Introduction Outside as the night grows colder. Police and volunteers coordinate the search Early coverage after Amber went missing inside Amber's mother waits. I still can't believe it. I'm just waiting for her to come in the door any minute now. And Whitson says, Amber and her little brother Richard were out riding their bikes in the neighborhood. When a witness saw a man grab Amber off her bike and shove her kicking and screaming into his black pickup truck. Early interview with parents Don't hurt her. Don't hurt my baby. Please. She's just an innocent child. Please please bring him home safe. If anybody out there has seen anything, call the police, tell them, let them know. Getting to know Amber Hagerman's family I really don't know what I'm thinking now. I'm just, I just wanna touch her and hold her now and I think she's still riding her bike, but I know better. I know she's not. This is a family. Channel eight has been working with since last fall on a story about welfare reform. Channel eight was there at Amber's ninth birthday party in November. Whitson says Amber loves school. She's a third grade honors student with perfect attendance. A girl scout who just sold 165 boxes of cookies Oh, we're real close. We're buddies. We share everything. We share hair bows together. She's wearing my hair bow right now and her little hair, she's got her hair up. We share everything together. We do everything together. Whitson says before the kidnapping, they had a great day just playing at the park, eating lunch together and stopping by to visit the grandparents before the nightmare began. This Amber. You know, I want you back home. I want you here with mommy. I know you're scared and I'm scared too. I'm scared for you and I didn't want you home so I can help you. Neighbor describes seeing Amber's abduction Jimmy Keel's backyard. Looks out on the Win Dixie parking lot. He saw Amber Hagerman abduction Saturday afternoon. Keville says Amber was on her bike when a black pickup pulled up next to her and he run up behind her and grabbed her right under her arms and picked her up and he turned around and come right back to here where his truck was, where the door was open and put her in the truck. While police and volunteers continue to search. Amber's family holds on to hope. Look out the window, we could see her walking up the broad. There's a lot of people praying, family, friends and I thank God for channel eight has been working with mother Donna Whitson Amber and her brother Richard since last fall on a story about welfare reform. Amber is a top student at CB Berry elementary, the school principal was among the first of many visitors. We're gonna find your sister and she be ok. I promise you. I promise your sister is gonna be just fine. I have a five year old and a 20 month old and I just, I can't imagine it. A steady stream of neighbors brought comforting words and food, but many are dismayed at what seems to be a sign of the times. What did I tell you about being strangers? Um You got it, you got it. You got to stay in your backyard. But the times haven't changed. The simple act of prayer. I am hopeful. I pray all the time that they'll, the little girl won't be hurt. That's all we got to live on right now is prayer. We love you, mama loves you, miss you and we need you. Once you come home, an Arlington police officer remains on the street where Amber Police investigation on abduction Hagerman S family waits. A collection of flyers used in the search papers, the front entry at Amber's grandmother's house still. There's no word earlier. Investigators questioned the only witness again and he run up behind her and grabbed her right under her arms and picked her up. He turned around and come right back to here where his truck was where the door was open and put her in the truck. While police and volunteers continue to search. Amber's family holds on to hope. Look out the window. Wish we could see walking up the broadway. There's a lot of people praying, family friends and I thank God for them, Amber, her little brother Richard and mother Donna Whitson are one of the families being profiled for a family. First special project about welfare. Amber is an honor student at CB Barry Elementary. The school's principal was among the first visitors. Flyers with Amber Neighbors, friends putting flyers up Hagerman. S picture are going up all over Arlington, friends and neighbors of the Hagerman family say they only wish they could do more. We're more upset because there's nothing we can do. Nobody knows anything. That's the thing. We can't do anything. You don't know where to look. Amber's disappearance has hit home perhaps too close to home for parents in this quiet neighborhood. Arlington police officers are here 24 hours a day. It's real scary. My kids were down there in that same parking lot riding their backs. Saturday morning. And uh that could have been my kid, Amber, her little brother, Richard and mother Donna Whitson are one of the families. Channel eight has been profiling for a family first special on welfare reform. Amber is a third grade honor student and girl scout who just sold 100 and 65 boxes of cookies. Whitson and Amber's father, Richard Hagerman say there will be no relief from the terror they now live with until Amber is home. I want my baby back. So please, if you have my baby, please, I beg you, let me have her back. She's my life. Amber Candlelight vigil held for Amber Haman's family still waits for answers. Comfort this family assure them that they are not alone and searches for strength crowded into the living room at Amber's grandparents house, friends and family renew their hope as they pray for her safe return. This candlelight vigil is a private moment. They invite photographer John Dody and me to share. In fact, we've shared many private moments with Donna Whitson Amber and her little brother Richard. Since last fall. We followed them documenting their life on welfare. From the grocery store to mission Arlington where Donna looked for hand me downs for her Children to their apartment where they have lived since leaving a women's shelter. Most nights they followed the same routine dinner and then homework. During one visit, Amber showed me her scrapbook full of school awards. So you make good grades and you like to study Amber wasn't very talkative, but you could tell by her smile how proud she was of her accomplishments. Donna worried when she couldn't buy the school supplies Amber needed. And she told us Amber worried too. Now their worry is something they never dreamed of since the kidnapping of their bright happy little girl. They've been living a nightmare, a nightmare. They pray in soon. We find her blend up with you. We're gonna find it. Give up. Sound from candlelight vigil for Amber Touch Amber in this time of terrible trial. Hold her tenderly in your loving arms and let her know that you care for her, his glorious power and may be. And may you be prepared to endure everything with patience while joyfully inheritance of the saints and the life he has rescued us from the patient, whom shall I fear? The Lord is the stronghold of my life. Believe that I shall see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the live strong and let your heart take courage. Wait, still waters as for his name's sake. Even though I walk through the very darkest valleys, I fear. No, Family getting help during search for Amber it's like Amber disappeared in thin air like there was never an Amber. Hagerman is rarely off the phone. He needs a helper to keep track of calls from the public and the media working for Amber's return has taken the place of waiting. The waiting is hard. It's real hard for everybody. It's about to kill us all. Amber, her little brother Richard and mother Donna Whitson are one of the families. Channel eight has been profiling for a family first special about welfare reform. Amber is a girl scout and honor student at CB Berry Elementary. She liked to play outside with all the other kids on her grandmother's street. She disappeared just down the block. The kids won't come outside by themselves. It's not just the parents won't let them, the kids won't, don't want to, they're afraid to. Hagerman is all too familiar with the fear and worry that other parents can only begin to imagine by some cruel twist of fate. This is the second time a hagerman child has been kidnapped five years ago. Haman's newborn granddaughter was taken out of the John Peter Smith nursery by a deranged woman who's now institutionalized. The baby was returned safely. I'm just handling this one like I did the last one I just got, I, we, we both had faith and hope, you know that they would find Tammy's little girl and, and they did, Amber's coming home. Police call from Amber's mom the night she went missing Is there of the mother so many kids out there? Somebody kidnapped. Ever. He gone, Richard. Go help me please buddy playing. Yeah, Interviews with family and friends we're just, we're just hoping that the person out there that abducted my daughter will see this and just let her go take her somewhere. I don't care or just let her go. Mama loves you. Hang on, sweetheart, hang on. Ok. Come home soon to mommy please. And this is the last thing she wore. I feel like that she's in a, a dark place, a room possibly and close to the woods. And um I feel like that uh the A man bought some girl scout cookies from her Friday. I've got a black truck. So, you know, they automatically they have to look because the description she had a black truck. Uh the guy could have been wrong on the size whatever, but I welcome the opportunity to uh you know, do whatever is necessary to show them that they're looking in the wrong direction. It's the waiting, the waiting is really killing me. It's hard to wait. But I know I had to keep strong for my little girl. The questions were, uh, did you kidnap your daughter? Did you have anybody, did you hire anybody to kidnap your daughter or was you in, uh, a, a conspiracy to kidnap your daughter? You know, and, uh, come right out and said, no, you know, no, no, no. Detective Ford kept pointing out that everything's by the numbers and I understand it. Uh, if that, you know, that's part of, you have to look at the people because parents kill kids. I mean, that's, that's proven fact. So let's eliminate the parents right away. Well, you know, she has her, my, in her ribbon in her hair and I'm hoping she's touching that and just thinking of mommy when she's touching that and, and I'm hoping she sees me out here or, or hearing me out here and I think that's gonna make her strong because she's a tough little booger and I know she's, she's out there somewhere.