AEW All In 2024 Main Event LIVE Bryan Danielson vs. Swerve Strickland!!!
Published: Aug 24, 2024
Duration: 00:40:04
Category: Sports
Trending searches: swerve strickland
hey swe when I draw hey hey my boy swerve out there like a king where when I drive hey okay West Side what's that what's up hey hey hey yo it's about to be a classic m yeah yeah yes sir oh that's was nice American [Music] Dragon man [Laughter] oh oh man it's going to be one for the ages this is one for the ages I don't know m oh man D Brian look nervous Brian D look nervous W oh what a shout from Daniel bran ran Daniels what's going on Rob thank you for sticking around brother I don't know what happened I think I had I think it was really loud your ear because it was layered on top of my screen instead just being on the sideline so that's probably what you two heard to yes sir I would definitely be careful no more players it was loud how is it now let me know Rob my sound guy too so is it loud nice launch to BR ain't loud now good bet a kick from swerve to Daniel bran Brian Daniel to Daniel Bryan you know what time it is uh oh swerve looking sve going from outside inside oh double counter gets kicked uh oh what we got what we got uh oh oh LLY flying I like it Daniel Bryan is doing this thing dog Ro do you remember the channels I told you about yes sir I'mma reach out to ssj see if he respond see about doing something for uh maybe Saturday for bat in Berlin as far as the other channel the darling I ain't never heard nothing so I don't know nice stop from D Daniel Brian Brian D I don't know about them other ones uh Rob oh Irish whip B breaker ran suplex and hey ballet how you doing thanks for sliding by I was wondering what happened I see YouTu be youtubing slip over my end I'm just glad I got to see the main event I can watch the Pay-Per-View at any time but main event is Main Event we're going for a battle oh what a kick and swerve to Brian Daniels oh those are the names of the channels oh okay Rob everything pro wrestling the tent toiz and tag team wrestling wrestling for Life pretty Robbie baby I'mma check them all out see what they got going Rob said what's happening again bake swerve as a heels heel I'll tell you that get that dark around his eyes like a straight villain I say I wanted to stop in I can't stay because I was so aggravated with some of the matches earlier I'm looking forward to seeing you soon for the next live stream hey Rob were they really that were they that bad I hope they ain't bad they like there gonna be a good card hopefully the other matches weren't that bad hopefully but man this one is looking like it's kicking at uh oh no no no no no no turn to a Powerball yeah dangerous place for both men what we got his Death Valley driver position oh referee got kicked oh no oh oh no s I told you that man's a heel he brought the ring bell in and did a Death Valley driver head first on CBA B oh my God a oh like it hurt hurt bot said the chrisan cage nanigans I have no interest in watching the rest of the pay-per-view wow that's pretty bad Brian D is looking crazy I will see you soon hey ballet check this out I was going to tell y'all this later check this out so since I Ain get to do this one today y s was that good anyway so that ain't no problem but since I ain't G do this one today I'm off tomorrow I'mma hit y'all with Monday Night Raw tomorrow okay so I will be at to stream tomorrow night Monday Night Raw I'm all in let's go I'll see y'all for Monday Night Raw my first one I hope swerve win hopefully I hope they don't pull nothing crazy let's swerve keep his no sounds like a playing bet all right thank you ballet I'll see you when I see you hopefully tomorrow night enjoy rest of your Sunday too all right ballet o swer what what's he got going oh no right in front of the family swer is trying to his hardest to be a heel right in front of Bri Bella and this kid say you should thank me and then got you got N Out doing the swer dance in front of Bri he crazy uh oh uh oh I kind of see the formula for right now oh what what he what is he doing oh is this your savior oh oh big back body drop uh oh big back body drop swerve to the outside [Music] yeah he is he is stoned for a loop but golly oh squ hopping on top of the turnbuckle like a cat no nice reverse so that's the formula swerve beats up Daniel Bryan the whole match Brian Danon has a comeback The Crow behind them and then swerve takes the win at the end I'm pretty sure it's how it's going to go oh nice oh CL not just a little bit just a little fancy nothing crazy nothing crazy little fancy what hilarious one two oh almost had with the back slide Mrs Lara bounce off the Rope leaning clothes one Wembley oh nice kick oh nice kick oh flatliner [Music] almost had them SC the kick c m Dragon suplex no tiger Ryan D is ready boy really trying to get him hopefully hopefully I don't know got the yes picks from Daniel Bryan Brian Danel who got the kick the first black wrestler to do that swerve strickling oh uh oh oh tiger suplex from the top rope from Brian Danielson and swerve he goes for the cover one two kicks out at 299999 Brown is like a mad man right now look at this look at this oh it was more shoulder and back than neck that's good good solid Landing but man that ran Jams he about to do them kicks that kick swer his head in that pretty about that right on the face right on the face uh oh cattle mutilation that move is hard to get out of I ain't gonna lie golly swer is in trouble ladies and gentlemen oh my gosh but he's pulling himself up he shot H reverses it oh no oh no not a verta breaker not a verta breaker oh he hit BR go he hit Brian Danielson with a ver breaker something that does not happen happen in today's wrestling yeah check on that man check on that man that was a very safe ver breaker but nonetheless a ver breaker is a ver breaker golly he say his arm is broken doctor look at this look at this look at this oh now swerve if you look back at that footage swerve if you slow put it in slow motion swerve landed first like by this much to that that so that takes off half the impact Brian dson landed right after he landed more so on his back of his shoulders than his neck so he's good but it's just a crazy move period uh oh uh oh oh hit him with it wor stomp Brian dson kicks out swer is looking mad boy come on come on we in the closing moments he with the house call I mean the uh swerve Stomp and Brian Damon still kicked out come on come on now everybody's Chan yes yes yes can you pull it off Rob said Brian D gota win the title here there's no way that's running back Christian Cage and swerve strickling yo typ M you going live for all out yes I am sir and I will have the times right and I will be on time yes sir golly I'll definitely do all out for show oh oh that's a second house call from swerve to Brian Danielson he is in the driver's seat but Brian will not stay down uh oh what's swerve thinking about what's he doing now mind you hit him with a swerve stomp two h no a swerve stomp two house calls a ring bell he won't stay down here it comes y' swerve kick here it comes he's coming oh look at Brian he looked at his mom he looked at his family and said I'm sorry oh no oh pin them bro pin him it's over pin him one two what what what ain't no way bro ain't no way bro no ain't no way what what hold on now he's doing the yes kicks to Daniel Brian danelson bro Brian danelson just kicked out that swerve kick look he's not even budging s is hitting with the kicks Brian Danon is not budging he is no selling the kicks he says family I love you so much he is taking these kicks oh oh my gosh Brian Danielson let's go let's go oh look at this guy God no stopping this man he hit like two submissions in 30 seconds uh oh uh oh swerve uh oh swerve pulled him up Ryan Dan counters goes from the back pulls him up oh oh I know that hurt Bron dson is not playing around let's go let's go that was a huge I don't know what kind of suplex you even call that oh he's going for the kick he's going for the kick he hits the knee what's swerve doing oh oh oh oh what is happening right now please if you watching this oh no oh big pressure one two he still kicks out he still kicked [Music] out oh man he's still kicked out oh my God what what I don't think nobody's ever kicked out big pressure before this man D Bry did his running knee to Swerve swerve caught it and brushed it off like it was nothing and then he went for the big oh man what now he's doing the yeses swerve is an absolute heill bro Adam Paige oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no don't call Swerve the belt don't call to the Belt D Brown about to hit that kick he's about to hit the kick he's about to hit the kick oh no oh no here it comes here it comes oh the big knee one two oh swerve still kicked down go what this match is insane this match is insane bro robt said come on Brian you can do it man I don't know what's even happening anymore I wasting my drink on my shirt forarms and kick back and forth headbutt oh another head butt oh nice reverse reverses big pressure kick to the midsection slap to the back of the head kick oh running knee off the Rope R come on bro that's got to be it that's got to be it come on that's got to be it that's gotta be it bro come on is he doing it oh run the knee to the back of the head oh oh no the Lael lock oh is he gonna make swerve tap he gonna make swerve tap he gonna make swerve tap come on Craig come on Craig come on Craig come on Craig don't St swerve Don't Tap Daniel Bryan is ah he rips the fingers apart oh come on Craig come on Craig oh what what D your bride is one oh my gosh bro he actually did it Brian Davon actually did it I'm I'm so like wow yeah yeah dog yeah though round one wow I can't believe this happened bro I mean swear been Champion for a couple months few months that's fine first black Champion that's cool now Brian Danielson has won the aw World Heavyweight Championship congrats congrats Al s Strickland's first loss by submission this is Daniel Bryan first aw World Heavyweight Championship we got the trio Champs in the building we got pack we got Cesaro we got Yuka we got the family and we got the fireworks we got the Pyro everybody's happy I can't believe s of one bro Rob said hallelujah hallelujah [Laughter] hallelujah wow wow I can't believe he did it i'm be honest I can't believe he did it oh look at the kids in the ring wow next cheers is all in Texas and in 20 and they'll come back to London in 2026 wow congrats Daniel Bron congrats Brian danels oh man and that's it that is it robon now swerving paage can continue their Feud yes without a belt which is good um so here's the thing for those who are um um Rob said what happened to Mr let's go crazy I don't know bro I don't know uh I wish I could tell you I really don't know U so for those who um were a little tight because swerve lost just look at it like this okay um basically he was the first aw black World Heavyweight Champion um and he did his thing he had a great run it wasn't long but it was good and he can easily get it back so there's no shame in losing he lost to one of the best wrestlers to to be on this planet you know what I'm saying so it's a great thing uh there's nothing wrong with it at all so you know when you're thinking about that just remember it's it's all good you know what I'm saying um I think Daniel Bryan deserves it I think um swerve Des deserve to lose to him if if anybody of all people you know what I'm saying so it's really a good thing you got to look at it from a different perspective it's actually a good thing because these guys really really needed this um Rob say I still like swerve swerve had a great run but Brian Danon deserved his moment yes he did um I was I was hoping I thought about the last time he was in a tournament and the all the times he could have had a shot to get the world belt but he just couldn't get it and I'm at this opportunity and I'm like you know um I think that Brian Danielson should have at least that moment before he does give it up because I'm I'm pretty sure he is still leaving you know what I'm saying he's gonna retire this is his last run but why not have that under your belt before you do go you know what I'm saying the people love you they respect you we know what you can do um and he became world champion before will offs spray so that's always a plus um so him versus Christian Cage for the belt I I think that's going to be a great thing I think it's going to boost them both up in a different way and I just I like the way it goes um the fact that Christian Cage is in this position now I think it makes sense that he can finally get that because the TNT belt on him was good but I think it does more so fit a jack Perry I think Christian should get the big belt at least once uh he his character is just too good to not have that at his age he's at the age where it's either do or die Edge is at the age where it's either do or die um so let's not why not give it to him why they still fresh you know what I mean and they can get it before they eventually drop it to somebody who should have it more so I like the idea overall it was a great outcome we know swerve can get it back and he can be the first he can be the first one to um be a two-time uh Black American champion and then as far as aw World Champ they're only like five years in the lineage isn't really there yet so as far as how many world champions they've had it's literally a handful so only I think only either one or two of them have had it twice you know so he can be one of the first ones to have it twice uh or have a back-to-back run or whatever um so I like that idea of um you know swerve getting it back later but right now let's focus on him and uh and Adam I mean and uh hang man Adam page so I'm good with that um so yeah I really enjoyed the pay-per-view man um I'm definitely gonna be here tomorrow night for raw I did miss most of this pay-per-view which given the main event that's fine I'm good with just having the main event in my pocket um but I'm definitely doing Monday Night Raw tomorrow night and uh feel free to slide in there there will be no problems getting that because that's at the same time I'm used to and uh we we have a lot of good things coming um Mercedes Monae still has the belt and I mean that's fine for now but I still want uh Willow nigh Andale to get that back um I want her to get that back so we'll see how how that happens let's see the comments say Rob said I ain't hating on swerve understood Brian Danon should drop the title to Christian Cage that would be very interesting I think he should get it at some point maybe when they fight you know um fact that he got it it really don't matter if he loses it right back the fact he got it it all a it's in the record books you know what I'm saying uh Adam Copeland for Edge Dynasty swerve and Willow won the world and TBS title on the same night that was a a great moment I like that pay-per-view uh it felt it felt very Summers slamh you know uh it was good making a highlight video for that and maybe I can try to make one for this if I can we'll see uh Rob said are you on vacation um I'm not well I kind of was I had like a birthday vacation thing um in a way but you know what I'm saying you know I I I had to still work a little bit before the actual weekend came but I was I was still technically on vacation I go back to work tomorrow so vacation over it was a good run it was a nice time but um I'm just not working tomorrow night at my other job so that's why I'm doing Monday Night Raw and yeah since I didn't get to do today's pay-per-view I'm making my best effort to do tomorrow and I will do tomorrow Monday Night Raw I did Smackdown that was fun so raw is tomorrow so I'm in for raw let's get it for Monday Night Raw tomorrow night uh Rob said nothing wrong with Willow Nightingale winning the TBS title back but it can't be from Mercedes mon Willow need to turn Hill first you want to see Willow the heill I don't know I like her baby face run she's uh big beautiful and Bodacious besides we already got one like her and that's uh uh not Nia Jax but uh the other one that's in aw that's similar to both of them um nia nia something but something like that she Nia Rose Nyla Rose yeah I think that's the I think that's enough right there pretty much I I like to see Willow nil's a face all right guys uh this was fun while I lasted um I did get to see some of the pay-per-view just to Jack Perry and match with Britt Baker Mertes one Jack Perry Darby Allen but the main event is where I saw from beginning to end and that was good so I guess I'll leave it at that but thank you guys for showing up and showing out I appreciate you sliding through I'll see y'all tomorrow night thank you rob for always being that guy you know what I'm saying coming through making things happen making sure the sounds good making sure the layout's good making sure we ain't getting flagged and making sure we come to you for more lives again for tomorrow night so I will see y'all tomorrow night thank you guys for watching I hope y'all enjoyed the pay-per-view and it's up y have a good one all right anything else Roo Rob anybody nobody yes no okay cool bet I'll see y'all May yall have a great Sunday and be peaceful Robert said I got you Cipher all right bet take it easy man y'all easy all right peace