeah I mean that was that was kind of a an interesting one possibly but we'll see we'll see what uh what happened I I really did not watch that race super closely so I don't know then of course you have Ward 8 um that was one that was near and dear to our heart uh you had which is uh incumbent Mark Stan Cipher against Frank urbanik and Amy Warren we did endorse Amy Warren over here um but stonecipher's been there for quite a while uh made news this last fall around the uh criminalizing homeless encampments and basically doubling down on what he's been trying to do for a long time that hasn't worked and so uh yeah that was a awkward meeting if you were at it where 40 odd people spoke up against the uh ordinance the only person you spoke in favor of it was Carol Heffner and uh he ended up pulling it because nobody liked it and it was a sick twisted thing to do especially in the uh holiday season between Thanksgiving and Christmas um and then of course the uh but he did get Holtz into endorsed but he was able to nail down the Holt endorsement after holding it was like we agree on everything except for this like you know homeless thing you tried to pull it out that was a little much but anyway um but it's a you know great glimpse into somebody's political Soul rumor has it that if you're willing to support the Thunder arena then you can get that sweet sweet endorsement uh get right get ready for that I'm keep I'm saying on the DL about the Thunder arena until uh February 15th and possibly April 5th depending on how things go tonight but and uh that that will be the next uh pivot in Municipal politics and I don't think you're gonna have to guess very hard what my position on that is but anyway the uh last race in Oklahoma City that's I'm gonna add glass overboard too James Cooper is going to get reelected his only real opponent uh got kicked off The Ballot because he wasn't did not meet the requirements to run for office which is you know rookie mistake neither one of his candidates even had a website to my knowledge one of them is like the only information you can find is he was a debate captain or something he's 22 years old and then the other one is a like a pest control person neither one of them have even a social media presence let alone a campaign website so we feel pretty good about James Cooper yeah pretty pretty safe seat he also won his initial election outright in a five-way election against legitimate opponents so it's like if he was able to do that four years ago he should be able to seal the deal today so yeah never really worried about that but of course the most talked about race and most tense and most awkward one is of course Ward six with JoBeth Hammond and uh Merit Cornett I have the pleasure-ish of knowing all of them in various way shapes and forms through leadership but um we endorse JoBeth and of course JoBeth is Champion for all the good things um but anyway it's turned into a very tense deal mostly because uh Cornett had virtually unlimited funds tons of dark money all that stuff and um you know I'm gonna kind of just call it here and you know knock on wood I guess but I think JoBeth probably has it handily um she's popular believes in things her constituents want is a great person and responsive easy to do I mean you know like she's like the ideal person that should run for public office like cares about the right things and is like good at constituent services so the fact that the uh money machine in Oklahoma City came so hard against her is uh just gross and of course going to be pretty funny when they get beat horribly tonight and I think a lot of the negative ad Runnings uh actually worked in Hammond's favor I think that really turned off voters to have that kind of dark money attack ad stuff especially against somebody like Joe best so but we'll see I don't know I felt good about it early on and of course you know the liberal conservative infrastructure has a way of making you like pretty nervous but um I don't know staying here tonight I still feel relatively good about that one um so yeah so we're just waiting for the election board to start updating I'm going to make sure that I did not go to the wrong page but I've done this a few times so one would hope I did not happy Valentine's Day to everyone out there um for all you single lonely leftists yeah yeah come on election board it's 14 minutes past what are we waiting on here for um you know if things don't go our way we do have a uh a fun friend here the Hedgehog um with their Rose um so you know we will cut to them at moments of need so please let us know if you need a hedgehog and we will we'll bring that about or or the rose or the rose Mighty busting that I think you're allowed to drink on stream I don't I don't think twitch has banned that yet pretty sure pretty sure they still allow that kids don't drink don't don't end drive or any of that um I got new stencil for mailer it featured not only Holt but also mid cornette super gross pulling for JoBeth and Amy yeah um the one kind of concerning thing about Ward 8 is that they didn't go negative because I'm pretty sure like same people are running a lot of those campaigns um so I think if they felt more threatened it would have they would have gone negative um but we'll see we'll see I mean I'm hoping I'm hoping yeah hoping that I don't know it's just so hard to say what turnout's gonna be I mean last time in 2019 about 4 000 a little over 4 000 people voted I think the estimate this time around was gonna be like 4 600 in Ward 8 I'm talking about so they're just very low turnout elections and they can fluctuate dramatically based on what's on the ticket I think one thing that could help the ward 8 primary is that um the clerk race was pretty sleepy um if anything it was more lively on the Dems side because there were five Dems running for uh County Clerk okay realize I need to pull that up um and on the Republican side it was just a stomp being I mean Marissa treats got all the money all the everything but dem's running in 2022 nah he did County Clerk 2023 that's the one we're gonna run five yeah five ways of the primary let me uh see uh okay okay okay here's here's uh here's a good one where all of them showed up um yeah Free Press so yeah we'll we'll look at the county clerk results too um obviously that's partisan so on the Republican side you had Gloria Bannister who ran for house district A7 uh Jonathan klore who's run in the past and has political connects but doesn't seem to be able to get it kind of figured out and then Marissa treat who is the wife of the current city and Senate Pro Tem and runs a political consulting firm that you know elects candidates and runs dark money I mean it's basically like the most politically corrupt family possible to run for public office do you want to pull up the Dems and array for Clerk that's good good one wow your location higher than the past okay well I mean maybe that's good do we have is ABC results rolling in I keep nope it does not appear and usually they uh refresh hit the refresh shoes all right we're just doing the refresh thing um pull-up treats uh if that's the where is it all right so um you know treat has time to Spill the tea yeah yeah treat has a if you want your bill list if you want your bill to be heard uh go ahead and donate to this website rest the treats great supporters but you know like I mean we've already heard stories about how the Senate Pro tem is like actively touting his wife's campaign from the senate floor because you know nothing nothing weird about that and then if you look through this list I mean there's Matt Latham a lobbyist like there is I think Tyler Laughlin is lobbyists like there are so many I mean former Governor um or their Frank Keating um but anyway there's tons and tons of just lobbyists political insiders Capital cronies click highlight in blue all the lobbyists just real quick you don't have to name them all but just I don't know yeah I don't know all of them I mean it's it is it's pretty significant yeah like gosh magician's trying to see the names I recognize I mean a lot of political people I mean representatives and stuff Mary Fallon Trisha Everest Margaret earlings the lobbyist uh um the police uh anyway they're running for something anyway um sir Thompson tons of capital insiders tons of lobbyists dunnington was on here at one point um yeah I mean so it's it's just very uh very sauce very questionable anybody who needs their bills also a lot down lobbyists on here which is always fun you know like not saying you have to stick to your party but it's it's funny to just go ahead and make the make the list here publicly I've not seen any election results yet but we will keep refreshing until uh up spoke too soon here we go all right so we'll probably start with the early in absentee but it doesn't look like that's up quite yet um all right yeah yeah you don't even have that so anyway here's ward two like I said these guys didn't even have websites so it was hard to say all right so we're still waiting on results to populate [Music] all right so we're still waiting on that oh city of Bethany the alternate I'm just seeing if I recognize any okay so see what it will probably have to do the city results because some of these bleed into other counties I guess war dates all in Oklahoma County what do they say about Ward 8 I am not sure to which to what you're referring apparently Norman has a very large school bond uh on there uh who else is what else is going on I'm Gonna Save one yeah this race I was looking up today super weird like the incumbent Brandy studly resigned after filing for office so they could still win but if they do they'll have to call a special election like really done stuff uh Kelly Lynn was a unite Norman person so I guess Norman's every two years it's wild anyway um this is kind of a re-reach re redo because I think Michael Nash ran before torturello ran again anyway we'll see what happens um just gotta wait for results to populate the election board's uh dragging their butt today real quick did you want to take the personality quiz oh yeah here okay so we put it out kind of late um but here so we uh or we I say the community uh nebula put uh together this what Ward 8 City councilor are you I will drop it in the twitch chat so you can see that um to remind me to tell you about my history with Beast I'd like one of these days okay I'm always interested in the tea um okay but so anyway um yeah we have a we have a war date uh council person thing so um let's start here what is the best way to increase Public Safety in OKC make okcpd the highest paid police force in the State Higher 129 new officers offer support for homelessness mental health substance abuse and food insecurity uh it's tough does the 200 and some million dollar police budget need to get bigger how do you feel about public transit I hate OKC OKC streetcars that's that's tempting that's something um I want to increase my claims bustling some bus traffic Transit uh public transportation is for plebs um we'll go with uh clubs no yeah do we uh what would you what would what would you make OKC a better what would make OKC a better place live create more affordable housing legalize fireworks on New Year's Eve and Fourth of July criminalize homelessness oh I mean the legalized it's interesting how would you improve board Aid and your community remove Bradford pear trees make an ordinance against stray animals construct new youth centers and Community programs of course our lady Amy Warren so um let's run back to the portal and check that out the election yeah they said it's uh getting some results finally yeah all right sorry I'm like leaning another frame here um okay all right got a little bit and then uh James Cooper with a uh significant lead right off the chute um all right this is a very low turn that can't be the all the option to you okay there there's still something messed up there um all right a little closer than one would think but you know Joe Bass with slightly and clarifies this absentee or early or what is it should be the absentee in early voting okay um about 90 plus of people vote day of so you can sort of gauge turnout so if this is ten percent of turnout I don't know that's higher than I would have thought but also not not much higher than normal given population growth and other stuff um yeah streetcars can definitely be criticized I mean Frank urbanics uh uh platform was pretty funny he was the one who was against street cars against bradford pears we'll we'll pull it out later yeah we'll show you um okay so um keep going down after actually it's possible no it that can't be that low there's no way it's yellow Ward 5 had the lowest turnout in the last Municipal it was like two thousand Ward five only had 2 000 people come out total for the whole election if it's that low yeah I can tell you uh long stories about they wouldn't want a low-income people actually using street cars of people you know who most need it we're just gonna zip it around automobile alley where everybody yeah yeah I mean the streetcar was uh done about as bad as uh possible like it it was done against the advice or recommendation of basically anybody who's building or designing street cars uh at the time it should have been a route like to connect work to play uh housing to work I mean it did none of that just a tourist circulator so which is why it's like deeply unpopular and they'll probably never expand it so great use of 120 million dollars and we laid the line where all the development already existed like usually you use an investment like that to like spur growth in an area where maybe you don't have it or where you have a vision to do something different and instead we literally just ran it where all the rich people already had land and whatever else um so yeah sorry I'm just checking uh comments on other platforms because oh I probably should do that Okay so nothing on YouTube but yeah yeah focus on Twitch all right let's uh let's do some refreshing here yeah share that tweet if you don't mind if you're out on the twitters all right we got people sharing up we're good all right let's do it guys thank you Roland and throw for the uh sub appreciate it now looks like it's like deleted all the results again does it have anything for counting clerk yet um I should well let's go check County Clerk and as suspected Marissa tree with massive lead surprise surprise right out the shoot and uh Derek scoby with a a bit of a lead and Sean close behind so in these uh sort of special elections um there it is there is no runoff so whoever wins the cleric race will win outright so the primary but I mean we'll write we'll go on to the general elections what I'm saying so there's no like sometimes with a primary there's a runoff to determine who's gonna go on but um in these specials it just you just go straight straight to the general um okay I'm gonna do this because I do know how to do this um I'm gonna favorite a few of these um I will favor you I don't know man maybe this is maybe that is how many people vote in Ward 5 that is wild if that's all there's no there's no way it's that low I'm just hoping election board's just not updating that's crazy oh yeah kid Fairchild I forgot he was even running I'll be interesting I mean it's four acres okay Deer Creek all right looks like Kelly lay probably probably will get reelected oh that's the name so they're supporting Marissa treat uh they're part of they're the one that is um so this Lucia freling is um works for the nonprofit that Ryan Walters did so I can see any indication of there you go what the hell is going on there I'm sorry I'm messing with the chat box just to see Chad there if you want to chat okay so let's go back to results all right let's refresh and I'll try to go to my favorites now because that will let me look at all the things I won't get what application error there we go let's see if it works all right okay so now yeah it looks like man it's gonna be a low turnout affair because I say 90 vote on election day but it could even be as high as like 95 so it's like just depending this is the full turnout I mean Ward 8 then I'll have pretty good turnout I mean higher than everyone else so if Mark Stern Cipher does not make 50 percent um it will go to a runoff in April so then I believe at that point things get incredibly interesting so if they can keep him under 50 percent I don't know I know people if you want we can go to urbanics platform okay yeah while we're waiting for results to start coming in um let us go and uh gaze upon Frank urbanik's platform but let me make sure oh yeah I hear a few results are coming in yeah Marissa treat okay so scoby's wow pulling her head on Election Day of course it just depends on which precincts came in okay all right let's go look at Frank's uh platform here um it's a very textual website a little weird for 2023. so priority number one rename Lake Hefner uh what is this play the Hefner name is now associated with racism hatred and bigotry it's time for OKC to move on from the hefners this Lake should be named after an important Oklahoman that we can all be proud of examples include Clara Looper Jim Thorpe Jimmy Lawson and Russell Perry okay go so bizarre so bizarre um I mean great yeah yes yeah great-ish suggestions uh next is a small install Smart traffic light systems uh sure address homelessness he's actually pretty Progressive on his stance with this he cites Houston where they have housing first approach and what that is is you don't ask questions you don't make them fill out paperwork or past drug tests to get housing you stabilize people in housing first and then surprise a lot of those issues then go on to fix themselves so it was actually a surprisingly Progressive stance but next one um so then I mean it's like so he kind of starts off with like okay okay we can see some of these then it's like mandate Mark was the leading anti-business councilman over the last few years so he uh filed Mass mandates coveted things um things like that um he wants to open the police station Lobby I mean super important I guess because all of us want to hang out at the police station Lobby uh get rid of the streetcars I mean it's popular it's popular uh yeah the streetcar I mean like like I said I could write a whole blog post on it but it's it's a special so if you scroll down he part of his platform is Bradford pear tree Bounty program which I mean yeah I mean you know what'll be great is if they push Mark to a runoff uh Amy should adopt like basically all the ones that normal candidates don't talk about like legalized fireworks on Fourth of July like we basically already do I mean if you live anywhere outside of like the you know puppy white parts of town uh it's great like you it's a it's a party so um we already basically uh so half of his platform is woke and then the other part is just in a coma uh make Oklahoma City Police Department the highest paid police force in the State uh they already make a pretty decent salary here um also pretty good at the homicides yeah second second deadliest Police Department um you know give give the council the ability to end an emergency declaration I mean just take away the one or two Powers um that the mayor actually has over the council anyway it's a weird it's a weird platform I'm not gonna lie but um you know some of it's not bad all right let's check uh elections and see if we need hedgehogs laughs let's see here um Retreat still sailing to Victory um Derek scoby opening up a pretty impressive lead over everyone else um James Cooper well okay still it's still no election day okay five came in a little a little more um okay and Matt Hinkle jump jump to the top but if he doesn't get 50 it will go to a runoff so that that could be a that could be an outcome of the award five um oof so yeah the Joe Beth race is gonna get tight man it will all be about who showed up to vote um and then no updates yet on that interesting if you have another race you want us to look at if there's something going on I can go look at the Norman results there's that city of Norman it should be in Cleveland OH it's by City yeah sorry oh God so the incumbent who dropped out is very close to possibly staying on hey looks like the United Norman person is uh gonna get balanced that's a spot of good news oh actually yeah they're way up in the absentee and early so and Tortorella might too so see like unite Norman had their one day in the Sun and now look like they could be this will get nasty she might have been uh she might have been a right winger so we'll see but that's interesting yeah Cooper way up after waiting for these to update oh my gosh yeah I don't know I don't know why what the obsession with giving the police especially just like more cash pay like it just doesn't I mean uh Merrick made the comment equating um at one of the at the one Canada Forum equating teachers with uh police officers saying that they can't be what was the line police can't be held accountable for macro statistical trends and he's like I mean I get sort of where she's going with that but it's also just like the police already take up the Lion's Share of the city budget they already make way more than teachers and I mean I do think like you have to sort of compare them to everyone else like like they already make a lot more did we want to is this a request to check Altis or they have an election what's which which race is it a city of Altus I'm gonna check out this is 172. oh wow you are almost done all right let's see Jim Morris uh sales re-election for Ward four and that is a has a low turnout uh affair city of Ardmore passed a couple propositions mayor of Bristow jeez Broken Arrow is gonna try to pass oh it's a PSO franchise thing I'm just seeing if any of these I don't know if I know any of these people what was uh total voter turnout for Altus I mean it was 172 was all that reported wow see we really need to focus on uh get out the vote efforts it would make such a huge impact and more of the rural areas for something like municipal all right still waiting for things to come in here if you need your hedgehog well anything particularly dires happened yet but um you know we have our Hedgehog here so far not at the Rose stage and I had to tap into the resume um what was this one all right yeah there's not a whole lot of Elections I would say this one depending if a few more precincts come in we may be able to call the county clerk already yeah I guess these are well where's P Precinct one is that like 23rd Street that we're looking at or can you tell the streets um so that's Lake Hefner that's how I Orient and there's Northwest Expressway so this is like around what 50th ish so 23rd is sort of down here so the two precincts up there in green those would be like the east side like like spencer-ish area I think okay because this is like Choctaw or almost dropped off um yeah these are East side-ish probably um let's see here uh goodbye favorites all right Gloria Bannister with some uh impressive-ish showing on uh election day all right Derek scoby is yeah opening up a wide lead now and just to respond to the chat that is kind of our prediction yeah yeah easy claps I also think for what it's worth uh I think scoby's the only one that has a chance against uh Marissa treat I mean no offense to the others it's just not a strong candidate pool in a lot of ways like they each have their own constituencies but like Derek scoby is an established Pastor he was the only candidate of color and really to win a county-wide seat in a special election in April in Oklahoma County you have to get a free Democrat you have to get black voters to show up like you have to generate that turnout and he's the best position to do that I mean he has he's a pastor he's serves he served on the jail trust he's you know been involved in a lot of County politics stuff so it's like he just has a good resume for it um so yeah I don't know I think he's the strongest one and Marissa treat's gonna have unlimited money unlimited resources I'm a little I mean I don't know maybe these were just like the house district 87 precincts because that's what Gloria ran for before or maybe she has more stroke in the Republican party and then I thought I don't know I mean that's a this is a little bit closer than I would have thought maybe she ran a good ground game I I didn't see any of her I once saw one but of like one yard sign for her but I mean this looks like it could go I mean if two if this keeps going the way it's going of course one of 30 so hard to say uh Joe Beth so three of 30. Let's uh let's view Joe both of course closer than I would thought um all right um so on this map where's like I-40 I-40 will be oh my God where is it um or orientate us for um what is this uh that's right we have to get their special GIS website this may if this freaks out my computer I will uh well see like what is all this all right let's just I was just curious we can just get out of it if it's too much work well the problem is it's just the gis map is just full of Malarkey and so it just it'll freak your whole computer out where is layers maybe it's the one next to it you're right the one with the one with layers in it yes all right Municipal boundaries where's present better precincts are you sure somebody's saying that it's they're having problems is anybody else having problems with glitching okay I'll I'll stop yeah we might need to do this thing sorry I was trying to look up a Precinct map my bad my bad I'll stop yeah sorry when you try to load the gis map it's a massive file so I would say that I-40 is like there ish maybe hereish no because it goes pretty far south so yeah maybe maybe that straight line yeah that's probably there was a little bit right there Precinct 550-534 let me try just look up one Precinct do you have to do Oklahoma bloody hell all right yeah I'm gonna be able to find uh it's all right it was just out of my curiosity of so just orientate us on the map the deal is there's first precincts coming in I would say are arguably uh uh better for Merrick because they used to live up in Corona Heights so and I think that's where that first few precincts were is up around there we'll see we'll see all right what are we up to now Marissa treat 55.8 all right I mean is there uh what was that the video free feed is freezing up oh it's been higher happening the entire time yeah I don't know why I don't know why I'm not showing now I'm showing zero frames dropped actually my computer's been handling it better than usual so oh man Scooby may get uh fifty percent cruising here so yeah scoby I think has locked that up obviously James Cooper has won the ward 2 race um we're going we're going conclusion there yeah it looks like uh Hinkle's gonna be pushed to a runoff against his team interesting interesting there is a Vietnamese population I believe in that area uh so maybe tune was able to tap into that and kind of I'm gonna look it up somewhere else here I'll give this up for a minute have a voter turnout can see the feed just not the results oh because I am not on the right thing derp thanks thank you for saying that uh okay so yeah here are the results sorry this is the screen that shows what's up on the Stream it's been a while guys I literally haven't streamed since November so I am I am Rusty thank you please tell me if you can't see something um because like I may accidentally do this and end up on a hedgehog for uh indeterminate amounts of time so I just let me know um yeah I'm really out of practice I apologize um so anyway yeah just hear the latest results 10 about or nine percent of Oklahoma County reporting in scoby's way up I mean if this continues for any longer unless it's just a ton of these side precincts came in I think scoby's got it um all along but you know and then Ward five looks like it's going to get pushed to a runoff uh unless again there's like weird pockets of strength but usually in a race like this where there's not like a dominant well-known candidate or some sort of like Regional power structure uh yeah total people voted in that Ward last time yeah last time it was in 2000 yeah we have ten percent yeah it's gonna be a lot harder now interestingly enough okay let me look up hello Cameron how are you this evening right now my computer is uh glitching a little bit uh give me a sec all right let me uh look up um Dave's redistricting let me get a Dave's redistricting so I can look at some of these Precinct Maps wow I think Dave's just gonna freak my computer out too unfortunately yeah we'll just uh don't you have to agree I'm trying to go back yeah so I clicked too fast and then and then it locked up um very except look at the Congressional map all right let's zoom in here shall we they can't see the map no I know it's fine it's okay I I'm just gonna look at I'm just gonna use it to find Precinct numbers and Orient myself because the map on here is a little bit better you don't want to put it up for everybody no okay it's real glitchy it's glitchy as it is okay is this freaking out the stream yeah it probably is isn't it yeah I can't even like navigate away you starlink I will not man to upload and download speeds on that are horrible I mean I've got like a t fiber and this is is freaking out you know like I can't even imagine what's starling uh that's Elon musk's uh satellite it's the thing where you see the satellites the one the one where he's cool and not cut off you gave it to him for free to get them dependent on it and then he cut it off yeah okay so there's the river yeah I just want to orient myself so if that's the river then that must be an I-40 goes on there 55207 okay let me let me pop into word six here in the map I don't really know where Joe about specifically would have strength five five or five three two search by Precinct or no oh there it was you might be able to but I'm not sure all right let's uh let's see real quick okay sorry uh it's really hard to find good Precinct maps with like Geographic stuff because precincts are geographically uh Bound in in some ways like they try to follow neighborhood boundaries and things like that but I don't know I don't know why the election board doesn't just put some some stuff on there okay man Marissa treats not pulling away like I would have thought that's great I mean that may mean she's way weaker than we how many what's the percent that have come in for treat uh no the like reporting eleven point we're at 11.72 okay and uh turnout is way higher among the dams which is also interesting so like maybe Dems after stit it's like possibly like a trump effect like they're more motivated I don't know that I think this is speaking very well to like potential for uh the runoff so Matt Hinkle just wants a police state right yeah I mean he's pretty darn Pro police I'm not gonna lie from what I've seen but again he's going to a runoff so I you know get interested in win he's definitely gonna be the second place so Ann Hinkle has Holt's support too yeah uh yeah this is an updating word six is still way out um ah marks yeah it's only one okay we just got we just got away people we gotta wait all right what do people want to talk about we need we need something else the results are coming in painfully slow I don't know what's going on we need to cut to hedgehogs and it's time to bust out the rosé um and go to our commercial sponsor uh litter boxes the preferred bathroom of leftists foreign loves a good litter box like not gonna lie um brought to you by your host uh soy boy and sjw yeah uh all right Dem elections um yeah it is that you're using star link and it works I mean that's good I've just heard it's it's pretty slow overall and of course I'm now spoiled by having fiber you know 200 down 150 up or whatever just nice is this sprawling Suburban nature of Oklahoma City in your opinion a problem is contributing to the poor quality of public transit okay see apps that freaking lutely yeah of course I mean I I'm not gonna like I don't want to like dump on the rail people but like Oklahoma City is literally by square mileage like the third largest city in America or something 620 square miles and our population Pockets where we have any real density is like you know very spread out so it's like rail is you know never going to be a thing like we should just we should really go all in on like bus Rapid Transit I mean I'm I'm like super stoked for these bus Rapid Transit lines but you could create arterial bus lines all through the city and make them really fast dedicate Lanes prioritize lights for them or whatever and like like we should we should make the most badass bus system in the world because also by mile for investment I mean it's like one it's it's one tenth the price for the infrastructure and then you get 10 times the ridership so it's like it's a 100 x and I get it buses aren't sexy they're not fun Transit freaks don't like them but like just make them cool like I mean there's got to be a way like I don't know have like every fifth bus have a bar in the back or something or like you know like I don't know like like a party bus yeah like yeah every fifth one is a party bus you want to put a stripper pull in public transit full exercise dancing um chance of freaks you know love buses I don't know I just everyone always talks about like we're trying to build and have been since Coronet got elected mayor you know so it gives you any indication of what Miracle do we've been trying to build a Regional Transit Authority problem is funding like nobody wants to Pony up the taxes more I think has recently dropped out of it because it's this like vaporware pie in the sky thing but the ultimate deal is is like we're never gonna get the money to run billions of dollars of Rail lines between cities like it's just not it's not practical but and then it doesn't serve the rest of this then even if you manage to take the train from Norman to Edmond or to Tinker or to Tulsa eventually it's like what do you do once you get here you know you have to Uber everywhere have your friend pick you up in a car like it just doesn't make sense like just build an awesome bus system all the people that you need it now will benefit tremendously hopefully it'll pick up people like me who well I can't remember the term I am but I'm like uh like I'm a I'm a I could be an enticed Transit Rider or something I can't remember the exact term there is for people like me but anyway like uh and by the way um Joe best stance on public transit when we had the the candidate forum she actually took public transit to The Forum she part of her platform is she wants to increase uh the speed at which the buses go I think she said that right now it's like a 30 minutes between each time a bus will come and she wanted to reduce that down to 15 minutes she also wanted to ensure that there's like a concrete pad and a shelter over it so people are waiting um her phrase was with dignity and I thought that was a very great way to phrase that where we don't part of it is the association of buses with a certain demographic of people not just socioeconomically but also racially and so you have these bus stops where it's just out in the open not sheltered from the elements and it's you know I mean just to give you an idea like the street car cost 120 million dollars has abominable ridership partly because of covid Mostly because it's just not good at all and um you know it cost Millions dollars a year to maintain and do the ridership the deal is for 120 million I mean you could have bought like a fleet of buses you could have put I mean I can't even remember in the last maps how much they spent on covering um bus stops but I mean it's like you probably could have covered every single bus stop in the city like you could have like massively upgraded this system that thousands of people use each week and instead we invested all of it in a downtown tourist circulator for the wealthiest people in our city like it's up like just on its face if we had had a streetcar down 23rd Street that would have been a great place to put it yeah the one the route oh my gosh guys I could go on about streetcar for hours like literally Joe best original opponent when she first got elected um uh uh he was on the streetcar subcommittee him Steve Mason I mean they literally owned they sat on the streetcar subcommittee decided where they're out went and owned property on the route where the streetcar went I mean it's like the ultimate you you know they decided to put 120 million dollars of taxpayer investment basically into their properties like that is terrible like terrible policy terrible way to do anything I mean if you looked at like other cities like Portland has a pretty good one Kansas City has a pretty good one like they're all routes like they do like they connect like the fun hip shopping district with the fun hip living District or that like I like the best one I think that would have made sense for Oklahoma City is connecting the capital Corridor to downtown like if you would run it from the capitol all the way into downtown like through kind of Deep Deuce in that area where you've got all these apartments so it's like men people who live down there could take it to um yeah like they could live they could live in downtown Oklahoma City and go to the capital and work Plaza to Paseo would have also been yeah a decent Choice yep yeah I mean there were just so many better routes all right we're gonna go ahead and look at Ward five hold on yeah no he had he had pulled ahead or he had pulled almost man Marissa tree continuing to underperform dramatically uh scoby running away with it um yeah I would definitely say that one's over uh James Cooper is re-elected and yeah tune is right in there and this is with 40 43 have that's why I have reported yeah Ward five is definitely going to run off Fascinating People fascinating what the is going on board six yeah OKC streetcar is the only one that's a loop instead of a back and forth line which is why it's too slow for downtown workers they have to ride the whole Loop plus way more challenging to add on to yeah I mean the streetcar is effectively dead by making it a circle or a loop there's just nowhere to go with it like it it costs so much to add miles of track and then what are you you know are you spurring off on the loops like I mean you can literally because it's Loops you can like literally walk from like one part of the loop to the other faster than you could ride it you know it's just it doesn't make any sense and then of course people will point to that and say look public transit's ineffective and nobody's using it and nobody wants it and it's very frustrating I couldn't think of his name Nathaniel Hardy Nathaniel Harding and Steve Mason both sat on the streetcar subcommittee actively picked the route that went where they own property and basically up 120 million dollars in Municipal investment like it's that's bad like that is a big L uh something we should not have done damn that was so bad yeah can we get a rundown of all the word six yes we can I'm glad you asked because I had this article pulled up so it was time for results to come in yeah some of it is uh dark money uh but yeah it was uh I didn't have anything to add to that but so Catalyst Oklahoma which you know is I think Pat McFerrin related to the chamber um has spent over 37 000 in digital advertising advertising canvassing opposing Ward six incumbent councilwoman Joseph Hammond's reelection and this of course is like the most recent report so you they usually climax in the final week so I mean anticipate that number to go way up um you know Cornett says isn't her place I mean what's so ridiculous about this is like assuming it's Pat McFerrin who's like a long time uh political consultant he is the Brain Trust behind unite Norman which is funny because we'll go look at his Norman say Council raises because all those jackasses are losing so it's like as much as people complain about Democratic Consultants just let you know the Republicans are just as bad like he took on too many things he's desperately trying to get Merrick in there because that's his like main Breadwinner and he led his unite Norman Buddies go out and get clapped I mean they anyway these guys are all Paper Tigers it's like if we could just get our act together for like three election Cycles like we could take back so much power because these guys are so bad at what they do and yet this is like unite Norman should have never taken over Norman like all it would have taken is like literally any Progressive or Democratic I.E to come in and be like you know sent out a bunch of mailers with these guys at the Insurrection to a bunch of Norman people and you would have won but they couldn't even manage that anyway um what are your thoughts on dark money campaigns that we're attempting to assist Joy Hoffmeister the gubernatorial election oh man how how long do we have um I mean they didn't it didn't work right I mean yeah I you know I don't like I think the ones that did a better job didn't get as much money as they should have but the ones that did like the really bad job like you have to give people something to vote for especially in a low turnout State and just saying step bad you know it did work I mean Stitch negatives are legit he's one of the least popular governors in the United States but it didn't translate to boats so you know if you're trying to win elections probably don't do that strategy and instead they spend 20 or 30 million dollars on it so um anyway uh let me go back and check results here real quick and then we can jump back over the dark money thing but yeah I mean The Dark Knight groups just didn't they just didn't get it done they didn't do a good job man Marissa treat is like really underperforming I mean no offense to Gloria Bannister nice lady but like not a legit Contender so considering the resource difference yes that's what's really striking about this yeah what Glory Master have in that one article 12 000 or something like Marissa treats probably sitting on like right well over 100k um okay scoby James yeah and it's definitely primary there should have been one vote difference good God um yeah it's still not very many um almost 14 percent have what was this one okay okay so this is probably I think this is the plaza area because what jobeth's district actually let me do that say City maybe the Snapple up and use this to orient myself yeah I mean the the real deal is it's just the um yeah the dark money doesn't always work man this only two precincts in but this if this played out man if Mark falls under 50 man it's it's freaking on like guys these are such winnable elections and marit like all of these going to runoffs really could be good for us because Marissa treat is underperforming I mean a thousand more dams have showed up in the primary so far than the Republicans that's crazy like that's that is serious that is good news um I don't I don't know who's running tree I mean they have their own political consulting firm yeah I mean I don't know if they would run their own campaign but Maybe okay let me see if the water map popped up come on what is up with these Maps Jimmy cricket I just want to see the map okay all right let's see here okay so Gatewood um so this is so 23rd is the northern boundary of jobeth's so so this must be 23rd along here so this Precinct okay yeah there's nothing in it okay I'm very few in that one so what what are those two precincts on that map that we just saw uh what do you mean on the other tab so this is this is Ward six and ward two the green one's ward two Ward six right so so it's it's this area that's uh so this is what has reported in and then this one down here is where Merrick picked up okay a few votes and then down here okay so Eric is showing some strains on the south side is that straight line I-40 uh I don't know so I-40 goes there so what's down here Airline that's interesting so she got whatever the f this is May Ridge so maybe there's some like conservative I don't know I mean this area is going to be overwhelmingly Hispanic this part I mean Capitol Hill this area very very low voter turnout I mean where jobeth's voters are all coming from is up here Gatewood uh Cleveland uh Crestwood Miller class and 10 pen La Plaza District I mean and then over here is like uh Heritage Hills the cottage District yeah Heritage Hills Master Park you know so that is like probably it would five two three I don't think this shows pretty things so let's see here yeah I think that's probably class and that's straight line it would not be it or maybe it's that maybe that's pen then is that a pen yeah pen and then that'll be class and they can't see where you're pointing point no no I mean uh so sorry can you yeah so this one I think is just to the left of pen so that would be like Crestwood or something I think Joe that's going to do well in Gatewood I really do yeah so she won this like Las Vegas Pennville neighborhood I think gay like gatewood's gonna have a crap ton of better so how it really depends on how um she does in Gatewood Gatewood and Heritage Hills these are the two vote sinks like these have super duper Mega Ultra voters and downtown I think Joe Belk will do really good in downtown because of the Regency so we just have to wait there's not enough to go on here but if she wins like these precincts up here by a lot I mean that's and what Gators that match what percent are are we reporting in like 17 or something hang on and then I might go back um wrist streak continues to Fumble the bag um scoby is definitely going to win because remember the two clerk races it's just top vote gutter goes on so I mean Marissa treat's gonna win but very underperformed I mean considering too that scoby was running in a five-way and is gonna have you know we pushing 50 percent um this is Ward 5's definitely going to a runoff what percent Merrick's sneaking ahead here have all right let me see what this map is man if all is start money freaking worked okay um these are low turnout nobody nobody yeah so it really depends on what these precincts here Gatewood does that mean Heritage there was precincts where nobody showed up in the entire Precinct well because like that's probably like over by OSU OKC like that nobody lives there right actually that probably is OSU OKC right there like that 498 so it's it's just nobody lives there no Ward 6 will be decided tonight like whoever wins wins wow I mean 20 vote lead in the absentee the early voting is a little concerning um let's look if anybody needs her actually a quick switch to hedgehogs here let's look at hedgehogs everyone take a Hedgehog Break um I'm gonna go to Norman real quick and pull those up because I would like to see the unite Norman clowns get their butt speed okay Austin ball one here I'll switch back um uh Kelly land I think's gonna lose so great unite Norman went down um tortorello get pushed unless they're top vote getter I don't know I they might have a runoff but so it'll be tortorello against David Nash if if they do runoffs I don't I'm not positive about that I don't know what happens if a tie I don't know I don't know if you can do that word fives basically definitely going to a runoff why is Ward 6 so slow reporting in this is crazy Ward 5's already got 70 of the vote in well and we're total and then and then war dates got seven percent of the vote in like what is going on okay people in Ward five uh have their act together as far as voter um foreign Oklahoma county is always so slow um let's go over to Tulsa County I think there were some County things over in Tulsa what was happening in Tulsa today because their municipals are on the uh November cycle okay School District blah blah blah [Music] they're all passing okay never mind there was nothing going on Tulsa false alarm folks bunch of on school bonds they all pass congratulations kids you're gonna get continue to get an education I mean word six is very low turnout historically anyway but yes here let's let's look at previous results let's let's go back to happier times for Ward six um we will go to the 2019 uh this is a Mac in 2019 don't freak out it's February of 2019. um just want to look at those results okay so this was 2019 so James Cooper got one outright 53 of vote he's gonna win massively uh this was the turnout last time in Ward five only two thousand today it is let's scroll down to it it's already way okay it's done or no that's Norman um Ward five yeah I mean it's so at 70 reporting it's already higher than last time so turn out way up in Ward five word six was 2400 so it was a little bit higher but um JoBeth want to this was a tough race because Nathaniel Harding had a crap ton of money um so and today yeah 26 and it's gonna be lower for sure or most likely assuming those percentages are correct okay let's reload this see if results have updated continuing to barely pull 50 percent despite massive advantages scobies run away with it the Gap seems to be widening we're up to like 1400 more Dems voting um of course Independents can vote in the primary too so maybe a bunch of Independents showed up and just were like I'll take the dumb ballot but again this is good data right I mean you know all these people voted in a Democratic primary so when you go back in the runoff which typically is lower turnout yeah mean those are your those ear peeps that's all right so that's a great turnout for County Clerk uh I mean not relative to the number of Voters I mean well I mean Oklahoma County should have a hundred I mean compared to those compared to treat so yeah Kelly Lynn uh lost in Norman so unite Norman uh took the L tonight that is good um I'm not sure if Norman does runoffs but if they do these two will be getting pushed to a runoff does anybody know anybody know anybody want to look that up I I just I don't know I don't know the answer uh James Cooper is definitely gonna get reelected Ward 5 is definitely going to a runoff it'll be between 73 Matt Hinkle and tune win um good God that's close okay here let's let's look okay so 35 in Merrick is up by uh whopping 10 votes man don't do this to me do not do this to me okay um let's see another solid JoBeth District came in so again these will be jobeth's precincts but I'm telling you this one right here 532 is Gatewood and I really do anticipate that Joe Beth's gonna like do well there so Merrick did really well down south man they must have targeted because these are much relatively lower income areas they must have targeted down there with like just pure hate mail and try and hit a bunch of Republicans because I mean they did have I mean there were Republicans like Mike Christian was represented down there for a long time I mean there is there are pockets of I would love to do a data analysis on make up these voters because these precincts like if I could pull up Dave's without crashing my computer I mean these precincts are very Hispanic but if you did a targeted campaign just to White Republicans I wonder if I can pull it up on my phone if you do Dave's redistricting like I would just want to know what the makeup of these precincts are I mean I bet they're 70 Hispanic which are not conservative typically precincts um I think this big one's downtown probably so I mean job that still has it really just depends on how Heritage Hills and stuff did see this is good so this one is like this might be Heritage Hills right there and they split it um I just did not expect her to do that well on these South precincts the deal is they're also much smaller because like look at this teeny tiny one up here you know almost 200 voters and this giant one down here 50 voters so I mean if she keeps pulling the numbers up here in these large Precinct she should have it I mean she's winning 60 40 in these very large dense precincts it really just depends on how she does it does in Gatewood in mesta so that's messed a park right there that's Heritage which they split there's a teeny tiny one down there which I'm not sure that is and then this one is probably downtown 536 she should do well there regencies down there so and these down here these like squiggly ones on the south side I mean they are going to be like literally most likely like zero voter turnout I mean I hate to say that but was Nash a conservative guy I thought he ran I thought he ran last time as a challenger to unite Norman I I could be wrong I really don't pay attention to Norman I think Nash ran this was like a rematch I think he ran and he was like I thought he was moderately Progressive but that I really could be misremembering yeah these Tetris ones down here are I mean that's like the near South Side it's going to be very very low voter turnout like single digit possibly voter turnout I mean it's it's sad unfortunately because they would probably I mean most likely oh Pro police okay yeah yeah but he was definitely the not unite Norman candidate if I'm if I'm remembering correctly does Norman even pay attention to Norman I mean they do now apparently they kicked out the United Norman guys so I mean somebody finally woke the up and decided to take politics seriously so yeah Kelly Lynn crazy beat again I'm not positive if Norman does runoffs for their city council but if so there will be a runoff James Cooper is re-elected um Ward five going to a runoff uh no Noah we might need a hedgehog everybody take a Hedgehog take a Hedgehog all right what do we got going um oh yeah thank you for all the subs we've gotten so far just like subscribers on like YouTube and stuff but all right see Norman's got their act together they get in fast lickety-split man I can't I really can't believe Ward 6 is that close but I I'm I'm I'm starting to get a I'm starting to get a feeling that tides are gonna be changing here soon what percent is in for Ward 8 uh 16 but Mark said 50 guys guys oh my God please if he goes under 50 it is on like Donkey Kong I I'm seriously I will be so I will be so excited we have to get organized for that race like I cannot tell you what a piece of crap Mark stanzifer is like he will at least meet with you but like that that is the lowest possible bar right I mean like this is the lowest possible bar he's just so bad he he like could be a decent human but just like always chooses not to be it's insufferable really God Amy would be so fantastic guys if you don't know Amy Warren get get appointed such a good candidate and she really has this it Factor like when you talk to her her communication style is just yeah she'd be a dream on city council I mean just somebody you could always go to and even if you didn't agree ultimately on whatever I mean you just you would know she listened and like really took your and her responses are always very thoughtful very well thought out uh the way she frames things in compassionate terms is she's just a wonderful candidate yeah really really good all right I'm not gonna keep looking at the map it's gonna stress me out but um uh let's revisit this one free press did mayor Holt answers questions [Music] ah but Kimberly Blodgett with her uh pretty viral-ish tweet of just like looking Mark Stone Cipher and the Holt endorsement which you know is not even getting him 50 right now or is just exactly getting him fifty percent um anyway whole values incumbency unless it's Joe Beth Hammond then suddenly he does not um of course she didn't ask him I guess but whatever um and uh yeah so uh he endorsed Cooper um which again not hard to endorse the guy that's going to get 78 of the vote or whatever um but yeah no I mean this it's just he sells them on the mask mandate which I thought was kind of funny um kind of disappointed that uh that um uh what's his name uh the other guy Frank urbanik didn't go after the mask mandate thing but Frank didn't run much of a campaign if I'm gonna be honest here no he could have really leaned in hard on the Bradford pear tree platform uh actually somebody mentioned uh War Acres right was that war Acres yeah you said workers does it save workers all right out zero percent what three precincts so I don't know do they would they go to a runoff baby of the year that's awesome um yeah I don't know I like I don't know why nothing's reporting it on that one um city council Yukon Jeff Wooten I don't know man these people but Jeff congratulations on your election oof What bond measure went down there that's so funny like Yukon voting against fixing their own streets like this is like the number one complaint every city has is like the streets are terrible and then like it's like the city goes like hey here's a plan to fix them nah we are doing well I guess they just think streets get fixed by you know in Yukon Oklahoma so stupid maybe there's some real reason I don't know if anyone from UConn is in the chat please and like yeah what's the what's the team what's the T on UConn UConn uh City proposition City Bond fix I mean fixing the streets like it's a street Bond like what what do you not like about Street bonds like maybe the roads are awesome I don't know uh 43 so yeah scoby's dropping a little bit now but man 1200 more done is still showing out showing up proud of you guys proud of you scroll through Norman James Cooper racking up 75 vote man Ward five going to a runoff close too that's wild wow higher turnout too so really interesting I dang it Ward six why are you not up oh mark eeking up a percentage Point gosh it is so close I need a hedgehog [Laughter] go into the Hedgehog [Laughter] flavor I'm about to bust into my hello pandas as well it might be a little bit too early for uh the resume for the rose yeah we gotta at least get past 50 reporting what are these I mean these are why are they doing like why are they not reporting it's 8 30 already it's almost at bedtimes the leftist pro-transit yukonians standing up against big car I love it I love it that would be awesome secret cabal of brt in Yukon land that's the next that's the next expansion Bradley coop is is that his name that's not Brad coop is it probably you I don't know that's the better sector who's the guy uh Bradley Carter Bradley Carter is the award one Ward one goes all the way basically to UConn it's gonna be the Bradley Carter uh leftist Yukon city council Alliance to expand the bus Rapid Transit straight out 10th Street or something people can dream refresh refresh free friends turn parking lots into housing and we should somebody show uh one of the good Tulsa journalists showed a like overhead shot of downtown Tulsa and like highlighted all the parking lots I mean it's like you think Downtown OKC is insane for the amount of parking surface parking like Tulsa really does feel like it's on another level like at least we've collapsed some of our parking into garages so it's like at least from space it looks like we don't have that much parking but like Tulsa is literally a giant ass parking lot like with a couple buildings scattered around it's crazy like it is so much parking like it's it was nuts like I was like that can't possibly be I mean I will say though anytime I've ever driven to Tulsa you can always find a parking spot like more parking in downtown Tulsa than humans but whatever I mean it's wild it's just there for all the commuters coming in from Owasso Broken Arrow and Jinx who work downtown that's sad man I mean like I said at least build garages you know just like densify it like stack a few parking lots on each other and then build actual cool in your downtown so it's not a a parking lot yeah just fail whale okay Jesus Tulsa is functionally more similar to Dallas than OKC by mile yeah yeah see that I don't care for Dallas either ER I'm gonna retweet myself because I'm That Kind of twitterer any other races people want to see Welcome to our YouTube where's poor watching on YouTube Do we have any Chatters on YouTube where any other races people want to see sorry I've not been watching the YouTube chat my apologies but thank you for the four people watching us on YouTube appreciate you most of our folks are on Twitch represent love you guys for watching on YouTube uh yeah like follow share subscribe all that good stuff um you know do all this stuff we're gonna start streaming more so uh to give you a quick update on what we are actually doing with our lives right now we um we're doing some lobbying this session so I'm uh I am now officially a registered lobbyist at the uh Capital Oklahoma capital so uh gonna be trying to lobby for all the good things Progressive um that I'm here to tell you already are not going to happen but we're gonna try to shake some things up so we got some cool stuff actually coming down the pike we have a little bit of funding which is nice uh so yeah so yeah paid gig I'm not I'm not complaining but it's going to give us some more content and so we will be uh working on that now Joe Beth's in the lead by 10 votes okay let me go back to the results hurry up sorry I was checking some other uh yeah crap okay how many uh oh my God it just keeps flip-flopping this is so stressful 38 percent Ward eight uh yeah no marks Mark still all right I'm gonna view the map I will say I'm pretty good at this I called the Carrie Bloomer election that was ridiculously close um well before anyone else did so I will be able to Once some of these South precincts come in I get a sense of how big Boater's turnout is but like JoBeth is consistently winning all these precincts up here and these neighborhoods are very like-minded so like you can anticipate that 500 501 522 521 are all probably going to come in 55 45 or 60 40 for job f um because she's won every other Precinct around there so like and they're monster precincts or bigger precincts like this one 62. that one's a little smaller but like this one up here yeah 64. that one's 110 to 85. so it really depends on these because this is um this straight line is pen I guess so this is Gatewood right here Gatewood the plaza District class in 10 pen this is mesta Park this was Heritage Hills which they split which is a good sign because there's a lot of Rich Libs there um there's a teeny one right there I don't know how big it is but this one right here if you can see me highlighting it that's Gatewood that is the plaza District that is class in 10 pen and then once you get south of that the voter turnout's gonna drop dramatically because these are much lower income and do we have the history of how many people turned out in the last election for those precincts yeah actually good good question good question um okay so this is 2019 just so you remember so let yeah let's look that's a great question let's look back okay we're going back in time the precincts are a little different now um because of redistricting so it's not a perfect uh A to B comparison but like yeah here I mean so let's look this Precinct might be the same because it was still 23rd yeah I mean JoBeth got 60 40 in most so the far one Seattle's a real small though and it gives you the number right really well though in treat is that can you tell so that's probably General Pershing that curving one is that pen right there okay so last time she did really well in the Gatewood in the plaza like super well so if she does that well again she really might have it can we go ahead and zoom in so it's easier to see on the screen yeah sorry so this is 2019 just FYI we're looking back to 2019 Don't Panic Zoom a little bit um yeah see a really low turnout they can see it okay because I assume anymore it's getting cut off the houses um this would have been Heritage maybe this is downtown yeah see it gets you can see these Precinct look at these precincts down here like these are the tetris ones like super low turnout and JoBeth last time did all right in some of them yeah I just can't tell which another update all right let's go back I got the results right here people this is so wild God why is this this close okay so see that was another South Side one man Merit did so well down in the South this must I wonder if this picked up some but these are these are over by the airport like this just isn't like looking at the ward map I mean this is all like industrial Heights Roosevelt Middle School like it's over by the airport like how did how did you do that like these are not Merit voters I mean this is these are very working class neighborhoods like man they must have ran some down there I would love to know who showed up down there just like every white reactionary they could find they just ran on like pure anti-police so yeah these are the precincts that mattered Gatewood Plaza District how many votes did the Gatewood area bring in last time well it's hard to tell the precincts are kind of mangled like I can't tell where that might be pen so if that's pen these are great gay wood she did as well as I thought yeah like that's probably Gatewood that's a huge Precinct so she wins Gatewood even by this amount like that's significant right I mean that's a lot about how many total votes did she get last I mean that was that was the single biggest Precinct well sorry you know no that's that must be most part so that's Mr park that's Heritage Hills so maybe gate wins over here and then yeah she crushed and Gatewood last time so it really depends on how she does investor Park how much Ward 6 used to be in Stone's District not not very much I don't think like that cat I think actually shouldn't no it went a little further south yeah maybe those are the new parts maybe that area between 44th and 59th is is the new part is the Old Stone Cipher no uh well no it would have been it would have been Greenwell I think because it would have been so that stone is the red one orange is green well and blue is Barbara Young I don't know it yeah there's just some weird there must be some weird precincts down there all right let's refresh see what we got we got big choncha votes for JoBeth let's go see you like I said there she has some like oh yeah oh yeah baby let's go yeah I mean okay so which one was it I bet I bet it was Gatewood or it was Master it was he a Gateway master it was Gatewood or no not Gatewood it was uh well which one zoom in a little bit more so everybody uh it was no that was heritage which one was it oh wow okay what she got 81 of the boat up there that's wild goddamn it's all going to come down because this is pen right here so this that must have been Cleveland not Cleveland South of Cleveland whatever that is Las Vegas or maybe that was part of Gatewood the chunk of Gatewood no it's Crestwood uh Crestwood or Las Vegas because there's pen right there so yeah this massive one that just came in must have been uh Crestwood pen and Gatewood are reported in so yeah this is Gatewood this is Plaza this is class in 10 pen and this is one of yourself and can we count on those two B JoBeth I think she will do well in Gatewood yes I also am hopeful she will do well I messed up Arc if she wins those it's over like those are because they're gonna be very large briefings like just very large amount of Voters God guys why did we have to bring in precincts like this um all right Scooby's dropping a little bit um but still sizable lead Republicans are starting to move up but I still say Marissa treat way underperformed expectations Cooper re-elected um 80 in and Warden five um damn it Mark's back up to 52 but still only 34 awarded come on get him under 50. went through it a better turnout is looking mid I don't know this is 2019 just FYI 2400. yeah it's gonna be about the same a little little higher this year probably but this is what I mean drove that's only won by 300 beds last time so come on baby bring us home let's land This Plane yeah demons are waking up in Oklahoma County I agree I agree freaking finally it only took almost getting Calvary elected D.A and stit winning massively Statewide to wake you up [Music] well I got 27 viewers on liking it liking it folks what is all my uh we can switch to hedgehogs let us do a hedgehog Hedgehog moment get your hedgehogs oh my God you have both way up now music's my ears all right let's go back um okay let's uh let's see what came in all right I'm gonna take off the Norman ones uh uh probably take off all right all right 52 in I'm liking this guys I'm feeling I'm feeling a call coming in yeah monster monster winning Gatewood gonna win the plaza probably gonna win messed a big I think it's over guys I think Joe Beth Hammond has sailed to re-election and it's actually going to end up being a route because again look at these two precincts down here so Merrick did absurdly well on the south side but like there's just no voters down there I mean 57-17 that's not bad but like this Precinct right here 533 is going to be the biggest one and it's gonna be a monster for JoBeth like and she's probably also going to pick out the Plaza like that's that's Gatewood that'll be the plaza district and that would be class in 10 pin and that will be it like game set match when mesta comes in it'll be the biggest Precinct she will get another several hundred votes out of there and probably win handily because you also have to remember this is the part of the district that overlaps With Maury Turner I think so again you know dunnington you know I did the Chef kiss today Stephanie Bice liked his tweet and Dorsey Merrick cornette paint your boaters man you lost like get over it get a life you're so like it's so lame you had every Advantage white guy tall good looking money out the Wazoo and you still lost die mad we're done with it Go lobby for big tobacco or whoever your clients are now like you just go get offline and go we're all supposed to be nice because you know the Republicans are so nice you know I mean they called did everything but called you about the terrorist you know like it's real nice real nice people yeah I think it's over guys I think I think she got it I mean we'll wait for one more um I didn't interact that you you're sorry no you're not you're not like on Twitter endorsing moderate do nothings like and just continuing to take the L like that's like what's embarrassing to me is like they'll act like they have the most popular opinion when in fact demonstratively they have the unpopular opinion like voters voted you out in a primary by a lot like they don't like you like they don't want you they don't want what you're selling so like just go especially in the same ward that you're trying to run again like that's that's what's funny all right so I've got a little closer there so it came in man they just did they did do really well I really want to know what they did on these South Side Wards so yeah another South Side Ward came in yeah yeah so that's probably around the River District like Maybe that might be um wheeler so no surprise there but again just like low they're just low turnout there's not a lot of boaters these are all going to be super low turnout precincts and like and JoBeth still has some whales to come in I mean Nesta Park is going to be 60 40 JoBeth with hundreds of votes like so get ready and then whatever that one is I wonder what neighborhood that is I wish I wish they would put hey election board if you happen to be watching this could I put some geography on here put just like overlay something so that I can tell what these neighborhoods are like put put water bodies of water or highways just put the big the third straight line down is i-40. the one no above that one no above that that's I that straight line for you yeah if you look at the no I mean I may be wrong yeah no i-40s oh okay yeah yeah sorry I know I'm I'm yeah that's Gatewood that's the plaza District that's class in 10 pen okay okay so marigot so if that's class in 10 pen what is that one then so it's this one around the jail so like is that it maybe is that like a film row area yeah so this might be like film row so yeah this is like the more downtown Yuppie crew oh good Claudia Brown yeah I saw some people were in endorsing oh it's okay I mean you were like Alex the thing about your election was you were trying to do an impossible thing with very little resources in a district that didn't like fit you I mean like but again you're not like going around I don't know it's just different like dunnington thinks he represents that District like he thinks his people who live in these like Rich liberal enclaves are like those are his people but like they aren't like they or at least all the people around there aren't like I still talk smack like especially about school board well I won't go into the county race but School Board because the only precincts I lost were Nichols Hills like I got voted out 75-25 in two precincts by 200 votes by literally the wealthiest people in the city I won every single School Board Precinct around it so it's like yeah the majority of like the actual population who send their kids to Oklahoma Public Public Schools voted for me it was only the people who sent their kids private schools that did not so yes I feel very secure in my appeal to Broad demographics of Voters that are normal people and not wealthy Elites okay where are we at uh 82 96 so yeah down still holding a 1400 vote lead county-wide 62 reporting scoby's got it I mean he's definitely going to be the front runner James Cooper widening his lead 77 of the vote dominant um Ward five definitely going to runoff uh man no more in the ward 8 oh my gosh okay Mark came down a little bit there's still over 50 percent yeah I'd be interested Alex if you ran for a a local a local thing and really did tried to do like a micro Target campaign like run for a City Council seat or a school board or something and really try to like turn out your folks you know people who are sympathetic to wanting to see change yeah I mean that means like if you live in a town of 300 I mean that means your school board city council elections are like 20 voters 25 voters 30 voters tops so it's like you literally could just go rally your family knock and drag just drag your people in the polls like because what what was it the county commissioner's seat I can't I can't remember I'm sorry um it's just it's bigger forget school board it's going to get shut down yeah I mean City Council County Commissioner though should have been I'll have to look back at it I'm sorry I haven't looked at in a while but I bet even that's winnable those County races are going to be low turnout too it's just such a big area depending on the size of the county but those counties out west are massive all right any update yeah I really just need messed up Arc to come in I mean unless uh oh oh it's an incumbency I mean that's the other thing too I mean that's again why I I kind of dragged dunnington he was the incumbent like and he lost like like he had every conceivable advantage and lost you know it's like it's a different thing to talk smack when you're the Insurgent trying to do the impossible with no resources like yeah of course I didn't win like I had Twi you know I raised twelve thousand dollars in my County race like yeah I didn't have no money to do anything so like yes I lost to Larry Stein who ran tv ads against me like literal television ads like yeah I'm not expected to win that like give me 100 Grand and then let's see like it's the same amount of people from Mesa park last election vote this election how many how many votes would that um well the precincts they changed so it's really it's hard to tell I can't I can't get like a 80 comparison okay but it's it's gonna be monster I mean so here I'm on 2019 scrolling down I mean you can see they're small they're like hacked up but like yeah I think that's probably messed up that's huge and Joe Beth won it slightly last time but like I think she did even better this time like this might have been Gatewood last time uh I she's she's gonna get it a massive haul and that's the and that will end it like all right let's see we got a few more in there let's go be still way up Cooper up yeah there you go it's over call it Joe Beth Hammond has been reelected to the Oklahoma City Council and mesta still hasn't even come in so yeah it I mean yeah Plaza came in and downtown came in yeah a little bit more no downtown still doesn't come in yeah mesta still hasn't come in so where did she pick up all his votes some huge Precinct came in I can't pause it and I was made better than I thought did they update something yeah I mean winning the plaza 70 30 is pretty damn good hmm well she jumped up over a thousand but it's like I didn't see where she got all the votes from it is surprising that there is significant variation like neighborhood to Neighborhood like Crestwood really liked her Cleveland like or not Cleveland whatever the other one Linwood will last like I don't know it's kind of interesting but yeah JoBeth got it in the bag no Rosa yet I mean she's got what a 230 vote lead with with 64 and I'm telling you when mesta comes in it's going to be a monster haul so if that's Heritage maybe that does go down to the Regency so maybe she split she split Heritage Hills because of the downtown some of the downtown stuff but that's class so Plaza was good I think class and 10 panel would be good I don't know what Precinct that is I wish I could see these on the map last time maybe that little square right there that that was that maybe it could be 202. no I think it's one of these yeah we're just waiting on wait on this depart that's that's messed up can we look at word eight we have like a word ah no real update can we see word AIDS maps from last time yes we can well last time he didn't really have like a strong opponent like I think Amy was a much stronger I'm just curious how many people voted for him last time let's look okay so again we're on February 19. let's go um let's go to fortnite I see he won 65 of the vote oh there's Cleveland County precincts oh there nobody in America false alarm Chad is like blowing up I liked Lauren dermis as a candidate she just I don't think did a whole lot man Ward 8 moved really far to the uh to the east interesting so he lost a couple priests interesting Mark did pretty bad out okay he did really well down here around the lake so I don't know man I don't know this will be interesting it'll be interesting to see Amy's map maybe I'll start deep enough too certainly going to Amy's I don't know if I'll be able to predict if he'll come in over 50 percent more data is just sprawling uh let's go to the map all right what's up people talk to me all right we're uh so stonecipher interesting yeah I read it well there yeah I don't know it knows man I think I was up knocking doors and some of these let him turn out I mean these are like big neighborhoods up here I don't know man if he gets pushed he'll run off I mean he is I will say like I don't love moral victories but like he is doing terrible like Mark Stone Cipher is doing horrible for how he should be doing I mean he had to have out raised I mean Amy by some ludicrous now in fact I'm gonna try to go let's go look let us look um I think every one of stone Cipher's donors maxed um so he he raised I had a Tweed I should pull it up I mean he raised um 1500 a donation and like look I mean even at the last minute here money pouring in you know got a five thousand dollar pack contribution Oklahoma Municipal contractors Association um I mean just massive money man like 7 500 bucks you know I mean just at the last second here what was this one on two six God another 11 000 pouring in from like nobody the Realtors Bill Lance I mean these are all what Secretary of State position real estate developer I think we got four freaking donations and you got eleven thousand dollars good job real um so this was his fourth quarter I mean look what hundred he raised a total of a hundred and eighty seven thousand dollars that's crazy so yeah Mark Stone Cipher had to spend 200 over 200 Grand to beat Amy Warren and uh let's go let's go see how Amy did his uh Frank Urbana literally did not file anything Amy had no last minute eleven thousand dollar donations I mean she raised 20 grand that's like really pretty solid like that's a good that's a good push in you know good closing but like literally she's getting outspent 10 to one by Mark Stone Cipher and he is if he does it he is barely going to eke out 50 on 10x the money like that's it's fine it's so wild like this country man we're just like suckers we will just let the most terrible people buy elections like he is spending 10x on her 10x okay it looks like someone else can for JoBeth Man Mark is still just hovering right around 51 like God he is so 10 times the money that dude had 10 times Lonnie and he's barely getting 50 percent let's go check out Ward 6. all right let's see this map let's see if Nesta came in see if my per yes you must still haven't come in guys I guess it's gonna be a it's gonna be over yeah America continues to do well on the south side but they just aren't the voters like she only has these four or five precincts left to pick up you know 12 voters each time like 14 voters like even 40 voters it's like you're down 200 you know it's like you'd have to sweep all these and hope that all these other precincts up here that jobeth's winning 60 40 or better don't come in I mean this one here is going to literally come in 60 40 Joe bath with hundreds of pro of Joe bath votes and then this one too probably yeah I mean we all knew that James was going to be um Tortorella is heading to a runoff yeah I wasn't sure if if um Norman did runoffs but that's great yeah yeah I mean unite Norman Pat McFerrin took a big old L tonight you know like so for all the game they talk for all the money they have for all the whatever they think they know how to do they lost with every conceivable Advantage they lost like this is why like people it's horrible out there right now and like it's easy to get discouraged but it's like we are fighting forces that are like so much more entrenched and powerful and even with every conceivable Advantage they can't win like that's just that's how bad they are what they do and how bad their ideas are that they can outspend US 10 12 to 1 and still like barely bring home the win or lose I mean you know you okay so that that's the thing in Yukon Yukon Vetters are so annoyed by the constant road construction that they voted two to one simply stop fighting the rest I can respect that I can respect that I'd love for the turnpike to go to of other people I wish there was a way we could engineer that I don't know if there is but that would be hilarious I mean you want to see something go down like 80 20 70 30 like that they're gonna try to Ram down our throats like let's let's do a vote on the turnpike like I want to see that vote and I only see it with like a multi-million dollar yes campaign by all the like asphalt contractors and you know whatever like business interests that doesn't really want to Turnpike it would be great at least there's more enthusiasm oh my gosh yeah if we could direct dollars to the right place it would be really easy to punch above our weight especially in okay County 100 percent hundred percent I mean tonight just proves that I mean the fact the fact that Marcus Stone Cipher is doing so badly despite having 10 times the money and incumbency and the in hold endorsement and the mid cornet endorsement and blah blah blah you know yeah it's it's it is humiliating for him to do that badly like every conceivable advantage all right so Tiffany Ellis uh slid into the second spot that is starting to narrow a little bit actually somebody asked for the oh geobeth and Merrick's fundraising numbers yeah let me go check those hang on I just wanted to see so Ward five definitely going to run off yeah it looks like Merrick picked up a couple more south side precincts but I still don't think Nesta came in nope yeah I picked up another's outside Precinct man she did so well down there but you know 20 22 votes like yeah I mean again just wait until Master part comes in because JoBeth won 70 30 in Gatewood and 70 30 in the plaza and they're right across the Classen from each other all right let's go look at uh Joe bass fundraising numbers because that'll be fun you know shout out to Amy again like look at this 20 grand against 187 thousand plus 11 000 plus 7 500. like that's that's what Amy Warren was up against I it's so insane I'll do that um okay uh let's go to word six shall we all right uh let's start with the reigning champ Beth Hammond I mean this is really respectable honestly for uh for a progressive candidate you know rolling in at 58 000. man labor must have come hard I wanna I wonder the nation's here solid oh the Realtors endorsed her all right aren't you Realtors they they actually do support incumbency yeah UFCW food workers gave two grand all right you got some pack money recognize a lot of names on here good people good people I like you all right well I want to rat out all of geographs um anyway a lot of good folks on a jobeth's thing as you would expect but yeah respectable 58 000. uh no last minute you know sailing through to rescue contributions but let's see yeah let's let's check out Mary Queen okay she didn't have any oh wait there is one continuing contribution one two three three twenty five hundred dollar donations awesome really great Max I think that's the max for City Council um well I don't want a rat look at that 118 000 plus what 7 500 or yeah 7 500. so she's sitting on 125 Grand so outspent Joe Beth two to one I mean and all the dark money because trust me JoBeth had no right right there's no left dark money I mean we are technically but we ain't spending on any city council races 2x yeah I mean you gotta love it you gotta love it man all these people um their tears taste so good uh okay so 78 now of Oklahoma County in the Republicans are sitting at ten five it's narrowed a little bit um scoby's gonna win but you know dem still have a solid uh it's definitely narrowed a bit but Marissa treat did not do well like this is the takeaway here despite having an absolutely insane advantage in every conceivable way she's gonna clear fairly clear 52 is there a way to pull up yeah I don't know where I think you have to go to the county and I don't think they post them online if anyone has a link to County fundraising I don't I don't think they post them online shout out to Oklahoma City though for your making your ethics easy good job guys your Champs uh Ward five still heading to run off uh yeah I mean still liking this is still the same right I was oh Mark is down to 50.17 come on baby gets 49. get to 49. gets 49 have 10 times money and not even make it out of the primary you dumb oh my God guys if she makes it to the runoff you gotta invest like you like if if she makes to the runoff if you have the ability to donate donate if you have the ability to Max Max if you have ability to knock doors knock doors phone banking anything go all in all in on this guys she is so close ten times the money and the endorsement they rode hard for him they didn't go negative so they clearly thought they had it and they didn't this is they are sweating bullets right now God dang it's so close 65 reporting and can we go to the map yeah the problem is I just don't know that part of town as well like I know I know right I mean I was knocking up here see that's not a great result I mean it's just low turnout see but it jumps around wow I'm just worried about down here but Amy lives sort of on this not to rat out where she lives but she lives on the south side of the Dead Sea but I don't know I just don't know these neighborhoods they're just all suburban-ish neighborhoods see Mark did really well there so he'll probably do well there there but again he only got 52 so it's like any District where he drops under 50 like that's I don't know it really I don't know this is like up in Edmond basically but like Mark didn't do great like fine Amy won that one oh my God guys this is so close and Frank I think about over performed a little bit yeah for as little I was noticing yeah he literally didn't raise any money or he violated election laws one or the other guys it was close we got 24 people how's everyone doing very exciting stuff here that'd be amazing we'd have a completely different 82 percent damn he got 10 on the boat I mean that's I mean those are probably more Stone Cipher vote but again I don't think you can like I don't know what you can really take away from Frank like like it's just he's just too weird at candidate like he just captured those from the libertarian yeah except that he wants to police like yeah this platform makes no sense uh guys this is a stressful not gonna lie very stressful Happy Valentine's Day everyone a lot of love in the air [Laughter] all right let's see let's see what came in I still don't think must has come in nope guys Master Park is still seeing out there I mean JoBeth this is gonna be a blood bath yeah because look at that class and well nobody voted there oh still a little voter turnout in that one but these two I think I mean I really think that's the bark is going to come ride huge because you got to remember like the tower guys were big on JoBeth I mean this is their neighborhood Stones I've been under 50. oh my God this is the happiest I've been for elections in Oklahoma in a long time we didn't do oh come on come on website do not fail me now state l f g l f g guys it is happening there are some magic in the Air Tonight God and two like Marissa treat is such a bad Republican so like I don't like the effect she's likely to have in the runoff is she will depressed turnout because she's so corrupt and so just it's such a bad look guys I am feeling and remember we're gonna have the whole legislative session of them just doing the most batshit insane crap that nobody in Oklahoma County likes it's only going to serve to motivate our people to get out and vote these asshats out like I am feeling super good about April like let's go to the map locally locally locally oh my gosh come on just stay under 50. okay see I don't know what's coming and what hasn't Man Mark did not do well up in Edmond really I mean uh it's just these neighborhoods are so weird do you think this is the effect of his anti-homeless Crusade or I don't know I think he's just not I mean Amy's such a great kid yeah and her own right you know who likes Mark stonecipher like that it's like who who is like riding for stone Cipher you know like it's just sorry I'm checking YouTube If there's comments yeah we're mostly over on Twitch Crusaders our twitch Crews stand strong with us good job all y'all do you want us the scoop we won yeah you did awesome all right sorry people people texted me I was like when did they text sorry I gotta look at my phone I haven't been looking at my phone I apologize we won dude 37 minutes ago I think I called it I called it around there didn't I I'll check the time stamp later okay I'll check when when I saw the text saying that we won and when uh I called it I think I was probably pretty close I was like right right or right around the time somebody somebody checked the tape check the tape sorry let me pull back up streamlab so I can see if people are dudes mailer had his photo doctor but not the holes yeah he definitely did a little bit of um uh Harrison Ford d-18 on that thing like like Mark Mark was heavy-handed with the Photoshop in that one and then let Holt do his like goofy like chin thing like don't do your guy like that you know if if the liberal savior's gonna ride for you you know at least you can do is also dhm I guess I don't know uh nothing new come on baby stay below 50 please it's like a procrastinator's dream I like wish I'd done so much more I mean I was out knocking doors like last night at like six o'clock you know like just my life is a mess but like man if we could get April give you another two months I mean I know I know feel sad for the Amy team I know they don't want to hear that but like she can raise up she can fundraise off of this show Joe Beth can go all in James Cooper can go all in like everybody should go to war if they can endorse you know if if they can get all these goofy endorsements two hundred thousand dollars and then not even make fifty percent Ride Ride Like the Wind for I mean go all in on Amy turn your donor lists over Jazz them up to guys this is this is great this is a great night there's here we're going to do some hedgehogs but these are happy hedgehogs happy hedgehogs happy happy hedgehogs yeah I'm just waiting for mesta to come in because like her lead's gonna explode like uh they yeah the runoff's April 4th and between now and then we're gonna have the marijuana petition so um get ready for that that'll be fun get your hedgehogs oh my gosh this is the best man we should have maybe in April I'll have to do the uh we'll have to do the uh the bar the party again love to do a watch party because we did um the November one out at uh green pasture Studios and how to had it in their bar area and it was a lot of fun like yeah it was it was a blast so yeah we may have to do that again because this would have been this would be fun if we had like a you know audience and people come on Oklahoma County good gravy it's 9 22. instead of depressingly streaming it Valentine's Day yeah instead of doing that from the from the office I did feel good about your best race today I was telling people today I thought she was gonna win so because they they just seem too desperate just seemed far too desperate I'm a little bit surprised that Sean Cummings and Ellis were able to I mean Sean Cummings has a constituency Tiffany Ellis has a constituency and she had a real campaign going um you know BC just didn't didn't connect unfortunately he worked hard good guy yeah he did knock a lot he did had a good platform um but just given the competition up here I mean given this fight like we just we really have to have a champion like we need somebody who's got it because I mean this is going to be a fight and it's going to be to keep somebody terrible out of County Government yeah sure not a great look for Madison Lauren yeah it's not a great look for a bunch people a bunch people showed their entire butts in this election and you know they won't have the shame to admit that or uh come clean or you know start trying to make inroads it'll it'll be us expected to like apologize to them for being right I don't whatever for like reelecting a great candidate who cares about all the things a good politician should care about like yeah us we're crazy wild eye Lefty is out here just thinking we should like build housing for homeless people you know come on I just wanted to increment one more time down another like start Trend keep trending down I just don't want to pop back above 50 please foreign who's the rad co-host yes you want to introduce yourself sorry we're not good about like reintroducing oh uh hi my name is nabila so I'm the co-host today and I brought the emotional support hedgehogs I do uh actually have a real life Hedgehog as a pet Mochi but uh he's not like an Instagram Hedgehog where they're like oh it's cute and he can take a bath like it's he's like bitey and uh and he like I I put him in the he he's terrified of the water so he's like desperately trying to escape and like poops in the water when you give him a bath it's a it's a big thing so um don't let those Instagram hedgehogs fool you oh my gosh Ward eight what is taking you so long yeah well it's hard not to be Doomer in Oklahoma but yeah Hedgehog is a good addition shout out to Hedgehog or their bottle of Rose yeah the emotional Rose support bottle I mean it could be celebratory we're we're hopefully hopefully mere minutes but at the rate this is going when you all pop in the rosette um as soon as we can confirm that stone Cipher fell below 50. I will Top the resume like 100% down for that uh and I mean really these are pretty rad results all around I mean Marissa treat embarrassing like 52 percent against basically no names and Gloria Bannister probably raised no money I mean just embarrassing um you know this was a tough primary every one of these guys had their own constituencies but um you know Eric's gonna be I mean we we can look at the map but I mean you know he he was going to dominate probably on the east side I mean that one's a good one yeah Derek's gonna be it's gonna be eighty percent so I mean you know if that's Lake Hefner there coming Sean coming Zoo well in the village you know he's surprised all in his uh backyard but then once you get up to like yeah like yeah so and like these will come in big for scoby so yeah I mean you know yeah 89 that's a huge one so yeah I just it'll be interesting I mean we just need everyone to get behind somebody said uh Stone Cyprus up above 50. come on no 92 percent man Ward five going to a runoff wild oh yeah there it is so yeah 54 45 I mean that's a solid victory so yeah let's see if I was correct about Nesta Park 57-43 there's a almost 100 votes right there yep that did it folks because yeah these two are going to be very low turnout Miracle pick up a few votes I should do really well on the south side for whatever reason but yep the belt along 23rd saved the day high voter turnout very Pro JoBeth and of course mesta park riding hard but Gatewood yeah Gatewood really brought home Crestwood really brought it home Plaza really brought it home but yeah I mean look at that nearly 100 beds right there what is that that small little square oh yeah what is that little tiny Square how big is that yeah ten to nine so really small but two about one by one yeah yeah but yeah I know it was Master Park's the one that just carried it or I mean you know it was gonna was gonna be a big player all right so that's that oh my God 50.5 86 percent God it's that's so close I I just don't I don't know I don't know I don't know where it ate well enough and there's just no consistency it's like Mark's above 50. Mark's way above 50. March below 50. how many people way below 50. total voted 60 last election 2019. okay so yeah yeah here let me I just want to go compare um yeah I mean the Republican candidate for war or for uh County Clerk is going to be Marissa treat and she is married to the pro tem of the Senate she runs a political consulting firm she operates start money groups she's taking money from every lobbyist every special interest at the Capitol I mean she is corruption incarnate you know like and which I think is why she's doing so bad like even the Republicans don't like her you know like no this is a power hungry career political family who who has passed every bad Bill that's ever sailed through the legislature Greg tree in the last few years Greg treat is directly responsible for it so Clower is he on his website that he works at the county clerk or has experience working at the county clerk and then banister is like a local business person in that area I think she's like maybe a little bit of a Republican party operative okay so let me go down okay so turnout was lower yeah because that's right now and then this is uh this is 2019. so 41 to that's about the same 41 to 38 with 86 so yeah it's gonna be about the same so yeah I mean Mark stanzifer is massively underperforming he got 65 percent of the vote last time he got 2600 votes and this time he's barely gonna break two thousand yeah Frank might have played spoiler he might have pulled no votes oh my gosh come on just get below 50. get low get low do we have the information on the precincts that haven't reported I mean not enough there's just no consistency like I just don't know do we know which six precincts in Ward six haven't reported yeah I mean we do they're kind of central-ish located so this one's right near Lake Hefner I actually think that could be Amy lives down around there somewhere so I don't know maybe that one could come in good I don't know I can't tell so that's like Hefner so that's that's like Quail Creek what about the two right below yeah that one's probably gonna be good for Mark yeah because that's that's South Quail Creek is the South Quail Creek is South Quail Creek uh the like poor Quail Creek yeah I think I think you may have it well I don't know yeah he did pretty well in the central part of the district what about the two below the unreported one the two small ones yeah nobody voted those are in the village okay yeah those are in the village uh uh bomber God that is so close I mean like what is that like a few hundred votes away from all right I'm gonna pull James off he won obviously by thousands of votes oh yeah wow all right sorry wrong one oh yeah he was pulling away yeah that's gonna be pretty tough to overcome at this point I don't think she's gonna be able to do it 90 reporting so what's two percent of 4200 like roughly 80 votes 84 beds yeah I think that's I think it's she needs to pick up he needs to lose 84 votes to the other two or really about 100 votes in the last couple seats our last couple precincts so where I left four precincts I don't think I don't think he's gonna lose 84 votes at this point oh my gosh that is so painful disappointing I mean JoBeth won handily damn man yeah bummer see like yeah that won't even do so well that one he did really well that one he did do great but it's not enough probably did well there did really well there so that's North Quail Creek I did really well there yeah I just don't know these these precincts are so weird made me get well there these must be like War Acres all these zero precincts over here man this is so close gosh what a bummer all right guys that's the bulk of it um I guess we'll sit here to The Bitter End we don't really have too much left yeah overall good night I mean JoBeth got re-elected uh I think scoby is the strongest candidate going into the the general election Dems more turned out or more people voted for dimes again it could be just because Independence get grouped in with them Ward 5 is going to run off that's kind of interesting um you know Big Win of the night here Joe Beth re-elected still just wait on four precincts they're probably pretty dense yeah I know John George yeah all the fop people can just they can just be mad they can just be mad it's okay yeah I mean the real moral Victory with Amy Warren is just this I mean is the the fundraising I mean when you raise 20 000 and your opponent raises 187 000 I mean you just you know and to be that close to to and having to come and push him and having incumbency and having the mayor's endorsement and having you know it's it's just crazy I mean Mark stands I've read every conceivable advantage and barely eeked it out um man what is taking so long on these precincts is wild these are like little Suburban neighborhoods like it's like how are you not able like everyone's writing all of everything man if anybody who put their finger on the scale should have made the runoff so frustrating uh yeah I mean who yeah well and this you know this is another thing too nobody did hardly any coverage of Ward 8. so it's like everybody freaked out did all this coverage about Ward six when JoBeth sails to Victory by about the same margin she got before and then nobody covers Ward 8 and stone Cipher barely makes it out a runoff like it's so aggravating like just the stuff we focus on it's like that was the interesting election you know that's the one where voters clearly don't have a great feeling about their candidate for it to be that close and for him to have all those advantages like I I I'm down for uh I'm down for snacks I'm assuming that snacks I don't actually know uh heartbreaking heart breaking but I do feel good about the clerk's race real opportunity in the air Ward five is kind of interesting and with these last four precincts just hurry up and come in but yeah I I think yeah it's like 80 votes I mean you'd have to have each one break like you'd have to fall under 50 in all all four of them buy like 20 votes each probably not gonna happen so close though God it's so close yeah I mean that was why we didn't really get engaged in the Lord five race turnout was up quite a bit I mean 50 percent so there's obviously a little more interest in this race how do we look at Ward 5 fundraising did we go let's check Word five real quick um because I think Hinkle raised a lot of money yeah so Hinkle raised 89 000. 23 of it from Pax so a lot of special interest money there um so all right how did toon do intended respectable 54 000. all from uh individuals which is interesting so he he definitely has more popular yeah I would say yeah ground support Definitely Maybe going into next election so that's interesting that is interesting so yeah I mean we'll see um dude Audrey I think hers just like 2000 or something yeah 2400 2400 yeah and then the other guy even I filed a report so what'd you do Jeff Owen uh no no he never he never even filed enough extra board so he didn't spend any money or he broke election laws one or the other something happened there hard to tell what allegedly oh Frank never filed one did any of the word two people uh the guy that got kicked off the ballot all right all right let's see if these final results came in but yeah I think I think Mark Stone and Cipher is gonna just barely get reelected heartbreaking as that is so he can continue continue to persecute the homeless okay 100 in Ward five nope still waiting on those four precincts but yeah I feel pretty pretty safe to call it I don't think there's enough in those last four to drag him back under 50. unfortunately [Music] um hurts guys it really hurts do we need a hedgehog we need a hedgehog we need a hedgehog Hedgehog timeout told the map here and just see I just want to know where he lost all these votes at another uh side story about the Hedgehog at home I tried to get him like a natural habitat where I spent like 200 on a certain sand and dirt mixture he hated it he just wanted the fleece blankets and I tried to get him some special hedgehog food he hated that he hated um like everybody online is feeding them little raspberries and stuff he hates any kind of fruits or vegetables and just wants to eat a cat food dry cat food so it's basically like the Hedgehog equivalent of McDonald's every day but I can't get them to eat anything else so there he is a little chub chub all right I'm gonna try to reload one more time see if we can get these last few precincts in just to see what what shook out oh my God support briefings are you guys dragging like this because we don't have to stay till The Bitter End I mean I think I think it's pretty safe to call it I just don't I just don't think the last four are gonna be enough to drag him back under 50. I mean yeah but please like click subscribe um otherwise Nick might have to get an only fans account I'm kidding I will pass on the only fans nobody wants to see that um but yeah no I would appreciate all the follows and all that good stuff you know people are liking the uh Stephanie Vice Chef kiss tweet all right good good job tonight everyone um yeah I mean I really do think we should feel pretty good um yeah I mean there was good news in Norman um yeah just a lot of decent yeah just a lot of decent results all around let's do another refresh and see where we're at see one more time so I'm starting to get sucked into Twitter looking at crap hahaha yeah yeah I I also have a cat too that's why I I laughed and I think his favorite thing is like bunched up napkins or just bunched up tinfoil and yeah I'm gonna try to remain uh dignified in Victory on the uh cornet race um I'm not gonna pull up all the tweets of us flexing on on them in their time of misery but I will say uh we told you so so gosh this race yeah God that's so freaking close so close ten times the money I mean Merrick only had two dimes the money Mark Stone's I ever had 10 times the money and couldn't it may not even get over 52 like and incumbency is the big is wild God it's just this is why when people are like oh we have to build a thundering Arena I was like man you guys have no idea how much people dislike some of these bad ideas like or just how soft politically these things are there was no negative against Mark Stone Cipher you know I mean like there was no campaign against him there was like Amy ran a perfectly positive campaign I mean he did this badly with one tenth of money he did that badly like it's like if if anybody had gone into that race and put their finger on the scale it would have been over like or at least it would have gone to a runoff and then probably been over especially in a in a you know horrible legislative session where Dems are agitated in the areas where they're strong discordnet run again for a different office I mean if they move like maybe a state house seat but I don't know who's there in I mean you know I think she might be in Forest Bennetts I mean yeah maybe when he leaves but again at that point I would run a super Progressive you know I mean like there'd be no reason to run somebody weak and moderate in that house district given that they it overlaps so much with Joe Beth and just elected her it's in all right let's scroll down yep damn 53. damn damn 5 000 votes so yeah a little little higher turnout that was higher turnout yeah because what was it in 2019 it was 4 000 something I believe 4100 so yeah quite a bit higher turnout but did you spend two hundred thousand dollars 200 Grand 10 times the money he had to spend to just eke it out because like what is that like 53 but yeah that's too bad Amy's such a great candidate person yeah I mean Amy should really look at running for something again just so it's so hard to like fight like this and get no help from like any establishment so he was um sorry I'm trying to see how many votes he was over 314 votes yeah but he was only 300 votes from getting pushed to a runoff so it's like the real margin was like 314. because he had to win 50 to not go to a runoff so I mean he was he was like painfully close to to having to run a whole other election I don't know how much he spent let me check real quick I think I've still got open um all right I mean he hadn't spent that much he had raised 187 so he still had quite a bit but I mean who knows maybe in this last you know in this last push he really spent a ton I mean he did polling digital media direct mail I guess I could rotate this can I sorry I'm like tilting my head I mean here's why he blew his money on but that's through 130 so in the last two weeks I mean he could have gone to town and sent a ton of mailers can advertise in the OKC Friday like which covers like Nichols Hills doesn't even cover freaking but yeah CMA strategies is uh Pat McFerrin man datum digital media 10 000. I was getting ads in fact I gotta add um I got Stone Cipher ad in the middle of a NBC news article about a mother killing her three children so great great ad placement get get your ad in the story about you know triple homicide South Creek strategies Direct Mail yes I mean look at this he spent 23 000 on Direct Mail he spent more on mailers than Amy Warren Ray's total just just the worst guys just the worst and this is a lot of these expenditures were a little earlier in the month I mean so he may have spent quite a bit more in February God does that's tough all right well don't need to belabor it yeah Joe Beth won re-election we will bust out the uh we'll bust out some happy uh hedgehogs for that um but yeah I think we're done um thank you for those that stuck with us appreciate the subs likes hanging out uh we are going to be back with streaming I think we are going to go back to our Friday slot I don't know if we will uh do noon um because we have a lot of meetings on Friday but uh I do want to start streaming again and we'll be talking mostly about the legislature and the capital uh but we do have the marijuana petition is up next month I think it could be in a little trouble I don't know I'm getting bad vibes um the Reefer Madness fear campaign they're trying to tell like Thai Chinese yeah racism organizations and Mexican cartel operations and yeah so um yeah so I think uh definitely if you aren't registered you have like no the devil too late for this Friday it was Friday the okay or yeah yeah so you're already too late for uh registering to vote but it was the 10th vote on uh was it March it's the 14th again in it because March is the same day as is February I think in in a normal month because it's 28 days anyway I think it's March 14th anyway the next uh it might not be though it might be the seventh anyway guys appreciate you just we'll we'll talk more about the marijuana petition for the March election and then in April there will be runoffs in Oklahoma County everyone will have a vote uh and uh Ward five so that will be interesting but appreciate y'all thank you for sticking with us we will see you all next time the Hedgehog he can he can stay for I don't know [Music] all right we'll see you guys next time peace [Music] foreign [Music] [Music]

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