Category: Science & Technology
That gorgeous hover above the landing pad and booster touchdown a successful touchdown of the booster for the ns 26 mission Read more
Category: Science & Technology
Just start two one there she goes new hasle the tower on it way to space Read more
Category: Autos & Vehicles
Here we go hatches open welcome back astronauts yeah blue origin is back in the game and back on the pad they launched six people to space thursday august 29th this is blue origins e8th suborbital space tourism mission the flight reached a maximum altitude of about 341,000 ft and it tou down in west... Read more
Category: News & Politics
And you can't let them run your country we will invest in new and modern agricultural techniques so we can have safe healthy high quality foods for our families that's where bobby is so interested foods he says we're putting a lot of bad foods in our body you look at other countries which do far less... Read more
Category: News & Politics
[music] got the whole of the building has been affected by fire including scaffolding surrounding the property and the roof the first london fire brigade crws arrived within 5 minutes and a second crew arrived within six an aial appliance was also ordered and arrived within 6 minutes in total 40 fire... Read more
Category: News & Politics
Two nights ago donald trump and i had our debate you watched it did you watch it and look i believe we owe it to have another debate right we owe it to the voters so because we've done two debates and because they were successful there will be no third debate donald trump is not taking kamla harris's... Read more
Category: News & Politics
But when i looked at the hostility of that i said why am i doing it let's do it with another network i want to do it you know i won because of debates ask biden but i won because of debates i want to do debates but she the head of abc is her comrade's uh best friend you know that right they like the... Read more
Category: News & Politics
And you can duplicate the crowd outside so if anybody would like to give up your seat that would be okay no no let's have a good time thank you very much everybody that song gets me fired up every time great lee greenwood is so great great guy too well thank you mr president this is a a very special... Read more
Category: News & Politics
So i want to leave you with just just a thought because you know the the media focuses a lot on what kamla harris said at the dnc did you all watch kla harris's dnc speech i knew what the answer was going to be you all are smarter than i did but i'm in this business so i had to watch at least some of... Read more
Category: News & Politics
[music] that's an incredible view from the recovery ship uh stationed out in the water that is a sight to see for the people that are watching this live uh it's not a comet it is just the playist st crew coming back to earth wow that is an amazing view there we can see that the dro shoots have successfully... Read more
Category: News & Politics
More than 5 million people have been told to evacuate from their homes as typhoon shanan lashed southwest japan on thursday after hovering over the southernly kushu island for the next few days the storm is expected to approach tokyo around the weekend the country's weather agency said strong winds... Read more
Category: News & Politics
[music] [music] [music] i good afternoon [music] detroit oh it's good to be in the house of labor when we bring everyone together it's a joyful moment for generations in detroit and across our nation the brothers and sisters of labor have stood together to righteously demand fair pay better benefits... Read more