Yandere-Chan and Senpai play Yandere Simulator Official Demo (REUPLOAD)
Published: May 10, 2024
Duration: 02:26:30
Category: People & Blogs
Trending searches: dubon
we probably not yeah you don't have it up yet don't worry about it yeah deep breaths deep breath hopefully this time it'll maybe work that would be interesting oh cool all right we're going to try this again like so YouTube Broke we broke YouTube that's what happens we broke YouTube I have a new link um there's a new link going on so that's hilarious like we broke YouTube the YouTube stream have another link I have another link oh my God that's hilarious I think that's hilarious that we broke things holy [ __ ] Brian the [ __ ] spam oh my God so there's another link there we go he [ __ ] broke it I was about to say this man on Twitch is like there we go there we go the new Link's up so hopefully hopefully we'll be able to catch up don't know what's going on it's it broken again no we should be fine right we should be okay right hopefully yeah let's hope that it doesn't break again oh my God so it's working I just find that so hilarious that we [ __ ] broke the stream [ __ ] Jesus how did we break it um and this is still so loud is it loud for you me I could turn it down but I risk breaking it again but let's hopefully I'm going to try oh we're going to try we're going to try we're going to [ __ ] do it don't break okay all right so okay that's a little better okay so let's figure this out again um yeah so it's because of you guys but you guys are awesome you guys are absolutely phenomenal for coming in despite the breaking and the crack sh only only it would happen on my stream it would only happen on my stream um yeah so we this just this opening just looks so pretty it it's still loud holy [ __ ] it is still very loud like I wish there was a way to mix the volume in the game but there isn't um but that could be just a feature that could be added later it's not a big deal no [Music] stress oh no not in the game no there's no settings there's no volume settings in the game um yeah so hi guys we're all calm now I'm freaking [ __ ] out freaking the [ __ ] out Corona tequila um but okay so as you can see this intro looks so much better than the original um but so yeah so oh my God this is so pretty just look how pretty this is that's so cute all right so we're going to start a new game uh and what again we're going to mention we're just going to explore a little bit first before we decide to eliminate osana cuz we're going to eliminate osana I'm sorry we're not we're going to we're going to we're going to do it so let's do some new game and yeah this is for me testing to make sure that everything was okay delete that um and then we're going to just do [Music] this my mouse is in the middle what gender is your ideal lover male if you pick female I would stab you sorry it is not possible to choose your seni gender in the demo version of this game there's a possibility of the final version will only support this feature if the crowfunding campaign is a success that is fair okay so we have meil um look at that we can change the color of our Senpai uh so oh cool oh we can change the camera angle very cool uh do you have a preference or you just want normal senpai oh you can do whatever okay so I'm just G to just quickly [ __ ] around just like there we go ooh there you go that's that was my old hair back in the day yeah uh I think the hair color is fine eye color ooh yeah yeah I [Music] wear yeah let's make him a nerd why not let's make him a nerd facial hair hpai I have know I like a I like some facial hair so let's do like some very basic facial hair how about like that yeah that works um are you sure you want the proceed yeah sure you make him Brian um so what uniform uh o I like this one I always had I was a big fan of this one I like this one so we're going to use this one are you sure you want to proceed very much so I think this is the intro yeah something is wrong with me bro I think so you have obsessive love disorder for as long as I can remember I've always felt empty incomplete like a part of me is missing doing commentary over this intro like this intro was fun to do like I remember doing the first version of this monologue back in 2015 um world has always been so it's really fun to kind of see it evolved into where it is now silent my mother was exactly like me when she was a child look at how cute she is when she met my father everything changed her he brought this so gay I mean what what as you can see me and Austin are trolls me a little bit more trolly today so I'm sorry rioba but I'm gay you won't be gay for long oh god oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] that's the honor for you save me I've spent my entire life waiting for that but yeah I love um this intro uh simply because it shows more nuances of the yandere Trope a lot of people actually make fun of yonan for having a different type of yandere Trope it was like yandere is not a true yandere yandere is are Dar like are Yan and then Dar you obviously like youo gai hooo but it's like no actually yandere could be perceived in many different lights just because someone is dead a does not necessarily mean they are truly dead a um I found they could just be playing it off like there's no one saying that de means genuine de personality so yandre Chan still is a yandere in the sense of she has obsessive love disorder but she can act as if she is the lovey doy de type I had opened my eyes for the first time yeah I felt warm I love this intro though I love the animation it's so nice alive Bubbles and sparkles so many bubbles he is my escape from the cold gray empty world I've been trapped in all right bye they [ __ ] I want to spend hey get off the floor it's dirty okay [Laughter] bye clean yourself up is trying like wipe your butt let's go oh and then there's pigtail McGee she wants but not in the same way that I want him she could never apprciate this is my best friend osana she calls me piece of [ __ ] sometimes but it's cool this is my best friend she abuses me like twice a day three times on Wednesdays killing her Britney I love you Britney I love you so much but we we love making F of making fun of [Laughter] osana there is nothing I won't do for him oh my gosh that's cool godam I love it that is so cool I don't care what I have to do I don't care who I have to hurt I don't care whose blood I have to spell I am pissed off anyone take him from me nothing else matters no one else matters he will be mine will he though he doesn't have a choice [Laughter] that's threatening as [ __ ] that's great though oh that's freaking great I love that intro I love that rendition of it hey hey do I know you I don't know you by the way that's Kayla Martin I love her I saw you stalking in Upper classman today what's it your business [ __ ] I'm sorry there must be some misunderstanding there's no need to play dumb with me I'm trying to help you want some information about the girl he was with maybe I'm listening give me a second to turn up a little bit cuz like the volume is just it keeps going up and down I I just need to find that perfect the bad in the perfect bedance how about like 20 let's go like 25 that's fine all right her name is oana naimi she has a crush on him her name so soon going to be six feet in the ground 4 6 ft in the air I mean what she's planning to confess to him next Friday underneath the cherry tree behind the school not before I do it first [ __ ] [ __ ] tits mgee there's a myth that if you confess your love to someone underneath that tree the person you confess to can't refuse there's also a myth that if I stick my foot so far her butt she'll go to the Moon I guess there's only way to do that but test why are you I have a feeling you're a little bloodthirsty right now I'm [ __ ] out honestly like cuz I'm like cuz with me I'm just like yandan you know you can just like leave letters in his locker being like I think you're really cool I'm too shy to really talk to you I wish I could talk to you I hope you have a nice day here's a box of chocolates that I got whatever and just like small little notes and all that stuff that make his day and all that crap like not like anything creepy like here's like your favorite mongus collection or anything like that no no no like the little little notes to be like hey I like you I hope we can one day be and then eventually like hey guess what I want to meet you underneath the musom tree and then boom she falls in love a Bano Pico my favorite anime thank you Ayano you're welcome Senpai I would be happy of something bad Jes to I think you might be the right person to give her what she deserves oh really now who are you have you ever heard of info yes but I need you to enlighten me on who that is because obviously like maybe my cat doesn't know and needs an explanation an urban legend about a girl who hacks people and sells their dirty secrets to the highest bitter that's just the tip of the iceberg I sell a lot more than just blackmail heroin drugs I sell like the dirty dirty Mangus like oh so you mean like like hentai no no no no no like the dirty dirty stuff you mean okay are you trying to tell me that you're info Chan do you really expect me to believe that I'm info Chan you're info Chan he's info Chan I'm shot are the any in shots I should know about I've installed an app on your phone I'm out of here huh bro how'd you hack my phone how did you do that that's not something you need to be concerned with I'm pryck to say first instinct should beep hello police if you do a few small favors for me I can offer a wide variety of services that should help you eliminate OS sonachan everything you need to know is in that app okay and what if I don't want anything to do with you right if you're not interested in my services I won't take it personally feel free to ignore me me when people say [ __ ] like that it's just kind of like you're going to need me you don't have to use my services but you're going to need me [ __ ] but don't ignore OS sonachan you have one week until she confesses to your precious Senpai make her suffer you see dude what the [ __ ] is wrong with this chick actually no legit it's funny cuz there's so many theories about it and the thing is I think me and only a couple of people actually know the truth behind info Chon cuz like we we've talked about it um and so I you're wrong you're wrong you're wrong you're wrong you're wrong but that's just a theory a Yonder a theory thanks for watching oh God a [ __ ] Mondays my God is it buffering again oh should be fine okay cool all right hit that's funny so Monday um sure okay so we're in Monday now so we have a full week so this is going to be interesting all right this is a nice freaking room look at this room it's so nice we have like a game thing here we have we have a nice computer decent Tower that's a big [ __ ] AC that's a gigantic [ __ ] AC dude they're huge over in Japan are they dude [ __ ] m massive oh Jesus I'm excited to see that oh Senpai Shrine oh oh I forgot about that that's so weird yeah usually it's filled with all of these items but it's just kind of like huh I guess we don't have any of the items yet okay so that's interesting here the gummy chewed on Tuesday change panties oh we have oh yeah because they have the lingerie store now available um so that's a thing also the Death Note poster which is kind of cool well life note not not Death Note life note poster is kind of cool um we have our nice siiz bed beautiful rug um let's go to the basement first before we head to school dude the basement looks so much better dude I forgot you could torture people down here couldn't you yeah you could dude that's so crazy oh it's so cool and this like and thing is basements aren't a thing in Japan so like this is a custom basement that rioba made um or at least her family made so yeah there's the torture chair right there there's a torture chair and a bunch of poles it's just kind of like you can tie people up there so yeah all right heading back up uh go to let's go to town I want to see town are the actual voice actor of the game here yeah it's me and Austin I'm yandan and Austin is Senpai oh this is nice I wish there was a way to like kind of turn the camera but it's fine but this is really nice there's the ma Cafe that's kind of cute and then the store is open oh wait there there are ah for some reason like oh gift shop welcome how can I help you ooh very nice oh okay so this is specific like cat ring cat necklace cat hair clip okay that's kind of cool all right U moving along is there a haircut oh hey oh hey oh hello there aana how's your mother Oho I can have different hairstyles kind of want to keep this one right now oh yeah this is a lingerie shop huh the OG yeah I love her I love her come in honey what are you looking for Jesus Christ I want all of these panties $10 panties my a poor thing is shy take your time darling um let's see cute kitty panties girly Pinks Sweet straw okay so these are the ones so this is where they all went you love her too but it's just kind of like so this is where everything goes okay so like if you want want like a bonus so that you can just grabb it from there but that's cool um so let's see ah all right so what do we have here can we Zoom is that a thing that's a slow Zoom real slow Zoom just going to see a jump scare like if you zoom too far right is just kind of like zo Megalodon comes out of nowhere one of oh god oh yeah there's this butt head what I know who that Butthead is there's a lot of theories on who that Butthead is but I know who that Butthead is anyways continuing on all right all right so we have the someone pretty blind that that's a little weird yeah the the focus the field of focus is kind of odd I may have to change that in settings um is there a way oh no I just like the random dude looking at you right it's just kind like looking he's like hello who so f Elder scrub five oh my God Elder scrub mine cra Grand that dude five dude all much money take a time hit me have you need anything that's kind of cool Yan Vania said by of the night I remember that oh the magical are pretty miuki that's adorable all right I think is that all the shops oh yeah manga store yeah customer hi let me know if you need any help with anything cool yo-kai story cherry touch 20 plus ooh is this like the seduction ones probably that will boost your seductions uh that'd be cool yeah that's cool that Town's really really nice I like how it's turning out it's kind of cool electronic store oh video camera tripod remote control oh so you can get all this stuff cool damn that's expensive right well I mean this just as expensive as it would be like in real life yeah true true so I I'm not surprised by that at all um let's see what is this one hardw store dude Lola you're cool hey nice to see you what you looking for today a scythe the also weapons in Ence this is the weapon shop that's kind of so [ __ ] a fire pooker you just walk around school with a fire poker Christopher hey Chris huh what's up yeah rig out a fire poker just poke everything in school my gosh all right so let's head back let's head to Let's actually head to school at instead of being in the town at 6:30 in the [ __ ] morning all right okay so just so you know the game's going to HIC up a bit cuz it's rendering a lot of things so it's going to hiccup um there will be a small hiccup the equit hide weapon equip weapon drop case cancel move confirm pick up spawn trail move move Mo move f is to attack um tap C to crawl or tap C to crouch okay shift to run hold for Yonder Vision tap to giggle open map okay I'm not going to remember any of this I'm just gonna say I'm not going to remember anything of this alt f4 to snap snap oh my God my goodness gracious H so okay I'm going try to remember at least all this but again the first time around me and me and Austin are just going to look around um and yeah Austin if you see anything you want to explore just let me know and I'll pass it around um oh my ah the camera angle like the camera is just so sensitive the camera is so sensitive hold on hold on I must fix uh yeah I must fix uh post processing details uh gameplay options sensitivity down down bring it down bring it down so uh probably just by um okay so and also I'm do pro processing uh the depth of field well motion field should be off well it's fine all right it's just like that even better what's going on here sorry I'm not your personal alarm clock you know you can't rely on me to wake you up every day and this is friendship I'm sorry if it bothers you so much maybe we should stop walking to school together I love W up in the morning get bitched at right wake up in the morning what's next on my schedule getting yelled at by osana all right wake up in the morning getting bitched at your son got it huh wake up in the morning feeling like getting bitched out just be there all right don't me waiting please stop okay okay I'll be there good Jesus my goodness so and everyone thinks this is friendship it's fine she's a sere it's called it's called a bus my friends oh and then there's Ryu who's Hayden Hayden plays Ryu it's really nice um don't you think you were a bit harsh you don't say I know thank you Hayden but I didn't do it on purpose it [ __ ] what happened every time I think he's about to realize how I feel about him right where the toast in my mouth reject me it makes me feel so scared but like is that any excuse to be a bad friend he like I like him so I'm going to slap him around every morning twice on Tuesdays just be honest with him don't I think I remember one of the recordings like something about cutting her hair and she's like until this dumbass realizes I like him and sfi's like uh what it's like oh my God it's just one of those things like I'm going to bring up the audio simply because it's the intro that's really really loud but I guess it fix it's gets fixed so uh okay I sure hope so oh okay so we're done fying all right time to go in but yeah this is it's so [ __ ] pretty oh hi um there are 89 School 89 schools 89 students in the school with you some of them are potential threats and some of them might be useful tools it's in your best interest to learn everything you can about the school's popular if you send me a picture of someone else I'll provide you with all the information I have about them their name personality level of strength and even their daily routine to aim your camera hold down the right Mouse button or left trigger if you're using a game pad to take a picture use left Mouse button um some are friendly are eager to pose some students are antisocial won't appreciate a camera be careful in case or you might irritate people okay sounds good um and cheese damn uh delete that and cheese damn delete that and cheese God damn it I'm so bad at taking the pictures I'm so bad at taking the pict oh I got one so I'm going to send this off get info cool cool cool uh e okay cool info CH okay yeah cool all right what I have yet to get the voices for these characters yet um but we have yet to confirm all of the voices there are some that haven't been confirmed yet but this school is so oh my God they have posters so nice that's so nice please join the gaming Club oh my God that's hilarious please join the gaming club for love of God please please of course you have buo [ __ ] martial arts wanabe love buo love you Pat um photography club science club sports club gardening club uh we have music Club Art Club ult Club drama club cooking club that's kind of awesome um the courtyard looks so much nicer too look at this it's you have benches to sit on it's really really sweet yo how much does it cost to Cod of this Academy right oop sorry sorry sorry sorry didn't mean to CR around sorry I didn't mean to she's acting kind of [ __ ] weird it's okay Senpai nothing's wrong here andp oh what up did somebody bring me food hell yeah hey cookie CL brought you food that's great you hey thanks for the food I'm just going to eat and read at the same time that's pretty much's going on um but that's so cute oh and then you have a you the Saki and then of course you have uh um I'm blanking out her name uh I forgot her name and I hate myself uh Ron shaku yeah you have Ron shaku over there I love how there's transparency on the on the Windows now you can actually see into the classrooms take a stand work together just stop bullying hilariously enough bullying one weight hey Ras Bowski hey you're both playing this game messing with my brain awesome at the same time hey Raz oh my gosh this is so this is so cute and then you have course they have the usually there' be a school shop here but maybe they'll have that later that would be interesting to have like a school shop um you can buy like extra uniforms and all that stuff and of course you have freaking ryar Fallen osana around like a dog love you Hayden then you have this little area which eventually happens a phone call happens here and it's kind of cool fire extinguisher just beat someone in the head with a fire exting you sure metal [ __ ] metal um and then we have the infirmary which we have the cool nurse like she's not like the nurse huh hello hello I'm sick every day it's like nurse I I have a cough oh okay nurse I I have a fever are you sure nurse I feel like I'm about to throw up nurse I feeling hot with lust what Jesus got fever for more cowbell more cowbell um okay so we have faculty room um I also know that there you can place bugs around um not sure we can get where we can get the bugs do we automatically just have them we can place bugs everywhere I have no idea um I love the hallway that's it's decorated and it feels alive um counselor's office which is where Marissa I love Marissa I love that she's there love Marissa um I love working with all of the actors that at least I work with through y yandre simulator it's really really fun um let's see then we have cooking club drama club which I kind of like how drama club looks it's kind of pretty um then a cult club dude I don't understand why like a school would have open flame it's just kind like not just an open flame literally on top of a rug right it's just kind of like everything okay in here yes thank you okay thank you all right and then and of course I believe this is the debug um the debug uh storage room where you have all of the cool Easter eggs so we have that going on um that's fun moving up we have more cooking club members going around what is this what is this sociology club which turned into the gaming Club oh and then there's worky by the way this guy's wor by worky T Stephen Nunes he's great he sounds so nerdy it's great um and they have a gaming station and a DDR come on what right is just like this is supposed to be Sociology class it's like nope just kidding this is my class now Workshop okay cool uh we have the science lab which is kind of awesome can we actually unlock anything in here there a thing no probably just need a key for any of the stuff water fountain that's connected to the window that's kind of awesome question mark um then there's a little snacker Lounge we could buy a snack we can buy some snacks salty snacks e up Asin up oh I love that that's spin up and then orange soda obviously and recycle can you can beat people with a recycling can I mean what what oh my gosh by the way thank you everyone who's been donating so far you all are so sweet like my birthday's next week and so I'm really really happy um thank you so much um then I believe this is our classroom yeah this is our classroom um yeah that's our desk right there um so we have the calligraphy room this is pretty this is a pretty [ __ ] room it's so pretty what the huh what oh my gosh thank you so much you all are way too sweet thank you so much um and then student council room and we're I think am there yes Amanda nice work it's you Hi Amanda what why have you come here cuz I want to have you come here and taunt me do you even know who I am oh sh Wait that's the that's the final chick yeah that's Mami are oh my father won't oh she's already calling you out day one oh [ __ ] oh she knows me yeah she knows who I am he has a reason for tolerating Your Presence at this school I don't I mean that's fair you are a vulgar creature that is only allowed to exist because you serve purpose and what purpose is that you're a real piece of [ __ ] every last one of you would be exterminated have fun while you can if you and I ever cross paths you're going to have a bad time I mean sure you keep telling yourself that Amanda I love you Amanda just cuz I have yeah what you're going to have a bad time of course all of the music band members are all over the place we have Art Club this looks what the [ __ ] that's kind of cool that's kind of cool like that there's Art Club here oh Muki oh my gosh everything looks cover S Paint um let's see and then music Club light music club which looks really freaking a you can do a mini game in here I believe um is this oh it's Mrs Turtle oh I'm too bad he's turned off for because debugs and all that stuff um Martial Arts Club where budo likes to uh hit people I don't freaking know um and yes we're exploring things first before we decide what to do um oh thank you so much but yeah like my birthday's next week it's on Tuesday um I won't be doing anything um but I I'm really happy that I'm able to play the demo today with Austin uh since because like we haven't really experienced it and since the official demo this is kind of what we're expecting but dude like dude science club this looks [ __ ] cool the fact that like a high school would have all of this is kind of kind of badass um hell yeah info Chan hello Kayla Kayla Kayla Kayla I know you're there run along now there's nothing for you to see here okay photography club a bunch is basically literally the intro of photograph Club is there a bunch of losers hanging out not doing anything um so excuse me if you don't mind me nice work sorry um and then we have what is this yeah the audio visual which is basically the computer lab um which is really really fun and I believe you can get the radio here yeah you can get the radio and distract people in here too what is this oh this is the power strip cool um computer oh this is wait oh so this is just audio and visual this is the actual computer lab that's nice and then there's a tape recorder there for if you collect tapes um announcement room hey this is where I work hold on osana's a [ __ ] she needs to get the [ __ ] off my guy thank you very much have a nice day this this week on senpai's reading podcast um we are reading berserk um [ __ ] Griffith oh God see I never heard like like doing an audio reading of a graphic novel like how does that work oh like a talking podcast oh my God and then headmaster's office hey hey buddy I know you don't like me it's it's you not another step I'm not doing anything you're up to no good oh je did is that a [ __ ] gun it's a taser what yeah he doesn't trust yandre John cuz he knows exactly who she is what the [ __ ] yeah Austin a lot of [ __ ] has happened a lot of things I thought he just pulled a [ __ ] gun on a [ __ ] right yeah a lot of things have happened sit your [ __ ] ass down like holy F back down man like Jesus all right and I think the last like I think we the fourth floor is a roof and then you can also change your kind of stance you can change your personas here so you can have like a different stance like a bully stance a cute stance all that stuff kind of have more for Persona um and then this is the roof which where is the roof where's the actual one roof that is being used for everything I think it's this one is it this roof I think it's this one where you can actually take a screwdriver and open up the vents in here and that's an actual elimination so it's kind of it's kind of messy but it's great yeah I think that's the one um but yeah so that's kind of the entirety of the school grounds let me actually I know it's almost eight o'clock um but I kind of want to go outside first because the outside's actually very pretty um so we have the outside um this is the uh east side of them east side of the school um so we have oh hi kokona run um we have a [ __ ] statue of our Headmaster even though he's kind of a dick um oh hey buddy what's up you okay okay Buddy Bye um anyways so this is is the those are the changing rooms with the the bathrooms and the shower rooms um we have the gym oh hey creepy I didn't realize it was now yeah um this is where the drama club practice is until their leader comes in and they'll I think they'll start utilizing the club room um and then in here we have some equipment we can use we have a baseball bat we have [ __ ] 50 kg weight uh we have dumbbells that we can carry into this little container um I think in this room there's actually a carrying case so if you s any of the um Rivals you can take them in here s date them and lock them in this place for torture that's fun then you can actually go up here which is going to be used um in the future in this backstage area you can actually go up this um case staircase go up here and then like do a death from above and so it's kind of awesome it's really like again there's a lot of really interesting things that you can do but none of them are really useful yet because again this is most focused on osana um so nothing really there's nothing really here that can do bit much damage to osana unless like you bring her in here to tranquilize her and then like kidnap her um then of course you have like sports clubs which is doing track races and all that stuff and there's the stupid cherry blossom tree it's it's funny cuz this cherry blossom tree has a bunch of uh licorice um flowers I think it's called licorice flowers which are actually symbols of death yeah so it's hilarious like that the flowers here are surrounded by symbols of death like oh my God thank you so much for all the donations yeah so it's it's very symbolic um it's really symbolic that the tree surrounded by death excuse me pardon me um and then up here we have the gigantic overly the top swimming pool um it's like holy crap and then here's another elimination that you can do with o huh it's got so much bigger oh my gosh right and eventually you can actually eliminate osana here if you take the 5050 kgr weight if you have the strength for it and bring it here while osana is napping tie her hair around it and then drop it into the pool dude that's so [ __ ] right is it like you should have cut your hair [ __ ] um so yeah this is the east side of the school um I'm not sure what's on the south side of the school by the way running is suspicious to the Su scoen council members so don't run by them unless you like all the goddamn time then of course you have the delinquents some of which are voiced by Patrick some which are voiced by Alejandro um and then you have like the garbage and the uh incinerator which is useful if you want to do a suicide killing um you can just move this and open it up so that way the body just drops in there um so is really nice and then Martial Arts Club also works in here um this is a nice Zen Shrine it looks really pretty like it's just so nice this is just so pretty um a pretty freaking oh that's a map like that's a map um I forgot there's no jumping in this game budo [ __ ] buo love you Pat damn it buo um then there's a little kitty there's a little kitty here Hello Kitty look at the little kitty he's so cute I like the all right stand up all right we have that going on this is the south side of the school now with all of that stuff and then we have the gardening club which um in order to access this gardening shed which has a bunch of weapons you can use you have to steal the key from her so like you can go behind here and then steal the key which is really difficult to do like it's so it's kind of tough to do um it's just a bunch of Quick Time Event together and then this is a meeting spot that and there's also another meeting spot in the other side so um and then we're back into the north side of the school which is like the entrance you got to ch um it's hilarious cuz sometimes you'll get called out for not changing your shoes um cuz I can't remember which lock is yandre chons to CH change her shoes um which one is one is it oh yeah the you can change shoes that way you have the proper shoes um there actually I believe we've talked about there being consequences for not changing your shoes um simply because it actually is proper etiquette to change your shoes um but yeah that's really all a lot like mostly what's going on in this school so in terms of eliminations oh that's not what I wanted to do what do you need we have schemes um this Austin this is mainly for you um so we have a bunch of panty shots that we got panty points we have from putting a bunch of bugs around um but basically we can open up these schemes and and info Chon will guide us step by step on how to do all of this stuff um we can expel osana befriend her straight up attack her if rber wasn't in the way burn the [ __ ] out of her in the middle of school Crush her with something that's great drown her which is fun electrocute the hell out of her her for murder kidnap her and torture her Matchmaker because there actually is a student that has a crush on her or poison her there's a bunch of stuff that we could do um or we can go through her entire route to get her rejected by Senpai so is there one that you kind of want to see CU like honestly I love all of them I'm willing to try as many as possible before 4:00 so is there one you typically have like your mind set on I say for the first one we just do the tried and true and shank the [ __ ] out of her we're going to try and shank her okay so hm what would be a good way to we we have to get her loone that means we have to get like I don't think I need a scheme for this we basically just need to get Ryu to leave her alone then get osana Alone by herself completely alone and then shank her that way do we want to do the uh fan elect um execution basically use the fan and decapitator or do we just want a Shanker you could decapitate with a fan yeah the fan on the roof yeah yes let's do that holy [ __ ] okay so let me actually reset the day um so that way we can I can have a proper schedule um so yeah restart the day that's fine um yeah we can straight up decapitator decapitation decapitation yeah I believe budo has a task that will get riaru to go away froma and then we can use that to have osana meet up with and then pretty much work it from um I think that's if I remember correctly we've been able to do that there's going to be a little H bit of a hiccup the game is thinking really hard oh by the way we love Britney like Britney is the voice of osana but know that we might make fun of osana once in the Blue Moon so so yeah my goodness all right so let's get this going real quick so we got to wait for budo to get up to the martial arts room get dressed and get his get his quest um and then that'll get raru to leave let me change shoes because I do want to practice taking off the shoes change shoes very good um so she's in the martial arts club which is second floor or third floor second floor I'm pretty sure second floor but I also need to get the screwdriver from freaking computer club which is on the third floor I believe if I remember correctly um cuz I don't remember crap um there's a classrooms I'm probably missing it probably going all the way around knowing my dumb butt oh my goodness uh announcement room computer lab uh audio visual photography info Club science club grab that screwdriver hide that good now should I cuz I want to make sure I have the correct fan that she's um do I still have the the points or they did they reset oh me what do you need Services yeah they reset so I got to go put down all the bugs again which are a couple places I can put some bugs um what's up I think there's one over here maybe good job good there's one there me me where he's right here we all like Austin's right here um I'm not sure where else I could cuz literally you could technically put put bug bugs everywhere it's just a matter of what logically would make sense um let's see oh wait the photography room I have a place shoot um that was Justus um just running around really quick running around at the speed of fleas oh my God there's only one fan I can get screw okay cool that that actually helps a lot um computer lab yeah I ran around I'm running around like an idiot uh bug I owe you one cool so I just need to get osana's secret which is what do you need uh uh Dark Secrets yes being you may be able to get information very very good cool cool cool great great great fantastic wonderful um all right so heading down oh excuse me pardon me uh um okay uh excuse me pardon me I got to find the martial arts Club um because buo is going to change to his outfit where he heads out um science lab Class 2 two class one that bug there's a bunch of places I can put bugs um and they're really like they bring in a lot of panty shots which is really nice there's Amanda nice work very good library at the library um light music Club Martial Arts Club buo I need your help welcome to the martial arts club uh what brings you here uh uh other topics uh task my students tell me that they appreciate my lessons but I feel like I still have a long way to go before I can consider myself a good teacher I'm nowhere near skilled as my former Mentor yeah she quit Marshall Arts but she still attends the school I want to ask her to come back to the club for just one last lesson so I can study your teaching techniques but there's just one problem yeah I sometimes wonder if I may have contributed to the reason why she quit martial arts fa I'm not sure whether or not it would be awkward for me to approach her and ask her to visit the club again yeah Buddha Mas wants the former president of the martial arts club which is Ru surprise to return and share her wisdom identify the former president and invite her to the club yeah sure really you'd be willing to speak to her on my behalf I'd appreciate good old Patrick good old Patrick we love Patrick all right so I don't know how long that the quest the task actually is so oh my God where am I going oh my God where am I going um so are they talking right now or are they are they just doing their their uh Little Secret oh my God I love Senpai oh my God oh my God are they still doing that the problem was likely I see you need to Tails oh no where the [ __ ] did they go the [ __ ] but let me find oh there's there she is oh speak the devil right uh do I not have her locker wait what did I not place a note in her locker wait say what am I missing something most likely I am most likely because I'm I'm a stupid idiot um so Ryu hey would you be willing to Vis martial club and share some advice with the members oh I would be more than happy to visit the martial arts Club it'll be so nice to see buo again I'll head there right away I'm sure osana will be fine by herself for a little while right I ship it I'm sure she'll be all right totally yeah totally now where the freak is her locker so I can leave a note in there wait I'm pretty sure it's on this wall what the heck I should be able to leave a leave a note or do I have to do a scheme do I legit check the student list say what now um uh yeah [Music] um okay so do I okay what does it have to be like a flag is that a flag that I have to do no oh find student Locker oh cool cool cool I'm an idiot uh find Locker yeah cool yeah very cool leave a note hey uh I want to speak to you about uh stalkers and blackmail meet me on the Rooftop at um what are we thinking 7:30 get this done by 7:30 and then go to class right let's do 745 give her a little time to kind of run up yeah so yeah yeah we have that's good enough time so um hey uh Hey girl girl hey girl uh I should probably uh sent a locker yeah I saw someone put a note in your locker bro really that's weird I guess I'll go take a look then all right then I will see you on the roof all righty murder murder also I should probably preemptively do this which is I believe I have enough for it so clean uniform yes I need you to drop that yeah drop the clean uniform pleasure doing business with you um what's the the difficult part is going to get from the top to the bottom without any of the student council members noticing that's going to be the biggest challenge that is a price I'm willing to take right all right so I [Music] think where is on I think I it's that one right over there yeah I think it's this roof over here someone put something in your locker I wonder who that could have been so I'm just going to stare off into the sunset let me see if I can put a buck here really quick oh there's a bug already there good all right so totally not doing anything totally not doing anything wait what this timing is going to be so bad cuz there's probably still going to be like students walking around it's going to be great yeah and this is like trying to get to like the bottom of the top floor B to get to the top to the bottom floor and then clean yourself off go in like burn your [ __ ] clothes as well as the screwdriver um and then changing your clothes acting like nothing is abnormal is going to be a pain in the butt cuz like we can leave the body and the blood there as long as we're not walking around leaving footprints so it's just kind of like you need a screwdriver open the vent I have the screwdriver thank you very much do I need to let me see if I can just open it now would it be stupid to open it now I'm going to wait is this not the right one is that the right one I was wrong I was wrong run I was wrong freak I got to find the fan I got to find the fan that's actually the correct one uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh that's not it that's not it either oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] we are not passing time I need to find the correct one oh [ __ ] excuse me pardon me I'm to get fing chat freaking no I'm like I have the screwdriver it's the right one it is the right one it's just not flagged I guess is there a flag can't open it now okay that's fair you know what that's fair oh she'll be here in 15 minutes I think we all can wait and discuss the meaning of life for 15 minutes I mean I think that's fair we can discuss the meaning of life in 15 minutes hey student council member I'm not doing anything I'm just walking by this rail nothing WR it happens when osana is there oh so we can't preemptively open it up okay okay so all right all right so the flag doesn't open up until she's there that's fine that's okay um so is there any place is there any other place we could put bugs is like I doubt it up here I doubt it do the honor on voice pay me I would like to be paid for my voice um you can't do it until Su yeah the flag I know I know the flag um wait for Miss sun to get there it's going to be a such a bloody death though thinking about it like oh my God but I will say there is one elimination I am not sure about like honestly me personally I am not sure about which one one suicide driving to Suicide oh driving her yeah like not like pushing her off the roof and pretending it's suicide like no actually driving her to Suicide oh don't you have to like destroy her like every day until you like push her over the edge yeah you have to like ruin her reputation gossip about her the bullies will stop bullying her even even ryar can't stop it which is weird cuz ryar would be like hey stop bullying her but like it's come to the point where the bullies don't give a [ __ ] about Ryu um so like there actually is a cut scene for driving osana to Suicide um it's kind of [ __ ] it's kind of [ __ ] that's why even when I do play it I probably won't be doing that elimination ever simply because that's a touchy subject for me but I do appreciate that it's in the game because it is an evil elimination method method CU you're not playing a good character anyone who thinks you're playing a good character is kind of like what [ __ ] game are you playing what are you doing like this is a crazy character um I can pass I know I can pass time I just don't want to um I just don't want to pass time because look like in taking in all of these sites oh hello did not realize there was um cuz why he's like why would you want to just speed up time so it's like cuz why not in case like something happens what if I speed up time so far I missed my chance I'm not that clever so was like sh very well Senpai I hope you know I'm doing this for your own good you do realize that everything is for your benefit right you don't need that kind you don't need that kind of person in your life isn't she a bit of a bully to you yeah she is so mean to you I don't understand why you could be friends with her I I kind of like being talked down to so it's a fetish of yours yeah can't keep same character I couldn't do it I could do it oh I could do it it's just it's just all one word answers yeah maybe oh my God but there you go B I guess I'm going to have to act like more of a cinder if I want to get on his good side like Baka yeah call me a bakaa [Music] yeah I could be yeah was like so Senpai you like being called Baka right then I'll call you Baka as much as you want oh call me trash too okay then trash say wait what more derogatory terms towards me God you're such a stupid I can't even do it I'm sorry senpai I just can't I can't with this oh my God just imagining yandan saying Baka is just I don't even think about it like so Senpai Baka and she runs off I still have the head cannon that Senpai just like you know Uber nice you know wouldn't even harm fly he goes home goes online to his video games like yeah eat [ __ ] FF at 15 he's basically a troll in private dude yeah for real oh [ __ ] those right there excuse me excuse me don't mind me excuse me don't mind me ex me don't mind me excuse me don't mind me I'm going to decapitate you jeez CHR why oh my God I did [Music] it did I win I wish y Dev would put my giggle in there okay so oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] there's someone there oh [ __ ] okay now oh [ __ ] you're so oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] run you piece of [ __ ] oh you are so B you are so bow oh my God go away by the way that's that's O's love interest no for real yeah that's his love that's her love interest okay now can I slowly make my way down to the first floor without getting caught oh [ __ ] what's the key what's the key for uh [ __ ] uh yandre Vision okay it's a hold for yandre vision okay I I I just need to okay requires photo of senpai oh [ __ ] oh man all the cookie club members are all all over the place the cooking club members are all over the place and this is great it's just strawberry jam that's all it is if I run do you think people will notice go just go go go go go go if I run people won notice oh my god there a student council member right there go go go oh guys what baby thank you so much [ __ ] excuse me running don't notice me don't notice me don't don't don't don't don't don't don't don't don't don't don't oh [ __ ] there stud over there [ __ ] [ __ ] f f [ __ ] okay I should probably clean off first cleaning first clean first I need to clean first I should probably clean first okay okay okay okay okay so we're we're down to the first floor very good okay moving moving moving moving moving moving okay we got okay open so first time seeing the uh blender um [ __ ] right okay so oh [ __ ] I I did I accidentally clean off the towel my bad so shower shower shower you fool shower pleas basy fool okay oh look at we're and clean sparkly sparkly clean okay uh swimsuit uh swimsuit schol swimsuit gym uniform uh gym uniform very good okay schools doesn't start till like 8:30 right um okay uh carry this come on all right moving moving moving moving moving moving guess up up up up up oh God oh God don't notice me notice don't notice don't notice don't notice don't notice don't notice don't notice move move excuse me pardon me uh uh oh I can't activate with the screwdriver oh [ __ ] uh what do I do with a screwdriver uh okay I'm just going to burn it screw it hide this I have it anyway screw it okay um I can't hear you if you are talking oh you're you can't hear me hold on where did the drop is where's the drop hold on guys uh you can't hear me yeah hold on what happened Austin oh there we go hello there we go hey okay it's all good no stress where is the where is info Chon drop is on the other side of the school probably knowing me oh Ry founder oh [ __ ] oh my God answer me wake god dude she's saying wake up to a Qui beheaded corpse yo must [Music] happening I got to find the info Chon drop where did she drop my uniform I will find it God dang it oh that's a lovely courtyard all right where did it drop did I miss it probably knowing me y yep there it is hey this is mine like this is mine don't worry about it you didn't see a thing hi Grizzy wait wait hi everyone uh shoot H open R towel do I have to switch into the okay uh wear good wear it very good close this close it all right class police oh now you're calling the police it took you that long academ my friend this is a big school right I'm not sure what happened please someone anyone so can we successfully say we got away with [Music] murder dude that was actually super stressful there's so many times you're about to get caught right it's just kind like oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] sh oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] all right go to class the police arrive at school okay the police discovered the corpse of [ __ ] head McGee Naim police aren't able to locate any murder weapons oh well it might as well be the bloodied up fan the police question all students in the school including Ayano but the police are unable to link Ayano to any crimes oh God the police do not have enough evidence to perform an arrest the police investigation ends and the students are free to leave oh well sucks to suck Senpai is absolutely devastated by the death of his childhood friend his mental stability has been greatly affected Senpai will go home from school for one day to mourn oana's death ohy dude I forgot if you like kill so many people like yeah he freaks the [ __ ] out oh yeah I got to return so I'm thinking of senpai every step of the way love it I did it I am the winner yay we killed osana meanwhile at Senpai meanwhile at senpai's house o oh my God Britney we love you I had to do it I'm sorry uh internet ooh that's cool uh yon cord cow Booker and noama that's great um don't have any video games got some manges that's oh we don't have any manga okay cool um all right so I guess we can go to bed we did our job let's go that music change de de de very nice what a fine Monday what a fine Tuesday rival eliminated by Monday we're good all right I guess we'll just go to school and just like continue the rest of the week oh my God that's hilarious the funny moment where everyone's morning osana but then you have yandere ch is just like Ding Dong The Witch Is Dead the witch witch the Witch ding D the witch your [ __ ] is dead that is literally on our ch right there oh God Ayano you seem pretty happy you know since a student just got brutally murdered Ryan are you okay oh my God to many why are you all here what is going on there are too many of you God stop what is happening 9,000 oh words can express 9,000 people are now experiencing the death of O feel as a result of this terrible in the chat for the dead Cinder who's gonna call me trash who's GNA call me a baka I will Sendai everything's okay now Baka the [ __ ] are you just someone who is very important to you eventually slides into the Shadows slides your DMs slid at your DMs Baka Jesus Christ everything is so nice wasn't that a nice little ceremony for osana I almost cried almost shed a tear you goddamn psycho you can't prove who was me look at all these students obviously huh wait what look at all the anime characters and it's hilarious I really like that because everyone would think that in an anime video game all of the characters would just be like generic no but like all of the characters could essentially have their own stories everyone's a main character in essence it's like everyone looks like they could be the main character of a video game and that's kind of [ __ ] awesome um I cannot wait to cast all these characters cuz obviously all of these characters will have voices um I can't wait to cast all these characters um I just have so I there's so many voice actors I know who would love to be a part of this who would be perfect for each of these characters um so this going to be great Jesus Christ 9,000 of you if only I could have that on [Laughter] Twitch so only you can have that on Twitch Brian's freaking the [ __ ] out over how many people are here oh my God that's hilarious but everyone is so Melancholy of the fact that someone died probably ryar the most of all so shall we skip to the end of the week is there a way to skip to the end of the week or is like do we have to play through the entire week whoa what oh that's cuz I was simp I was like why do you why does someone notic you oh no that's a one of the student council student council notices anyone who runs oh dude talk with raru wait what talk with a ryar yeah where is she where is Ryo she was right she's in that uh Courtyard is she in the I missed Miss yeah yeah yeah she just walked over there where they like usually hang out um where's the north side of the north side North Side north side I think this is the north side yep oh poor baby oh poor baby hey honey are you okay hey I'm going to compliment you you you look really nice today okay you are too sweet I just needed you to get away honey honey hope you like talking to budo right like budo really would like to talk to you I think you and budo could hit off really well you can rejoin the martial arts club I'm the student leader again of that get together with buo like come on bro more too sweet to just be sitting there mourning over the death of some girl who abused the [ __ ] out of her best friend did I say that aloud oops my bad that are you sad over that twintail [ __ ] don't worry everything will be just fine just forget about her Jesus Christ all right now let's see is there any other place I can bug like I cannot remember where I can bug places um I'll be right right back take your time take your time um but you all by the way everyone here is just too damn sweet you all are way too sweet like especially since like me and Austin are kind of like we're we're kind of goofing around after not having played this game like all we do is voice acting this game so like to see you all being interactive seeing you all love to come in here and watch us kind of goof around it's kind of really oh yeah you can play the bug in here right but I don't think I can with all the teachers um see probably not the the counselor's office I know the head Master's office has one um let's see remember when everyone shipped budoo yeah and then Ryu came along and I'm like yeahoo it's probably a better choice to ship with budo um oh my God the chat's going so nuts like holy crap it's not even funny how crazy this chat is holy [ __ ] Chad is nuts wait is that a cake um Can i h a slice please give me knife I get slice the C someone give me the cake someone someone program and mod and animate Ayano at the very end of killing like osana going in here taking a slice of cake eating it in celebration and walking off please I need that I just need her to go in here get a piece of cake after killing osana and then coming back and just eating can you please make a run without killing oh yeah there's one there's a run I want to do I want to do the befriend one cuz I really like the befriend um Mission that's probably the best mission in my opinion in this game is befriending osana and getting her to not talk to Senpai through just a genuine friendship um so yeah um then of course drama club is working here because the gym is unus is not can't be used um so that's interesting artists are drawing everything is really cool meeting room is there a bug that I can put in your meeting room probably knowing me is it yep nice work bug I put the bug Zug zip buug oh my God these are so and there's scrub John oh there's scrub that's so cute oh I want t-bo in here there's no way tbo's going to make it in here but I want t-bo in here oh damn it they so cute excuse me the cake is a lot oh my my goodness home room is going to get filled eventually oh by the way I know some of you guys have played the demo and there are some things um in the demo um that seem off like some of the voice lines are off um mind you we haven't voiced everything simply because we don't have the time we don't have the funds well we didn't have the time of the funds to do so um but eventually everything will be voiced over in the correct way like for example if you torture osana um what comes out is Coconut's voice but we'll replace that with osana's um with Britney's voice when we have the money be able to fund that um so yeah um that would be fun and that'll be interesting and don't know I don't think I can bug the infirmary I doubt it um just run in there I doubt it um C off can't do anything you sound like aidus I don't I'm sorry I've heard oid's voice I don't sound anything like her I really don't I don't understand why a lot of people think that I'm like that's oh I do not sound like her um just because we're both Filipino does not make us sound the same um Jesus Brian are you okay first and foremost Brian's triggered Brian is having an exential crisis of what's going on oh my Lord is it my classroom yeah and that's son's bag is still that's depressing her bag is still there constantly reminding me that of what I've done to the sins that you have committed you will forever remember my crawl crawling in my crawl uh let's just do fed might as well uh Tara's talking yeah Austin's here he's been here the entire time I'm a figment of your imagination I am not here nor there my goodness all right so let's just skip forward is there a way to skip forward the week question I wish there was a way to skip forward the week um I doubt it though photo gallery P time ah wait I can't I could just go back to class and just skip time that way like just because we're both Filipinos doesn't mean we sound the same way all right so too close hey back off dude all right too close your mom's Too Close man shut up excuse me please bug perfect thank you all right even though it's kind of useless placing bugs because literally I I killed oana so it doesn't really matter anymore what do the bugs do um it's for info Chon she listens in on conversations and uses it oh okay okay yeah so I was like yeah all right so we'll just head home um try to skip if if there's a way to skip through the great um that way we can see the ending scene and then I can do the befriend um ending as well the school returns home her heart still yearns for Senpai Senpai [Music] Senai all I want is to sleep with Senpai what okay everyone I talk to [ __ ] dies skip to the next day Skip to the next day skips to the next okay no we want to finish this day this one day we want to finish so that way we can actually see actually progress to the all right so we're just going to skip through school real quick and that way because I don't think you've seen the ending yet have you no yeah The New Ending um when you mean a I so that's got edit in there's no animations or anything um but yeah uh we'll have more animations after the kickstarter so from what I've seen amay's pretty top tier but huh amay is pretty top tier on the girl list oh yeah and um I do know that we recorded that like years ago we recorded the eyes lines like ago so the audio is not the same so when we redo we're going to redo that audio with better quality so it'll be a better quality sound coming out of aay um but Kimberly is fantastic um I love Kimberly as amay um she just great I wonder is and see the thing is look at Senai Senai just walking like nothing's wrong here I didn't just lose my best [Laughter] friend crawling in my crawl will we keeping this the stream yeah we will be keeping the stream um no reason to get rid of it [Music] um Gundam Tanaka um yes we play dun Roa on this channel um we're currently going through D Roba 2 on stream um so yeah uh my mic is cutting out I'm not surprised um because my mic with everything that's going on my mic is just like what is going on what is happening skipping finish off now you're able to carry corpses in your arms and run while carrying them hey guys Ayan what is that a body no Too Close dude every single time I'm going to [ __ ] shake you I swear to God anyways so but that's just hilarious to imagine this kind of like aana with a body that's hilarious um I wish I could read all the questions but the chat is so fast oh my goodness all right let's finish off the day Ayan no longer has to worry about competing with osana for s senpai's love Ayan considers confessing her love to Senpai but she cannot build the courage to speak to him ay follows Senai out of school and watches him from a distance until he has returned to his home then ay returns to her own home and considers what to do next I can imagine every week she's like finally this is the time then another you know R by and you're she's like God damn it right [ __ ] all right here's a new ending yandere simulator is still under development the following cut scene does not have animations there is a possibility the final version of yandere simulator will only have animated cut scenes if the crowdfunding campaign is a success otherwise it will follow a visual novel format so yeah here's your scene now SAA it's okay Senpai I'm here who's that [ __ ] who's that [ __ ] where she from sorry I'm ruining the scene I'm sorry um excuse me hi I couldn't help but notice that you seem quite sad about about something would you like to talk about it huh no um have we met before oh I'm sorry my name is amay odaka we go to the same school I'm sorry a bit strange that I approached you so suddenly when I see a sad face I can't help but try to make things better yeah just Hawks in there starts stabbing RS I's out in the distance she immediately gets sniped right I can't believe Su you killed aana is there anything that I can do to help you out yeah I need one item a sniper rifle aim and fire something like this has happened oh I I'm I'm so sorry to hear about that I I I can't imagine what that must be like hey it's not much but maybe this will take your mind off of it for a you think a cupcake will take your mind off it oh cupcake will do jack [ __ ] but give you diarrhea for a week go ahead dude yo for real though just like uh sorry for your loss here's a cupcake right I'm sorry your best friend died in the most brutiful way possible here's a cupcake actually I'm heading to my parents Bakery right now would you like to come with me it'll take your mind off of things for a while oh no it's okay I wouldn't want to be a bother it's fine it wouldn't be a bother at all if I just leave you here I'll worry about you why don't to just mind your own [ __ ] business well I guess it would be better than moping around okay sure I'll come with you then let's get going oh my God yeah like twist that so the cupcakes are actually poisoned oh look at how happy and cute that is in a normal situ Austin I edit a lot of audio for this game if oh gosh I cannot see that question um I missed that question uh Cleveland Rock I'm so sorry I missed that question can you read it off um Austin uh don't know if you heard Brian but um Cleveland yeah that's okay um Cleveland has all of your audio um he would like your permission to make um a video with all of your funny clips that you have in there oh yeah you can do I don't care go for it Cleveland yeah so Austin's given permission for a funny funny clip compilation of Austin's of Austin's lip flubs it's great um okay so let us continue because there's one more Scene we got to see back with yonan you're safe now who the [ __ ] is texting me congratulations on eliminating Osan it was easy you've successfully gotten away with murder that's quite impressive you can't prove anything Kayla Kayla Kayla's in chat Kayla Kayla is info Chon by the way she's absolutely wonderful and amazing I love you Kayla um but you can't prove anything I didn't do any murder I was just there and heard about osana's um faithful eyes is this exactly are you threatening to expose me absolutely not I simply wish to express my respect for your talents again you can't prove anything so um thanks though but that's not why I'm contacting you today huh I've learned something that I think you'd like to be aware of I doubt there's anything you can show me a look at this just [ __ ] in the background rock music like the [ __ ] auka music or [ __ ] like the death music who is she her name is amay oyaka she's the leader of the cooking club at academi and she's been getting quite cozy with your Senpai lately after [ __ ] day how did she get so close it's just been a day don't tell me she she offered him a cupcake she's fallen for him hard she's quite enamored with the cherry tree myth so I'm pretty sure she'll be confessing to him this Friday after one day she fall in love school girls so typical so freaking anime I hate anime R in love says the chick Love by getting picked up another girl shows up to steal him from you stop playing games get to the point no games it's simple I want to see a my suffer and I think you're the best person for the job that's all is that really what this is all about I'll [ __ ] do it again want to see girls suffer I'll [ __ ] do it don't [ __ ] test me Ino CH [ __ ] do it it's a bit more complex than that but let's keep things simple for now remember you have until Friday to deal with your new rival eliminate her or Senpai will never belong to you he already belongs to me he just doesn't know it yet dude it's that CJ meme a [ __ ] here we go again [ __ ] I just need yandre Chan to be like modded into that pose walk and just like a [ __ ] I'll even do the line a [ __ ] here we go again Jesus Christ yeah but that is it and we have credits for a current demo look at that hey it's my name holy crap hey is your name and this Kayla's name and I we have a majority of the actors in the credits um there are some that haven't been credited yet um simply because of agreements that they made with the andreev um or anything like that all like the ones that you see I believe I'm the one like I represented through me um the ones that I cast with the andreev um so I don't know what's going on but if you don't see um an actor's name in there that you know is in the game it's probably because they themselves have been working with the honor and they're not working through me um Brad Bradley even though he does Bradley hate youon l no he likes it like there are some people I've cast they just talk about y I'm like I don't know um oh Samantha I miss her there are some actors that I'm just like oh I miss I hope more journalist stuff comes around I hope like Bradley can do more journalist stuff but I know there's going to be some recasts I know there will be some recasts simply because like of a couple things um just business wise so it'll be interesting to see the final cast how that's going to be um and then of course all the modelers and programers they're all awesome yeah all the actors and moders are awesome yeah look at all those cool people yeah whoever's in the Stream and the development team you guys rock man yeah if you're in the dev team like if you're part of the dev team or the volunteer team um you guys are awesome um especially like the bug the bug testing team like you guys are [ __ ] awesome like working like constantly to make sure that the game is working I know like still bugs being fixed and all that stuff um but it's really really fun to see kind of this game finally come to life I know and it's hilarious you know I'm going to say this publicly it's hilarious when I see like people talk about oh Janson will never get done Janson will never get done I'm like the [ __ ] it's look at this now like it's getting done so it's hilarious it's kind of like yeah sure you can keep go ahead and get that struggle money if you want we're just going to keep working on the music and we're going to keep working on the voice acting and the programming and the modeling and all that stuff cuz it's it's not just yand rev that works on this game everyone's like oh yandev is the only one working on this game it's like no there's like a bunch of people as listed in these credits who work on this game all of us are working on this game so the fact that all of us are working on it means that we're all trying to get it done I don't think any of us are going to sit here and make the game not make the game incomplete we're never going to finish the game please we're going to finish this game even if we have to pull it From the Ashes like regardless of how many times it can burn down we'll pull it from the ases and get it done you have my word on it like me Michaela laws you have my word that this game is going to be completed one way or a [ __ ] other simply because it's one of this is one of these games that I love the [ __ ] out of I love yandere simulator because the the story is interesting the concept is so fun it's expanded it's there's so many interesting things involved in this that it's like just imagine this game not being completed would just be idiotic to just would just be like why waste your time sitting here bitching about it rather than help out and figure things out and let's make this done let's get this completed that's why I'm I'm so very thankful to be working with a lot of volunteers who awesome oh hey sorry I need the secret scene good evening sir thank you very much for setting aside the time to take this call I know that you're a busy man no no there haven't been any complications I just just wanted to confirm that I've been following your instructions properly I'm glad to hear it are you satisfied with how events are unfolding Ah that's good to hear sir I must confess I'm still worried about the students acceptable casualties Jesus necessary sacrifices what the price of progress I see sir I wish I could view it from your perspective but the thought of Bloodshed in my school still makes me quite uncomfortable no no of course not sir I'll I'll continue doing precisely as you've asked yes sir no sir yes sir I'll keep you informed of any noteworthy developments thank you very much for your time Mr psycho psycho Mr psycho um to those asking about the drama yandre dev's drama not my drama not Austin's drama it's none of our drama that's his drama so we're not going to talk about it because it's not our business we don't care we just want to get this game done but yay look at that we finished thank you for playing the yandere simulator demo we're not done we have one more elimination we're going to do because it's my favorite elimination um but look at that the final game will feature all of these [ __ ] who will die at my hands I mean what uh um higher quality models in animations which it's hilarious cuz I know something and Austin Austin and I know things that we're not going to tell you about the T pose of power yeah t pose power is great um then we have more weapons and tools to eliminate your Rivals with which is really really fun um more twists and plot turns which is kind of awesomely yeah more plot twists and then we have rioba and yandre Kun um which is which is great cuz um one of my really good friends Alejandro will most likely be the voice of yand reun should yandre Kun be be funded um so it's basically the whole rap battle versus yandre Chan versus yandre Kun that was literally the casting that we have should we have a yandre Kun in this game so if we successfully fund a male protagonist for yandre simulator it is like I am able to confirm that uh that Alejandra will be the voice of yandre Kun um so it's really interesting to kind of I'm really excited to Hope and hoping that yandre Kun will get funded um then of course we have rioba um I do not know if I'll be voicing rioba or if she will be voiced by someone else we don't know we're still trying to talk things out um yeah so we're not done we have one more elimination to do um if you enjoy the nible please consider supporting the crown funding campaign oh Senpai I'm going to jump over this [ __ ] ledge and get to you [ __ ] ye oh [ __ ] I missed [ __ ] I missed like [ __ ] jump you just side step it's like oh sh but y we have unlocked thebug menu which I'm not going to use still um oh look dude what it's something I have talked about in the release video um but I don't know if you've seen it Austin but basically um in the future we want to have um the in the title screen all of the um Rivals how they're eliminated be featured in the main screen so like if you kill osana obviously like something like that if you befriend her something very similar it will be reflective of how you eliminate the Rival dude metal yes so I'm going to do a new file real quick um uh just going to skip all this yeah so there is one more elimination I want to do something is uh L wrong with me of course there's something wrong with you your voice michaa [Laughter] L my goodness Christ um but yeah we have one more elimination we're going to do which is going to be the befriend um elimination which is my personal favorite um so we got to go talk to O got to go talk to oce um become friends with her and figure out what's wrong with her and all that stuff so let's head up to school she just sleeping in ketchup it's fine we're making dinner you ever heard of Omar rice uses a lot of ketchup how much ketchup a lot don't even worry about [Laughter] it um but yeah so it's really really fun are the mods there mods here yeah there's a bunch of mods here um there just a lot of you um there's just a lot of you uh she's not dead she's just resting and Spilled red paint who voes female Senpai that would be Samantha Chan um we I don't know if Samantha Chan is still active if she is she will be voicing female Senpai if not we will be doing a recast um as for voice acting um that is between yandre Dev and myself yandre Dev does have volunteers who he himself works with for other things like there is like the male love interest for osana um some of other characters that have been cast by him personally and then there are characters that I cast that I cast through my own means um we're just going to walk by this scenario um but yeah so it terms of acting um you can either go through him or go through me if you go through me it usually I've already had a work ethic with you I know how you work I know what your limits are and I also negotiate in behalf of you of the payments and any sort of future um work like for example some of my actors are in agreement to get paid after Kickstarter and then there are some actors who are get need to be paid immediately because they have such a short um part in it like for example osana osana had to be paid because of demo like she she's only in the demo like if you kill her she's done um so but with Austin with infon with mega me with all of the stuff that's based on Kickstarter so we have just the beginning yeah so we have a lot of balancing acts that we have to do um especially since I believe Austin Kayla and myself will have the most amount of work um because the entire game mostly I'm pretty sure Austin is probably going to have the most amount of work in this game simply because he has to react so many times to all of the rivals in all of the deaths in all of the potential eliminations and all of the endings so why does everyone I love [ __ ] die so yeah just kind of like that's why it's the kickstarter the kickstarter campaign is so important because all of the ACT it's not just the modelers the programmers um the animators it's not just and the music the composers sound effect Des designers it's not just them being paid it's also us voice actors being paid um well everyone but me I've already like I've made my public stance like I'm the only I am the only voice actor in this game who is not getting paid at all like I am not getting paid a single Cent unless we reach a certain stretch goal in Kickstarter which me and yand Dev will discuss it another time so everyone else all of the other actors I've already made agreements that they are going to be paid for this via the kickstarter or via the patreon or something like that of that nature so that being said it will depend on what happens so it depends on the the funding it depends on what we can get so rug um is sent by a Playboy LMO with all of the freaking all of the love interests probably at this point my good what's Austin social media Austin if you want to plug your social medias while we're waiting for o oh wait what sorry you want to plug your social medias uh legitimately the only thing I barely use but I still use is my Twitter uh what is my Twitter yeah Nik crusio is his Twitter um when will the game be done um right now we're trying to fix all the bugs in the demo um we're trying to fix all the bugs so that way we can safely and comfortably make a Kickstarter fund because we can't do we can't approach Kickstarter be like hey we're going to do this with while we have a buggy demo so that's why there is a beta testing team there's a bunch of volunteers working through bugs right now to kind of fix everything so that way we can comfortably sit on it be like okay this is what we're going to present to Kickstarter this is what we're going to do and then we're going to do that um we can't do that until everything's clean um it's just buggy right the only reason why it was released despite being buggy is because this is still essentially what we want to show and we can still fix bugs during this but this is is essentially the final presentation um it just needs a little bit of tweaks here and there and then it'll be officially like solid for present presentation to a Kickstarter because it's not just the fans that are going to see it via Kickstarter it's going to be other people who do go to Kickstarter for projects to fund who may not know of yand sim so it's just kind of like um but yeah oh God there's a lot of you my phone's blown up oh God you're getting followed constantly now yeah it's like I just hear I'm like oh God everyone's following sen by now so in terms of when this game is going to get done that'll fully depend on whether or not we can succeed in the kickstarter if we can succeed in the kickstarter it'll probably be done in a short time because the only things that were really the like the detriment behind the game was just trying to program and animate all of like the eliminations now that we have a barebone skeleton using osana out on how to do these it's pretty easy to just plug and play um so with a my coming up I wouldn't expect it to be more than like 6 months and no more than 6 months because we' just have to work with the animators to make the animated scenes work with the programmers to be able to replace all of the eliminations from osana to amay um it's kind of like that osana was pretty much the hey we need a back we need a skeleton it's funny actually he's not my type at all I just gota wait for her to stop talking to [ __ ] Ryo so I can talk to her be like hey I need to be your friend so what is your type then you mentioned that you like guys with tans but what else do you like to see in a guy well I think it's kind of hot when a guy has a ponytail okay I think boys with glasses are super cute I agree there and if a guy has piercings I just I mean piercing are okay piercing wrong looks aren't everything I'm scared of needles man [ __ ] that some they dumb as a rock so really the most important thing is intelligence oh and he has to love cats if he's a dog person I love cats we're completely comptible see I don't think you'd be incompatible if you love dogs I just think that if you like at least you at least need to like cats hi uh can we be friends nothing that you mention it yeah there is something I need help with oh I lost my phone charm it's in the shape of a cat I know that I lost it somewhere in the hedg Maze but I don't want to go back in there it's scary where is the HED maze again get lost and be stuck in there for hour oh God I cannot remember where the hedg maze is I feel bad for asking but would you be willing to go into the hedg Maze and get my phone charm for me uh sure uh I just just need to remember where the freak is the Hedge maze but yeah it's in the center of the maze so I just got to find it yeah but yeah I can yeah I can help really you'll do it you're a lot more Brave than I am yeah good luck no problem um okay so I got to find the HED maze so we just got to find the Hedge maze time to run a maze um because it's so it's it's kind of actually pretty claustrophobic um it's programmed to be pretty claustrophobic where is The Maze is am I going in the wrong direction uh map uh where is in the other direction yeah it's in the other direction fre freaky Frack um okay cut through all right so right side of the school yeah I messed up making sure yeah it's in the other direction yep it's it's literally in a diagonal from where I am all right so let's head out front excuse me all right going to go grab this charm make son I'm a best friend all right going to the hez maze by the way a quick way to how to navigate amazes always put your hand to the left if you put your hand to the left you'll always know your way out there we go wait what if you put your hand to the left on a maze you will always find your way out it may take you a longer period of time but it's a guaranteed way out could do those like the oh yeah you love doing Escape I could never do that I'd be so stressed and be like God damn it where where right where's the where where but I love escape rooms like I've escaped through 19 successfully and I'm waiting for my I don't know what to do with for my 20 have yet to figure that out no it's the 19th the 20th I haven't done the 20 yeah I haven't done it yet aana oh my gosh you actually found it wow that's amazing thank you so much task complete yay cool now there's a certain place that I got to go to real quick before she gets a phone call look what's your favorite elimination method my elimin my favorite elimination method is um befriending um simply because it's not violent but at the same time it's still effective it's more genuine CU it shows yand Chan is not just some mindless robot she actually has feelings and she actually has concerns like um recently I watched a reaction to my madness rap which is oh me hold on you dropping hello hello I told you to stop calling me you creep how many times do I have to say it I'm not interested if you don't stop bothering me I'm going to call the cops and is that her stalker yeah it's her stalker which is hilarious I have a funny story about that are you serious okay okay fine I won't call the police damn guys seriously is now the time is now the time for this this later the time for this dude he's having like a life CH like oh [ __ ] what's happening to me my meanwhile Pokemon go in the background right yo guys we got to defeat this gym excuse me guys excuse you oana is everything okay well no but I'm not sure if I should say say anything yet oh I need some time to think oh I might be ready to talk about it when classes are done for the day somewhere private maybe the rooftop behind the air vents okay I'll wait until you're ready to talk would you like to take a stroll around the school to take your mind off of it oh you still haven't joined a club yet maybe we can check out the club rooms yeah yeah that sounds nice sure let's do it my good friendship go friendship um will there be lgbtq Yes actually um yandre Dev and I have actually talked about some NPCs as well as yandre Chan when it comes to Senpai Chan um that there will be LGBT um lgbtq representation um there will be some relationships that are um lesbian gay um of other types but those would be more to elevate the story um to elevate the environment and all that stuff as well as recognizing that yandere Chan can fall in love with a female Senpai with male uh with male yandre falling in love with a male Senpai Etc back and forth um so yeah that that has always been a thing like we were 100% on on board with like making sure this all worked um so yeah like there's actually two characters we want to try and get together and build a story around that is um a girl girl like girl me girl love girl based um it's just that we haven't gotten that far because we're trying to get osana done we're trying to get the main game done so yeah um that I'm going to happily spill because I think that's a really good idea I think we should have more characters of that representation um it's just a matter of it's not meant to be like hey gay but it's like it's most to be like hey this is a really cool background that shows that gay people exist they exist in school blah blah blah blah and it's really it's kind of like that um but yeah so since we have that we have to wait until after school to talk to osana um so basically listen in and then be like hey we know about your problem so low um H XD LOL XD you have a stalker um oh wait I forgot there is a chick in this game it's the isn't it the the tan chick that talks just like that like oh my God yeah um Ron shaku yeah yeah oh she's one Wonder F and she's also voiced by Hayden killing it it's hilarious um but yeah so let me just and hilariously enough yes it's true osana has you can do this time you can do this I'm going to avoid that like the plague all right now we got to go to the rooftop real [Music] quick to go to the rooftop real quick ah ah there we go [Music] we got to find the vent that has the yeah it's this one ah get turned around um but yeah so it's School a topic so I'm just going to wait right here and wait for them to come around and go in there um and have fun with it is y going to be the final game if we reach a certain stretch goal in the kickstarter because not only do we have to think about reversing the genders um in terms of speaking but also for all the voice actors all of the animations because obviously yandre Co and yandre Chan are gonna have different bodies different builds different models so we have to make sure we can have the animations for both um it's not just like a plugin for both guys and girls because builds are different um so if we reach a certain scatch goal we'll be able to not only do the models for Yan run the animations the programming as well as the voice acting for kagi um for him to voice andreon um so yeah so that'll be a thing we just got to wait for you we gota wait for osana oh osana taking forever oh wait let me place a bug here because I can excellent excuse me pardon me all right so I just got to wait for osana to do her thing um 69 dislikes LOL that's fine um do you know when the funding will happen I do not know we have to fix we have to fix the bugs in this demo first we have to fix them first we have to fix make sure that it's play playable unbreakable well not unbreakable but at least manageable to not be broken immediately when it comes out um so that way it's testable for Kickstarter backers who've never heard of yandre simulator um so I'm sorry osana but I overheard your phone call earlier today you sounded really upset is something wrong yeah I well yeah I do have a problem but I'm not really sure if you'd be able to help me H please tell me what's wrong I'll listen yeah tell us a few days ago in shis town this weird guy approached me and started flirting with me hey I like a braids really creepy and I wasn't interested in him at all I want to I want to wrap your hair around my neck and pull tight God even though I never gave him my phone number the worst part is he keeps texting me pictures that he's taken of me that's creepy it's like he's just following me around and snapping photos all day I wonder who else does that I take out my phone and look at my tell million pictures of senpie you need to tell she is acting kind of weird it's okay I'm part of photography club what what will he do will he do I I don't want to tell you but but calling the police is not an option oh what is it is he blackmailing you is he are you hiding some kind of secret no secret secret secret o I try to avoid talking about this but I'm actually very strong if you tell me who is doing this to you freak is goddamn L what no I don't want you to get involved look I appreciate your concern but please just let me deal with this myself if you say so but now I'm really worried hey hey so I wish I could talk to you ah wait how come I cannot just like interrupt is there no way for me to like approach and be like hey I've heard about your stalker problem oh wait no I have to give her a letter don't I right my bad uh you look great today your pigtails don't look like I could throw um them into a fan and watch your head decapitate okay bye um all right so I need to go give her a letter um so since I know information about her I can go put a Lo note in her locker and be like hey I know about stocking oh this is the wrong direction yep cool um yeah clubs they're great fantastic wonderful I don't care um I'll probably join the satanic CL uh Club hey guys those who are dongan RPA fans knock it off no dongan RPA talk find Locker so let me leave a note for a son I want to talk about stalkers and blackmail I think we should meet on the school Rooftop at 5:00 yeah so as should be coming down um I think she should be working in the courtyard um and then I'll be able to pass time so this time I'll pass time because I went for a very long oh hey so your locker someone put a note in your locker love that's weird I guess I'll go take a look then sounds great um so go check your not L the locker all right let's go up here and pass some time till 5 o'clock when we're going to meet her hey me Dy me me me me me me me dy I love cait Myers she's wonderful um okay so that being the case oh that's a zooming over my belly um uh pass time do let's do 59 let's go I'm going to stare at my pictures of senpai I'm going to stare at my pictures of senpai I'm going to stare at my pictures of senpai everything's choppy oh my God what a crazy [ __ ] I'm a big kid now say what Jesus Christ that's hilarious um this is totally passing the time correctly cuz everything's just breaking um hey guys knock going off the dong and R talk uh love you to bits but stop um let's see um some put a note in your locker oooo I wonder who that could have been oooo oh no someone put a note in your locker L I just got to wait for o to come running up um everything's choppy yeah cuz I don't have a gaming laptop I have a laptop I just have a laptop um let's see waiting for osana to finally come around so I can talk to her talk to her um I am trying to read chat but chat's going so fast um I'm also trying to watch like the the screen to make sure I didn't miss there she is oh huh you're the one who wanted to meet me yeah you're note said that you wanted to talk about blackmail mhm yes I heard you talking with your friend I know that you have a stalker and I know that he's blackmailing you he no you've got the wrong idea I mean yeah someone is stalking me but he's not blackmailing me then why don't you call the police scaredy cat [ __ ] he's he's got a he's got a hostage oh he's threatened to harm them if I go to the cops oh OHA that is black male that is black male well no blackmail is holding information unless it be well it kidnapping a hostage my cat my pet cat I think that would be consider black and he said he's going to kill her if I call the police that's kind of [ __ ] he says that if I want my cat back I have to go to his house but I know that if I step foot inside of his home he won't let me leave has he given you his address well yes but uh-huh tell me where he lives why what are you this a creepy Li I planed to shank him where he's tell me where he lives right don't try it I love the performance it's like tell me where he lives or else I'll find out where you live Beau what you're getting yourself into just hand over his address and let me handle it fine I just want this horrible experience to end one way or another I'll text you his address thank you thank you but don't blame me if you get hurt and don't let anything happen to my C don't worry leave it to me yeah we're good all right so now we got to go do a thing by the way it's hilarious uh when we get there I'm going to tell you all a big secret even though it's not really a secret but it's a big secret for me it's kind of hilarious um the casting of osana stalker is quite phenomenal like the minute it happened I'm just going like this is probably the best decision we've ever made um because it's just so fantastic the actor for the osana stalker is absolutely fantastic um like he's great once we get there because guess what we're going to go we're going to go home obviously because it's the end of school duh we don't want to stay too long but we're not going to bed oh no no no no no no no we're going to go back out stalker's house it's Friday night no it's not it's Monday night all right where the [ __ ] is that cat right let's figure this out shall we all right so this is a weird ass house not necessarily sure I like the decor or anything like that this is where the stalker lives huh clim lucky this window is open you think your brother's bad you have no idea is that so let me tell you about the creep I have to live with oh yes please he's a complete what's that or hicky camori no friends dropped out of school never leaves the house stays in his room all day long it's been this way for over a year now and he's like obsessed with anime and video games he screams I mean like screams if anyone tries to enter his room I don't think [ __ ] out of my room I'm playing Minecraft he only comes out to use the bathroom or get food that is a true he seen by other people so he makes her mom just leave his meals on the tray outside his door I have absolutely no idea why my parents even tolerate him like why do they keep a neighbor in his lifestyle why don't they threaten to kick him out unless he gets a job you know like an American maybe when you're a parent you don't want to give up on your children no matter how screwed up they are I'd never let my kids turn out like him though most of the time I just try to pretend he doesn't exist it's not hard since he never wants to interact with anyone I don't think he has a healthy view towards women not many gamer Bros do is right under underneath mine and sometimes I hear him watching tis my hat my lady lady I'm afraid that one day he's going to creep into my room and let's just say that I always keep my door locked when I sleep I mean she kind of looks like osana too well there is one bit of good news oh what's the good news about your brother over the past month he's actually left the house a few times he actually has a life I have a feeling he's only going outside to do something gross yeah you know like kidnapping cats and threatening women don't ask me how but I can just tell that he's up to no good oh sorry I kind of went up on and R it's all right my brother is like such a piece of [ __ ] [Music] right pardon me excuse me pardon me excuse me where did I put that cake mix I don't know have you checked the drawer hband usually puts it frosting now this is the creepy part right here oh what the [ __ ] oh my God my goddess I knew you were real I knew you existed somewhere in the real world I knew we'd finally be together one day that girl is conduit the way you will enter this world if she do stting on my hand too but it's probably because high performance I'll be able to hold you at last it's really going to happen you will be mine you will belong to me I will possess you I will own all of you from the top of your head to the bottom of your feet what the [ __ ] meet Matt Shipman Britney's boyfriend you into the voice actor for uh for the stalker is Matt Shipman who voices I believe uh kiss bakugo in my hero Academia my but yeah that's Britney's boyfriend my sweet sweet bakugo my oh not my bad I'm so sorry ah oh my God I'm missed U no yeah Matt Shipman I miss sorry the names flipped on me I'm like wait doesn't Matt voice yeah Matt voices someone in my hero doesn't he no does he no I'm an [ __ ] I'm an [ __ ] that keeps miscasting people but no hey hey hey hey Matt I got your cat are you not going to notice dude that was so [ __ ] creep oh who are you how did you get in here the door are you one of my sister's friends nah what do you want this cat hey put that down nah no don't stop that nah you're ruining everything am I he won't get away with this am I you going to do something about it is this about that girl yeah we are destined to be together you can't stop me yeah buddy what are you going to do scream like a little [ __ ] oh wait your mom and dad already know that you scream like a little [ __ ] cuz you do that every [ __ ] time that you exist so I'm going to walk out with this cat now and there's nothing you can do about it why cuz you're a stalker and I know and I have proof that you could have killed assana so we're just going to have a mutual agreement of being two stalkers and I'm going to take this cat and there's nothing you can do about it okay okay bye [ __ ] [ __ ] Chow like [ __ ] Chia okay okay and we're gone we just have a mutual agreement of you're not going to do jack [ __ ] where is the exit there it is all right dud what a [ __ ] psycho right and we're good a cute little kitty it's such a cute kitty yeah Matt is in my her yeah yeah he is in my herir acemia I he doesn't he's insa yeah yeah thank you thank you thank you sorry yeah I just flipped the casting for some reason I'm like uh but no yeah I like there's nothing I can do about it unfortunately uh the FPS is just so bad uh nope I wouldn't be able to test it but it's it's it's fine game lags I don't have a gaming computer I don't have the money for it if you'd like to give me the money for it I would really no kidding please don't um but no yeah I don't have a gaming computer so there is lag sorry but we did get through it um so um but I'll wait until we get to the cat we get to the cat we're good we should be good now oh my God that's my cat yeah just waiting for it to come up in your oh yeah that chat's going nuts that chat's going nuts on your screen holy [ __ ] I mean there is like almost 8,000 people here we just still just still Bonkers um yeah so SO waiting for the chat to come back waiting for the message to go through okay so there should be no more lag all right so yeah like it's lagging we get it the chat's not necessarily helping um but yeah so we got the Friendship that's better yeah we got the Friendship thing which is awesome it's a live stream yeah so I was just like there's nothing I can do about it I don't have a cool gaming computer with like 10 billion processing power um so GT 40,000 like I have amazing internet I just don't have the horsepower to like handle all of that so I was like um but anyways check over it's fine but we have the cat so yay we have our cat now I can't believe it you you really rescued her now I can finally report that scumbag to the police I mean yeah and he's like but this girl came into my house and stole the cat that I kidnapped you sure you want to say that to the police he ain't going to do [ __ ] I need to return your cat and I need to have an important discussion with you but it's too late at night right now please meet me at my house before school tomorrow I will and one last time thank you all right osana is eager to report her stalker to the police however she knows that the process could take a long time so she decides to visit ayano's house and get her cat back before contacting the police next morning oana arrives at ayano's house y simulator is still under development the following cut scene doesn't have any animations there is a possibility that the final version of Y simulator will only have animated cut scenes with a comp is a success which I I know a lot of people have actually complained because we have the coconut animation um unfortunately that is specifically for kokona because the lip flaps is matching for kokona lines so we couldn't necessarily Translate for osana um so we may be able to translate that later um it just takes a lot of time to match the lip flaps with the new models um and all that stuff uh so that'll be a thing so Austin I have a question shoot would you like me to keep her as a friend and just make her just straight out ignore Senpai or shall we um drug her my mind's telling me no damn maybe this time we'll just leave her alone would be kind of fun let's be nice to her let's be nice to her we just literally cut off her damn head yeah we did just kind of Decap i' like to see the nice one let's not killo on off plus I love the performance that I gave in the model so I guess that's fair so all right so we we will give her normal tea and have a normal conversation but yeah whoa dude this tea is like was all playing what did you put in my rank about 20 GS of mushrooms bro you have a nice place yonan yay thanks where are your parents not here overseas so you take care of yourself that must be hard I manage yeah I want to thank you again for rescuing my cat saving me from that stalker problem no problem that was a horrible experience I can tell I'm so glad it's all over I'm [Music] glad the tea is ready I'll be right back feel free to keep talking I can't imagine what it's like to become obsessed with someone after meeting them for the first time I understand that it doesn't make any sense right I'm shocked that there are people in this world who would actually be willing to harm a cat just to get what they want absolutely that's insane yeah he said he loved me but I don't think it was love I don't think so either a sick twisted Obsession that he believed was love I agree makes me feel sick I agree but starting today I won't have to worry about it anymore it's all thanks to you H here's your tea thank you oh I just realized I've been rambling this entire time you said you had something important to tell me right I do yes it's about the boy from class 3 to the boy you have a crush on h Huh I don't have a crush on him he's just my childhood friend that's all I don't have feelings for him at all if that's true then you wouldn't mind if I confessed my love to him would youuh confess your love are you saying that you have feelings for him yes deep feelings I've never felt this way about any one before and I can't bear the thought of seeing him with anyone else I know that you love him and I know that this is a selfish request but give up please don't take him away from me let me try to win his heart no [ __ ] X going give give it to you what I have feelings for him but after everything you've done for me I could never take someone away from you good okay I'll do as you've asked I'll stay away from him thank you thank you but you'd better take really good care of him okay don't worry I will uh [Laughter] I will oh he'll he'll be just fine in my care thanks for your concern oh but I love that performance that's probably one of my fav most favorite performances of yand Aon um simply because you can see the more human side of aano with theout the entire game it's all like putting on a mask and like adjusting to be able to kill your Rivals and all that stuff but in that scene specifically um it's really nice to be able to see the real aano me and yandre Dev went back and forth about the scene and this scene is more of the real Ayan where you see the desperation behind her actions where it's just kind of like I get you love him but I need him and so it's just one of those things where it's like she absolutely shows the quote unquote de side of herself where it's not like oh my God I'm so cute but actually it's like a genuine human like being being like I have deep feelings for this person um and I really need you to not get in the way um so it's really I really love um this performance um because it shows the different layers other than just the whole I'm going to kill for Senpai it's the whole it's kind of where I based my rap on Madness on if you guys go to my Channel and find Madness rap it's basically Ayano talking about the realness of what's going on with her brain that she has so many things going on inside of her head not only does she not feel normal but it's haunting her the fact that she doesn't feel normal and she's trying to feel what what you're laughing what's up yand hands a tier three sub this she's a tier three sub to oh my God but yeah so like the fact that she is haunted by this this weird emotion that she has the fact that she can feel emotion towards Senpai and then feel extreme anger on the opposite Spectrum towards anyone who reacts to him that just gives more layers to it and I know people are that's why with theand Chan I get that a lot of people like she's like she's like a robot like no she she hides a lot of her [ __ ] underneath being a murderer being a yandere being someone who will kill cuz really in all honesty at the end of the day she's still a she's still a girl in love she's still someone who doesn't understand what she's so she mistreats it as love when really she has obsessive love disorder and if you research obsessive love disorder she is at the max extreme of it where anything in everyone is an obstacle to sen for her to be with Senpai cuz with Senpai it's not that she just feels love for him it's that she finally understands what everyone's talking about cuz everyone's like love is so great having friends is fantastic I love life here I love going to clubs yand T doesn't feel that until Senpai comes around and then she's like oh I understand now it's like when all the love songs make sense so it's fun to be able to play with that as an actor um I don't know how Senpai will react to all of this that will fully depend on how you play the game um but yeah so two eliminations holy [Laughter] [ __ ] oh Austin how you feeling I'm doing okay just checking it out like literally all a lot of this is due to me I'm just like oh my God it's so fun and there's so many things you can do not only just by eliminating osana and all that stuff but you can also interact all the other students you can join all the clubs um there's a couple of Secrets obviously if you unlock the Easter eggs and the debugs you can have access to speed beating up time or doing allat stuff um customizing your character I would really personally love a customization of Michaela as H that would be great or even have like a Michaela like NPC in there somewhere I don't know maybe one of the shopkeeps um but I think it would be fun and all that stuff but that's just me cuz I'm like I like this game way too much I worked on this game for five [ __ ] we have worked in this game for five [ __ ] years Austin we have been in this game for five [ __ ] years dude I still remember auditioning for it it's funny yeah um we had an audition process for Senpai and info Chan and all that stuff and Bradley um who I sent an audition for um Brad goes hey there's a friend of mine who wants to audition is that okay I'm like yeah sure I trust you I trust you who you work with and all that and Austin comes in with an audition and we're just kind me and Yonder was like this is perfect this is him what the [ __ ] um so it was kind of cool but the fact five whole years of working on yandre simulator and we finally get to see the demo of all of the work being done and we still have more work to do cuz a lot more oh yeah cuz like I honestly cannot wait for the final interactions between Senpai and Ayano based on how you play the game because that's going to be interesting to have the different layers of like whether or not Senpai likes women hates women um is tortured blah blah blah but there's one more thing we're going to do before we leave and that is something that I'm sure everyone wants to see including Austin himself um um there's one more thing we're going to do let's see if I can actually do this correctly I need to think of where I can get the item well I can just get any item at that point all right I'm gonna do one shout out but okay toy shop you know who you are thank you guys they they like you know this year was an extremely shitty start for me and they've helped me escape that makes sense yeah mental health is good people oh yeah especially playing a [ __ ] up game like this [Music] now hey bye I'm going to completely ruin my friendship we're going to ruin my friendship run by doing something incredibly stupid it's this way no it's the other way yeah it was the other way [Music] but I think people are starting to realize what I'm about to do what are you doing something that you probably want to say murder or not murder [Music] got wait for it dud once again this school is so much it's like filled so much oh yeah there's still more to be added like there's a couple classrooms that are still empty the courtyard um I think has more in store for it I don't know if this is the final version of the courtyard um where is hey Senpai why do you have a weapon what are you going to do with that thing stay back no wait oh God I ruined everything One Last Thing Before we end the stream guys oh God [Music] why couldn't you just accept Me Senpai than you are you crazy or something if I can't have you no one can do it see you in hell Senpai it it it do it it it it do it it that's pretty metal right dude I love that it's so crazy ah yeah we had to do that before we left before the end of the stream because we are going to end the stream um just wanted to try the demo um if we do stream again uh Austin and I can talk about it if we do want to stream again maybe we'll go through his stream maybe we'll figure something out who knows maybe I'll stream who knows maybe we'll have more guests um some of the other voice actors if they're interested in joining and having some fun um but yeah we will be ending the stream sorry guys um but you all are awesome thanks so much for joining in um I know this is kind of like two days worth and my mods are [ __ ] going nuts I'm sure of the fact like h [ __ ] there are way too many people here um just so oh No Just so you all know um I do stream regularly on Twitch um on twitch.tv um VA Michaela laws please check out my channel um I stream three days a week my boyfriend biano beats streams four times a week um Austin uh do you want to plug anything uh just just my Twitter like uh just type in Austin hely on Twitter it should pop up that's all I got going for me yeah I'll try and be more active on Twitter but you know I like to keep it myself and my friends yeah so thanks everyone for joining you all are absolutely awesome and I think this is where going to say goodbye so please be sure to visit twitch if you want to see me play other games other than y like dongan RPA is a game that we play Yakuza Dragon Age all that stuff Brian plays smash OverWatch um and a bunch of other games which are really fun like today like tonight he's going to be playing no straight roads um so please make sure to check that out but thanks everyone for coming have wonderful Street Dreams and we'll see you all next time love you all bye [Music] a [Music]