Category: Sports
You're never going to make it you're not good enough there's a million other people with the same stuff you really think you're different man you must be kidding think you're going to hit it but you just don't get it it's impossible it's not probable you're ir responsible too many obstacles you got... Read more
Category: Sports
[music] hold me close till i get up time is b on our side i don't want to waste what's left the storms we chase are leading us and love is all we'll ever trust yeah no i don't want to waste what's left and on and on we'll go through the wastelands through the highways till my shadow turns the sun rays... Read more
Category: Sports
You're never going to make it you're not good enough there's a million other people with the same stuff you really think you're different man you must be kidding think you're going to hit it but you just don't get it it's impossible it's not probable you're ir responsible too many obstacles you got... Read more
Category: Sports
[music] hold me close till i get up time is b on our side i don't want to waste what's left the storms we chase are leading us and love is all we'll ever trust yeah no i don't want to waste what's left and on and on we'll go through the wastelands through the highways till my shadow turns the sun rays... Read more
Category: Sports
[music] hold me close till i get up time is b on our side i don't want to waste what's left the storms we chase are leading us and love is all we'll ever trust yeah no i don't want to waste what's left and on and on we'll go through the wastelands through the highways till my shadow turns the sun rays... Read more
Category: Sports
[music] hold me close till i get up time is b on our side i don't want to waste what's left the storms we chase are leading us and love is all we'll ever trust yeah no i don't want to waste what's left and on and on we'll go through the wastelands through the highways till my shadow turns the sun rays... Read more
Category: Sports
[music] [music] we send you here talk man d [music] [applause] [music] [music] [music] oh [applause] [music] we send you here can't n [music] he n [music] who send you here can't talk little man [music] [music] [music] we send you here can't talk man n w [music] [applause] [music] Read more
Category: Sports
[music] [music] [applause] [music] [music] [music] [music] oh oh [music] a [music] [music] oh [music] [applause] [music] [music] [music] [applause] [music] [applause] [music] [music] [applause] [music] [music] [music] Read more
Category: Sports
Eerste basisplek bij eh bij feyenoord heb een andere afloop vandaag ja toch wel goed dat je voor de eerste mogen start eh ja persoonlijk is dat e een mooie mijlpaal maar ja daar heb ik niet zoveel aan vandaag ik had liever gewonnen klassieker is altijd een wedstrijd op zich dus ehm ik denk dat iedereen... Read more
Category: Sports
Oh my god yeah it's so bad i wanna shoot shoot don't listen to friends [music] [music] [music] [music] don't listen to friends don't listen to friends [music] [music] [music] where you shake that ass make me wanna throw some cash [music] don't listen to friends [music] [music] 17 39 minutes [music]... Read more
Category: Sports
San marino wint sinds 2004 weer eens [muziek] welkom bij de vzm van vrijdag 6 september ik ben j keijer en ik ga het voetbalnieuws doornemen met chris tempelman aan de andere kant eh van de lijn een hele goedemorgen chris goedemorgen er zijn wat bijzondere dingen gister eh gebeurd ik dacht het zal een... Read more
Category: Sports
Psv gaat op de transfermarkt vol voor een ajax zet een zorgwekkende update over frenkie de jong en het ajax bestuur is geschrokken van de jeugdopleiding psv zal zich in de laatste dagen van de transferperiode gaan proberen te versterken met owen wijndal dat is de verwachting van kees luiks na het oven... Read more